Rare phraseological units and their meanings. Friends of the language - phraseological units

Dictionary of phraseological units

To beat the buckets - to mess around, to do trifles.

Without a year, a week is quite recently, a very short time.

Without hind legs - very sound (sleep)

Without further ado - without wasting time (get down to business).

Without a hitch without a hitch - done flawlessly.

The white crow is a person who is very different from other people.

Bleached overeat - go berserk (applied to people who do stupid things).

Biryuk to live - to be gloomy, not to communicate with anyone.

A broken hour is a very long time.

Shoe a flea - skillfully perform the most intricate, precise work.

Side by side - side by side.

To wander in the dark - to poorly understand something, to act at random.

Throwing words to the wind - thoughtlessly speaking, promising the impossible.

Come what may - an expression of readiness for anything.

To be on top is to prove yourself worthy.

Falls out of hand - nothing happens.

In the depths of the soul - in the most secret thoughts.

To drive into the paint - to lead to embarrassment.

In two counts - instantly.

Two steps away - very close, close.

Down and across to know - in great detail.

A teaspoon per hour - too slowly and little by little, barely.

The wind in the head is about a frivolous, frivolous person.

Spinning on the tongue - a strong desire to ask, or "remembered, but forgot."

Hanging by a thread - to be in a very difficult, desperate situation.

Soar in the clouds - blissfully dream, fantasize about what.

Invest your soul - give all of yourself, all your efforts and desires to something.

In all eyes - with great interest to observe.

Into fire and into water - without hesitation, go for any action, sacrificing yourself.

In an instant, instantly.

To lead by the nose - to act dishonestly, to deceive.

You won’t spill water - they are very friendly, inseparable.

A wolf in sheep's clothing is an evil person pretending to be kind.

Hair stand on end - it becomes scary.

That's where the dog is buried - that's the reason, the crux of the matter.

Here you go - expresses surprise or disappointment.

In the sweat of the face - with great effort, tension.

To the nines - completely, completely (for example, to quarrel)

In pink light - to represent something better than it really is.

Put sticks in the wheels - deliberately interfere with someone.

Get up on the wrong foot - be in a bad mood for no reason.

In the spotlight - in front of everyone, causing everyone's interest.

A teaspoon per hour - very slowly.

Carry on your shoulders - handle something on your own

Get angry - get angry

Get out of the water - acting fraudulently, go unpunished.

Eyes stick together - I want to sleep.

Didn't blink an eye - quickly, instantly (something happened)

Chasing two birds with one stone is trying to do two different things at once.

The head on the shoulders is about a smart, quick-witted person.

To make an elephant out of a fly is to exaggerate anything for no reason.

Keep an eye out - behave extremely carefully, do not trust anyone.

For both cheeks - with great appetite.

He does not climb into his pocket for a word - he knows what to say, he is resourceful in conversation.

For distant lands - very far.

Brew porridge - start some troublesome or unpleasant business.

Strong in hindsight - not able to make the right decision in time.

To chop on the nose is good to remember.

Roll up your sleeves - sparing no effort, time, work hard and hard.

As the wind blew away - someone instantly disappeared.

Like peas against a wall - nothing affects someone who does not understand anything.

Like a dog in the manger, he himself does not use anything and does not allow others to use it.

A mosquito will not undermine your nose - you won’t find fault with anything. Usually about a job well done.

A slanting sazhen in the shoulders is a tall, broad-shouldered, powerfully built man.

Bite your elbows - bitterly regret, annoyed about something missed, irreparable, done.

A piece does not go down the throat - someone from fatigue, experiences cannot eat.

Easy on the rise - willingly can go, go somewhere.

Easy to remember - comes just when they remember him, they say.

Climb out of the skin - try your best to accomplish, do something.

To catch on the fly - to understand something immediately, easily and quickly.

There was no poppy dew in his mouth - he ate nothing at all.

A jack of all trades - he is capable of everything, he knows how to do everything.

The bear stepped on the ear - someone has no ear for music.

To swim shallowly - to have a poor understanding of something, to have limited abilities.

Frost on the skin - an unpleasant sensation from sudden fear, horror.

Gently spreads - about a person who is outwardly polite, talkative, and surreptitiously causes trouble, harms.

On a fresh head - in a cheerful state, after rest.

On your own head - to your own detriment, to your detriment.

Take water in your mouth - stubbornly silent.

To break firewood - to make blunders.

To find a common language - to achieve mutual understanding, to negotiate.

Not in the eyebrow, but in the eye - well, just to say something.

Not at ease - to be in a bad, depressed mood, feel uncomfortable, out of place.

Do not believe your eyes - extremely surprised at something you see.

Not a bastard - to be no worse than others, to understand business well.

Tirelessly - very diligently, without ceasing to work.

Do not lose face - successfully cope with any business, assignment.

No end - in abundance, very much.

It doesn’t climb into any gates - it’s no good.

Neither to the village, nor to the city - completely out of place, out of place.

Neither light nor dawn - very early, before dawn.

No hitch, no hitch - no flaws (on a job well done)

One field berry - completely similar to each other.

Give up - losing hope, falling into despair.

Pour from empty to empty - to engage in unnecessary, useless business.

A full bowl - plenty of everything, an abundance of everything.

To be born in a shirt is to be happy, lucky.

To chop off the shoulder - to do something without understanding the essence of the matter, to act thoughtlessly.

To sit in the wrong sleigh - not to take on your own business.

On my mind - secretive, cunning, dodgy.

Seven Fridays a week - someone often changes their minds, decisions.

Build castles in the air - come up with impossible plans

Quieter than water, lower than grass - timid, shy, modest.

Wipe your nose - prove to someone your superiority in something.

Grasping at straws - looking for salvation, resorting to such a tool that obviously will not help.

A little light - in the very early morning, when it starts to get light.


Phraseologisms are called stable combinations of words, turns of speech such as: “beat the buckets”, “hang your nose”, “ask a brainwasher” ... The turn of speech, which is called a phraseological unit, is indivisible in meaning, that is, its meaning does not add up from the meanings of its constituent words. It works only as a whole, a lexical unit.

Phraseologisms are winged expressions that do not have an author.

The meaning of phraseological units is to give emotional coloring to the expression, to strengthen its meaning.

Many phraseological units are easily replaced by one word:

headlong - quickly,

close at hand.

Often a direct expression turns into a figurative one, expanding the shades of its meaning.

Bursting at the seams - from the speech of the tailor has acquired a wider meaning - to decline.

To confuse - from the speech of railway workers it has passed into common use in the sense of confusing.

Examples of phraseological units and their meanings

Buckwheat beat - mess around

Henbane overeat - go berserk (applied to people who do stupid things

After rain on Thursday - never

Anika the warrior is a braggart, brave only in words, away from danger

Set a brain wash (bath) - lather your neck, head - strongly scold

White crow - a person who stands out sharply from the environment with certain qualities

Biryuk to live - to be gloomy, not to communicate with anyone

Throw down a glove - challenge someone to an argument, competition (although no one throws gloves)

A wolf in sheep's clothing - evil people pretending to be kind, who hide under the mask of meekness

Soar in the clouds - blissfully dream, fantasize about what

The soul has gone to the heels - a man who has become cowardly, frightened

Don't feel sorry for your belly - donate your life

Hack on the nose - remember firmly

To make an elephant out of a fly - to turn a small fact into a whole event

On a silver platter - get what you want with honor, without much effort

On the edge of the earth - somewhere very far away

In the seventh heaven - to be in complete delight, in a state of supreme bliss

You can’t see a single thing - it’s so dark that you can’t see the paths, paths

Rush headlong - act recklessly, with desperate determination

Eat a pound of salt - get to know each other well

Good riddance - go away, we can do without you

Roll up your sleeves - work hot, diligently

Phraseologisms with the word "WATER"

A storm in a teacup - big worries over an insignificant occasion

It is written with a pitchfork on the water - it is not yet known how it will be, the outcome is not clear, by analogy: "grandmother said in two"

Do not spill water - great friends about strong friendship

Carry water in a sieve - waste time, do useless business Similarly: crush water in a mortar

He took water in his mouth - he is silent and does not want to answer

To carry water (on someone) - to burden with hard work, taking advantage of his complaisant nature

Bring to clean water - expose dark deeds, convict of lies

Get out of the water dry - go unpunished, without bad consequences

Money is like water - meaning the ease with which it is spent

Blowing into the water, getting burned in milk - being overly cautious, remembering past mistakes

As if he looked into the water - as if he knew in advance, foresaw, accurately predicted events

How he sank into the water - disappeared, without a trace, disappeared without a trace

As if lowered into water - sad, sad

Like water through your fingers - one who easily escapes persecution

Like two drops of water - very similar, indistinguishable

If you don’t know the ford, then don’t go into the water - a warning not to take hasty actions

Like a fish in water - feel confident, very well oriented, good at something,

Like water off a duck's back - nothing to a man

A lot of water has flown under the bridge since then - a lot of time has passed

Carry water in a sieve - waste time

The seventh water on jelly is a very distant relationship

Hide the ends in the water - hide the traces of the crime

Quieter than water, lower than grass - behave modestly, imperceptibly

Crush water in a mortar - do a useless thing.

Phraseologisms with the word "NOS"

It is interesting that in phraseological units the word nose practically does not reveal its main meaning in any way. The nose is the organ of smell, however, in stable phrases, the nose is associated primarily with the idea of ​​something small, short. Remember the fairy tale about Kolobok? When the Fox needed Gingerbread Man to get within her reach, to get closer, she asks him to sit on her nose. However, the word nose does not always mean the organ of smell. He also has other meanings. Muttering under his breath - grumbling, grumbling, mumbling indistinctly.

Lead by the nose - this phrase came to us from Central Asia. Visitors are often surprised how small children manage to cope with huge camels. The animal obediently follows the child leading it by the rope. The fact is that the rope is threaded through the ring located in the camel's nose. Here you already want it, you don’t want it - but you have to obey! Rings were also put into the noses of bulls to make their temper more docile. If a person deceives someone or does not fulfill the promise, then they also say about him that he "leads by the nose."

Turn up your nose - unjustifiably proud of something, boast.

