Batyr Shukenov his family is children. Batyrkhan Shukenov - biography, information, personal life

After the death of the first-born, the career of the soloist of "A'Studio" rolled downhill

The sudden death of the 52-year-old ex-soloist of the A'Studio group and participant in the current season of the TV show One to One! Batyrkhan SHUKENOV shocked everyone. Kazakh and Russian singer died of a heart attack in a Moscow apartment. Only now, to shame and regret, it turned out that we know very little about Batyr, although his hits "Julia", "White River", "Stop, Night", "Soldier of Love", "Unloved" are still very popular. His close friend Alla MEDVEDEVA, the bass player of Kristina ORBAKAITE's musical group, agreed to tell about the unknown pages of the musician's life.

We have been friends with Batyrkhan for more than 20 years. He was the best of the best, I can't imagine a sunnier person than him. Called almost every day. We were planning to meet on May 1st. But on this day he was buried in Kazakhstan, - Alla cries. - Batyr's heart bothered him before, he was examined a year ago. Then the doctors said that everything is not so bad. But the huge workloads have taken their toll. Flights, concerts, TV shootings... Apparently, he did not have time to fully recover. Alas, we, musicians, live like this: on the run, at a gallop.
According to Medvedeva, she became close with Shukenov, the then soloist of the A'Studio group, on tour. And once he took his first wife Ekaterina with him on a trip to Vyborg, and she, too, immediately became Alla's best friend.
- Katya is a European woman, originally from Riga, - says Medvedeva. - Her meeting with Batyr was trite: she came as a spectator to a concert and got into his unique energy field. He, too, was fascinated by a cute girl and did everything to start a relationship with her. However, in his company everyone became warm, and if Batyrkhan turned on his charm, then anyone would lose their head.
In 2000, young people faced severe trials. Katya gave birth to a long-awaited son, but the baby lived only 40 days.
- Then we became pregnant almost in parallel, - the guitarist continues. - Shared happiness with each other, chose a dowry for children and strollers. When a friend became a mother, it seemed that everything was fine with them. And suddenly Katya calls me with terrible news: her child is in intensive care. A few days later, the baby was gone.
According to some reports, it was an intrauterine infection.


There is a version that it was because of the family tragedy that Batyrkhan left A'Studio. He simply could not continue to actively tour while his beloved was left at home alone with grief. It was then that Alla Pugacheva once again supported him very much.
By the way, the prima donna at one time contributed to talented guys from Kazakhstan becoming popular throughout the former USSR: she invited the group to her Song Theater and to Christmas Meetings, opening the way to show business. Upon learning that Shukenov had retired from creativity due to the death of a child, Pugacheva invited him to a meeting and ordered:
- You're a brilliant guy, don't you dare give up music!
And he returned already as a solo artist, but, unfortunately, he could not achieve his former popularity.

Batyrkhan and Katya were able to pull themselves together, - recalls Alla Medvedeva. We have decided to have a second child. In 2002, they had a wonderful boy Maksut (translated from Arabic, the name means "long-awaited." - G. U.). Katya did everything to provide a life for her children. Batyr ran away to the studio in the morning, and she took care of the baby and the house. But perhaps the death of their first child broke their relationship. They dispersed without scandals. They did everything possible to maintain a worthy relationship for the sake of their son. Batyr experienced everything in himself.
I continued to communicate closely with both him and Katya. She first returned to the Baltic States, and then left with her son for the United States, where she took up the jewelry business. Batyrkhan and I flew there to visit. After a long flight, I was very exhausted, and he immediately rushed to the ocean - he ran along the edge of the waves and rejoiced like a boy.

