All anime characters are death note. Biographies of Death Note heroes

Immediately after the release of the manga "Death Note" she had a whole army of fans. Not surprisingly, an anime and a movie were also soon made, and a large number of books were also written. One of the main advantages of the anime "Death Note" - the characters turned out to be colorful, well-designed. Therefore, it will be useful to talk about the main characters.

If you make a list of characters from the anime "Death Note", then it will look something like this:

  • Light Yagami;
  • Al Lolight;
  • Misa Amane;
  • Mello;
  • Soichiro Yagami;
  • Teru Mikami;

Now let's talk about each of them in more detail.

Light Yagami

The protagonist, also known as Kira. Let's start the list of characters from the anime "Death Note" with him. He was lucky (or, conversely, unlucky) to find a mysterious notebook in which it is enough to write down the name of a person in order to kill him. Using an amazing artifact, Kira decides to destroy all prominent criminals. The hero is well aware of the most dangerous of them, since his father is a policeman.

The fact that at first Light Yagami wanted to destroy crime speaks of his intelligence and justice, because he wanted the common good, and did not use the Notebook solely for his own purposes. Alas, over time it begins to change. Huge power led to the fact that the hero became arrogant, arrogant. When the detectives got on the trail of the Notebook, Kira begins to destroy them in order to prevent the survivors from investigating. And then the list included those who could somehow interfere with Light Yagami or stand in his way.

Al Lolight

The next in the list of heroes-characters of the anime "Death Note" is rightfully Al Lolight. However, only a few know his name - for most, he remains a nameless and faceless detective, nicknamed L. We must admit that he is very good as a professional. He is approached only in the most extreme cases, since he does not take on every case - his usual rate is $ 1 million for an investigation. However, he can take up work even if thousands of people are in danger.

Interesting feature- Al Lolight is able to eat sweets in huge quantities, but at the same time he does not get better at all, remaining as thin as ever. Well, love for sweets is not only necessary for the efficient functioning of the brain, but also because the detective grew up in a shelter where he could not get such goodies.

Its main properties are straightforwardness, honesty and impartiality.

Misa Amane

Another very colorful character in the anime "Death Note". Shikimori (an anime encyclopedia) highlights her habit of referring to herself exclusively in the third person, calling her by her first name "Misa-Misa". A well-known presenter and fashion model who managed to win the audience award in a candid magazine.

Her parents were killed, but Misa could not avenge their deaths. Therefore, when Kira, using the Notebook, punished the killers, the girl decided to find him at all costs and thank him. After a long investigation, she met Yagami Light and fell in love with him, completely losing her head. She is ready to do everything to help her lover, to be at least somehow useful. As a result, he makes a deal with the god of death, getting his eyes, allowing him to see what ordinary people do not notice.

Over time, it is she who becomes the keeper of the Death Note, and Misa uses it in a completely different way from how Yagami did it.


Full name character of the anime "Death Note" - Night River, however, he prefers a more secretive nickname.

A teenage boy who is well acquainted with Detective L and seriously claims to be his place. Over time, his efforts were rewarded, and Nia really becomes the heir to a talented detective. There is even a lot in common between them - both are extremely eccentric, impassive and rather closed, which scares away many people.

Despite their close relationship, Detective L's death did not affect Near at all - he took the news rather coolly, only dropping that he died because he "did not know how to play the game on the right rules".

He practically does not talk to people, but he seems to be stuck in childhood, often having fun with children's toys, whether they are puppets or ordinary figures from Lego sets. Has a habit of using tarot cards to build houses.

It is almost the exact opposite of another assistant detective - Mello. Only one thing unites two colorful characters - both are real geniuses.

It is distinguished by prudence - it acts extremely unemotionally, which often allows you to achieve the desired result. Adheres strictly to both the spirit and the letter of the law. Unable to commit a crime, even if it allows him to solve a dangerous case, to avenge close friend(if detective L can be called such).


Speaking about the characters of the anime "Death Note", one cannot fail to mention Mello, although in fact his name is Michael Kael. He is Detective L's assistant, Nia's rival and partner at the same time.

