Riddles that few people know. The most difficult riddles for logic, with a catch

Riddles with a trick - riddles with a simple question and a non-standard answer. At first glance, the answer may seem strange and wrong, but if you carefully read the riddle and think about the answer, it will turn out to be quite logical. Trick riddles are usually not without a sense of humor. They not only develop ingenuity and out-of-the-box thinking, but also bring fun. Tell riddles with a trick to your friends and relatives, have a fun and useful time.

On the football match the same person always came. Before the start of the game, he guessed the score. How did he do it?
Answer: Before the start of the game, the score is always 0:0

More than an hour, less than a minute.
Answer: Second (hand of some watch models)
Tag. Anna

What language is spoken silently?
Answer: sign language

Why is the stopcock red on trains and blue on planes?
Answer: Many will say, "I don't know." Experienced will answer: "There is no stop valve on airplanes." In fact, the plane has a stopcock in the cockpit.
Makarova Valentina, Moscow

The boy paid 11 rubles for a bottle with a cork. A bottle costs 10 rubles more than a cork. How much does a cork cost?
Answer: 50 cents
Orlov Maxim, Moscow

One French writer terribly disliked the Eiffel Tower, but constantly dined there (on the first level of the tower). How did he explain it?
Answer: This is the only place in all the vast Paris, from where it is not visible.
Borovitsky Vyacheslav, Kaliningrad

What city are you hiding in? man's name and side of the world?
Answer: Vladivostok
Mezhuleva Julia

Seven sisters are in the country, where each is busy with some business. The first sister is reading a book, the second is cooking, the third is playing chess, the fourth is doing Sudoku, the fifth is doing the laundry, the sixth is taking care of the plants. And what does the seventh sister do?
Answer: plays chess
Gobozov Alexey, Sochi

Why do they go often, but rarely go?
Answer: stairs

It goes uphill, then downhill, but remains in place.
Answer: Road

Which word has 5 "e" and no other vowels?
Answer: immigrant
Radaev Evgeny, Petrozavodsk

Two people approach the river. Near the shore is a boat that can only support one. Both men crossed to the opposite bank. How?
Answer: They were on different shores
25 25, Vladivostok

Vasily, Peter, Semyon and their wives Natalya, Irina, Anna have been together for 151 years. Every husband is 5 years older than his wife. Vasily is 1 year older than Irina. Natalya and Vasily together are 48 years old, Semyon and Natalya are together 52 years old. Who is married to whom, and how old is who? (Age must be expressed in whole numbers).
Answer: Vasily (26) - Anna (21); Peter (27) - Natalia (22); Semyon (30) - Irina (25).
Chelyadinskaya Victoria, Minsk

Jackdaws flew, sat on sticks. They sit down one by one - the jackdaw is superfluous, they sit two by two - the stick is superfluous. How many sticks were there and how many jackdaws were there?
Answer: Three sticks and four jackdaws
Baranovsky Sergey, Polotsk

Where is it found that a horse jumps over a horse?
Answer: Chess
)))))))) Renesmee, L.A

Which table has no legs?
Answer: Diet
Boyko Sasha, Wolf

Do not write anything or use a calculator. Take 1000. Add 40. Add another thousand. Add 30. Another 1000. Plus 20. Plus 1000. And plus 10. What happened?
Answer: 5000? Wrong. The correct answer is 4100. Try to recalculate on a calculator.
Ivanova Daria, Daria

How can a person not sleep for 8 days?
Answer: sleep at night
Sone4ka0071, Sosnogorsk

What animal do people walk on and cars pass by?
Answer: Zebra
Kostryukova Tanya, Saransk

Which word "no" is used 100 times?
Answer: Groan
Muslimova Sabina, Dagestan (Derbent)

What is an elephant without a nose?
Answer: Chess
Prokopyeva Xenia, Moscow

Mr. Mark was found murdered in his office. The cause was a bullet wound to the head. Detective Robin, inspecting the scene of the murder, found a cassette recorder on the table. And when he turned it on, he heard the voice of Mr. Mark. He said, “This is Mark. Jones just called me and said that in ten minutes he would be here to shoot me. It's useless to run. I know this tape will help the police arrest Jones. I hear his footsteps on the stairs. Here the door opens... The assistant detective offered to arrest Jones on suspicion of murder. But the detective did not follow his assistant's advice. As it turned out, he was right. Jones wasn't the killer, as was said on the tape. Question: why did the detective have suspicions?
Answer: The cassette in the voice recorder was being revised at the start. Moreover, Jones would have taken the cassette.
Katarina, Moscow

Sherlock Holmes was walking down the street. And suddenly he saw a dead woman lying on the ground. He walked over, opened her bag and took out her phone. In tel. book, he found her husband's number. He called. He speaks:
- Urgently come here. Your wife is dead. And after a while the husband arrives. He looks at his wife and says:
- Oh, honey, what happened to you?
And then the police arrive. Sherlock points his finger at the woman's husband and says:
- Arrest this man. It was he who killed her. Q: Why did Sherlock think that?
Answer: Because Sherlock didn't tell her husband the address.
Tusupova Aruzhan

Two fifth-graders Petya and Alyonka are walking from school and talking.
“When the day after tomorrow becomes yesterday,” one of them said, “today will be as far from Sunday as the day that was today, when the day before yesterday was tomorrow.” What day of the week did they speak?
Answer: Sunday
Piggy, Ololoshkino

There is a rich house and a poor one. They are on fire. Which house will the police put out?
Answer: Police don't put out fires, firefighters put out fires

On what path has no one ever walked or traveled?
Answer: Milky Way
Tikhonova Inessa, Aktobe

How many years in a year?
Answer: one (summer)
Maxim, Penza

What kind of cork can not plug a single bottle?
Answer: road
Volchenkova Nastya, Moscow

In what word is the drink and the natural phenomenon “hidden”?
Answer: grapes
anufrienko dasha, khabarovsk

What sign must be placed between 6 and 7 so that the result is less than 7 and greater than 6?
Answer: comma
Mironova Violetta, Saratov

Without which nothing ever happens?
Answer: Untitled
Anyutka, Omsk

Union, number then preposition -
That's the whole charade.
And so that you can find the answer,
We need to remember the rivers.
Answer: i-hundred-k
nazgulichka, ufa

What is the strongest muscle in the human body?
Answer: The common opinion is the language. In fact, the calf and chewing muscles.

