The art of relationships between men and women. The Art of Relationships: Little Tricks

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like gem: the simpler it is, the more precious :)

Mar 15 2017


Many nutritionists believe that the most common mistake most losing weight is the use of debilitating diets. To correct weight, you should create a suitable individual diet, which will subsequently turn into a lifestyle.

Nutrition rules for weight loss

A successful result in the fight against excess weight requires a systematic approach. Nutritionists have identified some basic rules of nutrition for weight loss:

  • Most of the menu should be fruit and vegetable. At the same time, it is important that vegetables form the basis of the diet, since these products contain less sugars, but are rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. Among fruits when losing weight, give preference to citrus fruits and pineapples - they also include various useful substances.
  • Need to drink a lot clean water without gases. The liquid, entering the body, heals it, improves the condition of hair and skin, normalizes the digestion process and fights fatigue. The daily intake of water for weight loss is approximately 8 glasses. It is not worth exceeding this indicator, since edema can be provoked.
  • Give up simple carbohydrates - these substances adversely affect digestion and metabolism, can provoke weight gain. You can consume such products once a week in small quantities to reduce the risk of diet failure. Dark chocolate or citrus fruits will help to replace sweets when losing weight.
  • Make porridge for breakfast. The cereal dish contains healthy vitamins, minerals and fiber. You need to cook them on a water basis, do not put butter. You can diversify the taste by adding dried fruits, pumpkin, onions with carrots, apples or bananas.
  • Do not be distracted by external stimuli while eating, do not rush. Slow absorption of food contributes to its better absorption and rapid saturation, which is important when losing weight.
  • Use the rule of replacing unhealthy foods with healthy foods. For example, eat honey instead of sugar, replace pork with veal, sour cream with yogurt.
  • Avoid all alcohol completely. Alcoholic drinks are high in calories and increase your appetite. Such properties lead you to weight gain.
  • Reduce portion sizes, replace large plates with small ones. This will give the impression that you ate a lot.
  • Diversify your diet as much as possible when losing weight. Try to get delicious meals from diet food.
  • Take the last meal 3 hours before bedtime so that the food has time to be digested, harmful substances and fat are not deposited in the body. If you really want to eat, you can drink a little kefir.
  • Try to avoid stressful situations. Emotional overstrain moves many to constant meals.
  • Leave the table with a feeling of slight hunger.

Where to start with proper nutrition

If you are determined to adjust your diet in favor of healthy foods, a proper nutrition chart will help you. You can make such a memo on your own or seek help from a nutritionist. The first step to a healthy diet will be the exclusion of harmful foods that negatively affect the figure. Make a list of foods that should not be consumed:

  • carcinogens (chips, flavored crackers, nuts);
  • potatoes, especially fried ones;
  • stop snacking on buns, chocolates and sandwiches;
  • mayonnaise;
  • semi-finished products fast food(pizza, dumplings, dumplings);
  • products containing yeast;
  • sweets (cakes, chocolate, cakes) can be eaten no more than once a month in small portions;
  • sweet sodas;
  • alcoholic products;
  • ice cream.

The rest of the products are not prohibited with a diet aimed at losing weight. It is important only when compiling the menu to pay attention to several principles:

  • Of all the cooking methods, choose steaming or boiling, you can bake meat or vegetables in the oven.
  • Don't put too many foods on your plate. To saturate when losing weight, you can get by, for example, with a piece of fish or meat with a side dish.
  • Buy dried fruits for snacking. Wash the food, put it in the dishes on the table. If you feel hungry, eat some fruits.
  • Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables when losing weight separately or in the form of a salad.

In addition to nutrition, pay attention to physical activity. You can do certain sports or just walk frequently. Movement will help not only lose weight, but also improve appearance body. Walking and playing sports contribute to the fight against stress, which is important when dieting. However, you should not be overloaded, do it for your own pleasure so as not to feel discomfort.

