Alibek Delimkhanov has been appointed. The commander of the Chechen battalion "North" Alibek Delimkhanov went on promotion

Kirill Moskalenko was born on May 11, 1902 in the village of Grishino, Bakhmut district, Yekaterinoslav province, into a large peasant family. He graduated from the rural parochial school. After graduating from school, he entered the ministerial school and graduated with honors.

October revolution greeted enthusiastically. In 1920, he joined the Komsomol, and then the Red Guard detachment of Kulichenko. Participated in battles with Makhno's gangs. Then he acted as part of the regular Red Army. After civil war, in 1922, Kirill Semenovich graduated from the Kharkov Joint School of Red Commanders, was sent to the 6th Chongar Cavalry Division as a platoon commander of a horse artillery battalion. A year later, Moskalenko accepted a training battery of the same division, then for several years he served as chief of staff of the regiment. Then Moskalenko was sent to study at advanced training courses for command personnel. With the end of the courses for service, he was sent to Transbaikalia as the chief of staff of the regiment, then the commander of the regiment, followed by a transfer to Primorye to the post of chief of artillery tank brigade. In 1932, Moskalenko was appointed chief of staff of the regiment in the 1st Cavalry Division, a year later he took over the regiment.

FROM Far East Moskalenko was transferred to Kyiv and appointed head of the artillery of the mechanized corps. From this position he was sent to the Academy. Dzerzhinsky at the faculty of command staff. After graduating from the academy in 1939, Kirill Semenovich was sent to Odessa as the head of artillery of a rifle division. Soon he becomes the chief of artillery of the rifle corps, and later, he was transferred to Moldova to the post of chief of artillery of the mechanized corps. Before the war, Moskalenko was sent to Lutsk as commander of an anti-tank brigade.

In the border battle, the Moskalenko brigade covered the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Vladimir-Volynsky through Lutsk, holding back the forces of the Kleist tank group, and inflicted significant damage on the Germans. In July 1941 Moskalenko was awarded the order Lenin. In early September 1941, General Moskalenko was appointed commander of the 15th Rifle Corps, with whom he was surrounded near Kyiv, but the corps, which was part of the 5th Army, broke the encirclement and went to the Psel River. Moskalenko was appointed commander of the cavalry-mechanized army group of the 13th Army and took part in the defeat of the Yelets group of the enemy in the Moscow battle.

In early January 1942, Moskalenko was appointed commander of the 6th Army of the Southwestern Front, and in March 1942, commander of the 38th. The army took part in the battle of the South-Western direction near Kharkov. The operation was unsuccessful, the front was defeated, the 38th Army, along with other units and formations, was forced to move away from the Don. The Battle of Stalingrad began. Moskalenko participated in this battle as the commander of the 1st, newly formed, tank army.

With the completion of the strategic operation near Stalingrad, Moskalenko received a new appointment as commander of the 40th Army of the Voronezh Front. The army took part in the Ostrogozhsk-Rossosh army operation. Then the 40th Army, together with the 3rd Tank Army, participated in the Voronezh-Kastornenskaya operation. At the end of 1943, the army took part in the battles near Belgorod, Kharkov, and reached the Dnieper. With the crossing of the Dnieper, Moskalenko was awarded the military rank of Colonel General and the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. During the Kyiv operation, Moskalenko again took command of the 38th Army, which was located on the Lyutezhsky bridgehead. The army took a direct part in the liberation of Kyiv, continued to move forward with fighting, and in April liberated the city of Kamenets-Podolsky. The army was included in the troops participating in the Proskurovo-Chernivtsi operation. With the end of this operation, the 38th Army, together with the Czechoslovak 1st Army Corps of General Svoboda, launched an offensive through the Carpathians to Slovakia. After the Carpathian-Dukla operation, the army carried out the Jaslo-Gorlitsky army operation. The 38th Army under the command of Colonel General Moskalenko finished its combat path in Prague. For his services during the liberation of Czechoslovakia, Kirill Semenovich was awarded the title of Hero of the Czechoslovak Republic.

