Breast sizes and shapes. What is the catch of the female breast and nipples and why do they attract men so much

All women are different and differ from each other in hair color, eye color, height, leg size and size. lush (and not so) forms". Dimensions and forms very varied. And not everyone knows that looking at them you can learn a lot of interesting things about the nature of its owner.

Even despite the existing standards of the ideal form of the female bust, many famous and desirable women had a bust that did not meet known standards.

The effect of hormonal regulation on the breast

During puberty, breast growth and development is due to estrogen and progesterone. After this development, changes in breast morphology occur during the ovarian cycle due to hormonal fluctuations. During pregnancy, estrogen and progesterone produced by the corpus luteum stimulate breast proliferation and development. Prolactin, somatomamtrophin from the placenta, and adrenal corticosteroids also play a role during pregnancy.

After childbirth, circulating hormone levels decrease with degeneration corpus luteum and placenta. Milk secretion is stimulated by elevated levels of prolactin and the adrenal cortex. Oxytocin is also produced, which stimulates the contraction of myoepithelial cells in the mammary glands to extract milk.

The types of percy sizes are also very diverse and there were times when big size was very popular, and then it was replaced by the fashion for small breasts. Accordingly, both large "buffers" and small "peas" can be considered beautiful. Psychologists and scientists have proven that the types of female Persians are closely related to character and sexual preferences.

In the absence of ovarian hormones after menopause, atrophy mammary glands and the secretory cells of the alveoli degenerate. The connective tissue also shows degenerative changes with a decrease in stromal cells and collagen. Clinically oriented anatomy. . What is Paget's disease of the breast?

Paget's disease of the breast is a rare type of cancer involving the skin of the nipple and usually a darker circle of skin around it called the areola. Most people with Paget's disease of the breast also have one or more tumors inside one breast. These breast tumors are either ductal carcinoma in situ or invasive breast cancer.

Of course, this can not always be considered an absolutely exact rule without exceptions, but nevertheless, such observations make it possible to learn more about the character of a girl by the appearance of her roundness. For example, what kind of percy does a liberated woman have, and what should a potentially “ideal wife” have, and also how the “roundness” of an ardent careerist differs. Let's see what different "forms" can tell about their owners.

These other diseases are not associated with Paget's disease of the breast. Malignant cells, known as Paget's cells, are the telltale sign of Paget's disease of the breast. These cells are found in the epidermis of the skin of the nipple and areola. Who gets Paget's disease from the breast?

Paget disease of the breast occurs in women and men, but most cases occur in women. Approximately 1 to 4 percent of all breast cancers are also associated with Paget's disease of the breast. Average age the diagnosis is 57 years, but the disease was discovered in adolescents and in humans in the late 80s.

We determine the character by forms

  • A girl who has large perches that look like a melon does not always tend to be a housewife. She likes to be given as much attention as possible, but she does not like sex very much;
  • The owners of the bust in the shape of a lemon have a flirtatious character. Everything in their life is harmonious without deviations from the norm;
  • A woman with roundness like a grapefruit may seem very cheeky, but in fact, she tends to be a gentle housewife. Most likely, they are very shy;
  • A woman with "forms" reminiscent of pineapple cherishes her career, but at the same time she is very devoted to her partner and has a romantic nature;
  • A small “bulge” of a small size, almost like a cherry, indicates that a woman appreciates her partner and prefers moderation in sex. Such girls are very cheerful and love entertainment;
  • The fair sex, whose bust looks like an orange, oddly enough, is practically not interested in sex, they like to talk a lot and build partnerships;
  • The most passionate women, with pear-shaped breasts. Their passion is not able to pacify even religion.

The shape may change with age, during the menstrual cycle, when using contraceptives, or during menopause. Many have been able to verify this. During pregnancy, the female breast increases and fills, and after childbirth returns to its previous appearance or falls and falls off.

What causes Paget's disease of the breast? Doctors don't quite understand what causes Paget's disease in the chest. The most widely held theory is that cancer cells from a tumor inside the breast travel through the milk ducts to the nipple and areola. This explains why Paget's disease of the breast and tumors within the same breast almost always occur together.

The second theory is that the cells in the nipple or areola themselves become cancerous. This explains why some people develop Paget's disease of the breast without a tumor inside the same breast. What are the symptoms of Paget's disease in the chest?

Many of the fair sex, in an effort to create a beautiful bust, turn to the services of plastic surgeons. The shapes and sizes of the beautiful female breast directly affect the relationship between a man and a woman in bed.

Women who are naturally rewarded with large "forms" are credited with emancipation in bed and uncontrollable passion. They also expect absolute returns from a partner.

The symptoms of Paget's disease in the breast are often mistaken for the symptoms of certain benign skin conditions, such as dermatitis or eczema. These symptoms may include the following. Because the early symptoms of Paget's disease of the breast may indicate a benign skin condition, and because the disease is rare, it may be misdiagnosed at first. People with Paget's disease of the breast often had symptoms for several months before they were properly diagnosed.

How is Paget's disease of the breast diagnosed? A nipple biopsy allows doctors to correctly diagnose Paget's disease of the breast. There are several types of nipple biopsy, including the procedures described below. Surface biopsy: A glass shelf or other instrument is used to gently scrape cells from the surface of the skin. Biopsies are available: a shaving tool is used to remove the top layer of skin. Punch biopsy: A circular cutting tool called a punch is used to remove a disk-shaped piece of tissue. Biopsy: A scalpel is used to remove a small wedge of tissue. . The pathologist then examines the cells or tissue under a microscope to look for Paget's cells.