Daily routine for weight loss

A properly designed weight loss regimen meets your individual characteristics. When forming it, you do not need to blindly follow the patterns, but you should listen to yourself. Otherwise, you risk harming your health. Start by analyzing your lifestyle: how much you sleep, what time you go to bed and get up, what intervals rest and work take. Having decided, make a schedule where you should include the following parameters:

  • Install certain time rebound and rise. It should be the same every day, excluding weekends. Systematization contributes to the use of body resources, helps to accelerate the loss excess weight.
  • Every morning you need to take about 15 minutes. for charging. Simple physical exercises will add tone, vigor, create a good mood.
  • Breakfast is a must, never skip it. Morning meals help you get back to work digestive system. Choose water- or milk-based cereals, yogurt, fruits, and fresh juices. You will need to eat at the same time every day.
  • Develop a meal plan for the whole day. The correct regimen provides for 5 meals, of which 3 main and 2 snacks. The difference between them should be from 2 to 3 hours.
  • Physical activity, in addition to charging, contributes to the restoration of strength after a working day. You can go to the gym, pool, dance, or work out at home.

Nutrition by the hour for weight loss

In order to correctly compose nutrition on time for weight loss, try to observe some conditions:

  • The first meal (breakfast) should be taken between 7 and 9 o'clock. At the same time, remember that you should start eating at least half an hour after waking up. Include in the menu products with a lot of complex carbohydrates (durum pasta, buckwheat, bran). Add protein content. For this purpose, kefir, yogurt is suitable.
  • The second part of the daily diet for weight loss should be a second breakfast. It is essential for the proper functioning of the body. Prepare a vegetable or fruit salad, juice, or a low-calorie dessert. Such a snack should begin 3 hours after the main meal.
  • Suitable for lunch is the interval between noon and 2 pm. Even when losing weight, it should be dense, contain fats, carbohydrates and proteins.
  • At 15-16 hours, have an afternoon snack of kefir, yogurt or cottage cheese. You can drink some diet broth.
  • Dinner for weight loss is given the interval between 17 and 19 hours. Prepare meat of any dietary variety, vegetables.

Drinking regimen for weight loss

You can organize the correct drinking regimen when losing weight using the following recommendations:

  • Eliminate caffeine, alcohol and cigarettes as they contain substances that cause dehydration.
  • For better absorption of the liquid, drink it slightly chilled.
  • The richer the food in protein, the more water you will need to drink.
  • It is better to drink liquid one hour before and after meals. This regimen helps to dilute the gastric juice.
  • A glass of water, drunk in the morning after getting up, helps to cleanse the body.
  • Normally, a person needs to consume 8 glasses of pure water per day.

Diet plan for weight loss

For many people who want to lose weight, it can be difficult to rebuild, to organize a system of meals by the hour. For these purposes, it is convenient to make a schedule of proper nutrition for weight loss. It should be a table in which you need to reflect the time equivalent of each meal. The resulting table will become a universal hint that can be used for daily nutrition.

Diary of proper nutrition for weight loss

Intrinsic motivation plays an important role in weight loss. To see the changes that have happened to you in a week, what foods you have consumed, start a special diary. It should contain several sections:

  • The table of proper nutrition for weight loss will help you navigate when compiling a daily menu.
  • A grid with weight change marks will serve to track progress when weighing.
  • Table of food eaten per day with calories and time to control the daily diet.

How to make a diet for weight loss

Please note that it is necessary to draw up a diet plan for weight loss with a great deal of responsibility, since this scheme will become the basis of the diet. It is imperative to take into account the lifestyle of a person, as it affects the required products. Women for weight loss will need more vegetables and vegetable fats. Men, on the other hand, make physical efforts at work, so a protein diet is preferable for them. It is impossible to switch to an approved diet for weight loss abruptly, so gradually reduce the number of calories and servings.

Diet plan for weight loss for women

To provide a woman proper nutrition by the clock for weight loss, you need to establish a clear plan with the time on which it will rely daily. For a day, the fair sex for weight loss should eat at least 5 times. A fractional diet provides fat burning without depleting muscles. Intervals between meals should be 2-3 hours. You need to make sure that your diet is balanced. Women with weight loss need to eat:

  • pasta, whole grain bread and cereals - 25% of all food;
  • vegetables (cabbage, carrots, beets, etc.) - 20%;
  • fresh fruits - 15%;
  • beans and nuts (vegetable protein source) - 15%;
  • olive oil - 7%;
  • yoghurts, cheeses - 7%;
  • fish - 5%;
  • poultry - 3%;
  • lean meat - 1%.