Hack on the nose - Hack on the nose means: remember firmly, once and for all. It seems to many that this was said not without cruelty: it is not very pleasant if you are offered to make a notch on your own face. Useless fear. The word nose here does not mean the organ of smell at all, but just a commemorative plaque, a tag for records. In ancient times, illiterate people always carried such boards with them and made all kinds of notes on them with notches, cuts. These tags were called noses.

Nodding off - falling asleep.

Curious Varvara's nose was torn off at the market - do not interfere in your own business.

On the nose - so they say about something that is about to come.

Do not poke your nose into other people's business - in this way they want to show that a person is too, inappropriately curious, interferes in what he should not.

Nose to nose - on the contrary, close.

Keep your nose downwind - in the glorious days of the sailing fleet, movement by sea completely depended on the direction of the wind, on the weather. Calm, calm - and the sails nick, more like a rag. A contrary wind is blowing in the bow of the ship - you have to think not about sailing, but already about throwing all the anchors, that is, “anchoring” and removing all the sails so that the air current does not throw the ship ashore. In order to go to sea, a fair wind was required, which inflated the sails and directed the ship forward into the sea. The sailors' vocabulary associated with this received figurativeness and entered our literary language. Now "keep your nose to the wind" - in figuratively means to adapt to any circumstances. “Drop anchor”, “anchor”, - stop in motion, settle somewhere; “Sit by the sea and wait for the weather” - an inactive expectation of change; "In full sail" - to move towards the intended goal at full speed, as quickly as possible; Wishing a “fair wind” to someone means wishing him good luck.

Hang your nose or Hang your nose - if suddenly a person is depressed or just sad, it happens about him, they say that he seemed to “hang his nose”, and they can also add: “a fifth”. Quinta, translated from Latin, it means: "fifth". Musicians, or more precisely, violinists, so call the violin's first string in terms of tonality (the highest). While playing, the violinist usually supports his instrument with his chin and his nose almost touches this string closest to him. The expression "hang your nose on the fifth", improved in the circle of musicians, has entered the literature.

Stay with the nose - without what he expected.

Under the very nose - close.

Show your nose - tease someone by putting thumb to the nose and waving the rest.

With a gulkin's nose - very little (a gulka is a dove, the beak of a dove is small).

Poke your nose into other people's affairs - be interested in other people's affairs.

To leave with a nose - the roots of the expression "to leave with a nose" are lost in the distant past. In ancient times, bribery was very common in Russia. Neither in institutions nor in court could a positive decision be achieved without an offering, a gift. Of course, these gifts, hidden by the petitioner somewhere under the floor, were not called the word "bribe". They were politely called "bringing" or "nose". If the manager, judge or clerk took the "nose", then one could be sure that the case would be favorably resolved. In case of refusal (and this could happen if the gift seemed small to the official or if the offering from the opposite side had already been accepted), the petitioner left with his “nose” on his way. In this case, there was no hope for success. Since then, the words "get away with a nose" have come to mean "to fail, to fail, to lose, to stumble, having achieved nothing.

Wipe your nose - if you managed to surpass someone, then they say that they wiped his nose.

Bury your nose - immerse yourself completely in some kind of activity.

Full, drunk and nose in tobacco - means a satisfied and contented person with everything.

Phraseologisms with the word "MOUTH, LIPS"

The word mouth is included in a number of phraseological units, the meanings of which are associated with the process of speaking. Food enters the human body through the mouth - a number of stable expressions in one way or another indicate this function of the mouth. There are not many phraseological units with the word lip.

You can’t take it in your mouth - they say if the food is cooked tasteless.

Guba is not a fool - they say about a person who knows how to choose the best.

Shutting someone's mouth means preventing them from speaking.

Porridge in the mouth - the person speaks indistinctly.

There was no poppy dew in the mouth, which means that the person has not eaten for a long time and needs to be fed urgently.

The milk on the lips has not dried up - they say if they want to show that someone else is young and inexperienced.

To take water in your mouth is to shut up yourself.

Pout your lips - take offense.

Open your mouth - freeze in amazement before something that struck the imagination.

The mouth is full of trouble - they say, if there are so many things to do that you don’t have time to cope with them.

A wide open mouth is a sign of surprise.

Phraseological units with the word "HAND"

To be at hand - to be available, to be in close proximity

Warm your hands - use the position

Hold in hands - do not give free rein, keep in strict obedience

Like a hand removed - quickly disappeared, passed

Wear on your hands - give a special location, attention, appreciate, pamper

Tirelessly - work hard

Tuck under the arm - accidentally be nearby

Get under a hot hand - run into a bad mood

The hand does not rise - it is in no way possible to perform an action due to an internal prohibition

Hand in hand - hand in hand, together, together

Hand washes hand - people connected by common interests protect each other

Hands do not reach - there is no strength and time to do something

Hands itch - about a great desire to do something

At hand - very close, very close

Grab with both hands - gladly agree with some proposal

Rake heat with the wrong hands - enjoy the fruits of someone else's work

Golden hands - about the one who skillfully, skillfully does everything, copes with any work

Phraseologisms with the word "HEAD"

The wind in the head is an unreliable person.

It flew out of my head - I forgot.

My head is spinning - too many things to do, responsibilities, information.

Giving your head to cut off - promise.

Like snow on the head - unexpectedly.

To fool - to deceive, divert from the essence of the matter.

Do not take off your head - be responsible for your actions.

Examine from head to toe - everything, carefully, carefully.

Head over heels - risky.

They don’t pat on the head - they scold.

From a sick head to a healthy one - shift the blame onto another.

Upside down - vice versa.

To break one's head over a task is to think hard.

Breaking my head - very quickly.

Phraseologisms with the word "EAR"

The word ear is included in phraseological units, one way or another connected with hearing. Harsh words act primarily on the ears. In many stable expressions, the word ears means rather than the organ of hearing, but only its outer part. I wonder if you can see your ears? Use a mirror this case not allowed!

Keep your eyes open - a person is tensely waiting for danger. Vostry is the old form of the word acute.

Perk up your ears - listen carefully. The dog's ears are pointed and the dog's ears stick up when listening. This is where phraseology came from.

You can’t see how your ears are - they say about a person who will never get what he wants.

Immerse yourself in something up to your ears - they say to a person if he is completely absorbed in any occupation. You can also be deeply in debt - if there are a lot of debts.

Blushed to the ears - they say when a person is very embarrassed.

Hang your ears - so they say about a person who listens to someone too trustingly.

To listen with all ears means to listen carefully.

Listen with half an ear or listen with the corner of your ear - listen without much attention.

Ears wither - it is disgusting to listen to anything to the utmost.

Ears hurt - they say when something is unpleasant to listen to.

Phraseologisms with the word "TOOTH"

With the word tooth in the Russian language, there are a fairly large number of set expressions. Among them, a group of phraseological units is noticeable, in which teeth act as a kind of instrument of defense or attack, a threat. The word tooth is also used in phraseological units denoting various deplorable states of a person.

To be in the teeth - to impose, to bother.

Armed to the teeth - they talk about a person who is dangerous to attack, because he can give a worthy rebuff.

Speak teeth - divert attention.

Tooth for tooth - quarreling (a tendency to swear), unyielding, "how it comes around, it will respond."

A tooth does not fall on a tooth - they say if someone is cold from extreme cold or from trembling, excitement, fear.

To give a tooth - to mock, to ridicule someone.

There is a tooth - to drive, to cramp.

Show your teeth - mock.

Eat teeth - gain experience.

Scratch your teeth - talk nonsense, nothing.

On a tooth to try - to learn, to try directly.

Something is too tough for anyone - it is difficult to bite off, beyond the power, beyond the abilities.

There is nothing to put on the tooth - they say when there is nothing to eat.

Not in the tooth with a foot - absolutely nothing (not to know, not to understand, etc.).

Look someone in the mouth - find out everything about a person.

Raise on the teeth - mock.

Showing your teeth means demonstrating your evil nature, the desire to be at enmity, to threaten someone.

Put your teeth on the shelf - starve when there is no food left in the house.

Speak through teeth - barely open your mouth, reluctantly.

Grit your teeth - do not lose heart, do not despair, start the fight.

To sharpen or have a grudge against someone - to be spiteful, to seek to cause harm.

Phraseologisms with the word "CHEST, BACK"

The words chest and back are included in oppositely colored phraseological units. However, there are positively colored phraseological units with the word back.

Stand up or stand with your chest for someone - rise to the defense, steadfastly defend.

To ride on someone's back - to achieve your goals, using someone in your own interests.

Bend your back - work, or bow.

Hump ​​your back - work.

Ride on someone's back - use someone for some of their own purposes.

Behind someone (to do something) - so that he does not see, does not know, secretly from someone.

Put your hands behind your back - cross them behind.

On your own back (to experience, to learn something) - from your own bitter experience, as a result of troubles, difficulties, hardships that you yourself had to endure.

A knife in the back or a stab in the back is a treacherous, treacherous act, a blow.

Turn your back - leave, leave to the mercy of fate, stop communicating with anyone.

Pave the way with your chest - to achieve a good position in life, achieves everything with hard work, overcomes all the difficulties that have fallen to him.

Hiding behind someone else's back - shifting your duties or responsibilities to someone.

To work without straightening your back is diligently, diligently, a lot and hard. They can praise an approximately working person.

Straighten your back - gain self-confidence, cheer up.

Show your back - leave, run away.

To stand behind someone's back - secretly, covertly lead someone.

Phraseologisms with the word "LANGUAGE"

Language is another word often found in phraseological units, since language is extremely important for a person, it is with it that the idea of ​​​​the ability to speak and communicate is associated. The idea of ​​speaking (or, conversely, silence) can be traced in one way or another in many phraseological units with the word language.

To run with your tongue out is very fast.

Keep your mouth shut - be silent, do not say too much; be careful in your statements.

Long tongue - they say if a person is a talker and likes to tell other people's secrets.

Like a cow licked with her tongue - about something that quickly and disappeared without a trace.

Find a common language - reach mutual understanding.

To step on the tongue - to silence.

Hanging your tongue on your shoulder is very tired.

Get on the tongue - become the subject of gossip.

Bite your tongue - shut up, refrain from speaking.

Untie the tongue - encourage someone to talk; give someone the opportunity to speak.

