Draw weird pictures. Unusual drawing techniques for children

July 13, 2014

The famous film "Avatar" with stunning special effects made an impression on the whole world. Flying among the high cliffs made me follow the rapid movements of the heroes with bated breath. Most viewers believe that the mountains from the movie "Avatar" are completely computer modeled, they do not exist in nature. It turns out they are real!

Pandora country in China

Strange mountains were not chosen by chance by the creators of the picture. The special effects are just an addition to the unusual view of the Wulingyuan mountain range. The mountains of unearthly Pandora on Chinese soil are real wonders of the nature of our planet.

Visit the Wulingyuan National Park, which contains the mountains from famous movie"Avatar", you can at any time. Only 158 yuan - and you can explore the unearthly landscape for 2 whole days. Touch so easy! In China, they now say: "Pandora is far away, and the mountain" Hallelujah, Avatar "is close!" And they are waiting for guests who want to see the high cliffs that inspired the creators of Avatar.

Mountains from the film Avatar in China photo

Remember the place called Pandora with its fabulous mountains from the movie "Avatar" by James Cameron? It turns out that it really exists, and all the sketches for the film were made right here, in Zhangjiajie National Forest Park 湖南张家界国家森林公园. Of course, there are no rocks floating in the air and unusual waterfalls, alien creatures or unusual animals from You won’t find a movie here either, but these stunning landscapes will stick in your memory for a long time, and the photos will amaze friends and acquaintances.,

Zhangjiajie National Park is located in the Wulingyuan Mountains in southeastern China, in the Hunan province. This place is striking in its beauty, but in addition to luxurious landscapes, Zhangjiajie Park is also a zoo, botanical and geological reserve. The area in which the park is located is famous for its quartzite cliffs, which reach a height of 800 meters, and the highest peaks of the Wulingyuan massif reach a height of more than 3 kilometers. The mountain peaks are covered with dense crowns of trees, many of which are more than one century old.

Photo 1.

The national park was opened in 1982. And 10 years later it was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The area of ​​the park is 13,000 sq. km. Over 500 different species of animals live in this territory, as well as quite rare plant species. Among them there are such as gingko, pigeon tree, mahogany, and animal world represented by monkeys, birds, salamanders and even rare representatives of the cat family - civets. Sometimes visitors to Zhangjiajie National Park compare walking through it with visiting an exhibition of traditional Chinese painting, only all the beauty here can be seen live.

And at an altitude of more than 1 kilometer above sea level, the Yellow Lion Village is spread, where representatives of three small nationalities live - Tujia, Bai and Miao, which make up 70% of the local population. Despite the fact that Han culture had a huge impact on their traditions, they managed to preserve National language, as well as traditional costumes, holidays and even a special architectural style.

Photo 2.

So, after a long 26 hour drive from Guilin to Zhangjiajie, I finally made it to the park.

Entrance to the park is paid, it is possible to buy a two-day ticket for 245 yuan and a subscription for a week for 298. Tickets include internal bus transportation (yes, the park is large, you can’t walk up here on foot). As it turned out later, they were not included in the price : lifts, escalators and a train that runs through the park. The fee for them is separate, the prices are about 50 yuan one way.

If you are under 24 and have your student ID with you, there is a substantial discount on entry.

Tickets are checked only at the entrances to the park, no one checks tickets in the park itself, so you can easily “live” there for a month with a two-day ticket. But due to the relatively high prices in the park itself, you will most likely have to go out to withdraw money or buy provisions.

Accommodation in Zhangjiajie

There are two accommodation options:

  • In the town near the park there are many hotels and guesthouses for every pocket.
  • In the park itself.

But there is a small nuance here. Living in the city and entering the park in the morning, you will have to wait out huge queues every time, especially during the summer holidays and the celebrations of the Chinese New Year.
Living in the park itself, you can walk along it from the moment the buses start running in the morning, but the quality of housing there leaves much to be desired.

Photo 3.

I chose to stay in the park, it was important for me to be there from morning to evening. I stayed at the guesthouse of the Yoth International hostels network (phone 0744-5713568), you can book places through Hostelworld. In order not to get confused, these guest houses in Zhangjiajie are 2-one in the park itself , and the second is near the railway station.

