Where did Netievsky go? Why did Sergei Netievsky leave the Ural dumplings? Sergei Netievsky: biography, creativity

This summer Sergey Netievsky left the show "Ural dumplings". It turns out that he betrayed his friends and embezzled several million rubles from common money. The actor himself refuses all charges, naming others ...

This summer Sergey Netievsky left the show "Ural dumplings". It turns out that he betrayed his friends and appropriated several million rubles from the general money. The actor himself refuses all charges, naming other reasons for his departure.

This year in the team Ural dumplings“A real scandal erupted. It turned out that over the past three years, Sergei Netievsky, as a director, carried out monetary fraud, pocketing several million rubles. Now he claims that he left himself and completely because of other circumstances.

Recently, he said that the whole team, including himself, had stopped “burning eyes”, the humorist sacrificed himself to shake up the team. Sergei admitted that many of his colleagues had no desire to move on.

However, his former colleagues do not agree with this point of view. Sergei Isaev believes that creative differences were the main reason for Netievsky's departure. “The whole team both burned and burn eyes. A new show is being filmed, everything is great. He got a speck in his eye. Maybe his eyes somehow burn differently, ”Anews quotes Isaev.

Recall that this summer Sergei was accused of taking money from the television activities of the Ural dumplings. Then he confessed everything. “To say that this is a shock is to say nothing. It can be compared to the end of the world! Approximately such a reaction, as if a person found out that he had cancer ... Apparently, he did not consider us to be either friends or associates, ”Dmitry Sokolov was indignant.

In 2015, Sergei Netievsky was removed from his post, replaced by Serey Isaev. The claim against the former leader was that he received income from the sale of shows on TV channels. This went on for three years. It's about about several million rubles.

Sergei Netievsky sued his own colleagues. He stated that he was removed from office illegally, without a quorum of votes and without notifying, as expected, 30 days in advance. The court sided with the comedian, he was paid 300 thousand for legal costs and reinstated. After some time, the leader was again dismissed and he again proved a violation of the rules. When it became clear that it was no longer possible to work with such a mood, Sergey decided to voluntarily leave the Ural dumplings.

Now Andrei Rozhkov has become the legal director of the dumplings.

Many fans of the show immediately noticed that the humorist was missing. They are sure that the program would not be the same without him. Do you think that the program has changed without Sergey?

At the end of October, "Ural dumplings" held a meeting at which the participants of the show decided on. The decision can be called collegial - according to the constituent documents, all members of the team who, to one degree or another, own shares in the company, have the right to vote. Creative association"Ural dumplings".

The sudden resignation of their director in the team was explained by the fact that Sergey Netievsky is busy (he is the producer of Idea Fix Media and the founder of First Hand Media), rarely appears in Yekaterinburg and, therefore, can no longer effectively fulfill his duties. The team says that all changes are already legally fixed.

From now on, the director of the group is Sergey Isaev. We met with the new leader of the Ural dumplings and asked what he would do better than Netievsky.

The resignation of Sergei Netievsky, who has held the position of director for the past 17 years, was a big surprise for everyone. There were many rumors, including that the reason for the resignation was a financial conflict. What happened?
- Everything is quite simple here. Sergei felt cramped in Yekaterinburg and, no matter how it sounded, he exchanged our city for Moscow. Sergey himself has repeatedly said in interviews that he has become a Muscovite, that he is much more comfortable in the capital, that he feels like a fish in water there. In other words, Sergei ceased to be a "dumpling in a saucepan" and became a "fish in the water."

All this affected his work in the Ural dumplings. You can’t compose something, be in close contact with the team, be at the training camp, while remaining in Moscow. We ourselves are not going to move to Moscow. We have long decided for ourselves that the rehearsal base will be where our parents and children live.

As for rumors of political or financial disputes, we do not even comment on it. If you comment on something, it means that you begin to somehow relate to it, reason, analyze, justify yourself ... We do not want to justify ourselves to anyone. We are honest with each other. We don't have behind-the-scenes games, kitchen secrets. We find it funny to read about it in the media.

- Netievsky will remain in the team?
No one has been fired, no one has been fired. Now Sergei will be working on his projects in Moscow, and we wish him success in this. I think time will tell. If Sergey Netievsky wants to continue working in the team, then we will sit down with him and discuss everything.

It is normal that someone goes on a separate voyage. At one time, Sergei Svetlakov left, but no one made a tragedy about this. If Svetlakov wants to take part in the concert, he will come and say: “Guys, I have time. Can?" - we will answer: “Grey, yes, no questions!” We do not have a ban on communication with this or that person.

