The kitten attacks and bites. What to do if a kitten becomes aggressive?

Scratched hands and torn legs, constant fears that he is about to jump out from around the corner and attack ... A familiar feeling? If yes, then you are the owner of a cat. But the touching biter began to show aggression with age, the games turned into real battles. Specialists involved in the behavior of cats call this phenomenon play aggression.

Game aggression

This is a typical animal behavior problem that occurs due to the inexperience of the owners or if before the kitten there were only dogs in the house or there were no animals at all.

The fact is that the owners themselves are the culprits of such behavior. Enticing a little kitten and laughing at the fact that he cannot harm either with thin claws or even very tiny fangs, you yourself are demonstrating such a model of behavior to him. Growing up, the animal just continues to play in the manner to which you have accustomed it. And it's not his fault that his nails have turned into real sabers, and his fangs have grown and now look more like a sharp trap. The kitten is aggressive, scratches and bites not because he chose this, but because you yourself offered him such a game.

Causes of aggression

Such deviations in behavior further lead to game aggression, when the animal ceases to control itself, and its instincts break out.

Another reason for this behavior may be too early and incorrect weaning from mother's milk. The fact is that the mother cat teaches the kitten that “you can’t always get everything you want” from the first months, when she gradually stops feeding him. Gradually, she transfers him to solid food, and by 7 weeks the baby clearly learns that he can play with her, drink her milk, etc., only with her permission. If you yourself transferred the kitten to solid food, then, most likely, you did not limit it in anything, but, on the contrary, spoiled it, hence the lack of a stopper in its further behavior. It is difficult to say how to wean a kitten from biting and scratching when he has already grown up, but nevertheless it is possible.

Mistakes hosts make

Some of the most common mistakes that owners make when raising a kitten and in its more adult life:

How to wean a kitten from biting and scratching during play

In order not to become a victim of the claws of a pet, it is not necessary to completely exclude games or forbid him to hunt and run. If the kitten constantly bites and scratches and crosses the line, you just need to start following a few rules and simple tricks that will allow you to correct the cat's behavior.

Redirecting Behavior

If you feel that the kitten has begun to flirt and cause harm, try to switch his aggression to another subject that can interest him. For example, it could be soft toy or a bow on a thread.

If the pet still continues to attack your arms and legs, sharply and loudly tell him “No!” or yell at him. Repeat this until the kitten realizes that if he hears a certain word, it means that the game is over.

Variety of games

Cats are very active animals that are constantly raging with energy, so if the kitten scratches and bites during games, try diversifying the gameplay, focusing on wearing down the fidget. At some point, the kitten will get tired of the constant running around and calmly lie down to rest. In this case, you don’t have to guess how to wean a kitten from biting and scratching if he himself is no longer happy with exhausting games. Of course, this will require patience and time on your part, but for the sake of a good night's sleep, it's worth playing for an hour during the day.


When cats attack their prey, they continue to gnaw and ruffle it until it stops moving, after which the animal loses any interest in the victim. Also in everyday games most in an efficient way In order for the kitten to let go of an arm or leg, there are not active movements, but, on the contrary, the absence of any reaction.

Get another pet

Why decide how to wean a kitten from biting and scratching when you can provide him with another "victim" for his fun?

If you have ever seen two kittens playing together, you understand that at this moment for these two robbers there is no one and nothing around. Having another cat in the house, you will switch attention from yourself to her. It can be any other animal, the main thing is that both pets find a common language.


To wean a kitten from scratching, in no case should you use physical force and beat the animal.

Use distant and harmless punishment. The most effective method is to always keep a spray bottle of water handy. As soon as the bully starts biting too hard and claws out, spray water on him. This is the most terrible form of punishment for a kitten, which further forms a rule in his brain that if he bites, then water pours on him.


Every time the kitten behaves calmly, praise him and treat him with something tasty. But as soon as he starts to show aggression, just walk away. Thus, he will eventually learn that it is better to be obedient and receive sweets than to bite and sit alone.


