Calculation of the amount of food per person in the campaign. Mountain cuisine. About the product lineup. Theory and practice

Many will say that everything that is written about the layout of products is theory. In practice, no one makes product layouts this way - too much work. Well, that's partly true, but only partly. Of course, when going for a one-day walk, you can do without any science sandwiches and hard-boiled eggs.

Even on multi-day trips of tourists - schoolchildren or adults - if you are not thinking of doing sports tourism, feel free to use a simplified, empirical way of compiling product layouts. To do this, we first write out the menu for 3-4 days in a notebook. Then we take the norms of products per person per day, and then multiply the norms by the number of participants in the campaign. These 3-4 menu options (cycle) will be repeated throughout the trip. Therefore, we calculate how many times the same menu option will be used, and determine the number of products for the entire trip. You can make a menu for 5-7 days, but there will not be much benefit from such a variety.

Of course, on a campaign it will turn out that there are a lot of some products, and not enough others, but in any case, starvation does not threaten us. We will note all the shortcomings and take into account next time. By the third - fourth trip, you will get a completely tolerable set of products. Here, for example, is the food layout (in grams), compiled from the experience of five trips with schoolchildren (mainly for November and March routes) lasting up to 12 days (The food layout was compiled by Tatyana Ivanova from Moscow school No. 677).

The calorie content of the rations is 2550 and 2800 kcal with B:W:U on average per cycle 1: 1.2: 4.8, which is acceptable. Note that neither the calorie content nor the ratio of components was specifically taken into account when compiling the layout of the products.

Rice: 60-80
Milk powder: 20
Oil: 15
Rusks: 15
Sugar: 50
Candy: 30
Bagels: 50
Buckwheat: 60-80
Meat filling: 30
Oil: 15
Rusks: 15
Sugar: 50
Candy: 30
Cookies: 50
Millet: 60-80
Milk powder: 20
Oil: 15
Rusks: 15
Sugar: 50
Candy: 30
Waffles: 50
Lunch (snack)
Smoked sausage: 60
Rusks: 15
Sherbet: 50
Dried fruits: 50
Cookies: 50
Loin: 60
Rusks: 15
Halva: 50
Dried fruits: 50
Gingerbread: 50
Salo: 50
Rusks: 15
Kozinaki: 50
Dried fruits: 50
Bagels: 50
Horns: 60-80
Meat filling: 30
Oil: 15
Rusks: 15
Tomato: 5
Sugar: 50
Vegetable soup: 60 - 80
Meat filling: 30
Rusks: 15
Cheese: 50
Sugar: 50
Rice soup: 60 - 80
Meat filling: 30
Rusks: 15
Sugar: 50
Waffles: 50
640-680 680-720 660-700

However, if tourism is not only a vacation for you, but also a way to get to know nature and yourself, the empirical approach to compiling product layouts will suit you only at first. One day, before the next, more difficult campaign, it turns out that the previous layout of products limits the group's capabilities. Then you will have to master all the intricacies of the position of supply manager. But there will be no experience in compiling food layouts in accordance with all the rules, and it is unreasonable to learn from mistakes in complex campaigns. Therefore, even novice sportsmen-tourists need to master the work of a supply manager in full from the first trip.

How to start compiling the layout of products for a camping trip.

Where to start? After all, take into account both weight and calorie content, and chemical composition products is not an easy task. First, let's take care of visibility. We will ask the leader to draw up a schedule of physical activity on the route by day. In a mountain hike, the loads are mainly determined by the altitude schedule. You also need to take into account the nature of the obstacles (the complexity of the passes), and for hiking and ski trips - the length of daytime crossings. Now, according to the load schedule, taking into account the recommendations, we will outline the calorie content of the diets for each day and, for convenience, we will build a calorie content graph.

Next, you need to draw up a menu for each day, and for this, imagine what state the group will be in and what dish can cause the greatest enthusiasm in this state. For example, after a long transition in the heat, millet porridge with bacon is unlikely to seem like a delicacy, but sour borsch with tomato, made from concentrates, will appeal to everyone. And if the group wandered for a long time in the cracks on the glacier, slowly moving forward with a small climb, or if behind a quick descent into the valley, then ordinary soup in the evening will not feed anyone, then serve buckwheat porridge with meat. And if the weather is cloudy and cool, an extra portion of fat will not hurt.

Of course, it will not be possible to foresee everything, but it is easy to adjust the menu on the route, for example, to strengthen breakfast at the expense of another day or to transfer the dinner option from one day to another. But usually the amount of adjustment is small and depends on the knowledge of the route and the correctness of tactical decisions. In case of bad weather or an unplanned day, you need to have reserve rations that are not tied to a specific day. A good caretaker should know in advance what the group will eat on each day of the trip.

For convenience, the menu can be repeated in cycles in 3-4 days. At the same time, depending on the required calorie content and the expected complexity of the day, the main dishes are supplemented with certain products. But it is not necessary to strictly follow this principle. The menu should depend primarily on the conditions of the route, and not on the order in the cycle. However, in skiing and hiking trips, where the loads are quite uniform, the cyclical repetition of the menu is entirely justified.

Settlement cards for laying out products for a hike.

Now it remains to calculate the number of products for each day. But here it is not enough to write out the norms, as in empirical method. It is also necessary to withstand the planned caloric content, weight and ratio of components. This is a task worthy of a computer, but a payment card can greatly facilitate the work. For convenience and clarity, we will note in the title of the card the day of the trip for which it is intended, and the segment of the path to be overcome on this day, indicating the characteristic obstacles.

