Yana rodion biography. Yana and Rodion compatibility

A dark-haired girl, softly singing about love - this is how the teenagers of the 90s remember the singer Yana. Creative biography the artist is like a swing: over a long career, the singer has been at the top of music ratings, and for periods of several years she did not go on stage. However, the artist is sure that the main thing is the desire to sing. Therefore, Yana does not stop there and constantly pleases fans with new creations.

Childhood and youth

Yana Budyanskaya - this is how it sounds full name singers - was born in Moscow on December 26, 1978. The girl who early age interested in music, quite early began to write poetry. Later some early work will be included in the singer's first album.

In parallel with writing, the girl mastered the guitar and developed her singing skills. By the end of school, Yana's work was popular with her peers, and later with the whole country.


They started talking about Yana as soon as the video for the song “Lonely Dove” hit the music television programs. The young artist wrote the words and music herself. By the way, the dilapidated house in which the filming of the low-budget video clip took place collapsed the next day. A strong hurricane completely destroyed the dilapidated structure.

Yana's song "Lonely Dove"

The first album called "Dove" was released in 1998. In addition to the already beloved composition, the collection includes "Cigarette Smoke" and "Hooligan". The debut work of the aspiring singer is already pushing famous artists and captures radio and television broadcasts. Because of the insane popularity, Yana often has to move. A large crowd of enthusiastic fans does not allow the girl to enjoy quiet home evenings.

In support of debut album the singer releases two more clips. Videos for the songs "Don't" and "Good" did not repeat the success of the first single, but fixed the name of the artist among music stars.

About a year later, Yana airs new song. The track "Roses" was a failure. And immediately after the failure, the singer disappears from television screens and ceases to appear on the radio. Fans puzzled sudden disappearance developed various theories. There were unconfirmed rumors that the artist had an accident or moved to live in another country.

The theories turned out to be wrong. Yana reasserts herself in 2000. The girl creates the soundtrack for the film "The Right to Choose", where she played one of the main roles.

The cardinal change in appearance surprised the fans: from a dark-haired young lady, the singer turned into a blonde. Before the fans had time to rejoice at the return of their favorite, Yana disappears again.

In 2012, the singer makes a second attempt to return to the big stage. Yana releases the album "Do not rush." The collection includes 10 compositions written by the artist since 1999. On the disc, in addition to unfamiliar songs, there are compositions "Don't Hurry" and "Ocean", the recordings of which were first heard by loyal fans back in 2001. In 2014, Yana opens her own recording studio, where she records a single called "Hop and New Year

Yana's song "Bunker"

In 2015, a woman releases new album"Dance". The creation "Bunker", which was included in the singer's third collection, is included in the list of nominees for the Golden Gramophone award, but does not pass the selection stage. The singer begins to tour again, performing at concerts both new songs and already well-known compositions.

In the same year, the artist performed the song "Lonesome Dove", which has already become legendary, as part of the Super Disco of the 90s retro festival. And 2017 was marked for the artist by the release of the single “I break off”.

Personal life

Yana's sudden disappearance from musical Olympus the explanation was simple - the girl left her career for the sake of her family. The singer married a military man. Beloved was not against performances, but the sudden pregnancy made its own adjustments.

In order not to harm the child, Yana suspended the tour and refused concerts. The singer gave birth to a girl, whom her parents named Daria. The emergence of a new life has seriously changed the attitude of the artist to own biography. Until the age of her daughter, who, like her mother, shows musical talents, Yana abandoned her musical career.

Yana now

On the eve of the 2018 FIFA World Cup, Yana wrote her own version of the anthem. In order to perform the composition with high quality, the singer created her own project "Yana & club22". The track was recorded on the record company, which belongs to the artist - "BUNKER22".

On the talk show "Hi, Andrei!", Which he dedicated to the stars of the 90s, the singer announced her own decision to return to the stage. Now Yana is actively creating new musical compositions, and independently writes both texts and arrangements for future hits.

Yana is an active user social networks and happy to communicate with fans of his work. In a personal account "Instagram" the artist posts announcements of upcoming performances and links to new songs. Free time the singer dedicates to esoteric practices. A woman purifies her body and aura by walking on nails and meditation.


  • 1998 - Dove
  • 2012 - "Don't rush"
  • 2015 - "Dance"

Yana and Rodion create a happy love union. A calm and balanced woman pacifies a fickle partner. Next to her, he becomes softer and more consistent. A man with his care and attention dilutes the natural passivity of his partner. Lovers who separately enjoyed being alone and static cannot sit still. They develop, travel and seek to diversify their relationships.

The family life of these people is not easy. For the sake of achieving material well-being and solving everyday troubles, both have to work hard. However, difficulties do not frighten spouses. They overcome them with dignity.

friendship compatibility 98%

Yana and Rodion become great friends. A practical view of the world unites these people, and they begin to feel like a single whole. Despite the fact that both deny social rules, their joint actions are not destructive. Mercy and responsiveness concentrate their attention on the problems of other people. They help others financially and morally. Common goals, interests and worldview make them an ideal team in which there is no place for envy and falsehood.

Compatibility in work 96%

Yana and Rodion become mutually beneficial business partners. Purposefulness and prudence allow them to achieve heights in any field of activity. These people are successful in business. Their path to recognition is difficult, but they endure all the hardships of their existence with dignity. They become an inseparable force in politics, where they oppose the current government and injustice.