Diet plan for weight loss for men

The representatives of the stronger sex need to switch to a meal schedule for weight loss gradually. The switch begins with the rejection of harmful products, the introduction of physical activity and the compilation of an approximate healthy menu. The diet for men should be formed taking into account the individual characteristics of life. When compiling a schedule, pay attention to important points that you need to consider when losing weight:

  • time of onset of wakefulness and sleep;
  • features of the profession and work: the amount of physical activity, the length of the working day, the lunch break schedule;
  • the meal plan for the weekend should be separate, because you should take into account the specifics and duration of the rest;
  • the presence or absence of additional physical activity.

When forming a menu for weight loss, men need to rely on the following conditions:

  • every day the diet should include pasta, cereals with bread or potatoes;
  • you need to eat at least 5 times a day;
  • should eat a lot of fish;
  • foods prohibited for women (sugar, salt, muffins) may be present in the male diet, but their number should be reduced.

Weekly weight loss meal plan

Create correct menu for a week for weight loss is possible, only taking into account your features. The diet should be comfortable, because the success of weight loss depends largely on a positive mood. It is important to correctly calculate the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates you need when losing weight. In such a calculation, age and level of physical activity should be used as a variable. By putting together a list of prohibited and allowed foods, the required amount of BJU and calories, a meal plan by the hour, you can create the perfect weekly weight loss regimen.

The key to losing weight is not only sports activity, but also the daily routine, which plays an important role.

Losing weight should be treated responsibly by creating a daily weight loss routine for yourself, which will include the right number of meals, optimal physical activity, sleep and rest.

Being in an active rhythm of life, not every person who wants to ask for excess weight makes up the optimal daily routine for himself. Many do not even know what a regime is and according to what parameters it is compiled. Let's take a look at what it is made up of:

  • Eating habits (number of meals per day);
  • biological rhythm of life;
  • Training and physical activity plan;
  • Hobbies, additional hobbies of an active nature.

Each item listed requires a dedicated time in the day for its implementation. It is better if it is compiled by a fitness trainer or a nutritionist who selects dietary nutrition for an individual person. The daily regimen for a losing weight and an ordinary person in the process of work will be different.

Tips for creating a personal daily routine:

  • The time for awakening is determined, to which there will be an adequate reaction of the body;
  • It is important to calculate the time for daily activities and include it in your regimen;
  • Important tasks are recorded for the day, which are performed first;
  • It is worth finding 30-60 minutes for personal affairs that will be present every day;
  • It is important to take 7-8 hours of time for sleep, starting from 22:00-23:00.

These tips will allow you to quickly adapt to the daily routine, drawing from it only daily benefits.

The influence of daily routine on weight loss

Compliance with the daily routine for a losing weight person is accompanied by improvements in well-being. Having made a personal daily routine, a person becomes active, absent-mindedness disappears, communication improves, well-being improves, sleep normalizes. With constant observance of the regime, stress resistance is developed, the psycho-emotional state improves. Among the main advantages are:

  • Favorable effect on the body, hardening;
  • Formation of discipline;
  • Develop the habit of exercising daily;
  • There is no need for overeating;
  • Full and restful sleep.

To achieve rapid weight loss, you need to follow the daily routine, adapting your body to certain actions in the allotted time.

Myths about the regime of the day for weight loss

The topic of the daily routine for weight loss is quite relevant, a lot of attention is paid to it. That is why there are various myths that people who are losing weight are ready to sacredly believe. Let's take a look at them.

It is forbidden to eat after 18:00

This is the first myth that many people who lose weight adhere to, relying on the fact that after 6 pm, metabolic processes slow down and the food taken is deposited in the form of fat. In fact, the human body works all the time, regardless of the time of day. It is necessary to have dinner 2-3 hours before bedtime, taking a short walk after it. It will remove any fears of facing a "slow" metabolism.

Metabolism is faster in the morning, so you need to eat as early as possible in the morning.

If a person wakes up at 6-7 in the morning and has no desire to eat food, you should not force your body to take it. Most often, it is precisely because of such a “need” that overeating, eating disorders and Bad mood all day. Eat only when the body really needs it.

Snacking will help reduce hunger and reduce appetite during a full meal.

Snacking does help the body cope with acute hunger, but they will only be appropriate if there is a physiological need for this.

Daytime sleep interferes with nighttime sleep

The fitness world and professional athletes often use a 20-30 minute nap during the day to recover before the afternoon. If there is a desire to sleep in the daytime, and there is such an opportunity, 30 minutes of sleep will not harm the body in any way, on the contrary, it will charge you with new energy for activity.

