Search for individuals by last name. How to get passport details.

Many organizations of any form of ownership, for example, the tax office, financial institutions, the organization in which the subject works, and others, have personal data of citizens, including passport data. However, the dissemination of such information is limited by state law, in particular federal law"About personal data". There are also many third-party databases that contain personal information, but access to them is as limited as possible to a narrow circle of people.

Information about passport data may be required to check the tenant, the second half before marriage, a potential partner in business, finding a debtor, determining the solvency of the borrower, or others. code, car number, etc. Features of passport data:
  • They serve to identify a person, because. contain a set of information about the subject: last name, first name, patronymic, date and place of birth, place of registration, marital status and etc..
  • They belong to the category of personal data.
  • They are confidential information, their distribution and use is prohibited without the permission of the subject.
  • The use of passport data is possible only if the original document is available and in the presence of its owner or with his permission by proxy.
  • Fraud is possible if an unscrupulous person who has the passport data of another entity is in collusion with official organization such as a credit institution. As a result of criminal acts, the subject of personal data acquires material obligations without his knowledge and consent.

The Internet is replete with offers "We will help you find out passport data." Many sites offer this service, but most of them are dangerous for the computer of the person who is interested. As a result of visiting such resources, a PC may be infected with a virus that downloads personal data from the hard drive, deletes it permanently, and / or others. In some cases, the service asks for the phone number of the person of interest to activate the account, then offers to send an SMS message to a short number. What will be the cost of sending a message is a mystery. In addition, there is no certainty that the answer to the request will be correct.

The most reliable way is to contact a detective agency that uses legitimate methods to obtain information. Often, employees of such organizations have served in law enforcement in the past, thanks to which they have a wealth of experience, knowledge and connections to quickly perform such tasks. Detective agencies have access to electronic databases, which speeds up the process of obtaining a response to a request. The cost for providing such services is different in each agency.

If you need to find out the passport details of a member of a self-regulatory organization, then you should contact the register of members of the SRO. All registry data is published on the State Register of Self-Regulatory Organizations website, unless there is a federal prohibition. Passport data and residential address are not published if there is a prohibition in accordance with federal law.

Distribution and transfer of passport data to third parties by the responsible officer is prohibited without the written consent of the subject of personal data.

So let's go.

Anti-school "plugin-warning"

Answers to all your requests are for reference only and are already given in the manual. If you don't understand a point, just re-read it. All sites listed in the manual are in the public domain, and requests on these sites are carried out within the framework of the law. The TC is not responsible for the accuracy of the data received from the sites recommended by it.

Checking the validity of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation

Go to the website of the Federal Migration Service

In the appropriate fields, drive in the Series, Passport Number, Captcha (code in the picture). If you receive a reply given passport"Valid" means everything is in order. If the answer is given passport
“Invalid” means this passport is invalid, i.e. fake or it has expired. If it is replaced with a new one, this will also be reflected in the received message "Invalid (REPLACED WITH NEW)"
The absence of information about the requested passport (the answer is: “It is not currently listed in the electronic records of the Federal Migration Service of Russia”) does not mean that the passport is invalid. Such a response is given if information about the issued passport has not yet been received from the relevant territorial authority, or if the passport record is being tested in the Base software package.

Find out the TIN number

Go to the website of the Federal Tax Service

Follow the link to fill out the request form, fill it out and receive a TIN number in response.
that a person does not have a TIN, which is extremely rare, so I recommend that you check the correctness of entering the initial data when requested.

Checking tax debt

In order to check a person’s tax debt, you need to know his TIN, but not everyone has a TIN, you can check this in paragraph 2 “Find out the TIN number”
Go to the website of the Federal Tax Service,

Read the terms and conditions carefully and agree to them. After agreeing, you are automatically redirected to the data entry form, enter the necessary data. In response you get a List
debts on the date of the audit. In this list, you will see the amount of debts, their nature (taxes, penalties) as well as the type of tax for which there is a debt (this, by the way, indicates what is owned by our auditee)
You can test yourself for the sake of the test, because most likely you will find a debt. If a
no debt - you're done! If there is, then you should not panic, select a tick
debt, payment method, check the box below and drive in your home address.
Print out the finished receipt and go to pay.

IMPORTANT! Do not forget that unpaid taxes and drop debts in time carry the risk of restrictions
in your work. This applies to the mass ordering of staff and the design and life of ATM cards. Customs officials also leak tax information worse than banks, maybe for someone this will be news, but it's a fact.

We find out the address of the person's registration and his home phone number.

Go to the Address Directory
choose a country, then a city, enter your full name
checked. In response, you receive the address of his registration and, in some cases, his home phone number
If you couldn't find the information in the above guide, here are a few more options to look for: Address directory 2 Directory 3 Address directory for Moscow only

We check the criminal record and the courts that go to this moment.

