Literary map of the world presentation. Presentation on the theme of the library of antiquity

management land expert appraisal

Centuries-old practice shows that the main sources of viability and prosperity of any state are its land resources and the population living on them. At the same time, land resources should be understood not only as the territory (space) of the state, but also everything that is “above” and “under” this space. The provision of the country with land resources is the most important economic and political factor in the development of social production. The availability of land resources provides a wide scope for economic development regions of the world.

Land resources - the earth's surface, suitable for human habitation and for any kind of economic activity. Land resources are characterized by the size of the territory and its quality: relief, soil cover and a complex of other natural conditions.

The largest countries in the world by area are:

Russia - 17.1

Canada - 10.0

China - 9.6

Brazil - 8.5

When studying the problem of efficient use of land resources, it is necessary to single out the concept of an effective territory. An effective territory is the territory of the country suitable for economic development.

The largest countries in the world by area of ​​effective territory:

(million km 2)

Brazil - 8.1

Australia - 7.7

China - 6.0

Russia - 5.5

Improper and uncontrolled land use is the main cause of degradation and depletion of land resources. Current land use often does not take into account the actual potential, productivity and constraints on land use, as well as their spatial diversity. It is expected that the world population, which is now 7 billion people (the seven billionth inhabitant of the land of Nikolaev, was born in Kaliningrad on November 1, 2011) will reach 8 billion people in 20-25 years. The need to increase food production to meet growing needs places a huge strain on Natural resources including land resources. In many regions, poverty and malnutrition have already become a chronic problem. One of the main dangers is the destruction and degradation of agricultural and environmental resources. Although techniques for increasing production and conserving land and water resources have already been developed, they are not widely or systematically applied. A systematic approach is needed to identify such forms of land use and production systems that would be sustainable for each specific type of soil and climatic zone, including the creation of economic, social and organizational mechanisms for their implementation.

The provision of mankind with land resources is determined by the world land fund, which is 13.4 billion hectares. Of the individual large regions, Africa (30 million km2) and Asia (27.7 million km2) have the largest land fund, and Europe (5.1 million km2) and Australia with Oceania (8.5 million hectares) have the smallest. km2). However, if we consider the provision of regions with land resources on a per capita basis, then the result will be the opposite: for each inhabitant of sparsely populated Australia there are 37 hectares of land (the maximum indicator), and for each inhabitant of Asia - only 1.1 hectares, approximately the same in Europe .

The structure of the land fund shows how land resources are used. It distinguishes agricultural lands (cultivated - arable land, gardens, sown meadows and natural meadows and pastures), forest lands, lands occupied by settlements, industry and transport, unproductive and unproductive lands.

The largest countries in the world in terms of arable land:

Table 1. The largest countries in the world in terms of arable land.

The most valuable cultivated lands occupy only 11% of the world's land fund. The same indicator is typical for the CIS countries, Africa, North America. For Europe, this figure is higher (29%), while for Australia and South America-- the lowest (5% and 7%). Countries of the world with largest sizes cultivated land - USA, India, Russia, China, Canada. Cultivated lands are concentrated mainly in forest, forest-steppe and steppe natural zones. Natural meadows and pastures prevail over cultivated lands everywhere (more than 10 times in Australia), except for foreign Europe. Globally, an average of 23% of the land is used for pasture.

The structure of the planet's land fund is constantly changing under the influence of two opposite processes. One is the struggle of mankind for the expansion of lands suitable for habitation and agricultural use (development of fallow lands, melioration, drainage, irrigation, development of coastal areas of the seas); the other is the deterioration of lands, their removal from agricultural circulation as a result of erosion, desertification, industrial and transport development, open mining, waterlogging, and salinization.

The second process is going faster. Therefore, the main problem of the world's land fund is the degradation of agricultural land, which results in a noticeable reduction in cultivated land per capita, and the "load" on them is increasing all the time. The countries with the lowest provision of arable land per capita are China (0.09 ha), Egypt (0.05 ha).

Efforts are being made in many countries to preserve the land fund and improve its structure. In the regional and global aspect, they are increasingly coordinated by specialized UN bodies - UNESCO, FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), etc.

Table 2. Structure of land resources of the world, in %

Share of world value

Land Fund

Meadows and pastures

Other lands

North America

South America

Australia and Oceania

But not only the scale is important.

“We are not only the biggest, but also the coldest.”


1. Effective.

2. Extreme.


1. Effective territory- part of the actual territory lying outside the extreme territory:

"average annual temperature: not lower than -2°C;

" location relative to sea level: no higher than 2000 m, that is, where permanent residence is possible.

Russia has the 5th place in the world (2/3 extreme. we have).

In an efficient territory, production costs are 40-50% less.

Russia has large energy costs.

Warming of 3-4°C is expected and the isotherm that defines the boundaries of the ef. ter., will move 1000 km (we will have more ef. ter.).

But: the infrastructure of the Far North will be disrupted, since there will be no permafrost there.

Changing rainfall zones => shifting agriculture. grounds.

