Your lotto is official. What can you win in Belarusian lotteries

48 lotteries are registered in the State Register of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus: 16 of them are republican, 13 draw and 19 instant.

How are Belarusian lotteries organized?

Absolutely all lotteries in Belarus are held state registration. Several companies organize lotteries in the republic, the largest of them are National Sports Lotteries and Belarusian Lotteries. The department of the former is responsible for the Superloto drawing lottery, the Capital, Bonus Plus and Own Game instant lotteries, and the Cyberloto electronic lottery. The second - "Your Lotto", "Pyaterochka", " Belovezhskaya Pushcha”,“ Your luck ”and many others.

Belarusian lotteries are classified:
- according to the method of determining the winnings - lottery and instant;
- according to the option of participating in the lottery - active (the participant independently determines the digital combination), passive (the participant acquires lottery ticket with a predefined digital card), electronic and combined;
- according to the place of organization - republican, local and international.

A distinctive feature of lotteries is the obligatory receipt of an expert opinion on technical and software tools for holding draws from the Analytical Center under the President of the Republic of Belarus. This department also checks information about sold and unsold lottery tickets.

Volume prize pool regardless of the type of lotteries is not less than 45% and not more than 50%.
Payment of cash and other winnings is possible within 6 months after the draw. Note that the Belarusians will not have to pay - there are none.

Popular lotteries of the Republic of Belarus


The first print run aired on February 27, 2005. A ticket for such a lottery costs 25,000 Belarusian rubles (about 98 rubles). Drawings are held on Sundays on the Belarus-2 TV channel. You can win both cash and clothing prizes.
The playing field of a lottery ticket consists of three tables, consisting of two rows and nine columns each. The card contains 30 non-repeating numbers from 1 to 90, 5 numbers in each line of the table. In the TV program, the order in which the numbers are drawn is determined by the barrels that the invited guests take out of the bag.

In the 1st round, tickets are won in which one horizontal line (5 numbers) was filled in earlier than others, in the 2nd round - one table (10 numbers), in the 3rd round - two tables (20 numbers), in the 4th round - in the m round, tickets are won in which all 30 numbers are filled in earlier than others; The 5th round is held according to the rules of the 4th move up to the 85th move inclusive, unless the organizers prescribe other conditions in advance.

In parallel with the main draw, additional ones take place. For example, the "Diamond Tour", in which tickets are won with both horizontal and vertical lines filled at the same time. Holders of such tickets receive precious jewelry.

In addition, the "Superloto" ticket contains a part with. Based on its results, the “Treasure” and “Golden Fund” draws are held among the viewers in the television studio.
The biggest win in Superloto went to Vladimir Zenenko from Gomel in 2013. He received a certificate for 1 billion Belarusian rubles (about 3,900,000 rubles).

"Your Lotto"


The lottery draw takes place on Sundays on the Belarus-2 TV channel. The lottery began its history on July 14, 2001 and today is considered one of the most popular television games in the republic. In holiday draws, the number of players can reach one million people.
According to statistics, they play most actively in Minsk, in second place are Gomel and the Gomel region, Vitebsk, Mogilev. Western regions - Grodno and Brest - close the list. According to the organizers, every fourth lottery ticket wins in Your Lotto. And the cost of such a ticket is 15,000 Belarusian rubles (about 58 rubles).

The gameplay is also built on pulling kegs out of the bag. The draw continues until the 84th move inclusive. Additional tours are held in the studio - "A Moment of Luck", "Lucky Number" and "Twelve Chairs". A big win in 2015 went to Mikhail Gimro from Minsk. He became the owner of 1 billion Belarusian rubles.

Residents of Belarus can also try their luck in Russian lottery Russian loto built according to similar rules. The game continues until the 86th move inclusive, and sometimes holiday editions three barrels remain in the bag. This means that the chances of winning increase! A lottery ticket costs only 50 rubles. In the first four months of 2015 alone, 38 apartments and 68 cars were raffled off.

Lottery "Golden Key"


This is the first TV lottery of the Republic of Belarus where you can win an apartment. The drawing is realized with the help of a lottery machine. The cost of one ticket is 30,000 rubles (about 117 rubles). The lottery ticket contains three games - "Money Hunt", "Golden Key" and "Fortune". On this moment there were only two editions.
Residents of Belarus and other countries also have the opportunity to take part in the State housing lottery taking place in Russia. Circulations are held every week, a ticket costs only 50 rubles. Maybe not even one! How did it happen in the 78th draw, when one participant crossed out all five numbers of the horizontal line in five moves and won 5 apartments.

"Sportloto 5 out of 36"


A modern analogue of the famous Soviet lottery appeared in Belarus in 2008. The price of one bet is 10,000 Belarusian rubles (about 39 rubles). Draws are broadcast live on Belarusian television twice a week, on Wednesdays and Sundays. In the presence of a draw commission, 5 balls and a bonus ball randomly drop out from the lottery drum, into which 36 balls are loaded with numbers from 1 to 36.