You can tie, but you can't untie.
Answer: conversation
Dasha, Chelyabinsk

To what mere mortal even the president takes off his hat?
Answer: hairdresser
Nastya Slesarchuk, Moscow

How to put 2 liters of milk in a liter jar?
Answer: Turn it into curd

Once upon a time there was one orphan girl in the thicket, she had only two kittens, two puppies, three parrots, a turtle and a hamster with a hamster that was supposed to give birth to 7 hamsters. The girl went for food. She goes through the forest, field, forest, field, field, forest, forest, field. She came to the store, but there was no food there. Goes on, forest, forest, field, field, forest, field, forest, field, forest, field, field, forest. And the girl fell into the hole. If she gets out, dad will die. If she stays there, her mother will die. The tunnel cannot be dug. What should she do?
Answer: She is an orphan
I'm Yulechka, Omsk

They are metallic and liquid. What are we talking about?
Answer: nails
babicheva alena, moscow

How to write "duck" in 2 cells?
Answer: In the 1st - the letter "y", in the 2nd - a dot.
Sigunova 10 years old Valeria, Zheleznogorsk

Name a word in which one letter is a prefix, the second is a root, the third is a suffix, the fourth is an ending.
Answer: Gone: y (prefix), sh (root), l (suffix), a (ending).
Malec Daniel

Guess the riddle: who has a heel behind his nose?
Answer: Shoes
lina, Donetsk

There were 20 people on the bus. At the first stop, 2 people got off and 3 people got in, at the next one, 1 got off and 4 got in, at the next, 5 got off and 2 got in, at the next, 2 got off and 1 got in, at the next, 9 got off and no one got in, at the next - 2 more came out. Q: How many stops were there?
Answer: The answer to the riddle is not that important. This riddle with unexpected question. While you are telling the riddle, the guesser begins to mentally count the number of people on the bus, and at the end of the riddle, you will confuse him with a question about the number of stops.

Husband and wife lived. The husband had his own room in the house, which he forbade his wife to enter. The key to the room was in the bedroom dresser. So they lived for 10 years. And so the husband went on a business trip, and the wife decided to go into this room. She took the key, opened the room, turned on the light. The wife walked around the room, then saw a book on the table. She opened it and heard someone open the door. She closed the book, turned off the light and closed the room, putting the key in the chest of drawers. This is the husband. He took the key, opened the room, did something in it and asked his wife: “Why did you go there?”
How did the husband guess?
Answer: The husband touched the light bulb, it was hot.

There were husband and wife, brother and sister, and husband and brother-in-law. How many people?
Answer: 3 people
Arkharov Mikhail, Orekhovo-Zuevo

The full name is Danuta. How does it sound abbreviated?
Answer: Dana
Khanukova Danuta, Bryansk

A river that "fits" in your mouth?
Answer: Gum
Bezusova Anastasia, Overyata village

A collection of puzzles for fun and educational activities with children. All children's riddles are given with answers.

Riddles for children are rhymes or prose expressions that describe an object without naming it. Most often, the focus in children's riddles is on some unique property of the object or its similarity with another object.

For our distant ancestors, riddles were a kind of test of wisdom and ingenuity. fairytale heroes. In almost every fairy tale, questions were asked that the main characters had to answer in order to receive a magical gift.

It is customary to share riddles for children and adults. In this section you will find only children's riddles, the solution of which turns into a game and not only teaches, but also develops the logic of your baby. Their number is constantly growing, because people still continue to invent, and we continue to post the most interesting ones.

All riddles for kids are answered so you can test yourself. If you are playing with a very young child, then you should look at the answers in advance, because you need to make sure that he already knows the word that is the clue. Play guessing games with your child and he will understand that learning can be interesting and even fun!

Children's puzzles: how to choose?

Surprisingly, the children's preferences for riddles are so different that it is not possible to identify any trend. Of course, kids are delighted with riddles for children about birds, animals, all kinds of bugs and spiders. Older children love to play riddles about fairy tale characters and heroes of modern cartoons.

To turn solving into an entertaining game, you need to choose a topic in accordance with what you are currently doing and where you are. On vacation outside the city, choose children's riddles about animals and birds, if you went to pick mushrooms in the forest - riddles about mushrooms. This choice will bring you and your child new experiences and joy. Imagine that you are relaxing on a lake or river and your baby saw a fish. And if you prepared in advance and took riddles about fish with you? Your success in the game of a puzzle on the water and sea theme is guaranteed.

Attention: the site contains riddles for children with answers! Just click on the word "Answer".

And little kids and guys school age madly in love with joint games with parents, grandparents. So interesting riddles with the answers will definitely grab their attention. The most important thing is that adults think over the scenario according to which an exciting game will take place.

