To be joy or trouble? Why is a big fish dreaming? Why does a woman dream of a fish? Dream book about fish.

Every person has had dreams at least once in their life. Many do not attach any importance to them, but some very carefully study dream books every morning. To believe that dreams come true or simply predict the future is a personal matter for everyone. In this article, we will consider in detail several options for interpreting dreams and find out what live fish dream of.

Brief interpretation of sleep

Living fish in a dream is a fairly common occurrence. You can not leave it unattended, especially if the dream is repeated repeatedly. The interpretation of dreams can be treated with humor, but a considerable proportion of them, oddly enough, come true. Dream Interpretations were compiled and replenished over the course of many centuries by our ancestors, because they probably noticed some kind of connection between the dreamed phenomenon and reality. That is why in modern world curiosity for dreams is growing. Answering the question: “Why do living fish dream?”, It is necessary to pay attention to the details of sleep. But its general interpretation promises the dreamer only all the best. Perhaps a fateful meeting awaits you or big win. Sometimes dreams reflect your health. The fish you see indicates that you are full of strength, confidence and feel great. Next, we will consider this topic in more detail, for which you should look through the dream book. Why is a living fish dreaming? It all depends on the details of the dream.

Live fish is a symbol of good prospects

If in your dream you see a live fish splashing in a transparent pond, then wait for a tempting offer that will bring you considerable benefits. If you dreamed of one big fish, then the proposal will relate to something very important to you. But if you are interested in what a lot of live fish dream of, then know that this portends many different proposals from different areas. It is possible that you will be interested in all of them.

If you tried to go fishing in a dream, then in reality do not rush things, let everything go on as usual. Those who want to know what a big live fish is dreaming of are waiting for a new acquaintance, which will end in an unexpected denouement. Also, such a dream can be interpreted as a possible exciting journey or activity that will completely absorb you.

Why dream of catching live fish?

In this case, the interpretation of sleep depends on the age of the person. The younger he is, the better and more favorable the meaning of the vision. Also, a significant role is played by the fact who had a dream: a girl or a guy. If you are interested in why a girl dreams of a living fish, then know that such a plot predicts a quick wedding and the birth of a child. Middle-aged people after such a vision should expect entertainment. But catching fish in a dream for the elderly is an unkind sign. Perhaps someone laid eyes on your inheritance ahead of time.

Fishing seen in a dream should be interpreted depending on how successful it was. If you dreamed of a good catch, then tune in to success in any business. But if the fishing was not successful, then in reality someone seeks to interfere with you.

Caught live fish in the hands in a dream is also interpreted differently. If you managed to keep it, then in reality you will not miss a good opportunity. But if you missed the prey, then in reality you will have to wait a long time for your future children.

Why does a woman dream of a living fish? This dream predicts an early pregnancy, which she has been waiting for a very long time. Perhaps there is already a pregnancy in reality, but the woman does not yet know about it. Why does a man dream of a live fish? For the representatives of the stronger sex, such a dream portends a child from a beloved woman.

Living fish in a dream - a happy family life in reality

The oldest and most classic interpretation of such a dream is happiness in family life. But for each person, depending on age and gender, there are different nuances. Let us consider in more detail why a girl dreams of a live fish. Firstly, such a dream promises a date with a person who has been liked for a long time. If a young girl saw in a dream how she was holding a fish, then she was destined to get married soon. If a big live fish has dreamed up, you can expect a meeting with a rich, self-confident groom. Dreaming of small fish promise unexpected, but very great happiness.

Consider a few more options for what a woman dreams about living fish. The most famous interpretation is an early pregnancy. But here, too, there is something to pay attention to. If a woman dreamed of a carp, catfish, carp or bream, then there is a high probability that a boy will be born. But the pike portends the birth of a girl. If a young woman dreamed of colorful fish, then matchmaking should be expected. At the same time, there will be quite a few suitors, and the girl will have to make a difficult choice.

Now let's talk about what a living fish dreams of a man. If there are a lot of fish, such a dream requires the young man to settle down and start a family. He needs to choose his only life partner among all the girlfriends around him.

Sleeping with live fish is a symbol of trouble and problems

Despite all the positive aspects of sleeping with live fish, it also has negative implications. But here you should also pay attention to the details. If in a dream you swam with fish, then in reality be prepared for conflicts, you will face a misunderstanding of relatives and friends. If you see in a dream one big fish that swims next to you, then perhaps the relationship with your loved one will go wrong in the near future. If this inhabitant of the waters is bright in color, then at first fun awaits you, and then get ready for quarrels and insults.

Fish in a dream - waking conflicts

We examined what live fish dream of, but each dream has different variations. We will give them special attention. So, eating live fish in a dream means that in reality love suffering awaits you, perhaps even cheating on your soulmate. If in your dreams you had to feed a cat with fish, then in reality it is because of you that conflicts in the family and quarrels with your loved one will occur. Perhaps you yourself will be a provocateur of betrayal and discord in relationships. But you don't have to get upset right away. The dream predicts what may be. But you yourself are able to change your destiny and avoid negative consequences.

fish in the aquarium

When thinking about what live fish dream of, one should not forget about the details of the vision. For example, if you dreamed of a fish in an aquarium, then in reality be prepared for a complex and troublesome process in which you cannot intervene on your own. Most likely, you have a huge project waiting for you that other people will do for you. This is what a living fish in the water dreams about. If she swims not in an open reservoir, but in an aquarium, then the initiative should be in your hands. In no case should you just sit and wait - so you will simply lose time, but you still have to do the work. You shouldn't relax.

