Surname 8. Surname number

There is another type of metronymic surnames, which, being derived from female names, are nevertheless associated with the names of men, that is, when a woman is defined as someone's wife. On behalf of the husband - Christian or everyday (nickname) - the name of the wife was often formed using the suffix -iha. The wives of men who were called Boris, Semyon (Simon) , Goat or Cast iron, were known as Borisikha, Semenikha, goat and cast iron. From them were formed Borisikhin, Semenikhin, Kozelikhin and Chugunikhin. Such surnames can be defined as andrometronymic. They have been known since the 16th century; their relatively late origin is indicated by the ending -ihin without expected palatalization X>w before and. There are also andrometronymic surnames for -ishin, but they Ukrainian origin, cf. Ostapishin(from Ostapikha < Ostap < Evstafiy), Yurchyshyn(from Yurchikha < Yurko < Yuri) etc.

In exceptional cases, metronymic surnames may end in ‑s/-ev, namely: (a) when ‑s added to matronyms on -in: Katerininov; this is an example of a common ending spread ‑s surnames on -in(see p.); (b) when the end -ev added to isolated "male matronyms" on -ich: Tatyanichev.

Metronymic surnames are discussed at the end of chapters , , and .

6. Surnames and genealogy: history and legend

The history of Russian surnames can be traced only for the nobility, since only this class is evidenced by documents created before the 18th century. Specialists in Russian genealogy have done significant work in collecting, collating and analyzing names in Old Russian texts and establishing family genealogies. It should, of course, be noted that they were historians, not philologists. The results of these studies are now verified, combined and described in the remarkable book by N. F. Ikonnikov "The Russian Aristocracy" ("La Noblesse de Russie", Paris, 1958-1966).

The work of specialists in genealogy is facilitated by the existence in the Russian state in the XV-XVII centuries. localism(from the word place) - a curious system of feudal hierarchy. This term can be translated as ‘right of precedence’. The position that the Moscow boyar occupied in the service did not depend on his abilities, origin or wealth, but solely on the track record of his ancestors and relatives. This document gave them the right to occupy a position that corresponded to the position occupied by his ancestors, brothers, uncles, etc. He had the right, for example, to refuse to serve under a representative of another family whose great-uncle held a position at the same level as his own great uncle. To use this right, the boyar needed to know the exact genealogy and track record of his ancestors, at least up to the fourth or fifth generation. Therefore, genealogical information and track records were carefully preserved in each family.

Around 1555, on the basis of private genealogies, an official genealogical record of the Russian boyars was compiled, known as the Sovereign Genealogy. This book has not survived in its original form.

It is not difficult to imagine how many abuses, disputes and absurd strife the system of parochialism gave rise to. For this reason, the Zemsky Sobor in 1682 finally decided to abolish localism. Pedigrees were ordered to be destroyed, but by a lucky chance this did not happen.

As a concession, the boyars were allowed to compile their own genealogies and submit them to a special institution - a discharge order, where, after the necessary verification, they were officially registered. Genealogies were used to clarify the dates and amend the Sovereign Genealogy. A new description was compiled in 1685, but published only a century later by N. I. Novikov under the title "Velvet Book" (data from the book's binding). The nobles were always proud that their genealogy was included in the Velvet Book, although many famous and noble families who opposed the royal decree of 1682 were excluded from it.

The Velvet Book reflects genealogical predilections of the time rather than historical facts. So, the tradition of that time required that a noble Russian family could indicate the ancestor who came to Russia from a foreign country. Representative genealogy had to begin with "departure", purely Russian origin was considered humiliating. In 1624, in a conflict that arose due to the difficulties of localism, Prince Boryatinsky declared that the Naumov family was originally Russian and came from Ryazan. The Naumovs stated in response that their ancestor came from Germany. It is not surprising that in these circumstances the entire Russian nobility firmly believed in their foreign origin.