To dissolve the tongue - without restraining oneself, losing control over oneself, to speak out, to say too much.

Pip on your tongue - an angry wish to an evil talker.

To pull the tongue - to say something that is not entirely appropriate for the situation.

To shorten the tongue - to silence someone, not to let insolence speak, superfluous.

Scratch your tongue (scratch your tongue) - talk in vain, chatter, idle talk.

Scratch tongues - gossip, slander.

The devil pulled the tongue - an unnecessary word breaks off the tongue.

Boneless tongue - they say if a person is talkative.

The tongue is tangled - you can not clearly say anything.

Tongue stuck to the larynx - suddenly shut up, stop talking.

Swallow the tongue - shut up, stop talking (about the reluctance to speak to anyone).

The language is well suspended - they talk about a person who speaks freely, fluently.

Phraseologisms with the word "LITTLE"

Nearly, almost

Small spool, but expensive - value is not determined by size

Mal mala is smaller - one is smaller than the other (about children)

The bird is small, but the nail is sharp - insignificant in position, but inspires fear or admiration for its qualities

A small dog until old age is a puppy - a person of small stature always seems younger than his age, does not make a solid impression

You never know what - 1. anything, anything 2. not essential, not important 3. excitement, but suddenly ...

Little by little - slowly, little by little

Slowly - slowly

From young to old - all ages

Small (drink) - a little, a small portion

Play small - make a small bet (in games)

From an early age - from childhood

The smallest part is the smallest part of something.

The correct and appropriate use of phraseological units gives speech a special expressiveness, accuracy and imagery.

You have probably heard more than once that some phrases are called phraseological units. And, we argue, many times they used such turns themselves. Let's check what you know about them. We bet we know more. And we are happy to share information.

What is a phraseological unit?

Phraseologism- a turnover that is freely reproduced in speech, has a holistic, stable and, often, figurative meaning. From the point of view of the structure, it is built as a coordinating or subordinating phrase (it has a non-predicative or predicative character).

In what case does a certain phrase turn into a phraseological unit? When each of its constituent parts loses its independence as a semantic unit. And together they form a phrase with a new, allegorical meaning and imagery.

Phraseological features:

  • stability;
  • reproducibility;
  • value integrity;
  • dismemberment of the composition;
  • belonging to the nominative dictionary of the language.

Some of these features characterize the internal content of the phraseological phrase, and some characterize the form.

How are phraseological units different from words?

First of all, its pronounced stylistic coloring. Most commonly used words in the vocabulary of the average person are neutral vocabulary. Phraseologisms, on the other hand, are characterized by evaluative meaning, emotionally expressive coloring, without which the realization of the meaning of phraseological units is impossible.

From the point of view of the stylistics of the language, phraseological units can be divided into:

  • neutral ( from time to time, little by little etc.);
  • high style ( cornerstone, rest in Bose and etc.);
  • colloquial and vernacular good riddance, catching crows etc.).

How do phraseological units differ from phraseological combinations, proverbs and sayings, popular expressions?

Phraseologisms are capable (and actively carry out this) in composition to be combined with words of free use (that is, all other words of the language, “non-phraseologisms”).

How phraseological units are divided by origin:

  • primordially Russian- some free phrases were rethought in speech as metaphors and turned into phraseological units ( reel in fishing rods, fish in troubled waters, knead mud, spread wings, grated kalach etc.);
  • borrowings from Old Church Slavonic (without hesitation, like the apple of an eye, not of this world, a parable of the town, at the time it is, the holy of holies and etc.);
  • set phrases-terms that have turned into metaphors (bring to a common denominator= equalize, specific gravity = value, exaggerate= to greatly exaggerate squaring the circle and etc.);
  • accepted at home stable names, which do not belong to any terminological system ( Indian summer, goat leg etc.);
  • winged words and expressions who came to us from Greek and Roman mythology (Achilles' heel, sword of Damocles, tantalum flour, wash your hands etc.);
  • winged words and expressions come from the Bible and other religious texts ( manna from heaven, the abomination of desolation etc.);
  • catchphrases come from literature, which have lost touch with the original source and entered into speech as phraseological units ( mage and wizard- comedy A.V. Sukhovo-Kobylin "Krechinsky's Wedding" (1855), between hammer and anvil- novel by F. Shpilhagen "Between the hammer and the anvil" (1868), between Scylla and Charybdis- Homer, "Odyssey" (VIII century BC);
  • phraseological units-tracing paper, that is, a literal translation of set expressions from other languages ​​( smash on the head- it. aufs Haupt Schlagen, not at ease- fr. ne pas etre dans son assiette, dog and wolf time- fr. l'heure entre chien et loup, literally: the time after sunset, when it is difficult to distinguish a dog from a wolf).

Do not apply to phraseological units:

  • phrases like scorn, pay attention, win, make a decision; wolfish appetite, maiden memory, bosom friend, sworn enemy, dog cold and the like. The words that make up these phrases retain the ability to connect in meaning and grammatically with another word. Phraseological combinations are classified as specific phrases. And actually phraseological units are not phrases in the common sense of this definition. (* in fact, this is a rather controversial point of classification and in the future we will consider some of these expressions);
  • set phrases-terms ( exclamation mark, brain, chest, spinal column, progressive paralysis) and compound names (such as red corner, wall newspaper);
  • constructs such as: in the form, for the sake of appearance, under the authority, if they cannot be compared with a literal prepositional combination of words (compare: On the nose= very soon and On the nose mole);
  • catchphrases, Proverbs and sayings ( Happy hours are not observed; Love for all ages; Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword; Do not renounce the bag and prison etc.) - they differ from phraseological units in that they are combined in speech not with words, but with whole sentences (parts of sentences).

Lexico-grammatical classification

Phraseologisms can also be classified from a lexico-grammatical point of view:

  • verbal- are used in speech in the form of an imperfect and perfect form: take / take the bull by the horns, hang / hang the nose, stroke / stroke the wrong way etc. A significant number of verbal phraseological units nevertheless entrenched in the language in the form of only one type: perfect ( wave your hand, plug it into your belt, kill two birds with one stone) or imperfect ( lead by the nose, smoke the sky, stand as a mountain(for someone).
  • registered- are implemented in nominal phrases ( Indian summer, dark forest, Filkin's letter). In a sentence, they can play the role of a nominal predicate - they are used in I.p. or sometimes in Etc.
  • adverbial- implemented in adverbial combinations ( in all shoulder blades, in all eyes, in one word, in a black body, so-so).
  • adjectival - are characterized by the fact that their interpretation requires definitive (adjective) phrases ( skin and bones= very thin wet behind the ears= too young).
  • verb-nominal predicative - built on the model of a sentence and implemented in verbal-nominal phrases (in fact, sentences where the subject (grammatical or logical) is an indefinite pronoun): eyes on forehead who, and the flag in hand to whom.

Phraseological units and idioms - is there a difference?

Is it necessary to distinguish between phraseological units and idioms? Idioms- these are speech turns that cannot be divided into constituent parts without losing the original meaning and the general meaning of which cannot be deduced from the meanings of the individual words that make up them. We can say that phraseologism and idiom are related as a genus and species. That is, phraseologism is a broader concept, a special case of which is an idiom.

Idioms are curious in that when they are literally translated into another language, their meaning is lost. An idiom gives such a description of phenomena that is logical for native speakers of a certain language, but relies on definitions and metaphors that cannot be understood outside this language without additional interpretation. For example, in Russian we talk about heavy rain like a shower. The English in this case say it's raining cats and dogs). And, for example, Estonians about a heavy downpour will say that it is pouring like a beanstalk.

About something incomprehensible we will say chinese letter, but for the Danes it is " sounds like the name of a Russian city". German says: “I only understood “station”, Pole - “Thank you, everyone is healthy at my house”, the Englishman will use "It's all Greek to me" (It's all Greek to me).

Or let's take the well-known Russian phraseological unit beat the buckets(= to mess around, to engage in nonsense) - it cannot be translated into another language literally. Because the origin of the expression is connected with the phenomena of the past, which has no analogues in the present. “To beat the buckets” means to split a log into chocks for turning spoons and wooden utensils.

Phraseologisms, speech stamps and clichés

Do not confuse phraseological units with speech clichés and clichés. Phraseologisms are a product of language metaphorization. They enrich the speech, make it more expressive and diverse, give the utterance figurativeness. Cliches and clichés, on the contrary, impoverish speech, reduce it to some hackneyed formulas. Although phraseological units have a stable structure and are reproduced, as a rule, in their entirety, without changes and additions, they liberate thinking and give free rein to the imagination. But cliches and clichés make thinking and speech stereotyped, deprive them of their individuality and testify to the poverty of the speaker's imagination.

For example, expressions black gold(= oil), people in white coats(= doctors), soul light- have long been no longer metaphors, but real clichés.

Common mistakes in the use of phraseological units

The incorrect use of phraseological units leads to speech errors, sometimes just annoying, and sometimes even comical.

  1. The use of phraseological units in the wrong meaning. For example, with a literal understanding or distortion of the meaning of a phraseological unit - In the forest, I always use repellents, so the mosquito will not undermine the nose. The meaning of this phraseological unit is “you can’t find fault with anything”, in this case the turnover was understood too literally and therefore was used incorrectly.
  2. Distortion of the form of phraseology.
  • Grammatical Distortion - It Works later willows sleeves(right later I sleeves). me his stories imposed on the teeth(right imposed in teeth). It is also wrong to replace in phraseological units short forms adjectives into full.
  • Lexical distortion - plug behind mine someone's belt(it is impossible to freely introduce new units into the phraseological unit). live wide(right live wide leg - you can not throw out words from the phraseological unit).
  • Violation of lexical compatibility. He never had his own opinion - he always repeated after everyone and sang to someone else's tune(in fact, there are phraseological units dance to someone else's tune and sing from someone else's voice).
  • Modern phraseological units

    Like any lexical units, phraseological units are born, exist for some time, and some of them sooner or later go out of active use. If we talk about the relevance of phraseological units, then they can be divided into:

    • common;
    • obsolete;
    • obsolete.

    The system of phraseological units of the Russian language is not once and for all frozen and unchangeable. New phraseological units inevitably arise in response to phenomena modern life. Borrowed as cripples from other languages. And they enrich modern speech with new, relevant metaphors.

