Altai writers are members of the Writers' Union of Russia.

Near Elabuga, about three versts, Kama slows down, turns sharply, expanding, casting a mica sheen on the reaches, and rushes to the right - to the northwest. Yelabuga residents say: “Kamushka wanted to pass us, but she changed her mind. And then what a life without water! .. A river and a dear mother, and an evil stepmother - and water, and feed, and wealth-happiness gives, and makes the poor ... ".

Cunning man. It wasn’t water that came to him, but he came to the water, spread out on a hill above the Toima River, the right-bank tributary of the Kama, a large village - chopped five-wall houses and cross houses with the same strong outbuildings, imports, barns, storage sheds, log plots, through which even a mouse cannot slip, and later he erected stone chambers, he was not stingy, no worse than Moscow ones, as if in boasting before the eyes of others or as a consolation to your vanity - know ours! And the town grew up, rose, as if on a dough, not large and not small, with its scope and temper, coolly mixed with human pride ... However, Yelabuga is rich not only in water, pine forests spread for hundreds of miles around - mast forest, ship groves ... And in the forest of grass - the scythe does not take. And beasts, feathered game darkness-darkness. Primordial edge. Only this wealth is not given to everyone, and everyone understands wealth in their own way, everyone measures it by their own arshin ...

If you climb Krasnaya Gorka along the path that goes past the ruins of the Chortov settlement, past the dilapidated turret, stumbled on the very cliff, such scope opens up to the eye, such a boundless distance - it takes you aback and takes your breath away. Wish a man had wings!

A man stands over a cliff, only one step separates him from the abyss. The wind chills the face, inflates the shirt with a sail.

The kite slowly flies in the sky, walks in circles, as if tied. Multi-colored horses graze in a distant meadow, in the interfluve - where Toyma and Kama, rushing towards each other, approach each other and soon merge ...

Eccentric people, they imagined themselves omnipotent - they set up houses, erected walls. And here are the ruins of ancient walls, a watchtower with black gaping holes in the eye sockets-windows, mossy green of darkened stones... Eternity and a moment.

A kite soars over the meadows. And the river, far below, is alluring, almost bewitching, glittering. I don’t have the strength to take my eyes off her and I don’t have the strength to take at least one more step, half a step ...


Ivan shudders, turns around. And he sees his sister. Olga stands with her chin clenched in her hands, her eyes wide, her face pale and frightened. And he guesses what his sister thought when she saw him here, on the edge of the abyss. He walked up to her and touched her hand.

What happened to you? You don't have a face...

It seemed to me that you...

What are you... standing too close to the cliff.

And what, what is close? .. - he looks into her eyes, moist and hot gleaming. And both, having experienced a moment of excitement, laugh softly and with relief. - You, Olya, don't think like that anymore, - says Ivan. - Never. I don't have wings to throw myself upside down from such a height. And in general ... where did you get it?

Oh, Vanya, Vanya, - Olga sighs, - don't I see how you worry, suffer ... Not in business. No, no, don’t think about it, I understand that drawing is more important for you than anything ... But how can you live by drawing alone? And at home everything is somehow - you will not understand. Aunt is silent. Nikolai scolds. Mom only hopes in God ...

And you? - suddenly asks, looking at his sister.

How do you feel about... all this?

Do not you see.

I see. Thanks, Olya.

They stand in silence for a long time, looking at the clear water below, under the cliff, where Toima and Kama flow, merge and continue on their way inseparably. And in the interfluve, in distant meadows, colorful horses graze ...

On holidays, the bells of the Yelabuga Cathedral ring, buzz over the Toima River. From there, from the steep, one can see wide distances beyond the Kama, pine and spruce forests.

Bom-bam! - the bells strike, and a mighty, majestic ringing floats, giving birth to a festive delight and a vague, incomprehensible alarm in the soul. The bells are beautiful. And you can hear them not only in Yelabuga, beyond the Toyma River, but also beyond the Kama, in near and far villages, where there are churches and their own festive bells ...

