Why the kitten does not allow itself to be stroked. Why does a cat bite when you stroke it: the reasons for this animal behavior. How to stop a cat from biting?

Cat owners know firsthand how quickly the behavior and mood of their beloved pet can change. An affectionate and gentle cat can rub its head against a person’s hand, purr and show its positive attitude in every possible way, but after a minute a good-natured animal can turn into a real predator that attacks its owner for no reason. Most people wonder why a cat bites when you stroke it, and there are many reasons for this behavior, each of which has its own explanation.

Main reasons

The aggression that a pet shows in response to the caress of the owner is not something wrong or unnatural. Of course, it is difficult for a person to understand why a beloved cat bites painfully when you caress and stroke it, but from the point of view of feline psychology, such behavior is considered absolutely normal. There are many reasons why a cat begins to bite a person in response to his strokes:

  1. Lack of socialization. If a cat has lived on the street for a long time and has not been in contact with people, she simply does not know how to react to their touch. An animal that is not accustomed to human hands rarely allows itself to be stroked. In most cases, unsocialized cats begin to resist and show aggression if they are tried to be touched, picked up or simply petted.
  2. Pain and feeling unwell. If the owner strokes his pet on the back, stomach, head or other parts of the body, and the cat begins to bite, startle and behave inappropriately, it may be experiencing severe pain in those places that the person touches. To confirm or refute this version, you need to wait until the pet calms down completely and try to stroke it again in the same place. If the reaction is the same, the animal must be shown to the veterinarian.
  3. Unpleasant sensations. If you stroke a cat for a long time in the same place, she will quickly get tired of such an action, and stroking will become unpleasant. To show its negative reaction, the animal will begin to scratch and bite the person.
  4. Pregnancy. Due to a heightened sense of fear for her future offspring, a pregnant female may not allow the owner to touch her. If the pet seems to be in danger, she will attack the “offender” (human, cat, dog, etc.) first without hesitation.
  5. Confusion after waking up. During prolonged strokes, the cat can fall asleep soundly (sometimes felines fall asleep even with their eyes open). If a relaxed animal suddenly wakes up, it may seem to him that he is being attacked. To protect itself, the pussy may grab onto a person's hand and bite them painfully.
  6. Striving for independence. Proud and independent cat always tries to control the events. If it suddenly seems to her that the owner, who stroked her fur for a long time, began to dominate her, she can attack a person in order to restore her leading position.
  7. Hidden resentment. Some cats can’t forget for a long time how the owner scolded or punished them for some kind of misconduct. In retaliation, the animal will show aggression even to gentle touches from a person.
  8. Reaction to foreign smells. If the owner recently stroked another animal, and then decided to caress his cat, she is very likely to react negatively to someone else's smell, which remained on the person's hands. The same reaction in a pet can occur if the owner's palms smell of perfumes, spices and other harsh and unpleasant aromas for the cat.

How to recognize aggression?

To protect yourself from a sudden attack by your beloved pet, a person must be able to recognize the slightest changes in the behavior of a cat. The fact that the animal is about to attack the owner and hurt him is evidenced by the following signs:

  • the cat sharply tenses up and freezes in one position, while it stops purring;
  • the animal begins to turn its head and look in different sides;
  • the pet presses its ears and vigorously waves its tail;
  • the pupils of the cat begin to dilate, and the hair on the back twitches nervously;
  • the animal may begin to growl.

What to do?

If the owner feels that the cat is not in the mood and starts to show aggression any minute, he needs to protect himself. To do this, a person needs to immediately stop stroking the cat and, if possible, move away from her at a distance. Such actions will help prevent an attack and avoid scratches and bites on the body.

