Walk November for the second junior group goal. Walk in the second junior group "Snow walk

1. Observation of the snow, jumping into the snowdrift.

2. Outdoor game: "Snowflakes - fluffies."

3. Individual work.

4. Independent work.

5. Labor activity.

Purpose: To consolidate children's knowledge of the seasons. Form ideas about snow (white, cold, fluffy, soft, clean, snowflake). To consolidate children's ideas about the properties of snowflakes (circling, flying, serving, melting). Cultivate the desire to play together. Teach children to draw a snowflake in the snow. To consolidate the ability to draw straight lines in different directions, crossing them at one point. Teach kids to do hard work. To consolidate the ability to hold a pencil correctly (felt-tip pen). Develop a desire to play together.

Region Integration: design, art.

Equipment: Paper snowflakes, felt-tip pens, rabbit plush toy, snow shovels.

Walk progress:

Fluffy snow creeps, the street is white,

And a blizzard is flying, it has come to us ... (winter).

Guys, today we will talk about the time of the year standing on the street. This is winter. It is cold outside, we are dressed in fur coats, jackets, warm hats, scarves, mittens.

And who will say what kind of white veil covered the earth? (snow).

What color is he? (white).

And let's take the snow in hand. What do you feel? (cold).

Is the snow clean or dirty? (clean).

Snow is falling and a large pile of snow is called a snowdrift. Does our playground have a snowdrift? (there is).

So let's play. We jump into the snowdrift. Who's next? (jumps).

Guys, pay attention, the snow in the snowdrift is fluffy, soft.

Falling from the sky in winter

And circle over me

Light fluff

White ... (snowflakes).

Let's try to catch a snowflake in the palm of your hand. Whoever caught it turns into a snowflake (the teacher distributes paper snowflakes). The players in a crowd move around the snow building, spinning around themselves. After some time, the direction of movement changes, the round dance is spinning in the other direction.

Snowflakes - fluffies got tired on the fly -

They stopped spinning, sat down to rest.

The players stop, sit down and resume the game again. We played a little, and now we will try to draw. I have magic felt-tip pens, they do not draw on a sheet of paper, but draw on the snow. Shall we try? The teacher shows how you can draw a snowflake in the snow (individual work). I drew one big snowflake, how many snowflakes did you draw? (a lot of).

Oh, look how many snowflakes fell on our playground, but a hare is sitting under a bush, he cannot get to our site because there is a lot of snow here. I propose to take shovels and collect snow, make paths along which the bunny will find our playground and play with us. (Labor activity of children).

How well we have worked, and here is the bunny, let's put together working equipment and play with our friend on the site.

(Mobile game.)

"White Bunny sits"

Little white bunny sits

And wiggles his ears

Like this, like this.

It's cold for a bunny to sit

You need to warm up your paws.

Like this, like this.

It's cold for a bunny to stand

Bunny needs to jump.

Like this, like this.

It's time to say goodbye, it's time for us to gather in a group.

Like 0 Bad 0

"Chickens and Dog"

Target: to exercise children in performing various actions; in climbing and crawling under the line.

Material: emblems of chickens, large toy dog, cord.

Game progress

The teacher distributes chicken emblems to the children. It secures the stretched cord at a height of 60-70 cm from the ground - this is a chicken house. At a distance of 2 m from the cord, the dog house is a booth.

The baby chickens are behind the cord. The chicken teacher calls the “chickens”: “Ko-ko-ko! Go peck the grains! "Chickens" crawl under the cord, run around the area in front of the dog, squeak.

The teacher approaches the dog, takes it in his hands: “Woof! Woof! The chickens run away different sides. The “hen” calls the “chickens” to hide in the house (crawl under the cord), and she threatens the dog: “Don’t scare my kids!”

The game is repeated 3-4 times.

"Music Guys"

Target: teach children to perform movements without interfering with each other.

Material: emblems depicting frogs, two cords.

Game progress

The teacher lays out two cords in parallel on the ground: this is a river, here the frogs will swim, and reads P. Zolotov's poem "The Frogs". At this time, children who want to play go to the middle of the playground. The teacher distributes badges.

