How you cackled the parterre. Poems from the movie "Office Romance"

What are you bending over the waters,
Willow, the top of your head?
And trembling leaves
Like thirsty lips
Do you catch a running stream? ..

Though it languishes, though it trembles
Each sheet of yours is above the stream ...
But the jet runs and splashes,
And, basking in the sun, shines,
And laughs at you...

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You are now reading the verse What are you bending over the waters, the poet Tyutchev Fedor Ivanovich

Lesson Objectives:

  1. to systematize students' knowledge of a lyrical work, to continue learning the ability to analyze work of fiction through acquaintance with Tyutchev's poetic view of nature, mastering the skills of analyzing landscape lyrics;
  2. to help students comprehend the “inner plan” of Tyutchev’s landscape lyrics, to develop the emotionality of high school students;
  3. fostering a sense of admiration for the work of the great masters of the word.

Information on the history of literature:

  • romantic traditions in Russian lyrics;
  • the world of nature and the world of the soul.

Formation of aesthetic and theoretical-literary concepts:

  • philosophical lyrics;
  • antithesis;
  • nature and man;

Types of student activities for the development of analytical, interpretive and creative skills:

  • analysis poetic text;
  • identification of the “second plan”;
  • literary review.

Board design: illustrations depicting landscape sketches.


Not what you think, nature:
Not a cast, not a soulless face -
It has a soul, it has freedom,
It has love, it has language. . . (F. I. Tyutchev)

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

The topic and purpose of the lesson is announced by the teacher, notes in a notebook. Check readiness for the lesson. Motivational moment.

Introduction by the teacher. Theme of the lesson “Analysis of the poem by F. I. Tyutchev “What are you bending over the waters ...” (Perception. Interpretation. Evaluation.)

Analysis is the study of the text of a poem.

Students explain the meaning of words “perception”, “interpretation”, “evaluation”. The teacher, if necessary, clarifies: one can reflect not only the personal perception of the poem, but also note what thoughts and feelings it aroused among the poet's contemporaries; it is necessary to analyze the poem in the unity of form and content and in the context of the entire work of the poet, evaluating the skill of the author and the artistic value of the work, one should not forget that a personal assessment is optional, sometimes we are not ready to adequately, at the right level evaluate a classic work, so we must be correct.

2. Work on the topic of the lesson

2. 1. Task number 1. Reading a poem by F. I. Tyutchev “What are you bending over the waters ...” by the teacher. Answer the question, what associations did you have while reading the poem?

What are you bending over the waters
Willow, the top of your head?
And trembling leaves
Like greedy lips
Do you catch a running stream?

Though it languishes, though it trembles
Each sheet of yours is above the stream,
But the jet runs and splashes,
And, basking in the sun, shines,
And laughs at you...

(superficial answers are possible, because the children at the first acquaintance with the work saw only a landscape sketch: a willow bent over the water, many represent a stream, river, waterfall under the word “water” Students turn to illustrations, point to those that, according to them opinion, reflect the associations that have arisen.) Eighth graders note that the composition of the poem is two-part; the work is small in volume, consists of two eight lines; depicts the state of nature and the state of man at a certain point in life)

1.2. Word of the teacher about the poet.

Once Turgenev assured that "there is no arguing about Tyutchev - whoever does not feel him, thereby proves that he does not feel poetry."

Tyutchev's whole life is in his poems. You have already met his works in literature lessons, learned something by heart. Remember what lines you know from Tyutchev's poems (perhaps the children will remember the most famous lines of the poet):

Winter is getting angry
her time has passed
Spring is knocking on the window
And drives from the yard ...

Snow is still whitening in the fields,
And the waters are already rustling in the spring

I love the storm in early May,
When the first spring thunder
As if frolicking and playing,
Rumbles in the blue sky

It is no coincidence that all these poems are about nature. The life of nature was one of the central themes of Tyutchev's poetry. Nature was not only the object of the poet's aesthetic experiences, as is often the case in landscape lyrics, but also the material for constant reflections about the world, about God, about the place of man in this world.

1.3. Collective work. Purpose: using a detailed analysis of the work to find out its ideological and semantic content. Prepare working notes for independent written work.

The mood of the poem? What words create a mood with their meaning? The mood of sadness, sadness, bewilderment, irony reigns in the poem. The intonation of the poem is characterized by a combination of expressive vocabulary and the tone of calm and serious reflections.
How is the mood expressed in the poem?

How is it built?

