Thanksgiving prayers to the Lord God, the Mother of God and all the saints. Thanksgiving prayers to the Lord God, Jesus Christ, the Mother of God and the guardian angel

Faith in God is the basis for the salvation of the soul for every Orthodox believer. Sincere prayer can work real miracles, but the most important thing is that it helps a person to embark on a righteous and true path that will lead him to the Kingdom of God, it can inspire a person for good and open his heart. The Church believes that gratitude is one of the most important Christian feelings. Thanksgiving prayers directed to the Lord God are very important for every believer. It should be understood that it is necessary to thank the Almighty for help in business.

Gratitude expressed to the Lord God in prayer is a ray of light that will help to expel resentment and anger, hatred and disgust from the soul. Thanks to the Almighty, a person claims that he has learned the lessons sent down and made the right conclusions. In any thanksgiving prayer

What is a prayer of gratitude

The Prayer of Gratitude is a special prayer that must originate in a person's heart. It should be remembered that if it is pronounced correctly, it can radically change the life of a believer. After all, it is in this way that you can make it clear to the Lord that you humbly accept everything that he gives in real life. You are grateful to him not only for the joys, but also for the trials that he sends you. The Church offers a special way of offering thanksgiving - this is the Thanksgiving Prayer to the Savior. Each believer can order it in any temple, but it should be remembered that it is necessary to attend such a service.

Each person can, in his own way, offer up a prayer of thanksgiving to God or his Holy Helpers. There are no strict rules about this. But by force different characters people, some believers do it easily, others experience certain difficulties during prayer.

Difficulties with a prayer of thanksgiving for a believer arise when life path there are serious difficulties and obstacles. But we must remember that it is impossible to grumble at God in any situation, because trials from above are not sent to us in vain. All obstacles on the path of life arise when the Almighty wants to show a person that he is leading a lifestyle that is not pleasing to God's plan. And this, above all, can be disastrous for the person himself. Therefore, if it seems to you that everything in your life is not going the way you would like, just pray and offer up your thanksgiving in a prayer appeal to God.

Lord God

For a believer, it should become a habit to thank God for everything that happens to him in the real world, namely:

  • In general, for the opportunity to live and feel;
  • For moving forward and the ability to make decisions in any situation;
  • For victories and awards for labors;
  • For life lessons and trials that allow you to gain invaluable experience;
  • For everything valuable in life: family, children, parents, friends, shelter, work, and even beloved pets.

You can thank the Lord at any time with these simple prayer words:

“Lord, I, the Servant (s) of God (s) (proper name) thank you, for wonderful life mine, filled with light, for the wonderful and happy feelings that are present in my soul, for the fact that I can be merciful to others, for giving me the fire of illumination and mercy.
I, the Servant (s) of God (s) (proper name) praise You and thank You, Almighty, for the fact that your instructions help me to realize all my inner accumulations. I am grateful to You for my fruitful life path sent by You and for the opportunity to fulfill my destiny.
I, the Servant (s) of God (s) (proper name) praise You and thank You, Almighty, for prosperity and peace in my house. I am grateful to you for the atmosphere of kindness and understanding between the household, for the loyalty of wonderful friends who always come to my house with an open mind.
I, the Servant (s) of God (s) (proper name) praise You and thank You, Almighty, for the good that is sent down by You for all people. I rejoice and accept everything around with bright thoughts and an open soul.
I, the Servant (s) of God (s) (proper name) praise You and thank You, the Almighty, for the fact that everything around is filled every minute with streams of Your wisdom and love. Your strength helps to choose the right path and hope for the Eternal Salvation of the Soul. Amen".

Holy Mother of God

The Virgin Mary, who gave birth to the Savior, the Merciful and Just Jesus Christ, enjoys special respect and reverence among Orthodox believers. Holy Mother of God is considered the Comforter and helper of the whole human race and always hears those who ask and suffer. Therefore, prayers of thanksgiving are very often offered to her. People thank her for her mercy and understanding. It is recommended to read such prayers before making a request to the Most Holy Theotokos. As a rule, with such a prayer, most often, women turn to the Virgin Mary.