Ivan opened the window. A tight wave of fresh air, a draft, rushed into the room, blowing off the table and scattering drawings all over the floor - they had accumulated fairly well over the summer. Ivan slowly collected the sheets, stood in thought at the window. There are a lot of them, drawings, but what good is this! .. Good, bad - who will tell him? No one to show, no one to consult. When I studied in Kazan, Sasha Gine was always there, a faithful comrade, and a drawing teacher, “Sharpen your pencil sharp”, although he was rarely sober, but he could suggest something, advise. And here ... Let them go to the wind - and that's the end of the matter! But it is not enough to do this. Ivan puts the sheets on the table, grins sadly: mazilka. Long time ago I remembered. Then he was five years old, and the world seemed like a multi-colored fairy tale, where everything good is certainly majestic and beautiful, like a sunrise or a summer rainbow after rain, or warm mother's hands, smelling of fresh bread taken out of the oven - the heart sank with happiness at the sight of the sun. sunrise, a seven-colored rainbow, hanging at one end over Toima, and at the other over Kama, like a huge rocker. I wanted to run, run somewhere and do something to save at least a drop of this inexplicable inner delight and surprise...

One day, five-year-old Vanya saw the river pouring with a scarlet flame, ran into the living room and shouted: “Mother, aunt, look, Toima is on fire! ..”

And then he walked for a long time, hushed, puzzled, along Naberezhnaya Street, along the boarded fences of his yard, marveling at how quickly the colors on the river fade and the outlines of the banks become clearer, more embossed ...

The need to express oneself, one's attitude to the world comes unconsciously. It turned out that with ordinary charcoal you can draw almost the same lines as a river is outlined in the twilight eve, you can draw on boarded gates, and on the walls of houses, and even on sand, if you pick up a stick ... But with charcoal on wood, all the same better. And soon the walls of not only Shishkin's house, but also neighboring ones along the Embankment and even Pokrovskaya streets were full of charcoal drawings. Neighbors complained: “Ivan Vasilyevich, your son has tarnished all the fences for us, painted the wall ... Take him down, otherwise he will soon get to the cathedral fence. You can't do wrong."

Father glanced at the downcast Vanya, took the coal from his hands, turned it over in his fingers, but did not dare to give it up. He said sternly: "Do not come close to the cathedral with this dirty trick." Vanya shook his head: “I, dear, don’t fit ...” He was afraid of his father, although he loved him. Ivan Vasilievich was silent for a minute, waiting for the complainants to leave, and then added softly: “And don’t dirty the walls either. They are not for that, the walls are something to draw on them ... They draw on paper. Pencils. Or with paints ... "Vanya sighed:" And why are the walls painted in the church? The father was dumbfounded and could not find what to answer: “That's in the church ... there it's different. And what did you depict on the fence? .. ”-“ The River ”. - “The river? .. Well, there ... on the wall of the shed? ..” - “It’s also a river,” Vanya explained. “You see, this is the shore, and this is water ... And then my coal crumbled - and nothing came of it ... ”Father looked, looked, frowning thoughtfully, shook his head - they had never had such a mess in their family. He suddenly smiled, stroked his son's shaggy head: “But you still need to draw on paper. Do you want me to give you a pencil? Oh, you, mazilka, mazilka! .. "

Born: January 19, 1932 in the village. Red Eagles, Zalesovsky district, Altai Territory. His childhood coincided with the Great Patriotic War. Even while studying in the 6th-7th grades, he began to write poetry and once showed them to his uncle, his father's younger brother, M.S. Kudinov. He advised to send everything written to the famous poet, chairman of the Union of Writers of the USSR N. S. Tikhonov. When an answer came from him, I.P. Kudinov decided that “literature is what he should do.”

In the early 1940s, the Kudinov family moved to the village. Tumbler. Here the future writer finished eight classes. Labor activity started at the Barnaul car repair plant, where from 1948 to 1951 he worked as a driller, studied at a school for working youth. In the fall of 1951, he was called up for military service in the Pacific Fleet. I. P. Kudinov studied for a year at the weapons school on Russky Island. Then he was an artillery electrician, Komsomol organizer on one of the destroyers, secretary of the Komsomol committee of the ship, executive secretary of the ship's large-circulation newspaper "Forward" on the cruiser "Kaganovich", with which, according to Ivan Pavlovich, his journalistic practice began. Then he began to publish in the military press, participated in literary competitions received two first and one second prizes.