Why do you think the poem is divided into two stanzas? What role does the question play in the first part, and do we get an answer to it in the second?

How does the poem sound? (size, rhythm, line length, presence or absence of rhyme)

How to explain the appeal to the willow as a living being, which is very similar to the traditional Russian folklore?

The mood changes throughout the poem Compositionally, the poem is divided into stanzas. In the 1st stanza it is said about the “willow”, in the 2nd - about the “stream”. These two lyrical images are in interaction: the willow bent over the water... Each stanza is a five-line (quintet), lines rhyme in it in the following order: the first, third and fourth lines rhyme with each other, and the second with the fifth.

Iambic tetrameter, each line contains a pyrrhic. According to the location of the stresses, rhyme is observed for men (lines 2, 5) and women (lines 1, 3, 4). According to the location in the lines, the cross rhyme is combined with the steam room (lines 3, 4).

Of the techniques of sound writing, alliteration is actively used. If we take into account the most frequently repeated consonants, then the following pattern is found. Repeat Ш ([what], clone w b, poppy w ku, catch w b) in the first stanza, in the second stanza of the sounds [u] (trembling, sparkling, splashing), [g] (everyone, running, basking) can be considered as onomatopoeia, in this part the sounds of the world, time, movement of water, wind are reproduced. In the line “Even though it languishes, even though each leaf of yours trembles over the stream ...”, the babble of a stream is heard in this whispering repetition of “at least”. Epithets that give the expression figurativeness and emotionality, emphasizing one of the signs of the subject: trembling leaves or one of the impressions about the subject, a quick stream, greedy lips - are used only in the 1st stanza when describing the image of a willow. In the same place, we also see personification - the image of an inanimate object as animate: a willow “catches”, “with its mouth”, a stream “running”, “runs”, “laughs”, a leaf “languishes”. In the first stanza, nouns and adjectives predominate, in the second - verbs. The first stanza consists of two interrogative sentences, the second - of one complex sentence with several rows of homogeneous members - predicates. In ordinary speech, these words define the internal state of a person, a living being. In Tyutchev, they are attributed to the description of pictures of nature, thereby endowing nature with human properties. This technique is often called animation. But here in front of us a special case. Animate like artistic technique is nothing but a kind of metaphor. In Tyutchev, the animation of nature occurs without any metaphorical basis. Tyutchev's animation is not an artistic device, but a philosophical conviction.

Conclusion: what is the theme and idea of ​​the poem?

Where does this enduring feeling of sadness come from because you never manage to touch the stream that is always running somewhere? Where does this enduring feeling of sadness come from because you never manage to touch the stream that is always running somewhere?

Why is the jet laughing at the willow? How does antithesis help to distinguish between the temporal and the eternal in F. Tyutchev's poem?

“Willow” and “jet” part with the role of a detail of the landscape and acquire the status of signs behind which there is a whole phenomenon in the world created by the author. In the declension of the branches, this case“tops” traditionally contain two meanings - the desire to protect and admiration for someone else's grief. Therefore, willow is a sign of universal, immeasurable suffering and compassion. The image of a willow is associated with human life: a “white” stripe alternates with a “black” one, hardships with joys. But a person should not bow his head (crown) before life's problems. In this case, the word “top” with the stress on the first syllable is homogeneous with the words “top” (church), which is directed to the sky, to eternity.

The second image “above the waters” (with emphasis on the first syllable) is a symbol of “time”, which is so merciless on a person: every day, every second brings a person closer to the only possible end - death. No matter how a person tries to “catch with greedy lips” a running stream, but she “laughs at you ...”. Time is an eternal, constant category, human life is an impermanent category, a part of the eternal.

The present tense of verbs that have the meaning of movement, active action, indicates the constancy of this phenomenon - the passage of time.

2. 4. Summing up the collective work. So, what is the peculiarity of Tyutchev's image of nature, how does it differ from our ordinary view? What does the life of nature consist of for the author of the work, and why is it never destined to stop or freeze in its movement?

The image of nature helps to reveal and express the complex, contradictory spiritual life of a person who is doomed to forever strive to merge with nature and never achieve it, because it brings death, dissolution in the original chaos. Thus, the theme of nature is organically linked by F. Tyutchev with the philosophical understanding of life. Everywhere the author shows the similarities of nature and man, their common origin, which means common problems and ways to solve them, a mutual feeling of support (they are always together), common manifestations of imperfection - an image captured from nature is described and some philosophical truths are revealed. F. I. Tyutchev is undoubtedly a great tragic poet. Tyutchev’s early lyrics (the poem “What are you bowing over the waters ...” refers to early period creativity) is characterized by the opposition of the universe and the individual (a huge rock and a tiny grain of sand)

His thoughts about the world, life, man are deep and often sad.