You can use the following prayer of thanksgiving:

“Theotokos, Mother of God, Ever-Virgin Mary. I, the Servant of God (my own name), send my thanksgiving prayer words to you. I praise and thank the Most Holy Theotokos for all her deeds aimed at protecting and supporting the human race. You are the Queen of Heaven, all Angels and Archangels worship and serve you. I praise Your majesty and Your womb. You, Holy Mother of God, gave the whole world a Savior. You gave us hope to live Eternal Life. You are our Calm and Helper, you take all women and mothers under your protection. You give us the strength to resist any evil and go through life with our heads held high. I, the Servant of God (proper name), thank you for my life, for your help and unlimited support. I praise Your name and continue to trust in Your mercy. For everything that I have in life, I say thank you, for every day I give you a song of thanksgiving. I bow low to you. I ask for mercy and forgiveness of my sins. Amen".

The words of a prayer of thanksgiving addressed to the Most Holy Theotokos are best read in the morning in complete solitude in front of the icon. The prayer text is recommended to be repeated three times.

Guardian angel

Thanksgiving prayers directed to the Guardian Angel are often used. These incorporeal and immortal creatures are appointed by God at the birth of a person. The Guardian Angel always goes through life next to a person, protecting him and warning him against wrong actions and decisions. Very often he saves a person or provides assistance in the most hopeless situation. Gratitude expressed in prayer always helps to establish closer contact with your Guardian Angel.

“I, the Servant (s) of God (s) (proper name) praise and thank the Almighty for his mercy, which he renders to all living. I, the Servant (s) of God (s) (proper name) turn to the protector of my Guardian Angel. I bring him my gratitude and worship for the fact that every moment he intercedes before the Lord for my sins known and unknown. For his presence next to me, for participating in all my deeds and helping me every day. My gratitude is boundless, it knows no bounds. Amen".

Very often prayers of thanksgiving are read on a specific occasion. It is allowed to address them to any Saint who is related to a particular area of ​​life.

Upon receipt of the requested

People very often turn to St. Nicholas the Pleasant for help. Moreover, the sphere of influence of this Saint is vast, he helps to heal and improve health, find happiness in his personal life and improve relationships in the family, find a common language with colleagues and get Good work. He performs miracles and resolves his own situations. Therefore, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker must be thanked for his good deeds. It is important to read such a prayer of thanks when everything is going well in life and life is filled with peace and warmth. This will help to avoid life trials and losses in the next life period.

The prayer text below should be read 12 times before the icon of St. Nicholas:

Great Wonderworker, Saint Nicholas! I, the Servant (s) of God (s) (proper name) at this hour do not turn to you for help, but with great gratitude. You are the Defender of the human race and you atone for the sins of everyone who asks before God, bow low to You for this. I thank You for this and ask mercy for all people. Pray for us, for our peaceful life and family happiness in peace and grace. I, the Servant (s) of God (s) (proper name) praise your holy name and send you a prayer of thanksgiving. Amen".

After being healed from illness

When a person is seriously ill, he turns to God with prayers for healing. Therefore, after recovery, it is imperative to read a prayer of thanksgiving. There is a special prayer appeal from St. John of Kronstadt to God, which is recommended to be read after healing.

The text of the prayer is:

“I praise You, Lord Almighty and Merciful, the Only Begotten Son of the Beginningless Father, Jesus Christ. You, by your will alone, heal all sorts of ailments and all sorts of human ailments. I thank you for having mercy and forgiveness for me, for delivering me from my grave illness and for saving me, a sinner, from hopelessness capable of killing me. I pray, Lord of Heaven Almighty, from now on, grant me inner strength to walk the righteous path and do Your will for the salvation of my soul. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

After getting rid of temptations and enmity

There is another very important prayer for every believer from St. John of Kronstadt, which is read after getting rid of temptations and enmity.

Its text reads as follows:

“Glory to Thee, Omnipotent Heavenly King. I thank You that You did not leave me in the darkness of the devil. You sent me a ray of light and showed me the righteous path. My Master, Almighty and All-Merciful Lord Jesus Christ! My intercessor is quick, I thank you for your mercy to me. When I called to you in the darkness, you quickly responded and graciously delivered me from my enemies. My soul was filled with light and lightness. I praise Your grace, Lord, for delivering me from dishonor, for not letting me despair and fall into the accursed world. I will always glorify Your name, for You are the Lover of mankind. Amen".