After the end of the Great Patriotic War, in 1948, Moskalenko was appointed commander of the Moscow Military District. From 1960 to 1962, he served as commander of the Strategic Missile Forces and Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR. Moskalenko was a member of the Central Committee of the CPSU and a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The title of Marshal of the Soviet Union Moskalenko was awarded in 1955. In 1978, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for the second time.

A family

Father - Semyon Mikhailovich Serebrennikov(born 1933) - urologist, a native of a Jewish family, associate professor of the department of urology of the Rostov Medical Institute, author of a number of scientific papers.

Mother - Irina Aleksandrovna Litvin- Ukrainian, teacher of Russian language and literature.

grandfather - Alexander Ivanovich Litvi n - was the director of documentaries and popular science films at the film studio "Moldova-Film", the head of the Republican Society of Film Fans of the MSSR, Honored Worker of Culture of the Moldavian SSR.


graduated high school with a gold medal. While still a schoolboy, he staged his first performance.

In 1992, Serebrennikov graduated with honors from the Physics Department of Rostov State University.

He has been directing since student years: first in the amateur studio "69", since 1990 - on the professional stage.

In Rostov-on-Don, he staged ten performances in all theaters of the city.

Since 1991, he also began to work actively on television: first at the Yuzhny Region television company, then at the Don-TR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. During the same seven years, he shot 11 video clips, 2 documentaries, 4 TV shows, 1 video art picture, 1 musical TV movie, 3 multi-part projects: two about music, the third about cinema, about 100 commercials.

Since 1998 he has also been engaged in cinematography. Among his works are 6 feature films, 1 documentary and 4 series.

In 2000 he was invited to Moscow to stage and shoot compositions based on stories on the Kultura channel Ivan Bunin"Dark alleys".

Since then, the director has been living and working in Moscow.

In 2006-2007, Kirill Serebrennikov hosted the Other Cinema program on the TV-3 channel.

In 2008, he took an experimental acting and directing course at the Moscow Art Theater School. From this course, by the end of 2012, the Seventh Studio was formed, which later became one of the residents of the Gogol Center.

In the fall of 2011, the ex-deputy of the State Duma was appointed head of the Moscow Department of Culture.

Immediately after that, Serebrennikov's career took off.

In 2011-2014, Serebrennikov was artistic director project "Platform" in the Center contemporary art"Winery".

In August 2012, Kirill Serebrennikov, without an announcement open competition to replace vacancies was appointed by the Department of Culture of Moscow as the new artistic director of the Moscow drama theater named after N.V. Gogol.

The appointment of Kirill Serebrennikov was scandalous: the theater staff opposed this creature of Sergei Kapkov, people even went to rallies.

After the scandalous appointment of Kirill Serebrennikov, the acting team published an open letter in which they called the change of leadership called "a raider seizure of the theater", and also announced the threat of "liquidation of the public state repertory theater" and "loss of the great traditions of the Russian theater school."

Moreover, in the secular circles of Moscow, the reason for the personnel decision at the Gogol Center was that Sergey Kapkov had simply been friends with Serebrennikov for a long time.

It is interesting that, in addition to Kapkov, Kapkov's ex-girlfriend, Serebrennikov, had a strong friendship.

And even the former "Gray Cardinal" of the Kremlin - - came to visit Serebrennikov.

In the course of his official activities in the Moscow City Hall, Kapkov appointed Oleg Menshikov artistic director of the theatre. Ermolova, Gregory Papish- Director of the Moscow Puppet Theatre, Kirill Serebrennikov- artistic director of the theater. N. V. Gogol, and Irina Apeksimova- Director of the Roman Viktyuk Theater.

Shortly after his appointment, Serebrennikov announced the reformatting of the theater into the "Gogol Center" with three resident troupes, programs of film screenings, concerts, lectures and open discussions.


Kirill Serebrennikov regularly took part in the protest actions "Strategy-31" and "For Fair Elections!"

After the Russian-Georgian conflict in 2008, Serebrennikov expressed his readiness to walk around Moscow with a poster "I am a Georgian", emphasizing his unwillingness to "quarrel with the people with whom they are associated for life by cultural codes, sympathies, cinema, theater, everything, everything."

Kirill Serebrennikov supported open letters calling for release from prison Svetlana Bakhmina and members of the group "Pussy Riot".