If you dreamed that you were watching the fish in an aquarium and feeding them, then some influential person in the future will need your service. Do not miss your chance. Your attention and help will be appreciated, and you will have a person who can help you in a difficult situation.

If you dreamed of a natural pond with fish, then the main criterion for interpreting sleep in this case is the state and appearance water. Clean and transparent is a symbol of a pleasant new acquaintance. But muddy and dirty warns you: be wary of new people, you should not immediately trust them all and have high hopes. Strangers are unlikely to justify them.

Fish - a harbinger of disasters and cataclysms

Before that, we considered the standard options for dreams: to see a fish, feed it, catch it, and more. But there are dreams that are very difficult to explain in terms of logic. In the dream book, there are interpretations for such cases. For example, if you dream of a living fish that falls from the sky in the form of rain, or you get it in some strange way (digging it out of the ground, for example), then in this case various disasters are possible that a huge number of people will undergo. Maybe it will a natural phenomenon(earthquake, hurricane), or maybe the economic crisis in the country. In any case, it will be something global and negative.

What else does the dreaming fish portend?

Some dream books interpret a dream in which you see a live fish beating in your hands as fame, popularity, fame. Perhaps people who previously preferred to bypass you will now be happy to start talking to you or even ask for help. Friends will support you in every possible way and show their sincere feelings for you. And enemies and envious people will change their minds about you and want to make peace.

However, other interpreters of dreams interpret a dream with a fish differently, exactly the opposite. All enemies and spiteful critics will get angry and will plot against you. Gossips will actively spread false rumors that will ruin your reputation quite a bit. If you dreamed of a fish you caught, then perhaps someone is pouring mud on you and slandering you in front of colleagues and even friends. If you dreamed of live fish that you pulled out of the aquarium, then you yourself will be to blame for this negative attitude towards you. Perhaps you deliberately quarreled with people, trying to prove your point, knowing in advance that you were wrong. In this way, you only actively make enemies for yourself. Be calm and kind.


In this article, we examined in detail all the possible options for interpreting dreams with live fish. Remember that dream books only predict possible scenarios, and you are able to change your destiny on your own.

What is the dream of Fish, dream book Fish to see in a dream what does it mean?

Dream Interpretation of Gypsy Seraphim

Why does the Fish dream in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream book: Pisces is the twelfth sign of the Zodiac. The size, color and appearance of the fish often represent the true spiritual development of the sleeper, and the size of the aquatic environment (ocean, sea, lake, river, stream, pool or any other body of water) also matters. Fishing - the search for higher consciousness (search for the unknown, the spiritual side of life); keeping the conscious mind in the arms of reality (earth) while searching for the values ​​of the unconscious (depth). Caught beautiful big fish- the growth of the divine "I"; but if the fish is too big and cannot be pulled to the surface, then the fisherman himself becomes a victim of this I fishing; fishing from a boat - uncertainty; Eat fish - the power of renewal, rebirth; wonderful food (Christ fed five thousand people). Some people, due to their lack of emotional warmth and sexual attractiveness, are called cold, like fish, many dream books interpret such a dream in this way.

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife

Why does a fish dream in a dream:

According to the dream book Fish to see what it means - Fish - Expresses deep unconscious processes. Raw fish. Men and women carving fish is a sign of sexual interaction. For a girl: fish portends an intimate acquaintance, marriage. For family people: happiness and the birth of a child. Fish bones or dead fish - to be insensitive to someone. Eat fish - to gain new knowledge. A huge fish poking out of the water is a sign of good change. Buying fish is a sign of deceit and falsehood. To clean the fish - you will face serious trials. Raw fish, Cooking fish - you will achieve well-being. Fisherman - friends will let you down

Salmon - Seeing salmon - soon you will achieve prosperity. Catching salmon - to cash receipts. Cooking salmon is an expensive purchase. There is salmon - they are trying to deceive you and lure you out of money. Canned salmon is an important choice. Smoked salmon - you will be happy in marriage and provided with everything you need

Psychological dream book

Why does the Fish dream in a dream?

Dream Interpretation: Fish - If you fish, and even more so if you sit with a catch - to pregnancy. I dreamed that you caught a fish, but missed it - motherhood is not shining for you yet

Salmon - A young woman's dream in which she eats salmon promises a successful marriage. Her husband will be a pleasant wealthy man, which will allow her to live joyfully and carefree

Old grandmother's dream book

Why is Fish dreaming what does it mean?

Seeing Fish in a dream: eating boiled - at a loss; fried - to surprise; to see dead fish - to failure, this is how the dream book interprets the dream that you had.