By Holy Communion

Communion is a very important rite in Orthodox Church. Through this sacrament, the believer is reunited with the Lord. After the rite of communion has been carried out in accordance with all church rules, a prayer of thanksgiving must be read.

You can use various prayer texts, one of them sounds like this:

“I thank You, my Lord, the All-Merciful and Almighty, for not rejecting me, a sinner (sinner), Servant (s) of God (s) (my own name), but allowed me to join Your Holy Things. I thank You, the Almighty, for deigning me, unworthy (unworthy), to partake of Your most pure and heavenly Gifts.

I ask, Lord of the Humanity, who died for the sake of us living, and later resurrected, who bestowed on us these terrible, but also life-giving Sacraments of God for the purpose of beneficence and sanctification of the souls and bodies of people, make them help me heal my soul and body. So that they give spiritual strength to repel the attack of any enemy, so that enlightenment comes in my heart, and I see with my eyes the righteous path.

So that they strengthen my faith in the Lord Almighty, so that they fill my life with wisdom and unfeigned love. So that the sacraments of the saints give me the opportunity to endlessly glorify Your grace and Your Kingdom. So that I am the Servant (s) of God (s) (proper name) to be forever preserved by them and remember your boundless mercy and live not only for myself, but for the Most High Master and Benefactor.

When the time comes to leave real life in the hope of eternal life, so that I reach the place of eternal rest in Heaven next to You. For I admit that You are the true goal of my life aspiration and of all people on earth. I sing and thank You, Lord. Amen".

Thanksgiving prayers are words that come from the very depths of our hearts, addressed to the Lord and the Saints in gratitude for the right to a happy and peaceful life.

Most often, when everything goes well in our life and troubles bypass us, we take it for granted. But with the advent of trouble, sadness covers us from the head. At such moments, we strive to turn in prayers to all the saints and to God with requests to save us from suffering, completely forgetting about the words of gratitude for the constant help and support of Heaven.

Features of thanksgiving prayers

Every believer should understand that happiness, joy and good luck are a gift from the Lord for our pious and good deeds, and misfortunes, troubles and hardships are a punishment for our sins. To avoid retribution for sinful misdeeds, it is necessary not only to ask for help, but also to pray for forgiveness and omission of sins.

It should be remembered that no matter how hard it is for you in life, in no case should you forget about gratitude to the Lord and all the saints for your good health, for a happy life. friendly family for kindness in the heart and peace in the soul. After all, a happy life is full dedication. Expressing gratitude to God and the saints in prayers should become a useful habit that will change your destiny in the future. The closer you are to the Lord, the farther away from you are all worldly misfortunes.

For gratitude to God and all the saints, it is necessary to read special prayers that carry a thankful character. A day started with words of gratitude automatically becomes a time of happiness, opportunity and good luck. After all, a simple thank you addressed to the Lord and His saints cleanses the soul, gives strength, charges with light and sets in a positive way.

Thanksgiving Prayer to the Lord

Words of gratitude should be read both in the morning and in the evening. The most important read them with love, sincerity and faith in the heart. Thanksgiving goes like this:

“O Lord our God, we bow before You in words of gratitude! You are our Father, the Creator of all living things, and we are Your servants! We say thank you for all the generous gifts that you bring to our lives! You are our strength, You are our support, You are the will and unshakable spirit in us! Thank you for the food that You give us every day, thank you for protection from enemies and misfortunes! Thank you, Lord, for giving us life and for staying with us, helping in the difficult days of our lives! Forgive us for our sins, cleanse our hearts from hatred, keep the purity of our souls and do not let us lose strength, so that we follow the spiritual path until the end of our worldly days! Only You alone, Lord, are able to shelter us from all troubles and give better life in eternity! We thank You, God, for the family that serves as support on earth, for faithful friends and for all the blessings that You have given us on this earth! We will praise You forever! You are our heart, You are our love! Accept genuine words of gratitude and never leave us, our Father! Amen. Amen. Amen".

