How to write a museum visit report. Report on the visit to the Mozdok Museum of Local Lore

Observations on a walk at 1 junior group spring

1. Consider children's clothes while getting ready for a walk: “It became warm, the sun warmed up, so everyone is dressed in coats and jackets. They took off their fur coats, warm coats, hats, winter boots and felt boots, and put on rubber boots. It's spring already"
2. Watch how passers-by are dressed: They also took off their winter clothes.
Read poems about spring:
The last snowflakes are flying
Icicles hung from the roofs - ice floes;
More and more visible above
Spring blueness ... E. Blaginina.
3. Surveillance behind the sun: the sun shines brighter, its rays have become very warm. In order for the children to better feel how the sun warms, I suggest putting your hand on a coat, bench, house, veranda wall: warm!
The spring sun warmed
Everything around is green.
And birch, and grass,
And a bench, and a fence -
And the path, and the alder,
What a green yard!
4. Surveillance behind the wind: along with spring, a gentle, warm breeze flew to us.
Wind, breeze, windmill,
What are you scouring the world for?
Better sweep the streets
Or spin the mills.
Riddle: No arms, no legs,
And the gate opens.
Watch how the wind plays with turntables, multi-colored flags, sultans, balls.
5. Surveillance behind the melting snow: on a clear sunny day, I pay attention to the wet snow lying on the asphalt: it melts and from it different sides streams flow. This is because the sun has warmed up.
The snowdrift is already stooping
From the rays of the sun
And ran down the street
Glittering stream.
On the way he sings
And how not to sing - spring!
The stream runs, laughs
At our window.
Drops fall from the roof
And the sky is high
I hear spring salute
Cheerful voice. I. Demyanov.
6. Consider icicles: thin and thick, long and short, small and large; they are easy to clean with a spatula. Listen to how water drips from icicles into an empty children's bucket: “Drip, drip, drip!”
Bubbling drops,
Icicle cried:
- I wanted to sit higher,
I wanted to climb on the roof
And stepped on the ledge!
And I'm afraid to fall down!
Cap! Cap! Cap!
7. Show lots of big and small streams running around the site.
The sun laughs softly
Shines brighter, hotter.
And from the hillock it pours loudly
Talking stream. I. Kolas.
Dig grooves with shovels and connect small streams into one large stream. Launch boats, boats along a wide stream.
8. Show swelling poplar buds outdoors and in a group (in a vase). Consider first them, and then the first leaves, carefully stroking them with your fingers: they are tender, small and green.
9. During a walk in the garden, show the children the fruit trees, how spring decorated them with flowers, how the bees buzz, flying from one flower to another.
little apple tree
In my garden
Everything is in bloom.
I put on a dress
With white border.
little apple tree,
Befriend me!
10. In the garden supervise the work of adults and children of older groups. Tell that carrots, beans, peas, potatoes, cabbage, onions, cucumbers will grow here ..., show the corresponding pictures of vegetables, play the "Paired Pictures" game.
11. On the site, pay attention to the bright grass greens:
Like in a meadow,
Through the green meadow
Spill, water
Spread out grass
Silk grass!
12. Pay attention to primroses: coltsfoot, snowdrops, dandelions. Watch how dandelion fluffs scatter in different directions.
wears a dandelion
Yellow sundress.
Grow up - dress up
In a white dress
light, airy,
Obedient to the wind.
13. Watch out the work of adults in the flower beds as they plant seedlings in the ground. Tell that soon the whole flower bed will turn green and flowers will bloom. Later, it will be noted that some flowers are high, others are low, but they are all beautiful, bright, smell good, you can’t pick flowers in the flower beds!
14. Pay attention to bird behavior: sparrows fly from bush to bush, chirp loudly, fly a lot; doves coo; starlings nestle in a birdhouse hung by children preparatory group. Explain that the birds have also become warm, and together with us they rejoice at the arrival of spring.
Already bear snowdrops,
Starlings fly into birdhouses,
And somewhere in the hazel
Capercaillie are running.
15. Observe for animal behavior: how a cat laps milk and cares for kittens; how a dog plays with older children.
Like our cat
The coat is very good.
Like a cat mustache
Amazing beauty.
bold eyes,
The teeth are white.

The dog came to us
Smart dog.
Plays with children
Barks very loudly.

Riddles: Furry, mustachioed,
drinking milk,
Sings songs. Who is it?

crochet tail,
ears up,
barks loudly,
No one is allowed into the house. Who is it?
16. Observe cleaning adults remaining snow, clearing the earth around bushes and trees with a rake, digging it up.
17. Site cleaning: collect branches, sticks, stones and other debris; sweep the paths, the floor on the veranda.


1. Watching the sun.
Objective: To give children a first impression of early spring. To form ideas about the first spring changes in nature - sunny days. There are more and more sunny days, the sun is bright, radiant. It makes him warmer. Substitute your palms for the sun - they heat up, touch fur coats, a bench - they are also warm. Spring is coming - it brings warmth.
Watch the snow sparkle in the sun.
The sun shines in the window
Looks into our room
We clap our hands
Very happy with the sun.
2. Continue observing the sun.
Purpose: To continue to form ideas about early spring (there are more sunny days, the sun has become brighter, warmer).
Offer to look at the sun. Why does it hurt to look? - the sun became bright. Touch objects in the sun and in the shade. Why are some warm and others cold? Explain what a shadow is.
Sunshine, sunshine
red bucket,
Rise high, shine far.
To the dark forests
To the river, to the fields,
To the blue seas
To our garden
And for all the people
3. Observation of the snow.
Purpose: To form ideas about the first spring performances in nature. Show the properties of snow in spring. Starts to melt. Icicles appear on the roofs. A hard ice crust forms on the snowdrifts - the snow melts in the sun, and when the sun disappears, the water freezes and an ice crust forms. The snow is no longer fluffy, like in winter.
The sun came out from behind the clouds
And warmed the squeaky snow,
Snow thought a little - a little
And the stream set off on its way.