Not every breed of cat can be weaned from a characteristic demeanor. If a British kitten bites and scratches, it will be difficult to outwit him, as this breed is considered the most intelligent. The advantage is that he will perfectly understand that it is impossible to hooligan, but whether he wants to stop is the next question.

Do not use your arms or legs while playing, pet stores have a huge selection of all kinds of mice, feathers, etc. Tie one of these toys to the door so that the kitten always has the opportunity to play enough whenever he wants. "How to wean a kitten from biting and scratching?" - a difficult question, especially if you got the pet as an adult. At first, such manifestations of aggression may be associated with the period of adaptation of the animal, but if such behavior continues further, it is worth considering and trying to solve the problem.

Remember, cats perceive the human voice very well, so if you yell at the baby, he will understand that he has done something wrong. And vice versa, if you talk to him affectionately and gently, he will realize that everything is fine.

If such an unpleasant situation arises, it will not be superfluous to pay attention to all the available options for solving it and understand how you can achieve the best results without doing too much punishment for the pet.

How to wean a kitten from biting and scratching while playing with hands and feet once and for all

If a pet shows aggression while playing with the owner, it should be weaned. To do this, you can use any toys that allow the cat to keep a distance from the owner.

The owner can tie a wrapper on a string, make a fishing rod or other similar toys. While playing with a cat with a hand or foot, if the cat has grabbed it with teeth and claws, you should not try to sharply remove your limb, the cat will only bite more seriously from this. It is better to relax and wait until you become indifferent to the cat.

Then you should let the animal know that such an attitude is not normal, and no one will play with him after this.

Why do kittens bite their own tails?

If kittens are biting their own tail, something is definitely bothering them: pain, discomfort, or fleas. First of all, you need to check the tail itself, maybe there is a wound. Also, such behavior may indicate a manifestation of neurosis. Carefully inspect the kitten's skin, if there is no rash, then give the kitten a sedative.

Why does a cat bite a woman's hair

Young cats often bite the hair of their owners and house guests. The thing is that cats, in this way, train their hunting habits. If the cat is periodically given time to play with him, then he will quickly stop biting his hair.

Why does a cat bite when you stroke it and pull out its claws, turn its booty

If, when stroking a cat, he begins to show aggression, scratch and show strange behavior, like turning his booty, then something is bothering the cat. Maybe some drastic changes have taken place in the house, or other people's smells have appeared.

Perhaps the cat is in pain or something is bothering him, so he tries to tell his owner about it.

The cat bites his hands until he bleeds and throws himself on his face what's wrong with him and how to wean

Cats just don't show that kind of behavior. Maybe your pet is worried about something. There are several factors that can influence aggressive behavior:

- Pain. The owner can involuntarily step on the tail or paw of the cat, or take the pet in his arms when he is in pain from an injury or illness - for these reasons, the cat can defend himself by throwing himself at the owner and starting to scratch.

- Fear. Something could scare the cat, or the owner himself scared him.

- Drawing attention to yourself. When a pet is lonely, he will aggressively rub against his master. If a person does not react to a cat in any way or pays too little attention, the cat will begin to rush at him in order to get at least some attention.

- Cat teacher. When an animal is severely spoiled, it will only play by its own rules. With every disobedience, the owner will receive from his own pet with claws and teeth.

- Cat games. In no case should a kitten be allowed to bite and scratch it when playing with the owner. Cats quickly get used to everything and, having got used to such an undertaking, they will rush at the owner at any game.

Do not be discouraged that the cat is aggressive, because it can still be re-educated. To do this, follow these rules:

- Do not play with the animal with your feet and hands;

- Make your own or buy toys in the store that allow the cat to keep a distance between him and the owner. These toys can be: a wrapper on a string, a fishing rod and others.

- In the case when the pet seized his hand with his teeth and claws during the game, you should not try to pull it out. The cat from this can only become more ferocious. It is necessary to relax your hand and wait until the pet gets bored. He himself will loosen his teeth and claws. At this time, you need to pull out your hand and let the animal know that you will not play with it anymore.