All girls who have medium-sized breasts are not demanding in bed and enjoy love as much as possible. And girls with small dimensions are very worried about the fidelity of their partner, but at the same time have a high opinion of themselves.


Conventionally, the forms of female charms are as follows:

  • Circe is perhaps the ideal shape and size of the female breast. She is slightly larger than average, moderately elastic, with pronounced nipples surrounded by dark areolas. large sizes. This suggests that a girl with such Persians has a decisive character and in her sexual life is prone to suppressing her partner;
  • A globe is a bust of a very large size, round with pronounced nipples. The areola of the nipple practically does not differ from the color of the skin of the whole body. Women with such a bust are quite aggressive and jealous, they always achieve their goals. And in sexual life they are always leaders;
  • The Renaissance is an unusual shape and large size of the female breast with thin translucent skin. Her nipples are large and surrounded by dark areolas. The fair sex with such breasts is romantic nature prone to various types arts. Sexually, they are very emotional and impressionable;
  • Chestnut is also a percy of large dimensions, but slightly flattened. The areolas of the nipples are light and large. Such a girl is very energetic and decisive, but sometimes she lacks the perseverance to complete the work she has begun. In bed, they prefer to refresh relationships and never burden themselves with those who are already bored;
  • The water surface is a breast of the largest possible size, soft, with streaks of veins that appear through the skin. Women with such impressive breasts have a very kind and sympathetic character, they are always ready to help in difficult times, but they rarely devote their loved ones to their problems. In terms of sexual life, they prefer inexperienced partners, so that later they can teach them all the tricks with pleasure, even sacrificing personal satisfaction;
  • Alma mater is a large bust with tense elastic nipples. Women with a similar bust are known for a pronounced motherly instinct, which is clearly seen in both family and business relationships. Their relationship with partners is always constant, and even in bed they are prone to the manifestation of maternal feelings. After the birth of a child, such women may experience a tendency to experiment, which sometimes even develops into extremes;
  • Peach - the name speaks for itself. Such breasts are large, firm and heavy, with nipples surrounded by a pink areola. Such women are always self-sufficient and achieve great success in their careers. In terms of sex, they are very unpredictable, so their tenderness is very often replaced by aggressiveness. They are very fond of innovation and variety, but at the same time they remain attached;
  • Buds are breasts of medium size, narrow, elongated, with pointed nipples and small areolas. Women have a restrained and feminine character. In bed they are very restrained and prefer not to pay attention to caresses and intimate games;
  • Sappho is a soft, slightly flaccid chest of medium size. Women with such dimensions and shape of the bust are characterized by an unbalanced character and a tendency to melancholy. You can often hear about them in creative environment. They experience only sports interest in sexual relations and are distinguished by inconstancy;
  • Chloe is a very small chest with the same areola. Girls with such a bust are very sensitive, but at the same time frivolous, suspicious and unsure of themselves. sex life is no exception, so they very often prefer young partners;

Care rules

Regardless of the size and shape of the female breast at any age, it needs to be properly cared for, supported by exercises and massages. Its appearance can change for the worse under the influence of many factors.

Most people with Paget's disease also have one or more tumors inside one breast. In addition to ordering a nipple biopsy, the doctor should perform a clinical breast exam to check for lumps or other changes in the breast. 50% of people with Paget's disease of the breast have a breast lump that can be felt on clinical examination on the chest. The doctor may order additional diagnostic tests, such as a diagnostic mammogram, ultrasound, or magnetic resonance imaging, to look for possible tumors.

The primary reason is age. Already starting after 30 years, the skin becomes less elastic, and the muscles flabby, as a result of which the bust begins to lose its elasticity, sags and turns into unattractive "bags". Also, after pregnancy and a sharp increase in the breast, ugly stretch marks may remain on it.

How is Paget's disease treated? People with Paget's disease of the breast who have a breast tumor and have a mastectomy should be offered a sentinel lymph node biopsy to find out if the cancer has spread to the axillary lymph nodes. If cancer cells are found in a sentinel lymph node, more extensive axillary lymph node surgery may be needed.

What is the prognosis for people with Paget's disease of the breast? The prognosis or prognosis for people with Paget's disease of the breast depends on a number of factors, including the following. Whether a tumor is present in the affected chest, if one or more tumors are present in the affected breast, regardless of whether these tumors are ductal carcinoma in situ or invasive breast cancer. If invasive breast cancer is present in the affected breast, at the cancer stage. The presence of invasive cancer in the affected breast and the spread of cancer to nearby lymph nodes are associated with reduced survival.

Sometimes, even very young girls show dissatisfaction with their bust. They want to make it more attractive and seductive. Perhaps such reasoning is completely meaningless, but the eternal pursuit of perfection does not give them rest.

Very often they think that the only effective way is a surgical intervention. But don't rush. Change them appearance It is possible by performing simple physical exercises, as well as with the help of cosmetic preparations and diets rich in proteins.

This compares to a 5-year relative survival of 1% for women diagnosed with any type of breast cancer. For women with Paget's disease of the breast and invasive cancer in the same breast, the 5-year relative survival decreased with increasing cancer stage.

What research is being done on Paget's disease of the breast? The female breast, also known as the mother, is mostly composed of adipose tissue. If there is no pregnancy, the proportion of functional breast tissue, namely glandular lobes and glands, is low. However, the number and size of breast glandular diseases taken during pregnancy is significant, thus creating conditions for breastfeeding.

In conclusion, I would like to say: dear ladies, it does not matter what size or shape of your charms you have. The most important thing is that you are loved for who you are!