4. Watching icicles.
Purpose: To show that in spring the sun shines and warms. The snow on the roofs melts and icicles form: long and short, thin and thick. Icicles are transparent, cold, hard. They shine beautifully in the sun.
Icicle sings a song
Who will understand her
I'm very sad
Who will help me

5. Watching the wind.
Purpose: To show the features of windy weather.
A cold wind blows, it lifts and swirls the snow. The wind howls, shakes the trees, drives the clouds across the sky.
Play with the wind with the help of sultans, listen to how they rustle and how the wind sways them.
The winds blow in February
Howling loudly in the pipes
A blizzard rushes along the ground
White ground.

6. Birdwatching
Goal: Continue to develop the ability to distinguish birds by appearance
(pigeon, crow, sparrow). Expand your understanding of the behavior of birds in the spring. Imitate the sounds of birds. Cultivate the desire to take care of the birds.
Pour bread crumbs into the feeder. Pay attention that sparrows in the sun chirp merrily, and crows croak loudly.
A little bird flew to us
I will give grains to a little bird,
The little bird is pecking at the grains,
The little bird sings songs.

7. Continue watching the icicles.

Purpose: To continue to acquaint children with a seasonal phenomenon - icicles. Activate children's vocabulary: icicles, long, short, thick, cold, hard.
Explain that the sun warmed the snow, it began to melt and turned into water. It drips from the roofs and freezes. Hit the icicle with a shovel. Let it be touched and examined.
Icicle sings a song
Who will understand her
I'm very sad
Who will help me

8. Observation of the sun. Playing with sunbeams.

Purpose: To form the concept that with the advent of spring the sun shines more often, brighter. It warms, shines and everyone becomes more cheerful. Get to know the concept sun bunny' to play with him.

Beckon them with your finger
Let them run to you
Here is the light circle
Here, here, here, left, left.
Ran to the ceiling.

9. Observation of weather phenomena.

Purpose: To teach children to notice changes in nature, the first signs of spring: The sun is shining brightly, drops are falling from the roofs, the snow is wet, heavy, gray.
spring, spring,
Open up the gate
Come quickly
Warm our earth

ten . Supervision of the work of the janitor.
Goal: Continue to acquaint children with the labor of adults (tools, labor actions). Cultivate respect for the work of people. Learn to help others.
Lots of snow, nowhere to run
There is also snow on the road
Here are the shovels for you guys,
Let's work for everyone.

11. Observation of the work of the driver.


The car, the car is humming

Bi-bi-bi, bi-bi-bi.

Let's go children look out the window.

The children arrived - stop!
Bi-bi-bi, bi-bi-bi.

12. Monitoring of transport.
Target: Teach children to distinguish between cargo and Cars. Recognize and name other modes of transport - tram, bus. To consolidate knowledge about what drives cars - the driver.
Cars are speeding along the highway.
Shur, shur, shur-
Their tires are rushing
But the cars are different:
Blue red.
Why are the cars in a hurry?
And where are the cars going?
Waiting for one of them at the construction site,
Waiting for a doctor patient on a bed
Cargo important plant
Waiting for the car too.
That's why the cars are in a hurry.
Shur, shur, shur-
Their tires rustle.

13. Watching sparrows.

Purpose: To expand ideas about the behavior of birds in the spring. Learn to notice how they move: walk, jump, fly. Watch how sparrows bask in the sun, chirp cheerfully, drink water from a puddle, how they emit sound signals (chiv, chirp - chirp). Imitate the sounds of birds.
Look, look
Sparrows at the puddle
They circle in a noisy flock.
Chick chirp, chirp chirp.

14. Observation of the snow.

Purpose: To form the concept that with the advent of spring, the snow began to melt; He became gray, dirty, hard. Instead of fluffy snowflakes, ice floes formed. The snow is getting smaller and smaller.
The snow is no longer the same
It darkened in the field.
On the lakes, the ice cracked as if split.
It's getting blacker every day
Stitches and paths.

15. Watching the sky
Purpose: To show the features of the spring sky. In spring, the sky is often blue and cloudless. Sometimes there are clouds in the sky.
Clouds, white-maned horses,

16. Observation of the melting snow, the first puddles.
Purpose: To form the concept that when snow melts, it turns into water. Water collects in hollows and puddles form. Where the sun does not fall, in the shade, the snow melts slowly
Pay attention that there is less and less snow, and more and more puddles. Invite the children to collect snow on shovels and throw it on the sunny side of the asphalt. Watch how the snow melts quickly and water forms.

Spring is coming to us with rapid steps.
And the snowdrifts melt under her feet

You can see very warm feet in spring.

17. Watching streams.
Purpose: To expand children's ideas about spring, enriching their knowledge with new concepts - snow melts, puddles form, streams run, paper boats can be launched in streams.
The sun came out from behind the clouds
And warmed the squeaky snow,
Snow thought a little - a little
And the stream set off on its way.