Riddle as a way of child development

In general, interesting with answers is not just an inspiring game. This is a fun way to develop:

  • thinking;
  • logic
  • fantasy;
  • perseverance;
  • pursuit.

These are just some of the factors that indicate that complex and interesting puzzles with answers are not only fun, but also useful for children.

An exciting game with a logical bias

Of course, it is best to translate tasks into a game form. This can be done considering:

  • how many children are participating in the event;
  • what age are the guys?
  • What is the purpose of the game.

You can have a relay race in which every child will be able to show ingenuity and speed of thinking. It will be more interesting if the children are given coins for each correct answer. Then, at the end of the game, you can exchange coins for some kind of sweet or toy. AT game form children will not perceive the task as a lesson, so it will be much more interesting and fun to complete it.

The most interesting riddles with answers to logic

Thinking puzzles will help to check how a child can think outside the box. It is for this purpose that interesting riddles with answers will be needed.

There are three sofas in the room, each with four legs. There are also five dogs in the room, each with four paws. Later, a man entered the room. How many legs are in the room?

(Two, the sofa does not have legs, but the animals have paws.)

My name is Vitya, my younger sister is Alena, the middle one is Ira, and the older one is Katya. What is the name of each sister's brother?

Which car wheel does not move when making a right turn?


Where did the great traveler Gennady end up when the candle in his hands went out?

(In the dark.)

They walk, but not a single step from the place.

Two friends played football for three hours. How long did each of them play?

(For three hours.)

What is the name of an elephant that does not have a trunk?


The girl Arina walked towards the dacha and carried apple pies in a basket. Petya, Grisha, Timofey and Semyon were walking towards them. How many children went to the country?

(Only Arina.)

What keeps getting bigger and never smaller?


Grandmother was carrying two hundred chicken eggs to sell. On the way, the bottom of the package came off. How many eggs will she bring to the market?

(Not a single one, all fell out of the torn bottom.)

Logic puzzles with interesting answers will appeal to children. Adults will also consider such questions with great pleasure.

Fascinating and interesting riddles with a tricky answer

It is also worth paying attention to the tasks, the clues in which are completely unpredictable. Interesting riddles with answers are presented below.

What will the green T-shirt look like if you enter the Black Sea in it?

An animal that is in the zoo, as well as on the pedestrian zone of the track.

Two houses are on fire. One is the home of the rich and the other is the home of the poor. Which house will be extinguished first by the ambulance?

(Ambulances don't put out fires.)

How many years in a year?

(One summer.)

It can be tied, but it cannot be untied.


To whom even kings and lords take off their hats?


There were fifteen people in the subway car. At one stop, three got off and five got on. At the next stop, no one got off, but three people got on. At another stop ten people got off and five got on. At another stop, seven people got off and three got on. How many stops were there?

A river that is even in a person's mouth.

The husband gave his wife a ring and said: "I'm leaving to work abroad. When I leave, look at what is written on the inside of the jewelry." When the wife was happy, she read the inscription, and she became sad, and when she was sad, the inscription gave strength. What was written on the ring?

(All will pass.)

What can you take in left hand but you can never take it with your right hand?

(Right elbow.)

Here are such interesting riddles with answers that will help the baby move the convolutions and think carefully.

Logic puzzles for the little ones

It is best for the smallest kids to offer the most simple puzzles for solving.

In the garden, five apples grew on a Christmas tree, and four pears on a birch. How many fruits are there?

(Not at all, these trees don't grow fruit.)

What plate can you not eat anything from?

(From empty.)

There are four daisies, three roses, two tulips and two chrysanthemums in the vase. How many daisies are in the vase?

(Four daisies.)

Vitya made three hills of sand. Then he combined them all into one and added another collected pea. How many slides did you get?

December came, cherries and raspberries ripened in my grandmother's garden. How many trees or bushes gave fruit?

(None, in December, the fruits do not grow.)

Two twin sisters Anya and Tanya decided to arrange a game and during the holidays they agreed that one would only tell the truth, and the other would always tell a lie. The girls from the yard figured out how to figure out which of them is lying. What question did they ask?

(Does the sun shine?)

In the snow, she is alone, in the frost she is not, and in the sausage there are three of them. What is it?

(Letter "C".)

What kind of person doesn't get their hair wet even in a downpour?

Can a peacock say that he is a bird?

(No, because peacocks don't talk.)

Two boys climbed into the attic to find old toys there. When they stepped out into the sunlight, one could see that one had a dirty face, while the other was clean. The boy whose face was clean went first to wash. Why?

(He saw that the second one was dirty and thought it was the same.)

How many yogurts can you eat on an empty stomach?

(One, the rest are not on an empty stomach.)

How fast does a cat have to run without making a jar tied to its tail?

(The cat must sit still.)

Logic puzzles for schoolchildren

Boys and girls who attend school should ask more difficult tasks where you need to think carefully. Let's look at what children's interesting puzzles with answers can be included in an entertainment event.

How can you jump from a twenty-meter ladder and not get hit?

(Jump from the bottom steps.)

The dog had a twelve-meter chain around its neck. She walked over two hundred meters. How did it happen?

(She was not tied.)

What to do if you see a green man?

(Cross the pedestrian crossing.)

Can a person be in a room without a head?

(Yes, if he stuck his head out the window or window.)

Can you see last year's snow? When?

When would it be more convenient for a white cat to enter a dark room?

(When the door is open.)

You have a match in your hands, in a dark room at the entrance there is a candle and a stove. What will you light up first?

What weighs more - one kilogram of cotton candy or one kilogram of iron nails?

(They weigh the same.)

How many grains of buckwheat will go into a glass?