“Well, frogs are musical guys,” the teacher addresses the children. “Show me how you sing loudly, in unison!”

The children say in chorus: “Kwa! Qua!”

Qua! Qua! Qua! (All children jump: "Kwa! Kwa!")

It's time for us to jump into the river.

Qua! Qua! Qua! (All children "swim": "Kwa! Kwa!")

You can swim until the morning!

One two Three! (Children “rowing”: “Kwa! Kwa!”)

Row with your paws!

It's time for the beach! (Children jump out of the river.)

Qua! Qua! (Children jump up.)

Catch a mosquito! (Children "catch a mosquito.")

The game is repeated at the request of the children.

"Kids and the Wolf"

Target: teach children to perform actions in the course of a fairy tale. Material: goat emblems and a large soft toy-wolf.

Game progress

The teacher says:“Once upon a time there was a goat with kids in the forest (I am a goat, and you are my kids). The goat says to the kids: “I’m going into the forest to pluck silk grass, drink icy water, and you shut up, don’t let anyone in, wait until I sing my song to you.” The goat left, soon returned, sang. (All sing together.)

Goat kids!

Open up, open up

Your mother has come

She brought milk.

Open the door, kiddos,

Let mom.

All the goats are jumping, jumping, butting with horns - they are happy for their mother. The evil wolf found out about them, waited until the goat left, came and sang in an angry voice. (All sing together.)

Goat kids!

Open up, open up.

Your mother has come

She brought milk.

Then my mother came, saw a wolf, shouted: “Come on, goats, come out! Let's gore the wolf with our horns! Let's drive him away!"

They all began to butt the wolf together, saying: “Go away, wolf! Go away!" The wolf was frightened, ran away, only they saw him.

"Grey Bunny"

Target: to teach children to listen carefully and act according to the text of the poem.

Material: bunny emblems.

Game progress

The teacher distributes emblems to the children and explains that they must listen carefully and perform actions. The teacher says:

Gray bunny washes

It looks like he's going to visit. (Children "wash".)

Washed out the nose

Washed the tail

Washed my ear. (Children rub their noses, tails, ears with their palms.)

Wipe dry!

And jumped:


Jump-jump! (Children jump.)

The teacher asks the children: “Who are you visiting, bunny? Tell us."

The game is repeated.


Target: teach children conversational speech.

Material: wolf (soft toy).

Game progress

The teacher, holding a wolf toy in his hands, explains to the children: “The geese went to the field of fresh grass to pinch, then swam in the river, gathered home - but they can’t get through! A wolf is sitting under the mountain, he wants to grab the geese.

The teacher says:

Geese, geese! (Children: "Ha-ha-ha!")

Do you want to eat? (Children: "Yes, yes, yes!")

Bread and butter? (Children: "No!!!")

What about you? (Children: “Candy!!!”)

Fly home!

An adult says with the children:

Gray wolf under the mountain

He won't let us go home.

One, two, three, run home!

The children run to the veranda.

An adult picks up a wolf, growls, “catches up” with children, then praises: “Well done, geese! Everyone flew, the wolf did not catch anyone?

At the request of the children, the game is repeated; "wolf" may be a child from the older subgroup.

"Cat and Mice"

Target: teach children to imitate sounds made by mice; run quietly like mice.

Material: a large toy - a cat, emblems with muzzles of mice, a cord.

Game progress

The teacher explains that on one side of the cord there will be a house of mice - a mink. On the other side of the hole (at a distance of 2-2.5 m) a cat sits on a bench. Distributes emblems to all children and invites “mice” to the mink.

The teacher says slowly:

On a bench by the path

The cat lay down and dozes. (“Mice” crawl under the cord, carefully run, squeak.)

The cat opens its eyes

And the mice catch up with everyone:

Meow! Meow! ("Mice" hide in a mink.)

The teacher takes a cat toy and catches up with the children. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

"My goat"

Target: teach children to understand the meaning of what was said, to correctly perform actions.

Material: emblems of goats.