Now we are writing the menu, and in separate columns - the norms per person and the calorie content and chemical composition of the products corresponding to these norms. In the last columns at the end of the calculation, we enter the mass of products for the entire group. The composition of the group before the trip may change, so we will write down several options on the card in advance. After filling out the card, we summarize the results for all columns. If, in this case, the mass of the products is, for example, 950 g, the calorie content is 2750 kcal, and the ratio of the components is 1: 0.2: 7, it is obvious that the mass is large and the calorie content is small. Analyzing the chemical composition, we see that there are not enough fats and too many carbohydrates.

Then we reduce the amount of low-calorie foods and instead add high-calorie, containing fats. Thus, we bring the mass, calorie content and chemical composition of products in line with the planned values. A calculator will help you do the calculations. Of course, it is not necessary to take such cards on a hike; it is enough to write down the menu and food norms for the group in a notebook.

There is also no need to create new cards for each trip. You just need to make adjustments based on the results of the previous hike and rearrange the cards in accordance with the altitude chart or load chart of the new hike. After the rations for each hiking day are calculated, we compose common list products for the entire trip, and if intermediate pick-ups are planned, then also packing lists for each pick-up.

Based on materials from the book "Food on a camping trip."
Alekseev A.A.

02.02.2015 Sergey Drozdov


Today, in continuation of the topic of camp nutrition, we will figure out what the food layout is, why it is needed and how it is compiled, and also find out where to buy food before and during the trip.

- Yes, what is there to understand! You go to the store or the market and buy what you want.

Undoubtedly, this is possible, but I'm afraid that then we will have to go on a campaign with a cart, a refrigerator, an electric generator and a couple of slaves to transport this stuff.

How then to be?

In order to get rid of excess cargo and at the same time not to travel from hand to mouth, it is advisable to draw up product layout .

What is product layout

How to make a product listing

What is product layout.

This is the amount of food that you need to take for one person for one hiking day. Why for a day? Because it is convenient and versatile. By making small adjustments to the names of products, you can plan a variety in nutrition for any number of days.

Answering the question why is it needed, I will clarify. For a weekend trip or a two-day outing into nature with one overnight stay, the layout can be omitted. It is useful only on long trips when you have to find a balance between the weight of products and their calorie content.

How to make a product listing.

Before starting the calculation of the number of products, let's define: we will have three main meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner.

The first thing you should pay attention to when drawing up a layout is how much energy will be spent by the body during a camping day.

For simple hikes in the plains, the average energy consumption will be 2000-3000 kilocalories per day. For hikes of medium difficulty, when driving over rough terrain 3000 - 4000, for difficult mountain hikes associated with heavy physical exertion 4000 or more.

To do this, you need to make a schedule of the complexity of the route by day, and based on it, calculate the necessary diet. Perhaps on the first day we will move mainly on country roads in flat or hilly terrain, and on the third day we will climb steep slopes and overcome turbulent water flows. All this will be reflected in the graph.

We decided on the complexity and, accordingly, on the approximate cost of energy, too.

Now let's see what calorie content the main products have, from which we have to make a menu for every day.

The data are given per 100 grams of product and have a small range of variation depending on the specific manufacturer.

Bread and bakery products (as you remember, we do not take fresh)

  • Rusks rye, wheat 330
  • Crispbread 300-350
  • Biscuits 320
  • Flour 300-340
  • Cookies, gingerbread, waffles, dryers 300-390

Cereals, legumes, pasta

  • Buckwheat groats 310
  • Oatmeal 300
  • Rice 330
  • Millet 300
  • Pasta 340
  • Legumes 280
  • Semolina 340
  • Barley groats 320

Meat products

  • Stewed meat (stew) 200-350
  • Dried meat 250-300
  • Sublimated meat 300-450
  • Raw smoked sausage 500-600
  • Dried sausage 350-450
  • Salo - lard 750-850
  • Loin 350-400
  • Liver pate 300
  • Meat pate 170-200

Dairy products and fats

  • Condensed milk 340
  • Milk powder 480
  • Cheese 300-380
  • Vegetable oil 850
  • Melted butter 880

Fish and canned fish

  • Dried fish 200-220
  • Canned fish in tomato 150-180
  • Canned fish in oil 220-300
  • Fish pate (sprat) 360


  • Eggs fresh 150
  • Egg powder 540

Vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, nuts

  • Fresh potatoes 80
  • Dry potatoes 290
  • Various fresh vegetables 20-40
  • Various dried vegetables 200-300
  • Apples, pears 30-40
  • Dried apricots, prunes 210
  • Raisins 260
  • Fresh mushrooms 15-30
  • Dried mushrooms 250-300
  • Walnut 650
  • Pine nut 670
  • Hazel (hazelnut) 680
  • Groundnut (peanut) 550


  • Sugar 390
  • Chocolate 400-500
  • Candies 200-400
  • Honey 300
  • Halva 520
  • Jam 230-260

Tea, coffee, cocoa, spices

  • We will not take into account due to the small volumes used.

Having found out how many calories certain foods contain, we distribute them by meals.

Now you need to make 3-4 of its options to add variety to the menu.

You can diversify the menu by changing the names (rice instead of buckwheat, fish instead of meat, etc.) and slightly adjusting the ingredients (it would be cool to try, for example, pasta with fish and condensed milk 🙂)

It remains to arrange the resulting menu options sequentially, repeating them every 3-4 days, and the layout for the entire trip for one person is ready. We calculate the required number of products per participant, multiply it by the number of participants in the campaign and get the number of products to be purchased.

What haven't we mentioned yet? Didn't specify "pocket". The main meals are great, but often while moving you want to chew something: this is the stomach that is outraged by the fact that the body spends energy, and no one wants to feed it.

At such moments, we calm him down: we give him a pocket to feast on. Anything can be included in the pocket, most often it is nuts, chocolate (Mars, Snickers, ...), dried fruits, dried squid, crackers, etc.