Next year is the anniversary of KVN, followed by the anniversary of Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov. I think that the show "Ural dumplings" will take part in it. We already have a preliminary invitation. We will gladly invite both Sergei Svetlakov and Sergei Netievsky.

- Sergey Netievsky worked on New Year's show and if so, in what capacity?
- He did not work on the last two shows either as a writer, or as a director, or as a manager.

- Did you and other team members manage to maintain friendly relations with him?
- Of course. I think that this is such a feature of the Urals - we are kind, reasonable people. Normal, friendly relations are important to us, because it is easier to live this way. I will not say that we are pure as white snow. We don't have white snow right now. (laughs - approx. site). Of course, everyone has his own character, his own material values, everyone has his own energy, each of us has his own faith. But the main value is decency and good attitude towards each other, which we will always keep in the team.

In many ways, it was thanks to Sergey Netievsky that a few years ago an agreement was concluded with the STS television company on the broadcast of the Ural dumplings show. This helped the team to reach the federal level. How would you rate Netievsky's work now?
- I will not underestimate what Sergei did. He really brought finished project to the STS channel to our good friend Vyacheslav Murugov (Advisor to the General Director of the STS Media media holding, - site note), with whom we are familiar from KVN. Vyacheslav gave us the opportunity to appear on STS and gain a foothold on the TV channel. But today we are an independent project. We do everything ourselves: from writing jokes to shooting, editing and airing. We do not depend on the production, on the manager, on the mood of the people on the channel. We are an interesting, competitive program. This was made possible thanks to each of the team members. What we see on STS is the work of all the guys.

- Why did you become the new director?
- The position itself is appointed. The guys trust me, so they unanimously voted for me to take it.

Was the appointment unexpected for you?
- It was not some kind of surprise, rather, it was pleasant to me. The team entrusted me with the wheel! You can go right, you can go left, give gas or just stand, warm up the engine. It is important not to screw up the mechanism that was in your hands. Therefore, I try to treat it with trepidation: I warm it up in time, refuel it, do maintenance, clean it, if necessary, change something, improve it.

In fact, it is a permanent job, 24 hours a day. I have to deal with issues that I cannot put off until tomorrow. The answer is here and now. Sometimes it happens that the issue requires a collegiate discussion, but there is simply no time to consult with everyone, then I take responsibility and make a decision for the whole team. This is perhaps the most difficult. But you need to be ready for this. If I can't do something, the guys help.

What was the first management decision you made in your new position? Will you radically change the system that Sergei Netievsky built?
- We have several changes planned, which we discussed with the whole team. My task in this case it was accurate to convey the tasks that we have to solve. There will be changes in posters, in our name, brand. Our work with partners, with services that are constantly working behind the scenes of the show, will change. Few people think about it, but 130 people work at the Ural Dumplings concert. These are make-up artists, costume designers, decorators, props, catering service, transport service, people who are engaged in the selection of actors ... My task in this case is to make the team climb a step higher, reach a new level.

- What is the next level for "Ural dumplings"?
- Now we are faced with the task of maintaining popularity and continuing to develop in the format family show, do not go into commercial humor, which at times slips no, no, yes. I want us to remain those "Ural dumplings" from Yekaterinburg, which everyone knows now. There are also plans for the emergence of new projects. A lot of people on the team are interested in doing sitcoms, feature films, sports shows…

- Is it all on STS?
- We do not plan to leave the channel, everything suits us. We hear each other, the audience sees us. We recently spoke with CEOs STS. They made it clear that they were interested in our new projects and offered us more TV time before the New Year. We have very big plans, which I can't talk about yet. In order for everything to go as it should, we made changes in the management team. I hope that new people who have a lot of experience in launching various projects will help us show ourselves from a new side.

fans comedy show teams from Yekaterinburg are interested in why Sergei Netievsky left the Ural dumplings. This man put a lot of his energy into the development of the show, bringing the KVN team to the federal level, became a producer and director, it was thanks to him that the Ural dumplings signed a long-term contract with the STS television channel and became popular. Today we will talk about the reason for leaving, the result of such a separation, and about where Sergey Netievsky from Ural Pelmeni is now and what he does. From the same article, fans of "dumplings" will be able to learn everything about personal life, the beginning creative way and Netievsky's career. We suggest starting from the beginning.