Modern dream book

According to the dream book, Fish means sleep:

To dream of a Fish - A fish splashing in clean water, portends that fate will generously give you. Dead fish in a dream promises grief and loss. A girl who saw a living fish in a dream is waiting happy love. If you caught a fish in a dream, serious trials await you, which you will steadfastly overcome if you keep your presence of mind. Watched fishing - feel a surge of energy and skillfully use favorable circumstances. Left fishing empty-handed - your desires are too ambitious. The fishing net dreams of acquisitions. True, if it is torn, then annoying disappointments are possible. Fishing hooks seen in a dream remind you that you must create your own destiny. As for intimate life, if you dreamed about how you were catching fish, it means that you can hardly disconnect from thoughts about current affairs while making love. You cannot relax completely, which means you can neither receive nor give pleasure. You need to learn to forget about problems at least for a while and completely surrender to love. If a man dreams that he is eating fish, then in intimate life he acts according to the principle: “The Moor has done his job ...” He does not care at all what a woman feels, and he does not seek to please her. The main thing for him is the satisfaction of his own desire. If you caught fish in a dream and didn’t catch anything, then in real life you are subconsciously afraid of embarrassing yourself in bed. Perhaps the reason is the first unsuccessful sexual experience. But that was a long time ago! Treat what happened philosophically, and everything will work out for you. A fish or many multi-colored fish dream of an increase in illness or quarrels, insults, suffering. Sleeping or dead fish - to deceived hopes. Caught a big fish (or a lot of fish) - for profit, joy. Caught a small fish - to sadness and ruin. Nostradamus considered the fish a symbol of duality, difficulties, inconstancy. He interpreted dreams about fish in the following way: To see a fish falling from the sky or fish rain is a bad sign that portends disaster. Caught fish - try to find a way out of a predicament. We saw a large accumulation of fish - do not rely too much on fate, otherwise you will miss your chance. The dream in which you saw three fish is a happy omen. Ate fish in a dream - you will receive unexpected, but pleasant news. A dream in which you dream of a fish with a human face means the threat of nuclear war. If you dreamed rotten fish, then unexpected rumors will ruin your relationship with influential person. The dream in which you saw a live carp indicates your stamina and endurance. In general, dreams about fish may be the result of a search for means of satisfying life's needs, a desire to find something that is securely hidden from view. Fish can also dream of travel or travel. In addition, the fish symbolizes the ability (or inability) to earn one's daily bread.

Salmon - Salmon dreams of disagreements and quarrels in the family.

I dreamed / dreamed Dried fish (vobla). - Seeing in a dream how fish is dried - to easy, pleasant work.

Goldfish - Goldfish dreams of a successful and pleasant adventure. For a young woman, this dream promises marriage to a rich and handsome man. If the fish is lethargic, beware of severe trials.

Flounder - If in a dream a one-eyed flounder fish looked at you, then it is quite possible that barley will jump up in front of your eye.

Crucian - Ate crucian with greed - beware of fever. They caught carp in a dream - in reality you will suffer from someone's cunning.

Carp - Ate a carp in a dream - there is a concern ahead associated with some kind of benefit. We caught carps - you will be fooled.

Sprat - They ate very salty sprats in a dream - in reality you will have to resort to a cleansing medicine.

Vendace - Ate boiled or fried vendace in a dream - you will have to limit your needs. Ate raw vendace - you will find yourself in an extreme position.

Sturgeon - We saw in a dream a huge sturgeon pulled ashore - good luck ahead. True, then trouble can follow. They ate sturgeon in a tavern in a dream - someone will give you a cold welcome.

Catfish - Catching a catfish in a dream - to trouble.

Cod - Ate cod in a dream - health may deteriorate.

Trout - A trout seen in a dream means growing prosperity. If in a dream you ate trout, then soon circumstances will be very favorable for you. Caught a trout on a bait - be sure of your prosperity. Trout caught in the net - success is guaranteed to you. If the caught trout fell off the hook and fell into the water, then happiness will come with disappointment. Seeing a trout in troubled waters, get ready for the fact that love will bring you nothing but disappointments.

Summer dream book

Why see Fish in a dream?

Interpretation of sleep: Fish - Thoughts about children will haunt.

Iwashi (herring). - There is this fish in a dream - to impoverishment: fish for lack of fish and cancer.

Sazan - By late pregnancy.

Flounder - Flounder, seen in a dream, portends that you will soon become pregnant and you will have a miscarriage.

Sprat - Seeing this fish in a dream - for profit.

Gills (fish). - In a dream, drag fish from the water by the gills - to pregnancy.

Spawning - Watching the spawning of fish in a dream and seeing how the fish die - to an increase in livestock, but calves will be born frail.

Catfish - To ingratitude, this is how the dream book interprets the dream that you had.

Scales - A funny incident will happen.

Sprats - At a dinner party you will enjoy.

Autumn dream book

Why see Fish in a dream?

Why Fish dream - You should not behave in such a way that they talk about you, they say, you are neither fish nor meat - change your character, as the dream book says about this dream.