    Here, for example, are a few relatively “fresh” phraseological units, relatively recently (mainly in the 20th century) that have taken root in the Russian language:

    On a live thread- to do something not too carefully, temporarily, with the expectation in the future to redo the work as it should, to do it without extra effort. The origin of the phraseologism is quite transparent: when seamstresses sew the parts of the product together, they first sweep them with large stitches so that they just stick together. And then they sew the parts neatly and firmly.

    cloudless nature- a characteristic for a calm and unflappable person with a benevolent and balanced character, a person without special flaws and not subject to mood swings. It can also be used not only to describe a person, but also to characterize abstract phenomena (relationships between people, for example).

    How to send two bytes- a characteristic for any action, which is completely easy to perform.

    Speak different languages- do not find mutual understanding.

    Make lemonade out of lemons- be able to even the most unfavourable conditions and circumstances to apply to your advantage and achieve success in this.

    Why do we need phraseological units-synonyms?

    By the way, phraseological units can be both synonyms and antonyms among themselves. Having understood what connections exist between phraseological units that are different at first glance, one can more deeply comprehend their meanings. And also to diversify the use of these turns in speech. Sometimes synonymous phraseological units describe various degrees of manifestation of a phenomenon or its various, but similar aspects. Look at these examples of phraseological units:

    • About a person who means nothing to society and is nothing of himself, they say and small fry, and the last spoke in the chariot, and low flight bird, and bump in place.
    • The antonyms for these phraseological units are turns: important bird, high-flying bird, big cone.

    Interpretation of phraseological units

    We bring to your attention the interpretation and even the history of the origin of some phraseological units. They are included in the active stock of the modern Russian language. And, despite the fact that some are no longer just tens, but even a couple of hundred years old, they remain popular and are widely used in everyday speech and literature.

    Augean stables- so they burn about a very dirty place, a neglected and untidy room, things scattered in disorder. Applies also to messy, disordered and neglected cases.

    Phraseologism comes from ancient Greek myths. One of the exploits of Hercules was cleaning the stables of the king of Elis Avgii, which had not been cleaned for 30 years.

    Ariadne's thread- a wonderful way to find a way out of a predicament.

    This turnover also came to us from ancient Greek myths. According to legend, the daughter of the Cretan king Minos, Ariadne, helped the Athenian hero Theseus get out of the labyrinth of the minotaur, giving him a ball of thread so that he could return from the tangled corridors along the thread fixed at the entrance to the labyrinth. By the way, if one day you become interested in ancient literature, you will know that later Ariadne probably regretted that she undertook to help Theseus.

    Achilles' heel- the weakest and most vulnerable place, a secret weakness.

    According to ancient Greek mythology, the hero Achilles was miraculously tempered from any danger. And only one heel remained humanly vulnerable. From the wound inflicted by an arrow in the heel, Achilles subsequently died.

    lamb in paper- a bribe.

    It is believed that phraseology originated in the eighteenth century. At that time, there was a magazine called "Vssakaya Vsyachina", the editor of which was the Empress Catherine II. The monarch was sharply critical of the bribery common among officials. And she claimed, they say, officials, hinting at a bribe, demand to bring them a "lamb in a piece of paper." The turnover was popular with the Russian writer M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, who, as you know, often ridiculed the vices of contemporary society.

    without a hitch, without a hitch– flawlessly, without complications and problems, well and smoothly.

    A hitch used to be called roughness, unevenness on the surface of a smoothly planed board.

    beat the alarm- to draw everyone's attention to something of great public or personal importance, to something dangerous and disturbing.

    Nabat - in the Middle Ages and more early periods stories to alert people about trouble (fire, invasion of enemies, etc.), an alarm was given by the sound of bells, less often drums were beaten.

    good obscenities(scream) - shout very loudly, at the top of your lungs.

    Phraseologism has nothing to do with modern swear words, i.e. matu. From Old Russian good can be translated as strong, and mat - as a voice. Those. the expression should be taken literally only if you know what each of its parts means separately.

    big boss- an important, respected and significant person in society.

    In the old days, heavy loads on the rivers were rafted with the help of the draft power of people (barge haulers). The most experienced, physically strong and hardy person, who was called a bump in the jargon accepted in this environment, walked ahead of everyone in the strap.

    shave forehead- to send to military service, to the soldiers.

    Before the new statute on conscription was adopted in 1874, recruits for the army were recruited (usually under duress) for a period of 25 years. While the recruitment lasted, everyone fit for military service had the front half of the head shaved bald.

    Babel- confusion and crowding, disorder.

    The biblical traditions describe the construction of a grandiose tower up to the sky (“pillar of creation”), which was started by the inhabitants of Ancient Babylon and in which many people from different lands took part. As a punishment for this insolence, God created many different languages, so that the builders stopped understanding each other and, in the end, could not complete the building.

    bartholomew night- massacre, genocide and extermination.

    On the night of August 24, 1572 in Paris, on the eve of St. Bartholomew's Day, Catholics staged a massacre of Protestant Huguenots. As a result, several thousand people were physically destroyed and wounded (according to some estimates, up to 30 thousand).

    Versta Kolomna- a characteristic for a person of very high stature.

    In the past, milestones marked the distance on the roads. Specifically, this expression was born from a comparison of tall people with milestones on the way between Moscow and the village of Kolomenskoye (the summer residence of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich was located there).

    hang dogs- accuse someone, condemn and blame, slander and blame someone else.

    By "dog" is not meant an animal, but an outdated name for thorns and thorns.

    in all shoulder blades- very fast.

    This turnover was born to denote a very fast run of a horse, when it jumps "in all front legs."

    free Cossack- a definition for a free and independent person.

    In the Muscovite state of the 15th-17th centuries, this was the name given to free people from the central regions of the country who fled to the periphery to escape enslavement (that is, turning into serfs).

    newspaper duck- unverified, distorted or generally false information in the media from beginning to end.

    There are several versions of the origin of this phraseological unit. Journalists have a popular one: in the past, in newspapers, next to dubious and unverified reports, they put the letters NT ( non-testatum= "not verified" in Latin). But the fact is that the German word for "duck" ( ente) is consonant with this abbreviation. This is how the expression was born.

    highlight of the program- the most important part of the performance, the best and most important number, something very important and significant.

    The famous Eiffel Tower was built in Paris specifically for the World Exhibition (1889). To contemporaries of those events, the tower looked like a nail. By the way, it was assumed that 20 years after the exhibition, the tower would be dismantled. And only the development of radio broadcasting saved it from destruction - the tower began to be used as a tower for placing radio transmitters. And the expression has since taken root to denote something unusual, noticeable and significant.

    pillars of Hercules(pillars) - the highest, extreme degree of something.

    It was originally used to describe something very distant, almost "on the edge of the world." So in ancient times they called two rocks located on the banks of the Strait of Gibraltar. In those days, people believed that the rocks-pillars installed there ancient greek hero Hercules.

    naked as a falcon- a characteristic for a very poor person.

    Falcon - the so-called ancient wall-beater used during the siege. It looked like an absolutely smooth cast-iron blank, fixed on chains.

    sword of Damocles- constant threat, danger.

    In ancient Greek myths, there was a story about a tyrant from Syracuse, Dionysius the Elder. He taught a lesson for envy to his position of one of his associates named Damocles. At the feast, Damocles was seated in a place over which a sharp sword was hung on a horsehair. The sword symbolized the numerous dangers that constantly haunt a person of such a high position as Dionysius.

    case burned out– i.e. something completed successfully, in a satisfactory manner.

    The origin of this phraseological unit is connected with the peculiarities of judicial office work in the past. A defendant could not be charged with anything if his case was destroyed, for example, by fire. Wooden courts, together with all the archives, often burned in the past. And just as often there were cases when court cases were destroyed intentionally, for a bribe to judicial officials.

    reach the handle- to reach the extreme degree of humiliation, extreme need, finally sink and lose self-respect.

    When old Russian bakers baked rolls, they gave them the shape of a padlock with a round bow. This form had a purely utilitarian purpose. It was convenient to hold the kalach by the bow while eating. Apparently, they already guessed about the diseases of dirty hands even then, so they disdained to eat the handle of the kalach. But it could be served to the poor or thrown to a hungry dog. It was possible to reach the point of eating a kalach handle only in the most extreme case, in extreme need, or simply not caring at all about one's health and image in the eyes of others.

    bosom friend- the closest and most reliable friend, soul mate.

    Before the arrival of Christianity in Russia, it was believed that the soul of a person is in the throat, "behind the Adam's apple." After the adoption of Christianity, they began to believe that the soul is located in the chest. But the designation of the most trusted person, to whom you can even entrust your own life and for whom you will regret it, has remained as a “bosom”, i.e. "soul" friend.

    for lentil soup- to change their ideals or supporters for selfish motives.

    According to biblical tradition, Esau gave up his birthright to his brother Jacob for nothing more than a bowl of lentil stew.

    golden mean- an intermediate position, behavior aimed at avoiding extremes and making risky decisions.

    This is a tracing-paper from the Latin saying of the ancient Roman poet Horace " aurea mediocritas".

    history with geography- a state when things took an unexpected turn that no one expected.

    Phraseologism was born from the outdated name of the school discipline - "history with geography".

    and no brainer- something that should be clear even to the most obtuse, self-evident.

    There are two versions of the origin of this phraseological unit. It is also possible that both are true and one follows from the other. One turn went to the people after the poem by V. Mayakovsky, in which there were such lines: “It is clear even to a hedgehog / This Petya was a bourgeois.” According to another, the expression took root in boarding schools for gifted children that existed in Soviet times. The letters E, G and I denoted classes with students of one year of study. And the students themselves were called "hedgehogs." In terms of their knowledge, they lagged behind students from classes A, B, C, D, E. Therefore, what is understandable to the “hedgehog” should have been all the more understandable for more “advanced” students.

    not by washing, so by skating- not one way, but another way to achieve the desired result.

    This phraseological unit describes the old way of washing, adopted in the villages. The linen was rinsed by hand, and then, due to the lack of such benefits of civilization as an iron at that time, they were “rolled back” with a special wooden rolling pin. After that, things became squeezed out, especially clean and even practically ironed.

    latest Chinese warning- empty threats that do not entail any decisive action.