This is very convenient, because you can come, check in at a guest house near the railway station, from there check if there are free rooms in their branch in the park, and the coolest thing is that you can leave large backpacks or ask them to be delivered to a hostel in the park and then not You will need to carry all your luggage with you. Of course, I learned about all this only a few days later, dragging all the luggage on me to the park.


  • 40 yuan per dorm (several beds in a room)
  • 120 yuan for a double room (dhusroom room)

Photo 4.

To find a hostel, I recommend visiting these guys http://backpacker-ru.livejournal.com/36853.html, they even have a map on their website that they filled out with useful information.
Bus drivers do not understand English, of the four respondents, only 1 understood where I wanted to go, despite the fact that I had a map in Chinese and the hostel was marked with a circle, so it’s better to ask questions to the guides that came to hand.

Nuance: The walking road to the hostel is very long, about two hours, and you need to overcome a huge number of steps (600 m up). So it's better to pay 50 yuan and take the elevator.

While I was running around the park with a backpack on my shoulders, local residents approached me and offered to stay with them for the night, so besides this hostel there are apparently other affordable housing options.

Photo 5.

  • During the day, the park is crowded..better to come early or closer to closing
  • Buses run until 7 pm, roads in the park are not lit at night, walking is not recommended
  • If you come for 2-3 days, use the buses, visit the main viewpoints
  • If you come for 3+ days, get off the main route there and it's quieter and much more beautiful
  • If you save money, you have to walk a lot

Photo 6.

There were 7 days in Zhangjiajie, the ticket for this period costs 301 yuan. They left for the National Park through the central entrance in the morning (8-9 am) and returned in the evening (4-5 pm). There are many routes inside the park that you get on (from the central square inside the park) on free buses. You reach a certain place, then - at will: on foot or, having visited one place, change to another bus and go further. Inside the park, you can also move around on cable cars (2 closed, 1 small - open), on an elevator located in the rock (from it you can take pictures through the glass), on foot.

The park is located in the mountains, the weather is often rainy and foggy, so you need appropriate shoes (possibly changeable with you), raincoats. You can’t seriously eat in the park, so either snacks ( fried potatoes, chestnuts, fish, etc.), or take it with you. Water (drinking) is everywhere, however, it is cheaper to take it with you from the city (village). There are 5 entrances to this "complex" (since the national park is only one of the 5 territories). On one of these territories there is a lake, on the other - a cave (these are separate entrances for a fee). It is better to live in a tourist village that is close to central entrance. From the city of Zhangjiajie, you need to get to the entrance to the park by bus (11 yuan) or by taxi, the journey time is about 40 minutes. Huge opportunities for filming with a camera and / or camera, even if there is fog. Worth visiting: Cave (Soxiyue Park), Baofeng Lake, Nat. park - repeatedly, on its territory it is obligatory to drive on all cable cars, the Bailong elevator, take a short trip by funicular train (round trip), walk along different paths along the Golden Whip Stream (you can take a rickshaw, about 300 yuan), walk along path with a glass floor: unforgettable, because there is an abyss under your feet, and there are rocks all around, and from the city itself on a cable car (7 km) climb Mount Tianmen, where the Heavenly Gate is located, 999 steps lead to it, which must be walked (up / down), down to the entrance then take the bus down the serpentine road.

Stunning impressions! It is also necessary to visit the Huanglong Cave (an underground lake on which they ride a boat, many stalactites, stalagmites, the largest is 19.4 m, everything is highlighted, it turns out well in photographs). So, to travel around the park, you need to have: a camera and / or a camera, shoes (including interchangeable ones), waterproof clothes, food and drink with you in a backpack (optional), it’s better to live on a tour. village near the entrance to the nat. park, get ready for almost no one SPEAKING ENGLISH, signs inside the park are in Chinese and English, there are also maps with routes inside the park, but it is desirable to have a skill in order to understand them, a slightest desire and the ability to walk (a lot!), And also - A GREAT DESIRE TO SEE ALL THIS! You need to prepare to either study everything in advance (Internet forums, reviews of those who have visited), or take a guide-interpreter with knowledge of English (at least!) Language, as well as - if you can find - texts in Russian (English) with a number written in Chinese characters denoting a particular place or name, so that you can show what exactly you need.