Loach - Seeing a loach along the fence in a dream - someone is hovering around you with a bad purpose.

Dried fish - Seeing dried fish in a dream - to a withering disease.

Iwashi - There are canned "ivashi" in a dream - to money problems.

Sazan - To cunning plans.

Flounder (fish). - Fry flounder in a dream and feel that it is "smelly" - to spread the worst rumors about you, this is how the dream book interprets the dream that you had.

Sprat - Seeing a sprat in a dream - to a skinny, vicious person who seizes your life, this is how the dream book interprets the dream that you had.

Gills - Seeing a fish in a dream and catching it by the gills - you will be "grabbed by the gills" in reality, but justice will prevail.

Spawning - Seeing in a dream how fish spawn is a big financial profit.

Scales - Dream of scales to ruin due to children.

Sprats - To a cramped position.

Spring dream book

Why see Fish in a dream?

According to the dream book, Fish means in a dream - Fish - to pregnancy; dead fish to miscarriage.

Dream Interpretation Anchovy - Just seeing anchovies in a dream is not very good. This means that your hopes are not destined to come true. But if you ate anchovies, you will receive good news.

Vobla's dream interpretation - Ate roach in a dream - grounds for jealousy will soon appear.

Dreamed / dreamed of Loach - Seeing multi-colored loaches in a dream means that they are trying to drag you into a bad business.

Vyun - a boyfriend or an annoying admirer will become attached to you.

Dried fish - eating dried fish in a dream - to old age, deterioration of your health and mood.

Why dream of Dried fish - you will deliberately spoil someone's mood.

Iwashi - eating a herring in a dream - to an unpleasant conversation.

Carp (fish). - to an abortion.

Flounder - to see a flounder in a dream - to emaciation.

Sprat - to see a sprat in a jar or on a plate in a dream - to multiple troubles.

Gills - a person with very strong character will force you into a bad deal.

Spawning. To see how a fish spawns - to the pregnancy of one of the family members or to a rumor about someone.

Catfish - receive news of a drowned man.

Scales - to spend money on receiving guests.

Sprats - you will be in a place full of people.

Dream Interpretation Fish for a Woman

Why does a woman dream of Fish in a dream from a dream book?

Why dream of a fish for a woman? It is expected to make a profit, an unexpected monetary reward. A dream can be interpreted as promising pregnancy. If you have long dreamed of having children, you will have a great opportunity.

What is the dream of a living fish in the water?

Since ancient times, fish has always symbolized happiness and good luck, since even its habitat - water - is a symbol of inexhaustible energy, strength and life beginning. Even in children's fairy tales, goldfish granted wishes. That is why a living fish in the water in a dream is most likely a good sign.

Live fish in a dream - good prospects, a tempting offer.

If you dreamed of a transparent pond in which live fish swims, then the one who had this dream will soon receive a promising and very tempting offer from someone, promising benefits and a lot of money.

If you dreamed of a catfish or a carp, that is, one big fish, then this proposal will most likely relate to one, but very significant and incredibly important incident or case. Such dreams are a good omen; a person who sees such a sign will be successful.

If in a dream you try to catch a fish, then you should not rush things, because with your intervention you can ruin the course and final result enterprises. Everything will happen without the intervention of the person who dreamed similar dream with a fish.

If you dreamed of an aquarium in which bright and shiny fish swim, this portends new acquaintances, exciting adventures and travels. Live fish in a dream - win, fame, success of the intended enterprise, income.

In some dream books it is written what a living fish in the water dreams of. Such a dream promises to receive considerable income from the planned business. To see a whole school of fish in a dream - to wealth. A predatory fish in a dream is a struggle to win with strong competitors. If you dream of fish from your aquarium, then most likely this dream shows a possible way out of some difficult situations.

Living fish in a dream - a peaceful family life, love. This interpretation of sleep with live fish is the oldest and most classic. But it also has certain nuances.

If a young girl sees a live fish in a dream, this is a date with her beloved young man, who also reciprocates the girl.

If a girl in a dream sees a brilliant, very large, living fish, then she will soon have a fairly enviable, rich groom.

They often talk about an upcoming pregnancy if in a dream a girl caught fish from a pond.

If women or girls see a lot of colorful and bright fish in a dream, this means an early matchmaking, moreover, there will be many suitors and it will be quite difficult to choose one of them. The girl will face a crossroads in life and the need to make a choice.

One symbolic image is not enough to correctly interpret dreams about living fish. You need to peer into other signs, remember the sensations that come in a dream, since interpretations are sometimes contradictory. It is then that it will be possible to discover the true meaning of the dream.

Why dream of cleaning fish?

Dreams about fish can be interpreted in different ways - it all depends on what form it appears to a person and what manipulations he performs with it. Answering the question of why dream of cleaning fish, you need to pay attention to its size and color. But in most cases, this symbol is considered an auspicious sign.

For man, the fish has always been a symbol of the water element, something elusive. The goal you want to achieve. That is why, if a person manages to catch her in dreams, it means that in reality all his affairs will end in success, and for a woman, such visions promise healthy offspring and an early pregnancy.