Serebrennikov spoke out against the tightening of legislation on rallies, the ban on US citizens to adopt Russian orphans, and the restriction of LGBT rights.

Supported the director Timofey Kulyabin, who was accused of insulting the feelings of believers by staging the opera Tannhäuser.

In an interview in 2014, the director called Russia a "country of slavery that has not been abolished," where people do not value freedom, and there is a huge gap between the people and the uncontrolled government.

"Russia is now behaving like a poor gopnik who has gone mad with grief," and the supporters of the current government are frightened people who do not want to know and decide anything, the director said.

Scandals, rumors

In 2013, it became known about Serebrennikov's intention to make the film "Tchaikovsky", one of the authors of the script of which he is. The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation allocated 30 million rubles out of the required 240 million to support this project, but the Cinema Fund refused to further finance the filming of the film.

Serebrennikov announced his intention to seek funds for the project abroad.

On May 23, 2017, law enforcement agencies searched the director's apartment and the Gogol Center theater as part of a case of embezzlement in the amount of more than 200 million rubles.

As the edition notes, during searches in the house of Kirill Serebrennikov, operatives found a small bundle in his kitchen.

When studying the contents of the package, the operatives came to the conclusion that it contained a narcotic substance of plant origin, hashish.

AT this moment the issue of initiating a criminal case against director Kirill Serebrennikov under article 228 part 1 "Illegal acquisition, storage, transportation, manufacture, processing without the purpose of selling narcotic drugs" is being resolved.

If the case is opened, then Serebrennikov can be punished up to imprisonment for 3 years.

May, 23rd Chulpan Khamatova and Evgeny Mironov made a statement at the Gogol Center in support of Serebrennikov. On May 24, Mironov turned to Vladimir Putin with a petition in favor of the disgraced director.

The investigation revealed that the employees of the "Seventh Studio" spent budget money under fictitious contracts for the provision of services. According to the documents, the studio purchased paper, gift sets, and alcohol. But in fact, she simply signed "left" contracts and payments, without receiving any services for this. Such a system was put on stream: 160 "garbage dump" firms were involved in a fictitious workflow.

Investigators are now investigating what the withdrawn money was spent on. In parallel with this, Kirill Serebrennikov found an apartment in Germany - on Winsstrasse Street in Berlin, which Serebrennikov bought an apartment for 300 thousand euros.

There are persistent rumors in secular circles about the homosexual orientation of Kirill Serebrennikov.

Add information about the person

Simonyan Kirill Semenovich
Other names: Simonyan Kirill Semyonovich
Date of Birth: 11.04.1918
Place of Birth: Nakhichevan-on-Don
Date of death: 18.10.1977
A place of death: Moscow
Short information:
Professor, surgeon


In the 20s of the XX century. his father went to Iran and did not return from there, and his mother, Lyubov Grigoryevna, moved with her children to Rostov-on-Don. In 1939 their mother died, and sister Nadya was left in the care of her brother Kirill. Subsequently, sister, Nadezhda Semyonovna Simonyan - became famous composer, author of music for 50 Soviet feature films, to dramatic performances, to radio and television shows. Including the author of the cantata "Lake Sevan" to the words of his brother Kirill Simonyan, for soloists, choir and symphony orchestra.

He entered the Chemistry Department of the Rostov University, and later transferred to the Medical Institute.

Simonyan K.S. as a military surgeon, with the rank of captain, participated in the war with Nazi Germany and the war with Japan.

After demobilization, he worked at the Institute. Sklifosovsky under the guidance of an outstanding surgeon, Academician Yudin S.S. After the death of Yudin S.S., Simonyan K.S. in 1957 moved to work in the new Moscow City Hospital No. 67 as the head of the surgical department. Then he decided to move to the Moscow City Hospital No. 53, where he began independent scientific activity as a chief surgeon. The experience of a military doctor and the influence of the teacher Yudin S. S. determined the medical direction of his scientific activity- study of problems in emergency surgery.

In 1957, having met the creator of the first blood substitute "Belenky's Therapeutic Serum", Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Academician of the All-Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences N. G. Belenky, together with D. A. Arapov (Soviet surgeon, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, lieutenant general of the medical service , Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the RSFSR), actively involved in the research and introduction into clinical practice of the first blood substitute "Belenky's Therapeutic Serum".