We take a pocket at the rate of 100-150 grams per day per person. We issue it in the morning, and the participant himself decides when to use it.

Just in case, we take emergency food for 1 day. It includes various soups, mashed potatoes in bags, Chinese or domestic vermicelli fast food etc.

With the layout and additional nutrition finished, it's time to buy food.

Purchase of products and their replenishment

It is better to entrust such a responsible task as the purchase of products to an equally responsible person, and subsequently appoint him as a supply manager. If you remember in the article, we found out that supply manager - this is a person responsible for inventory and products, who organizes their issuance and cooking.

If it is still difficult to decide on a supply manager (but, nevertheless, it is necessary), you can entrust this matter to several participants who are able to choose high-quality products and count money correctly.

We buy products in shops and markets. Choose carefully, paying attention to appearance, taste, smell and color.

We buy cereals, legumes, pasta, bakery products, sausages, canned food and fats, as a rule, in a store or supermarket. Firstly, everything is in one place, and secondly, these products have long term storage, therefore they do not have time to deteriorate in the supermarket 🙂

Meat (for stew), vegetables (for drying), fruits and nuts are best taken at the market. There you can take a closer look, smell, touch, try, and agree on a price.

Sublimated products are rarely found in stores and markets, so we buy them in online stores. Before ordering, we read reviews of people who have already bought products from a particular manufacturer, and make a choice.

We buy sweets, drinks and spices wherever we like it, not for a second forgetting about their quality.

Replenishment of food stocks we do already on the route of movement, in shops and local markets. The recommendations here are:

  • we do not take perishable products in spontaneous markets (or rather, we bypass them altogether), only in specially equipped ones;
  • we buy only those products that have already been eaten before without consequences. I understand that exotic durian is exquisite and unusual, but it can also easily and without straining indigestion;
  • We don’t buy mushrooms at all (the exception is shops). Even if they are clearly edible and in Everyday life we crack them by the kilos. Who knows where they were collected. Maybe by the road, or maybe by the nuclear power plant;
  • We take alcohol only in stores, there are less chances to run into a fake.

In addition to shops, food along the way is found right under your feet and over your head. I mean: fruits, berries, nuts, mushrooms (damn 😉), which can be found in the forest, in the fields and in abandoned (or not so) gardens.

But there is a limitation: put into your mouth only what you are 100,500 percent sure of, otherwise the consequences can be sad.

We also include game, fish, crustaceans, mollusks, insects and other living creatures that we can get during a day or a halt to pasture.

That's it in a nutshell and all about the layout, purchase and replenishment of products.

I intentionally omitted alcohol products. Here everyone must decide on their own whether they need it on a trip or not.

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For those who know how to make layouts, and have been doing it for a long time, this article is probably not as interesting and useful as "dummies". It was for them that I decided to try to describe this process step by step, which I brought to some automatism.

Layout strategy

Before compiling a layout, you must at least find out from all participants the “requirements and wishes for the layout”, in other words, possible allergies (which is especially important when hiking with small children), food intolerances, vegetarianism or vice versa, the need for meat, preferences. It is important to find out in advance, in the city or at training exits, who likes what food and what does not eat. Some people cannot live without milk porridge, others do not like porridge at all, etc. There are many ways to feed a wide variety of picky eaters without cooking each one separately. Those who wish to eat porridge without milk / sugar / meat can postpone their portion until these products fall asleep in the common can. At worst, you can take some instant porridge and / or pasta and quickly dilute them in case of misunderstanding. It is highly desirable to discuss in advance with the rest of the participants of the campaign and the general diet. This may depend both on the preferences of the participants, and on the complexity of the trip, the presence of children, and other factors. I can offhand suggest, say, such schemes that I personally used:

A. in the morning - milk porridge with cheese, in the afternoon - a snack with crackers and sausage, and with dried fruits, in the evening meat porridge (school trips to the Crimea, if I'm not mistaken, were just that)

B. in the morning - porridge or macaroni and cheese, in the afternoon - a snack of dried fruits and nuts, in the evening - a thick vegetable soup of homemade dried vegetables, with pasta, or dumplings, or something else. In the evening, basturma and cheese - optional (so we went to Altai several times).

B. In the morning - porridge and cheese, in the afternoon - soup or Chinese noodles, and a lot of dried fruits and nuts, in the evening - porridge or soup and home-made dried meat for those who wish. (Children's trips to the Crimea, rafting on simple rivers - again, with children)

For hikes with children under 12, it makes sense to take a hot lunch. Firstly, all the same, the children will not be able to go without a long halt. If you are in a hurry, you can feed the children instant milk porridge (cook on a burner), and give adults a snack. Secondly, children cannot eat enough food at breakfast to eat before dinner. Thirdly, it is useful for children to eat 3 times a day. Diet is more important for children than for adults. Do not get carried away with "chemical" products. Usually carbohydrates and fats fall into the layout by themselves, the presence of proteins and vitamins must be specially taken care of.

Before making a layout, you need to at least approximately determine the route - duration, complexity, number of days, difficult transitions, the number of necessary spare days, etc. Of course, it is difficult to guess everything in advance, but this will serve as a good starting point for drawing up the layout. After that, you can start compiling the layout itself.

Personally, I always draw up the layout on paper first, and only then transfer it to the computer. I personally think it's easier. This is not a reason for everyone to do this and only this way, it's just my strategy, that's all. So, I take a piece of paper and draw it on a plate - three lines (breakfast, lunch or snack, dinner) and N columns, where N is the number of days on the trip. In this plate, I scatter by day when we will eat what kind of porridge. If on the first day we don’t cook porridge for breakfast, since we just arrive and leave the train full, then I put a dash there. If on the last day there is no porridge for dinner, because, again, the train is also a dash (but this does not mean, despite the fact that there are fewer lay-out days).

