Why can't you write with a black pen in school? Why is it useful for students to write with a fountain pen? Photocopy display


The film "Christmas Trees"

At first glance, outwardly these writing instruments are very similar. Both are based on a rod with a spherical tip enclosed in a body. Like the firstborn, ballpoint pens got their name from the ball at the base of the writing knot. The ink in these pens was oil based. They are still used in ballpoint pens. And in other types of pens - gel-based ink, respectively, they were called so - gel. You can feel the difference only in action, in writing.

Ink Viscosity

Have you tried writing ballpoint pen leaning a sheet of paper against a vertical surface, against a wall, for example? Or lying down to solve a crossword puzzle. Of course, such attempts were not always crowned with success. Under such an inclination, the ballpoint pen quickly stops writing. Another thing is a gel pen, this is unlikely to happen with it. It's all about the viscosity of the ink. In the first they are thicker, in the second - more fluid.

The same property can play a cruel joke, especially at altitude with a pressure drop. A gel pen without a cap, but in the pocket of a white shirt, on board an airplane ..... Draw in your imagination what can happen. To prevent such a trouble, some manufacturers produce “airplane-compatible” pens, on their packaging you can find the inscription: “won’t leak in flight” (will not leak in flight).

The viscosity of the ink also affects the degree of pressure in calligraphy. In gel pens, the smoother ink flow speeds up writing, while ballpoint pens require more pressure. This causes fatigue of the hands during prolonged work. Remember, in childhood, after removing the sticks - hooks, they did exercises: “We wrote, we wrote, our fingers were tired, ……….” And we wrote at that time with ballpoint pens!

Although even now at my daughter’s school they don’t recommend writing in notebooks with gel pens due to the fact that ink can seep to the other side of a thin sheet, and even smear, again due to the low viscosity of the ink. For the same reason gel pens less suitable for left-handers because of the high probability of smearing what has just been written.

Photocopy display

Since we are talking about school, we should pay tribute to gel ink pens. Only with a black gel pen, due to clearer and brighter lines, you can fill out forms for Olympiads, Unified State Examinations, test papers that are scanned and recognized by a computer. Some stationery suppliers have taken advantage of this opportunity to launch a new brand on the market - the USE pen. But we then understand that this is a cunning marketing ploy. Any black ink gel pen will work.

And as opposed to a clear copy of the scanned text written with a gel pen, there is an order to use only a blue ballpoint pen to sign documents, government papers. This was done in order to easily distinguish a genuine document from a copy. A photocopy of paper signed with a blue ink ballpoint pen cannot be confused with the original. The signature will be pale and barely noticeable.

Color variety

The advantages of gel pens also include the color variety of ink. On sale you can see sets of 12, 18, 24 colors. The line of writing with gel pens is thinner and clearer due to the lightness and fluidity of the ink. They have found greater application in children's creativity.

Frost resistance

The advantage of ballpoint pens is the greater frost resistance of the writing paste due to the oil base. Gel in the cold freezes faster.

Knowing this, if you need to take notes in the cold, stock up on ballpoint pens.

The fountain pen does not require pressure when writing - this is the key difference between fountain pens and their ballpoint counterparts. The smooth flow of ink in the writing unit of the fountain pen allows children to write more consciously and concentrated - they get less tired. The aesthetic component of writing with a pen is also important - such a writing instrument “disciplines” the hand and allows you to form a beautiful handwriting. Pleasure from the process and from the result are strong motivating factors in learning. "Energy-saving" writing with a pen develops a child's motor skills better: children memorize letters and words faster, this develops their brain activity and memory.

Writing is not just a matter of fingers and hands. The whole body of a person is involved in the process of writing. For example, the position of the fingers on the pen and the posture itself while writing are important. If they are wrong, muscle tension arises, which leads to mental tension, rapid fatigue. When this is repeated day after day - the wrong position of the fingers on the pen and the wrong posture when writing: a bent back, a head tilted low to the notebook - all this can lead to a curvature of the spine, visual impairment.

The writing instrument for the school must be properly selected. It is clear that the pen itself is not a teacher, but still its importance cannot be underestimated. In Germany, for example, a letter fountain pen enshrined in elementary school federal law. And the pens, developed by Lamy in collaboration with psychologists and designers, are recommended for use in 70% of schools. Why? - Their ergonomics take into account all the features of learning to write: the shape of the body in these pens tells the fingers how to get into the correct position when writing.