There are many myths regarding the daily routine for weight loss, they are all created due to a misunderstanding of this term.

Daily routine for weight loss

The daily schedule for weight loss consists of the following steps:

A person should sleep at least 8 hours a day. This time is necessary for full recovery, renewal of energy for activity and physical training. Great importance in the process of observing the daily regimen for weight loss, it has a diet, drinking regimen and physical activity. Let's talk about them in more detail.


When compiling a diet for weight loss on your own, you should familiarize yourself with the important rules:

  • Meals, at least 5 times a day, of which 3 main meals and 2 snacks;
  • For proper weight loss, short-term diets should be excluded, preference is given to a balanced diet;
  • Not a single meal of the day should be skipped;
  • In order to develop the habit of eating often and fractionally, in the first weeks of the regimen, you can eat at the strictly allotted time for this;
  • It is important to subtract the daily calorie content, taking into account weight and physical activity. It will be different for men and women. The average calorie content for women is 2000, and for men - 3000.
  • Complete rejection of sweet, floury, fried, fatty and salty foods.

One serving of a dish during weight loss should not exceed 200-250 g of food. Before eating, it is important to drink 1 glass of water, which activates metabolic processes, reduces appetite, allowing you to be saturated with a minimum amount of food.

Drinking regime

In order for food to be digested faster, it is important to observe. It implies the presence of the following rules of compliance:

  • Water is taken in a volume of 200 ml one hour before each main meal, as well as during physical activity in unlimited quantities;
  • The daily norm of the drinking regime is 2-2.5 liters;
  • The first intake of water is carried out on an empty stomach;
  • The water temperature should be at room temperature or slightly chilled;
  • Avoid alcohol, coffee and smoking to avoid dehydration.

Physical activity

The biggest mistake of losing weight is an increased desire to engage in grueling physical activity every day. The optimal regimen for weight loss involves the presence of 3-4 workouts per week with a duration of 40 minutes. If there is a desire to burn excess calories faster and accelerate weight loss, only walking is recommended daily. Strength and cardio training should be 3 times a week.

The body of a person with excess body weight requires more time to recover. It is worth noting that the process of splitting fats occurs precisely during the rest period.

Workouts for beginners last from 15 to 30 minutes, as they adapt and physical fitness, they increase from 40 to 60 minutes. In the second case, the process of fat burning will occur more intensively.

The workout schedule for weight loss can be as follows:

  • Monday - strength training;
  • Tuesday - Hiking;
  • Thursday - ;
  • Friday - group fitness training;
  • Saturday-Sunday is a day off.

Such a schedule will allow you to quickly join the training regime, adapt to the loads and activate the process of losing weight.

It is worth remembering that all four components of the regimen: sleep, nutrition, drinking regimen and training will contribute to weight loss only in their complex use.

Rules of the day

To get rid of excess weight without harm to the body, you should follow the following rules:

  • Refusal of any diets;
  • Eating wholesome and fresh food;
  • The optimal ratio of BJU;
  • Compliance with daily caloric content;
  • Drinking mode;
  • Lack of food 2-3 hours before bedtime;
  • Getting up and sleeping at the same time;
  • No overeating and eating disorders.

Compliance with these rules will quickly lead to the desired result, improve communication, well-being, strengthen the body and adapt to daily physical activity. After a month of observing the daily routine, the first significant results will appear.

In order for the daily regimen for weight loss to give the desired results, it must be comfortable and convenient for a person. There are basic recommendations for its preparation:

  • First you need to draw up a regimen for one day and determine whether it fits the rhythm of life and whether it will be appropriate in this or that case;
  • The first month in the mode, you can make adjustments;
  • Adaptation to the daily routine occurs within 2-3 weeks, so you should not immediately abandon it;
  • It is not necessary in the first days to create the most stressful load for the body, you need to enter the mode gradually.

Every losing weight person will be able to establish a daily regimen for weight loss, it just takes time and a psychological attitude towards serious changes.

(1 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Relational Aesthetics). From the point of view of Nicolas Bourriaud, "the art of relationships" is "a set of artistic practices, the starting point of which is the sphere of human relationships."