To check a person’s criminal record or see the courts that are being held against him at the moment, you need to know where he is registered. It is not necessary to know the full address, the main thing is to know at least in what area. If you have a copy
passport, then just open it on the registration page and see the registration address. If there is no passport, then go to the item “Find out the person’s registration address and his home phone number” and find out the person’s registration.
If a person is not registered anywhere, then look at the previous place of residence. If registered, but there is data on previous places of registration, then do not be lazy and check them too.
Knowing the area of ​​residence of a person (For example, a person is registered in St. Petersburg in
Admiralteisky district), type in Yandex “Admiralteisky District Court” Since there is no Admiralteisky Court in St. Petersburg, but it is called after the old “Leninsky District Court”, then go to the page of the Leninsky District Court. Go to page
"Progress Information" is sometimes referred to as "Proceedings". In the search bar, type in the person's last name. Based on the search results, CAREFULLY see what information is available on the person being checked. It often happens that the names coincide, so look
correct initials.
Based on the search results, CAREFULLY see what information is available on the person being checked. It often happens that the surnames coincide, so see the correctness of the initials.
See what cases there are in relation to the person being checked, who is the plaintiff, who is the defendant, the essence of the claims, follow the link of the case number and study the information card and information about the progress of the case. Studying the information received
Since, according to the law, a statement of claim is filed with the court at the address of the person’s registration, in the above way you can find court cases in which the person being checked is involved (was) as a defendant. If you want to know if he sued someone, then for this you need to check the courts of all districts of your city for sure
in the same way as described above.

Check if a person has a car

Go to the site of the Traffic Police Base, though the base is a bit old, but useful information here very
a lot of. Fill in the name of the person, and in return you will receive a list of people in different regions that match your search parameters, find there right person and see what kind of car he has and its state number.

Verification of a person according to the executive data bank

Visit the site Federal Service Bailiffs
To work with the data bank, you need to select a subsection in the search section - search for individuals, or search for legal entities.
The section "Territorial authorities" indicates the region of official registration of an individual, the place of registration with the IFTS of a legal entity.
The date of birth for an individual is not mandatory. If the data matches, for more accurate identification, you can fill in the field in the format DD.MM.YYYY.
If you have information about the number of enforcement proceedings, you can obtain information from the database of enforcement proceedings through the "Search by the number of enforcement proceedings" section.
You drive in the full name of the person being checked, click on the find button and in response you get a list of debtors, the number of enforcement proceedings, the subject of execution.
Carefully review the information received and look for the person you are checking.

Checking a person through Internet search engines

Be sure to check the person on the Internet search engines. Here you will find many things that you don’t even guess at once (for example: ads for sale, registration on sites of interest, mentions in the press, etc.) To do this, open several tabs in your browser with search engines known to you: Yada, Google, bing and rambler and sequentially drive into each search engine the full Surname First Name Patronymic, just the Surname and initials. Follow the links found and carefully read all the information found, ads, various references, see photos and videos. Enter the information received in parts (phrases) again into the search bar of search engines. Make similar transitions on the found links. Accumulate and summarize the information found.

After being found maximum amount information, you repeat the same only with a known phone number in various interpretations: +7 921 XXX XX XX, 8921XXXXXXX, 8-921-XXX-XX-XX, etc.

And again, repeat the search for the various parameters that you could find per person in the previous paragraphs of the instructions.
Accumulate and summarize all the information found in one document.

Come in social networks where you are already registered - Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte, LiveJournal, My World on, Twitter, Facebook, linkedin. Using the accumulated
after the previous search for information, look for a person by full name (DO NOT forget that you can still search for girls by maiden name), photographs, place of residence, alleged hobbies, etc. After you have found a person suitable for all parameters, determine the range of interests and acquaintances, education, preferences, place of work, you can often find contact information, if necessary, add as a friend, ask the information you are interested in from his friends.
Show interest in photos posted by users, videos, view status history. Pay attention to signatures, determining the dates of shooting and the circle of participants. Summarize all the information received in a separate document.

Punch a person by phone number

If you have a home phone number, go to the Phonebook
choose the country (at the bottom of the page), then the city, step by step choose the phone number of the person being checked. In response, you get the full name and home address of the person.
If you couldn't find the information in the above guide, here's another

Several search options: Phonebook 2 Telephone directory of Moscow, enter the phone number in the XXXXXXXX format and press the search button, in response you will receive your full name, age and home address
If you know the cell phone number, then in this link you can find out
what operator does the person have and how long has the number existed

You can break through a person by cell phone number using search engines. To do this, open several tabs in your browser with the search engines you know:
Yandex, Google, Mail, Rambler and sequentially drive into each search engine a known phone number in various interpretations: +7 921 XXX XX XX, 8921ХХХХХХ, 8-921-ХХХ-ХХ, etc. Follow the links found and carefully read the entire found information, announcements, various references,
see photos and videos. Enter the information received in parts (phrases) again into the search bar of search engines. Make similar transitions on the found links. Accumulate and summarize the information found.

Punch a person by ip address

If you know the ip address, you can find out a lot of useful information about it.
owner. To do this, you need to use a special service - whois.
Go to the site Checking ip addresses in the box with the name WHOIS Lookup, enter the ip address in response, you get all the information available on it.
If the ip is static, then using this service you can find out the name of the person to whom this ip address is registered, his e-mail and phone number. Further through the social engineering, we break through the data of our candidate at Provo. You can also find out when this range was rented, for how long and for which organization.

Attention! If this ip address is dynamic, then the service will show only information about the provider.

Summarizing the information received

We summarize all the information received in a separate document. Analyze the received document, draw conclusions and make decisions.