In many cases, "fish" dreams indicate that in the near future we can expect spiritual and personal growth(perhaps after going through certain trials).

In addition, by cleaning a fish in a dream, a person can in reality reveal his inner essence. The fact is that this creature symbolizes everything - what is hidden deep in people - those experiences and feelings that were not previously manifested in any way.

In order to understand what impact a dream about cleaning fish will have on life, it is necessary to carefully analyze what kind of relationship bothers him in relation to loved ones. Perhaps it's time to talk about your experiences in a way that no one "suffered" at the same time.

The emotions personified by a fish in a dream can also be determined by the way it looks. They can be gray or bright, multi-colored. By clearing the scales in a dream in reality, you can also expose your soul and become closer to your family and friends. Perhaps soon a person will feel that his social ties are beginning to grow and improve.

Some interpreters insist that this symbol may be a warning that a person needs to pay attention to controlling his experiences. Perhaps public expression of emotions should not be done very often for everyone - it is an intimate process in which only two people participate.

If you listen to this sign, you can avoid many mental suffering.

If a person cleans red fish in a dream, this may mean that he will be able to delve into some important secret and become the keeper of an important secret.

In the event that it slips out of the hands during the cleansing of the scales, then it can be assumed that in business the dreamer will have to face a dishonest person who will lie and dodge.

In addition, after a dream about cleaning fish, men should be more careful about their actions - they can hurt the environment and in themselves will lead to unpleasant consequences.

It is believed that a girl who had such a dream should take a closer look at the young men around her - they may stop liking her.

You should also take such a vision from an unfavorable side, if a person expects an inheritance - his hopes will be unjustified (only if the fish dish is not eaten at the end of sleep).

For a woman, an important sign in a dream will be if, after cleaning the fish, she sends it to the pan and fries. According to experts, this is an excellent sign that in the near future she will be able to defeat numerous gossips and prove herself from the best side in the eyes of others.

Any omens in a dream should be considered only as a slight hint at a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200blife. It is not necessary that its consequences will be sad. Sometimes a dream about cleaning fish can bring pleasure and fun that you couldn’t even dream of - it all depends on the details of night vision.

Why see a huge fish in a dream?


Irina Bulkina

If you dream of a fish in clear water, the dream portends that fate will generously endow you. Dead fish in a dream - promises grief and portends loss. If a live fish dreams of a young lady, happy love awaits her. Catching and catching fish portends serious trials that you will endure with steadfastness, keeping your presence of mind. If you walk on water with nonsense, then in reality you will soon be able to achieve prosperity, thanks to your enterprise. Looking at fishing promises you a surge of energy and skillful use of favorable circumstances.


illness of a loved one

Julia Lazebnik

To pregnancy!!!

Isabella Marie

Fish - expresses deep unconscious processes.

Joint processing of fish for men and women in the plot of a dream is a symbol of sexual interaction.

The absorption of fish is the enrichment of one's own inner world, the growth of spirituality.

Fish for girls - portends an intimate acquaintance, marriage. Family people - happy family life and adding a family.

See the bones dead fish- to show insensitivity to someone.

Eat fish - to gain new knowledge.

A huge fish peeking out of the water is a sign of good change.
American dream book

Pisces - deception; something dubious.
English dream book

Fishing in a dream is a bad sign, portending many misfortunes and troubles. If you interpret this dream allegorically, then you can see in it your desire to catch someone on your bait. Beware of acting like this. Resist the temptation that pushes you onto the path of sin.

If you cannot catch anything and leave fishing with an empty bucket, your business will not be as successful as you dreamed about. But if in a dream you see a fish flashing in the rays of the sun on your hook, the dream portends that you will get rich. A wonderful dream - these are fish flashing at the bottom of the river, which you admire while looking into the clear water!

Seeing in a dream in front of you a lot of deliciously cooked fish of different varieties and yourself eating it with pleasure is an indication that you will have great success in all your affairs, contentment with yourself. You will soon receive relative financial independence.

If the fish suddenly slips out of your hands, this means that you will lose your position, friends and, most likely, your loved one.
Eastern dream book

If you fish, and even more so sit with a catch - to pregnancy.

I dreamed that you caught a fish, but missed it - motherhood is not shining for you yet.
Children's dream book

Fish in an aquarium - small troubles await you, but you will happily avoid them. However, your soul will be restless for a long time.

Fish - big troubles await you, you will not be lucky in everything, or maybe you will get a little sick.
Women's dream book

A dreaming fish promises you happy love.
Idiomatic dream book

“Catching fish in troubled waters” - impure thoughts, aspirations, doing unseemly things; "cold as a fish" - emotional coldness, alienation; “like a fish in water” - skill, habitual activity, good orientation in the situation; "big fish" - an important person; " gold fish"(fulfillment of desires), "beat like a fish on ice" - the futility of efforts; “mute or silent like a fish”, “grab by the gills” - call to account, force something. “fish for lack of fish and cancer” - be content with little; "like a herring in a barrel" - a special constraint.
Imperial dream book

Live fish in a dream - the interpretation is divided into male and female. Fish lives in water - yin, cold - yin, very mobile - yang; the smell of fish is sharp, fresh; taste bitter sharp (favorable for the lungs). For a man to catch live fish in the winter in a dream - the correspondence of the male active yang energy with the season requiring moderate cold emotions (the fish is cold, but mobile). For avid fishermen, a dream can be a pleasant memory, but it is still favorable: fishing is so loved by men precisely because it restores the balance of energy in winter and summer: it cools activity in winter, and cools emotions in summer.

