Ukrainian actress and TV presenter Tatyana Bobrikova revealed the secrets of her style in photography with the SOLH brand. You watch the stories of your colleagues

- Tanya, please tell us which of the latest catwalk trends attracted your attention the most?

To be honest, I don't really follow runway trends. It used to be necessary to look for shows on the Internet, buy fashion magazines and analyze styles, colors and fashion trends yourself. Now everything is simple - subscribed to several world-famous fashion bloggers on Instagram - and you are already aware of everything. I like ankle boots and caps, I like that berets are back - like French artists, I really like dresses from Balmain - with shiny patterns! But to be honest, I rarely buy something fashionable - I love a practical wardrobe - so that I can wear the same thing in a season or even a few years, and no one in the back will tell you: “it’s not fashionable anymore.” And this cannot be avoided if you buy everything that is in trend.

- What are your main preferences in clothing, in style?

I love dresses. different styles- it can be strict, and chic, and sexy, and sporty. A couple of years ago, I literally threw out my entire wardrobe and filled it with feminine outfits. I love pastel colors, calm patterns, no “acid” and “challenge”. I am 30 years old - so things have to match. Of course, I have jeans, and trousers, and culottes - but this is more for the case when I want to “be inconspicuous”.

- Are you ready for cardinal changes image again?

Four years ago, I had shaved temples to zero and a ring earring in my nose. A couple of years before that, I was fiery red, pink, brown - and of course my style changed with hair color. I think I've played with the experiments. Now I am more inclined to naturalness both in appearance and in my wardrobe, however, there is such a trend all over the world too. A woman with poisonous hair color and an unimaginable bow can become a style icon, but for a week. But for decades Audrey Hepburn, Lady Dee, Monica Belucci have remained “icons” ... Something I don’t remember in their outfits is something “out of the ordinary”.

- How do you feel about Ukrainian mass-market brands?

When the crisis broke out in the country and even ZARA became inaccessible, this became a real chance for many Ukrainian clothing manufacturers. Their clothes are of high quality, fashionable, interesting and, most importantly, quite affordable. As a blogger and presenter, I often collaborate with many Ukrainian mass-market brands, and I am delighted! These things have never disappointed me. They are not ashamed to wear even for some important events! This applies not only to clothes, but also to bags, accessories and even shoes. “Ukrainian” is now really fashionable and even proud! And I really like it.

- What images from the SOLH brand are you interested in? What surprised and delighted you with the brand?

The SOLH brand surprised me! I liked the dress with a burgundy openwork cape (it's very bold and fashionable), classic options dresses and suits! But for myself, I chose an oversized green dress - it can be worn under sour trousers and under the belt, as a full-fledged outfit! For me, the indicator that the brand is successful and I like it is that I cannot choose only one outfit! That is, I like 5-6 images at once, and I don’t know which one to stop at! So, all good luck!

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Alena Che , 15 November 2014 at 13:40


The project of the journalist Tanya Bobrikova “Project Perfect” is a huge success among viewers of the New Channel. In it, the girl shows how to become perfect, checking the advice from newspapers, magazines and the Internet, listening to the advice of friends and professionals on beauty, style, seduction. The fight against excess weight bad habits, inaccuracy - only the beginning of the path. Today Tanya will share her impressions, emotions about the experience with our readers

Tanya, why did you need to demonstrate your path to excellence to the whole country?

“We women start every Monday with the thought: “Today I will change my life and myself!” But already on Tuesday, something is sure to hinder us on this path. And we put off all the undertakings until next Monday. Until recently, I was the same. Having lived to the age of 26, one day, three months before her 27th birthday, she decided to change everything. This is how Project Perfect was born, and I took myself seriously. The audience sees the result of my work on myself on the New Channel.

During the filming of the project, you tried a lot of things on yourself. What do you continue to do, and what did you decide to forget, like a bad dream?

- In the fight against excess weight, I tried many diets. After the project, I came to the conclusion: proper nutrition and regular exercise, none of them will be needed. Also thanks to "Perfect" quit smoking. I haven't been able to do this since I was 19. I also took a fresh look at etiquette. I realized that sticking to it is not snobbery, but a sign of good upbringing. On the project, I once again became convinced that extreme sports are alien to me. And I won't go to the fortune teller again. As before this experiment, I remained of the opinion that you don’t need to know about the bad in advance. And all the good destined for me, let it be a pleasant surprise.

Did Project Perfect inspire your friends?

– Not only my girlfriends, but the whole film crew! (smiles) Some started running in the morning. And for those who quit smoking, I feel special pride. But it is especially nice to receive feedback from grateful viewers. Reading them, every time I am convinced that my work is not in vain.

“Project Perfect is over. What will you do now?

- I hope it will new project for girls and about girls! Women's theme is absolutely mine!

And in the infotainment project "Paragraph!" do you plan to return?

- In the previous role - no. Perhaps as a leading column about girls and for girls.

Do you watch the stories of your colleagues?

- When I have time. And often proud of their courage! From recently, I was hooked by Katya Pavlyuchenko's article on the topic of finding a well-paid job. Some moments from this story I would be afraid to shoot.

What do you do outside of television?

- Television absorbs me completely and completely. The only thing I always devote time to is caring for my beloved dog Bizu. The audience saw him in "Perfect". And in the plans - to pass on the rights, learn French and Spanish. But first you need to learn how to deal with laziness. Good thing now I know how! (smiles)

What movies and books do you like?

– I prefer literature that develops spiritually and physically. And strenuously I make up for lost time at school - I read world and Ukrainian classics. I watch different films. Now I really like the series "Gymnasts". Under it, it is great to play sports at home!

How do you feel about serials and glossy magazines?

– I love series that touch upon the problems of youth and women. Enjoyed watching "Gossip Girl" and "Sex in big city". I buy stacks of magazines - they contain a lot of interesting things.

Do you meet people by their clothes?

- To some extent. I think this is correct. Appearance can say a lot about a person. True, natural sociability or its absence can overshadow even the most impeccable appearance.

Do you often give advice to others about your appearance now?

- Not! (laughs) Firstly, I am very afraid of offending people with my remarks. As it was once with Andrey Shabanov (host of the New Channel) - he mercilessly criticized me and commented on my appearance. Second, I don't need to give advice. Since the release of Project Perfect, people and viewers have carefully followed everything that I have done in the program, and only ask additional questions. In person or at in social networks- irrelevant.

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