Products and their uses

What products can be used? The most varied! It all depends on your passions and ingenuity. I try to make sure that the cereals alternate, but the more familiar and favorite ones are more common. For breakfast, you can cook corn, wheat, rice, millet (the last two can be with milk) porridge. I personally don’t usually take semolina, and I don’t favor hercules either (this does not mean that it’s impossible or bad to cook them on a hike - I just don’t like them). If you need to get out early (don't walk in the heat, cross early in the day on low water), plan something easier to cook for the day, perhaps instant porridge or muesli. Morning porridge is decorated with a small amount of raisins or other dried fruits (10-15 grams per person). You can make breakfast more satisfying by adding a little cheese or sweets (cookies, white crackers) to the layout. For dinner, you can cook vegetable or lentil soup, pasta, buckwheat, rice, and on hard days, for example, instant mashed potatoes. As meat, you can use stew, home-made sublimyaso, soy meat (optional), smoked sausage, basturma, lard, sujuk. Food should be not only high-calorie, but also tasty, so do not forget spices (onion, garlic, dry dill, curry, etc.) - they weigh grams, but seasoning lovers will be satisfied (on a hike, often even indifferent to seasonings in the city people begin to use them with pleasure).

Taking bread for the whole hike is also hardly meaningful, we ourselves usually take some black crackers - that's all. But this is a matter of taste and habits, it is better to discuss this point in advance. We went several times without crackers at all, but often fried pancakes - but for this there should not be too many people in the group, and we need at least one enthusiast who agrees to fry pancakes quite often. In addition to homemade crackers, you can also use all kinds of crackers, since now you can find something for every taste.

Separately, it is worth talking about a snack. A good and satisfying snack is a very important part of the layout.

We take peeled nuts, walnuts, hazelnuts, cashews, almonds, pine nuts, but we do not take peanuts.

Dried fruits - banana chips, dried papaya and pineapple - cubes, dates, prunes, dried apricots, raisins, delicious sweet and sour dried cherries and dogwoods, dried apples - rings, figs.

You can take one chocolate bar for everyone for each snack - a trifle, but nice. You can sometimes pamper people with muesli bars (they are now sold in many pharmacies at the checkout). For dried fruits, you can take Nordic 4 cereal flakes, the food will become more satisfying and not so sweet. During days and half days, a snack is usually replaced by a hot lunch. If a hot lunch is planned on a normal day (not on a day trip), then portions of “dry” foods (cheese, sausages, sweets, crackers) are usually reduced compared to a cold snack. Usually soup is cooked for lunch - this can be done from bags, or you can do it yourself: in a mixture of dry (freeze-dried) vegetables (carrots, cabbage, beets, onions) - 20-35 g per person, add quick-cooking pasta (vermicelli, car. puree) - 30-45 gr per person, a cube and / or other dry spices (dill, garlic). Depending on the type of soup, you can add freeze-dried tomato paste or sour cream, you can add dried (freeze-dried) meat - 10-15 grams per person.

For breakfast and dinner, we make tea, and for the day we store water and hibiscus (in cold weather, you can also have tea in a thermos). What do we take from sweet to tea? Tastes regarding "excessiveness" in the group often do not coincide, and it is very easy to deal with this. We count how many times we need “something for tea”, and then we look at how many people come to us. Based on this, everyone buys 2-3 bags of 0.3-0.5 kg of sweet - exactly the way he likes. It can be sweets, marmalade, halva, sherbet, oil, creamy sausages, chocolate, dryers, gingerbread…

In addition to regular meals, it can be convenient to have "pocket" meals that are distributed to participants outside of the main meal. For "pocket" food, dryers, crackers, dried fruits, nuts and caramels are usually used. Such food rather satisfies "psychological" hunger, but it can be useful, especially in children's (school) trips. Young children eat more than adults. A child under 3 years old may request two additional snacks (small), an older child - one. For intermediate feeding, you need to lay 30-40 grams of breadcrumbs and 20-30 grams of raisin candies. Until the age of seven, the need for an additional snack will certainly arise.

If you are going to fish a lot in Karelia, then think about what and how you are going to cook fish, and mushrooms - you may need a baking sheet, flour and sunflower oil.

If the presence of berries is expected, then take more granulated sugar.

There are many such considerations...

After you have compiled a “schedule of cereals” for the days of the trip, you can write out all the products in a column and enter them into the computer. The first column is the product, the second - how many grams per person for 1 time, the third - how many times you are going to eat this product, the fourth - how many grams per group for 1 time - is calculated, and as a result - how much to buy. You can add another column - who buys and takes it.

Separately - several products that it makes no sense to calculate in grams per person - salt, spices, sunflower oil, etc.

And do not forget about the stock - I personally usually have 1-2 "quick meals" in the layout, such as carp puree or Chinese vermicelli and a spare snack.

How many grams of which product per person for 1 time?

In fact, this question is also not so simple, and is related to many parameters of your group, and with the whole layout concept. If you go without stew, then what do you take from meat products and their substitutes? Will you have mushrooms, berries or fish?

If you have a lot of "growing organisms", say, schoolchildren and students, then take more cereals - not 80-85 grams, but 90 or even 95 grams of buckwheat per person at a time, etc. And for preschoolers, on the contrary, a serving cereals can be cut in half (but with cheese or sweets, such a trick is unlikely to work ...).