For a woman to see, buy, catch live fish - the smells of her own body that are not felt by the human sense of smell.

The smell of fish is the smell of the gonads of a woman with an altered function, that is, this is a possible pregnancy.

Catching / buying fish for a woman in a dream is a symbol of the capture of a male spermatozoon (mobile like a fish) by an egg.

Seeing / catching / buying a dead, lifeless, noticeably stale fish is unfavorable: this is the inadequacy of the situation as a whole.
Intimate dream book

Big fish? At the same time, several dream books claim that this is a very favorable sign, promising quick profit, success, and great material wealth. The dream in which you saw a large fish may be a clue that it's time to get rid of your own fears and get down to big business. The success of the event will depend on the characteristics of the dream. Frightening big fish can also mean big worries. Such an omen must be heeded, perhaps it will help to avoid big losses or even get away from trouble.

Big fish in a dream according to Miller's dream book

This dream book says that a big fish is a symbol of a generous gift of fate. If you catch it in clean and clear water, you should expect great prosperity and success. But the "gift" does not have to be material, and a dream can also mean an exciting tourist trip or a fateful meeting. In any case, the dream speaks of a chance that should not be missed.

Unfavorable interpretations:

  • Dead or rotten fish of any size speaks of loss and a period of trial.
  • Also, fishing with bare hands promises trouble, in this case a difficult stage in life awaits you, with a lot of difficulties. But the final outcome will be positive, most likely, you will overcome everything without losing your fortitude.

For a young girl, fishing may portend the appearance of a beloved man in her life.

I dreamed of a big fish caught by someone else

A dream in which you see how someone caught a huge fish promises you inspiration and strength to implement a big project. This is a sign that the time has come for big changes and you can safely take on the development of your plans, a positive result will not take long. If at the same time you see fishing hooks, fishing rods and all kinds of tackle, it means that you have everything you need to complete your tasks, you just need to make an effort and patiently do your job. If the tackle broke during fishing, Miller's dream book promises valuable acquisitions and quick profits. But the broken mesh speaks of losses and grief. The one who is filming at the same time can be your assistant or companion in real life.

Interpretation in the dream book of a big fish in an aquarium

To see a very large fish in an aquarium that is watching you during a night's sleep means that someone is closely following you: your actions, words, hobbies. Why he does this depends on the characteristics of the dream. In this case, the emotions that you experienced during sleep are important, whether there was a feeling of fear. Perhaps your boss is eyeing you and considering your candidacy for a new position, but there is a risk that someone is watching for selfish reasons. It is worth paying close attention to the person who had a dream in the same dream, perhaps it is he who is watching you. It is also important what the dreamer does and how he treats you.

Interpretation of a dream about a big fish according to Tsvetkov's dream book

A large dead fish is an omen of illness. If you dream that you caught her, then she will symbolize unfulfilled hopes. But a big, healthy fish is a sign of good luck and wealth.

Freud's dream book: a dream about a big fish

If you dream of a big fish that you can’t catch in any way, this indicates fears of failure in the intimate sphere. If a man dreams that he eats fish, most likely he is too selfish in sex and is not interested in the needs of his partner.

To dream of a big fish according to Loff's dream book

A fish in a dream, as a rule, is a symbol of the desire to satisfy one's vital needs. It is important to pay attention to who else you saw in a dream, what feelings you experienced. Also, a big fish can promise a long trip.

Very often it means profit and big changes. The dream interpretation writes a lot about what a big fish is dreaming of, which just appeared in the water or fell into your nets or bait.

Pay attention to its size, breed and the impression caused by its appearance. Then it will be much easier for you to interpret this dream, because in fact, large prey does not come to everyone in a dream.

Great luck - the most frequent and popular interpretation

Usually a dream book interprets dreams in which you dreamed of a huge, but edible fish. Such a dream is usually accompanied not by fear, but by strong surprise, pride. If you dreamed of a large fish that was caught in nets spread by fishermen, then such a dream means great luck in business, Good work, which will be very generously paid, as well as a good fee for creative people or just a happy omen. Pay attention to whether it is bony or not, and whether it can be cooked later and eaten.

Men usually have such a dream for a good, profitable business proposal, a good combination of circumstances and happiness in love. This can mean how prosperity is in the house, new activity, a chance to get big money, and acquaintance with a rich and influential person, an intimate relationship with which can positively affect your progress in career ladder. However, meetings with her can be exclusively businesslike, but they help to achieve success in your activities.