Kudinov Ivan Pavlovich is the permanent head of the prose section at regional seminars for young writers. In 1972–1990 was the editor-in-chief of the almanac "Altai", for more than 15 years he was a member of the editorial board of the magazine "Barnaul". I. P. Kudinov was a member of the Audit Commission of the Union of Writers of the USSR and the editorial board of the Sovremennik publishing house in Moscow, a delegate of two congresses of writers of the USSR and three congresses of writers of Russia. He was elected as a candidate member of the regional committee of the CPSU. He was a member of the Barnaul city committee of the CPSU, a deputy of the Altai Territory Council of People's Deputies of two convocations. And, despite the great social work, he found time for literary creativity.

Kudinov I.P. - twice laureate of the regional literary prize named after V. M. Shukshin: in 1992 for the book "Favorites", which included the novel "Outskirts" about the Siberian publicist N. M. Yadrintsev and the story "Pines illuminated by the sun", and in 1997 - for the novel "Karakorum ", which completed the historical cycle ("Outskirts", "Coup", "Karakorum"), covering 100 -summer period- from the birth of the Siberian intelligentsia to its total extermination in 1937. In 2006, Ivan Pavlovich was awarded a diploma of the II degree of the All-Russian Literary Prize. M. N. Alekseeva. The book "Newton's Apple" includes a historical story about the life and work of the Altai mining engineer Ivan

Kudinov I.P. was awarded medals of the Great Patriotic War(1945, 2005), a commemorative medal "To the 100th anniversary of M. A. Sholokhov" (2005), diplomas of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR (1982) and the Board of the Union of Writers of Russia (2005), numerous diplomas and thank you letters Administration of the Altai Territory and Barnaul.

Literature: Flowers on stones: stories / [art. A. Svyatsky]. Barnaul: Alt. book. publishing house, 1961. 132 p. : ill. Bread without wormwood: two stories / [art. Yu. Kabanov]. Barnaul: Alt. book. publishing house, 1963. 104 p. Coral stone: story / [art. V. Tumanov]. Barnaul: Alt. book. publishing house, 1965. 107 p. : ill. City life: stories / [art. V. Tumanov]. Barnaul: Alt. book. publishing house, 1966. 238 p. assassination attempt; City life: stories / [art. B. Lupachev]. Barnaul: Alt. book. publishing house, 1969. 131 p. : ill.

On the ground: a story, stories / [art. V. Ramensky]. Barnaul: Alt. book. publishing house, 1970. 160 p. : ill. Podlipka flows into the ocean: a short story: [for Wednesdays. school age / artist B. Lupachev]. Barnaul: Alt. book. publishing house, 1971. 35 p: ill. Bakeries; Fedkin who: novels and stories / [art. B. Lupachev]. Barnaul: Alt. book. publishing house, 1972. 355 p. : ill. Pines illuminated by the sun: a story about the artist Shishkin / [art. V. Ramensky]. Barnaul: Alt. book. publishing house, 1973. 143 p. : ill.

Questions: 1. When and where was he born? 2. When and where did the family move? 3. What did you do from 1948 to 1951? 4. Where were they called in 1951? 5. When and with what was he awarded? 6. Name any work. 7. How old is I.P. Kudinov?

Kudinov Ivan Pavlovich was born on January 19, 1932 in the village of Krasnye Orly, Zalesovsky district, Altai Territory.

His first book - a collection of short stories "Flowers on the Stones" - was published in 1961. By that time, the young author had gone through harsh life universities: a military childhood in a deep Altai village, immediately after eight years, he worked as a driller at the Barnaul Car Repair Plant, and served in the Pacific Fleet. After demobilization, Ivan Kudinov works in the newspaper Youth of Altai, and later in Komsomolskaya Pravda as his own correspondent in the Altai Territory.

The small book "Flowers in the Stones" turned out to be a serious bid for the future. The topics outlined in it: on the one hand - the Altai village, rural labor, on the other hand, the creative searches of painters were further developed.

More than twenty years that have passed since the publication of the first book were for Ivan Pavlovich Kudinov years of intense spiritual life, continuous searches and daring, which once turned a young writer into a famous Siberian prose writer.