And one more note: if you are not too fond of national Chinese food, then it will be a bit difficult, then you can eat in small cafes where you can show what you specifically want to eat (chicken, rabbit, fish, vegetables), they will immediately cook for you , not bad, or eat fast food in Chinese, we found only one burger. But this is all about living in the countryside, and not in the city, where there is McDonald's and, I think, many other restaurants and cafes. Good luck! Go - you won't regret it!

Photo 7.

Feelings that you experience while in the mountains of Zhangjiajie National Park or the Wulingyuan place are indescribable in words and photos. These protected places in the Hunan province of southeast China must be seen with your own eyes. mysterious mountain trails, the abysses along the edge of which you walk in search of fantastic landscapes, clouds leaving from under your feet and rocks surrounded by subtropical forests, the intoxicating air of the Suosi Valley, the magic of Baofeng Lake ...

You can fly to Zhangjiajie from almost any major city in China, you can also come by train. It is more convenient to settle in the village of Wulingyuan or in the village at the entrance to the Zhangjiajie National Park. Entrance to the park for 3 days costs 245 yuan. The territory of the reserve is huge, it is worth downloading a map in advance and exploring the area, you can buy a map at the entrance to the park, you should take a compass with you, secluded tempting paths can lead to unexpected places. Tourist buses run around the park, a cable car has been built, and even a Bailong elevator with a transparent cabin that lifts through the rocks to the very top. If you get hungry, you can have a bite of fried potatoes, fish, chestnuts, flatbread, cooked in the old fashioned way in the fresh air by locals, and again on the road for impressions.

Photo 9.

Photo 10.

Photo 11.

Photo 12.

Photo 13.

Photo 16.

Photo 17.

Photo 19.

Photo 20.

Photo 21.

Photo 22.

Photo 23.

Photo 24.

Photo 25.

Photo 26.

Photo 27.

Photo 28.

Photo 30.

Photo 31.

Photo 32.

Photo 34.

In China, in the north of the Hunan province, there is the Zhangjiajie National Park, which was created one of the first in the country. It included the protected natural areas of Tianzishan, Zhangjiajie, Sanzhi, Xuoxiu, Yangjiajie, as well as Lake Baofeng.

Zhangjiajie National Park (Hunan Province) can be visited throughout the year. Spring brings this unique nature reserve aromas of tropical flowers and magnificent greenery, summer - stunning vegetation and mountain coolness, autumn fascinates with a riot of colors, winter wraps up with fluffy snow cover, turning the park into a fairy tale.

Zhangjiajie: history

Thanks to several photographs in popular publications and paintings by artists that were painted in Wulingyuan, the world learned that a natural pearl is located in the mountains of China. The Chinese government has officially recognized the forested part of the Wulingyuan region as Zhangjiajie National Park. It entered the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in 1992.

Ten years later, the Ministry significantly expanded this territory, and in 2004 the huge natural geopark entered the worldwide network of national parks.


Zhangjiajie is a national forest park, the territory of which is divided into several large zones, each of which has its own characteristics and picturesque landscape. The park is a huge sandstone pillars located above the tropical forest, a labyrinth of karst caves, majestic waterfalls, amazing travertines, a picturesque lake, powerful rivers.

tianmenshan mountain

Locals often call her Tianmen. Its height is one and a half thousand meters. This mountain is famous for its very high Heaven's Gate Cave. Its height is one hundred thirty-two meters, length - sixty meters, width - fifty-seven. The cave arose as a result of erosion. During the collapse, a huge block of rock broke off from the mountain. Sometimes this cave is called fabulous due to the belief that it is connected with the sky.

"Yellow Dragon"

Zhangjiajie National Park, the photo of which you can see in this article, is famous for its caves. One of the most beautiful in the world is the four-tiered karst cave "Yellow Dragon". Its height is more than 140 meters, and its depth is about fifteen kilometers.

Inside there are thirteen halls, more than a hundred galleries, four waterfalls, two underground rivers and three lakes, thousands of stalagmites, stalactites, stalagmats. The rarest stalagmite reaches twenty meters in height and only ten centimeters in diameter.


In the northeast, Zhangjiajie National Park is adjacent to this protected area. It includes the Xiangzhi stream, the Longquan and Baihou valleys. These places are known for steep steep cliffs and the Dragon Spring waterfall. It drops streams of water from a high cliff, which is very picturesquely entwined with ivy and amazingly beautiful flowers.