Many people are interested in the question of how to quickly wean a cat from biting when petting it. Experienced cat breeders advise to do in the following way:

  • in no case should you punish, scream or beat the cat, she will definitely remember the actions of the owner and, if possible, bite him even more;
  • when the pet starts to get angry, you need to wag your finger at her, strictly say “No!” or hiss at her (hissing will help cool the ardor of an excited pet);
  • the cat can be taken by the scruff of the neck and gently lifted, such an action will not cause pain to the animal, but will make you remember the cat-mother, who brings up little kittens in this way;
  • if a person noticed that the attack is already close, he can switch the attention of the animal to something pleasant: a toy, a treat, etc.;
  • in order to prevent possible attacks, the owner must stroke the cat in a dosed manner - no longer than 2-3 minutes and only in those places where the animal allows;
  • before raising a cat, a person must make sure that his pet has no health problems; for this, the animal must be taken for a preventive examination to a veterinary clinic;
  • if the cat has a freedom-loving character, does not tolerate any tenderness and does not allow to be touched at all, it is better to leave the pet alone and once again not try to caress it.


Having found out why and why a cute and pleasant-looking cat bites hard when you stroke it, the owner must take measures to correct the behavior of the pet. Trying to re-educate a fluffy pet, a person should not raise his voice and resort to physical punishment. Patience, care and love - this is what will help change the cat's reaction to the gentle touch of the owner.

As a rule, cats are very fond of when the owner shows affection. However, there are also such pets that react to the manifestation of tenderness and care by snorting and fighting. Why does a cat bite when you stroke it, and what should an owner do who has recently avoided contact with a pet?

The very first reaction of a person is bewilderment. It is unlikely that anyone deserves bites and torn skin in response to a gentle touch. How can this behavior be explained? Many owners are in a hurry to take the cat to the veterinarian and suspect that the pet could have contracted rabies - for example, while walking from stray animals. However, often the origins of the problem are rooted in the peculiarities of the psyche of our smaller brothers. Before making a diagnosis, you need to figure out why the cat bites when you stroke it, and only after that proceed with decisive action.

Aggression for no reason: why we get it

Nothing foreshadowed: you peacefully played with the animal or just sat next to it, running your palm over the pet's fur. All that happened after that was a surprise attack, bites and scratches. The owner was shocked, and the "wild beast" fled the scene of the crime. How to recognize a threat and prevent a fight, and most importantly, understand why you became a victim?

Experienced owners know that nothing happens “just like that”, and there is a reason for your cat's misbehavior too. True, it is very difficult to fully understand what causes outbreaks of uncontrolled aggression in animals. There are several theories that explain the hostility that pets show so violently towards their owner. And here are just a few of them.

Incorrect socialization: problems in education

Cats should be tamed from an early age. It is even better if you are with the kittens from birth, taking responsibility for the growing animals. Why is it so important?

  • Experts say: babies who have been in regular contact with a person up to 7 weeks of age are more trusting and more willing to participate in games and go to the hands of the owner than strays who do not receive their portion of care and love.
  • Attention from the owner is a guarantee right upbringing. By studying the behavior of a cat day by day, you will learn to distinguish features that are invisible to others and prevent brewing "conflicts".

However, such a theory does not explain why animals that have lived side by side with humans all their lives suddenly become completely uncontrollable.

Low threshold of sensitivity: keep your distance

There is a limit to all patience - this truth also applies to pets. The best is the enemy of the good: if you decide to show your love, make sure that your hugs and strokes are not intrusive and end as soon as the cat shows displeasure.

How does the animal react to excessive affection? As a rule, it begins with light bites, as if to say: "Now that's enough." Imagine yourself in the place of the purr: if you are long and persistently stroked on the back or arm, in the end, it will begin to cause discomfort, not pleasure.

So what should you do if your cat bites when petted? The first rule is: let the animal go and give it a break from your company.

You can also:

  • distract the attention of the pet with a toy;
  • purchase a special spray or catnip;
  • ignore the animal if it tries to attack you again and again.

Painful Discharges

Another theory is related to the opinion of veterinarians, who believe that constant touching causes real pain and irritation in cats. It turns out that it's all about static electricity generated when a person's hand touches the pet's smooth fur.