In the sixties, Ivan Kudinov worked in the genre of the so-called short story. The novel The Weather Will Change Tomorrow, the novels The Coral Stone and Fedkin's Cart, published in the Yunost magazine, aroused wide readership and positive criticism. "Attempt". The last story was included in the library "Young Prose of Siberia", published by the Hungarian publishing house "Europe".

A peculiar outcome of the work three years was published already in 1972, the voluminous story "Khlebozary". It is a hymn warmed by a genuine feeling to the work of a grain grower, integrity, spiritual generosity of a person working on the earth, in close unity with nature.

For this book, best work about the work of a farmer, created in Altai, I.P. Kudinov was awarded the literary prize of the Komsomol of Altai.

In the same year in the magazine "Siberian Lights", and later separate edition in Barnaul, Ivan Kudinov's story "Pines illuminated by the sun" is published. This story is about the great Russian landscape painter Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin.

In Moscow, the Sovremennik publishing house published two novels by Ivan Kudinov, The Elements and Outskirts. In the first of them, the author shows the life of the Altai village, the problems that confronted rural workers immediately after the virgin epic. The novel "Outskirts" is dedicated to the history of Siberia. Having done a huge research work, Ivan Kudinov recreates the life and work of the famous Siberian publicist, historian and poet N.M. Yadrintsev and the figures of old Siberia around him.

The writing work of I.P. Kudinov combines with great community service. In 1971-76, he led the Altai Regional Writers' Organization, was elected a candidate member of the regional committee of the CPSU, edited the Altai almanac for 20 years, was a deputy of the regional Council of People's Deputies, a member of the editorial board of the Sovremennik publishing house, Moscow.

Ivan Pavlovich Kudinov is the permanent head of the prose section at regional seminars for young writers. Being a role model, Ivan Pavlovich raised a whole galaxy of Altai writers from young writers: Sergei Buzmakov, Sergei Bozhenko, Lyudmila Kozlova, Valery Kotelets, Valery Slobodchikov and others.

I.P. Kudinov is the owner of many literary awards: the V.M. Shukshin Prize - 1997, "For the Best Book of the Year" - 2001, the honorary diploma "Property of Siberia", Best Book of the year" for the book "Nevton's Apple", 2006 - medals "100th anniversary of the birth of Mikhail Sholokhov", in the same year of the Certificate of Honor of the Board of the Writers' Union of Russia. In 2007, Ivan Pavlovich Kudinov became the winner of the regional literary award "Singer native land for the book Last Love.

IVAN PAVLOVICH KUDINOV (born 1932) The formation of any artist is always individual. It is unique, like a true gift is unique. N.N. Yanovsky

Ivan Pavlovich Kudinov is the winner of many literary awards: Laureate of the Lenin Komsomol Prize of Altai (1970), V.M. Shukshin Prize - 1992, 1997, "For the Best Book of the Year" - 2001, honorary diploma "Property of Siberia", 2005 - awards "Best Book of the Year" for the book "Nevton's Apple", winner of the competition "Best Book of Altai-2006" 2006 - medals "100th anniversary of the birth of Mikhail Sholokhov", 2006 - Certificate of Honor of the Board of the Union of Writers of Russia. In 2007 Ivan Pavlovich Kudinov became a laureate of the regional literary award "Singer of the Native Land" for the book "Last Love". Writer I.P. Kudinov (artist Ivan Mamontov) Member of the Writers' Union of Russia since 1967.

Path to literature Born on January 19, 1932 in the village. Red Eagles, Zalesovsky district, Altai Territory. After graduating from eight classes (in the village of Povalikha, where the family moved during the war), he worked at the Barnaul car repair plant as a driller, studied at evening school

The first literary experiments The first literary experiments fell on the 6th-7th grade of the school. Once, at a lesson on Nekrasov's creativity, he read: "Come out to the Volga, whose groan is heard?" - and suddenly it dawned on me: "But we have an Ob! And why a groan? No, better laugh"And it went ... Poetry flooded, where did it come from. He began to slowly write poetry. Once he showed his uncle (a front-line soldier, demobilized, drove to his brother), he read, was surprised, advised him to send to Moscow to the poet Nikolai Tikhonov. Vanya sent, and the poet answered. He praised, but remarked: “You need someone to constantly give you advice and contribute to the success of your work.” This was, in fact, the first autograph received by Kudinov from a famous writer.