    This phraseological unit was born relatively recently. In the 1950s and 1960s, US Air Force reconnaissance aircraft frequently violated Chinese airspace. The Chinese authorities responded to any such violation of the borders (and there were several hundred of them) with an official warning to the US leadership. But no decisive action was taken to stop the reconnaissance flights of American pilots.

    on the sly- secretly and gradually do something, act on the sly.

    Sapa (from it. zappa= "hoe") - a ditch or dig, imperceptibly pulled out towards the enemy's fortifications in order to take him by surprise. In the past, in this way they often dug under the walls of enemy fortresses, laying gunpowder charges in the trenches. Exploding, the bombs destroyed the outer walls and opened up the opportunity for the attackers to break through. By the way, the word "sapper" of the same origin - that was the name of the people who left the powder charges in the saps.


    We hope that we were able to at least slightly open for you the diverse and interesting world of phraseological units. If you continue this journey on your own, there are still many interesting discoveries ahead of you.

    Phraseological phrases change over time, new phenomena in life lead to the emergence of new phraseological units. If you know any interesting new phraseological units, tell us about it in the comments. We will definitely supplement this article with them and do not forget to thank those who send us novelty phraseological units.

    blog.site, with full or partial copying of the material, a link to the source is required.

    Each person, usually without knowing it, uses several phraseological units in his speech every day. Some of them exist in the Russian language for several centuries.

    What are phraseological units, what are their distinguishing features and why are they needed? We will try to answer all these questions.

    Phraseological units are stable phrases that are used to make speech expressive, dynamic, better convey emotions, etc. Phraseologisms can be found in oral speech, in fiction, they are widely used in journalism and politics. Perhaps, to a lesser extent, they are found only in official documents and specialized literature.

    Phraseological units are widespread in Russian. They are necessary so that the speaker can express his attitude to what he is saying, show his temperament and mental alertness. From the point of view of vocabulary, the main meaning of the phrase, which is a phraseological unit, can be conveyed in one word, but without emotional overtones.

    Phraseologisms surprise with their stability: it is impossible to make changes in them without destroying their meaning. Even a simple word form destroys a phraseological unit. At the same time, the process of formation of new phraseological units is constantly taking place in the language, and obsolete ones are gradually being phased out.

    The main task of these phrases is to influence the imagination of the interlocutor or reader in order to make what was said more prominent, to make him empathize, to feel certain emotions.

    Phraseologisms become known to native speakers with early childhood. Often we perceive them under other names - sayings, catchphrases, idiomatic expressions,. For the first time they were described by M.V. Lomonosov when drawing up a plan for a dictionary of the Russian language. However, a serious study of Russian phraseological units began only in the middle of the twentieth century.

    Most phraseological units used today have distinct historical roots. So, the expression "give the go-ahead" goes back to the signals of the Russian navy. In the pre-revolutionary alphabet, the letter D was called "good". The “good” signal, transmitted using the naval signal system, meant consent, permission. Hence the meaning of the expression "give good" - to allow, to agree.

    A considerable part of phraseological units is based on the transfer of the properties of one object to another. The expression "pot cooks", denoting a smart person, is based on a comparison of the head with a bowler hat: cooks - it means he thinks.

    Often the basis of a phraseological unit is a part of a well-known proverb or a stable professional term.

    Philologists subdivide phraseological units into their own, which originated in the Russian language, and borrowed ones, which came through translations of foreign literature.

    In Russian, phraseological units are found literally at every step. Examples of popular phraseological units:

    - like two drops of water - about a striking resemblance;

    - at hand - very close;

    - one leg here, the other there - to quickly run away on some business;

    - slipshod - do the job somehow;

    - to reach the handle - to lose human appearance, to sink.

    Each of us can remember many similar expressions and phrases in a few minutes - these are phraseological units.

    Many phraseological units have been preserved in the Russian language since ancient times. It often happens that the reason for the formation of a phrase has long been forgotten, but it itself lives in folk speech.


    - Bosom friend - the expression was formed from the old phraseological unit "pour over the Adam's apple", i.e. drink alcohol, get drunk and denotes a person with whom you can "fill in the Adam's apple" without fear of trouble.

    - To hack on the nose - in the old days, a wooden die was called a “nose”, on which a worker was given notches for each day worked. Hack on the nose - firmly remember.

    - To beat the buckets - to mess around. Baklush called wooden chocks, which were prepared for cutting spoons, breaking off from a birch log. This occupation was considered an easy task, almost idleness.

    - Chasing a long ruble - striving for easy money. In the ancient Russian state, the main monetary unit was the hryvnia - an ingot of silver, which was chopped into pieces - rubles. The largest of these pieces was called a long ruble, and to get it means to earn more without making any effort.

    - Not two, not one and a half - about something indefinite, without a clear description.

    - A double-edged sword is a business or event that can have good or bad consequences.

    - Seven Fridays a week - about a capricious, eccentric, fickle person.

    - The seventh water on jelly is a very distant relationship.

    - Twenty-five again - about something boring, invariably repeating.

    Ecology of life: Often, in order to achieve some kind of speech effect, simple words are not enough. Irony, bitterness, love, mockery...

    Speech is a way of communication between people. In order to achieve complete mutual understanding, to express one's thoughts more clearly and figuratively, many lexical techniques are used, in particular, phraseological units (phraseological unit, idiom) - stable turns of speech that have an independent meaning and are characteristic of a particular language.

    Often, to achieve some kind of speech effect, simple words are not enough. Irony, bitterness, love, mockery, one's own attitude to what is happening - all this can be expressed much more capaciously, more precisely, more emotionally.

    We often use phraseological units in everyday speech, sometimes without even noticing - after all, some of them are simple, familiar, and familiar from childhood. Many of the phraseological units came to us from other languages, eras, fairy tales, legends.

    "The game is not worth the candle" and other popular expressions

    Augean stables

    Rake first these Augean stables, and then you will go for a walk.

    Meaning. A cluttered, polluted place where everything is in complete disarray.

    Origin. He lived in ancient Elis, according to an ancient Greek legend, King Augius, a passionate lover of horses: he kept three thousand horses in his stables. However, the stalls in which the horses were kept had not been cleaned for thirty years, and they were overgrown with manure up to the roof.

    Hercules was sent to the service of Avgius, to whom the king instructed to clean the stables, which no one else could do.

    Hercules was as cunning as he was powerful. He directed the waters of the river through the gates of the stables, and a stormy stream washed out all the dirt from there in a day.

    The Greeks sang this feat along with the other eleven, and the expression "Augean stables" began to apply to everything neglected, polluted to the last limit, and in general to denote a great mess.

    Arshin swallow

    It stands as if the arshin swallowed.

    Meaning. Stay unnaturally straight.

    Origin. The Turkish word "arshin", meaning a measure of length of one cubit, has long become Russian. Until the revolution, Russian merchants and artisans constantly used arshins - wooden and metal rulers seventy-one centimeters long. Imagine how a person who swallowed such a ruler should look like, and you will understand why this expression is used in relation to stiff and arrogant people.

    henbane overeat

    In Pushkin's "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" an old man, indignant

    with the shameless greed of his old woman, angrily says to her:

    “What are you, woman, overeating with henbane?”

    Meaning. Act absurdly, viciously, like crazy.

    Origin. In the countryside, in the backyards and dumps, you can find tall bushes with dirty yellowish, purple-veined flowers and an unpleasant smell. This is henbane - a very poisonous plant. Its seeds resemble poppies, but the one who eats them becomes like a madman: he raves, rages, and often dies.

    Buridan's donkey

    He rushes about, cannot decide on anything, like Buridan's donkey.

    Meaning. An extremely indecisive person, hesitating in the choice between equivalent decisions.

    Origin. The philosophers of the late Middle Ages put forward a theory according to which the actions of living beings do not depend on their own will, "but solely on external causes. The scientist Buridan (more precisely, Buridan), who lived in France in the 14th century, confirmed this idea with such an example. Let's take a hungry donkey and put on either side of his muzzle, at equal distances, are two identical bundles of hay. The donkey will have no reason to prefer one of them over the other: they are exactly alike. He will not be able to reach for either the right or the left, and in the end he will die. with hunger.

    Back to our sheep

    However, enough about this, let's get back to our sheep.

    Meaning. A call to the speaker not to digress from the main topic; a statement that his digression from the topic of conversation is over.

    Origin. Let's return to our rams - tracing paper from the French revenons a nos moutons from the farce "Lawyer Pierre Patlin" (c. 1470). With these words, the judge interrupts the rich clothier's speech. Having initiated a case against the shepherd who stole the sheep from him, the clothier, forgetting about his lawsuit, showers reproaches on the shepherd's defender, Patlen's lawyer, who did not pay him for six cubits of cloth.

    Versta Kolomna

    At such a verst of Kolomna as you, everyone will immediately pay attention.

    Meaning. So they call a person of very tall stature, a tall man.

    Origin. In the village of Kolomenskoye near Moscow, there was a summer residence of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. The road there was busy, wide and was considered the main one in the state. And when they put up huge milestones, the likes of which have never happened in Russia, the glory of this road increased even more. The savvy people did not fail to take advantage of the novelty and dubbed the lanky man the Kolomna verst. That's what they still say.

    lead by the nose

    The smartest man, more than once or twice led the enemy by the nose.

    Meaning. To deceive, mislead, promise and not fulfill the promise.

    Origin. The expression was associated with fairground entertainment. Gypsies took bears to the show for a ring threaded through their noses. And they forced them, poor fellows, to do various tricks, deceiving them with the promise of handouts.

    Hair on end

    Horror seized him: his eyes popped out, his hair stood on end.

    Meaning. So they say when a person is very scared.

    Origin. “Stand on end” is to stand at attention, on your fingertips. That is, when a person is frightened, his hair stands on tiptoe on his head.

    That's where the dog is buried!

    Ah, that's it! Now it is clear where the dog is buried.

    Meaning. That's the thing, that's the real reason.

    Origin. There is a story: the Austrian warrior Sigismund Altensteig spent all campaigns and battles with his beloved dog. Once, while traveling in the Netherlands, the dog even saved his owner from death. The grateful warrior solemnly buried his four-legged friend and erected a monument on his grave, which stood for more than two centuries - until the beginning of the 19th century.