End of work -

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The main features of the territorial organization of productive forces

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All topics in this section:

The main features of the territorial organization of productive forces
1.1. Subject of study of regional economics. 1.2. The place of the spatial factor in the development of the economy. 1.3. Introduction to the terminology of regional studies. 1.4. Role

Subject of study of regional economics
Scope of research: "Studying the features of the development and distribution of productive forces." Analysis of factors esp. …. "Studying Features

The place of the spatial factor in the development of the economy
The spatial aspect is important in the study, since: "In Russia, the vast scale of territories, 17.1 million km2 (1/7 of the land) => climate diversity,

Regional Studies
Region1 District Region2 Region3 "synonymous with the concept of "district"

Accommodation conditions
- features of the region for which the placement problem is being solved. Highlights the features of each pr-va and compares them with the features of a particular region. The more matches, the better options.

Industries gravitating towards places of concentration of qualified personnel
5. Industries gravitating towards the places of consumption of their products: "if the products lose their quality during transportation or storage (bread,

Territorial structure and organization of productive forces
(The territorial organization of production forces is based on the territorial structure of the economy) Territorial structure of the economy

Production diversification
- this is the process of complicating the structure of production in the region, the simultaneous development of unrelated industries (→ expansion of the range). Ways d

Types of activities that depend on the level of NTP
1. Primary activities include industries associated with the processing of raw materials (mining, agriculture). Stage of pre-industrial development.

Allocation in the region of 5 functioning subsystems
(This is rational) 1. Economic subsystem (territorial production relations regarding intersectoral interaction, fo

Industrial centre
- small town, locality. This is the most simple form: - industrial production is concentrated on a small scale; population is predominantly employed in industry

industrial node
- a block of enterprises that have industrial relations with each other. A block of enterprises is a set of enterprises located on the same site and created by one building

Specific signs of TPK
1.TPK is created to jointly solve the problem. Types of problems: "obtaining a resource or product for (during) the development of the region (Sredneobskaya TPK);

The problem of developing a mechanism for the practical implementation of the program for the functioning of the TPK
In practice, it was not possible to achieve all the goals set. Basically, they did not achieve complexity. Reasons for failure: 1. When forming the TPK, there were no

Free economic zones (FEZ)
They have been widespread abroad since the late 50s, and in Russia interest in them arose only in the 90s. Literature: // USA: economics, politics, ideology. `95, nos. 5-6.

Export production zones
Combination of export and industrial zone. These are zones of special economic regime. point (1-2 km2, customs border absent); prom. parks (especially

Highly specialized (offshore) zones
This is a special type of SEZ, created as a joint venture zone. Preferential treatment of financial and credit operations. Only for foreign firms or firms with foreign participation (and

Composition and possibilities of SEZ
Composition: There is only one requirement: there must be an industry with competitive products. More widespread. in labor-intensive industries that have a high rate of return

Specifics of Chinese SEZs
"created under centralized rule, the government went to the creation of local authorities, which have the right to: • Establish enterprises with foreign capital;

Achievements of FEZ China
1. Attracting foreign investment. ¼ ends up in SEZ stocks. 1991 - direct investment - $ 5 billion. 1992 - 10. 1993 - 24. 1994 - 34.

Problems and prospects of creating a free economic zone in Russia
Interest in the SEZ arose in the late 80s, the peak of formation - the beginning of the 90s. · When it became possible to obtain the status of a free economic zone, there were more than 100 applications from the regions

Features of the Russian approach
1. All decisions on the creation of a free economic zone are in the form of a decree or resolution. There are several laws on specific regions, and there is no general legislation regarding the creation of free economic zones in Russia.

Factors shaping the investment climate
1. Political stability. 2. Social stability. 3. Criminogenicity of the situation. 4. The degree of legalization of foreign economic activity (openness to the foreign market

Reasons for failure
1. A favorable investment climate has not been created. 2. Too high speed of SEZ emergence. 3. A large number of SEZs. 4. Large territories occupied by SEZs.

Presentation on the topic "Literature on geographical map"on literature in powerpoint format. The presentation for schoolchildren tells about famous children's poets, writers. Presentation author: teacher primary school, Loretts Anna Vasilievna

Fragments from the presentation

Chukovsky Korney Ivanovich (Korneichukov Nikolay Vasilyevich)

  • Chukovsky Korney Ivanovich (real name Korneychukov Nikolai Vasilyevich) was born on March 19 (31 n.s.) in St. Petersburg. In 1916, at the invitation of Gorky, Chukovsky directed the children's department of the Parus publishing house and began to write for children: verse tales Crocodile (1916), Moydodyr (1923), Fly-sokotuha (1924), Barmaley (1925) , "Aibolit" (1929), etc.
  • IN last years During his life he published articles-essays about Zoshchenko, B. Zhitkov, A. Akhmatova, B. Pasternak and many others.