So, the approximate numbers (per person at one time) are as follows:

Buckwheat, rice, millet, lentils - 80-95 gr.,

car puree - 65-80 gr,

horns and pasta - 95-110 gr,

hercules, corn, - 65-80 gr,

semolina - 45–60 gr,

cheese, lard, basturma, smoked sausage, chechil "pigtail" - 25-40 gr,

dried (sublimated) meat - 15-30 gr,

dry milk - 15-30 gr,

nuts - 20-35 gr,

dried fruits - 35-50 gr,

sweet - 35-50 gr.

per person per day:

salt - 5-7 gr,

sugar (refined + in porridge) - 25-35 gr,

tea - 5-10 gr,

hibiscus - 10-15 gr,

crackers (crackers) - 20–40 gr 2-4 black bread crackers (more crackers will come out)

dry spices - 5-10 gr,

onion, garlic - 10-15 gr,

It is important to remember that in order to increase the “satiation” of the layout, it is necessary to increase the portions of cereals, and not cheese and sweets.

Procurement and packaging of products

The most difficult thing is to convey to those who will purchase products their own criteria regarding which cereals to buy and which ones are not worth buying. Because it seems to many that it is not so important - to buy a good and clean oatmeal (even if the layout clearly says - Nordic mix 4 cereals) - or buy any kind of oatmeal. Buy dirty gray millet with stones and skins - or clean and yellow, etc. It is especially important to choose the right brand of "complex" products: mashed potatoes and Chinese pasta. When going camping with children, we expect the children to eat from a common pot, so "E-E-E-E-E" does not suit us. Virtually no preservatives: kar. mashed potatoes from "Forteks" and do not contain at all - from "to-in-to". From whale. pasta is the most decent - "Rolton". It is not necessary to pour seasonings and oil into the child’s plate, it is enough to salt and add ordinary vegetable oil. It turns out a tasty and not caustic product. Sublimated vegetables and sour cream are produced only by Gala Gala. Be sure to read the ingredients of the products before traveling with children. With a careful choice of products, the child can eat adult food without fear for his stomach.

The most responsible comrades should be entrusted with such creative parts of the layout as dried fruits and nuts, and the less attentive - with something simpler, say, salt, sugar, tea.

It is possible to roughly equalize who will buy what - by weight, or by price, or you can purchase and package all products centrally, and then distribute them to the participants.

It is important to immediately warn everyone to keep the checks or write down immediately who spent how much money on the purchase of products.

A few words about product packaging. In the last few years, we have been packing almost all cereals, tea, salt, sugar and even car. plastic bottles from soda. It is convenient to make notes on the bottles (for example, stick a piece of patch with a signature, or a sticky price tag). If you fill the bottle with buckwheat twice, it is advisable to mark approximately the middle - so that it is easier to take the right amount during the campaign. For cereals in one bottle, it is more convenient to pack a whole number of servings (rather than 1 and 1/3 times). It is also possible to pack products in 2 plastic bags with a minimum amount of air, and then a certain number of such packages in a nylon bag. Wrap refined sugar with tape correctly, and take for each box

a separate package or get a "duty" package-bag. It is also important that sugar is not opened as usual, but from the end - this reduces the number of crumbled pieces. We usually pack dried fruits and nuts in milk or juice bags, sign them and seal them with tape. It is better to wrap cheese and sausage in a cotton cloth, and not in polyethylene.

Food packaging also depends on which layout strategy you use - a rigid diet for every day or a flexible layout, individual portions or for the whole group. I personally adhere rather to the second, that is, I do not sign strictly and irrevocably “buckwheat with meat - the second day of dinner”, but I can move or swap something at my own discretion. The fact is that hard and light days can easily change during a hike - you can’t guess in Moscow.









TIME: 2 hours.

PLACE: class.


1. Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation of 1992 No. 200 “On the Enactment of the Regulations on the Food Supply of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in Peacetime”, Chapter VIII, Art. 115 - 118, Appendix No. 3.21.

2. Guidance on catering for personnel of military units and institutions. M. Military Publishing House, 1997, st.28, 29, 50.

3. Guidelines for cooking in military units, military educational institutions and institutions of the army and navy. M. Military Publishing, 1992, Appendix 2, 4.

4. Instructions for the control of military nutrition. M. Military Publishing House, 1985.

5. Workshop on cooking technology. Volsk, VVVUT, 1986, pp. 98 - 125.

6. Teaching aid for scheduling products. Volsk, VVVUT, 1996.


recipes for cold appetizers, first and second meat and fish dishes;

product layout;

approximate distribution of products by meals and dishes.

Product layout sheets (form 66) - for each trainee.

Pencils, erasers - for each student.

Microcalculators - one per table.


General organizational guidelines.

2-3 days before the start of the class, the teacher:

Controls the course of self-preparation of students for the next lesson, checks the availability educational literature recommended for lesson No. 109.

Draws the trainees' attention to the fact that they must firmly grasp the provisions set forth in Chapter VIII and Appendix 3, 21 of the Order of the RF Ministry of Defense of 1992 No. 200, as well as educational material lectures "Peculiarities of catering on the ships of the Navy".

On the eve of the day of the lesson, he gives instructions to the laboratory assistant of the department to prepare material support.

Instructs the deputy platoon commander to receive the above literature, one textbook per table.


Draws the attention of students to the importance of the material being studied for practical work in the fleet.

The teacher announces the lesson number, topic, purpose of the lesson, educational questions, literature.

On the day of the lesson, students arrive at the classroom.

The teacher accepts a platoon, checks the appearance, the availability of notes, recommended literature, the presence of personnel and the legality of absence from class.

The teacher recalls the topic of the last lesson and controls the assimilation of the past material.

Control of assimilation is carried out by oral survey using a blackboard.

After the survey, the teacher sums up the results, noting the students who showed excellent and good knowledge, as well as those who poorly mastered the material.

Announces grades.