One of big wins in this lottery went to Maxim Maksimovich from Brest. He managed to win over 632 million Belarusian rubles (about 2,480,000 rubles). As the winner admits, a bet that included his date of birth helped him win.

In Russia, you can also find an analogue of this lottery - "Sportloto 6 out of 49". It has been running since October 2010. You can play every day: draws are held three times a day. Those who love Sportloto also choose Gosloto 5 out of 36, one of the most popular lotteries in Russia. Thanks to this game, we already have 233 millionaires!

How to play the state lotteries of Russia for residents of other countries?

Registration of subscribers of cellular networks of the Republic of Belarus is open on the site. You can receive winnings up to 100,000 Russian rubles immediately to the Stoloto Wallet with the possibility of subsequent withdrawal of funds. Special payout large sums takes place in the Moscow office of Stoloto. Almost every day a new millionaire appears in Russia. The lottery record of our country was recorded on August 9, 2014 in the 915th draw of Gosloto 6 out of 45. Inhabitant Nizhny Novgorod Mikhail F. became the owner of an incredible amount - 202,441,116 rubles. And you also have this opportunity!

Lotteries of modern Belarus are huge world gambling under the strict control of the state. In any other former republic of the USSR there are not so many lotteries. Everything is as it was before: 50% of the amount for the sold tickets to the prize fund, and the other 50% - to the state treasury.

According to an independent sociological research, a portrait of an average citizen of Belarus who constantly plays the lottery looks in the following way. Place of residence - mostly rural areas or urban-type settlements. Gender and age - a middle-aged man (Carlson neither give nor take :-). Incomes are low, at the subsistence level, or without a stable material basis at all, but with great ambitions and a desire to change the world under certain conditions, the first of which is a fabulous lottery win.

The largest companies that deal with lotteries in Belarus are Belarusian Lotteries and National Sports Lotteries. The classification of Belarusian lotteries is classic:

  • method of determining the winnings (instant and lottery);
  • place of organization (settlement, enterprise, state, international lottery);
  • participation option (active - the player chooses the numbers himself, passive - a card with a certain combination is bought).

The department of state control over the conduct of lotteries, equipment, tickets sold and left without need is called the Analytical Center under the President of the Republic of Belarus.

The fact that makes white. lotteries are so attractive to citizens. Complete absence of tax on winnings!

The most popular lotteries in Belarus:

  • "Superloto";
  • "Sportloto";
  • "Your Lotto".

Each lottery has social obligations, that is, the proceeds from the sale go to certain needs of the state. For example, the Youth lottery transfers funds to a fund for the purchase of sports equipment for higher educational institutions, "Big Money" helps state environmental institutions, the "Milasernasts" lottery transfers all funds for the purchase of supplies for disabled children and veterans of the Great Patriotic War, the lottery with the political name "Belovezhskaya Pushcha" helps a couple of the Olympic team of the Republic of Belarus.

Biggest Win

The biggest win in the history of Belarusian lotteries went to a resident of the city of Gomel - 1 billion Belarusian rubles, or about 3,900,000 Russian rubles. The winnings took place as part of the Superloto lottery. An interesting twist, if on the card one line is completely filled vertically and one horizontally, then the ticket gets into the round, where an expensive piece of jewelry is played.

The Belarusian "Sportloto" is an analogue of the cult Soviet lottery. Drum with 36 balls, 5 guessed numbers, draws on Wednesdays and Sundays.

The most gambling city in Belarus according to the statistics of purchased lottery tickets is Minsk. Second place for Gomel. Least of all lotteries are bought in the western part of the state: the cities of Grodno and Brest.

Lotteries in Belarus can be found for every taste: ideological and patriotic, sports, professional. Every year the number of participants is reduced, therefore, the prize fund increases. Cause? They believe in Belarusian lotteries! How could it be otherwise, because the president himself guarantees the fair course of any lottery draw! IN last years players from the post-Soviet space are actively merging into the Belarusian lottery industry, primarily in search of good memories.

At the moment, lotto in Belarus is an independent branch of the economy, which is developing steadily and consistently showing growth indicators.

The unitary enterprise, bearing the uncomplicated name "Belarusian Lotteries", is the organizer of all the main draws held in the republic. This company was founded in autumn 1999. Through its activities, the enterprise contributes to the development of the lottery business in the republic. Wide development. Lottery "Festive" is one of the many held on the territory of the Republic of Belarus.