Of course, in some cases such an origin can be easily proved, especially for later times. Thus, it was established that the ancestor of M. Yu. Lermontov was a Scot named Learmonth, a mercenary of the Polish army, taken prisoner by the Russians in 1613, and then transferred to the service of the Russian Tsar. Another Scottish name, Hamilton, was changed to Gamentov, and later completely Russified, turning into Khomutov (clamp). To make the ancient origin of the family seem more reliable, the identity of the foreign ancestor was described very vaguely. Sometimes an ancestor was invented on the basis of an erroneous but always flattering etymology, in most cases in order to get rid of the transparent and often not prestigious original etymology. So, the family legend of the Bestuzhevs (whose name actually comes from a nickname in the form of an adjective cold-hearted‘shameless’), led their family from an English ancestor, a certain Gabriel Best, who, as was said, in the 16th century. entered the service of the Grand Duke of Moscow. The legend does not give meaning to the component ‑already‑. family ancestor Belavenets- this surname was formed from a typical toponymic name without a patronymic suffix - it is attributed to receiving a name in connection with the offering of a garland of flowers to them ( white crown) to the Polish king in the 16th century, and this despite the fact that the word crown not Russian, but Church Slavonic.

Surname Kozodavlev, formed by adding a noun goat and verbal root yes-(‘pressure’), is included in a group of similar surnames like Kozorezov (cut= ‘cut’), Kozolupov (loop= ‘to peel’), Kozodoev (doy= ‘to milk’). However family tradition insists on the origin of his surname from a noble Livonian ancestor, whose name was Kos von Dahlen.

Family Stremoukhovyh(from striving= ‘prick’ and ‘ear’) claims the origin of their family from a Greek named Stromatoros, who, as they say, came to serve the Grand Duke of Moscow in the 14th century.

Naryshkins, who belonged to the petty nobility, remained completely unknown until the marriage of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich to Natalya Naryshkina in 1671. For the new queen, it was necessary to find an ancient and, of course, foreign origin, and the Naryshkin family began to derive their name from the Germanic tribe narists mentioned by Tacitus ("On the Origin of the Germans", 42). Genealogists, not without reason, considered the northwestern part of Bohemia to be the homeland of the Narists, found a city in this area, as well as the capital of the empire, Eger (where the Czech city of Cheb is now), whose coat of arms was attributed to Naryshkin. Thus, the Russian family received and preserved on the coat of arms the image of a majestic eagle, covered in the lower part by a lattice, symbolizing the fact that the income of the city of Eger was once pledged by the emperor. The correct etymology of the surname remains unclear: perhaps it is just a variant of the surname Yaryshkin(from burp‘servant’), as some of the enemies of the Naryshkins already maliciously assumed in the 17th century.

The surname connects us with the world, determines our relationship with other people. The surname is something that we inherited from our ancestors, but it has a lot of meanings. At the same time, it is also a kind of transcendental program that connects us with eternity and which we are only learning to understand. P. P. Globa, during a lecture on the topic “Horoscope of the name”, suggested considering the meaning of the surname as follows:

“Our surname, indeed, is an offshoot from the family name and explains the mystery for all the descendants of the founder of the clan for several generations until the next appearance of the hero in this clan. The surname was formed by some kind of hero or anti-hero, a person who received a nickname for some merit or for something distinctive, and if so, then he was given a script. Some ancestor of Chernomyrdin had such a black myrda that it did not go unnoticed by others. This means that there was exclusivity in this myrda and, therefore, this determined the scenario for all his descendants. But on the very first ancestor, this scenario might not have manifested itself, and he gave this black myrda to all descendants. And there already, regardless of whether he knew about it or not, the image of this black myrda, the first ancestor of the entire Chernomyrdin family, determines the main key to the cosmic scenario of fate for each of them. (Globa P.P. Horoscope of the name: Magic of the name, magic square. Your secret name. Your name for every year. Transcript of lectures. Kishinev, 1999. p. 9.)

An example of calculating the number of a surname is given in the article " The relationship of letters and numbers in numerology".

Consider the meaning of the secret numerical code of the surname.

Surname number: interpretation of values

The unit as a surname code indicates that a person cannot do much alone. Such people have to find their "half" in order to gain integrity. For them, the family means a lot, and the partner must be a congenial person. A marriage based on blind passion can be a disaster for such a person. In the worst case, a person will have to go through a series of divorce proceedings, as well as go through the betrayal of friends. If he learns from this sad experience the lessons he needs in life, then in the future his fate will turn out happily.

A deuce as a surname code indicates that a person is given very great independence. Independence always means both freedom of choice and full responsibility for the choice made. Everything in the life of such a person depends on him, and with each of his choices he predetermines his future fate. Self-doubt and self-doubt are his worst enemies, as his choice should only be his decision, based on his own reflections. Allowing someone to make a choice for himself, such a person breaks his own destiny.