    Later, the dog monument could be found by tourists only with the help of local residents. At that time, the saying "That's where the dog is buried!" Was born, which now has the meaning: "I found what I was looking for", "got to the bottom of the matter."

    But there is an older and no less likely source of the proverb that has come down to us. When the Greeks decided to give the Persian king Xerxes a battle at sea, they put old men, women and children on ships in advance and transported them to the island of Salamis.

    They say that the dog, which belonged to Xanthippus, the father of Pericles, did not want to part with his master, jumped into the sea and swam, following the ship, reached Salamis. Exhausted from fatigue, she immediately died.

    According to the historian of antiquity Plutarch, this dog was placed on the seashore with a kinosema - a canine monument, which was shown to the curious for a very long time.

    Some German linguists believe that this expression was created by treasure hunters, who, out of fear of the evil spirit that allegedly guarded every treasure, did not dare to directly mention the purpose of their search and conditionally began to talk about a black dog, meaning the devil and the treasure.

    Thus, according to this version, the expression "this is where the dog is buried" meant: "this is where the treasure is buried."

    Pour in the first number

    For such deeds, of course, they should be poured on the first number!

    Meaning. Severely punish, scold someone

    Origin. Something, but this expression is familiar to you ... And where did it just fall on your unfortunate head! Believe it or not, but... from the old school, where students were flogged every week, regardless of whether they were right or wrong. And if the mentor overdoes it, then such a spanking was enough for a long time, until the first day of the next month.

    rub glasses

    Do not believe it, they rub glasses on you!

    Meaning. To deceive someone by presenting the matter in a distorted, incorrect, but favorable light for the speaker.

    Origin. We are not talking about glasses that are used to correct vision. There is another meaning of the word "points": red and black marks on playing cards. Ever since there were cards, there have been dishonest players, cheaters in the world. They, in order to deceive a partner, indulged in all sorts of tricks. By the way, they were able to quietly “rub glasses” - turn a seven into a six or a four into a five, on the go, during the game, sticking a “point” or covering it with a special white powder. It is clear that “rubbing glasses” began to mean “cheating”, hence the special words were born: “fraud”, “fraudster” - a dodger who knows how to embellish his work, pass off bad as very good.

    Voice in the wilderness

    Wasted labor, you won't convince them, your words are the voice of one crying in the wilderness.

    Meaning. Denotes vain persuasion, calls that no one heeds.

    Origin. As the biblical legends convey, one of the Hebrew prophets called out from the desert to the Israelites to prepare the way for God: to lay roads in the desert, to make the mountains go down, the valleys to be filled, and the curvature and unevenness to straighten. However, the calls of the prophet-hermit remained "a voice crying in the wilderness" - they were not heard. The people did not want to serve their fierce and cruel god.

    Goal like a falcon

    Who to me good word say? After all, I'm an orphan. Goal like a falcon.

    Meaning. Very poor, beggar.

    Origin. Many people think that we are talking about the bird. But she is neither poor nor rich. In fact, the “falcon” is an old military wall-beating weapon. It was a completely smooth (“bare”) cast-iron ingot, mounted on chains. Nothing extra!

    Naked truth

    This is the state of affairs, the naked truth without embellishment.

    Meaning. Truth as it is, no bluff.

    Origin. This expression is Latin: Nuda Veritas [nuda veritas]. It is taken from the 24th ode of the Roman poet Horace (65 - 8 BC). Ancient sculptors allegorically portrayed the truth (truth) in the form of a naked woman, which was supposed to symbolize the true state of affairs without silence or embellishment.

    Woe onion

    Do you know how to cook soup, onion woe.

    Meaning. Idiot, unlucky person.

    Origin. The corrosive volatile substances contained in the onion in abundance irritate the eyes, and the hostess, while she crushes the onion for her cooking, sheds tears, although there is not the slightest grief. It is curious that tears caused by the action of irritating substances chemical composition different from sincere tears. There is more protein in fake tears (this is not surprising, because such tears are designed to neutralize caustic substances that have entered the eye), so fake tears are slightly cloudy. However, every person knows this fact intuitively: there is no faith in muddy tears. And onion grief is not called grief, but a transitory nuisance. Most often, half-jokingly, half-sorrowful, they turn to a child who has again done something wrong.

    Two-faced Janus

    She is deceitful, quirky and hypocritical, a real two-faced Janus.

    Meaning. Two-faced, hypocritical person

    Origin. In Roman mythology, the god of all beginnings. He was depicted with two faces - a young man and an old man - looking in opposite directions. One face is turned to the future, the other to the past.

    In the bag

    Well, everything, now you can sleep peacefully: it's in the bag.

    Meaning. It's all right, everything ended well.

    Origin. Sometimes the origin of this expression is explained by the fact that in the days of Ivan the Terrible, some court cases were decided by lot, and the lot was drawn from the judge's hat. However, the word "hat" came to us no earlier than in the days of Boris Godunov, and even then it was applied only to foreign headdresses. It is unlikely that this rare word could get into a folk saying at the same time.

    There is another explanation: _, much later, clerks and clerks, sorting out court cases, used their hats to receive bribes.

    If only you could help me, - the plaintiff says to the deacu in a caustic poem. A. K. Tolstoy, - I would have poured those, she-she, ten rubles into a hat. Joke? "Rash now," said the deacon, holding up his cap. - Come on!

    It is very possible that the question: “Well, how am I doing?” - the clerks often answered with a sly wink: "It's in the bag." This is where the proverb could come from.

    Money doesn't smell

    He took this money and did not wince, the money does not smell.

    Meaning. It is the availability of money that is important, not the source of its origin.

    Origin. To urgently replenish the treasury, the Roman emperor Vespasian introduced a tax on public urinals. However, Titus reproached his father for this. Vespasian held the money to his son's nose and asked if it smelled. He answered in the negative. Then the emperor said: “But they are from urine ...” On the basis of this episode, a catchphrase developed.

    Keep in a black body

    Don't let her sleep in bed

    By the light of the morning star

    Keep a lazy man in a black body

    And don't take the reins off her!

    Meaning. to be harsh, to be strict with someone, making you work hard; oppress someone.

    Origin. The expression comes from the Turkic expressions associated with horse breeding, meaning - moderately nourish, undernourish (kara kesek - meat without fat). The literal translation of these phrases is "black meat" (kara - black, kesek - meat). From the literal meaning of the expression came "keep in a black body."

    Bring to white heat

    Vile type, brings me to white heat.

    Meaning. To piss off to the limit, to bring to madness.

    Origin. When the metal is heated during forging, it glows differently depending on the temperature: first red, then yellow, and finally dazzling white. At higher temperatures, the metal will melt and boil. An expression from the speech of blacksmiths.

    smoke rocker

    In the tavern, smoke stood like a yoke: songs, dances, screams, fights.

    Meaning. Noise, noise, confusion, turmoil.

    Origin. In old Russia, the huts were often heated in black: the smoke did not escape through the chimney, but through a special window or door. And the shape of the smoke predicted the weather. There is a column of smoke - it will be clear, dragged - to fog, rain, rocker - to the wind, bad weather, and even a storm.

    Egyptian executions

    What kind of punishment is this, just Egyptian executions!

    Meaning. Calamities that bring torment, heavy punishment

    Origin. It goes back to the biblical story about the exodus of the Jews from Egypt. For Pharaoh's refusal to release the Jews from captivity, the Lord subjected Egypt to terrible punishments - ten Egyptian plagues. Blood instead of water. All the water in the Nile, other reservoirs and containers turned into red, but remained transparent to the Jews. Execution by frogs. As Pharaoh was promised: “They will go out and enter into your house, and into your bedroom, and onto your bed, and into the houses of your servants and your people, and into your ovens, and into your kneaders. Frogs filled the whole land of Egypt.

    Midge invasion. As a third punishment, hordes of midges fell upon Egypt, which attacked the Egyptians, stuck around them, climbed into their eyes, nose, ears.

    Dog flies. The country was flooded with dog flies, from which all animals, including domestic ones, began to throw themselves at the Egyptians.

    Sea of ​​cattle. All the Egyptians lost their livestock, the attack did not affect only the Jews. Ulcers and boils. The Lord commanded Moses and Aaron to take a handful of furnace black and throw it up in front of Pharaoh. And the bodies of the Egyptians and animals were covered with their terrible sores and boils. Thunder, lightning and fiery hail. A storm began, thunder roared, lightning flashed, and fiery hail fell on Egypt. Locust invasion. A strong wind blew, and behind the wind hordes of locusts flew into Egypt, devouring all the greenery down to the last blade of grass on the land of Egypt.

    Unusual darkness. The darkness that fell on Egypt was thick and dense, you could even touch it; and candles and torches could not dispel the darkness. Only the Jews had light.

    Execution of the firstborn. After all the first-born in Egypt (with the exception of the Jews) died in one night, the pharaoh surrendered and allowed the Jews to leave Egypt. Thus began the Exodus.

    Iron curtain

    We live like behind an iron curtain, no one comes to us, and we don't visit anyone.

    Meaning. Barriers, obstacles, complete political isolation of the country.

    Origin. At the end of the XVIII century. the iron curtain was lowered theater stage to protect spectators in the event of a fire. At that time, open fire was used to illuminate the stage - candles and oil lamps.

    This expression acquired political overtones during the First World War. On December 23, 1919, Georges Clemenceau declared in the French Chamber of Deputies: "We want to put an iron curtain around Bolshevism so as not to destroy civilized Europe in the future."

    Yellow press

    Where did you read all this? Do not trust the yellow press.

    Meaning. Base, deceitful, greedy for cheap sensations press.

    Origin. In 1895, the New York World newspaper began to publish a series of comic strips called "The Yellow Kid" on a regular basis. Its main character, a boy in a toe-length yellow shirt, made funny comments on various events. In early 1896, another newspaper, the New York Morning Journal, poached the creator of the comic book, artist Richard Outcolt. Both publications thrived on the publication of scandalous material. A dispute flared up between competitors over the copyright to the "Yellow Baby". In the spring of 1896, the editor of the New York Press, Erwin Wardman, commenting on this lawsuit, contemptuously called both newspapers "yellow press."