(Not at all, grains do not go.)

Each of the four sisters Angela, Christina, Olga and Irina has one brother. How many children are in the family?

She came to the hospital for an examination. She was the doctor's sister, but the doctor was not her brother. Who was the doctor?


Nastya and Alice played with toys. One of the girls was playing with a teddy bear, and the other was playing with a car. Nastya did not play with the typewriter. What toy did each girl have?

(Nastya - with a bear, and Alice - with a typewriter.)

How many corners will a rectangular table have if one corner is sawn off?

(Five corners.)

Nastya and Kristina ran eight kilometers together. How many kilometers did each girl run?

(Eight each.)

These very interesting riddles with answers will help the child show mental abilities. Parents should show their imagination and arrange a real marathon of emotions.

Why riddles should be

Joint pastime is very necessary for the baby, so that he understands how his parents love him. Therefore, such events should be organized more often. The child will also be able to show their talents during the game.

Fun party

Moms, dads, grandparents should understand that the brighter the event, the more interesting and fun the child will be. Therefore it is worth:

  • arrange a carnival in which everyone will be in beautiful costumes;
  • come up with gifts for the winner of the relay race;
  • reward the one who scored the maximum points with some presents for each correct answer.

Kids will be happy with any event. And when an ordinary evening turns into a holiday, there will be no limit to happiness. It all depends on the imagination and ideas of the parents. Please your little sons and daughters, and they will thank you with a sparkle in their eyes and satisfied smiles.

What is it: blue, big, with a mustache and completely stuffed with hares?


She puffs up her sides
Your four corners
And you, as the night falls,
It will still draw you in.


Not a rider, but with spurs,
Not an alarm clock, but wakes everyone up.

Soup, salad, mashed potatoes, meatballs
Always served in ... (Plate)
And for tea and yogurt
Give it up buddy...

Spreads its tail like a peacock,
Walks like an important gentleman
On the ground with their feet - a knock,
What is his name...

For predictions, this subject is indispensable.
Wizards all use it.
It's round and transparent like glass
It is quite easy to see the future in it.

She is beautiful and sweet
And her name is from the word "ash".


One eye, one horn, but not a rhinoceros?

(A cow peeks around the corner)

Five boys
Five closets.
Dispersed boys
In dark closets.
Every boy
Into your closet.

(Fingers and gloves)

The nose is round, patchy,
It is convenient for them to dig in the ground,
Small crochet tail
Instead of shoes - hooves.
Three of them - and to what
The brothers are friendly.
Guess without a clue
Who are the heroes of this tale?
(Three pigs)

My father had a strange boy
Unusual - wooden.
But the father loved his son.
What a strange
Little wooden man
On land and underwater
Looking for a golden key?
It has a long nose everywhere.
Who is this? .. (Pinocchio).

White-sided chirping,
And her name is ... (magpie).

I go to bed every night,
In a room alone, I'm not afraid.
I fall asleep sweetly
Under the singing of a bird - (nightingale).

We don't sleep for a day
We don't sleep at night
And day and night
We knock, we knock.

I'm sitting on top
I don't know who.
(A cap)

Autumn rain walked around the city,
The rain has lost its mirror.
The mirror lies on the asphalt,
The wind will blow - it will tremble. (Puddle)

I have two horses, two horses.
They carry me on the water.
And the water is as hard as stone!
(skates, ice)

I've been wearing them for many years
I don't know how to count them.

Very strange postman:
He's not a Muggle, he's not a wizard.
Deliver letters and newspapers
Carries a parcel to the ends of the world,
He knows how to keep all the secrets.
Winged and bold, and sharp-sighted he is.
Who is this postman? (Owl)

Three eyes - three orders
Red is the most dangerous.
(Traffic lights)

Who comes, who goes
Everyone leads her by the hand.

Pinches ears, pinches nose,
Frost creeps into boots.
You splash water - it will fall
Not water, but ice.
Not even a bird flies
The bird freezes from frost.
The sun has returned to summer.
What, say, for a month is this?

Who made me does not say. Who does not know me, accepts. And who knows, they won't let you into the yard.
(Fake coin)

If it weren't for him,
Wouldn't say anything.

Khokotun Egor took up the cleaning,
I went dancing around the room,
Looked around - a clean floor.

There is a fat woman -
wooden belly,
Iron belt.

Hot, sultry, stuffy day,
Even chickens seek shade.
The mowing of bread has begun,
Time for berries and mushrooms.
His days are the peak of summer,
What, say, for a month is this?

There is water all around, but there is trouble with drinking. (Sea).

Along the edges are two sharp sticks,
In the middle is what
What all the guys will exclaim
Kohl suddenly hear it.

A warm south wind is blowing
The sun is shining brighter.
The snow is thinning, soft, melting,
The loud-mouthed rook flies.
What month? Who will know?

Thirty-two thresh
one turns.
(Teeth and tongue)

The sun bakes
Linden blossoms.
The rye is earing
The wheat is golden.
Who's to say, who knows
When does it happen?

Lots of teeth, but nothing to eat.

What is it with Galochka?
thread on a stick,
Wand in hand
And a thread in the river.
(Fishing rod)

I'm light as a feather, but you can't hold me for long.

sheet of paper in the morning
They bring us to the apartment,
On one such sheet
a lot of news.

When you see me, you cannot see anything else. I can make you walk even if you don't have the opportunity. Sometimes I tell the truth, sometimes I lie. But if I'm lying, then close to the truth. Who am I?

Who walks on 4 legs in the morning, on 2 legs in the afternoon, and on 3 legs in the evening?
(Man. Morning - childhood, evening - old age)

People always have
There are always ships.