The motifs of hopeless despair, suffering and loneliness do not, of course, exhaust the entire work of the poet, but occupy a significant place in it.

The poet seeks, first of all, to show the world of the human soul, to realize whether there is any meaning in existence. In Tyutchev's lyrics, there is often a contrast between "eternal" and "instantaneous", always resurgent nature and short human life. The poet perceives Infinity, Eternity not as a philosophical, speculative concept, but as a reality. In this Eternity human life is only a short flash.

Tyutchev's "landscapes in verse" are inseparable from a person, his state of mind, feelings, moods:

Moth flying invisible
Heard in the air at night. . .
An hour of longing inexpressible!. .
Everything is in me, and I am in everything!. .

His poetry excites, excites, makes one freeze from sweet anguish and pain, because again and again it reveals to us the bottomless secret of the human soul.

3. Homework.

Written analysis of the poem “What are you bending over the waters…”

Written final work (student work)

1. Analysis of the poem by F. I. Tyutchev “What are you bending over the waters ...”

This poem was written in the early period of the work of the wonderful Russian poet F.I. Tyutchev. From the moment I met his work, I realized that Tyutchev is a poet for a narrow circle of readers, subtle, thinking, looking at the world from a certain angle. Not everyone can understand his poetry. That's what happened to me as well. Reading the poem “What are you bending over the waters ...”, I imagined a landscape sketch: summer, a warm day, the bank of a small river, overgrown with shrubs and willow trees, a willow bent over a stream of water running and murmuring over pebbles. A light breeze plays with the leaves. But there is something disturbing in the poem. Why does the author speak of willow as an animated object? Why does it feel sad when reading a poem? Yes, because you begin to guess that this is a symbolic image of a person's life in time. It is no coincidence that the poem consists of two stanzas, each consisting of five lines (quintet). In the first stanza - the image of "willow-life", in the second - the image of "stream-time". The verbs of the second stanza convey unceasing movement, eternal: it runs, splashes, shines, and most importantly, laughs at what has come into this “world for a while”. The tree seemed to bow under the weight of problems, failures, losses, as sometimes happens with a person. To describe such a state of mind, the author uses nouns that call the subject, and epithets for them: greedy mouth, runaway stream, trembling sheets. It gives the impression that we are talking about an animate object, it is precisely this role that personification plays. The antithesis “but” and the iambic tetrameter with an obligatory pyrrhic in each line, alternating feminine and masculine, cross and adjacent rhyme help to identify the “second plan”. Interrogative sentences, as it were, are trying to bring us back to the truth: yes, life is short, but one must live without bowing the “crown”, with dignity, not giving up before any life problems in order to “die like a man”.

Julia M.

2. Analysis of the poem by F. I. Tyutchev “What are you bending over the waters ...”

Tyutchev's poem at first glance speaks of a willow and a stream, but after carefully reading it several times, I realized ideological meaning of this work is as follows: the poem speaks of life and the time merciless to it. A sad mood prevails, sad, although in the second stanza there is the word “laughs”, but it does not bring joy into the text. The poem consists of two stanzas, each stanza of five lines. In each stanza, iambic tetrameter, cross rhyme (1-3 and 2-5 lines), steam room (3-4 lines), female (1, 3, 4 lines) is combined with male (2, 5 lines). Often there are polysyllabic words, so pyrrhic is used. To create a picture of nature more lively, “sounding”, the author uses alliteration, repeating the hissing sounds “u”, “sh”, “g” 11 times. The word “though” is used twice in the poem, giving the impression of a light stream flowing. In the first stanza there are 2 sentences, simple, interrogative. In the second stanza there are many verbs of the 3rd person singular, which form a series of homogeneous predicates. These verbs denote active movement, as if drawing a general picture of the movement of time. The lyrical hero of this poem seems to me pathetic, defenseless. He cannot cope with his problems and simply obeyed them. Life is short and this hero is trying to seize on time, but it does not feel sorry for him, but only laughs at him. Probably, the author tried to convey to us a sense of pity and the truth about death. Every minute brings a person closer to death. The author tells us that life is not eternal, but only time is eternal, which spares no one, it simply runs forward. It seems to me that the poem made us think about the need not to “squander” time in vain, but to do a lot in this life.