Why does a woman or girl dream of a big fish? If its size allows you to bring it home and cook it, then this dream is interpreted by a dream book to unexpected profits, a business proposal, good work, a holiday with a plentiful table, as well as meeting a rich man. The color, breed and feelings that the fish evoked in a dream can be a clue what kind of luck awaits you. Usually, profit and improvement in financial situation portend dreams in which fish can be eaten.

A very large river fish indicates a wealthy villager, material well-being in the house, but not stellar success and eliteness. Usually bream, pike and perch dream of short-term luck, prosperity that will not be above average, or that most of the money will be spent on everything you need.

If you dreamed of a large and bony fish, especially a river fish, then the groom, although he will be well provided for, will be able to greatly ruin the life of a woman because of his harmful and picky nature. Therefore, such a dream is interpreted by the dream book as a warning for women, especially for rural women. They should look not at material achievements and prosperity, but at his character, which can cross out all his virtues.

Delicious and expensive varieties of large fish mean very good luck for urban residents and a touch of luxurious and sweet life. The dream in which you managed to catch such a fish means a rare chance to get rich, which itself will float into your hands. For a girl, such a dream is interpreted by a dream book to a successful marriage to a rich man.

Unless fish such as pink salmon, salmon, sterlet slipped off the net and swam away. Huge delicacy fish means big profit for men, romance with important person and an advantageous marriage for a woman, especially if she is caught in clean water. If it was cloudy, this dream means illness and poisoning, a great danger of deception.

Silverheads, if you look at the dream book, mean a stubborn and powerful person, living with whom will be difficult. Such a dream promises good luck for fishermen and those involved in entrepreneurial activities. They will be able to catch large prey and share the joy with dear guests.

A new acquaintance and a chance to profitably arrange your life for a woman

If you come across a large but harmless fish in the water, such a dream means an amorous acquaintance and a chance to arrange your life perfectly. Sometimes a dream book interprets a dream as a harbinger of a profitable romance, in which the girl was able to catch any large individual on a bait and she did not escape her.

Why dream if you had a big dream beautiful fish in the water on the beach? The dream interpretation interprets such a dream as an acquaintance with a bright and interesting young man, often overweight. Although for girls, a dream can also mean a big poseur, a cunning and hidden person who knows how to produce good impression. Sometimes books are written about the increased danger of deceit and cunning.

Why does a man dream of a big fish that is not suitable for cooking, especially beautiful, bright and golden? If she swam in clear water, then soon he will meet a nice girl and have a romantic relationship. It is also possible that it will not be just flirting, but love at first sight.

A huge fish that swims in troubled water means the rapid development of the disease, especially of an inflammatory nature, which will develop rapidly and greatly frighten the dreamer. Therefore, the dream book advises to avoid suspicious food and stop trying delicacies on festive table as it may cause poisoning. Sometimes such a dream also warns of the danger of an infectious wound, the development of inflammation and alcohol poisoning.

Big danger

A love interest can not only please, but also frighten, especially timid or very young natures. Therefore, the dream book writes that if a big fish in the water scared you, then some kind of change is coming in your life or new novel, an exciting adventure. Although in some cases such a dream predicts a danger from which they did not expect.

A large and dangerous fish in the water, such as a shark, often means that you have powerful enemies who can start their pursuit. Especially if there were several of them and you managed to escape from them.

For a man, such a dream can predict danger from competitors in business, travel, or the persecution of creditors and collectors. Therefore, if you have debts or someone is hostile to you, you should try to protect yourself as much as possible.

If you dreamed of a big fish in the water on the beach, most likely the danger will be unexpected. Therefore, it is worth being vigilant, especially on vacation and when traveling. In some cases, such a dream means a rare chance, which will be accompanied by self-doubt, doubt and fear.

However, catching such a fish and overcoming fear is a very good omen that promises you many favorable circumstances and a quick move up the career ladder.

A girl may dream of a huge fish in the water before danger. She can be connected both with a man whom she underestimated or did not accept the warnings of relatives about his behavior, or simply with unfavorable circumstances.

Such a dream warns of important and frightening changes in her life, which can be very unexpected. For an innocent and timid nature, such a dream can warn of the danger of a new love interest. Especially if you got a shark, which, later, can grow into a big shark and become dangerous. In life, fast and frightening changes can occur. But sometimes the dream book warns of physical danger, especially where there are a lot of people with bad intentions.

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See interpretation: by the names of fish, as well as nets, a trap.

Fish in a dream symbolize coldness, illness, indifference.

Seeing a gnawed fish skeleton in a dream is a harbinger of misfortune, the collapse of plans and disappointments.

Catching fish in a dream is a sign of ingratitude, useless work, a waste of time and effort.

To dream of a fish caught by others portends illness, and for women, pregnancy.

If in a dream you are watching the float of your fishing rod, which is quietly swaying on the water, then the fulfillment of your desire is delayed.

If in a dream the float twitches and you catch a fish, then you can count on the fulfillment of your plan.

Catching a big fish in a dream means that a profitable marriage awaits you. Sometimes such a dream predicts a big and profitable business.