Unlike the latter, he is a surprisingly sociable person, quickly making new acquaintances, which often allows him to obtain important information in simpler and more reliable ways than those used by L and Near. But at the same time, he is surprisingly impulsive, emotional, almost never thinks about his actions, which often leads to very sad consequences for him. He always walks the thin line that separates law from crime. In cases where it is necessary or beneficial, he can overstep the line, which makes his competitor Nia very angry.

But still, he is no less brilliant than his partner. Therefore, he had the opportunity to become the heir to detective L. Since the deceased did not decide until the very end which of the assistants was more worthy of such a right, Mello refuses this opportunity, yielding to his friend and rival. As it turns out in the future, he goes into a criminal gang to find Light Yagami and take revenge on him.

He loves chocolate and eats it almost all the time.

Soichiro Yagami

The father of the protagonist Light Yagami, as well as the hunter for him. An exemplary policeman, deputy chief of the Japanese police. Later he specializes in the capture of criminals who have committed serial and especially brutal murders. To the last, he is not ready to believe that it is his son who is hiding under the mask of the mysterious Kira, who kills people with the help of a magical artifact. But at the same time, he completely trusts detective L, since he is an indisputable authority for him.

An exemplary family man, he loves his wife and children very much. That is why, in a situation where his daughter is kidnapped, he does not hesitate to give the Death Note to get Saya back. At the same time, he blazes with fierce hatred for criminals.

Outwardly, he resembles a textbook detective - smart, tall, wears a narrow, neat mustache and glasses.

Toda Matsuda

Another detective working on the case of the elusive Kira. The most inexperienced and young, but the lack of experience fully compensates for the hot temper, devotion to the common cause. If necessary, he is ready to risk his life if this allows him to solve a dangerous and complex case. Until the last, he did not believe that Light Yagami could be a dangerous criminal and an unscrupulous killer, he defended him, defending his innocence. When the truth was revealed, he was terribly upset.

It seems to Toda that he is prudent and smart, but this is nothing more than self-deception. In fact, this is a real boy - absent-minded, noisy, naive, but at the same time invariably honest.

Teru Mikami

True friend and an associate of Light Yagami. He chose the profession of a prosecutor, because from childhood he was used to dividing the whole world into black and white. Ready to defend at any cost good people while mercilessly punishing the bad. At first, he used the power given to him for this, but over time, the same Death Note fell into the hands of Teru. With her, administering justice in the way he understands has become even easier. Using the Shinigami's eyes, he began to identify criminals, and the artifact allowed them to be destroyed without trial or investigation.

According to the anime, he was completely faithful to his friend Light Yagami. When it was necessary to divert the attention of others in order to help something escape, he did not hesitate to pierce his heart with a pen. In the manga, their relationship developed in a completely different way.


And of course, talking about the characters of the anime "Death Note", Ryuk is simply impossible not to mention.

Unlike the heroes listed above, he is not a mortal person - he is one of the Shinigami, the gods of death.

It was Ryuk who realized that life was too boring, and decided to have some fun by throwing an ancient artifact - the Death Note - into the world of mere mortals, where Light Yagami found it. The gods of death used the Notebook to kill people, thereby extending their lives.

He loves apples very much - in order to get them, he is ready to make a deal with mere mortals. For example, Light easily persuaded him to find the security cameras by bribing Ryuk with apples.


This concludes our article. From it you learned all the main characters of the anime "Death Note", saw their photos and brief characteristics read. Surely this allowed fans to once again plunge into the beloved atmosphere of anime, and those who have not yet watched it were at least a little interested.

"Death note"— 37-episode adaptation of the manga of the same name by author Tsugumi Oba and artist Takeshi Obata in the genre of mystical detective filmed by director Araki Tetsuro.

In the hands of an exemplary student with great promise, by chance, the mysterious "Death Note" falls. Its owner gets the opportunity to kill any person by simply writing his name in a notebook. Having dreamed of following in his father's footsteps and becoming a police officer since childhood, Light decides to use the Death Note to create his own new world free from crime and injustice.

After a while, a series strange deaths, swept through prisons around the world attracts the attention of detective "L", considered the best in his business and never shown in public. The detective is sure that all these deaths are not accidental. He vows to find a maniac who does such lawlessness.