Educational questions.

1st educational question: "Selection of dishes for two days."

Before starting the development of this educational question, a survey is conducted:

Who draws up, signs and approves the product layout.

Method of filling out the product layout form.

The correct answers of the trainees are approved.

The teacher reports officials ship.

Commander of the ship of military unit 12500 - Captain 1st rank Morozov A.I.

Assistant ship commander for supply - captain 3rd rank Sidorov I.V.

Supply officer senior lieutenant Ivanov V.I.

Head of the Medical Service, Senior Lieutenant Petrov A.A.

Places trainees in the position of ship supply officer and instructs them to fill in the title part of the product layout.

Using the auxiliary table of the list of dishes planned for the week, fill in the column "Names of dishes" for Monday and Tuesday, while all dishes must be indicated correctly and completely, without abbreviations, writing down each name of the dish in a separate line of the form f.66.

Concludes on the first question.

The teacher asks the students:

The order of distribution of products by dishes and meals.

The correct answers of the trainees approve and give the command to write down in the layout of the products with a pencil.

Distributes all products by dishes and meals, with the exception of products of the vegetable and cereal group.

The distribution of products of the vegetable and cereal group is made by the teacher, accompanying his actions with reasoned explanations using a blackboard.

Draws a conclusion on the second question.

In the layout of the products for each dish, its mass is indicated.

The mass of the first courses according to the sea ration is 500 g, the mass of the third sweet dishes (kissel, compote) is 250 g.

The theoretical (calculated) yield of the second dish in the product layout is shown by the total mass, i.e. meat (fish) portion together with garnish and sauce, in a separate column - the mass of meat or fish portion.

Shows an example of calculating the yield of a finished dish on the chalkboard.

For example: “Fried fish with mashed potatoes” is planned for breakfast according to the food layout.

Recipe, g: fish - 100

vegetable oil - 10

potatoes - 225

wheat flour 2 grades - 4

onion - 5

tomato paste - 2

spices - to taste

Yield from 100 g of fish - 74 g.

Mass of mashed potatoes (March) - 225 - 175.5 (approximately 175 g).

Vegetable oil - 50% (for dressing mashed potatoes).

Thus, the total mass of the finished dish will be:

M gb \u003d 74 + 175 + 5 + 3 \u003d 257 g

The theoretical (calculated) total mass of the finished second course is recorded in the column "Total mass of the finished dish", and in the column "Mass of meat and fish portions" the theoretical mass of the fish portion is recorded.

The teacher makes a conclusion on the third question.


Planned on a scientific basis and properly organized nutrition is one of the most important factors in maintaining health and increasing the combat capability of the personnel of the army and navy.

Meals should be organized in such a way that the personnel feel constant care, so that measures to improve the material base, the availability and assortment of food supplied to support the fleet, are embodied in a real improvement in the quality of food.

In the last lesson, you studied "Peculiarities of nutrition on the ships of the Navy."

In this Lesson #110, "Designing a Sea Ration Food List," you will begin to put it into practice.

Checking the readiness of students for the lesson.

1. Norm No. 3 "Sea ration".

2. The layout of products and its importance in nutrition planning.

initial data for compiling the layout of products.

Distribution of Marine ration products by energy value for individual meals.

Educational questions.

1st training question: "selection of dishes for 2 days."

When compiling product layouts, the following basic requirements must be considered:

it is allowed to replace one product with another in accordance with the replacement standards given in Appendix No. 21 of the Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 200;

the assortment of dishes for each meal should correspond to the diet.

Hot food is given to the floating composition 3 times a day.

Breakfast: consists of a hot second course, bread and butter and tea with sugar;

Dinner: from a cold appetizer, first, second and third courses;

Dinner: from the first, second and third courses.

In addition, evening tea is provided - bread with butter and tea with sugar, and for the night shifts of the ship - intermediate meals - bread and tea with sugar.

The daily norm for sea rations is distributed:

for breakfast - 20 - 23%

for lunch - 35 - 40%

for dinner - 30 - 35%

evening tea - 5 - 10%

Depending on the tasks performed, this distribution may be different.

The food layout provides for the preparation of the first and second courses for both lunch and dinner, which is explained by the peculiarities of work and life on ships and the traditions in catering in the fleet.

In combination with dishes from fresh products, it is planned to prepare dishes from concentrates, canned and dried products. At the same time, canned foods are used once or twice a week, and dried foods are used with the addition of fresh vegetables.

Question for trainees:

Answer: Meat dishes: goulash, stew, azu, pilaf, portioned boiled meat, portioned stewed meat, portioned fried meat, naval pasta, pasta with meat, casserole with meat, etc.

Fish meals: fried fish, stewed fish, fish baked in sauce, fish baked in dough, etc.

Side dishes for meat dishes: cereals - rice, millet, buckwheat, wheat, barley, pearl barley crumbly, pea puree and pasta folding or boiled, etc.

Side dishes for fish dishes: stewed potatoes, mashed potatoes, boiled potatoes, vegetable stew, etc.

What dishes and side dishes are planned for lunch?

Answer: Cold snacks: vinaigrette, herring with potato salad or vinaigrette, beetroot caviar, salted tomato caviar.

Salads: potato, vitamin, pickled tomatoes, pickled cucumbers, white cabbage, from sauerkraut with beets, from vegetable beets, etc.

First meal: borscht, cabbage soup, pickle "Leningradsky", potato soup, pea soup, pasta soup.

Second meat dishes: portioned fried meat, portioned stewed meat, portioned boiled meat, portioned larded meat, fried pork in breadcrumbs, fried pork in dough, pilaf, and in winter time cutlets, meatballs, meatballs, chopped steak.