- The animal should spend a lot of time on the street, play a lot and receive a lot of attention from its owner, then it will grow up kind and calm.

- The animal should be taught from childhood to good behavior. If it has already begun to show aggression in adulthood, then in no case should you beat it, the cat can respond in kind.

The representative of the cat family in the house has long been considered a symbol of warmth and comfort. Living this cute animal in the same room with a person can be accompanied by a number of features that are not always pleasant. Quite often, owners of cats or cats complain that their pet bites for no apparent reason. Let's figure out what motives can cause such, which seems aggressive to us, the behavior of a pet, what measures of influence should be applied, how to wean a cat from biting.

What can be a reason that encourages a cat to bite?

It should always be remembered that the fluffy darling, whom all households have long considered a member of the family, comes from a cohort of predators, therefore, in its behavior, it most often relies on the simplest instincts.

The main reasons for the increased biting of a cat can be:

  • aggression;
  • pain sensations;
  • fear;
  • resentment
  • playfulness;
  • demand for attention
  • lack of active life.

The aggressive behavior of a domestic cat is most often caused by external stimuli. It can be the presence of another animal in the house; an unpleasant smell brought by the owner on clothes; getting into the field of view of the "owner of the territory" of other cats, which your pet perceives as rivals. In such situations, instincts work, and the cat attacks. Since the annoying factor is inaccessible, the host becomes the subject of attack.

Sudden displays of irritability and hostility may be caused by your pet's illness.

Often the cause of aggression is a feeling of fear. A small kitten brought to a new place of residence is the subject of increased attention. He is picked up by strangers, examined, stroked. The abundance of unfamiliar smells and sensations is perceived by the baby as a threat. Scaring off potential enemies and defending itself from unknown danger, it can hiss, scratch and bite.

Cats, especially adults, have an independent character. They are very touchy and vindictive. Bites can be a kind of punishment to the owner for previous actions that the cat did not like.

When biting, a kitten or an adult animal may require attention and affection. By such behavior, he provokes a person to play. Young cats in a measured domestic existence lack activity. Surprisingly attacking the owner and quickly hiding, they compensate for this lack.

Cats are very independent and almost impossible to train. It is recommended that you start weaning them from unwanted habits from the very beginning. early childhood. It is almost impossible to re-educate an adult animal. Rare exceptions only confirm the rule.

To prevent the kitten from forming the habit of biting, try to adhere to the following simple rules.
It is necessary to provide the baby with a secluded place, personal space (house, couch, mattress, etc.), where he will feel safe, where he can hide from the annoying attention of people.

You should never play with a kitten using your own hands (legs) as an irritant. Then the animal will not develop the habit of considering parts of the owner's body as objects of hunting. It is recommended to have some special toys imitating mice or birds that you can make yourself or buy at a pet store.

Limit your pet's contact with strangers. Strangers who have no idea about the nature and habits of a small cat can unconsciously provoke aggression and the subsequent consolidation of negative behavioral patterns.

Situations when an adult animal bites are much more complicated. If outbursts of aggressiveness began to appear spontaneously, one should try to establish the cause of such behavior and try to eliminate it. The owner, who is well acquainted with the habits of his ward, this will not cause much difficulty. In any case, first of all, you should start with a visit to the veterinarian. If the animal is healthy, focus your attention on finding the irritant.

If an adult cat has developed the habit of biting since childhood, try to wean him from this by developing a conditioned reflex.

At the time of the bite, you should remain calm and do not make sudden movements with your hand in the mouth. It is necessary to somehow scare the cat so that he himself releases the prey. Any sudden noise will do for this. You can drop something. The publication of loud sounds imitating hiss works well. If you repeat this procedure every time you bite, the animal gradually develops a memory of unpleasant sensations following the action.

How should cat bites be treated?