Game progress

Educator: “You are goats, and I am a grandmother. The goats ran away to the meadow, jumping, jumping, butting. (Children perform movements.) Grandmother came out, drove the naughty goats home, tied them to a birch.

I will tie the goat

To the white birch.

I will bind the horned

To the white birch.

Stop my goat

Stop, don't be afraid.

white birch,

Stop, don't swing.

The naughty goats got loose and ran away to the meadow.”


Target: teach children to perform actions by listening to the words of the song and music.

Game progress

The teacher calls those who want to play to him, puts the children in a circle (arbitrarily) and asks: “Who wants to sing a song about him?”

Misha (Masha, Tanya) comes out.

The teacher sings:

As for Misha (Children clap their hands.)

On your birthday

We baked a loaf -

Here is such a height, (Children stand on tiptoe.)

Here is such a lowland, (Children sit down.)

This is the width, (They show with their hands.)

Here is such a dinner, (Children run into a circle.)

Caravan, caravan,

Whom do you want to choose! (Children clap their hands.)

The child chooses one or two guys and dances with them.

Dance, dance,

Our kids are good! (Everyone clap their hands.)

At the request of the children, the game is repeated.


Purpose: to teach children to move slowly; repeat the movements of an adult without breaking the chain.

Game progress

The teacher starts the game, goes and, repeating: “I am stringing a bead on a string,” takes the willing children by the hand; the rest come one at a time, each new participant takes the last child by the hand, forming a long chain - “beads”.

The teacher sings slowly (arbitrary motive):

How we sculpted beads,

How we sculpted beads,

beads, beads,

Beautiful beads. (Leads the chain slowly in a straight line.)

How are we with beads

Like a thread


beads, beads,

Beautiful beads. (Drives the chain smoothly from side to side across the site.)

How are we beads


How are we beads


beads, beads,

Beautiful beads. (Whirls, winding the chain around him.)

The teacher stops and tells the children: “We played, we played with beads, but the thread got tangled. They began to unravel it, the thread broke. All the beads rolled out - scattered in different directions: bang! Tara-rah!”

Children run around the playground screaming with joy. “Oh, how far our beads have rolled! says the adult. “We must again collect all the beads on a string!” The game is repeated.

"We hear - we do"

Target: check the children's understanding of the meaning of familiar poetic texts.

Game progress

The teacher says to the children: "Guys, I will recite poems, and you do what you hear."

The teacher reads the poem:

bear clumsy

He walks through the forest.

collects cones,

Sings a song. (Children waddle and sing: “La-la-la!”)

Along the narrow path

Our legs are walking (Children are walking.)

by stones,

On the pebbles (Children jump.)

And into the hole - boom! (Children sit down.)

Washing goose paws

In a puddle by the canal. (Children wash their paws.)

one grey,

Other white

They hid in a ditch. (Children sit down.)

The birds have flown

Little birds.

Everyone flew

Everyone flew

They waved their wings. (Children-birds perform movements.)

The game can be continued.

Sat on the path

Ate the grains

"Klu-Klu! Key-key-key!

How I peck grains. (Repeat after an adult, knock on the ground with a finger.)

Ate the grains

flew again,


The song was sung. (They run, flap their “wings”, repeat after an adult.)

Card file

outdoor games and game exercises for a walk

in the second junior group


The leading place on the walk is given to outdoor games.They develop the basic movements, relieve mental stress from classes, bring up moral qualities.This materialis a card file of outdoor games and game exercises for a walk for children of the second younger group for the month of September.

The form of the card index is convenient for use and reflects all the necessary structural components of the motor activity of children on a walk: outdoor games, game exercises, individual work on the development of the main types of movement.

Card file is made up of games of different mobility: games of low, medium and high mobility; plot and non-plot games.Round dance games constitute a special group. They pass under a song or a poem, which gives a specific shade to the movements.

First week


1. Mobile game "Sun and rain"

Tasks: friend,teach them to act quickly on the signal of the teacher.

2. Round dance game "We walked in the forest"

Tasks: to consolidate the ability of children to walk in a circle, imitate the habits of famous animals.

3.game exercise"Roll the ball"

4. Individual work « Mice, chickens

Crawling under the cord (cord height 40-50 cm).