18. Observation of starlings, sparrows.

Purpose: To expand ideas about the behavior of birds in the spring. Learn to notice how they move: walk, jump, fly. Watch how sparrows bask in the sun, chirp merrily, drink water from a puddle, how they make sound signals (chiv, chik - chirp). Explain that starling birds also flew to us.

The starlings return
Our old tenants.
Sparrows at the puddle
They circle in a noisy flock.

19. Watching children's clothes.

Purpose: To teach children to establish the simplest relationships: it’s getting warmer - people have changed their clothes to lighter ones (they took off warm jackets, fur coats, fur hats, etc.)
Removed scarf and gloves
They took off their fur coat with a hood,
Unbuttoned all the buttonholes,
Spring is coming to us with warmth.

20. Watching the sun, playing with a sunbeam.

Sunbeams play on the wall
Beckon them with your finger
Let them run to you
Here is the light circle
Here, here, here, left, left.
Ran to the ceiling.

21. Watching puddles.

Purpose: To arouse interest in the changes taking place in nature.
To form the concept that puddles are formed from melting snow.
In the morning the puddles are covered with ice, but the ice can be broken with a shovel.
During the day, when the sun begins to shine, the ice melts and puddles form again.

22. Observation of changes in nature.

Purpose: To expand children's ideas about spring, enriching their vocabulary with new words and concepts - icicles, murmuring streams, the sun is bright, radiant. To arouse interest in the changes taking place in nature.
Spring has come, freckle
cheerful guest,
water, wind,
Herbal, sunny…
A stream in the ditches
Zhur, zhur, zhur.
Rain in the window
Cap, cap, cap.

1. Watching icicles.
Purpose: To continue to form the concept that in spring the sun shines and warms. The snow on the roofs melts and icicles form: long and short, thin and thick. Icicles are transparent, cold, hard. They shine beautifully in the sun. Activate children's vocabulary.
Playful icicles sat on the ledge,
Playful icicles looked down,
Tired of them hanging down, they began to throw droplets,
Drip-drip-drip, Don-don-don!

2. Watching the sun, playing with a sunbeam.
Purpose: To continue to form the concept that in spring the sun shines, warms the earth. It is very bright, warm, snow melts quickly in the sun.
Put your palms up to the sun, feel its warmth.
Take a small mirror for a walk and play with a sunbeam.

Sunbeams play on the wall
Beckon them with your finger
Let them run to you
Here is the light circle
Here, here, here, left, left.
Ran to the ceiling.
3. Watching streams.
Purpose: To form the simplest idea of ​​\u200b\u200bchildren about streams and how to form them. Listen to the murmur of streams. Develop an interest in changes in nature. Activate the dictionary of children - a stream, murmurs, flows.
The sun came out from behind the clouds
And warmed the creaky snow.
Snow thought a little
And the stream set off on its way.

4. Continue watching streams.
Purpose: To arouse in children an interest in the changes taking place in nature. Enrich their knowledge with new words and concepts. Learn to establish the simplest relationships: A stick (ship) is light - it floats, pebbles are heavy - they sink. Activate the vocabulary of children - a stream, murmurs, flows, swims, sinks.

The sun came out from behind the clouds
And warmed the creaky snow.
Snow thought a little
And the stream set off on its way.

5. Observation of the sky.
Purpose: To show the features of the spring sky. To develop observation, curiosity, speech of children.
In spring, the sky is blue, clouds float across the sky. They are different. What do clouds look like? And sometimes the sky is gray, clouds form in the sky.

Clouds, white-maned horses,
Clouds that you rush without looking back.
Clouds, don't rush, please.
And roll across the sky, clouds.

6. Observation of thawed areas.

Purpose: To show the properties of snow in spring. Enrich knowledge with new words and concepts. Learn to establish simple relationships:
On the ground the white snow turned grey. There is very little of it left. Gradually, it all melts. Pay attention that where the sun shines, the snow has already melted and the earth has opened - black thawed patches. The snow remained only in the shade.
Spring is coming to us
With quick steps
And the snowdrifts are melting
Under her feet.
Black thawed patches are visible
You can see very warm feet in spring.
7. target walk by territory kindergarten. Observing changes in nature.
Purpose: To teach children to notice the changes that occur in nature.
Develop observation, interest in the world around.
Go around the territory of the kindergarten with the children. Note that there is very little snow left. It is dirty, gray, melting in the sun. Land appeared almost everywhere. Streams flow, puddles formed on the paths. Sparrows are chirping merrily in the corner of the forest.
April, April
Drops are ringing in the yard ... ..
Puddles on the roads..
eight . Supervision of the work of the janitor.
Goal: Continue to acquaint children with the labor of adults in the spring (tools, labor activities). Cultivate respect for the work of people. Learn to help others.
Well, spring, how are you?
- I'm cleaning.
- Why do you need a broom?
- Sweep the snow off the hill.
- Why do you need streams?
- Rinse garbage from the tracks.
What are the rays for?
- For cleaning too.