Yana Radion was born on November 29 in Leningrad. The singer has been practicing vocals since the age of 8: first - in the solo singing class of the Leningrad Palace of Pioneers, then - in the ensemble "Voice of Youth" conducted by Anatoly Chizhevsky. Being a student of the faculty of pop-jazz vocals of the Institute of Culture and Arts, she becomes a soloist of one of the best musical groups - the Jazz-Comfort Ensemble conducted by Valery Kornienko. Work in the ensemble "Jazz-comfort" laid the foundation for the singer's professional skills.

Today Yana Radion is a senior lecturer of the faculty musical art Petersburg University of Culture and Arts, department of pop vocal and musical, as well as the Head of the "pop-jazz vocal" direction of the International Academy of Music Elena Obraztsova.

Yana Radion is a soloist of the Saxophones of St. Petersburg orchestra conducted by Gennady Golstein. The orchestra performs on the stage of the first and only Philharmonic in Russia jazz music. With the Saxophones of St. Petersburg orchestra, the singer takes part in jazz festivals, traditionally opens a gala concert at the annual White Night Swing jazz festival in St. Petersburg. Yana Radion has recorded four CDs with Saxophones of St. Petersburg.

The talent and skill of the singer is constantly in demand in the programs of musical design for citywide holidays, as well as when holding important VIP events in St. Petersburg.

Yana Radion owns the richest repertoire, in her luggage - numerous musical programms in different genres. The singer performs works in English, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese. The subtleties and accuracy of performance are facilitated by studying at the St. Petersburg French Gymnasium, and experience with the Jazz-Comfort musical group, and careful study and development musical styles Caribbean. Deep penetration into the styles of bossa nova and samba is the result of the singer's fruitful professional contacts during training trips to Brazil, to Rio de Janeiro.

Yana Radion - soloist of "Cabaret" Butterfly ", of course, the most prestigious and colorful music show in St. Petersburg, continuing best traditions world famous cabarets.

The singer has many years of cooperation with the Disney film company. At the Neva-1 studio, Yana Radion voiced the characters of animated films; both the princess from the film The Swan Princess and the lioness from the film The Lion King sing in her voice.

On the stage of the Theater Center on Kolomenskaya in St. Petersburg, Yana Radion made her debut as a dramatic actress in Alexander Bargman's play More Than Love.

Successfully combining vocal creativity and pedagogical activity, the singer regularly conducts seminars and master classes on vocals, is an authoritative member of the jury of vocal competitions. Yana Radion - permanent member scientific conferences and seminars for vocal teachers and phoniatrists held by the Voice Academy on the basis of the State Academic Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg.

Yana Radion was born on November 29 in Leningrad. The singer has been practicing vocals since the age of 8: first - in the solo singing class of the Leningrad Palace of Pioneers, then - in the ensemble "Voice of Youth" conducted by Anatoly Chizhevsky. Being a student of the faculty of pop-jazz vocals of the Institute of Culture and Arts, she becomes a soloist of one of the best musical groups - the Jazz-Comfort Ensemble conducted by Valery Kornienko. Work in the ensemble "Jazz-comfort" laid the foundation for the singer's professional skills.

Today, Yana Radion is a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Musical Variety Art at the St. Petersburg University of Culture and Arts, the Department of Pop Vocal and Musical, as well as the Head of the Variety and Jazz Vocal Department of the International Academy of Music. Elena Obraztsova.

Yana Radion is a soloist of the Saxophones of St. Petersburg orchestra conducted by Gennady Golstein. The orchestra performs on the stage of the first and only jazz music Philharmonic in Russia. With the Saxophones of St. Petersburg orchestra, the singer takes part in jazz festivals, traditionally opens a gala concert at the annual White Night Swing jazz festival in St. Petersburg. Yana Radion has recorded four CDs with Saxophones of St. Petersburg.

The talent and skill of the singer is constantly in demand in the programs of musical design for citywide holidays, as well as when holding important VIP events in St. Petersburg.

Yana Radion owns the richest repertoire, in her baggage - numerous musical programs in different genres. The singer performs works in English, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese. The subtleties and precision of performance are facilitated by studying at the St. Petersburg French Gymnasium, and experience working with the Jazz-Comfort musical group, and a thorough study and mastering of the musical styles of the Caribbean. Deep penetration into the styles of bossa nova and samba is the result of the singer's fruitful professional contacts during training trips to Brazil, to Rio de Janeiro.

Yana Radion is a soloist of the Butterfly Cabaret, undoubtedly the most prestigious and colorful musical show in St. Petersburg, which continues the best traditions of the world-famous cabaret.

The singer has many years of cooperation with the Disney film company. At the Neva-1 studio, Yana Radion voiced the characters of animated films; both the princess from the film "The Swan Princess" and the lioness from the film "The Lion King" sing in her voice.

On the stage of the Theater Center on Kolomenskaya in St. Petersburg, Yana Radion made her debut as a dramatic actress in Alexander Bargman's play More Than Love.

Successfully combining vocal creativity and pedagogical activity, the singer regularly conducts seminars and master classes on vocals, is an authoritative member of the jury of vocal competitions. Yana Radion is a regular participant of scientific conferences and seminars for vocal teachers and phoniators held by the Voice Academy at the Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg.
It is possible to perform as one artist, and with her group.