Also cause discomfort there may be sores or irritations in the place you touch. If the animal is sick, it is better to leave it alone - not all individuals equally calmly endure contact with the owner and the persistent desire to caress the pet.

Aggression through sleep

If the cat falls asleep in your arms, try not to make sudden movements. Otherwise, the pet will not understand what happened and may bite you painfully, frightened by your touch and instinctively protecting itself.

Also, this behavior of a pet can be explained by an attempt to control the situation - this is how your pet is trying to tell you: "I decide when I can be petted and when not." At the same time, his position is dominant. That is why it is important to accustom a cat or a cat to a different state of affairs, because you should be the master of the house, and not a capricious beast.

How to wean a cat or a cat from biting and scratching: trying to understand the "body language"

The threat came from where it was not expected, and your mood immediately deteriorated? Do not be discouraged - next time you can prevent an attack simply by watching the behavior of the pet.

  • First, you stroke the animal, and he likes everything: a purr is heard in response.
  • After the cat's body becomes tense. Often the animal shows discontent by moving its ears.
  • This behavior is perceived by most owners as a signal for more active action: trying to calm the cat, they begin to stroke it even harder and harder. As soon as the touch of the owner's hand becomes unbearable, the pupils of the animal expand, the animal bites its "tormentor" by the fingers, breaks out and quickly runs away.

Having scratched a person, the cat seeks shelter to protect itself from punishment. What to do so that such a scenario does not repeat itself, and your pet does not cause aggression of the pet?

The owner of the animal must remember: the bad behavior of a four-legged friend is easy to avoid if you monitor the condition of the cat and do not do anything that he may not like. For example, when playing with a fluffy, you should not tease him by offering your fingers as a familiar rubber mouse or ball. So you only provoke the animal and, gaping, become its prey.

After caressing your pet, do not forget to stop in time. Do not force the animal to go into your arms if it does not want to - the result of such "coercion" will only be bites and a spoiled mood.

What to do if the cat bites and scratches when petting it

  • You still got it, and the animal squeezes your hand more and more? Try not to pull it away: as soon as you start to break free, your cat will feel like a real hunter and will begin to "catch" prey with even greater enthusiasm.
  • Try to play "giveaway" - move the hand clamped in the mouth towards the tailed offender. This may cause the beast to be puzzled and make him let you go.
  • You can scream to show the cat that you are in pain, and then ignore the aggressive pet - as a rule, this behavior of the owner quickly lets the animal know that the games are over.

  • If your pet can't stop and attacks again and again, use a water spray bottle. Another option is catnip or pheromones, which have a calming effect on a fluffy fidget.

A biting kitten can be easily clicked on the nose. It is forbidden to hit an animal, no matter how much it hurts you.

  • A loud bang or other sound can also help, which will distract the pet's attention, make him scared and leave his attempts at dominance until better times.

Remember: no cat will attack without a reason. Do not irritate the animal and bring it up on time - then there will be no problems associated with its aggressive behavior.

Every happy owner of fluffy, but very independent happiness in the house, at least once but faced with cat's teeth instead of purring and satisfaction. To prevent possible aggression in the process of communication, it is necessary to consider why the cat bites when you stroke it and what to do so as not to become an object of attack in the future.

Reasons for biting and scratching

First you need to decide on the terminology, and only then figure out what to do if the cat bites. Cats bite when petted in different ways:

  • soft, gentle biting that does not cause harm or obvious discomfort, without the participation of the claws, is rare. Usually cats communicate with their kittens in this way. If your hand has become an object, then you are admitted into the holy of holies and accepted not only into the family, but deep in your heart;
  • aggression on the part of the cat, when he tries to attack, scratch, becomes uncontrollable, makes you think about possible problems. Especially if it happens right after the normal and habitual life situation. But the cat was lying, and you were stroking him, and then suddenly the disposition changed and he turned into a real little devil: he began to bite and scratch.

Then it is really important to understand why the cat bites so that the unpleasant situation does not happen again in the future.