Bailung elevator

Every year more and more tourists are interested in Zhangjiajie National Park. How to get here, we will tell a little later, but for now we will continue to get acquainted with its sights.

For tourists in the park, all conditions are created for a comfortable inspection of the unique reserve. Most tourist routes are connected by funiculars and cable cars, which greatly facilitate the ascent to the peaks.

The glass elevator "Hundred Dragons" (Bailong Elevator) was created to deliver tourists to the three hundred-meter mountain. It is located in the very center of the park and connects the upper and lower levels of the reserve. Before his appearance, tourists were forced to climb the stairs. The road was quite tiring and long. Today, most travelers prefer to quickly take the glass elevator. If you are lucky, you can be in the front rows of passengers, which will allow you to admire the stunning views that open from the observation glass of the lift.

It should be noted that this elevator is included in the Guinness Book of Records as the fastest, highest, with an open view and also the most powerful - it can lift fifty people at the same time.

glass bridge

it unique building was opened in the park in August 2016. Zhangjiajie National Park, whose photos are fascinating, became the owner of the longest and highest glass bridge in the world. The author of the unusual project was the architect Chaim Dotan. The cost of developing and then implementing the project amounted to almost three and a half million dollars.

The structure is located at a height of three hundred meters above a deep abyss. The bridge is four hundred and thirty meters long and six meters wide. The glass bridge in Zhangjiajie National Park connects two cliffs and consists of steel, extra strong structures and ninety-nine slabs of three-layer glass. This building is able to withstand eight hundred people at the same time.

Interestingly, on the day grand opening the number of people wishing to see the structure with their own eyes amounted to a record figure - eight thousand people. Everyone who was lucky enough to visit Zhangjiajie National Park that day left enthusiastic reviews. Nothing compares to walking over a bottomless abyss that can be seen through glass slabs.

Due to the huge influx of people, two weeks later, the park administration temporarily closed the bridge for reconstruction. However, the management assured that this was not due to any damage. After carrying out preventive work to strengthen the structure, the bridge was reopened to the public.

Stream "Golden Whip"

This area is recognized as the easiest to explore, as it is located at the foot of the mountains in the valley and does not have steep climbs. Along the stream, the hiking trail stretches for almost eight kilometers. From this area, you can climb up to Yuanjiajie or take a walk to the Yellow Stone Village.

Tourists note that a walk here is very pleasant - one feels such a welcome unity with nature. Crowds of tourists are found only in some areas, so you can enjoy the sound of water in the stream, the cheerful chirping of birds, and picturesque views of the mountains.

In this zone, at one of the stops, very insidious monkeys live. Tourists try to treat them with all sorts of sweets. Do not do that. These cute, at first glance, animals are very cunning and dexterous - they can completely unnoticed leave you without wallets, phones and other valuables. In addition, they often show aggression towards humans.


China's Zhangjiajie National Park amazes tourists with a variety of flora and its beauty. Scientists believe that the tropical humid climate and varied terrain contributed to the emergence of dense forests in Wulingyuan. Vegetation here develops much faster than in neighboring provinces of the country.

More than seven hundred and seventy species of plants grow in the park. Among them there are very rare specimens. These include gingko biloba, the softest chestnut (Chinese), pigeon tree, and on the plains travelers can see compact tangerine groves.

But the large white stipules of the pigeon tree swaying in the wind, which resemble a huge flock of white doves, make a special impression on visitors to the park.

Animals in the park

Zhangjiajie National Park has become home to more than five hundred species of different animals. Twenty-eight of them are rare, and therefore are under constant protection. These include:

  • gigantic salamander;
  • big panda;
  • golden snub-nosed monkey;
  • leopard.
  • In the 20th century, a waterfall suddenly fell into the gorge from the top of Mount Tianmen. This happened four times. The streams of water broke off for fifteen minutes, and then just as suddenly stopped.
  • On the stairs, numbering 999 wide steps, you can go to the cave "Heaven's Gate".
  • Along the top of the massif, at an altitude of 1500 m, a footpath has been laid. Above especially picturesque and steep cliffs, it was made of high-strength glass.

China, Zhangjiajie National Park: how to get there?