Side dishes for the second course: crumbly cereals - rice, buckwheat, millet, barley, wheat, barley, pea puree, folding pasta.

Third sweet dishes: kissel, compote.

Answer: Meat dishes: stew, goulash, azu, portioned boiled meat, portioned stewed meat, bigus.

Fish meals: fried fish, boiled fish, poached fish, stewed fish, marinated fish.

Side dishes for meat dishes: cereals - barley, millet, oatmeal, boiled or folding pasta, etc.

Side dishes for fish dishes: mashed potatoes, stewed potatoes, stewed cabbage, vegetable stew.

From the card file of these dishes, it is necessary to draw up a product layout (i.e., column 2, the name of the dishes).

List of dishes planned for 2 days (option).

Conclusion: Thus, a sufficient variety of dishes should be provided in the layout of the products. It is not allowed to repeat the same dishes for a week more than twice and dishes from the same products within one day.

Having written down the column “Name of dishes”, we proceed to the distribution of products, which we will consider in the second educational question.

2nd educational question: "Distribution of products by dishes."

The daily norm of sea ration products is included in the product layout in full.

For a variety of nutrition, it is allowed on certain days to partially replace some products with others in accordance with established replacement rates.

Consider the distribution by dishes and meals of sea ration products that are not included in the vegetable cereal group:

bread from a mixture of peeled rye and wheat flour of the 1st grade - 350g:

for breakfast - 50;

for lunch - 150;

for dinner - 150;

white bread from wheat flour of the 1st grade:

for breakfast - 100;

for lunch - 100;

for dinner - 100;

evening tea - 100;

for lunch - 125;

for breakfast or dinner - 100;

for breakfast or dinner - 100.

For a cold appetizer of vegetables 2 times a week, 20 g of herring can be given by reducing the amount of fish for dinner by this amount.

Vegetable oil - 20:

for a cold appetizer - 10;

for the second fish dishes - 10;

animal fat - 15.

4 g are planned for preparing the first course for lunch and dinner, as well as for the second course for lunch and for preparing the second meat course for breakfast or dinner.

Butter cow - 50:

for breakfast and dinner at the table - 15 each;

for main courses for lunch and dinner - 10 each;

dried fruits - 30:

15 g for lunch and dinner for making compote;

sugar - 70:

for breakfast and evening tea - 25 each;

for compote - 10 each;

for breakfast and evening tea - 0.6 each.

Tomato paste, salt and spices are recorded in the column "Total products for the day" in the quantities of the ration norm.

Cow's milk - 100g;

Egg - 4 pcs. In Week.

2 eggs for breakfast on Sunday, and the remaining 2 eggs as directed by the captain of the ship.

Fruit and berry juice - 50.

Give out for breakfast alternating and interchanging with milk 1:1.

Multivitamin preparation "Gexavit" is issued from April 15 to June 15 for breakfast.

Note: when distributing bread, it is recommended that trainees pay attention to the fact that buns, pies or donuts should be baked on ships 1-2 times a week. To do this, it is allowed to replace 100 g of white bread from wheat flour of the 1st grade with flour of the same grade (for 100 g of bread - 75 g of flour) or for 50 g of bread - 37.5 g of flour.

Distribution of cereals, wheat flour of the 2nd grade, potatoes and vegetables by dishes and meals.

For a more correct distribution of the above products and to facilitate the layout of the products, a constant total set of them should be used, both for cold appetizers and second courses.

According to the sea ration it is necessary per day:

potatoes and vegetables - 900g;

different cereals - 75g;

rice - 35g;

pasta - 40g.

If these products are completely replaced by potatoes and vegetables, then their total mass will be 1700g. this amount of food in terms of potatoes and vegetables is distributed by meals as follows:

for breakfast - 250g;

cold appetizer - 150g;

first course - 250g;

second course - 400g;

first course - 250g;

second dish - 400g.

In terms of specific products, this will approximately be:

for breakfast :

cereals or pasta - 45g;

wheat flour of the 2nd grade - 2g;

carrots - 10g;

onion - 5g;

for lunch :

for a cold snack of potatoes and vegetables - 150g;

for the first course wheat flour of the 2nd grade - 2g;

potatoes and vegetables - 240g;

for the second dish of wheat flour of the 2nd grade - 2g;

cereals or pasta - 75g;

carrots - 10g;

onion - 5g;

for dinner :

for the first dish of different cereals - 20g;

potatoes and vegetables - 150g;

for the second dish of wheat flour of the 2nd grade - 4g;

potatoes and vegetables - 380g.

Conclusion: Thus, catering largely depends on correct, rational catering planning, taking into account various sailing conditions, the range of products, the work schedule of personnel, food security and the possibility of a catering unit on various classes of ships.

3rd educational question: "Calculation of the theoretical yield of finished dishes."

The theoretical (calculated) yield of meat and fish portions, vegetable and cereal side dishes, cold snacks is calculated using the tables announced in the "Guide to cooking in military units and institutions of the army and navy" 1992, pp. 30 - 34, 225 - 232.

The mass of the first courses according to the sea ration is provided equal to 500 g, the second courses - depending on the number of products laid in them, and the third sweet dishes - 250 g.

The calculation of the mass of ready-made second courses is carried out according to the formula:

M (gb) \u003d M (m, p) + M g + M s + 1 / 2M w, g, where

M (gb) - mass of the finished dish, g;

M (m, p) - mass of meat or fish portion, g;

M g - mass of garnish, g;

M s is the mass of the sauce, g;

M f is the mass of fat, g.