Providence of God

In 2008, 46-year-old Shukenov married a second time. His chosen one was the 30-year-old beauty Aigul. They met in St. Petersburg, where the girl studied and where her relatives lived. The wedding was played in Shukenov's homeland in Kyzylorda. After the traditional rite of betashar (acquaintance of the bride with her husband's relatives), the newlyweds went to bow to the shrines in Turkestan.
- Aigul is a nice girl, - continues Medvedeva. - But their family life also faded away - love did not take root in the hearts. Once we return home with my husband Anton at two o'clock in the morning. And we see that in the entrance, on the windowsill, food is laid out - bread, cheese. And suddenly a saxophone appears from the corner, and then its owner - Batyr. Smiling: "And I came to spend the night with you." Even in such a situation, we were delighted with his appearance: he was a very bright person ... With his departure, we were all orphans. My mother even fell ill from the terrible news and could not go to say goodbye.
But, according to Alla, Batyrkhan's only heir, 13-year-old Maksut, is suffering especially hard now.
“Father and son were true friends,” Medvedev sighs heavily. - This summer, Batyr came up with an extensive program for his boy. It was planned that the boy would visit Jurmala, Moscow and Alma-Ata. But it turned out that the child flew to Kazakhstan ahead of time. To see my father on his last journey...

Batyrkhan Shukenov's son Maksut and the singer's common-law wife took part in Andrey Malakhov's program "Let them talk" on Channel One.

“I am Maksut Shukenov, the son of Batyrkhan Shukenov, and I want to tell you about my situation now. In general, the situation is very bad, because for the first time there is no dad. Mom cries almost every day, and I don’t know what to do ... ”- with these words, the son of Batyrkhan Shukenov begins his address on the talk show.

6 years ago, the civil wife of the musician Ekaterina Shelyakova and Maksut Shukenov moved to the USA. In Florida, a Kazakh artist built a house for his family for $680,000. In the spring of this year, the musician managed to pay 25% of the amount - 190 thousand dollars. However, after his death, the son and common-law wife remained on the street.

“I would never have thought that instead of my own beautiful house I would move into a small room,” wife, ”Shelyakova was upset.

As part of the program, they showed the family moving from a large house to a friends room. The woman also added that apparently her car will also be taken away soon, because she is on credit.

“I just would like to talk about Batyr, to tell what situation Maksut found himself in. Bftyr was an icon in Kazakhstan, and I think there may be some patrons who want to take care of only their son. I am able to feed myself, ”said the common-law wife.

Shelyakova answered unequivocally to the host's question about moving to Kazakhstan.

“I don’t think that the son will be there in chocolate, because the Batyr family lives quite modestly. People are not some big business. In principle, there is also no place to live. Plus, if in America I can earn money for food and gasoline, then in Kazakhstan I don’t even see such an opportunity.”

A fragment of an interview with Batyrkhan's brother Baurzhan was also shown.

“It is impossible to conflict with Katya. She is the mother of the child. We all understand this. She wrote down the monthly expenses. Those expenses that were written, they amounted to 4.5 thousand dollars a month. We are now separately collecting money for real estate, there is already a serious amount. We contacted realtors, they said: we will find good housing, worthy of a child, near the school, ”he said.

According to, close friend and the former art director of the singer Olzhas Baikanov, Batyrkhan Shukenov, through him monthly transferred 8,000 dollars to Shelyakova and his son. The public foundation named after Batyrkhan Shukenov, which has been in existence for four months, has collected about $1,500.

Singer Valery Meladze was the first to respond to help. Who paid for a year of study to Maksut Shukenov. The artist himself said on the air of the program that he had been friends with Batyr since the 90th year.

“We need to do everything to make the child feel good. Maybe, rather than live, live in poverty abroad, it is better to live at home, here, among relatives and friends. He would know native language, grew up among relatives, ”said Roza Rymbaeva, a fragment of an interview with which was also shown on the air.

Public figures, psychologists, journalists also spoke in the studio. Many have noticed that Catherine should reconsider her views on life and count on other conditions. However, everyone supported the idea of ​​helping the son of Batyrkhan Shukenov.