Cat bite wounds, regardless of their habitat, should be carefully treated with antiseptic agents. Cats teeth arranged in a special way, from which the wounds inflicted by them heal for a long time. In official medicine, a disease called "cat bite disease" has long been registered. If the slightest signs of inflammation appear, it is recommended not to self-medicate, but to immediately consult a doctor.

Proper upbringing of a cat, systematic care and your patience will help the animal get rid of bad habits. The efforts expended will return a hundredfold in the form of gratitude and affection of a wayward fluffy pet!

Or something hurts him, he will show aggression towards people approaching him. An examination by a veterinarian will help determine whether the cause of aggression is an illness.

Also, cats often show aggression when they are frightened. In the event of a fright, the cat immediately begins to defend itself - so determine what exactly frightened the cat and eliminate the cause of fear.

Perhaps the cat is aggressive, as it sees other cats near neighbors or in the yard, which it considers its rivals and competitors. In this case, she, not being able to attack the enemy, attacks her masters.

Most often, cats bite and scratch their owners when they are too addicted to play. The kitten does not yet know how to behave, and therefore, playing with you, it can unwittingly hurt you. Here you can only fix the problem by systematically raising a kitten. Let him know that you can scratch and bite toys and scratching posts specially designed for this, and biting your hands is unacceptable.

Play with the kitten by offering him a variety of toys - this way he will get used to the fact that the object for play is not your body, but a third-party object. When playing with a kitten, let him hunt for a toy, look for it and bring it to you, and after the game, do not forget to reward the kitten with a treat.

If the kitten still bites you, do not twitch, but move the bitten hand towards the cat's mouth. By moving towards her, not away from her, you will cause confusion in the cat, and she will let you go. When you bite, make loud noises that can let the kitten know that he is doing something wrong.

Pets make the house more cozy and hospitable. But when accustoming any animal, especially cat, to the rules of life in a house or apartment Special attention should be devoted to educating the young animal and ridding him of bad habit scratch everything. This will keep your body intact, as well as your family members and guests. In addition, clothes, furniture and other interior items of an apartment or house will not be affected.


Remember that a cat or a cat in the house is not a dog at all, so there should be no training and special punishments, since the animal is able to remember and perform only those actions that are pleasant for him. They should be fixed.

As you know, cats are the most affectionate and playful animals. A pet of any age loves to hunt for a feather or play with the owner's hand. However, even they may begin to show aggression towards their owner. This behavior is unusual for cats, so you need to find out exactly the reason for this. From this article we will learn what to do if the cat.

Why does a domestic cat attack and bite the owner

The cat scratched the owner's hand to the blood, why?

Before weaning a cat from aggressive behavior, you need to understand why he behaves this way. Our pets are not us, and they cannot bite and scratch us for no reason.

There can be several reasons for aggression.


The animal is in pain . One of the causes of aggression may be a disease or injury in a cat. When the owner tries to take his animal in his arms, and he is in pain, then in response the pet may bite him. Or if the owner stepped on the cat's paw or crushed it, it is logical that the pet, defending itself, screams, hisses, and scratches.

When a cat is in severe pain, it instinctively hides. At such moments, he can attack the owner.

If the cat was active and affectionate, and once began to hide in a dark corner. When you try to take her out of there, she vehemently shows aggression. In such a situation, it is urgent to take the pet to the doctor for examination.


When a cat is afraid of something, then as defensive reaction may be aggressive.

When a cat is very scared, his behavior can become aggressive. This is his quiet reaction and survival instinct.

If your kids like to forcefully pet a cat, or torturing it, they will only get vinegar and scratches in return. To calm the pet, it is enough just to remove from him what frightens him.

Cats love it when respect their opinion . If the pet came to you for attention, he will be sweet and affectionate. If you forcibly expose him to affection, then this will cause a lot of indignation and aggression.

Alien smell

A cat can become aggressive if it smells someone else's animal.