Physical education.

On a walk.

1. Mobile game "Run to me"

2. Game exercise "Bring it, don't drop it"

In the hands of each child, one object (cube, ball, etc.). At the signal of the teacher, everyone simultaneously goes to the baskets on the other side of the playground, puts their objects in them and returns back. After a pause, the children run after their objects.

3. Individual work "Let's jump like bunnies"


1. Mobile game "Sparrows and a car"

Tasks: teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other, start moving and change it at the signal of the teacher, find their place.

2. Mobile game "Get in the circle"

Tasks:throw objects at certain direction two hands

3. Game exercise "Let's go on the bridge"

Objectives: exercise in balance.

(walking and running between two lines, the distance between the lines is 20 cm).

4. Individual work "Roll the ball to the flag"


Physical education.

On a walk

1. Outdoor running game "Sun and rain"

Tasks: to teach children to walk and run in all directions, without bumping into each other, to teach them to act on the signal of the teacher.

2. Game exercise "Through the stream"

Raising your knees high, step over the cords laid out on the ground in a chaotic manner (the distance between the "streams" is 50-60 cm, the width of the "streams" is 10-15 cm).

3. Individual work "Naughty ball"

The child throws the ball forward, brings it and gives it to a friend.


1. Mobile game "Take care of the item"

Tasks: to teach to act and navigate on a signal, in a prowandering, develop dexterity.

2. Running in a flock up to 10 m.

3. The mobile game "My cheerful ringing ball»

Tasks: to develop in children the ability to jump rhythmically, in accordance with the text of the poem, to perform movements on a signal, to exercise in running, in bouncing on 2 legs.

4. Individual work "Go through the gates"

September Second a week


1. Mobile game "Train"

Tasks: teach children to walk and run in a column one by one, speed up and slow down movement, make stops on a signal; to teach children to find their place in the column, not to push comrades, to be attentive.

2. Outdoor game "Step wider"

Tasks: to develop coordination of movements, orientation in space,exercise in stepping from hoop to hoop.

3. Game exercise "Catch a mosquito"

Tasks: to develop in children the ability to coordinate movements with a visual signal, to exercise children in jumping (jumping in place).

4. Individual work

Rolling balls to each other in a standing position (distance 1.5 m).


Physical education

On a walk

1. Mobile game "Find your home"


2. Game exercise "Beetles"

Log crawling.

3.Individual work with the ball "Roll to the skittles"


1. Mobile game " Run to me"

Tasks: to teach children to act on a signal, exercise in walking and running in a straight direction.

2. Mobile game "Bubble"

Tasks: to develop in children the ability to coordinate movements with words, move rhythmically, exercise in squatting and building in a circle, running in different directions.

3. Game exercise "Take the ball"


4. Individual work "On the Bridge"

Walking and running between two cords (width 20 cm) alternate. The pace of the exercises is average.


Physical education

On a walk

1. Outdoor game: "Catch the ball"

Tasks:develop hand-eye coordination, reaction speed, exercise children in running, cause joy in a child, encourage independence.

2. Game exercise "Spring"

Children stand in a semicircle, the teacher opposite. At the expense (claps) of the teacher, they rhythmically squat and straighten up, rise on their toes, and jump.

3 . Individual work " Who will throw further?


1. Mobile game "Find your house »

Tasks: to develop children's orientation in space, attentiveness, speed of reaction; the ability to perform movement on a signal, to exercise in running.

2. Mobile game "Through the swamp"

Tasks: to develop dexterity, coordination of movement, exercise in balance.

3. Game exercise

Rolling balls to each other (distance 1.5 m).

4. Individual work "Ride and catch up"

The child rolls the ball forward, and then catches up with it and lifts it over his head.

Second junior group September

Third a week


1. Mobile game "Bear and children"

Tasks: at to teach to run in one direction, to act in accordance with the words of an adult, to cause pleasure from joint actions, to encourage independence of children.

2. Mobile game "Hare"

Tasks: to teach children to listen to singing, understand the content of the song and perform movements in accordance with its text, cause imitation of an adult.

