Vietnam culture and traditions. Customs and traditions of Vietnam

Personal astrological forecast for May 23, 2019 for women and men born under the zodiac sign Taurus. The day will bring many pleasant events and good news. Many things in life can change for the better; the only thing that is required of you is to prepare for these changes, not to miss an interesting opportunity. A lot of positive emotions will be given by romantic dates, especially if they take place in some unusual setting. Successful purchases are possible, you do not make a mistake in choosing when we are talking about expensive things. The day is suitable for investing in business, as well as for starting work on new commercial projects.

Astrological forecast for today

You unwittingly turn out to be a troublemaker, although you don’t strive for this at all. On the contrary, you would be very happy if the day passed quietly and peacefully, and no one interfered with your business. Alas, this is not to be expected. Reconcile in advance with the thought of fuss, haste, and misunderstandings that arise every now and then. Your recent successes make an extremely unpleasant person worry and worry. Today she will try to interfere in your life, erect a couple of obstacles in your path. This dangerous activity must be noticed and stopped in time.

True horoscope for Taurus

Today, Taurus will be able to make the most of the circumstances. Do not be afraid of decisive actions - today the stars favor you. You should also not limit the scope of your activities. It's good to have a plan further action for a couple of weeks.

Personal horoscope for May 23, 2019

The stars warn of health hazards or aggression from ill-wishers. There is a danger of slander or slander. Be careful in communication, do not bring unreliable people closer to you, avoid making new acquaintances. Take care of your health and the health of your loved ones.

Horoscope life zodiac sign Taurus

On May 23, Taurus needs to reconsider his attitude to his personal life. If the situation is not in your favor, then establish contacts with the chosen one. Softness and pliability should be a priority. Financial stability will appear only in the evening, so nothing should be done in advance. If Taurus feels unwell in terms of health, then you should seek the help of a doctor.

House horoscope for today May 23, 2019

Today, the stars promise Taurus joyful events, happy changes in the family. Probably replenishment in the families of young Taurus. Arrange big events as often as possible family holidays: this will allow you to feel the strength of family ties, to feel a reliable rear.

Family relationships in Vietnam are mutual affection between all the numerous family members: parents, children, brothers, sisters, grandparents.

A typical Vietnamese family does not only consist of a husband, wife and their unmarried children, but also includes the husband's parents, children of sons and daughters-in-law, and often also all immediate family members.

According to statistics, men marry at the age of 27, women at 23-24, while civil marriages are not common in Vietnam.

Society in Vietnam is also experiencing modern trends, marriages with foreign citizens are now not uncommon. Such families most often leave Vietnam, but attachment to relatives, to native village or the city remains very strong.

Mutual sympathy and trust are fundamental concepts in creating a family, and therefore children are born and grow up in an atmosphere of love and care. It is customary to have more than two children, and, according to tradition, the desired first child is a boy. It is interesting that the lunar calendar, or rather, the belief in it of the Vietnamese, among other factors, also influences the birth rate surges.

The attitude towards children in Vietnam is special, they are cared for and cherished, both their own and those of others. It seems that there is no division into insiders and strangers, any baby - be it a little Vietnamese or a child of a tourist - will be hugged, caressed and marked with their attention in every possible way with equal joy.

If you come to Vietnam with a child, you will immediately notice how everyone smiles at you on the street, in the market, in addition to buying some fruit, give way and try to entertain your baby.

Family relationships are distinguished by strong emotional attachments and oblige a person to love and respect parents, the older generation. That is why the Vietnamese have been practicing the cult of ancestors for many centuries. Most of the inhabitants of the country, regardless of religious affiliation, have an altar for the ritual of the cult at home or at work.

The sense of heredity is highly developed here, and the wonderful custom of commemorating ancestors has not only original cultural features, but also a deep sacred meaning. In those rare cases when a person has died, and there is no one to honor his memory, he is called a person without offspring.

The most striking feature of the entire Vietnamese people, perhaps, can be called patriotism. Even poorly educated citizens confidently name dates, names of scientists, emperors, and in cities and even small villages one can see everywhere hung state flags. This is probably due to the fact that for the people of Vietnam, collective interests have always been above personal ones.

The main religious movements of Vietnam are Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism, under the influence of French domination in the 19th century, Catholicism became widespread. However, most of the population still practices traditional religions, worshiping spirits, gods and the mother goddess.

Also in Vietnam at the beginning of the 20th century, a mysterious cult was born - a new religion called Cao Dai.

According to legend, its founder was the Supreme Being, who ordered the founding of a new religion that would unite all the others: Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Christianity and Islam.

Followers of kaodai recite prayers, worship ancestors, practice non-violence and vegetarianism, one of the goals is reunion with god in heaven.

Vietnam is imbued with Confucian morality: all people must observe certain norms of behavior and strictly comply with their social status, guided by the five virtues - humanity, justice, nobility, knowledge and sincerity.

The attitude towards foreigners in Vietnam is friendly, the local population is hospitable to travelers and, to the best of their ability, will try to make your stay in the country comfortable and interesting.

In clothing, the place of traditional attire is gradually occupied by Western models, with the exception of the most famous Vietnamese costume in the world and popular among the population - ao dai (áo dài). There are both female and male types of aozai, but in the 20th century it was mainly worn by women. Aozai consists of a long dress with side slits and loose trousers.

Currently, in choosing clothes, the Vietnamese are increasingly guided by the principle of simplicity and convenience; among women, the so-called suits are very common, consisting of a loose shirt and pants of the same color, reminiscent of a pajama set. They sleep, and cook, and go shopping, and work.

And if adults can sometimes be careless in clothes, then they try to dress children in bright beautiful things, make sure that the child is combed, washed and tidy, and if the financial situation of the family allows, then he wears gold and silver jewelry.

The daily routine in the country is highly dependent on the sun, the Vietnamese are used to starting the day before dawn and going to bed shortly after sunset. Such a light regime significantly shifts daytime life towards the morning. Classes in schools begin at 6:30-7:00, banks and other official institutions are open from 8:00 to 17:00, a lunch break from 11:30 to 13:30. Local residents prefer to dine on the street, especially since for the majority it is much more convenient and sometimes more profitable than cooking at home.

Vietnam has a very developed small and private business, many work in the same place where they live, hence the huge number of various cafes, drinking establishments, hairdressers, repair shops, sewing studios on the ground floors of residential buildings. And the Vietnamese go to bed mostly early - it's hard to see working establishments and walking companies after 10 pm. But this, of course, does not apply to tourist places!