Prayer of Gratitude to the Guardian Angel

Guardian Angel, a mentor and protector assigned to us from Above, also needs sincere prayers and words of gratitude, because He guards our life, personal happiness and well-being, shielding from bad influence. Prayer to the Guardian Angel sounds like this:

“Oh, our Great Creator! I thank You for giving me a Guardian Angel along with my life! Let me read a prayer to your Angel in gratitude for his intercession! Thank You, my most holy Angel of Protection! I thank you from the bottom of my heart! I thank You, my Intercessor, for the help that You give me every day! Because you are always behind my back, protecting me. You are my support and my support! Thank you for the light that illuminates my path to righteousness! I thank You, my reliable protection, for Your presence in my life, for mercy and kindness! I am grateful that you save me from sinful deeds. Don't leave me before last minutes my life on earth! Be my guide to the Kingdom of God when I complete my earthly path. My love for You and gratitude grows in my soul and heart day by day! Amen".

Prayer to the saints of God with gratitude

Under various life circumstances, we pray to different saints, but gratitude for their help can be expressed in one prayer that illuminates our souls with light. There is no believer who, in difficult times, was not helped by the saints of God, therefore it is necessary to thank them for Heavenly patronage by reading the prayer:

“Oh, great holy saints of God! I turn to you with a prayer, but I do not ask for help that you give me in difficult moments of life. With gratitude, I turn to you in prayer. You are my intercessors, you are the support of all the people of the earth. I pray for the forgiveness of our sins, our anger and weaknesses. Thank you, pious saints, for life in peace and harmony, for family happiness and well-being, for a calm life without needs and sorrow. We will not stop praising your names and sending you words of gratitude. From now on and forever and ever. Amen".

Thanksgiving Prayer to the Mother of God

The Most Holy Theotokos is the intercessor of every praying soul, an ambulance and patroness of the destitute. In prayers, more than one thousand people turn to the Mother of God every day, asking Her for the most secret. Like any mother, the Virgin Mary wants to hear that everything is in order with Her children, that Her help came in handy. Be sure to read the words of gratitude addressed to Her:

“Oh, Blessed Virgin Mary! Queen of earth and heaven! Mother of our Savior! You are our hope, our support and support! Our consolation is in You! I thank You, O Most Pure Virgin, for the deeds of light, for the healing of the ailments of the soul and body, for Your compassion for us, for the deliverance of our souls from malice, sorrow and evil thoughts! In You - immortality, strength and love all! Please accept my gratitude to You! Thank you, Holy Virgin, that you pray before the Lord for the soul of everyone! I thank You for peace and light in my soul, for a healthy body and clear, kind thoughts! May Your strength be with me to the end of my journey! I will never tire of glorifying Your most holy name, and in words of gratitude to You my prayer sounds. Amen".

It is not at all necessary to read ready-made prayers of thanksgiving. You can also say thank you from yourself. The main thing is to open your heart and soul at the moment of reading such a prayer, to repent for all sinful deeds. Say thanks to the Almighty and the saints for everything that is in your life, for everything in which you are grateful to them.

Best time for reading thanksgiving prayers - morning. Make sure that no one distracts you during prayer. It is important to correctly convey the words of gratitude to the Lord and all the saints so that your sincere prayers are heard. The most important thing is that prayer thanks should be read not only after asking for help, but also when everything is fine in your life. Remember: in the words of gratitude lies your true happiness and forgiveness. be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

Secret prayers for gratitude to God.

Secret prayers for gratitude to God.

Thanksgiving prayers are words sent to the Saints in gratitude for happiness and peace. Often when everything is fine with a person, his life goes on as usual and problems pass, he takes it for granted.

And in moments when hardships and troubles overcome, many ask the heavens why they need such trials. This is how a person works, that he takes everything good for granted, but as for adversity, they are considered something undeserved. A believer, on the other hand, will call grace and happiness the grace of God, and problems and troubles - retribution for sins. He will thank the Lord for peace and happiness and pray for the non-admission of retribution for sins.

By this, a person asks to forgive him for mistakes and wrong decisions, changes his thinking to positive. And for this, in particular, prayers of thanksgiving are used.

Virgin Mary - the Most Holy Theotokos, who gave birth to the Savior Jesus Christ. There is very little information in the gospel regarding the Theotokos. Betrothed to Elder Joseph, she made a vow of devotion to God at the age of fourteen. Her husband Joseph took care of her and provided everything necessary. They lived in Nazareth, where the Archangel Gabriel appeared to Mary, who told her that she would give birth to a human savior.

Prayers of thanksgiving are read to her for bringing the Savior. Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity often ask her for a child, marriage, happiness in family life. In general, any women's problems are for the Mother of God, who should read the words not only with requests, but also with gratitude. After a woman asks her for what she dreams of, you need to read the words of gratitude. In addition, these same words should be repeated when everything a woman dreamed of will come true.