Barto Agniya Lvovna

  • Barto Agniya Lvovna (1906-1981) was born on February 17 in Moscow in the family of a veterinarian. She received a good home education, which was led by her father. She studied at the gymnasium, where she began to write poetry.
  • In 1925, books of poems for children were published - "Chinese Wang Li", Thief Bear".
  • She regularly published collections of poems: "Brothers" (1928), "Boy on the contrary" (1934), "Toys" (1936), "Bullfinch" (1939).
  • In 1940-50 new collections were published: "First Grader", "Zvenigorod", "Funny Poems", "Poems for Children". In the same years, he worked on scripts for children's films "Foundling", "Elephant and Rope", "Alyosha Ptitsyn develops character."

Bazhov Pavel Petrovich

  • Bazhov Pavel Petrovich (January 27, 1879 - August 31, 1967). The famous Ural storyteller.
  • Born into a family of workers. He graduated from the Yekaterinburg Theological School (1893) and the Perm Theological Seminary (1899).
  • In the 40s. Bazhov supplements and develops the problems of the pre-war "Gumesh" cycle on the material of the history of the Southern Urals ("Ivanko Krylatko", "Iron Babushka", "Root Secret", etc.). A separate group is made up of the satirical "Tales of the Germans" (1943-45).
  • Bazhov's creative path ends with social and everyday tales ("Vasina Gora", "Broad Shoulder", "The Wrong Heron", etc.), which are thematically adjacent to his "Ural Tales". The last major work - the autobiographical story "Far - Close" (1949) contains diverse information from the life and life of Yekaterinburg at the beginning of the 20th century.

Ildar Abuzyarov

  • Born June 5, 1976 in Gorky.
  • Graduated from the Faculty of History of the University of Nizhny Novgorod.
  • He made his debut as a prose writer in 2000.
  • Published in literary magazines and almanacs "Babylon", "Friendship of Peoples", "October", "Banner", " New world”, “Day and night”, etc.
  • The works have been translated into German, Czech, Swedish, Armenian, Arabic.

Bayborodin Anatoly Grigorievich

  • Anatoly Grigoryevich Baiborodin was born on March 24, 1950 in the village of Sosnovo-Ozersk, Republic of Buryatia. After graduating from Irkutsk state university(department of journalism) worked in rural and regional newspapers in Eastern Siberia.
  • Author of the plays "Kosopyat - beard to toe" (Staging: Irkutsk City Theater 2003.), "Black Birds, White Birds" (Staging: Irkutsk Regional puppet show, 2005).

Prokopyeva Zoya Grigorievna

  • Prose writer Zoya Egorovna Prokopieva was born in the village of Belozerskoye, Belozersky District, Kurgan Region, on 11/15/1936.
  • In 1949, Prokopiev moved to Chelyabinsk.
  • Prokopyeva heads the Propaganda Bureau fiction Chelyabinsk Regional Writers' Organization, whose activities extended to three regions of the Southern Urals: Chelyabinsk, Kurgan and Orenburg. She publishes collections of prose - in Chelyabinsk and Moscow, which mainly develop "biographical" and "working" themes.

Yarantsev Vladimir Nikolaevich

  • Vladimir Nikolaevich Yarantsev was born in Kalinin (Tver) in 1958. Graduated from the Faculty of Humanities of Novosibirsk State University (Academgorodok) with a degree in Philology.
  • In the 90s he worked in the newspapers of Novosibirsk: "Sibirskaya Gazeta" and "Slovo", published in "Soviet Siberia", "Evening Novosibirsk", "Youth of Siberia", "New Siberia". Since 2000, he has been publishing, and then works (since 2002) in the journal Siberian Lights, at the same time being engaged in literary criticism, including Siberian.

Branch Libraries Week Gymnasium №3

library lesson


Teka - vault

Biblio - book

The first "books"

Texts on clay tablets


Ashurbanipal collected the first library in the Ancient East

Fragment of a bas-relief Before

King Ashurbanipal

There is a smoking table



Aristophanes is the greatest

ancient Greek writer 400s. AD

First Libraries

in Rus'

The first library in Rus' was founded in 1037 in the city of Kyiv by Yaroslav the Wise.

The first Russian handwritten books

"The Tale of Igor's Campaign"

The greatest monument

ancient Russian literature

Old Russian page handwritten book"Kyiv Psalter". 1397.

The Ostromir Gospel on parchment is a leather book created from October 1056 to May 1057.

Page of the "Apostle" by Ivan Fedorov. 1564.

British Library in London.

This is the national library in Britain. It was built in 1753.


National Library USA, one of the largest libraries in the world.

The oldest federal institution in the United States (1800). The library is located in three buildings, it is the largest library in the world in terms of the number of shelves and the number of books.

Library of Alexandria

One of the largest libraries of antiquity.

It contains more than 700 thousand volumes.

National Library of France

This is the largest library in France .

State Russian library

Founded in 1862 as part of the Moscow Rumyantsev Museum.

Russian National Library Saint Petersburg

Russian Library of the Academy of Sciences

Fund 20 million copies

Annual receipts - more than 200 thousand, 50 thousand foreign publications

Harvard University Library

The largest academic library

Vatican Apostolic Library

Library in the city of Rome, Italy. The library was founded in the 15th century by Pope Nicholas V.

Goodbye! See you soon! Good books are always interesting!