Not a rider, but with spurs, not a watchman, but wakes everyone up (rooster)

Gum Akulinka
I went for a walk on the back.
And while she was walking
The back is pink.

This month hides everything, this month it snows, this month everything is warmer, this month is Women's Day.

Sitting Pahom
Riding a horse
I'm illiterate myself
And reading helps.

Spinning, chirping,
Busy all day.

Furiously the river roars
And breaks the ice.
The starling returned to his house,
And in the forest the bear woke up.
A lark trills in the sky.
Who came to us?

I received these miracle bricks as a gift,
What I make of them - I break,
And I start all over again.

Lives without a language
Doesn't eat or drink
He speaks and sings.

He sat on the fence, sang and shouted, but when everyone gathered, he took it and fell silent (rooster)

Snow falls in bags from the sky,
There are snowdrifts from the house.
Now snowstorms, then blizzards
They attacked the village.
The frost is strong at night
During the day, a drop is heard ringing.
The day has grown noticeably
Well, so what month is it?

Doesn't bark, doesn't bite, but is tied to the booth.

The bird sits on the white mountains, waits from dead alive(hen-hen)

In the forest tyap-tyap, blunder-blunder at home, you take it on your knees - it will cry.

Goes down - breaks the road, goes up - builds.
(Doggy zipper on jacket)

Though she herself is snow and ice,
And she leaves - sheds tears.

He swing and bed
It's good to lie on it
Is he in the garden or in the forest
Shows on weight.

Duck in the sea, tail on the fence. (Ladle)

It pours into it, pours out of it, weaves itself along the ground. (River).

Warm, long, long day
At noon - a tiny shadow,
An ear blooms in the field,
The grasshopper gives a voice
The strawberry ripens
What month is it, please?

Every year they come to visit us:
One gray-haired, the other young,


Little boy in a gray coat
Snooping around the yards, picking up the crumbs,
At night he wanders - he steals hemp.

I puff, puff, puff,
I don't want to get hot anymore.
The lid rattled loudly.
"Drink tea, the water has boiled!"

The river is flowing - we are lying.
Ice on the river - we run.

Frequent, toothy,
I grabbed a swirling forelock.

All his life he flaps his wings,
And he can't fly away.

In a wooden house
Gnomes live.
Already such good people -
Give out lights to everyone.

Two sisters next to each other
They run circle after circle.
Shorty - just one time
The one above is every hour.
(Clock hands)

One says
Two are looking
Two are listening.
(tongue, eyes, ears)

A small dog curled up lies -
He does not bark, does not bite, but does not let him into the house.

All the time knocking, hollowing trees.
But they are not crippled, but only healed.

Black vest, red beret.
The nose is like an ax, the tail is like an emphasis.

The bridge stretched for seven miles,
And at the end of the bridge - a golden milestone.
(A week)

Apples on the branches in winter!
Collect them quickly!
And suddenly the apples fluttered
After all, this...

So that autumn does not get wet,
Not sour from water
He turned puddles into glass
Made the gardens snowy.

If it's raining, we don't grieve -
We smartly romp through the puddles,
The sun will shine -
We stand under the hanger.
(Galoshes, boots)

What will this eye look at -
All the picture will convey.

He will knock on the ground with his nose,
He flaps his wings and screams.
He screams even sleepy,
The screamer is restless.

And in the forest, mind you, children,
There are night watchmen.
Watchmen are afraid of these
Mice, hiding, trembling!
Very very harsh
Owls and...

Who whitens the glades with white
And writes on the walls with chalk,
sews downy feather beds,
Did you decorate all the windows?

He has a rubber trunk
With a canvas stomach.
How his engine hums
He swallows dust and rubbish.
(Vacuum cleaner)

If I got up, I would reach the sky.

Girded stone belt
Hundreds of cities and villages.

The snow is melting, the meadow has come to life.
The day is coming. When does it happen?

The tree has grown from earth to heaven.
This tree has twelve branches.
Each knot has four nests.
Each nest contains seven eggs.
And the seventh is red.
(Year, months, weeks, days)

Dies in the evening, revives in the morning.

I am woven from heat, I carry warmth with me,
I warm the rivers, "swim!" - I invite.
And you all love me for this, I ...

Front - awl, back - wilze,
Top - black cloth,
Below is a white towel.

I run like a ladder
Ringing on the pebbles
From afar by the song
Recognize me.

small, round,
And you can't catch it by the tail.

Black, nimble,
Shouts "krak" - the enemy of worms.

Goes to four in the morning
During the day for two, and in the evening for three.
(Child, adult, old man)

Appeared in a yellow coat:
Farewell, two shells!

The beauty walks, lightly touches the ground,
Goes to the field, to the river,
And on the snow, and on the flower.

On the wall, in plain sight,
Gathers the news together
And then its residents
They will fly in all directions.

She has her whole soul wide open,
And even though there are buttons - not a shirt,
Not a turkey, but inflates,
And not a bird, but flooded.

Everyone rejoices today!
In the hands of a child
Dancing for joy

If I see dust, I will grumble, wrap and swallow.
(Vacuum cleaner)

It crackled from the very morning: "Por-r-ra! Por-r-ra!"
What's the time? What a mess with her
When it crackles...

Fidget motley, long-tailed bird,
The bird is talkative, the most talkative.
The white-sided messenger, and her name is ...

They speak in Moscow, but we hear it.

Carpenter with a sharp chisel
Building a house with one window.

I'll sit under my arm and tell you what to do:
Either I'll put you to bed, or I'll let you walk.