Here is one example of thanksgiving words to the Most Holy Theotokos.

“To the Theotokos, Mother of God, I direct my song, I praise the Virgin Mary and thank you! All Angels and Archangels serve and worship You, All authorities and masters obey You. Glory to Thy womb, glory to Thy majesty! You gave the world a human Savior, You gave everyone a chance to live and exist! You protect women and mothers of all, You endow them with Strength and stamina! In my life You helped me, for which my gratitude is boundless! I am destined to glorify Your name and hope for the mercy of the Lord! For all that I have, thank you worldly, Bow to you low. In this song, I'm not asking for help, but I pay tribute, I thank you for peace! I pray for my sins and my family, I ask for mercy! Amen! Amen! Amen!"

It is believed that each of us is accompanied from birth by an angel sent from heaven to earth for precisely these purposes. In order to have your own angel, it is not at all necessary to be baptized or profess Christianity. Many people confuse guardian angels with Saints.

The former have never been human, they are divine, ethereal and immortal. As for the Saints, they are the righteous who have ever lived on earth. The angel, at its own discretion, decides how and when to help a person, or not to help.

And in order to establish a strong contact with your angel, prayers are meant. In addition, they help those who do not use foul language, do not have bad habits, lives according to the laws of God and does not hold and does not carry evil in itself.

Angels often save people in situations where, it would seem, all hope is lost. But even if such situations have not happened in your life, there is something to thank the angels for. And it’s worth starting with the fact that he accompanies you everywhere.

The prayer is read seven times in the morning:

“I praise and thank the Lord God for his mercy, I turn to my Guardian Angel, With gratitude, with worship, with feeling! Thank you for your help every day, for your participation! For intercession before the face of the Lord, for mercy! My gratitude knows no end and edge, Every day it increases and grows! Amen!"

This prayer is read several times a month, ideally every week. Before reading the magic words, it is necessary to clear the thoughts and mind of any negative thoughts and unpleasant sensations.

Nicholas the Pleasant or, as he is also called, Nicholas the Wonderworker is considered a very important figure, many prayers and petitions of people are addressed to him. From childhood, he chose the path of serving the Lord for himself, and when he grew up, he became the archbishop of Lycia. He did everything to help people, asked the Lord to forgive sinners, heal the sick, and save the weak.

Nowadays, many people, regardless of what religion they profess, ask Nicholas for a miracle. And very often a miracle happens in the life of those who ask. But even here it is not at all worth asking for something, but also giving thanks for what has already happened or will happen in the future.

This prayer is read twelve times before dinner:

“Great Wonderworker, all-praised Nikolai! I turn to You, not for help, but with gratitude. I beg you, faithful protector and helper of the human race, For forgiveness for our sins, for weaknesses! Thank you for a peaceful life, for family happiness, for prosperity and tranquility, for peace and grace! Your name I praise the light, I direct my prayer to You! Amen!"

Read a prayer when everything is fine with you. Try not to remember the Saints only in those moments when everything is bad for you. Such a prayer plan will help you avoid difficult trials in life and make your path full of positive events.

Prayer to Jesus Christ.

This text is best repeated several times a month, once. A prayer is read at dawn.

“Your Body is Holy, Jesus Christ, Our Lord, Our God, May our thoughts be filled with it, our thoughts are full! Your Honest Blood will help us in atoning for human sins, I send my word of gratitude to You, I say my heartfelt thanks to You! For joy and health, for fun and happiness, For Your coming, for redemption! Amen!"

This thank you text is read only once, but it should be pronounced with feeling and placement. It is best to learn a prayer by heart, and not read from a piece of paper. In any case, before using it, it is recommended to repeat the words several times so that at the time of reading, you do not stutter, but speak from the bottom of your heart.

Remember, you need to thank only when thoughts and thoughts are pure. It is best not to use prayers for selfish purposes, since there will be no benefit from them.

Prayers are very different and must come from the heart. If you hold resentment or hatred, then it is best not to read prayers, because in this state they will not make sense. If you are ready to express your gratitude to the Saints, the Lord, the Angels, then it is not at all necessary to use pre-learned words. You can come up with your own prayer. To do this, it is enough to retire for a while and write on a white blank sheet everything for which you want to thank the Higher powers.