Example: Calculate the mass of the finished dish, if it is planned for breakfast: Fried fish with mashed potatoes and for the preparation of which fish is provided - 100g, potatoes - 220g, onions - 5g, vegetable oil - 10g, wheat flour 2 grades - 5g

Using the data in the tables of Appendix 2 of the "Guidelines for cooking in military units and institutions of the army and navy" 1992. define:

the output from 100g of fish (pollock) is 87g (M mr = 87g);

the yield of a side dish - mashed potatoes from 220 g of potatoes in the month of September (waste 25%) - will be 215 g (M g \u003d 215 g);

in this case the sauce is not prepared, the vegetables are sautéed - 5 g of onion M o \u003d 3 g;

in addition, half of the planned fat is included in the mass of the dish (1/2M f = 5g).

Thus, the total mass of the 2nd dish without sauce will be:

M (2b) \u003d M (m, p) + M g + M o + 1 / 2 M f

M(2b) = 87 + 215 + 3 + 5 = 310g.

This figure is recorded in the product layout column "Total mass of the finished dish", and in the column "Mass of meat, fish portions" the mass of the meat or fish portion is recorded, in this case - 87g.

Conclusion: the estimated yield of finished dishes makes it possible to compare with the actual yield of finished dishes and servings.

Sea ration

Bread from a mixture of peeled rye and wheat flour of the 1st grade - 350

White bread from wheat flour of the 1st grade - 400

Wheat flour 2 grades - 10

Groats different - 75

Pasta - 40

Meat - 225

Fish - 100

Melted animal fats, margarine - 15

Vegetable oil - 20

Cow butter - 50

Cow's milk - 100

Eggs, pcs. (per week) - 4

Sugar - 70

Food salt - 20

Bay leaf - 0.2

Pepper - 0.3

Mustard powder - 0.3

Vinegar - 2

Tomato paste - 6

Potatoes and vegetables, total - 900


Potato - 600

Cabbage - 130

Beets - 30

Carrot - 50

Cucumbers, tomatoes, roots, greens - 40

Fruit and berry juices or - 50

fruit drinks - 65

Dried fruits - 30

Multivitamin preparation "Geksavit", dragee - 1

*issue from April 15 to June 15

In addition to this norm, issue:

a) Personnel of surface ships and support vessels during the period of navigation outside the territorial waters of Russia from the day of departure from the base or port, as well as personnel participating in expeditions to transfer surface ships and support vessels by sea:

half-smoked and smoked meat sausages - 50g

condensed whole milk with sugar - 30g

natural coffee - 5g

fresh fruits - 200g

fruit and berry extracts - 2g

cookies - 20g

b) Personnel serving in the areas named in (list No. 7 of order No. 200 of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation):

fish - 20g

whole milk condensed with sugar - 20g

coffee drink (powder) - 2g

The officers serving in the areas and on the ships specified in this subparagraph (subparagraph 28) in addition to issue:

canned fish - 50g

cow butter - 10g

hard rennet cheese - 40g

canned vegetable snacks - 50g

whole milk condensed with sugar - 40g


The food layout, being a nutrition planning document, allows the most efficient use of ration products for the preparation of varied and physiologically complete food. Koki and other officials are guided by this document.

The layout of the products makes it possible to check the assortment of dishes planned for the week, the number of products to be put into the boiler per person, the calculated yield (mass) of the finished food and compare it with the actual yield of dishes and servings.

The topic of the next lesson is No. 111 "Cooking dishes using sea rations."

Answers to the questions of the trainees.

Senior Lecturer of Department No. 6

employee Russian army V. Brazhnov

"" ___________199.

Comments and suggestions of quality inspectors methodological development.

Proposals of teachers of the department to improve the methodological development.

A mark on the verification of methodological development and its suitability for use.


"______" __________ 199.

The text of the methodological development was checked


(military rank, position, surname)

"______" __________ 199.

The text of the methodological development was checked


(military rank, position, surname)

"______" __________ 199.

In order to follow the route, carry a heavy backpack and still have time to admire surrounding nature, a person constantly has to expend energy. Gets her body, as you know, from food. At home, people hardly think about proper nutrition- If only there was something to eat. It is quite another thing - on a hike, where there are no shops, no refrigerators, no cafe-restaurants, and huge loads have to be endured. And here the question inevitably arises: how much and what products to take with you on a hike.

How much energy does a tourist, a climber spend on a hike, on an ascent? In everyday life, men who are mainly engaged in mental activity, but at the same time periodically paying attention to physical training, spend up to 3500 kcal per day, women - up to 2500. Participants in weekend hikes and simple hiking in the middle lane spend 2500–3000 kcal per day. In category hikes for adult athletes, the weight of the backpack ranges from 25 to 30 kg, you have to go off-road, steep slopes, rocky terrain. As a result, the energy consumption for hiking trips of I-III category of complexity for adults and children is 3000-3500 kcal per day. In skiing and mountain hiking, they reach 3500-5000 kcal.

Knowing the energy value of the products and the upcoming energy costs, you can calculate the amount of food needed for a mountain hike or a separate ascent. But not everything is as simple as it seems. Firstly, not everyone is suitable for hiking, and secondly, for multi-day difficult hikes, they will need so many that the group will not be able to budge.

In simple hiking trips, it is quite possible to limit yourself to one kilogram of food per person per day, and in complex ones, where the use of expensive concentrates and freeze-dried products is justified, 700–850 g will be enough. But in mountaineering with food, everything is a little different. A special role is played by food in the mountains, at altitudes of more than 3000 meters. Here, the lack of oxygen in the air leads to various changes in the body's work that occur in the process of acclimatization. At the same time, an aversion to certain types of food appears, the digestibility of fats decreases, and many biochemical processes become more difficult. Often the body can perceive either salty or sweet foods. Carbohydrates and protein are the two most important foods for climbers. Carbohydrates give strength and energy, protein - muscle growth and recovery.