Grip section (grip) in handles for elementary school covered with non-slip, velvety to the touch rubber:

Lamy abc

Lamy nexx

In the pen Lamy safari, designed for older children, on the grip of the handle there are special recesses for the fingers.

Handles are made from safe and durable materials and are adapted to active school days.

These smart writing instruments can now be bought in Russia..

Answers (15):

For me there is not much difference, I can write with a pen of any color, and with a pencil, somehow I never focused on this. If only the pen and pencil themselves wrote well and easily and were comfortable in the hand.

I love black. Black helium pens. I only write to them. Or a bright blue rod. The most important thing, of course, is convenience. Sometimes I can write with a pencil. Depends on what's on hand.

I have been writing with a black pen for a long time. I don’t know why it happened like that, somehow I stopped liking blue ink. All my studies at the university I wrote only in black. And yes, I only write with helium pens.

For some reason, I prefer to write with a black pen, especially with a thin rod. In general, I am very picky about the choice of a pen, I choose carefully. And I think the black color is classic or something, or I just love the black color, I don’t know.

It seems to me that I will soon forget the last time I wrote something not on a computer. :) But if you choose, then there is nothing better than a blue ballpoint pen. Some of her mood nostalgic. As in childhood.:)

I write only with ballpoint or gel pens, because for some reason it’s not convenient for me with a pencil, and I need to constantly sharpen it. When you were at school, you used to write with an ink pen all the time.

I like to write with dark blue ink and a thin nib, 0.7 is optimal. I write in black when necessary, if you need to highlight something in the text. And I generally try not to use purple, because after some time they begin to blur.

I love to write with a pencil. At home, in every room and in every closet, there is a pencil in case you need to make some kind of note. With a pencil somehow easier and more convenient.

I mostly do notes and notes with a pencil. There are special pencils where thin leads are inserted. Very convenient and profitable reverse side The pencil has an eraser. If I write something fundamental and for a long time with an ordinary ballpoint pen, with a thin nose. If it's fat, I can't even write. I am very capricious and careful about the means of writing.

I don't really care what pen I use to write with. But I write mostly in blue, either it's a habit, or it's because I love beautiful pens, and they mostly come standard - with blue ink. So I use what is available.
PS. What is a helium pen? Helium pen? Gel, comrades

I prefer to write with black ink. If there is none, then I write with an ordinary blue pen. I don’t like to write with a pencil, because it needs to be constantly sharpened, and the stylus often breaks.

It doesn't matter to me what color to write, but, out of habit, I buy myself a blue pen. The main thing is that it should be sharp and at the same time write softly without scratching the paper.

Sotnikova Katya, Srudilina Ulyana, ChuprynVova.

Research work of students of the 2nd "B" class on why we use the blue color of the paste for writing in school notebooks.



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Municipal state educational institution

Ozersk secondary school


Topic: "Why do we write in blue ink?"


students of 2 "B" class

Sotnikova Ekaterina,

Chupryn Vladimir,

Srudilina Ulyana

village of Ozerki, 2014

Relevance ________________________ 3 pp.

  1. What is ink? ___________________5 p.
  2. Why blue?_______________________6 pp.
  3. Our experiments__________________ 7 pp.

Conclusion ___________________________________ 9p.

List of sources used _________________ 10p.

Appendix ___________________________________ 11p.


Once, at a Russian language lesson, I asked the teacher a question: “Why do we write in blue ink at school?” For example, I would like to write in green ink, and some of my classmates in red. The teacher explained that this color is better perceived by the eyes. Strange, but why then are all books printed in black ink? And in the computer, we also print in black ink. And the very word "ink" comes from the word "black".

I decided to deal with this issue. But first I wanted to know what my classmates think about this. The survey showed that most of the guys in the 2nd "B" class believe that we write in blue ink, because it is customary. Some have suggested that blue ink better visible. Three people think that blue ink is the most permanent, and one student thinks blue ink erases best.

It became clear that opinions differed. This means that my research will be interesting for my classmates as well.

Research topic:"Why do we write in blue ink?"

Target: find out why students at school write in blue ink.

Hypothesis: perhaps the blue and purple inks are better perceived by the eye.