It is clear that a cat bites and scratches if something does not suit her. But how can this happen when you pet her? After all, this happens to mutual pleasure and even with obvious sound accompaniment in the form of contented purring. In fact, not everything is so simple:

  1. If you have an aggressive cat, he may have socialization issues. Ideally, kittens are actively educated and taught to hands and attention by breeders. It is especially important to develop trust in a person before 7 weeks of age. If the cat has not received the basics of good manners, he does not always adequately perceive affection. Sometimes it attacks when petted.
  2. Instead of pleasure, the cat experiences pain. Pets cannot say that they have joint problems, a twisting stomach or an injury to the skin. If the situation repeats every time, and other reasons are excluded, then it makes sense to show the pet to the veterinarian, who will tell you why the cat is biting.
  3. Discharge of static electricity. This often happens when synthetics are worn in close proximity or on you. It is hardly pleasant for a cat to receive an electric shock.
  4. Excessive attention. There are hypersocial breeds of cats that are in dire need of being near the owner 24 hours a day, for example, Orientals. However, not everyone likes obsessive attention. There are more independent individualists who decide for themselves when they need communication and begin to bite and scratch when your attention is not to their liking.
  5. The cat may attack if it suddenly fell asleep while you stroked it. A careless movement, a change in rhythm or the force of pressure will, of course, wake her up. Frightened, the pet may well attack and even bite. Most often this happens with insufficiently socialized cats.
  6. The manifestation of dominant behavior. Simply put, with its aggression, a cat or a cat shows who is the boss in the house. He tries to independently control the situation when he needs to be stroked, and when it is better not to touch him. Although, this is also the cost of education. A smart animal must understand that you can’t touch the owner, especially bite and scratch.

It is much worse if the cat bites on the legs, pounces on the sly with obvious aggression. He does not play, but tries to attack and inflict injuries. Then the reasons for such behavior can lie much deeper and they need to be solved with specialists. In addition to veterinarians, there are feline psychologists who, after observing the animal and talking with the owner, will quickly determine solutions. Among the causes are often hormonal disorders, constant stressors, resentment at the behavior of the owner and an attempt to take revenge.

Ways to get rid of the cat's aggressive reaction to affection

If the cat became aggressive at the very moment when you pet him, first you need to exclude the possibility of pain. Take your pet to the vet for a checkup. Perhaps the cat has arthritis or hidden injuries that you injure every time you pass your hand. The veterinarian will prescribe a course of treatment and the socialized animal will return to normal behavior on its own when the problem is resolved.

Otherwise, the solution to the problem of what to do if cats bite lies in the plane of consistent behavior adjustment. Not only a pet, but also your own:

  1. Track when the cat starts biting and scratching. This is easy enough to do. Usually the cat will stop purring, tense up and dilate the pupils before attacking. Sometimes threateningly presses his ears to his head. If you remove your hand at the first sign, the conflict of interest will be exhausted by itself.
  2. Do not play with the cat with your hands. Use special toys, balls. Mice, feathers or pompoms on a string are a great entertainment option. Cats are predators. Biting and scratching is as natural to them as eating or sleeping. Natural instincts require imitation of hunting: there will be no toys, you will be the object of increased interest. If, after playing, the cat regularly injures you, it is no longer possible for her to explain why this should not be done in the future.
  3. It is necessary to clearly prioritize and show the cat that you can’t bite your hands. This is done gently and persistently. It is not recommended to use force or raise your voice. Hands should not be withdrawn immediately, this can cause an additional wave of aggression. First you need to freeze. Wait until the cat calms down and move towards it. Some breeders recommend making hissing sounds when doing this. Most likely, the cat will hurry to leave.

Remember: all cats are different. Listen to your pet's preferences. Someone loves to be scratched behind the ear, others respond with a satisfied purr only to stroking the head and back.