Sergey Netievsky from "Ural dumplings": biography

Sergey Alexandrovich is a very talented person, he is an actor, screenwriter, TV presenter, former leader and member of the Ural dumplings team, general producer Idea Fix Media. In addition to career achievements, he has success in his personal life: he has a beloved and loving wife, charming children. What else is needed for life? sincere and faithful friends, which "colleagues in the shop" could not become, because this is precisely the answer to the question of why Sergei Netievsky left the "Ural dumplings". But more on that later, now we offer to get acquainted with the childhood of the ex-director of the team.

Sergei Alexandrovich was born in 1971. The actor was born and raised in the Sverdlovsk region, his native land is the village of Basyanovsky, in the Verkhnesaldinsky district. Here Netievsky spent his golden childhood and youth received his secondary education in regular school at number 12.

After receiving the certificate, Sergei Alexandrovich went to Yekaterinburg and became a student at the Ural Polytechnic Institute. Teaching was easy, and there were never any problems, the teachers appreciated such a disciplined and purposeful student. In 1993, Netievsky proudly began to be called a specialist in the development of mechanical engineering.

Is there life after college?

The worst thing for every student is to leave the walls of his native university and go wherever his eyes look. Where is he expected? Will a diploma help in such a dangerous and adventurous adult, independent life? Netievsky, as such, did not fit too well, the guy went to work in a hardware store called "The Owner", in Yekaterinburg. Of course, higher education contributed to the fact that the graduate of the institute was immediately accepted for the position of director, but still this work differed from mechanical engineering in many ways. In addition, in 1994, the Ural dumplings and Sergey Netievsky met.

The popularity of the Kaveen team grew, tours and concerts became more frequent, the director of the "Boss" had to face a choice: a store or a club for the cheerful and resourceful. Sergey Alexandrovich was distinguished by his artistic nature, and she told him that he would have a great future, success and fame in the show, so Netievsky chose the team.


Sergei Netievsky, whose work is appreciated by almost every Russian, with the team literally went through fire, water, and copper pipes before gaining the cherished popularity. The start for "Ural dumplings" was in 1995, when the team got into a gala concert and became one of the Higher League of KVN following the results of the festival. What stages did the Yekaterinburg guys have to go through?

  1. Falling out of 1/8 in 1995.
  2. Lost in 1/4 in 1996.
  3. They finish the season again in the 1/8 finals in 1997.
  4. In 1998, they reached the semi-finals, but "Children of Lieutenant Schmidt" turned out to be more fun and resourceful. It was in this year that Sergei Netievsky closed the doors of the "Master" forever and became the leader of the team.
  5. In 2000, Pelmeni decided to overcome all the difficulties, to overcome the enemy, and they succeeded. Netievsky led his guys to the long-awaited victory, and they received the unofficial, but still the title of "the last champion of the millennium and the twentieth century."
  6. In 2001, 2002, 2003 the team competed for the KVN Summer Cup and took it in 2002.

Netievsky's personal achievement in given period becomes a film debut as an actor. He starred in the comedy "Out of native square meters."


In 2007, Sergei Netievsky was invited by the leadership of a popular TV channel to the position of presenter and producer. A new sketch show for TNT called "Show News" became popular, and almost the entire creative team"Dumplings". It was a good start for the team.

STS and "Ural dumplings"

In 2009, the first show on STS called "Blaze it all ... with a horse!" appeared on the screens. To date, more than fifty such programs have been filmed.

In 2011, the sketch show "Unreal Stories" was released, produced by Netievsky, who also played the role of a lazy tramp.

In 2012, "MyasorUpka" appears (competition project). Sergey Alexandrovich was a producer, jury member and mentor of the teams.

In 2013, the Kremlin Palace received a huge number of fans of the "Ural dumplings" at anniversary concert"20 years in the test!".

In 2014, the "Show from the Air" starts, which is produced and hosted by Netievsky.

In 2015, Sergey disappeared from the screens, and his team continues on its way as if nothing had happened, Isaev Sergey became the new leader. Why did Sergei Netievsky leave the Ural dumplings? Where is he now? Find out more about this in the rest of this post.

Version one

Sergei Netievsky left the "Ural dumplings", as he decided that his well-being is more important to him than the whole team. He left the guys to the mercy of fate, they say, do what you want, and I can do without you. He decided to start producing television series and other projects on his own, so as not to waste time on a show that he was no longer interested in. This was the first version that was voiced by some participants in the UP, but Sergey Alexandrovich completely disagrees with this, he told a different story, and it is more plausible, as it is confirmed by a two-year trial.