You can also improvise. To do this, it is enough at the moment of reading the words of thanks, to say everything that you think about, for which you are grateful. Words of this kind should come from the heart, and gratitude should be pure and sincere. Reading words is best in the morning. It is not recommended to read such prayers at sunset, in the evening or at night.

At such a crucial moment, a person in the room should be alone with his thoughts, he should not be distracted by anything. Therefore, it is best to take care in advance that the windows and doors are closed, the phone and TV are turned off.

Prayers are read in a half-whisper and a little in a singsong voice. It is not at all necessary to repeat the words loudly and in full voice, since with such pronunciation the sacrament of the rite is lost.

Thanksgiving prayers are most often read in the morning. Remember, they should be used not only after you have asked for something, but also for prevention. Especially when everything is good!

Christians often turn to the Lord for help, and that's okay. After all, this is our loving Father, who gives life itself and everything that fills the material universe. Today, people are turning to Orthodoxy en masse, visiting churches, and learning to pray. And that's great.

Only sometimes, behind complaints and difficulties, we forget to thank God for everything we have. Every day, a prayer of thanksgiving should be heard in homes. This brings up faith, patience, and a humble spirit that is pleasing to the Lord.

The text of the Thanksgiving Prayer to the Lord for every day

“We thank Thee, O Lord our God, for all Thy good deeds, even from the first age to the present, in us, unworthy Thy servants (names), who were, they are also visible and not visible, about the manifest and the unrevealed, even the deeds of the former and the word: loving us as well as Thy only begotten Son for us to give, vouchsafe us worthy of being Thy love. Give by Your word wisdom and Your fear, inhale strength from Your strength, and if we sin willingly or unwillingly, forgive and do not blame, and save our holy soul, and present to Your Throne, I have a clean conscience, and the end is worthy of Your humanity; And remember, Lord, all who call upon Your name in truth; the same we pray to Thee, Lord, give us Thy benevolence and great mercy.

The Importance of Gratitude

Thanksgiving prayers are held every week in the churches. Only there are not as many parishioners on them as it could be. Perhaps this is because they do not fully understand the importance of this soul movement. It is no coincidence that the Holy Church included thanksgiving prayers in the daily morning rule. St. Ignatius (Bryanchaninov) explains how Christians benefit from reading them every day:

  • strengthen their faith in God;
  • receive the comfort of the Holy Spirit;
  • gain a better understanding of biblical teaching.

Blessing the name of God is truly a worthy occupation. King David wrote about this in his psalms: “Praise the name of the Lord,” he called on everyone. This does not need a special reason, because the greatness of creation is constantly before our eyes. And it is not the fault of the Lord that we do not notice him.

What to be thankful for:

  • The Lord Jesus Christ gave His life for our transgressions, endured terrible torments, being holy.
  • Because the Lord bears our sins.
  • Everything that is in life is given by God: human talents, good aspirations, family, food and clothing, the ability to breathe and hear children's laughter.

A good spiritual exercise is to find a few things in your life for which you can thank the Creator. Think about it and read the following prayer to the Lord:

“The Cathedral of the Holy Angels and Archangels, with all heavenly powers, sings to Thee, and says: Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts, heaven and earth are filled with Your glory. Hosanna in the highest, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, hosanna in the highest. Save me, Thou art in the highest King, save me and sanctify me, Source of sanctification; From Thee, for all creation is strengthened, To Thee without number howls sing the thrice-holy song. You and I am unworthy, sitting in the light impregnable, everyone is horrified by him, I pray: enlighten my mind, cleanse my heart, and open my mouth, as if I could worthily sing to You: Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord, always, now, and forever and for endless ages. Amen."

Perhaps a real feeling of joy will not immediately appear in the soul, but it will certainly appear and grow. With time. Therefore, it is so important to thank the higher powers every day.

Help is provided - but what about "thank you"?

When young children receive something from adults, they are taught to express gratitude. What are Christians who take great gifts from their Creator for granted? They look in his eyes ungrateful, disrespectful, simply ill-mannered. Yes, an adult will feed a child anyway. Just like the Good Creator will always help the one who asks. But this is no reason to take good deeds for granted.