Thoughts of wealth may be material

Every person on the planet, regardless of age, education, place of residence, social status and material support wants to win. And this is a completely normal desire, present in his mind from a young age. After all, dreams of some unfamiliar foreign grandfathers with millions of dollars, gold coins of the cheerful wooden boy Pinocchio, who, trying to unravel the mystery of the golden key, kept looking for a secret door, and pots of gold excite the thoughts of the adult population for many decades. And if adequate people are still able to understand that Pinocchio’s story is just a fairy tale, and they don’t have American (or any other) relatives and, moreover, they never had and, accordingly, never will, then the magic pots are not forgotten in any way . And they are really worth it. And not only the distant Irish (after all, the legends about pots are their national legends), but also the inhabitants of the once very large Land of the Soviets still devoutly believe that one day this notorious pot will be in their hands.

And it all started since the acquaintance with the Scandinavian, foreign fairy tales, which mentioned not very cute creatures - leprechauns - fabulous gnomes. Each of them has his own pot of gold (and, most likely, more than one), which they usually hide where the end of the rainbow is. And it is this end of the rainbow that can lead the treasure hunter to the leprechaun, who must either give the gold or grant the man's three wishes. By the way, still in Ireland on St. Patrick's Day, adults dress up as leprechauns, cheerfully celebrating the holiday in the hope that this will at least bring them closer to unraveling the mystery of pots.

A little about the company...

"Belarusian lotteries" - an enterprise that organizes the vast majority of instant and circulation draws of the republic, provides good opportunities. So, in more detail.

The lotteries conducted by this company over the past eighteen years have brought significant income to the country. It helps to raise funds for the necessary purposes. For example, we can mention the supply of medicines, equipment, food for orphanages, boarding schools; inventory - educational and sports institutions.

The incentive to play is important.

It should be mentioned here that the organizer usually also organizes international draws. Residents of other countries can take part in them.

Foreign participants have the same right to play lotteries, with only one condition: the lucky owners of cars or apartments receive these prizes in cash. Moreover, the chances of winning when playing just such lotteries are much higher, and the process is more transparent than in other countries of the post-Soviet space. And a great incentive to constantly take part in the games is that taxes are not paid to the state for winnings.

Lottery lottery...

But in order. Lottery "Festive" is a nationwide, combined, passive game. On tickets, in advertising and any other posters, this abbreviated name is usually used.

Its circulation covers the entire territory of the Republic of Belarus. The Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus is the founder of this lottery. Everything is legal.

The main goal pursued by the "Festive" lottery is to collect the necessary funds, which are subsequently sent to ensure that the material and technical base gradually develops public institutions protecting nature, as well as all health centers and sanatoriums located on their territory. And this is absolutely the right decision.

Prize fund

Further. The Prazdnichnaya Lottery (and its prize fund, respectively) is drawn at least twice a year. It happens more often. The fund itself is in a certain state, depending on how many lottery tickets were sold in total. Its size is not less than 45% and not more than 50% of the total volume of tickets sold, that is, of the total amount collected from the sale. Here it is allowed to play both the usual cash prizes and some valuable tangible property.

Actually, a lottery ticket consists of playing field and instant win fields. The latter includes ticket and category numbers, a series.

How much is the gain?

So, the lottery "Festive". The value of the winnings (or prize) can be found immediately after the ticket has been purchased. This can be done by removing the protective strip with the letters "Wash here". Checking the Holiday lottery is easy. The main thing is to have the desire to play and win. If the buyer has won something (meaning the instant and prize parts of the draw), then he can receive money or tangible property after the prize fund is drawn. The winnings are usually indicated in the official table, where all the results of the lottery are indicated. In general, absolutely nothing complicated.

By the way, the results of the "Festive" lottery are more than pleasant. After all, in addition to money, gold jewelry and even devices are played in it. And of course, everyone who at least once purchases a lottery ticket naturally hopes to win. And preferably more.

But about the "Festive" lottery. The 43rd edition of it was held on March 16 of this, 2017. And the next one, the 44th, is planned for one of New Year's Eve days.

How are Belarusian lotteries organized?

Next moment. 48 different lotteries were registered in the State Property of the Ministry of Finance of Belarus. These include instant, republican and circulation. All of them pass the state registration. These are the rules that have been in force for more than a year. One of the largest companies involved in organizing republican lotteries is the Belarusian Lottery, which was mentioned earlier.

Lotteries are classified:

According to the place where they will be organized - local, republican and international;

According to the option of participating in the lottery itself: combined, electronic, active (the participant can determine the digital combination himself) and passive (the person participating in the lottery buys a ticket in which a digital card is predetermined);

According to the method of determining the winnings - instant and lottery.

Further. Like many others, the Prazdnichnaya lottery (its 43rd draw took place in March of this year) has one peculiarity: an expert opinion on hardware and software must be obtained. They will be needed in order to conduct draws. And the conclusion should come from the analytical center under the President of the Republic. Moreover, it also checks information about lottery tickets that have already been sold, and which are still awaiting sale.

By the way, you can receive your winnings - monetary and other - within six months after the draw. Belarusians do not pay tax on winnings, because such a tax does not exist. In short, these lotteries have many fans. And this is not surprising!