In 1951-55. served in the Pacific Fleet, was a cadet at the weapons school on Russian Island, and was the executive secretary of a large-circulation newspaper on the cruiser Kaganovich. The first essays were published in the naval newspaper "Combat Watch" in Vladivostok (1952).

The sea lay at our feet, deafened by the night storm, sighing unevenly and quietly, as if laying down more comfortably... Illustration for the story of I.P. Kudinov "The Quiet Sea". Kolyamina Natasha, MOU "Secondary School No. 89", 6G class

After demobilization - an employee of the newspaper "Youth of Altai". In 1962-64. - own correspondent of "Komsomolskaya Pravda" in the Altai Territory. 1969 graduated from the Higher Literary Courses at the Writers' Union of the USSR in Moscow.

Social activities of I.P. Kudinov In 1971-76. - Responsible secretary of the regional writers' organization. In 1972-90. - editor-in-chief of the almanac "Altai". He was elected as a candidate member of the regional committee of the CPSU. He was a deputy of the regional Council of People's Deputies, a member of the editorial board of the Sovremennik publishing house, Moscow. Writer Ivan Kudinov speaks at the opening of the board

Ivan Pavlovich Kudinov - Initiator of the Shukshin Readings in Altai I believe in the strength of my people, I love my Motherland very much ... V.M. Shukshin In the summer of 1975, after reading an article in the newspaper Sovetskaya Rossiya about the Vampilov readings held in Irkutsk, I.P. Kudinov suggested holding Shukshin readings in the homeland of Vasily Makarovich - in Srostki. The idea was approved in the Altai branch of the Union of Writers of the USSR and in the regional committee of the party. And the first Shukshin Readings, in the organization of which Ivan Kudinov and Lev Quinn invested a lot of energy, took place in July 1976.

The main themes of creativity

In his first works he came from specific life events. The story "Attempt". Lived in the Ust-Pristan region hunter Gennady Ponomarev. Deaf, but firm and incorruptible. Animals loved, treated and protected from poachers. And they hated him. Once they planted a cartridge with tol on him. The hunter was saved by chance. The story had a happy fate. It was released by the West Siberian publishing house. Then it was published in Budapest in Hungarian. It was also included in the collection "Siberian stories".

I love Altai deeply, and every year my love grows, and I don’t know how I will compensate for the joy and happiness that he gives me every day, every minute. If I were a poet, I would sing praises to him, I would endlessly glorify his beauty and power. Vyacheslav Shishkov Ivan Pavlovich Kudinov loves to travel, discover new places and new characters for himself and his readers. He traveled to many parts of our great country, and Gorny Altai became a real Mecca for him. The writer traveled it on foot, traveled the entire Chuisky tract, from Biysk to Tashanta, flew around together with geophysicists in a small MI-4 helicopter ... All these impressions formed part of new works.

The story “I ask you to take off ...” I lived among adults for a long time. I saw them very close Saint-Exupery An excerpt from a review of the story “I ask you to take off ...” “I ask you to take off” - with these words, the adult, independent life of a seventeen-year-old youth from Ivan Kudinov's work “I ask to take off” begins. A life filled with new, previously unknown feelings to a young man. First love, the voice of conscience, a sense of justice, real human fear, overcoming oneself - all this is experienced for the first time by the hero of the story, finding himself among adult experienced people who have been taught a lot by life. If we compare human life with a flight, then such a crucial and defining stage as youth can be denoted by the words “I ask you to take off” ... Arbatskikh Anna, 10A class, secondary school No. 89

Memories… “That wonderful moment will never be repeated, that happy moment that flew over me like a huge silent bird, but I still didn’t know, and I couldn’t know in those years that everything that happened to me, everything experienced will not pass, will not disappear without a trace, but will remain in me forever ... ”(story“ Bukhon ”).

The story "buhon" ... I think more and more often, remembering our noisy, hurried springs, the first thawed patches, as a sign of the irresistibility of heat and sun, and the first flowers on the heated lawns, so aptly and modestly named - snowdrops.