The most vulnerable part of the body in cats is the stomach and tail, which they diligently protect from everyone. Only with complete trust will the cat allow you to scratch his belly, and then, for a very short time. Do not abuse trust and do not impose your attention.

Do not start the situation and take action immediately, at the slightest unmotivated manifestation of aggression. If you miss the moment, it is very difficult to re-educate a cat.

Raising an adequate cat begins from childhood. Priorities and allowable limits for games that are laid down in early age, an animal with a normal psyche will observe all his life. If a cat has become aggressive already at a conscious age, then the reasons must be sought in oneself. Perhaps you inadvertently offended or hurt. A vindictive or vindictive cat will not fail to remind you of this.

Tranquility in the house is constant work and mutual respect. Do not think that this rule applies only to people. Cats are the same full-fledged members of the family and they will fiercely defend their rights if they don’t like something. It is important at the very beginning to lay down uniform rules of conduct that are mandatory for all households, then there will be no place for aggression in life.

In this article, I will explain the 4 main reasons why cats bite us and how to stop this behavior.

4 main reasons why cats bite:

They are hurt or in pain(most obvious reason)

If your cat suddenly shows aggression that wasn't there before, it could be an indication that she's injured or sick. Take your cat to the vet as soon as possible.


A frightened cat can become aggressive. Your cat is trying to protect itself, not intentionally trying to harm a person. Once you eliminate the cause of the fear, your cat should calm down and return to normal.

Redirected aggression

Some cats get excited when they see or smell someone else's cat close to the apartment or house where they live. They automatically trigger the territorial instinct - to attack. But since the cat cannot attack the one who encroaches on its territory, the attack is redirected to the nearest available target, that is, to you.

Remember, this is not because the cat wants to harm you, it's just that the reaction works automatically, and the attack (in accordance with the program laid down by nature in the cat's brain) must have a specific goal.

The best way to solve this problem is to find the cause and eliminate it. If your cat constantly reacts this way to street cats, simply block her view by closing curtains or curtains, or keep your cat away from a window where she can see annoying animals.

You can also purchase a special spray that smells like "friendly" cat pheromones and is wonderfully soothing to an agitated and stressed cat.

Biting while playing

Step 1:

What you should do first is to teach your cat to play only with toys and not with your hands and feet. If you have a kitten never do not use your hands or feet to play with it - use only special toys for this, so the kitten will never think that the hand is a good object for biting.

Also, and this is very important, you need to make sure that no one else is playing with your cat using their fingers. (This is very common, I know that most people like to tease a kitten by wiggling their fingers in front of their nose. Never let anyone do this because it teaches your cat that fingers are also a toy.) Strictly adhere to the rule:

When playing with a cat, always use a special fishing rod toy and keep your fingers away from the animal. By using toys, you stimulate and satisfy the cat's innate hunting instinct.

Also, it completely destroys the association in the cat's brain between your hands and the game.

Stimulate your cat's hunting instinct by quickly moving the toy across the floor, hiding it behind corners, boxes, etc.

Let the cat chase the toy, and when the animal begins to move more slowly and show fatigue, let the cat win the final victory and catch the prey.

Then give the kitten a protein-rich treat (following this plan, you satisfy the natural feline instincts: hunt - the process of play, eat - a treat after play, grooming and sleeping).

Step 2:

If a cat has bitten you, freeze immediately, do not remove your hand, because. this behavior is typical of prey that is trying to break free and run away, and a reflex response is turned on in the cat's brain that it is necessary to bite even harder.

To force the cat to loosen its grip, you must move your hand in the opposite direction - towards the mouth. Since the game never moves towards the predator, this causes confusion in the cat and causes her to let go of your hand.

Step 3:

Now you have to teach your cat that biting people is not a fun game at all.

This will require advance preparation.

Find something that makes a very loud sound that you can keep to yourself. I use an aluminum can filled with pebbles or metal coins (cover the hole with tape).

Another effective option is a sharp tap with a slipper on the wall.

Finally, you can just shout out loud "Ay!" the second a cat bites you (it should sound natural).