Three as a surname code suggests serious trials in life. A person with a three gets nothing without a fight. And if he suddenly gets it, then he will not get any pleasure from it. He is a conqueror and winner who must learn to set goals correctly and find the right means to achieve these goals.

Four as a surname code at best provides protection. It all depends on what choice a person makes. The right choice gives him protection, that is, the opportunity to calmly develop and live, freely demonstrating his abilities, revealing his potential. The right choice provides the possibility of complete self-realization of the individual. Incorrect choice puts limitations in front of a person with a four in the surname code, returns him again and again to the situation in which this erroneous choice was made. As soon as he understands what his mistake was, and manages to correct it on a new turn of life, then the obstacles will be removed and he will gain protection.

Five as a surname code indicates that a person is given complete freedom. Free will means that a person can do as he pleases and do whatever he pleases. Both bad and good. At best, this secret code gives its owner the opportunity to comprehend the essence of things, directs his spiritual development. In the worst case, he can succumb to pride, consider himself the smartest and most "cool", with all the ensuing consequences. Then he will have a very painful fall from those peaks that he managed to conquer, and the new ascent will be much more difficult, there will be fewer paths on the way, but stones and thickets will come across at almost every step.

Six as a surname code speaks of protection from above, earned by one of the ancestors. It may not be clear to a person why they are lucky in life, and this luck is not personally deserved by them. As soon as he dreams about something, asks - and they immediately give him. It is very pleasant, but also dangerous. If a person gets used to the fact that everything is easy, then he risks turning into Oblomov. And then instead of self-realization, self-degradation will turn out.

Seven as a surname code gives a person the opportunity to use a wide variety of information, to put together the whole picture from several pieces of the mosaic. This is a code of reason, knowledge and improvement, but also tests associated with the "battle of minds" and the struggle of ideas. Woe from the mind is a very real and natural thing, and the fact that “many knowledge gives rise to many sorrows” can be learned by the owner of the seven in the surname code from his own experience. The seven in the code of his surname says that the mind was given to him as a way to come to faith, because only faith gives us the opportunity to use the mind for good, and not for evil.

Eight as a surname code indicates that a person must take every step in his life consciously, because not only his fate depends on his personal choice. He has the right to make mistakes, but he also has the duty to correct his mistakes, acting as " visual aid for those who trusted him. The motto of those who have a secret surname code of 8 should be a quote from " little prince”: “We are responsible for those we have tamed.” If a person tries to evade responsibility, then he encounters such unpleasant concepts as fate and fate, and not in abstract, but in their very concrete manifestations.

Nine as a surname code warns of the need to change throughout life. At best, this is the code of the sacrament of transfiguration. With this number, a person is obliged to go through the trials of "fire, water and copper pipes", which fate will provide him in abundance. He will have to endure them, purify himself and become what he was supposed to be from the very beginning, if he had not succumbed to temptations and did not make the wrong choice. If the owner of the nine in the surname code tries to evade trials, including at the cost of betrayal, at any cost, as long as everything is fine with him, then in this way he will lay a cycle of destruction in his family, which may affect not him, but his descendants.

If you changed your last name, which is especially important for women, then for calculations you should take the last name that you have now. The same rule applies to name changes. The point here is that by changing your first or last name, you change your destiny, as the numerical vibrations of your full name, which have the strongest influence on your life, change.

These are people born under a lucky number. The figure eight is an inverted symbol of infinity, and therefore guarantees its wearer a long life. The positive influence extends not only to the duration, but also to the quality of life: most of the eights are freed from material problems and literally bathe in well-being.

life path

Good luck and a measured existence are provided by the rings of Saturn, which patronizes this number. Eights don't have flashy highs and stunning lows. Their fate - it's a classic scenario successful person. At first, successful studies and excellent grades, then - a warm place in the company of parents or a position in the company of a good friend.

The higher forces have determined a special role for the eights, and therefore whose decisions and actions often depend on whose - that is life. Others are equal to such people, and carriers of a surname with a given figure must meet the expectations of others.