Real version

Sergei Netievsky left the "Ural dumplings" without knowing it. It happens. It turns out that the participants looked askance at their director for a long time, believing that he does not pay them enough for their work, and he also spends too much time on other projects, forgetting about UP. Because of this, the team got together and filed a class action lawsuit to remove the director from office, of course, Netievsky himself was simply not warned about this. Sergei Alexandrovich filed an appeal, which was accepted in 2016, but the team filed a new lawsuit. Netievsky did not lose his head and filed a counterclaim.

After all the trials, Sergei was reinstated, as the teams were considered illegal. Why did Sergei Netievsky leave Ural Pelmeni after this court decision? He transferred the rights to leadership to Isaev, as he understood that there could no longer be a "strong Ural friendship", and decided to quit of his own free will.

In February of this year, the team members lost a lawsuit for four hundred million rubles, in which Netievsky was accused of using their trademark. Now the team must pay Sergei a fine of three hundred thousand rubles.

Where is Sergey Netievsky from Ural Pelmeni now?

Now ex-director popular show also lives in Moscow with his family. He owns the production studio Idea Fix Media, which produces television series.

Beloved wife Natalya is always there, the couple has three wonderful Timothy and Ivan, daughter Maria.

Sergey Netievsky became famous thanks to the game in the KVN team "Ural dumplings". For five years, the team fought for the title of winner and in 2000, finally, achieved the coveted victory. However, after that, the career of the participants on television did not end - nine years later, the show "Ural dumplings" appears on the screens, which resonates in the hearts of millions of Russians, and the participants become real stars.

Sergey Netievsky launched this show on STS and acted as a team producer for several years. However, now there is an abyss of misunderstanding between the team and the former leader - they meet in courts. One of the recent cases, the meeting, which will be held on January 30, causes Sergei only bewilderment. They demanded 28 million rubles from him.

“Lawyers summed up all the expenses from the concerts that we organized in 2014-2015. I acted as a producer. The money was spent somewhere on 16 concerts, each for 1.5-2 million in total. It includes props, costumes, a hall, and many other little things, without which it is impossible to create a show. Now it's strange for me to hear about this lawsuit, as if the guys did not know how I organized the concerts. What do they expect in court? Apparently, the current leadership of Pelmeni, or rather Evgeny Orlov, wants to annoy me. Although four years have already passed, ”Netievsky told StarHit.

Sergei admitted that now he is trying to ignore the numerous lawsuits and concentrate on new achievements. This fall, he plans to launch a new television comedy project. So far, he chose the name "Funny Time".

“We want to focus on the youth audience. Now we are filming the first programs - we are inviting KVN stars who are known to the new generation. We hope that the program will be a success with the audience, ”says Netievsky.

Sergei noted that he does not hold a grudge against the team. Moreover, he continues to communicate with some friends from the Ural dumplings. The producer understands that former colleagues are attacking, defending themselves from two lawsuits that his company Fest Hand Media filed against Ural Pelmeni Production and the participants themselves in the amount of more than 80 million. Netievsky believes that later the guys will be ashamed of this situation. According to the producer, now former colleagues receive a lot of money.

“I don't know what drives them. I was doing promotion, producing, earning other money, and they were just acting like actors and authors. No one detracts from their talent - everyone did their job, but how many bright talented people the audience does not see, they do not appear on the channels until the producers start working with them, and then some shows fail, this should not be forgotten either. Producers have to do a lot of work on launching and promoting, choosing a format, building relationships with the channel, with everyone the right people and production services. And when popularity comes, the actors believe that this is only their merit, and the producer undeservedly receives his dividends. I think all showrunners will understand me, this often happens in the world of show business, ”says Netievsky.

Nevertheless, Sergei tries to extract important details from the conflict situation. He sees one of the mistakes in his work with the Ural dumplings in the fact that he trusted the project manager Yevgeny Orlov too much, who, in his opinion, made a number of dubious transactions on behalf of the company and issued loans worth millions of dollars. For his new project, Netievsky has not yet chosen a person to whom he can entrust important matters.

The former leader of the team, Sergei Netievsky, was expelled from the team: once inseparable colleagues and friends quarreled over money.

"Show Ural dumplings" / TASS

Yekaterinburgers, who chose orange shirts as their uniform, gathered in 1993 at the base of student construction teams of the Ural Polytechnic Institute. There were 12 of them, like apostles - Andrey Rozhkov, Dmitry Brekotkin, Dmitry Sokolov and others. Sergey Svetlakov was taken from the Park of the Current Period team. In 1994 Sergei Netievsky came. They created a combined team of USTU-UPI, called themselves "Ural dumplings", began to play in KVN and won in 2000 major league. Then they took a few cups and began to think about continuing the journey.