After the Russian media and the public recovered a little after the shocking news of the death popular artist, former soloist A`Studio group of Batyrkhan Shukenov, it turned out that almost nothing is known about his personal life. Then the journalists talked to a close friend of the artist, bass player of the musical group Christina Orbakaite Alla Medvedeva.


As Medvedeva said, she became close with Batyrkhan Shukenov on tour (he was still the soloist of A`Studio then). Once he took his first wife Ekaterina with him on a trip to Vyborg, and she also immediately became Alla's best friend. "Katya is a European woman, originally from Riga. Her meeting with Batyr was trite: she came as a spectator to a concert and fell into his unique energy field. He was also fascinated by a cute girl and did everything to start a relationship with her. However, in his the company became warm to everyone, and if Batyrkhan turned on his charm, then anyone would lose their head", - said Medvedev.

In 2000, Shukenov experienced severe trials. The wife gave birth to a son, but the baby lived only 40 days. “Then we got pregnant almost in parallel. We shared happiness with each other, chose a dowry for children and strollers. When a friend became a mother, it seemed that everything was fine with them. And suddenly Katya calls me with terrible news: her child is in intensive care. And a few days later, the baby was gone," Express Gazeta quotes Alla Medvedeva. According to some reports, it was an intrauterine infection.

They say that it was because of the family tragedy that Batyrkhan left the group. He simply could not continue to actively tour while his beloved woman was left at home alone with grief. But Close friend Alla Pugacheva did not allow Shukenov to sink into obscurity. She demanded that he return to the stage. And he returned as a solo artist.

“Batyrkhan and Katya were able to pull themselves together. They decided to have a second child. In 2002, they had a wonderful boy Maksut (in Arabic, the name means “long-awaited”). Katya did everything to provide life for her children. Batyr in the morning ran away to the studio, and she took care of the baby and the house.But, perhaps, the death of their firstborn broke their relationship. They dispersed without scandals. They did everything possible to maintain a worthy relationship for the sake of their son. Batyr experienced everything in himself," Medvedev said.

According to Alla, ex-wife Shukenova first returned to the Baltic States, and then went with her son to the USA where she entered the jewelry business. “Batyrkhan and I flew there to visit. After a long flight, I was very exhausted, and he immediately rushed to the ocean - he ran along the edge of the waves and rejoiced like a boy,” Medvedev said.

In 2008, 46-year-old Shukenov married a second time.. His chosen one was the 30-year-old beauty Aigul. They met in St. Petersburg, where the girl studied and where her relatives lived. The wedding was played in Shukenov's homeland in Kyzylorda. However, the marriage soon broke up. Medvedeva said: "Aigul is a sweet girl. But their family life also came to naught - love did not take root in their hearts."

He died suddenly on April 28. Personal life, wife, children of Batyr Shukenov - a biography of a famous Kazakh singer who has been making music in Russia for a long time.

Batyrkhan Shukenov was born on May 18, 1962 in an ordinary family of economists who had four children. Batyr had two brothers and a sister. Future saxophonist and soloist popular group"A-Studio" graduated from the school in Kzyl-Orda in 1979. Together with the school, Batyr attended a music circle, which had a strong influence on his life.

Immediately after school, Batyrkhan Shukenov decided to enter the Leningrad State Institute of Culture named after N.K. Krupskaya in the saxophone class. There he studied for a total of two years, then moved to Alma-Ata state conservatory named after Kurmangazy Sagyrbaev, where he continued his studies in the saxophone class.

Back at the conservatory, Batyr met famous musicians from the Arai group - Vladimir Mikloshich, Baigali Servebaev and Bulat Syzdykov. They invited the novice artist to join their group as a saxophonist. In 1983, Shukenov even became a laureate of the 7th All-Union Competition of Variety Artists. In 1085, training at the Alma-Ata Conservatory ended, Batyrkhan went to serve in the army.