If you want to see unusually beautiful landscapes, then you need to visit this unique place. To see the Zhangjiajie National Park, you must first get into the city of the same name, and then get to the small villages located at the entrances to the park. There are several ways to get to the city: by plane, train, bus. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

By plane

If you plan to visit Zhangjiajie National Park and spend as little time as possible on the road, then this option is more suitable for you than others. By plane you can fly from other major cities of the country. The airport is located five kilometers from the city center. Aircraft from Chengdu, Beijing, Shanghai, Xi'an, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Tianjin and other cities of the country fly here daily.

You can get from the airport to the city by bus or taxi, which will take you to the entrance to the park for 100 yuan ($15).

By train

Zhangjiajie National Park is of great interest to all tourists coming to the country, so many trains leave here. We want to warn you that this option is suitable for those who have a supply of free time and patience. A little reference: the road from Beijing to the destination takes about twenty-six hours, and the ticket will cost sixty dollars (reserved seat) and one hundred (compartment). Zhangjiajie Railway Station is conveniently located close to the city center and the airport.

By bus

There are several bus stations in the city. They have flights from different cities China. Departure schedule, cost of the trip, travel time must be specified at the bus stations.

When you arrive in the city in a convenient way for you, it remains to find the Zhangjiajie National Park (China). How to get to the territory of the reserve? You need to go to one of the entrances, at which small villages are located. You can stay overnight there.

The nearest entrance to the city is 32 km away and is called Zhangjiajie Village. Forty kilometers from the city is the entrance to the Wulingyuan area. The third one is the furthest from the city. It is located near Mount Tianji and is not very popular with tourists.

Where to settle?

The city of Zhangjiajie offers a good selection of hotels, but settling here will have to spend money and time on the road every day. And that's about two hours a day. It is more expedient to stop in the village at the entrance to the park - you will save time on the road.

In almost all these villages there are several comfortable hotels. If you wish, you can stay in a hotel on the territory of the park, unless, of course, you are not afraid of the Spartan living conditions: there are frequent interruptions in electricity, water, and Internet outages. After the closure of the park, tourists cannot leave its territory, which, you see, is not very convenient.

Opening hours and cost of visiting

Zhangjiajie National Park can be visited throughout the year. Opening hours depend on the season:

  • in summer - from 7.00 to 19.00;
  • in winter - from 7.30 to 17.00.

In summer it is not at all hot here, and in winter there are no severe frosts.

Entrance tickets can be purchased in two types:

  • for seven days - 298 yuan;
  • 4 days - 245 yuan.
  • It is better to come to the park early, then you will have the opportunity to enjoy the natural beauties in relative silence.
  • If you want to use the Bailong elevator, then it is also better to do it in the morning and go down before 16:00. Otherwise, you can spend about four hours in line.
  • There will be a lot of walking in the park, so prepare comfortable shoes so that they do not rub. The same can be said about clothing: it should be comfortable.
  • To save energy for longer to explore the park, combine walking with the use of cable cars and a lift.
  • When going to the park, be sure to take a map (you can buy it at the entrance), sunscreen, cash, water and food. You can buy food in the park, but the prices are excessively high. The most affordable in these shops are fruits, corn, fried potatoes (about 10 yuan).
  • Chinese and international students studying in China can purchase tickets at half price. But this applies to young people under 24 years old. At the time of buying discount tickets you must show your passport.
  • Keep purchased tickets separate from those of friends or relatives. The fact is that each of them has a number to which fingerprints are attached. If you take the ticket of your husband, friend, the system will refuse to let you through the turnstile.

15 - 22 September 2019
(Stay in China 7 nights )

They are three meters tall, have blue skin, and have cat-like faces. Their planet Pandora
located a few light years from Earth. Much of it is covered in jungle
mountains hang in the air, plants glow in the dark...
To get acquainted with Pandora, you need to go to the film Avatar by James Cameron, which was inspired by the mountains of Wulingyuan.
To see the "flying" mountains in reality, escape from everyday life and feel like the heroes of "Avatar" - you need to fly to China.

In the program: panoramic routes - serpentines, various cable cars (among which the longest in the world). The rocks are girded with route tapes of stones and even glass, connected by giant bridges. Built, elevating to the top, the world's tallest outdoor elevator. Landscapes of unreal beauty, as if descended from the canvases of Chinese painters, became available thanks to the miracle of human genius and diligence.