3. Game exercise with the ball "Roll down the hill"

There is a board on the cube, children (5 people each) with balls or balls in their hands come up to the board, roll them up and, having caught up, return to their place.

4. Individual work "Let's jump over the groove"

Jumping over a cord placed on the ground.


Physical education

On a walk

1. The mobile game "Sparrows"


2. game exercise "Pass the ball"

Children stand in a circle, the teacher takes the ball (diameter 12-15 cm) and offers to pass it with both hands to the right(left) side of a nearby child ku.

3. Individual work

Rolling the ball (ball) to each other(distance 2m).


1. Mobile game "Sparrows and a car"

Tasks: to develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal, exercise in running in different directions and jumping.

2. Mobile game "Get in the circle"

Tasks:improve the ability to act with different objects,develop the ability to throw objects in a certain direction with both hands;develop an eye, coordination of movements, dexterity.

3. Game exercise with the ball "Roll down the hill"

There is a board on the cube, children(5 people each) with balls or sharikami in their hands approach the board, stingraysthey catch them and, having caught up, return to place.

4. Training track number 1

Obstacle course (hemp, boom, tires).


Physical education

On a walk

1. Mobile game "Cloud and sun"

Tasks: learn to walk and run in all directions, without bumping into each other friend, teach to act quickly on the signal of the educator,practice walking and running.

2. Running in a circle, holding on to the rope

3. Game exercise "Roll and knock down"

Knock down pins from a distance of 2 m.

4. Individual work "I am for you, you are for me"

Ball game with a teacher.


1. Outdoor running game "Catch up ball"

Tasks: withimprove running in different directions; cause revival, joy in a child; encourage independence.

2.Mobile game " Sparrows and a cat»

Tasks: learn to jump gently, bending your knees;run without hitting each other, dodge the driver.
3 . Game exercise "Let's go along bridge"

Boom walking (width 25 cm).

4. Individual work "Girls and boys jump like bunnies"

Second junior group September

Fourth a week


1. Mobile game "Crows"

Tasks: to exercise in running, to develop attention, the ability to imitate; learn to act in accordance with the text; evoke a sense of joy from joint actions.

2.Mobile game " "From bump to bump"

Tasks: continue to learn to bounce on two legs;jump off low objects, land softly, bending legs at the knees; improve jumping skills.

3. Game exercise "Get in the collar"

Rolling the ball into the goal (width 60-50 cm) from a distance of 1.5 m,

4.Individual work "throw on"

Throwing a bag (ball) into the distance.


Physical education

On a walk

1. Outdoor running game "Run to me »

Tasks: to teach children to act on a signal, exercise in walking and running in a straight direction.

2. Game exercise "Obstacle course »

(hemp, boom, tires).

3. Individual work "I to you you to me"

Ball game with a teacher.


1. An outdoor game with a run "Bird and chicks"

Tasks: to develop in children the execution of movements on a signal, to exercise in running in different directions without hitting each other.

2. Mobile game "From bump to bump"

Tasks: teach children to jump from circle to circle.

3. Game exercise "Let's go along bridge"

Walking path (width 25 cm).

4.Individual work "Beetles"

Crawling on all fours on the boom


Physical education

On a walk

1.Mobile game "Cars"

Tasks: r develop children's attention, the ability to distinguish colors and act on a visual signal, exercise children in running, walking.

2. Game exercise "Catch-roll"

Children line up in a semicircle, the teacher standing opposite,throws the ball. Having caught the ball, the child crouches and rolls it back to the teacher (if he doesn’t catch it, then he runs after the ball).

3.Individual work "Who will throw further?"

Throwing a bag or ball into the distance with the right and left hand.


1. Outdoor running game "Find your house"

Tasks: to develop children's orientation in space, attentiveness, speed of reaction; the ability to perform movement on a signal, to exercise in running.

2. Mobile game "Take care of the object"

Tasks: to teach to act and navigate on a signal, in space, to develop dexterity.

3. Game exercise "Crawl to cube"

Crawling on all foursresting on the palms and knees on the log.

4. Individual work "Obstacle Course"

( hemp tires, log).