Interesting Facts
  • The action of the series takes place in 2007, that is, 3 years later than the events of the original manga begin.
  • The first opening contains references to two works by Michelangelo Buonarroti, one of the greatest masters the era of the Renaissance. The first is a stylized mural "The Creation of Adam", where Adam is represented by Yagami Light, and God is represented by . The second is "Pieta", in which Naomi Misora, as the Virgin Mary, mourns Ray Penber, portraying Christ.
  • At the beginning of the second opening, anime titles in different languages ​​move across the screen. Among them you can notice the phrase in Russian: "Note of the Angel of Death."
  • In the second series, well-known football players Juan Carlos Escobar, Yossi Benayoun, Jan Koller, Martin Petrov, Niko Kovacs and Edwin van der Sar are speaking as international representatives at the conference organized by L.
  • The number 19 often appears in Death Note. In episode 9, when Light is performing at the entrance ceremony, a poster with the number 19 hangs above the stage. In episode 19, Yotsuba Corporation employees are holding a meeting on the 19th floor. Prosecutor Mikami Teru's office is located on the 19th floor. In a locker with the same number, he keeps things in the gym.
  • In Death Note Episode 14, Light uses the Gentle search engine, which is a Google-inspired design.

With high expectations, I started watching "Death Note", well, in general, the anime met my expectations, but not quite.
There are SPOILERS below

At first, everything suited me:

  • the reason for the appearance of the notebook in the human world

    (yes, gods get bored sometimes too)

  • GG's motivation to use the notebook in order to create a "brave new world" in which evil would be punishable, because Light, like Ryuk, came to the conclusion that the world was "rotting before our eyes" and he was tired of it.
  • The logical conclusions that Light and came to. We were clearly given to understand why they came to these conclusions, and not to others.

    (although I often predicted plot twists and character actions, this is even better, because it confirmed their logic)

  • Very elaborate dialogues.
  • The characters themselves (Light and L), to whom at the beginning I had no complaints: neither to their actions, nor to the personalities themselves.
  • Also, good drawing can be noted (the color scheme and style itself are very suitable for the plot), especially considering that this is 2006.

    Personally, I really liked the openings, and in general, the musical accompaniment

  • Minor characters that were there until exactly half of the anime, namely before the appearance of Kyosuke Higuchi.
  • And it was from this moment that the plot and the logic of actions began to gradually float. And the further the end of the anime approached, the more it floated, especially the last third, where "successors" were introduced, in the person of Mello and Near, whose conclusions were not justified in any way. If L was presented to us not just as a genius who guesses everything just like that (that is, his mind is not some kind of superpower that you just use at a certain moment and immediately find out the answers to the right questions, as was the case with Nia. He seemed to give a request for the processing of data and specific facts in his head and immediately received the result). L, on the other hand, was a person who gradually made logical conclusions and the viewer understood why they were that way. Roughly the same applies to Light, only he was also starting to get dumber (that is, his plans became less flawless, and in general he merged on stupid details that he would not have missed before, while sometimes not noticing obvious things). I didn’t like that the author tries to impose his opinion on the viewer, namely, he tries in every possible way to make Kira a complete antagonist towards the end, turning him into a madman, while showing his supporters as fanatical sectarians, I think he should have left the decision and assessment of Light’s actions to the audience .

    (By the way, I was on Light’s side to the end, although I realized at the very beginning that everything would turn into his death, it just couldn’t be otherwise, because

    (Hypocrite: God level)

    He had to turn into evil (under the influence of excessive power and ruthless sacrifice of others for his own sake), and evil should be punished)

    I also don’t understand the hate of most people towards Misa, yes, she did a lot of rash acts and Light’s fate could have turned out in a completely different way, but she loved and was devoted to him to the end, blindly believing and doing everything he says.

    Her devotion even caused her to commit suicide after learning of Light's death.

    Light, in turn, simply used it, however, like everyone else. I feel sorry for her.

    And by the way, the scene where L wipes Light's feet is an analogy to the scene from the Bible where Jesus washes Judas' feet. There are plenty of such analogies, especially in openings

    To summarize, in general, I liked the anime, especially the chic beginning, then a good middle and a bad last part, which loses to the first two (that's why it's bad, if you imagine that there is nothing before it, then it would look a little better ). Even taking into account the listed disadvantages (and here I have not described everything), I still put

    (which is very rare for me, by the way, if we consider the 25th episode of the last one, then the minuses fade sharply against the background of the pluses, + there is, like, a continuation of the ending)

    For "Death Note", for me personally, is head and shoulders above the rest of the anime, which thoughtlessly put dozens.