Combines well with tours:

Zhangjiajie park in China is now famous not only as the most beautiful national forest park, but also as a place where the acclaimed "Avatar" was filmed. It seems to me that visiting here - great luck. The park makes you fall in love with it from the first glance at its unusual rocks floating in the morning haze and from the first breath of its fresh forest air.

A bit about the history of the park

China's Zhangjiajie National Park was founded in 1982, and shortly thereafter it was deservedly accepted into the UNESCO World Heritage List. In general, these most beautiful places have long been known to mankind, many legends and tales are associated with them. One of them says that a long time ago, during the times of fierce wars, one of the commanders of the Yang clan set up his camp at the foot of the city of Tianzi. As the war went on long years and for decades, the sons and grandsons of the commander and his armies settled these lands. After that, the area acquired its name, which in Chinese means "land of Yang."

Zhangjiajie has always been popular with tourists, but after the fantastic Avatar was released and the audience heard that this particular park was the prototype of the landscapes depicted in the film, the influx of visitors became even greater.

Important! There are especially many tourists in the park from May 1 to May 3 and from October 1 to October 7 (national Chinese holidays), as well as in July-August during the summer holidays. If you want to explore the park calmly and leisurely, without waiting half the time in lines and without crowding to take pictures of some beautiful place I strongly advise you to choose another time for your trip.

Zhangjiajie main attractions

First of all, the park fascinates with natural beauties. Stretching over a huge area, the park combines picturesque mountain landscapes, the peaks of which are lost in the clouds, dense green slopes covered with forests and thin sparkling streams of streams and waterfalls.

Did you know? characteristic feature of the park are frequent fogs, which, softly enveloping the earth, give the landscapes an even more mysterious look.

The park has the richest flora and fauna, there are many rare animals and plants, including salamanders, civets, rhesus monkeys, ginkgo trees, mahogany and many others.
Thanks to the mild climate and the absence of sudden changes in temperature, walking in the park will be a real pleasure.

Important! You will really have to walk a lot in Zhangjiajie - I advise you to think about comfortable shoes and clothes in advance. If you are not in the best physical shape, or just to save time, I recommend using cable cars to climb the mountain peaks. Although this will require additional financial costs, it will save your energy for sightseeing.

So, what are the main attractions of the park?

Mountains of Avatar. First of all, most tourists tend to see this particular attraction, thanks to which the park has gained a new life.

There are a lot of high lonely mountains, as if floating in a fog, in the park. Their formation is associated with the gradual weathering of rocks.

Did you know? One of these rocks was even renamed "Avatar Aliluyah" after the release of the film.

The zone of the park, in which there are especially many "soaring" mountains, is called Yuanjiajie. Here, by the way, there are many sculptures depicting those same avatars - hardly anyone can resist the opportunity to take a picture with these fairy-tale characters.

yangjiajie park. Some consider it a separate park, others - only the Zhangjiajie zone. Be that as it may, this attraction attracts crowds of tourists.

Mount Tianzi. This attraction is popular not only for its natural beauty, but also for another interesting architectural object- The Imperial Palace.
As for me, this is too big a name for a building of this size, but the building is really beautiful, made in the traditional style.

golden whip stream. This is a very picturesque stream, walking trails along which stretch for 8 km. There are not as many tourists here as in other places, so if you want to enjoy the babbling of a stream and the singing of birds in relative solitude, this is the place for you.

By the way, a big plus of this place is the ease of overcoming the route - the stream is located in a valley at the foot of the mountains, so your walk here will not require steep and long climbs.
The park has many more valuable and unusual places but these are perhaps the most important.
On many routes and paths of the park you will meet wild monkeys. These cute creatures make visitors fall in love with them - especially their kids.

Important! But do not lose vigilance - one of the most favorite activities of monkeys is theft. They often snatch packages and bags from the hands of tourists and run away with them high into the trees.

What to see around Zhangjiajie?

  • tianmenshan mountain. The most popular among tourists is Mount Tianmenshan. It reaches 1518 m in height and is one of the main attractions of the area.

Did you know? There is a legend associated with the mountain that it warns the locals about upcoming changes. They say that before important historical events a waterfall begins to flow from the mountain top.