9. Observation of the work of the driver.
Target: Continue to acquaint children with the work of a driver (drives a car on the road, drives a car, drives, the driver takes people to work and home, brings food to kindergarten: bread, milk, etc.), the names of the parts of the car (cabin, steering wheel, body). Cultivate respect for the work of people.
To form a concept of the significance of their work.
The car, the car is humming
In the car, the driver sits in the car,
Bi-bi-bi, bi-bi-bi.
In the car, in the car full of children
Let's go children look out the window.
Here is a field, here is a river, here is a dense forest,
The children arrived - stop!
Bi-bi-bi, bi-bi-bi.

ten . Transport surveillance.
Target: Teach children to distinguish between trucks and cars. Recognize and name other modes of transport - tram, bus. To consolidate knowledge about what drives cars - the driver. Learn to use the word transport in the dictionary.
Cars are speeding along the highway.
Shur, shur, shur-
Their tires are rushing
But the cars are different:
Blue, red.
Why are the cars in a hurry?
And where are the cars going?
Waiting for one of them at the construction site,
Waiting for a doctor patient on a bed
Cargo important plant
Waiting for the car too.
That's why the cars are in a hurry.
Shur, shur, shur-
Their tires rustle.

11. Watching the wind. Games with sultans.

Wind, breeze, breeze
What are you scouring the world for?
Better turn less
Or sweep the streets.

12. Watching sparrows.
Purpose: To expand ideas about the behavior of birds in the spring. Learn to notice how they move: walk, jump, fly. Watch how sparrows bask in the sun, chirp merrily, enjoy the warmth, the sun, drink water from a puddle, how they emit sound signals (chiv, chirp - chirp). Imitate the sounds of birds.
Look, look
Sparrows at the puddle
They circle in a noisy flock.
Chick chirp, chirp chirp.

No more frost

13. Observation by pigeons and sparrows.

Inform the children that in spring the birds begin to chirp loudly, coo, sing their songs. Birds begin to build nests, they will bring out small chicks there.
Among the doves
Jumping nimble sparrow.
Sparrow bird
Gray shirt.
Respond, sparrow
Fly out, don't be shy.

A sparrow jumped from a birch onto the road,
No more frost, Chick-chirp!

14. Watching the Christmas tree.
Purpose: To form in children the concept that the tree, regardless of the time of year, is always green. She also has a trunk, branches, and instead of leaves - green needles. There are cones on the tree. Bring up careful attitude to nature, the ability to rejoice, to admire the Christmas tree.
You will always find me in the forest
Go for a walk and meet
I stand prickly like a hedgehog
In winter in a summer dress.

15. Observation of a birch.
Purpose: To consolidate ideas about trees: there is a trunk, branches. Help remember the name of the tree. Activate the words in speech: a birch is a tall, thick white trunk. Introduce a new word - kidneys. Examine the buds on the branches, explain that leaves will soon grow out of them.

16. Examining the bush on the site.
Purpose: To consolidate ideas about shrubs. Show the changes that occur with shrubs in the spring (buds swell, it is necessary to cut branches that have broken during the winter). Build respect for nature.
Consider bushes. Note that they do not have a trunk like trees, only branches. Bushes are not tall. Buds begin to swell on the branches of shrubs. Leaves will grow out of them.

17. Poplar observation.
Purpose: To form the concept that trees and shrubs are alive, in the spring buds wake up from the heat, leaves bloom. Show the changes that occur with trees in the spring. Build respect for nature.
Those little buds
Spring will print
And while the leaves are sleeping in them
And grow during sleep.

18. Watching the change of clothes
Purpose: To teach children to establish the simplest relationships: it’s getting warmer - people have changed their clothes to lighter ones (they took off their warm jackets, they no longer wear mittens, scarves, adults go without hats, etc.))
Removed scarf and gloves
They took off their fur coat with a hood,
Unbuttoned all the buttonholes,
Spring is coming to us with warmth.

19. Dog Watching
Purpose: To teach children to notice living objects while walking.
Specify parts of the body - there is a head, muzzle, body, tail, paws. Pay attention to the appearance - fluffy, soft, warm, gray (red, black) big, small, what a dog can do - runs, barks, lies, sits,
Learn to imitate a dog.
The dog came to us
smart dog,
Plays with children
Barks very loudly
Woof woof woof.

20. Observation of a living object - a cat

Purpose: To continue to teach to notice living objects while walking.
Specify the parts of the cat's body (head, muzzle, whiskers, tail, paws, scratches on the paws - claws). Appearance - fluffy, soft, warm. What a cat can do - walks, loves to catch mice, meows, laps milk when it petting a cat purrs, lies in the sun - it is heated.
Build a positive relationship with animals.
Like our cat
The coat is very good.
Like a cat mustache -
Amazing beauty.
bold eyes,
The teeth are white.

21. Observation of the swelling of the buds on the trees.

Purpose: To consolidate children's ideas about trees. To form the idea that there are buds on the branches, leaves grow out of them. Consider how the buds swell on trees. Smell them, gently touch them with your hands. Evoke happy feelings. Cultivate respect for nature.
kidneys swell,
leaves break through,
Ants start
Repair your palaces.
Those little buds
Spring will print
And while the leaves are sleeping in them
And grow during sleep.

22. Watching the appearance of green grass.

Purpose: To form a desire to admire the green grass that has appeared.
Show that with the advent of spring, it became warm, the sun often shines, it warms the earth. Grass begins to grow on the ground, the first spring flowers break through .. The grass is tender, green.
Grass-ant rose from sleep
The tit bird took the grain,
Bunnies for cabbage
Mice - for the crust,
Children for milk.

Everything is green
The sun shines
The lark song
It pours and rings.

23. Observation of the appearance of insects.

Purpose: To expand ideas about insects. Learn to distinguish and name them (ant, fly, butterfly). Develop a desire to observe insects.
Pay attention that the ants woke up, watch how they crawl. Flies are flying.
kidneys swell,
leaves break through,
Ants start
Repair your palaces.