In the sixties, Simonyan K.S. gained fame in the medical community as a major specialist in the field of abdominal surgery.

In 1965, on the recommendation of his niece Mai Yakovlevna Bessarab and his wife Nobel laureate Lev Landau - Concordia Terentievna Landau-Drobantseva, Simonyan K.S. was involved in the treatment of the world famous physicist. In his posthumous notes, which were found in his desk and given by his friend Valery Tselinsky for publication in the Israeli Russian-language weekly Okna, K.S. Simonyan writes about the numerous mistakes previously made by the high council and indecision in the strategy of prescribed treatment. Trying to help the great physicist get rid of debilitating pains in the abdomen, he insists on an operation to eliminate the adhesive process in abdominal cavity. The operation performed gave a significant result, the academician felt relief for the first time.

In 1971, Simonyan K.S. published the monograph "Peritonitis", in which for the first time he describes the phase of the clinical course of this formidable complication of many surgical diseases. He dedicated this many years of hard work to the memory of his teacher S. S. Yudin. In the preface, K. S. Simonyan thanks by name the entire team of specialists who worked on the monograph.

In 1980, a student of K. S. Simonyan, Barinov Vitaly Grigoryevich, in his Ph.D. thesis: “Evaluation of the condition and the effectiveness of correction of water-electrolyte and protein metabolism in peritonitis”, using mathematical methods for processing numerous laboratory parameters, received algorithms for diagnosing peritonitis phases and thereby confirmed the phase of the clinical course of peritonitis.

In 1975, K. S. Simonyan, K. P. Gutiontova, E. G. Tsurinova (chaired by D. A. Arapov) published the book “Post-mortem blood in the aspect of transfusiology”. Unfortunately, Simonyan K.S., due to his modesty, did not keep records of his scientific works and numerous speeches at various conferences, as well as in other respects of a large number of defended dissertations of his students.

In 1977, on October 18, Simonyan K.S., together with co-authors (Galperin Yu.M., Barinov V.G., Karp V.P.) was preparing to speak at the Oncological Center. N. N. Blokhin at the Soviet-Swedish symposium with the report "Criteria for the severity of metabolic disorders in cancer and the role of parenteral and internal nutrition in their correction", to which he attached great importance, as he hoped for cooperation with Swedish colleagues. However, the sudden death of Simonyan K.S. at the age of 59 cut off all his plans. The report at the symposium was made by Professor V. G. Barinov.

The circumstances of the death of Simonyan K.S.

The last person who was with him on the day of his death was Professor Ivobotenko Boris Alekseevich (Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, one of the developers of a stepper drive), who invited him to his house for dinner on October 17, 1977, and when he was driving him in his car home, Kirill Semenovich became ill.

According to B. A. Ivobotenko, K. S. Simonyan’s heart ached, but he did not insist on taking him to the 13th hospital, which they were passing through. Upon arrival home, already on the night of October 18, Ivobotenko B.A. called an ambulance after a second attack of pain in the heart, when Kirill Semenovich fell in the bathroom, hitting the occipital region on the threshold. The first, after the ambulance, was Simonyan's employee K.S., doctor Gutiontova K.P., whom Ivobotenko B.A. told in detail how Kirill Semenovich did not have time to enter the apartment, immediately fell on the couch and lost consciousness. Then after a few minutes he regained consciousness and said famous phrase, which everyone who knew Kirill Semenovich began to transmit, from mouth to mouth: “It turns out that death is not so terrible. I even felt some kind of bliss.” Then he called Ksenia Pavlovna Gutiotova, saying that he needed help and went to the bathroom where the accident happened. Gutiontova K.P., with tears in her eyes, began to call everyone who lived nearby.

An hour after the tragedy, the apartment began to fill with friends and colleagues. Among the first to arrive was his student Vitaly Grigoryevich Barinov. Soon investigators appeared, to whom B. A. Ivobotenko repeated his story about the death of Kirill Semenovich Simonyan.

According to the official conclusion, death was due to acute heart failure.