Watching the fish you catch means that you will soon have serious plans for the future.

To catch a lot of fish with a nonsense in a dream is a sign of big profits. The larger the fish, the more money You'll get.

Catching a lot of small fish in a dream is a sign of great trouble, from which there will be little benefit or little money.

But to fish with nets, bait or net means that you should be wary of risky activities. However, such a dream portends success to those people who have lost something (or someone) and are trying to find it.

Not catching anything in a dream means that your plans will not come true.

Fishing hooks in a dream portend danger. Such a dream may mean that your enemies have prepared a cunning trap for you.

A motley, brightly colored fish in a dream warns you of the danger of poisoning or deception. For patients, such a dream portends death. Such a dream can also portend an insult or quarrel.

A red fish in a dream predicts great experiences, inflammation, or the discovery of some secret.

If you dream that you are picking up a fish and it slips out of your hands, then you will have to deal with such a cunning person whom you will never be able to catch or expose.

It is also believed that a lake fish seen in a dream portends happiness and prosperity.

The dream in which you caught a bony fish predicts obstacles in business and failure in the implementation of plans.

Eating fish in a dream is considered a good omen, unless it is raw.

Eating raw fish in a dream means that losses, business obstacles and disappointments await you. But if it is also full of bones, then you will be disappointed or unsuccessful.

Dead fish floating on the water predicts that your desires will not come true.

Watching a fish splashing in the water portends a gift or very good news. Sometimes such a dream predicts the anxiety and troubles associated with your work.

Feeding fish in a dream is a sign of reconciliation with enemies whom you will charm with your charm.

Seeing a fish in your bed in a dream is a sign of illness. For those who go on a journey by water, a dream portends the danger of a shipwreck or other misfortune.

For pregnant women to dream that they gave birth to fish, the dream predicts that their unborn child will be in poor health and will not live long. Sometimes such a dream portends them a miscarriage.

It is believed that rotten fish in a dream portends failure in business or in personal life.

If in a dream you saw fishing tackle, then you should be wary of deception or some kind of cunning trap.

Fatty fish in a dream is a sign of diseases associated with tumors or inflammation.

Fishermen in a dream are a sign of unreliable friends who should not be relied upon.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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See interpretation: by the names of fish, as well as nets, a trap.

Fish in a dream symbolize coldness, illness, indifference.

Seeing a gnawed fish skeleton in a dream is a harbinger of misfortune, the collapse of plans and disappointments.

Catching fish in a dream is a sign of ingratitude, useless work, a waste of time and effort.

To dream of a fish caught by others portends illness, and for women, pregnancy.

If in a dream you are watching the float of your fishing rod, which is quietly swaying on the water, then the fulfillment of your desire is delayed.

If in a dream the float twitches and you catch a fish, then you can count on the fulfillment of your plan.

Catching a big fish in a dream means that a profitable marriage awaits you. Sometimes such a dream predicts a big and profitable business.

Watching the fish you catch means that you will soon have serious plans for the future.

To catch a lot of fish with a nonsense in a dream is a sign of big profits. The bigger the fish, the more money you get.

Catching a lot of small fish in a dream is a sign of great trouble, from which there will be little benefit or little money.

But to fish with nets, bait or net means that you should be wary of risky activities. However, such a dream portends success to those people who have lost something (or someone) and are trying to find it.

Not catching anything in a dream means that your plans will not come true.

Fishing hooks in a dream portend danger. Such a dream may mean that your enemies have prepared a cunning trap for you.

A motley, brightly colored fish in a dream warns you of the danger of poisoning or deception. For patients, such a dream portends death. Such a dream can also portend an insult or quarrel.

A red fish in a dream predicts great experiences, inflammation, or the discovery of some secret.

If you dream that you are picking up a fish and it slips out of your hands, then you will have to deal with such a cunning person whom you will never be able to catch or expose.

It is also believed that a lake fish seen in a dream portends happiness and prosperity.

The dream in which you caught a bony fish predicts obstacles in business and failure in the implementation of plans.

Eating fish in a dream is considered a good omen, unless it is raw.

Eating raw fish in a dream means that losses, business obstacles and disappointments await you. But if it is also full of bones, then you will be disappointed or unsuccessful.

Dead fish floating on the water predicts that your desires will not come true.

Watching a fish splashing in the water portends a gift or very good news. Sometimes such a dream predicts the anxiety and troubles associated with your work.

Feeding fish in a dream is a sign of reconciliation with enemies whom you will charm with your charm.

Seeing a fish in your bed in a dream is a sign of illness. For those who go on a journey by water, a dream portends the danger of a shipwreck or other misfortune.

For pregnant women to dream that they gave birth to fish, the dream predicts that their unborn child will be in poor health and will not live long. Sometimes such a dream portends them a miscarriage.

It is believed that rotten fish in a dream portends failure in business or in personal life.

If in a dream you saw fishing tackle, then you should be wary of deception or some kind of cunning trap.

Fatty fish in a dream is a sign of diseases associated with tumors or inflammation.

Fishermen in a dream are a sign of unreliable friends who should not be relied upon.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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