  • Another popular attraction is located on Tianmenshan - the picturesque Heaven's Gate Cave. The best way to get to the top of the mountain is by using the cable car. By the way, this cable car is the longest in the world. There is also an interesting route - Faith Path in Zhangjiajie, which is an interesting structure: it is a narrow path with a glazed bottom, laid along a cliff. Not everyone decides to go through it, although in fact it is absolutely safe.
  • Yellow Dragon Cave. An equally popular attraction is the huge Yellow Dragon Cave, which reaches a height of 140 m. It is one of the largest karst caves on the planet. Thanks to the most beautiful interior "decoration", consisting of bizarre and unusual shapes and shades, the cave is considered magical. Inside, you can also see numerous underground rivers and pools, as well as waterfalls.
  • fenghuang. Although it is small, it is a very ancient and beautiful city that attracts tourists primarily with its architecture. His little wooden houses look really "Chinese" and very picturesque. The atmosphere in the city is indescribable.
  • Lake Baofeng. This picturesque reservoir fits so harmoniously into the surrounding landscape that it is hard to believe that it does not have a natural origin.
  • Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon. Not far from the National Park, there is another popular attraction - the Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon, where, in addition to beautiful walking trails and a magnificent lake, there is another iconic place: the suspension glass bridge - the longest and narrowest in the world.

Yellow Dragon Cave

Entertainment and attractions of the park

  • Undoubtedly, the main entertainment of Zhangjiajie is the walk itself in the park.
  • In addition, climbing to its sights with the help of cable cars or Bialong lift can also become an exciting adventure.
  • It also has its own small Railway . You can comfortably and have fun seeing some of the sights while traveling by mini train.
  • Many come to large glass bridge or on the path of faith to "tickle" your nerves.
  • The park has many cafes and restaurants where you can have a good time and have a tasty meal.
  • In Zhangjiajie, located near the National Forest Park, there are many restaurants and entertainment facilities where you can enjoy your leisure time.

Elevator Bialong

Zhangjiajie National Park - how to get there?

Getting to the park is quite easy.

  1. First you need to get to the city of Zhangjiajie. Since it has its own airport, the easiest way is to fly here by plane. There are regular flights from Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Xi'an, Shenzhen, Guangzhou and many others.
  2. From the airport, you can either get to the city or directly to the park using taxi or bus. If you are thinking about how to get to Zhangjiajie as quickly as possible from Beijing or Shanghai, perhaps air travel would be the best option.
  3. Also you can get to Zhangjiajie by train. It will take much longer, but the cost of such a trip is lower.
  4. If you are already close to Zhangjiajie, you can use bus service. However, from such cities as Shanghai, Changshi, Wuhan and others, buses also regularly travel here, but this is far from the most convenient way to travel - traveling by train or plane is much more comfortable. I advise you to choose them in order to save energy and nerves for visiting the park.
  5. From the city you can get to the national park by bus or order a taxi.

Important! Taxi drivers like to overprice their rides, insist they use the meter or bargain.

Immediately I advise you to choose the sights that you want to see in the first place - the park has three entrances, and you need to get to the entrance that will be closest to the objects you have chosen.

Zhangjiajie Park or Avatar Mountains (video)

Beautiful video about Zhangjiajie park. Happy viewing!

Prices, promotions and opening hours of Zhangjiajie Park

The opening hours of the park differ between summer and winter.

  • In summer, the park is open from 6:30 to 19:00, in winter from 7:30 to 17:00.
  • Prices for visiting the park also differ at different times of the year. In winter, visiting is much cheaper.
  • You can buy two types of tickets: a ticket for 4 days will cost you about $38, a ticket for 7 days will cost about $46.
  • For an additional fee, you can also order a porter service.

Important! The ticket price also includes transportation by buses within the park. You will have to pay extra for the use of cable cars, an elevator and a local train.

The park is constantly running a lot of promotions.

  • Students under the age of 24 pay half the cost of visiting.
  • The same applies to pensioners from 60 to 69 years old. People over 69 pay even less.
  • Children up to 120 cm can visit the park completely free of charge, and children from 120 to 150 cm also pay half the price of tickets.

I sincerely invite you to visit the Avatar Mountains in China - my favorite Zhangjiajie National Park.
I hope I have given you all the information you need to plan your trip. If you have any questions or you have already been to Zhangjiajie Park and you have something to add to what has been said, I will be very glad to hear your comments.