In 1987, the Arai musicians decide to leave the leader Roza Rymbaeva and create their own group Alma-Ata. It was with participation in this group that Batyr Shukenov began his vocal career. Approximately after founding new group she releases her first solo album, which consists of only 8 songs. Two of them are written in Kazakh language and they are performed by Shukenov. Then the group changes its name to the more sonorous Alma-Ata Studio, Batyr becomes its frontman.

1989 becomes a truly successful year for the group. Its members write their first hit "Julia". Alla Pugacheva learns about "A-Studio" and invites them to her "Christmas Meetings" - the team thunders throughout the country.

For its activities, A-Studio recorded many songs that have become cult: “Unloved”, “Soldier of Love”, “These warm summer nights”, “White River”, “Stop, night”. They have a busy tour schedule, many concerts, but A-Studio spends most of its time in Moscow.

In 2000, Shukenov left A-Studio and decided to devote himself to solo career under the name "Batyr". In 2002, his personal album "Otan Anna" (translated from Kazakh as "native land") was released.

In 2007, Shukenov's disc "Batyr LIVE" was released, he performed in Alma-Ata at the Palace of the Republic and became an adviser to Nursultan Nazarbayev (President of Kazakhstan) on culture.

Batyr Shukenov - personal life, children and wife. Not much is actually known about his personal life.

In 2002, Shukenov became a father, but he was not married to the mother of the child (her name is Ekaterina). Son Maksut is the only one with Batyr, now he lives with his mother in the city of Sarasota (USA), where he emigrated from Jurmala. The son will not be able to come to his father's funeral, which will be held in Kazakhstan. The teenager simply does not have time to arrive on time.

Maksut is also involved in music, but in more modern directions. At the same time, according to Shukenov, the son also listens to his work.

In November 2008, Batyr married a 30-year-old girl, Aigerim. He met her in St. Petersburg. At the time of his marriage, Shukenov was already 46 years old, a late marriage. Virtually nothing is known about their relationship.

Dina Shukenova, the wife of Batyr's older brother, Bauran Shukenov, declares that the couple have been divorced for a long time. Shukenov called himself an ambulance on the evening of April 28 to his Moscow apartment.

Dina Shukenova believes that Batyr's death was caused by heavy workloads: there are no other reasons for the untimely death of the singer.

A year ago, the founder and first soloist of the group died of a heart attack. A'Studio Batyrkhan Shukenov. The sudden death of the 52-year-old artist shocked all his relatives and friends, and his beloved woman Ekaterina Shelyakova, who lived with him for more than 20 years, but never became his legal wife, and their 14-year-old son Maksut were left without a roof over their heads.

As it turned out, Shukenov wanted to buy a house in the USA in Florida and managed to make a deposit, but still owed a large sum, which after his death was automatically paid by Catherine. She was unable to raise the necessary money, and she and her son were evicted.

“Batyr managed to pay only a third of the loan - 190 thousand dollars, and the remaining 460 thousand hung on Katya. She did not have that kind of money, the land and the cottage were taken away. I was lucky, even though I was able to return part of the invested amount through the court, ”a close friend of the musician told StarHit. Olzhas Baikanov.

After the death of Shukenov, it turned out that his inheritance was modest - the apartment in Moscow, where his body was found, was rented, and the rumors about the land in the Moscow region were false. To date, Ekaterina has been able to resolve many financial issues, but she has yet to deal with most of them.

According to Shelyakova, now the main problem for her and her son is royalties, which they cannot use. “Batyr's family has stated that his mother is ready to give up her half of the intellectual property rights, but no documents have yet been signed at the notary. I do not know who is dealing with this issue from the relatives, they regularly ignore the meeting with my lawyer. Because of this, we cannot get money from the Russian Authors' Society and the Russian Union of Rightholders, where you need to bring a paper on entry into the inheritance, ”admitted "StarHit" Ekaterina.

In addition, Shelyakova said that Shukenov's friends support her. She said she was very grateful Kanat Uskenov and Valery Meladze, which paid for the year of study of 14-year-old Maksut at an American school.

Related: Photo: YouTube