Family life

AT family life these people have a wonderful atmosphere: the house - full cup, beloved wife - fashion model from a glossy magazine. On their table - gourmet dishes eaten under classical music. Unfortunately, this idyll is not the merit of the eights themselves. These are gifts of higher powers, donated through close relatives or best friends.

And they know about it, and therefore they are often angry at such predestination. Change what - or they are not able to: all the accumulated anger results in petty intrigues, casual relationships with the opposite sex and quarrels with subordinates. But in the house - eights are again a role model, happy family men and hospitable hosts.

The pre-drawn line of fate makes the eights look for a way to express themselves. They dream of their own career, fame and fortune, obtained on their own. Such people are easily given the profession of a musician, designer or fashion designer. They can prove themselves in journalism, law and business.

Professions to Avoid

Work related to someone else's life should be avoided. As we have already said, the influence of eights on someone else's fate is too great. They are not recommended the profession of a medical worker, teacher or judge. The situation is similar with the construction industry, architecture and design. The cost of error in such areas is too high.

character virtues

The advantages include balance, a great sense of humor, calmness and sociability. These people skillfully maintain a conversation, notice the merits of the immediate environment and gladly give compliments.

Character flaws

Deficiencies are caused internal problems people who have an 8 in their last name. They strive for dominance, total control and management of other people's destinies. These are petty intriguers, unable to openly voice their own thoughts. But at the same time, they easily set traps for their opponents.

The history of the Mammoth surname The surname Mamontov, contrary to the first impression, has nothing to do with a prehistoric powerful animal. The origin of the surname Mamontov goes back to a very rare canonical name. As you know, after the baptism of Russia, new names appeared in the Slavic name-book, which belonged to Christian saints. They were included in the Orthodox calendar and became mandatory at baptism. Adapting to the Russian language, ...

In the heading.

The history of the surname Fadeev The surname Fadeev refers to hereditary names formed from the baptismal name. The spread of Christianity in Russia led to the emergence of new names borrowed from different languages. These names, belonging to Christian saints, were included in the Orthodox calendar and became obligatory at baptism. church name Thaddeus goes back to the Hebrew word "tadde", which means "praise", so in ancient Greek ...

In the heading.

The history of the surname The surname Filatov belongs to the type of hereditary names formed from the personal name of the ancestor. Introduction to Ancient Russia the Christian religion as the state religion, led to the appearance in the Slavic names of foreign names that were worn by Christian saints. They were included in the Orthodox calendar and became mandatory at baptism. However, new names were often difficult to pronounce, and therefore changed their ...

In the heading.

The history of the surname The surname Ignatov belongs to the type of hereditary names formed from the canonical name of the ancestor. After the baptism of Russia, foreign names appeared in the Slavic nomenclature, which were worn by Christian saints. Gradually they supplanted the ancient pagan names and became obligatory for baptism. Many of these names, adapting to the Russian language, changed their sound in colloquial speech. The origin of the name Ignatov

In the heading.

The history of the surname The surname Shubin refers to hereditary names formed from the personal nickname of the ancestor. The ancient Slavic tradition of giving nicknames continued to exist even after the adoption of Christianity. The number of baptismal names was limited, they were often repeated, so it was difficult to distinguish people by them. A huge variety of nicknames helped to understand who exactly in question. Nicknames were often recorded in documents, performing ...

In the heading.

The history of the surname The surname Pakhomov belongs to the type of hereditary names formed from the canonical name. Following the baptism of Russia, foreign names appeared in the Slavic nomenclature, which were worn by Christian saints. They were included in the Orthodox calendar and became mandatory at baptism. Many of the new names were unusual for the Slavic ear, so in colloquial speech they often changed their sound. ...

In the heading.

The history of the surname The surname Fedoseev refers to hereditary names formed on behalf of the ancestor. After the baptism of Russia, new names appeared in the Slavic nomenclature, which were worn by Christian saints. They were included in the Orthodox calendar and became mandatory at baptism. However, at first these names were unusual for the Slavic ear, so their sound changed in colloquial speech. The origin of the name Fedoseev dates back to ...

In the heading.

The history of the surname The surname Larionov refers to hereditary names formed on the basis of the canonical name. The spread of Christianity in Russia brought with it new names that Christian saints bore. These names were made mandatory at baptism, but many of them were unusual for the Slavic ear. Such names changed, adapting to the Russian language. The origin of the surname Larionov goes back to the ancient Greek name ...