Angry touchy
Lives in the wilderness of the forest.
Too many needles
Not just one thread.

Blue house at the gate.
Guess who lives in it.

The door is narrow under the roof -
Not for a squirrel, not for a mouse,
Not for the spring tenant,
Talking starling.

News is flying in through this door
They spend half an hour together.
The news does not stay for a long time -
Flying in all directions!

White feathers, red comb.
Who is that on the peg?

There are no clouds on the horizon
But an umbrella opened up in the sky.
In a few minutes
Got down...

Doesn't burn in fire
Doesn't sink in water
Does not rot in the ground.

Who, guess, the gray-haired mistress?
She shook her feather beds - over the world of fluff.

Chick-chirp! Jump to the grains!
Peck, don't be shy! Who is it?

In linen country
On the river sheet
The steamboat is sailing
Back, then forward
And behind him such a smooth surface,
Not a wrinkle to be seen.

The house is a glass bubble
And the light lives in it.
He sleeps during the day, but when he wakes up,
It will ignite with a bright flame.

Red doors in my cave
White animals sit at the door.
And meat, and bread - all my booty -
I gladly give to the white beasts.
(Lips, teeth, mouth)

It is important to walk around the yard
with a sharp beak, a crocodile,
Ggolovoy shook all day,
mumbled something loudly.
Only this, right, was
no crocodile,
and turkeys are your best friend.
Guess who?..

Everyone tramples on me, but I'm getting better.

He is in a bright uniform, spurs for beauty
During the day he is a bully, in the morning he is a watch.

A climber stands on the roof
And catches the news for us.

I silently look at everyone
And everyone is looking at me.
Merry see laughter
I cry with sadness.
Deep like a river
I'm at home, on your wall.
The old man sees the old man,
The child is the child in me.

In a small barn
Keep a hundred fires.

The cold has come.
The water turned to ice.
Long-eared hare gray
Turned into a white bunny.
The bear stopped roaring:
The bear went into hibernation in the forest.
Who's to say, who knows
When does it happen?

Who's on the tree, on the bitch
Counting: ku-ku, ku-ku?

Not offended, but inflated,
They lead him across the field.
And hit - nothing
Don't chase after...

Has no language
And who will visit
He knows a lot.

Who sings so loudly
that the sun is rising?

I decorate the house
I collect dust.
And people trample on me,
Yes, then they still beat with batogs.

It was yesterday, it is today and it will be tomorrow.

She doesn't need a driver at all.
You turn it on with the key -
The wheels will start spinning.
Put it on and she will rush.
(Clockwork machine)

It has no legs and no wings,
It flies fast, you can't catch up with it.

Kvohchet, quohchet, calls the children,
He gathers everyone under the wing.
(Hen with chickens)

I have a tree
It has twelve branches;
Each branch has thirty leaves;
One side of the sheet is black,
The other is white.
(Year, months, days, nights)

Snow on the fields, ice on the waters,
The blizzard is walking. When does it happen?
(in winter)

Every day at six in the morning
I'm cracking: it's time to get up!

I am related to Moidodyr,
Turn me away
And cold water
I will kill you alive.

What tool can you slurp cabbage soup with?
(The spoon)

What cannot be returned?

I have a robot in my apartment.
He has a huge trunk.
Robot loves cleanliness
And buzzing like a liner "TU"
He willingly swallows the dust,
Not sick, not sneezing.
(Vacuum cleaner)

I lie above the river, I hold both banks.

Olya listens in the forest
How the cuckoos cry.
And for this you need
Our Olya...

You are given
And people use it.

Wrinkled Tit
The whole village is happy.

Olya runs happily
To the river along the path.
And for this you need
Our Olya...

I'm standing on the roof, all the pipes are higher.

Meets everyone with one hand,
The other handle accompanies.

Admire, look -
North Pole inside!
There sparkles snow and ice,
Winter lives there.

Sleeps during the day, flies at night.

Night. But if I want
I click once - and the day will turn on.

If our hands are in wax,
If there are blots on the nose,
Who then is our first friend,
Will it remove dirt from the face and hands?
What Mom Can't Do Without
No cooking, no washing
Without what, we will say directly,
Man to die?
To make it rain from the sky
To grow ears of bread
For ships to sail
We can't live without...

A house made of tin, and the tenants in it - to lead.

How to start talking, talking,
We need to make tea soon.

On a pole - a palace, in a palace - a singer.

Escapes like a living thing
But I won't release it.
Foaming with white foam
Don't be lazy to wash your hands.

What kind of blacksmiths forge in the forest?

Blacker than all migratory birds,
cleans the arable land from worms.

He reveals himself, he closes you,
As soon as the rain passes, it will do the opposite.

Day and night I stand on the roof
No ears, but I hear everything
I look into the distance, although without eyes,
My story is on the screen.

The monster's emerald eye blazed.
So you can cross the street now.
(Traffic lights)

I held your tail in my hand,
You flew, I ran.

What comb does no one comb their hair with? (rooster)

What is a judge without a tongue?

One gray-haired, the other young,
The third jumps, and the fourth cries.
What are these guests?

He rides on someone else's back, but carries a load on his own.

She walks in the rain
Loves to nibble grass
Quack screams, it's all a joke,
Well, of course it is - (duck).

On the squares of the board
The kings brought down the regiments.
No for battle with regiments
No bullets, no bayonets.

I have guys
Two silver horses
I drive both at the same time.
What kind of horses do I have?

Tail with patterns, boots with spurs,
He sings songs, counts time.

They love the young man very much, but they beat him, beat him endlessly. (Ball).