The story of "Tueski" I remember when the strawberries were ripening, we, the Upper Zaleskis, all, as one with the Tueski, fled into the forest in a cheerful crowd ... Sadovskaya Kristina, MOU "Secondary School No. 89", 6th grade

The story of "Tueska" Oh, those were all fairy tales! Grandfather Savushka, It used to turn on one of the evenings - and the hut was full of people, children and adults, young and old ... Tanya Khudoley, MOU "Secondary School No. 89", 6th grade

From the review of the story "Tueski" Of all the characters, I especially liked the hero's mother. She wrote letters to her son in a clumsy, uneven handwriting, but with love, tenderness and affection. The hero warmly recalls his mother and the conversations that they had together at the round table. I want many people to read this work and not forget about the good and kind things that happened in their lives. Kremenskaya Katya, MOU "Secondary School No. 89", 6th grade

In historical works, he created a gallery of images of prominent representatives of Russia, Siberia and Altai: the artist I.I. "Coup", "Karakorum"), N. M. Yadrintseva ("Outskirts", "Last Love"), I. I. Polzunov ("Apple of Newton").

"Pine trees illuminated by the sun" (a story about the artist Shishkin), 1973.

The story of the artist Shishkin "It's time, sir, to leave the forest," Shishkin repeated to himself and climbed into such wilderness where not even a bird would fly. He searched for a long time for a suitable, comfortable place, thoroughly settled down, having chosen a strong pine stump or a broad-sided deadwood, he took aim this way and that, screwing up his eyes, and remained dissatisfied - something was in the way. "Well, sir, that's not the point!" he would say, and resolutely break off the branches that obscured the light, sit down, take the palette in his hands, sit motionless for a minute, and suddenly wave his brush like a magic wand...

Grigory Ivanovich Gurkin (1870-1937) "Forest King" "Pine trees illuminated by the sun" "Coup" "Karakorum". Mountain lake, 1908

The novel "Outskirts" The novel "Outskirts" about the people of Siberia II half of XIX century, which selfless deeds contributed a lot to the development of this region of truly unprecedented productive forces and opportunities. The work is based on true events; characters- famous Russian scientists, writers: Nikolai Yadrintsev, Afanasy Shchapov, Grigory Potanin ... Circulation 75,000 copies. Publisher: Moscow: Sovremennik Year of publication: 1980 Number of pages: 383

Currently, I.P. Kudinov is the editor of the prose department of the literary and artistic magazine "Barnaul", a member of the All-Russian public organization Union of Writers of Russia.

Ivan Pavlovich Kudinov is the permanent head of the prose section at regional seminars for young writers. Ivan Pavlovich raised a whole galaxy of Altai writers from young writers. Bozhenko Sergey Alekseevich Since 1993 - Chief Architect of Barnaul. Member of the Union of Writers of Russia since 2000. Buzmakov Sergey Valentinovich / prose writer / Kotelenets Valery Stepanovich / poet and prose writer / Member of the Union of Writers of Russia since 1996

The electronic literary and art magazine "Picket" was created by the regional autonomous institution "Altai House of Writers" (KAU ADL) and is designed to reflect as fully as possible literary life Altai. Editorial board of the Piket magazine: Bezrukova Elena Evgenievna Buzmakov Sergey Valentinovich Herzen Nikolay Teodorovich Kotelenets Valery Stepanovich Kudinov Ivan Pavlovich Lushnikov Andrey Evstafievich (editor) Nifontova Yulia Anatolyevna Samoilova Anna Alexandrovna Filatov Sergey Viktorovich