  1. Observation of the blossoming leaves.

Target: To fix the idea of ​​\u200b\u200btrees (trunk, branches, small leaves appeared). Admire the first green leaves. Activate vocabulary: leaves, green, young, tender, small.
The wind shakes the crumble sheet,
And shaking, magnifies,
I open my kidneys
In green leaves
I dress the trees
I water the crops
Full of movement
My name is Spring.

2. Continue to observe the blossoming leaves.

Target : Learn to notice changes in nature, admire the delicate greenery of the first leaves. Activate children's vocabulary: blossomed, young, tender, small, green

Grow up, the leaf is not round,
Not green - emerald.
Grow wide new
Leaf large, carved, maple

3. Observation of the green grass that has appeared.

Target: To form a desire to admire the green grass that has appeared. Pay attention, everything becomes beautiful, green around.
Offer to touch the grass with your hand. She is gentle, soft.
The grass-ant has risen from sleep,
Bird tit - took up the grain,
Bunnies - for cabbage,
Mice - for the crust,
Children are for milk.

4. Watching the spring rain

Target: Pay attention that spring rain can be different: heavy, drizzling, shallow. Rain knocks on the roof, windows: drip-drip-drip .. The earth needs rain - it waters the grass, waters the earth. After the rain, puddles appear, everything is wet: the roofs of houses, trees, the ground.
Rain, rain is more fun
Drip, drip, don't be sorry
Just don't wet us
Don't knock on the window.
Spray into the field more
The grass will get thicker.

5. Observation of dandelions.

Target : Show the children that the first spring flowers appeared - dandelions. Dandelions have a stem, leaves, and a flower. The stem is brittle and breaks easily. Dandelion flower yellow color, smells very fragrant, offer to smell.
Dandelions are everywhere
On the spring grass
Flickered in the yard
Run up the mountain
They hid in a ditch.

6. Observation of cherry blossoms.

Target: To form the ability to admire the beauty of a flowering tree, offer to smell the aroma emanating from white bird cherry flowers. Cultivate respect for nature. Activate the dictionary: bird cherry fragrant, white, fragrant.
Fragrant bird cherry
Bloomed with spring
And silver branches
What curls curled.

7. Continue watching green grass and dandelions.

Target: Learn to recognize and name dandelions, consolidate knowledge about the structure of a flower. To form a desire to admire the greenery and bright spring flowers.
Dropped the sun
golden beam,
The dandelion has grown
First young.
Dandelions are everywhere
On the spring grass
Flickered in the yard
Run up the mountain
They hid in a ditch.

8. Target walk in the corner of the forest.

Target: To consolidate the ideas about trees and shrubs. Learn to distinguish between them.
Show the changes taking place with trees and shrubs in the spring. To form a respect for nature. Riddle
The house is open on all sides
It is covered with a carved roof,
Come into the green house
You will see miracles in it. … (Forest)

9. Watching a ladybug.

Target: To develop in children an interest in the world around them, to expand their ideas about insects: many paws, have wings, fly, crawl, Learn to recognize and name a ladybug.
Ladybug fly to the sky
There are your children, they eat sweets,
One for everyone, and none for you
Ladybug fly to the sky
Bring us bread
Black and white
Just not hot.

10. Continue watching insects ( ladybug, bug-soldier, ant).

Target: Strengthen the desire to observe insects. Form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200binsects (small, they have many legs, some have wings, insects crawl, fly. Learn to distinguish between insects and name some of them. Cultivate a caring attitude towards all living things.
Ladybug fly to the sky
Bring us bread
Black and white
Just not hot.
Beetle, beetle, where is your home?
Under a birch leaf.

11. Watching the lilac bloom.

Target: Develop the ability to admire beauty flowering trees and shrubs. To consolidate ideas about shrubs and the changes that occur to them in the spring. Offer to smell the aroma emanating from lilac flowers. Cultivate respect for nature, Activate vocabulary: fragrant lilac, fragrant.

12. Watching people change their clothes.

Target: Show the dependence of people's clothing on air temperature. It became warm outside, people took off their warm hats, jackets, boots, and put on light caps, blouses, shoes and sandals.

13. Observation of a blooming garden (target walk to the garden)

Target: Show the changes that occur to trees and shrubs in spring.
Admire the beauty of their blooms. Spring has decorated fruit trees and shrubs with color, tell what fruits and berries will grow on them. Cultivate respect for nature.

14. Labor observation of adults

Target: To form the concept that in the spring people have many different things to do (they clean up garbage, dig and loosen the ground, plant trees, vegetables, flowers. Introduce children to tools for the garden: a shovel, a rake, a watering can.
Activate the vocabulary of children: dig, loosen, plant, water.

15. Watching the sun.

Target: To form the concept that the sun heats more and more, it becomes warm, hot. Plants are growing well. In the shade, where there is no sun, it is cooler there.

The sun shines in the window
Looks into our room
We clap our hands
Very happy with the sun.

16. Watching dandelions.

Target: Admire the abundant flowering of dandelions in the areas, sites. Dandelions have a stem, leaves, and a flower. The stem is brittle and breaks easily. The flower of the dandelion is yellow, it smells very fragrant, offer to smell it. Pay attention that some dandelions have already faded and they have fluff - seeds. You can blow on a white dandelion and the seeds will scatter in different directions.
Wearing a dandelion
yellow sundress,
Grow up, dress up
In a white dress.
light, airy,
Obedient to the wind.