  1. Learn the history of ink creation.
  2. Find out with what ink they wrote before and write now.
  3. Find out why it is customary to write in blue ink at school.
  4. Conduct an experiment to find out the properties of four colors of ink.
  5. Summarize the findings and draw conclusions.

Object of study:pen ink.

Subject of study: Ink properties.

Research methods:study of theoretical materials, survey, experiment, comparison, analysis, generalization of the data obtained.


As soon as mankind had a need to write down something, to save it for posterity, special compositions for writing appeared. The first ink was made simply: soot was mixed with something sticky.

Archaeologists in an ancient Roman city found a clay cup, at the bottom of which some kind of dark sediment was visible. It turned out that this is the oldest known inkwell on earth! For more than a thousand years, "ink" dried in it - ordinary soot diluted in oil. And red ink was considered sacred in those days: only the emperor could write with it.

There were many ink recipes. Chestnut ink was widely used (from a decoction of the peel of green chestnuts), from ripe elderberry and walnut peel, even from blueberries - the "Decree on blueberry ink" was preserved in a manuscript of the 16th century.

The history of ink keeps a lot of interesting things. Back in the last century, the great inventor Edison came up with ink for the blind. It was worth writing a text with them and waiting a bit, as the paper in those places where the letters were inscribed hardened and rose, forming a relief.

Modern inks are homogeneous mixtures of carrier and colorant with other substances. The ink has special properties – homogeneity, fluidity, physical and chemical stability, low and harmless odor as far as possible, intense color and formation of a non-tacky film upon drying.


There are several assumptions.

Version one. In ancient times, ink was made from elderberries, which had a black-blue color that turned blue when applied to paper.

Version two. Historically, red was associated with power, emperors and kings painted it, green was most often associated with religious power. Blue ink was cheaper.

Version three. Common colors for documents are black and blue.

Version four.The more contrast objects are in relation to each other, the better one object is visible against the background of another. Light ink on white paper is hard to see. That's why documents are not written in green. Reds can be seen better, but red is irritating to the eyes. If you write in red for a long time, the text is blurry and poorly perceived. Also, the color red affects nervous system exciting, which leads to rapid fatigue.

Blue color- a cold and calm tone, in combination with white paper, a contrast is obtained. That is why the color blue is chosen for writing.


In order to establish the properties of the blue paste, we carried out several experiments.

  1. "Our Preferences"

Pupils of the 2nd "B" class were asked to write the same text in different colors during the week.







100% nice color

4 people


60% - pleasant, I blink a little.

40% - annoying, scary.

11 people


70% - too pale, hard to see, blurry

1 person


82% - too dark, scary, unpleasant color

2 persons

The study showed that the guys made the fewest mistakes (10) and blots when writing in blue and black. One more in red. 14 errors - when writing in green.

However, the guys gave preference to red ink: most of the guys (60%) like this color - it is bright, the guys noted that they blinked less often. For the rest, the color was too bright, frightening.

The second most popular color is blue. Those who chose it said that the color is pleasant, does not irritate the eyes, like red.

Green was chosen by 1 person. This is because the ink Green colour too light, the text blurs before the eyes.

The black color in the guys caused unpleasant feelings.

  1. "Light fastness"

In order to establish the lightfastness of the ink, we placed for some time a piece of paper with entries in different inks on the most illuminated place in the classroom. Blue and green inks were found to be the most susceptible to fading. Black ink is the most durable.

  1. "Abrasion"

There is a proverb: "What is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an ax." We decided to put the ink to the test with a rubber band. The four strongest boys erased the number "1" written in blue, red, green and black ink with identical rubber bands.

The results are as follows:

Blue ink erased in 1min.29sec, green ink in 1min.33sec, black ink in 1min.50sec, red ink in 2min. Red ink proved to be the most persistent. That's why teachers write them!

Blue ink wears off the fastest.


During the research process, weknew why students at school write in blue ink.

Our hypothesis was confirmed.Blue and purple inks are better perceived by the eye.

Blue paste is the most convenient for schoolchildren. The blue color does not distract attention, does not irritate the eyes.

With the advent of new technologies in school, perhaps soon we will stop writing in notebooks altogether. Laptops will replace them. And then the question of what kind of paste to write will disappear by itself. But you can't do without blue paste.
Recently, blue ink has become especially actively used with the advent of numerous copies of documents, so sometimes it is forbidden to sign black pen, because it becomes indistinguishable from a copy, they are asked to sign in blue ink.

Sources used