A small head sits on the finger.
Hundreds of eyes looking in all directions.

In the belly - a bath, in the nose - a sieve, on the head - the navel. One hand, and that one on the back. What is it?

The fields are green,
The nightingale sings.
AT White color dressed garden,
The bees are the first to fly.
Thunder rumbles. Guess,
What month is this?

I am a helpful bastard.
I am happy to serve everyone.
I am silent as an idol.
And then I sing songs. (Samovar)

The tablecloth is white
The whole world is dressed.

What month do people talk the least
(In February)

Flowing-flowing - will not flow out; runs-runs - not you-runs. (River)

I'm spinning, I'm spinning
And I'm not lazy
Spin around all day long.

Not boots, not boots
But they are also worn by legs.
We run in them in winter:
Go to school in the morning, home in the afternoon.
(Felt boots)

Born twice, never a christening, a prophet to all people (rooster)

Thirty-two warriors have one commander.
(Teeth and tongue)

twelve brothers
They roam one after another
They don't bypass each other.

He wanders importantly across the meadow,
Comes out of the water dry
Wears red shoes
Gives soft feathers.

I have which year
the hedgehog lives in the room.
If the floor is waxed
He will rub it to a shine.
Answer (Polyter)

They knock, they knock - they don't tell you to be bored.
They go, they go, and everything is right there.

In the forest, under twitter, ringing and whistling,
The forest telegrapher knocks:
"Hey, thrush, buddy!"
And signs...

Four blue suns
Grandma's in the kitchen
Four blue suns
They burned and faded.
Shchi is ripe, pancakes hiss.
Until tomorrow the sun is not needed.
(Gas stove)

Under the roof - four legs,
Under the roof - soup and spoons.

They beat him with a hand and a stick -
Nobody feels sorry for him.
Why are they beating the poor guy?
And for the fact that he is inflated.

Come on, guys, who can guess:
Are two fur coats enough for ten brothers?

Bent over the river
Their deal is this:
The river will exchange it
Perch on a worm.
(Fishing rod)

A warm wave splashes
Under the wave of whiteness.
Guess, remember
What kind of sea is in the room?

I knock on wood, I want to get a worm,
Though hidden under the bark -
It will still be mine!

Two brothers
Looking into the water
They will not converge in a century.

Very fast two horses
They carry me through the snow
Through the meadow to the birch,
Pull two strips.

In our house under the window
There is a hot accordion:
She doesn’t sing or play - she heats the house.
(heating battery)

Five brothers -
Years equal, growth different.

Not a king, but in a crown,
not a rider, but with spurs,
not an alarm clock, but wakes everyone up.

He himself does not know the days, but indicates to others.

round, deep,
Smooth, wide
potter twisted,
burnt in the oven,
From the jug - low
Clay ... (bowl).

The train goes knock-knock-knock...
They suddenly bring us in a compartment
What's the liquid? Answer!
The conductor brought us ... (tea).
So as not to burn the palms,
Save the passenger
(And save all the guests)
When you drink hot tea
Get the install:
This glassware
(In recent years the main)
The train is the main one.
The glass is his boss,
And he himself... (cup holder).

If she works
There will be no hungry family.

Narrow at the bottom, wide at the top
Not a saucepan ... (cast iron).

From the Russian stove
Pull the porridge from the oven.
Chugunok is very happy
What grabbed him ... (grab).

Before, like a wooden basin,
Served the people all the time
There were grips
At the old ... (tubs).

To go to the bath
And carry water in it,
Such a pelvis
Two pens at once.
Splash water from it - ka!
That's the basin with the name ... (gang)!

Here are the nail clippers
Here are the nail clippers
And these (tweezers) are old
For the sweet ones, they were more important.
(Sugar tongs)

I always draw, sometimes muzzles, sometimes faces.
My palette is different faces
I help them grow faster
In the villain, in the beauty, in the blue bird,
In the beast, in the Bab - Yoshka,
In a horror story, in Koshchei,
In a funny matryoshka
In a cat, in Barmaleya.
My client is an actor.
I'm cool ... (make-up artist)

Works in the theater
Saves clothes
He strokes and darns
Sequins fastens, sews.
Actor tries on
jacket, for example
His profession is ... (costume designer).

Every man knows
What is sculpted from clay ... (glechek).

There are no dishes for such a long time,
All metal and glass
And in the old days everyone had
More often dishes ... (clay).

Wooden bottom and none -
Above and below it.
In a circle the boards are curved,
Slightly curved, not large
And fastened not with nails,
And belted with rims.
(Barrel, tub)

There is a dot
On the branch - "bud",
And similar to a tub
On the farm ... (barrel).

There is a word "gun".
There is a "frog"
And there is a vessel ... (a tub).

For rain water
What flows from the drainpipe
(What flows from the roof to the ground)
At the clay house
It stood ... (tub).

There is Dymkovo toy
"Water carrier" name,
On her shoulders
Wooden arc.

Long, low
Someone galvanized,
Needed for washing
Maybe for swimming.
Vessel strange
Has a name.
I don't know who it is
Title open
But this vessel
Just …. (trough).

Without work - she is cold,
And after work - red from the fire.

The iron leg is ... (poker).

Helps to cope
Beauty by the oven
Remove the rings from the stove
So that you put the cast iron.

fix the firebox
Will help deftly
Helper of fire
Hard worker ... (poker).

She has one leg
Oh, she's hot.

Full, wide
Smooth and high.
What's her name guys
She's a little heavy.
Pour and ten liters
In a pot sister ... (makitra).

The pot has a sister -
Wide, high
Full and good.
Call her ... (makitra).