17. Observation and examination of butterflies and beetles.

Target: To teach children to distinguish butterflies from beetles, to see characteristics insects: Butterflies have bright, large wings, antennae. Beetles have hard, rigid wings. Beetles fly, buzz. Cultivate respect for nature.
Beetle, beetle, show yourself
Where are you hiding, tell me
Zhu-zhu-zhu-zhu, I'm sitting on a tree.
Beetle, beetle appear
Circle up to me.
Zhu-zhu-zhu-zhu, I fly and buzz.
Butterfly, let's be friends
It's more fun to live in friendship.
We have flowers in the garden
Fly over them.

18. Watching the sand. Games and experimentation with sand.

Target: Continue to acquaint children with the properties of sand. Dry sand crumbles, wet sand can be molded into cakes.
I bake, I bake, I bake
All the kids have a pie,
And for the dear mother,
Bake two gingerbread
Eat, eat, mommy,
Delicious two gingerbread…

19. Target walk to the garden.

Target: To form the concept that trees, vegetables, flowers are planted in the garden in the spring. The earth is loosened, dug, beds are made and seeds are planted in the garden. Consider beds. Activate children's vocabulary: dig, garden, seeds, vegetables. Raise interest in work and the desire to take part in it.

20. Observation of planting onions.

Target: Raise the desire to grow plants in the garden. To form the concept that vegetables, seeds are planted in the ground; They make grooves and fill them with earth and pour water from a watering can. Show the children how to plant an onion.

21. Watching the wind. Games with sultans.
Purpose: To continue to acquaint with the natural phenomenon - the wind. Activate the speech of children - wind, breeze, windmill, blowing, shaking.
The wind drives the clouds across the sky. The wind is blowing, the trees are swaying. Sultans rustle.
Wind, breeze, breeze
What are you scouring the world for?
Better turn less
Or sweep the streets.
22. Observation by pigeons and sparrows.
Purpose: To continue to form the ability to distinguish between birds in appearance (pigeon, sparrow). Learn to notice how they move: walk, jump, fly, peck food, drink water from a puddle. Cultivate an interest in the natural world.
Inform the children that in spring the birds begin to chirp loudly, coo, sing their songs. Birds make nests, they will bring out small chicks there.
Among the doves
Jumping nimble sparrow.
Sparrow bird
Gray shirt.
Respond, sparrow
Fly out, don't be shy.


Walk 1

Observation behind the snow - continue to acquaint children with natural phenomena - snow. What was the snow like? Why are the tracks slippery? How should you walk on the paths? To form elementary ideas about weather changes.

mobile game"Hares and the Wolf" - exercise in jumping in place and moving forward.

Didactic game"One - many" - to learn to distinguish between the number of objects.

Work. Cleaning buildings from snow - involve in the execution of assignments.

Individual work. Game exercise "Find the doll Katya" - exercise in orientation in space.

Walk 2

Observation behind the sky - to learn to distinguish the states of the sky: cloudy, clear.

mobile game"The white bunny washes" - to teach children to listen to the text and perform movements in accordance with the content.

Didactic game“Compare ice by size” - learn to determine the size of objects (large - small).

Work. We collect ice in a bucket - to teach how to perform simple tasks.

Walk 3

Observation behind the snow. Experimentation: “Snow melts on the palm of your hand” - continue to consolidate ideas about the properties of snow.

mobile game"Catch up with me" - exercise in running in a certain direction.

Didactic game"Determine the color of clothes" - learn to distinguish between primary colors.

Work. We will clear the benches of snow - the execution of instructions.

Individual work.

Walk 4

Observation behind the wind - to involve children in observing natural phenomena, to diversify the playing activities of children with the help of games with sultans.

mobile game"The most accurate" - exercise in throwing snowballs at the target.

Didactic game with colored icicles: “Spread the icicles by color” - consolidate the knowledge of the primary colors.

Work."Let's sweep the path" - involve in the execution of assignments.

Individual work. Jumping on two legs.

Walk 5

Observation for transport - fix the name of the parts of the car (body, cab, wheels, steering wheel).

Mobile game " We are drivers” - to learn to navigate the terrain.

Didactic game"Guess the description" - learn to guess the description of a pet.

Work. Construction of a road from snow - to learn to work together, to help each other.

Individual work. Throwing snowballs at a distance.

Walk 6

Observation for birds - to cultivate a caring attitude towards birds.

mobile game"Crows and a dog" - learn to act on a signal, imitate the movements of birds.

Didactic game"Guess by description" - learn to guess from the description of the inhabitants of the forest.

Work. Feeding the Birds - Learn how to take care of the birds.

Individual work. Climbing on the gymnastic wall.

Walk 7

Observation"Footprints in the snow" - to develop the cognitive activity of children, to teach to determine the belonging of traces: children's, adults, birds, animals.

mobile game“Run to what I will name” - to teach to navigate in space, to remind children of the names of objects.

Didactic game"What am I doing?" - activate the use of verbs in speech.

Work. Shoveling snow with a shovel - learning to work together.

Individual work. Running in different directions.

Walk 8

Observation for the weather of the day. What changed? How did the sun shine? Draw the attention of children to the appearance of icicles, explain that the sun warms the snow, it melts, flows down from the roof, forming icicles. To form ideas about spring changes in nature.

mobile game"Airplanes" - exercise in performing actions on a signal.

Didactic game"Small and large icicles" - learn to distinguish objects by size.

Work Clearing snow around buildings - to attach to joint work.

Individual work. Remember the poem "Mother's Day".

Walk 9

Observation the janitor's difficulty is to continue to acquaint adults with labor, to arouse a desire to help.