ADMINISTRATION OF THE ALTAI TERRITORY ORDER dated February 15, 2011 No. 52-r To approve the following composition of the commission for awarding the Shukshin Literary Prize of the Governor of the Altai Territory: Bessarabov D.V. Deputy Governor of the Altai Territory, Chairman of the Commission; Bezrukova E.E. Deputy Head of the Department of Culture and Archiving of the Altai Territory, Head of the Department of Libraries, Arts and folk art, Deputy Chairman of the Commission; Babiy E.N. Chief Specialist Department of Libraries, Arts and Folk Art of the Altai Territory Administration for Culture and Archives, Secretary of the Commission; Buzmakov S.V. executive secretary of the Public Altai Territory Writers' Organization (as agreed); Dementiev V.V. critic, secretary of the All-Russian public organization "Union of Writers of Russia" (as agreed); Ivanov G.V. poet, first secretary of the All-Russian public organization "Union of Writers of Russia" (as agreed); Krupin V.N. prose writer, secretary of the All-Russian public organization "Union of Writers of Russia" (as agreed); Kudinov I.P. - prose writer, member of the All-Russian public organization "Union of Writers of Russia" (by agreement); Manskov S.A. Associate Professor of the Department of Russian and foreign literature state educational institution higher vocational education"Altai State Pedagogical Academy" (as agreed); Farafonova L.V. Acting Director of the State Cultural Institution "Altai Regional Universal" (as agreed). Governor of the Altai Territory A.B. CARLIN

Sources of information: 1. Photos and biography of I.P. Kudinov from the site " literary map Altai". 2. List of used literature: IP Kudinov. On the ground: a story, stories. - Barnaul: Alt. book. publishing house, 1970 I.P. Kudinov. Podlipka flows into the ocean: A little story. - Barnaul: Alt. book. Publishing House, 1971. I.P. Kudinov. On Earth: A Tale. Stories. - Barnaul: Alt. book. publishing house, 1970 I.P. Kudinov. Pines illuminated by the sun: a story about the artist Shishkin / [art. V. Ramensky]. - Barnaul: Alt. book. publishing house, 1973.

Internet addresses: http://pisatel. www. -1-0-120

Ivan Kudinov was born on January 19, 1932 in the village of Krasnye Orly, Zalesovsky district, Altai Territory. His first book - a collection of short stories "Flowers on the Stones" - was published in 1961. By that time, the young author had gone through the harsh universities of life: a military childhood in a deep Altai village, immediately after the eight-year-old, he worked as a driller at the Barnaul car repair plant. He served in the Pacific Fleet, was a cadet at the weapons school on Russian Island, then was the secretary of the newspaper on the cruiser Kaganovich. The first essays on sailors and ship service were published in the naval newspaper "Combat Watch".

After demobilization, Ivan Kudinov worked in the newspaper Youth of Altai, and later in Komsomolskaya Pravda as his own correspondent in the Altai Territory.

He graduated from the Higher Literary Courses in Moscow. The small book "Flowers in the Stones" turned out to be a serious bid for the future. The themes outlined in it: on the one hand, the Altai village, rural labor, on the other, the creative searches of painters, were further developed.

More than twenty years that have passed since the publication of the first book were for Ivan Pavlovich Kudinov years of intense spiritual life, continuous searches and daring, which once turned a young writer into a famous Siberian prose writer.

In the sixties, Ivan Kudinov worked in the genre of the so-called short story. The novels The Weather Will Change Tomorrow, The Coral Stone, The Fedkin Cart, The Attempt, published in the Yunost magazine, aroused wide readership and positive criticism. The last story was included in the library "Young Prose of Siberia", published by the Hungarian publishing house "Europe".

A peculiar result of the work of three years was the voluminous story "Khlebozary" published already in 1972. It is a hymn warmed by a genuine feeling to the work of a grain grower, integrity, spiritual generosity of a person working on the earth, in close unity with nature.

For this book, as the best work about the labor of a farmer, created in Altai, I.P. Kudinov was awarded the literary prize of the Altai Komsomol.

In the same year, in the journal "Siberian Lights", and later in a separate publication in Barnaul, Ivan Kudinov's story "Pine Trees Illuminated by the Sun" was published. This story is about the great Russian landscape painter Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin.

I.P. Kudinov combines writing work with a great social work. In 1971-76, he led the Altai Regional Writers' Organization, was elected a candidate member of the regional committee of the CPSU, edited the Altai almanac for 20 years, was a deputy of the regional Council of People's Deputies, a member of the editorial board of the Sovremennik publishing house, Moscow, is currently an editor department of prose of the literary and artistic magazine "Barnaul".

Ivan Pavlovich Kudinov is the permanent head of the prose section at regional seminars for young writers.

Historical novels "Outskirts", "Coup", "Karakorum", "Elements" were published in Moscow, Barnaul, Novosibirsk.