Even though I'm not a hammer -
I knock on wood:
It has every corner
I want to explore.
I walk in a red hat
And a great acrobat.

How many peas can go into one glass?
(Not at all, because peas do not go.)

Golden sieve, full of black houses. (Language)

I am any girl
I'll cover my hair
I'll cover the boy too
Short haircuts.
I am protection from the sun
That's what it was made for.

On the stove - pots chief.
Fat, long-nosed ... (Teapot)

I ride it
Until evening time.
But my lazy horse
Carries only from the mountain.
And always on the hill
I walk myself
And my horse
I lead by the rope.

Starts from home
At home it ends.

How to say correctly: “I don’t see a white yolk” or “I don’t see a white yolk”? (The yolk cannot be white.)

Say the magic words
Swipe the subject just barely:
Flowers will bloom instantly
Between the snowdrifts here and there.
And you can conjure rain
There are five cakes at once.
And lemonade and sweets...
You name that subject! ( Magic wand)

What do you want -
You can't buy that
What is not needed -
You don't sell that.
(Youth and old age)

Guess what bird
Afraid of the bright light
Beak crochet, eye patch?

Near different girlfriends,
But they are similar to each other.
They all sit next to each other
And just one toy.

They started Moscow, what was the first nail pounded into? (In a hat.)

Two twins, two brothers
They sit on top of the nose.

There will be delicious food
With a golden crust
If you are using...
That's right, (frying pan!)

What is it: flies, rustles, and not a rustler? (Brother of the rustler.)

I work in the theatre.
I'm just an aunt during intermission.
And on the stage - the queen,
That granny, then the fox.
Knows Kolya and Larisa,
That in the theater I ... (actress)

Not the sea, not the land
Ships don't sail
And you can't walk.

In order not to freeze
five guys
knitted in the oven
They are sitting.

Admire, look -
North Pole inside!
There sparkles snow and ice,
Winter lives there.
Forever us this winter
Brought from the store.

I have no legs, but I walk
There is no mouth, but I will say
When to sleep, when to wake up
When to start work.

Fall - jump
Hit - do not cry.

Fidget motley,
long-tailed bird,
talking bird,
The most chatty.

Sitting in a cage all day
And under his breath he repeats,
But hearing the door creak,
He screams "Philip-Philip"
Let Kesha drink faster
Who is this - (parrot).

What always goes
And won't leave the place?

The fat man lives on the roof
He flies above all.

The grandmother loved the girl very much.
She gave her a red hat.
The girl forgot her name.
Well, tell me her name.
(Red Riding Hood)

your ponytail
I held in my hand
You flew
I ran.

Unapproachable, lonely
On a steep, high cliff,
A gloomy lump in appearance
He is by the lake.
Through the ancient loopholes
Looks into the surface of the lake. (Lock)

What dishes can not eat anything?
(From empty.)

He is always at work
When we say
And resting
When we are silent.

With a tail, but you can't lift it by the tail

Which word starts with three "G"s and ends with three "I"s? ("Trigonometry".)

Didn't look out the window
There was only one Antoshka,
Looked out the window -
There is a second Antoshka!
What is this window
Where was Antoshka looking?

This thing is functional:
She can sweep.
Well, you can (it's not a secret!)
Fly on it under the clouds.
Brand "Nimbus" thing happens,
Everyone plays Quidditch on it. (Broom)

Along the river, along the water
A line of boats floats
The ship is ahead
Leads them along
Small boats have no oars,
And the boat hurts a walker.
Right, left, back, forward
He will turn the whole gang.
(Duck with ducklings)

Riddles for grade 5 with answers teach children to think outside the box and are a kind of training for the mind. The secret of the positive influence of riddles on child development lies in the fact that they make the child think and think logically in an easy way. In addition, when a child himself finds the answer to a tricky puzzle, his confidence in his own strengths and capabilities increases. Do not underestimate the entertaining side of interesting puzzles. Children's contests or quizzes rarely do without them.

Riddles for grade 5

On this page you will find the best and most interesting riddles for grade 5. An online selection of riddles of different themes will help teach a child to think creatively and figuratively. They are easy to remember and will help the child expand their knowledge of the world. And to complicate the task for the fifth grader, ask him to come up with a riddle himself. This will be an excellent activity for the development of fantasy and imagination.

He waved his hand, bent the tree.

I silently look at you all.
You are all looking at me.
With cheerful - I see laughter,
With sad ones, I also cry.
You see the truth as long as
I'm at home, on your wall.
The old man sees the old man,
The child is the child in me.

Lies on the ground: neither paint over, nor scrape off, nor fill up.

Everyone tramples on me, but I'm getting better.


sparkles, blinks,
Shoots curved arrows.

It is only given to you
And people use it.

90 apples grew on a birch. A strong wind blew and 10 apples fell. How much is left?

Apples do not grow on a birch

She dresses the whole world.
She herself does not know clothes.

Run, run - do not run,
Fly, fly - do not fly.


Not alive, but speaks all languages.

No arms, no legs
And he knows how to draw.

It gnaws painfully, chews finely, but does not swallow itself.

Doesn't burn in fire
Doesn't sink in water.

Bath in the belly
In the nose - a sieve,
On the head is a button
One hand
And yes, it's on the back.

What does half an orange look like?

On the other half of the orange

Sleeping in summer
In winter it burns
The mouth opens
What they give - swallows.

She was white and gray
Came green, young.

Winter and spring

What always goes
And won't leave the place?

Both in the taiga and in the ocean
He will find any way
Fits in your pocket
And he leads us.