Work. Helping the janitor in clearing the area of ​​snow is to cultivate a desire to work.

mobile game"Birds, time! Birds, two! - to exercise children in performing movements, to teach counting.

Didactic exercise"Who's doing what?" - clarify children's ideas about the work of adults.

Individual work. Composition of the story "How we helped the janitor"

Walk 10

Observation for transport - to acquaint children with the vehicles of the immediate environment.

mobile game“Sparrows and a car” - exercise in the ability to run in different directions without bumping into each other, in the ability to start moving and change it on a signal, to find your place.

Didactic game“Pick scoops to buckets” - learn to determine the color of an object, find objects of the same color.

Work. Sweeping paths from snow - running errands.

Individual work. Game exercise "I'll draw in the snow ..."

Walk 11

Observation for passers-by, their clothes - activate the dictionary on the topic "Clothes".

mobile game"Ladushki - pancakes" - teach children to clap their hands in different ways; count "one-two".

Didactic game"Spread the flags by color" - learn to distinguish colors.

Work.“Let's collect the snow in a heap and build a slide for Katya's doll” - to interest children in the performance of labor assignments.

Individual work.

Walk 12

Observation for the weather of the day - to draw the attention of children to puddles on the roads, drops from roofs - to form ideas about spring changes in nature.

mobile game"Airplanes" - exercise the ability to run without bumping into each other, perform movements on a signal.

Didactic game"What colour?" - to consolidate knowledge of primary colors.

Work. We carry snow in buckets to a certain place - to cultivate a desire to work together.

Individual work. Walking in a straight path.

Walk 13

Observation for transport - to form ideas about the diversity of transport.

mobile game"Cars" - learn to navigate in space, run without bumping into each other.

Didactic exercise"What color is the car?" - to consolidate the knowledge of colors.

Work. Road construction - learn to build together.

Individual work. Onomatopoeia exercise "How does the car honk?"

Walk 14

Observation behind the wind, games with turntables - to acquaint in the process of games with an accessible natural phenomenon - the wind.

mobile game"Legs" - to learn to act according to the text.

Didactic game“Guess who called” - develop auditory attention.

Work. Feeding the birds - continue to nurture the desire to care for the birds.

Individual work. Finger gymnastics "Castle"

Walk 15

Observation"The sun warms" - to give children the first idea of ​​spring.

mobile game"Mice lead a round dance" - exercise in performing movements.

Didactic game“Light - heavy” - learn to determine with closed eyes how much snow is in a bucket.

Work. Clearing the path from snow - arouse the desire to work with the teacher.

Individual work.


Walk 1

Observation"Water all around" - show children a variety of actions with melted snow.

mobile game"Through the stream" - to develop dexterity, a sense of balance, an eye.

Didactic game"Small and large streams" - learn to distinguish streams by size.

Work. We collect twigs - to cultivate the desire to fulfill orders. We let the branches float on the water, we observe whether they sink or swim.

Individual work. Finger gymnastics "House".

Walk 2

Observation for buds on trees - to involve children in observing wildlife, to cultivate a caring attitude towards trees.

mobile game"Engine" - to learn to move at a different pace, change direction, convey the characteristic movements of animals, birds; practice pronunciation of sounds.

Didactic game"Guess what to do" - to develop the ability to switch auditory attention, the ability to correlate your actions with the sound of a tambourine.

Work. Let's sweep in the gazebo - the implementation of the simplest assignments.

Individual work. Repeat the nursery rhyme "Egor's Hare"

Walk 3

Observation at the work of a janitor - to cultivate interest in the work of adults, to intensify the use of verbs in speech.

mobile game"Across the stream" - jumping on two legs.

Didactic game"Vegetable shop" - learn to name vegetables correctly.

Work. Let's remove the branches on the site - to support the desire to help adults.

Individual work. Remember the nursery rhyme "The cat went to the market."

Walk 4

Observation behind the wind - to involve children in observing the available natural phenomena, to promote the development of play activities, physical activity through games with sultans.

mobile game"A gray bunny is sitting" - learn to perform movements in accordance with the text.

Didactic game"One - many" - to consolidate the ability to distinguish between the number of objects.

Work. Let's sweep in the gazebo - to involve in the execution of labor assignments.

Individual work."Catch the ball" - exercise in catching the ball.

Walk 5

Observation behind the plane in the sky - to form an interest in the world around us, to tell children about the profession of a pilot.

mobile game"Airplanes" - exercise in performing movements on a signal.

Didactic game"Who and where?" - learn to navigate in space, improve understanding of adult speech.

Work. We help the janitor - to cultivate a desire to help adults.

Individual work. Jumping over the line.

Walk 6

Observation behind the rain - to form elementary ideas about spring changes in nature, to acquaint with accessible natural phenomena.

mobile game"Bubble" - to learn to perform movements in accordance with the text, to consolidate the ability to stand in a circle.

Didactic game"Big and small" - to form the ability to distinguish objects by size.

Work. Sweep in the gazebo - to cultivate the desire to maintain cleanliness in the gazebo.

Individual work. Repeat the nursery rhyme "A fox with a box ran through the forest."

Walk 7

Observation for the weather - to form ideas about spring changes in nature, to cultivate interest in the environment.

mobile game"Shaggy dog" - learn to act on a signal, run in different directions without bumping into each other.

Didactic game"Long and short sticks" - learn to distinguish sticks by length.

Work. Let's collect the sticks - the execution of instructions.

Individual work. Finger gymnastics "Finger - boy."