Artists whose work can be attributed to this direction, one way or another, work with such concepts as "social ties", "communities", "private relationships" or "urbanism", which is a static form of coexistence. It's open artistic practices inviting the viewer to participate. The meaning of a work of art is the result of cooperation with the viewer, and not imposed on him. In the words of Bourrio: “The artist is no longer a demiurge… he becomes a ‘semionaut’, blazing routes between all existing marks. The scope of his activities has shifted from production to postproduction.


  • Angela Bullock ( English)
  • Henry Bond ( English)
  • Jes Brinch
  • Xavier Veyant ( English)
  • Dominik Gonzales-Foerster[remove pattern]
  • Simon Grennan
  • Andrea Clavadetscher
  • Peter Land (Peter Land)
  • Miltos Manetas ( English)
  • Honore d'O (Honore d "O)
  • Jason Rhodes ( English)
  • Christopher Sperandio ( English)
  • Gillian Waring ( English)
  • Jens Haaning ( English)
  • Lothar Hempel ( English)
  • Christine Hill
  • Noritoshi Hirakawa ( English)
  • Eric Schumacher
  • Henrik Plenge Jacobsen ( English)
  • Kenji Yanobe ( English)
  • Yoko Ono


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  • : Interview // Kommersant, No. 10 / P (3094), 01/24/2005.

An excerpt characterizing the Art of Relationships

Firstly, the marriage was not brilliant in relation to kinship, wealth and nobility. Secondly, Prince Andrei was not the first youth and was in poor health (the old man especially leaned on this), and she was very young. Thirdly, there was a son whom it was a pity to give to a girl. Fourthly, finally, - said the father, looking mockingly at his son, - I beg you, postpone the matter for a year, go abroad, take medical treatment, find, as you like, a German, for Prince Nikolai, and then, if it’s love, passion, stubbornness, whatever you want, so great, then get married.
“And this is my last word, you know, the last ...” the prince finished in such a tone that he showed that nothing would make him change his mind.
Prince Andrei clearly saw that the old man hoped that the feeling of his or his future bride would not stand the test of the year, or that he himself, the old prince, would die by this time, and decided to fulfill his father's will: to propose and postpone the wedding for a year.
Three weeks after his last evening at the Rostovs, Prince Andrei returned to Petersburg.

The next day after her explanation with her mother, Natasha waited all day for Bolkonsky, but he did not arrive. The next day, the third day, it was the same. Pierre also did not come, and Natasha, not knowing that Prince Andrei had gone to her father, could not explain his absence to herself.
So three weeks passed. Natasha did not want to go anywhere, and like a shadow, idle and despondent, she walked around the rooms, in the evening she secretly cried from everyone and did not appear in the evenings to her mother. She was constantly blushing and irritated. It seemed to her that everyone knew about her disappointment, laughed and regretted her. With all the strength of inner grief, this vainglorious grief increased her misfortune.
One day she came to the countess, wanted to say something to her, and suddenly burst into tears. Her tears were the tears of an offended child who himself does not know why he is being punished.
The Countess began to reassure Natasha. Natasha, who at first listened to her mother's words, suddenly interrupted her:
- Stop it, mom, I don’t think, and I don’t want to think! So, I traveled and stopped, and stopped ...
Her voice trembled, she almost burst into tears, but she recovered herself and calmly continued: “And I don’t want to get married at all. And I'm afraid of him; I am now completely, completely, calmed down ...
The next day after this conversation, Natasha put on that old dress, which she was especially aware of for the cheerfulness it delivered in the morning, and in the morning she began her former way of life, from which she lagged behind after the ball. After drinking tea, she went to the hall, which she especially loved for its strong resonance, and began to sing her solfeji (singing exercises). Having finished the first lesson, she stopped in the middle of the hall and repeated one musical phrase that she especially liked. She listened joyfully to that (as if unexpected for her) charm with which these sounds, shimmering, filled the entire emptiness of the hall and slowly died away, and she suddenly became cheerful. “Why think about it so much and so well,” she said to herself, and began to walk up and down the hall, stepping without simple steps on the resonant parquet floor, but at every step stepping from the heel (she was wearing new, favorite shoes) to the toe, and just as joyfully as to the sounds of her voice listening to this measured clatter of the heel and the creaking of the toe. Passing by a mirror, she looked into it. - "Here I am!" as if the expression on her face at the sight of herself spoke. “Well, that's good. And I don't need anyone."