    Alive Smoking Room

    A. S. Pushkin wrote an epigram to the critic M. Kachenovsky, which began with the words:

    "How! Is Kurilka a journalist still alive? It ended with wise advice:

    “... How to put out a smelly splinter? How to kill my Smoking room? Give me advice.

    - "Yes ... spit on him."

    Meaning. An exclamation at the mention of the ongoing activity of someone, his existence, despite difficult conditions.

    Origin. There was an old Russian game: a lit splinter was passed from hand to hand, singing: “Alive, alive Smoking room, alive, alive, not dead!”

    Gradually, the words “Kurilka is alive” began to be applied to various figures and to various phenomena that, logically, should have disappeared long ago, but, despite everything, continued to exist.

    Behind seven seals

    Well, of course, because this is a secret for you with seven seals!

    Meaning. Something beyond understanding.

    Origin. It goes back to the biblical turnover “a book with seven seals” - a symbol of secret knowledge that is inaccessible to the uninitiated until seven seals are removed from it, III from the prophetic New Testament book “Revelations of St. John the Evangelist". "And I saw in right hand He who sits on the throne has a book written inside and out, sealed with seven seals. And I saw a mighty angel proclaiming with a loud voice: “Who is worthy to open this book and break its seals?” And no one in heaven, or on earth, or under the earth, could open this book and look into it. The Lamb, who “was slain and redeemed us to God with his blood, opened the seals from the book. After the removal of six seals, the seal of God was placed on the inhabitants of Israel, according to which they were accepted as true followers of the Lord. After the opening of the seventh seal, the Lamb told John to eat the book: "... it will be bitter in your womb, but in your mouth it will be sweet as honey" in order to tell about the future renewal of the whole world and dispel the fears of believers about the future of Christianity, on which Jews, Gentiles and false teachers are on all sides.

    Nick down

    And cut it on your nose: you will not be able to deceive me!

    Meaning. Remember firmly, firmly, once and for all.

    Origin. The word "nose" here does not mean the organ of smell. Oddly enough, it means "commemorative plaque", "record tag". In ancient times, illiterate people carried such sticks and tablets with them everywhere and made all kinds of notes and notches on them. These tags were called noses.

    Truth in wine

    And next to the neighboring tables Sleepy lackeys stick out,

    And drunkards with rabbit eyes shout "In vino Veritas".

    Meaning. If you want to know exactly what a person thinks, treat him to wine.

    Origin. This is the famous Latin expression: In vino Veritas (in wine veritas). It is taken from the work "Natural History" by the Roman scientist Pliny the Elder (1st century AD). where it is used in the sense: what is on the sober mind, then the drunk on the tongue.

    It is not worth it

    You shouldn't do it. The game is clearly not worth the candle.

    Meaning. The effort you put in is not worth it.

    Origin. The phraseological expression is based on a card term, which means that the stakes in the game are so insignificant that even the winnings will be less than the funds spent on candles to illuminate the card table.

    To the hat analysis

    Well, brother, you came late, to the most hat analysis!

    Meaning. Be late, show up when it's all over.

    Origin. The saying arose in those days when in our frosty country people, coming to church in warm clothes and knowing that it was impossible to go inside in a hat, folded their three-pieces and caps at the very entrance. At the end of the church service, leaving, everyone took them apart. “To the hat analysis” came only those who were clearly in no hurry to go to church.

    Like chickens in cabbage soup (get in)

    And he got with this case, like chickens in cabbage soup.

    Meaning. Bad luck, unexpected misfortune.

    Origin. A very common saying that we repeat all the time, sometimes having no idea about its true meaning. Let's start with the word chicken. This word in old Russian means "rooster". And there was no “schey” in this proverb before, and it was pronounced correctly: “I got into a pluck like chickens,” that is, I was plucked, “bad luck.” The word "pluck" was forgotten, and then people willy-nilly changed the expression "pluck" into cabbage soup. When she was born is not entirely clear: some think that even under Dimitry the Pretender, when “to pluck”; hit the Polish conquerors; others - that in the Patriotic War of 1812, when the Russian people forced Napoleon's hordes to flee.

    King for a day

    I would not trust their generous promises, which they distribute right and left: caliphs for an hour.

    Meaning. About a man who happened to be endowed with power for a short time.

    Origin. In the Arabic fairy tale “Wake Dream, or Caliph for an Hour” (collection “A Thousand and One Nights”), it is told how the young Baghdadian Abu-Shssan, not knowing that Caliph Grun-al-Rashid is in front of him, shares with him his cherished dream - at least for a day to become caliph. Wanting to have fun, Haroun al-Rashid puts sleeping pills in Abu-Ghassan's wine, orders the servants to transfer the young man to the palace and treat him like a caliph.

    The joke succeeds. Waking up, Abu-1kssan believes that he is a caliph, enjoys luxury and begins to give orders. In the evening, he again drinks wine with sleeping pills and wakes up already at home.


    I fear you will forever be their scapegoat.

    Meaning. The defendant for someone else's guilt, for the mistakes of others, because the true culprit cannot be found or wants to evade responsibility.

    Origin. The turnover goes back to the text of the Bible, to the description of the Hebrew rite of laying the sins of the people (community) on a live goat. Such a rite was performed in case of desecration by the Jews of the sanctuary where the ark of revelation was located. In atonement for sins, a ram was burned and one goat was slaughtered "as a sin offering." All the sins and iniquities of the Jewish people were transferred to the second goat: the clergyman laid his hands on him as a sign that all the sins of the community were transferred to him, after which the goat was expelled into the wilderness. All those present at the ceremony were considered cleansed.

    Lazarus sing

    Stop singing Lazarus, stop being ashamed.

    Meaning. Begging, whining, exaggeratedly complaining about fate, trying to arouse the sympathy of others.

    Origin. In tsarist Russia, crowds of beggars, cripples, blind men with guides gathered everywhere in crowded places, begging, with all sorts of miserable lamentations, alms from passers-by. At the same time, the blind especially often sang the song “About the Rich and Lazarus”, composed according to one gospel story. Lazarus was poor, but his brother was rich. Lazarus ate the remnants of the rich man's food along with the dogs, but after death he went to heaven, while the rich man ended up in hell. This song was supposed to frighten and conscience those from whom the beggars begged for money. Since not all beggars were actually so unfortunate, their plaintive moans were often feigned.

    Climb on the rampage

    He promised to be careful, but he deliberately climbs on the rampage!

    Meaning. Do something risky, run into trouble, do something dangerous, doomed to failure in advance.

    Origin. Rozhon - a pointed stake that was used when hunting a bear. Hunting with a goad, the daredevils put this sharp stake in front of them. The enraged beast climbed on the rampage and died.


    The incessant praise from your lips is a real disservice.

    Meaning. Unsolicited help, a service that does more harm than good.

    Origin. The primary source is the fable of I. A. Krylov “The Hermit and the Bear”. It tells how the Bear, wanting to help his friend Hermit to swat a fly that landed on his forehead, killed the Hermit himself along with it. But this expression is not in the fable: it took shape and entered folklore later.

    Cast pearls before swine

    In a letter to A. A. Bestuzhev (end of January 1825), A. S. Pushkin writes:

    “The first sign of a smart person is to know at a glance who you are dealing with,

    and not throw pearls in front of the Repetilovs and the like.

    Meaning. Wasting words talking to people who can't understand you.

    Origin. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus Christ says: “Do not give anything holy to dogs and do not throw your pearls before swine, lest they trample it under their feet and, turning, tear you to pieces” (Gospel of Matthew, 7: b). In the Church Slavonic translation, the word "pearl" sounds like "beads". It was in this version that this biblical expression entered the Russian language.

    You can't ride a goat

    He looks down on everyone, you can’t drive up to him even on a crooked goat.

    Meaning. He is completely unapproachable, it is not clear how to address him.

    Origin. Amusing their high patrons, using both the harp and bells for their fun, dressing up in goat and bear skins, in the plumage of a crane, these “spies” sometimes knew how to do good deeds.

    It is possible that their repertoire included riding goats or pigs. Obviously, it was the buffoons who sometimes met with such a bad mood of a high-ranking person that "even a goat did not act on him."

    unlucky person

    Nothing went right with him, and in general he was a good-for-nothing person.

    Meaning. Frivolous, careless, dissolute.

    Origin. In the old days in Russia, not only the road was called the way, but also various positions at the prince's court. The falconer's path is in charge of princely hunting, the trapping path is dog hunting, the equestrian path is carriages and horses. The boyars, by hook or by crook, tried to get a way from the prince - a position. And to those who did not succeed, they spoke of those with disdain: an unlucky person.


    Now put it aside in a long box, and then completely forget.

    Meaning. Give the case a long delay, delay its decision for a long time.

    Origin. Perhaps this expression originated in Muscovite Russia, three hundred years ago. Tsar Alexei, father of Peter I, ordered in the village of Kolomenskoye in front of his palace to install a long box where anyone could put their complaint. Complaints fell, but it was very difficult to wait for a decision: months and years passed. The people renamed this "long" box to "long".

    It is possible that the expression, if not born, was fixed in speech later, in “presences” - institutions of the 19th century. The then officials, accepting various petitions, complaints and petitions, undoubtedly sorted them, putting them in different boxes. "Long" could be called the one where the most unhurried things were put off. It is clear that the applicants were afraid of such a box.

    Retired goat drummer

    I am now out of office - a retired goat drummer.

    Meaning. No one needs, no one respected person.

    Origin. In the old days, trained bears were taken to fairs. They were accompanied by a dancer boy dressed up as a goat, and a drummer accompanying his dance. This was the "goat drummer". He was perceived as a worthless, frivolous person. And if the goat is also “retired”?

    Bring under the monastery

    What have you done, what am I to do now, led me to the monastery, and nothing more.

    Meaning. Put in a difficult, unpleasant situation, bring under punishment.

    Origin. There are several versions of the origin of the turnover. Perhaps the turnover arose because people who had big troubles in life usually left for the monastery. According to another version, the expression is connected with the fact that Russian guides brought enemies under the walls of monasteries, which during the war turned into fortresses (bring a blind man under a monastery). Some believe that the expression is associated with the hard life of women in Tsarist Russia. Only strong relatives could save a woman from her husband's beatings, having achieved protection from the patriarch and the authorities. In this case, the wife "brought her husband to the monastery" - he was exiled to the monastery "in humility" for six months or a year.

    put a pig

    Well, he has a vile character: he planted a pig and is satisfied!