Walk 8

Observation behind the wind - to form an interest in observing natural phenomena.

mobile game“Legs - legs” - learn to act according to the text.

Didactic game"Large and small buckets" - learn to distinguish the size of objects.

Work. Feeding the birds - to maintain the desire to take care of the birds.

Individual work. Repeat A. Brodsky's poem "Sunny Bunnies"

Walk 9

Observation behind the melting snow - to involve children in observing accessible natural phenomena, to develop thinking, speech.

mobile game"At the bear in the forest" - to develop interest in Russian folk games, to learn to act on a signal.

Didactic game“On our site” - to learn to navigate the kindergarten site, to name correctly familiar objects.

Work. Sweep the central path - involve in the execution of assignments.

Individual work. Repeat the nursery rhyme "Big feet walked along the road."

Walk 10

Observation for birds - to draw the attention of children to the change in the behavior of birds: they chirp happily, fly in a flock, bask in the sun - to form an interest in bird watching, to note the changes taking place in nature associated with spring.

mobile game"Birds in nests" - teaches you to run in different directions, run away to nests on a signal.

Didactic game"Learn by touch" - learn to identify objects by touch, develop tactile sensations, speech.

Work. Collection of twigs - to involve children in joint work.

Individual work. " Catch - throw "- develop the ability to throw and catch the ball.

Walk 11

Observation beyond the streams - to involve in observations of natural phenomena, to develop the game activity of children through games with boats.

mobile game"Catch up with me" - learn to run in a certain direction.

Didactic game“Sinking does not sink” - introduce the properties of objects, develop speech.

Work. We collect pebbles on the site - to involve in the execution of instructions.

Individual work. Repeat the poem "Ship" by A. Barto.

Walk 12

Observation behind the puddles. Compare where there are more puddles - on asphalt or on the ground. Involve children in observing natural phenomena, develop speech, thinking.

mobile game"Crows and a dog" - learn to imitate the movements and voices of birds, exercise in running on a signal.

Didactic game"Learn by sound" - develop auditory attention.

Work. Feeding the birds - to keep the children willing to take care of the birds.

Individual work. Throwing at a target.

Walk 13

Observation for the first weed - to form ideas about spring, to develop interest in the world around us.

mobile game"Cat and Mice" - continue to involve children in round dance games, develop the ability to listen to the teacher.

Didactic game“Bring the same item” - to teach to find among the proposed items the same one that the teacher showed.

Work. Let's sweep the central path - to bring up the desire to maintain order in the territory of the kindergarten.

Individual work. Game exercise "On a narrow path."

Walk 14

Observation behind the sky - to cultivate the desire to admire the beauty of the sky.

mobile game"Shaggy dog" - learn to run in different directions without bumping into each other.

Didactic game"Pick by color" - learn to distinguish between primary colors, select objects by color.

Work. We collect twigs - to involve in joint work.

Individual work. Jumping forward.

Walk 15

Observation behind the kidneys - to form elementary ideas about spring changes in nature, to teach to take care of the plant world.

mobile game"One, two, three - catch!" - learn to run at the signal of the teacher.

Didactic game"Fox, dance!" - to learn to distinguish by ear the sound of musical instruments.

Work. We are building a house for a doll - to involve in joint construction.

Individual work. Practice catching and throwing the ball.


Walk 1

Observation behind the sun: it shines brightly, warms, grass grows from this, birds rejoice, buds bloom - to evoke a joyful spring mood, to form ideas about spring signs.

mobile game"Sun and rain" - learn to act on a signal.

Didactic game“Heat - cold” - develop tactile sensations, show that objects are cold in the shade, and warm in the sun.

Work. Sweep in the gazebo - support the desire to work.

Individual work. Throwing the ball for a distance.

Walk 2

Observation behind the trees - draw the attention of children to the blossoming buds, cultivate a caring attitude towards the trees.

mobile game"Legs" - to learn to act according to the text of the poem.

Didactic game“Cow, give me milk” - to improve the intonational expressiveness of speech.

Work. Let's mark the sides of the sandbox - the execution of instructions.

Individual work. Learn to answer the questions: “Who? What? What is he doing?"

Walk 3

Observation for sparrows: warming themselves, chirping merrily, swimming in a puddle - attract to bird watching.

mobile game"Get the ball" - exercise in jumping.

Didactic game"Vegetable shop" - learn to distinguish vegetables, name them correctly.

Work. Loosening the soil in a flower bed - to involve in labor.

Individual work. Climbing on the gymnastic wall.

Walk 4

Observation behind the birch - the trunk is white, warm, smooth, long catkins have grown, tiny leaves - to cultivate a caring attitude towards trees, to develop the ability to admire the beauty of nature.

mobile game"Bubble" - to exercise children in the ability to stand in a circle, act according to the text.

Didactic game"Who and where?" - improve the understanding of adult speech, learn to navigate in space.

Work. Let's sweep in the gazebo - to cultivate the desire to work.

Individual work. Rolling the ball into the goal.

Walk 4

Observation behind the clouds: which clouds: big or small? what colour? what do they look like? - develop speech, thinking, imagination.

mobile game"Hares and the wolf" - exercise in jumping forward.

Didactic game“Pick up a ribbon for dolls” - learn to determine the length of the ribbon: long, short.

Work. Collecting toys after a walk is to involve in joint work.

Individual work. Game exercise "Jump up to the ball."

Walk 5

Observation for dandelions - to cultivate interest in the world around us, respect for flowers.