Sergei Netievsky. Photo: STS channel

It was then that Sergei Netievsky took over the control of the ship. Everyone considered him a good ship captain, a person who could promote and sell the project on TV. Both Sergey Isaev, who later replaced Netievsky, and Dmitry Sokolov, and Dmitry Brekotkin said in unison that it was not in vain that Sergey pupated into the producer of the team.

It was his idea to go to TNT with the idea of ​​the show. The humorous project "Show News" did not last long and was a failure, but it was this bad experience that allowed the guys to sit on the STS channel for a long time.

Live for profit

"Ural dumplings" put together a serious composition and began to shy away concert programs. In 2009, they were invited by STS. More precisely, it was Sergei Netievsky who did not abandon his attempts to sell the project - and he did it super-successfully. The team began recording shows right at their concerts. Not too multi-layered, but understandable humor, interactive with the audience in the hall, recognizable faces - that's the whole secret of success. Plus, Pelmeni continued to tour. 130 people (!) are working on the show - authors, directors, film crew, make-up artists ...

In 2013, Ural dumplings soared to 15th place on the Forbes list. And where there are large sums, there are big conflicts. Alas, even among old friends.

Deep in court

In 2015, the team was suddenly headed by Sergey Isaev. The revolution passed without bloodshed. After all, ten participants in the Ural dumplings are the founders of the project - here. It turned out that by the time of the change of power in Pelmeny, Netievsky single-handedly organized the tour of the team - he was the general producer of Idea Fix Media and the founder of First Hand Media. These are the companies that produced the projects of "Ural dumplings" and were engaged in touring activities team. All income from TV shows came to the piggy bank of these firms. The key claim was this: Netievsky "received income from the sale of the show to TV channels, hiding it from the team for three years."

Producing work is a huge job on the production of the show! And the guys did nothing as producers

But the displaced producer is not at all embarrassed by this. “As if everything that the production company and I, as a producer, earned, had to be shared with the team! Sergei Netievsky is surprised. — Producing work is a huge work on the production of the show. The guys did nothing as producers. The team performed the functions of actors and screenwriters, so the production company entered into contracts with them, as with actors and authors. And they got paid for every episode of our show."

Pelmeni lawyer Yevgeny Orlov assured that the ex-producer stole "not a fundamentally huge amount, several million rubles." Netievsky went on a retaliatory attack - to the court. He stated that he was removed, firstly, without a quorum of votes and, secondly, not notified of the date of the meeting 30 days in advance. The court reinstated the producer in his position and exacted 300 thousand rubles from his former colleagues in his favor - for legal costs. After that, Netievsky was fired again, and he again proved the violation of rights. Realizing that porridge with "Ural dumplings" can no longer be cooked, in the fall of 2016, Sergey left voluntarily.

The team filed a class action lawsuit with the Moscow Arbitration Court and demanded that they retain the rights to the Ural Pelmeni trademark, and not Netievsky. The court refused. After that, Sergey gave the team the right to two trademark"Ural dumplings", asking for a symbolic sum of two rubles.

But the litigation didn't end there.

Because the rights to the performances belong to all the actors of the TV show. However, until 2015, Netievsky was also among them, and after 2015, not. Therefore, the team is trying to negotiate with Sergey how to share the rights, earned capital, website and shares in the project.

Divorce per million

“Now I am producing a program in which teams of “already Muscovites” and “come in large numbers” compete in wit on the Moscow 24 channel,” says Sergey Netievsky. — Together with the Russian Youth Union I am engaged in All-Russian festival STEMs that I want to make a TV show out of. And for a year now, the authors and I have been writing the script for the film "March 9".

"Ural dumplings" also participate in the film process. Not so long ago, whose heroes won 43 million rubles and decided to run away from loved ones so as not to share. Maybe it's hello ex friend. Maybe a symbolic message for everyone.

Be that as it may, Sergei Netievsky now lives alone. He separated from his wife two years ago after 18 years. life together. The producer refutes the information that since the divorce he has accumulated 1.5 million rubles of alimony. He moved his eldest son Ilya to Moscow, the guy goes to school and does not want to return home, as his father assures. The middle son Ivan and daughter Masha live in Yekaterinburg with their mother.

Now Andrey Rozhkov is legally the director of the Ural dumplings.