The smell of someone else's cat or dog . Our cats are very jealous. If the owner returned home, and the smell of a strange animal comes from him, then the cat may become aggressive. Since there is no way to fight with the one whose smell is present on the owner, then all the anger is directed at the owner. To avoid this, you must immediately change clothes as soon as you return home. You can then wash your hands with soap or use special means destroying odors.

To attract attention

When a cat wants to be petted, it may rub against you and purr. If the owner has no time, then he will simply stroke the animal and then go about his business. But if the pet starts scratching or biting, then this will surely draw attention to him.

Raising your master

If you spoil your pet too much, he will create his own rules. And if you refuse to fulfill them, you will be punished with claws and teeth.


Regular games . If you let a little kitten bite you during the game, then, accordingly, when he grows up, he will bite you in the same way. But the older the animal, the stronger its bites. In addition, during the game, even the most well-mannered cat can just get carried away. In this case, you just need to stop him, pointing out what he is doing wrong.

These are the main reasons why a domestic cat scratches and bites its owner, but there can be many more. Each animal is individual, has its own specific tastes and habits.

How to stop a cat from biting and scratching?

First of all, it is worth weaning the cat from playing with the hands of the owner.

If you're tired of the constant scratch marks on your hands, it's time to start raising your pet. In order for the cat to stop using its claws and teeth in your direction, you must:

  • Do not play with your cat with your hands or feet.
  • Try to buy a pet only that allow to keep distance between owner and animal. It can be fishing rods, feathers on a stick or a candy wrapper on a string.
  • If the cat has grabbed your hand, in no case do not try to escape. This will only increase her interest. the right way will freeze for a while until the pet loses interest in your hand. After the pet releases the hand, stop the game so that the cat has a science that after the aggression the game is stopped.
  • In order for an animal to grow up calm and kind, it needs: active games on the street, walks and more attention from the owner .
  • If you are retraining your pet, you need to be patient. The process of weaning from bites and scratches does not occur immediately, it will take some time. When teaching a cat calm games and good behavior, you need to be attentive and caring. In no case you can't hurt a cat , beat him with your hands or a newspaper. Pets are very smart, and in response to your behavior, only aggression will follow.

It is best to train an animal from a young age. It is easier for kittens to develop reflexes so that they know the norms of acceptable behavior.

If you have frequent guests at your home, don't let them play aggressive games with your cat. The animal will get used to aggression towards strangers and will bite and scratch strangers.

Pet behavior

A properly trained cat will never immediately go on the attack.

By the behavior of the pet, you can notice when certain actions of yours cause him displeasure. You need to be very attentive to your pet, and then you will immediately learn to read his mood by his actions.

A mentally healthy cat will attack the owner only if he has gone beyond what is permitted. Before that, the cat will show by his behavior that he does not like the behavior of the owner.

If the cat twitching ears, fur or tail, repels your hand, or a toy, the expression on the muzzle changes, all this indicates that the animal is starting to get nervous. In this case, it is better to lag behind the pet so as not to get what it deserves from it.

The cat is chewing everything, what to do?

The cat bites and gnaws everything in the house . It can be pencils, laces, toys and other items.

This behavior indicates that the pet lacks vitamins in the body.

To make the animal behave calmer, you should diversify its diet or purchase special vitamins in pet stores. In the period until the animal has ceased to gnaw everything, it is better to remove from the eyes of the animal all objects that can harm him. When cutting wires, pet can be electrocuted, when eating soft objects, particles can enter the stomach and stay there, causing.

How to wean a cat to chew

Asterisk balm will help you!

If your house has a lot of items that the cat likes to gnaw, and you do not have the opportunity to hide them. In this case, the well-known balm " Star". This balm should be lightly lubricated with objects lying in plain sight. The pungent smell of Asterisk will scare away the cat.


The behavior of a cat largely depends on its owners. Pets never throw themselves at people, this always happens due to some kind of annoying factors. Therefore, if a cat is given due attention and care from childhood, then it will delight you with its cultural behavior. In the house where he lives, you always feel comfort and warmth.