    "L, did you know death gods only eat apples?"

    After 4 years, I finally pulled out the notebook from the planned one. Recently, I liked detective stories, and finding good ones is very difficult. Here is my choice and fell on the notebook. I knew that the anime was good and I would like it, but I did not think that I would watch it continuously.

    The plot is generally uncomplicated. God throws a notebook with which you can kill people. This is where the most interesting turns begin. The protagonist Light is a very interesting character. He comes up with such frauds that sometimes I could not even guess. And his war with L is generally incomparable. It is so thought out to the smallest detail with many plot twists. This is exactly the case when you cannot decide for good or for evil.
    The death god Ryuk is incomparable. They made him look like a man, but at the same time he is the god of death. He does not feel like a supernatural being living at Gg. He thinks like a god and it may seem that they have become friends with Light, but

    he is still a god and he still doesn't care about people. He was just having fun, which is why he himself entered Light's name in a notebook, because it became boring with him, which means he is no longer needed

    I also really liked Naomi. She proved to be a great agent. But then what happened to her?

    Knowing how dangerous it is to conduct Kira's case and caution is required in her actions, she lays everything out to the first student she meets, who turns out to be Kira. Killed as expected.

    In general, the anime turned out to be very interesting, at least two-thirds. That's when

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Nate River
Yes in the manga
Yes in the anime
Is in the movie Yes
Nickname Nia
Species Man
Gender Male
Age originally 13
18 years old at the end of the anime
21 in the Special Edition
Height 155 cm.
Weight 40 kg.
Date of Birth Based on Manga: August 24, 1991
Based on anime: 08/24/1994
Date of death -
Cause of death -
Occupation Detective
Rank One of the candidates for the role of L's successor
Head of the SPK
Family Unknown, raised in a boarding school
Spouse No
Children No
Episodes Starting at 26
Seiyu Noriko Hidaka (jap. Hidaka Noriko)
Actor Narushi Fukuda

Nate River is one of the main characters in the manga and anime series Death Note. Known under the pseudonym N. While thinking about the investigation, he plays various children's games.

brought up with early age in the same orphanage as L, with the expectation that in the future he will become his successor. After becoming the leader of the SPK team set up to find Kira, he soon became suspicious of Light playing the role of L.

Enters the arena after L's death as his successor. With the help of his ardent rival, Mello defeats Light, proving that he is Kira.


Near is probably one of the closest characters to L in spirit. Like L, he is eccentric, withdrawn and unemotional. Obviously, L was an authority for him, but after the news of the death of Detective Near states that "he lost because he could not play correctly." Unlike Mello, he has a calm and balanced character. He often plays with children's toys, and also constantly pulls his hair and sits on the floor. Near used Lego figures at the beginning of the second season, and puppets at the end, as images of his enemies. Sometimes he uses tarot cards for divination or just to build houses of cards. His interaction with other people is minimal. There doesn't seem to be anyone in Wammy's house that he can call a friend. The name "Nate" - from the word "natural", and the surname "River" - "river", symbolize the transfer of talents to Near from L. Near is the natural successor of L, "a natural genius blessed from above."

Nia and Mello

L died without appointing an heir. Mello and Near were equally brilliant, but had a completely different tempers: the former is annoyed by Near's calmness and prudence, and the latter does not like Mello's recklessness and impulsiveness. Near has no practical social skills, and Mello gets along well with people. Their methods of work also differ. Mello, for the sake of capturing Kira, is ready to work even with the mafia, and Nia adheres to the law. They couldn't work together, but by joining their forces, they solved the Kira case.

Nia and Kira

After refusing to cooperate with Mello due to differences in character, Near begins to investigate the case of Kira, taking on the pseudonym N. Having assembled a team of experienced detectives, he goes to Second L, who becomes his main suspect. Having changed the real Death Note to a fake one, during a meeting with Light, he proves to everyone present at the meeting that Light is Kira. Thus, in a battle of genius minds, Nia won, ending Case L and exposing Kira.