Any trouble ends sooner or later. And this is always a manifestation of the care of the heavenly Father for his reckless children. Be sure to say a prayer of thanksgiving to the Lord God for help. You may not really have time to visit the temple, but everyone can find a few minutes to mentally say: “Glory to You, Lord!”

It is a custom among devout Christians to exalt the heavenly powers even when things are not going well. They believe that trials are sent for their own benefit. Having endured them with honor, people hope to become more spiritual, closer to perfection.

A short prayer "Glory to God for everything!" will tell the Creator that you trust Him, believe in His unconditional love and goodness.

How to thank the saints

Orthodox believers practice frequent appeal to famous Christian martyrs, miracle workers, angels. For them, they are faithful intercessors, helpers, petitioners before the throne of God the Father. With their support, a person no longer feels like a miserable drop in the stormy ocean of life.

Feelings for relatives, anxiety about what will happen tomorrow are very characteristic even of Christians. Fate is unknown to them, only one thing is certain - death. This instills longing and even despair in many. But it is quite possible to get rid of the feeling of hopelessness precisely thanks to the good righteous. Through their prayers, the Holy Spirit descends from heaven. He prompts right exit out of the situation, soothes and comforts the weak.

Universal Thanksgiving Prayer for All Saints

There is a special prayer of grace for the saints. It is universal: suitable as an appeal to both the Guardian Angel and your favorite heavenly dweller.

Holy God and rest in the saints, with a three-holy voice in heaven from an angel sung, on earth from a man praised in His saints; giving by Thy Holy Spirit grace to anyone according to the measure of the gift of Christ, and then setting up the Church of Thy holy ov apostles, ov prophets, ov evangelists, ov shepherds and teachers, by their word of preaching, to You Himself acting all in all, many being made holy in any kind and kind, with various virtues pleasing to you, and to you, leaving us the image of your good deeds, having passed away in joy, prepare, in it the temptations of the past themselves, and help us who are attacked. Remembering all these saints and praising their charitable life, I praise You Samago, who acted in them, I praise, and believing in Your goodness, believing, I diligently pray to Thee, Holy of Holies, give me a sinner to follow their teaching, life, love, faith, longsuffering, and with their prayerful help, and even more with Your omnipotent grace, heavenly glory with them, praising Your Most Holy Name, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen.

As a special thanks to the saint, you can read an akathist, a church troparion, specially compiled for him. But you can use the words that come to your heart.

Thanksgiving prayer of the Mother of God

Believers know how strong sincere prayers to the Mother of God are. She saves from illnesses, sends relief to the soul in sorrow, family conflicts are resolved through her prayers. You can also read thanksgiving words to the Mother of God every day, as well as to God.

In the Orthodox faith, she occupies a special position. The Mother of God is considered so holy that she surpasses all other people and even angels in the purity of her soul. That is why a special prayer appeal has been compiled for her:

To you, Mother of God, we praise; We confess thee, Mary, the Virgin Mary; Thee, the eternal Father, the Daughter, the whole earth magnifies. All the Angels and Archangels and all the Beginnings humbly serve you; All the Powers, Thrones, Dominations and all the exceeding Powers of heaven obey you. Cherubim and Seraphim rejoicingly stand before you and cry out with an unceasing voice: Holy Mother of God Mother, heaven and earth are full of the majesty of the glory of the fruit of your womb. The Mother praises the glorious apostolic face of her Creator to you; Thee are many martyrs, the Mother of God magnifies; The glorious host of confessors of God the Word calls the temple to you; The dominating half of virginity preach an image to you; All heavenly armies praise the Queen of Heaven to you. The Holy Church glorifies you throughout the universe, honoring the Mother of God; He exalts thee the true King of heaven, the Maiden. You are the Lady Angel, You are the door of Paradise, You are the ladder of the Kingdom of Heaven, You are the King's chamber of glory, You are the ark of piety and grace, You are the abyss of bounty, You are the refuge of sinners. You are the Mother of the Savior, You are the liberation for the sake of a captive person, you perceived God in the womb. You have trampled on the enemy; You opened the doors of the Kingdom of Heaven to the faithful. You stand at the right hand of God; You pray to God for us, Virgin Mary, who will judge the living and the dead. We ask you, Intercessor before Your Son and God, Who redeem us with Your blood, so that we receive retribution in eternal glory. Save Thy people, Mother of God, and bless Thy inheritance, as if we were partakers of Thy inheritance; forbid and keep us even to the age. Every day, O Most Holy One, we wish to praise and please Thee with our hearts and lips. Grant, Most Merciful Mother, now and always from sin, save us; have mercy on us, Intercessor, have mercy on us. Be Thy mercy on us, as if we trust in Thee forever. Amen.