    Meaning. Secretly set up some filth, play a dirty trick.

    Origin. In all likelihood, this expression is due to the fact that some peoples do not eat pork for religious reasons. And if such a person was imperceptibly put pork meat in his food, then his faith was defiled by this.

    Get into a bind

    The small one got into such a bind that even the guards shout.

    Meaning. Get into a difficult, dangerous or unpleasant situation.

    Origin. In dialects, BINDING is a fish trap woven from branches. And, as in any trap, being in it is an unpleasant business.

    Professor of sour cabbage soup

    He is always teaching everyone. Me too, professor sour cabbage soup!

    Meaning. Unlucky, bad master.

    Origin. Sour cabbage soup is a simple peasant food: some water and sauerkraut. It wasn't hard to prepare them. And if someone was called a master of sour cabbage soup, it meant that he was not good for anything worthwhile.

    Beluga roar

    For three days in a row she roared like a beluga.

    Meaning. Shout or cry loudly.

    Origin. "Mute like a fish" - this has been known for a long time. And suddenly "roar beluga"? It turns out that we are not talking about a beluga here, but about a beluga whale, as the polar dolphin is called. He really roars very loudly.

    Breed antimony

    All conversation is over. I have no time to raise antimony here with you.

    Meaning. To chat, to carry on empty talk. Observe unnecessary ceremonies in a relationship.

    Origin. From the Latin name of antimony (antimonium), which was used as a medicinal and cosmetic product, after grinding it and then dissolving it. Antimony is poorly soluble, so the process was very long and laborious. And while it was dissolving, the pharmacists had endless conversations.

    The side of the bake

    Why would I go to them? Nobody called me. It's called came - on the side of the bake!

    Meaning. Everything accidental, extraneous, adhering to something from the outside; superfluous, unnecessary

    Origin. This expression is often distorted by pronouncing "side-baked". In fact, it could also be conveyed by the words: “side baking”. Baking, or baking, bakers have burnt pieces of dough that stick to the outside of bread products, that is, something unnecessary, superfluous.

    Orphan Kazan

    Why are you standing, rooted to the threshold, like an orphan from Kazan.

    Meaning. So they say about a person who pretends to be unhappy, offended, helpless in order to pity someone.

    Origin. This phraseological unit arose after the conquest of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible. Mirzas (Tatar princes), being subjects of the Russian Tsar, tried to beg him for all sorts of indulgences, complaining about their orphanhood and bitter fate.

    Grated roll

    As a grated kalach, I can give you good advice.

    Meaning. This is the name of an experienced person who is difficult to deceive.

    Origin. There used to be such a kind of bread - “grated kalach”. The dough for it was kneaded, kneaded, “rubbed” for a very long time, which made the kalach unusually lush. And there was also a proverb - "do not grate, do not mint, there will be no kalach." That is, a person is taught by trials and tribulations. The expression came from a proverb, and not from the name of bread.

    Pip on your tongue

    What are you saying, pip on your tongue!

    Meaning. An expression of dissatisfaction with what was said, an unkind wish to someone who says something that is not what should be said.

    Origin. It is clear that this is a wish, and not a very friendly one at that. But what is its meaning? A pip is a small, horny bump on the tip of a bird's tongue that helps them peck at food. The growth of such a tubercle can be a sign of illness. Hard pimples on the tongue of a person are called pips by analogy with these bird tubercles. According to superstitious ideas, a pip usually appears in deceitful people. Hence the unkind wish, designed to punish liars and deceivers. From these observations and superstitions, the incantation formula was born: “Pip on your tongue!” Its main meaning was: "You are a liar: let a pip appear on your tongue!" Now the meaning of this spell has changed somewhat. "Pip on your tongue!" - an ironic wish to someone who expressed an unkind thought, predicted an unpleasant one.

    Sharpen laces

    Why are you sitting idle and whetting your hair?

    Meaning. To idle talk, engage in useless chatter, gossip.

    Origin. Lasy (balusters) are chiseled curly posts of railings at the porch; only a real master could make such beauty. Probably, at first, “sharpening balusters” meant having an elegant, bizarre, ornate (like balusters) conversation. And the craftsmen to conduct such a conversation by our time became less and less. So this expression began to denote empty chatter. Another version raises the expression to the meaning of the Russian word balyas - stories, Ukrainian balyas - noise, which go directly to the common Slavic "tell".

    pull the gimp

    Now they are gone, he will pull the rigmarole until we give up this idea ourselves.

    Meaning. To procrastinate, to drag out any business, to speak monotonously and tediously.

    Origin. Gimp - the thinnest gold, silver or copper thread, which was used to embroider galloons, aiguillettes and other decorations of officer uniforms, as well as chasubles of priests and simply rich costumes. It was made in a handicraft way, heating the metal and carefully pulling out a thin wire with tongs. This process was extremely long, slow and painstaking, so that over time the expression "pull the gimp" began to refer to any protracted and monotonous business or conversation.

    Hit the face in the dirt

    You don’t let me down, don’t lose face in front of the guests.

    Meaning. Embarrass, shame.

    Origin. To hit the face in the dirt originally meant "to fall on the dirty ground." Such a fall was considered by the people to be especially shameful in fisticuffs - competitions of wrestlers, when a weak opponent was knocked over prone to the ground.

    In the middle of nowhere

    What, go to him? Yes, this is in the middle of nowhere.

    Meaning. Very far, somewhere in the wilderness.

    Origin. Kulichiki is a distorted Finnish word "kuligi", "kulizhki", which has long been included in Russian speech. So in the north were called forest clearings, meadows, swamps. Here, in the wooded part of the country, the settlers of the distant past were always cutting down “kulizhki” in the forest - areas for plowing and mowing. In old letters, the following formula is constantly found: "And all that land, as long as the ax walked and the scythe walked." The farmer often had to go to his field into the wilderness, to the farthest “sandbags”, developed worse than the neighbors, where, according to the then ideas, goblin, and devils, and all kinds of forest evil spirits were found in swamps and windbreaks. So ordinary words got their second, figurative meaning: very far, at the end of the world.

    fig leaf

    She is a terrible pretender and lazy, hiding behind her imaginary illness,

    like a fig leaf.

    Meaning. A plausible cover for unseemly deeds.

    Origin. The expression goes back to the Old Testament myth about Adam and Eve, who, after the fall, knew shame and girded themselves with the leaves of a fig tree (fig tree): » (Genesis, 3:7). From the 16th to the end of the 18th century, European artists and sculptors had to cover the most revealing parts of the human body with a fig leaf in their works. This convention was a concession to the Christian church, which considered the depiction of naked flesh sinful and obscene.

    Filkin's letter

    What kind of filkin's letter is this, can't you really state your thoughts?

    Meaning. Ignorant, illiterate document.

    Origin. The author of the expression was Ivan the Terrible. To strengthen his power, which was impossible without weakening the princes, boyars and clergy, Ivan the Terrible introduced the oprichnina, which terrified everyone.

    Metropolitan Philip could not come to terms with the revelry of the guardsmen. In his numerous letters to the tsar - letters - he sought to convince Grozny to abandon his policy of terror, to dissolve the oprichnina. The disobedient Metropolitan Tsyuzny contemptuously called Filka, and his letters - Filkin's letters.

    For the bold denunciations of Grozny and his guardsmen, Metropolitan Philip was imprisoned in the Tver Monastery, where Malyuta Skuratov strangled him.

    Grab the stars from the sky

    He is a man not without abilities, but there are not enough stars from heaven.

    Meaning. Do not differ in talents and outstanding abilities.

    Origin. Phraseological expression, apparently associated by association with the award stars of the military and officials as insignia.

    Enough kondrashka

    He was a heroic health, and suddenly kondrashka was enough.

    Meaning. Someone suddenly died, was suddenly paralyzed.

    Origin. According to the assumption of the historian S. M. Solovyov, the expression is associated with the name of the leader of the Bulavinsky uprising on the Don in 1707, Ataman Kondraty Afanasyevich Bulavin (Kondrashka), who exterminated the entire royal detachment led by the voivode Prince Dolgoruky with a sudden raid.

    Apple of discord

    This trip is a real bone of contention, can't you give in, let him go.

    Meaning. That which gives rise to conflict, serious contradictions.

    Origin. Peleus and Thetis, the parents of Achilles, the hero of the Trojan War, forgot to invite the goddess of discord, Eris, to their wedding. Eris was very offended and secretly threw on the table, at which the gods and mortals feasted, Golden Apple; on it was written: "To the most beautiful." A dispute arose between the three goddesses: the wife of Zeus Hera, Athena - the maiden, the goddess of wisdom, and the beautiful goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite.

    The young man Paris, the son of the Trojan king Priam, was chosen as a judge between them. Paris gave the apple to Aphrodite who bribed him; For this, Aphrodite forced the wife of King Menelaus, the beautiful Helen, to fall in love with the young man. Leaving her husband, Elena went to Troy, and in order to avenge such an insult, the Greeks began a long-term war with the Trojans. As you can see, the apple of Eris actually led to discord.

    Pandora's Box

    Well, now hold on, Pandora's box has opened.

    Meaning. All that can serve as a source of disaster if not careful.

    Origin. When the great titan Prometheus stole the fire of the gods from Olympus and gave people the fire of the gods, Zeus terribly punished the daredevil, but it was too late. Possessing the divine flame, people ceased to obey the celestials, learned various sciences, and got out of their miserable state. A little more - and they would have won complete happiness for themselves.

    Then Zeus decided to send punishment on them. The blacksmith god Hephaestus fashioned the beautiful woman Pandora from earth and water. The rest of the gods gave her: who is cunning, who is courage, who is extraordinary beauty. Then, handing her a mysterious box, Zeus sent her to earth, forbidding her to open the box. Curious Pandora, barely having come into the world, slightly opened the lid. Immediately all human disasters flew out from there and scattered throughout the universe. Pandora, in fear, tried to close the lid again, but in the box of all misfortunes, only a deceptive hope remained. published . If you have any questions on this topic, ask them to specialists and readers of our project .