You can try to make the sound that small kittens or puppies make when bitten by their littermates. The louder and more plaintively your exclamation sounds, the better.

Step 4:

The next time you plan to pet your cat (or do something that usually provokes biting), be prepared.

Watch the kitten, and as soon as it approaches to bite you (or bites), shake the jar as hard as you can (or scream if you prefer).

The goal is to create an association in the cat between biting you and a loud frightening sound.

The noise will frighten the kitten, interrupt the biting and create a negative motivation for this behavior.

Your cat loves you and doesn't want to hurt you, and she doesn't like scary harsh noises at all.

Sooner or later, the cat will realize that it is the biting that causes the loud scary sound, and the bad behavior will stop.

Hello my dear cat lovers!

I am very glad to see you visiting my site. And as you probably already understood, today we will talk about one biting topic. Anyone who wants to live in harmony with a cat and have beautiful well-groomed hands, I advise you to urgently read the following information in full!

Part one. Why does a cat bite?

"Why does a cat bite?" - this question is asked by many owners of young or even some mature cats.

I will tell you right away that kittens love to bite, because this is a normal “game technique” for them. Children are often the victims of their "terrible fangs", as children love to play with any pets, and especially kittens, and bring the latter to the "boiling stage".

But there are also cases when adult cats and cats bite. And here we are not talking about games.

Part two. What to do, if cat bites?

First, you must understand for yourself that cats are freedom-loving animals that do not like when their personal space is violated.

Explain this to your children. And teach them to behave properly with the "kitty". Explain to your precious child that if a cat or a cat in every possible way shows by its appearance that they do not want to play or that they do not need petting right now, but they need peace and quiet, then you should not bring your “fluffy treasures” to such a state when they are forced will start to defend themselves and bite.

Yes, my dear, we cats are not very eloquent creatures, so it is easier for us to bite than to explain something.

Secondly, a cat may also bite because you hurt her, for example, stepped on her paw or pulled her tail. And there is nothing strange in this, since, fortunately, almost all creatures have an instinct for self-preservation.

Thirdly, thus, aggression is usually shown by cats and kittens, which were taken away from their mother early and they did not learn the correct cat behavior.

If your kitten often bites, then urgently take up his upbringing, otherwise he will grow up and become a "toothy and biting terrorist." Kittens, cats and cats should definitely know who is the boss in the house.

Reception number 1.

When a kitten, cat or cat tries to bite you, instead of quickly pulling your hand back and running somewhere away from your little vampire and saber-toothed tiger, stick your hand deeper into his mouth, but don't overdo it! Be careful and careful!!! Make no mistake, any normal cat learns to wean pretty quickly from biting.

Reception number 2.

This technique is no less effective than the first, however, it is safer for your hands, so the cat can not only bite, but also bite into your hand with its claws. And the teeth and claws of kittens are very, very sharp! Wow...

Buy the most children's rubber pacifier in the pharmacy. You don’t have to tell the pharmacist that you need a baby nipple, since there probably isn’t a nipple for adults)))

When your kitten, cat or cat is about to bite you or do it to someone in your household, quickly stuff the pacifier into the cat's mouth. What will happen? At first he will clamp it with his teeth, but when he loosens his grip a little, the nipple will begin to take its former shape. All this happens absolutely unexpectedly and produces a frightening effect on cats. After several times of "close contact" with the nipple, your Fluffy or your Muska will lose interest in biting.

Dear friends, now you know why does a cat bite and what if cat bites.

Advice for those who have Small child, and who wants to have a kitten at the same time. If you want as much as possible less problems with bites and scratches, then carefully study the list of those cat breeds that were bred specifically for families with children and which almost never show aggression, having passed

I wish you beautiful and “non-biting” Purrs!

Your black cat Jose Carreras with love on la-murmur.ru!

P.S: Does your cat or cat have big teeth? Personally, I just have huge fangs, like a saber-toothed tiger, maybe a little bit smaller)))