There is an icon of the Mother of God in every house, you can turn to the Lady before any image. You can also express your gratitude by purchasing a church candle. A very good deed is a donation to the poor, some good deed for orphans. After all, this is how Christians should act - to help those who need support. If all goes well, never forget the weak, the needy, the offended and the lost souls.

Impact of Gratitude

The Lord and the saints do not require our gratitude as something necessary for life. She just makes their hearts happy. Because it indicates spiritual growth. This means that a person becomes a little closer to righteousness. And for every good deed there is always great joy in heaven. It's like a spoiled child finally doing the right thing. Parents will certainly be in high spirits. Yes, and the one who prays will immediately feel better in his soul.

  • Of course, gratitude to God and all the saints should be sincere. It is not enough to simply submit a note, pay the money, and leave with a sense of accomplishment.
  • After all, the Lord does not need payment or an offering in the form of candles. He wants to see our location.
  • Doesn't a father rejoice when a child says, "I love you!" This is what Christians should learn - to treat God as their heavenly parent.

Daily gratitude can give a lot to our soul, even improve the circumstances of life. This is what will happen as we begin to put our soul in order. Demons simply will not be able to attack the one whose thoughts are directed only to good. This is what constant prayer teaches. Only not mechanical muttering, but true spiritual work becomes the very staircase that leads to heaven.

Thanksgiving prayers to the Lord God, the Mother of God and all the saints was last modified: January 8th, 2018 by Bogolub

The basis for the salvation of our souls must be faith in God's providence. Everything that happens in our life is created by the Lord for our good. As long as everything is good in our life and destiny, we perfectly understand that God loves us, since He sends joy and grace. But as soon as difficulties and illnesses arise, thoughts immediately arise that God has turned away, forgotten about us, and we begin to grumble. we must endure all the sorrows, illnesses and sufferings sent by God, and not groan at the same time, but with a prayer of thanksgiving give praise to the Lord God, because the Lord who loves us sends a redeeming cross for our sins.

Thanksgiving prayer to the Lord Jesus Christ for help in dangers and preservation from harm

A prayer of thanksgiving to the Lord never sounds so fervently as from the lips of a person who has just escaped mortal danger. It is God's providence that grants salvation where it is impossible to survive. What are the stories of miraculous rescues worth when in incredible car accidents, where mangled parts of cars are scattered all over the roadway, people remain alive and unharmed? Or when a person suddenly wakes up at night, as if someone woke him up, and manages to put out the fire that started in the house? With thanksgiving prayers to the Lord Jesus Christ, we must say thank you for the cases of our salvation, and even more thank God if He has delivered our lives from troubles and dangers.

Thanksgiving prayer to our Lord upon receiving the requested

It happens that when asking the Lord for our needs, we rely on his good will, we call on the Saints and the Mother of God to patronize us and pray for us, and having received what we want, our passionate prayer immediately subsides. The Christian duty is to glorify the Creator, his wisdom and goodness. When, through our prayers, good changes occur in fate, we must, in addition to the prayer of thanksgiving to the Lord God, order a prayer service in the church. Whoever does not give thanks shows great ingratitude to the Heavenly giver of all blessings. Thank you for everything you do, big and small. And most importantly, with thanksgiving prayers to the Lord, one must express gratitude not only for oneself, but also for others, those By doing so, we destroy envy in ourselves and cultivate love.

The text of the thanksgiving prayer to the Lord God in Russian

I thank You, Lord, for hearing me a servant of God (name), forgiving my sins and giving me the opportunity to survive, live and be healthy and happy. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

The real text of the thanksgiving prayer to the Lord Jesus Christ in Russian

Thy Holy Body, Lord, Jesus Christ, our God, may it be with us in eternal life, and Thy Honorable Blood for the remission of sins: be this thanksgiving to me in joy, health and gladness; in your terrible and second coming, vouchsafe me a sinful statue at the right hand of your glory, with the prayers of your Most Pure Mother, and all the saints. Amen