  • Arapov D. A., Simonyan K. S. “Therapeutic serum of N. G. Belenky in clinical practice” M. Medgiz. 1957 140 p.
  • Peritonitis [Text] / K. S. Simonyan. - Moscow: Medicine, 1971
  • Posthumous blood in the aspect of transfusiology [Text] / K. S. Simonyan, K. P. Gutiontova, E. G. Tsurinova; [foreword D. A. Arapova]. - Moscow: Medicine, 1975
  • The path of the surgeon. Pages from the memoirs of S. S. Yudin. 1891-1954 [Text] / K. S. Simonyan. - Moscow: Medgiz, 1963
  • Adhesive disease [Text] / K. S. Simonyan. - Moscow: Medicine, 1966
  • Simonyan Kirill. Landau's secret. - the newspaper "Vesti", weekly. app. "Windows", 2, 9, 16 April 1998, Israel


  • PhD in Biology
  • Doctor of Medical Sciences
  • Professor
  • Senior lieutenant of medical service


  • Medal "For Military Merit" (1945)
  • Medal "For the Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945"
  • Order of the Red Star (1945)
  • Order of the Patriotic War II degree (1945)


K. Simonyan and A. Solzhenitsyn

Simonyan's school years were spent in the city of Rostov-on-Don. Three comrades were friends in the class, who called themselves the names of the three musketeers: Simonyan - Artos, Vitkevich - Porthos, Solzhenitsyn - Aramis. Aramis (Solzhenitsyn) stood out from their trinity. He always had to be first and infallible. These traits of a nascent writer - publicist began to appear at school. According to Simonyan K.S., somehow the history teacher Bershadsky began to lecture Solzhenitsyn, he fainted, hit his desk and cut his forehead. Many years later, Solzhenitsyn would take this scar abroad as an honorary title and as evidence of his difficult fate. And when asked about the origin of the scar on his face, he will answer with mysterious hints, sighs, shrugging his shoulders meaningfully.

In 1936, school friends entered the Rostov State University. Simonyan and Vitkevich entered the Faculty of Chemistry, and Solzhenitsyn entered the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. But in 1937, Kirill Semenovich Simonyan transferred to the medical institute.

In the summer of 1939, A. I. Solzhenitsyn, N. D. Vitkevich and K. S. Simonyan, as excellent students, entered the correspondence department of the Moscow Institute of History, Philosophy and Literature (MIFLI) without exams. In 1941, the war separated the schoolmates.

close people

Among people close to Kirill Semenovich were people of various nationalities:

  • Jose Lopez (07/22/1925 - 05/11/2005) - an engineer (from among the children taken to the USSR in 1937), was buried like a brother in the same grave with K.S. Simonyan at the Armenian cemetery in Moscow.
  • Yuri Morisovich Galperin (08/29/1924 - 02/06/1989) - an outstanding Soviet physiologist, State Prize Laureate, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor. Buried at Novodevichy cemetery in Moscow.
  • Gutiontova Ksenia Pavlovna - surgeon of the Moscow City Hospital No. 53.
  • Barinov Vitaly Grigoryevich (08/24/1937) - Soviet and Russian scientist in the field of organization and development of clinical laboratory express diagnostics, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor.


  • A talented abdominal surgeon, a student of an outstanding scientist, academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, director of the Institute. N. V. Sklifosovsky S. S. Yudin.
  • For the first time he developed the phase development of peritonitis, made a great contribution to early diagnosis and treatment of adhesive disease.
  • He made a significant contribution to parenteral nutrition and the use of fibrinolytic blood.
  • For three years, he took an active part in the treatment and operated on Academician Landau L.D.
  • One of the three famous school friends (Simonyan K.S., Solzhenitsyn A.I., Vitkevich N.D.).
  • For many years he served as deputy editor-in-chief of the Medgiz publishing house.
  • He played the piano beautifully, composed poetry, wrote a script for a children's matinee.
  • Composed and sent to N. S. Khrushchev a poem in honor of the flight of the first man into space, Yu. A. Gagarin.
  • Gorobets B.S. Could medicine save L.D. Landau today? Blogs of the magazine "Seven Arts" No. 4 (29) - April 2012.
  • Gorobets B.S. A circle. Landau. The life of a genius. M.: publishing house LKI (URSS). 2008. 368 p.