Swan fidelity Zhirinovsky. Vladimir Zhirinovsky - biography, information, personal life

Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky(surname at birth and until adulthood - Eidelstein; genus. April 25, 1946, Alma-Ata, Kazakh SSR) - Russian politician, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma (since 2000), founder and chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR), member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. Participant of four presidential elections in Russia (1991, 1996, 2000, 2008)

Personal life and family


Vladimir Zhirinovsky himself identifies himself as Russian.

Zhirinovsky's grandfather - Isaac Aizik Eidelstein, a Jew - was a well-known industrialist and respected man in the Kostopol district (then Poland, now the Rivne region of Ukraine). He had his own woodworking factory, where 200 people worked. A railway operated on its territory, along which finished products were sent to Europe. In 1939, after the annexation of Western Ukraine to the Ukrainian SSR, the factory was nationalized. The same fate befell the house where the Eidelsteins lived with their children. And the Germans who invaded the city took out a large amount of equipment from the enterprise. In the documents of the archive for 1944, in the lists of industrial facilities destroyed by the Germans, the factory of Itsek Aizik Eidelstein is also listed. He was also co-owner of the local Trumpeldor football team.

Until 1964, Vladimir Zhirinovsky bore his father's surname - Eidelstein, and upon reaching the age of majority he took his mother's surname - Zhirinovsky, they refused to change his patronymic. Another source claims that Vladimir always bore the surname Zhirinovsky, and that in the yard he bore the nickname "Zhirik", which is confirmed by his peers.

Father Wolf Isaakovich Edelstein (1907-1983) is buried in Israel, uncle Aaron Isaakovich Edelstein, cousin Itzhak Edelstein.

Zhirinovsky himself does not remember his father and knows about him only from the words of his mother. Stepfather Vladimir Andreevich Zhirinovsky.

It was alleged that Zhirinovsky's father was a lawyer by profession and graduated from the Sorbonne University in Paris. However, Zhirinovsky denied this information. At a press conference in Tel Aviv in May 2006, he stated, “Journalists mocked me: ‘the son of a lawyer. And I am the son of an agronomist and a merchant.”

According to Zhirinovsky, his phrase, which sounded during the 1991 election campaign: "Mother is Russian, father is a lawyer," was the answer to two different blitz questions about the mother's nationality and the father's profession.

According to the book of the writer Alexander Namozov "Vladimir Zhirinovsky, a return to the roots", Wolf Eidelstein owned the land and grew hops, and also managed the work of three workshops that carried out the primary processing of wood for his father's plywood factory. After the annexation of Western Ukraine, Wolf and his brother Aaron were deported to Kazakhstan.

Itsek Eidelstein, his wife Rivka, daughter Reizl, granddaughter Lyuba and other relatives who remained in Kostopol at the beginning of the war were shot in the Lesnichevka tract on August 16, 1941, along with another two thousand local Jewish residents. In total, the inhabitants of 470 houses were killed.

In Kazakhstan, Wolf got married and then was deported to Poland. Then he immigrated to Israel. He was a member of the Likud political movement, worked in a company selling fertilizers and chemicals. He died in August 1983 under the wheels of a bus, was buried in the cemetery in Holon.

In June 2006, according to media reports, Zhirinovsky visited the grave of his father Wolf Isaakovich in the cemetery of the city of Holon.

On August 21, 2007 he arrived on a visit to the city of Kostopol and visited the place where the house of his relatives used to be.

Mother - Alexandra Pavlovna (nee Makarova, by her first husband - Zhirinovskaya), Russian, died in 1985 in Moscow. Vladimir was her sixth child.

Zhirinovsky has half-brothers (from his mother's first marriage to Andrei or Vladimir Andreevich Zhirinovsky, who served in the NKVD as the head of security on the Leningrad Railway.) two brothers Andrei and Yuri and three sisters Vera, Nadezhda and Lyubov.

Nephew, son cousin: Alexander Balberov heads the Tula branch of the Liberal Democratic Party.

Nephew Pavel Andreevich Zhirinovsky (1971)

Nephew Andrei Zhirinovsky ran for mayor of Petrozavodsk. He has a pharmaceutical business, is engaged in the production and sale of alcohol, and he is one of the financiers of the Liberal Democratic Party

Niece Lilya Mikhailovna Khobtar works as the head of the department of justice.

Personal life

  • Wife - Galina Alexandrovna Lebedeva, candidate of biological sciences. In the 1990s, the Zhirinovskys got married according to the Orthodox rite for their silver wedding.
    • Son Igor Vladimirovich Lebedev was born in 1972. He has a legal education (Law Academy). In January 2000, he was elected chairman of the LDPR faction in the State Duma of the third convocation. In the State Duma, he was elected on the federal list of the Zhirinovsky Bloc. Before being elected to the Duma, he worked at the Ministry of Labor and social development of the Russian Federation as an adviser to the minister (Sergey Kalashnikov, a former member of the LDPR faction in the State Duma of the second convocation).
      • Twin grandchildren Alexander and Sergey (born 1998) study at a boarding school at Moscow State University.


  • Secondary school No. 25 of Alma-Ata
  • In 1964-1970. studied at the Institute of Oriental Languages ​​at Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov (since 1972 - the Institute of Asian and African Countries) with a degree in Turkish Language and Literature.
  • In 1965-1967. studied at the University of Marxism-Leninism at the Faculty of International Relations.
  • In 1972-1977. studied at the evening department of the law faculty of Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov.
  • In 1998, on April 24, at the Academic Council at Moscow State University, he defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy on the topic “The Past, Present and Future of the Russian Nation”. Associate Professor V. I. Galochkin, Deputy Dean for Press, Information and Public Relations of the Faculty of Sociology of Moscow State University, explained that V. Zhirinovsky’s dissertation was “not a separate scientific work, but a dissertation report”, the basis for which were 11 volumes of reflections of the LDPR leader, recorded by him in different years.
  • Foreign languages: speaks English, French, German and Turkish.


  • In 1964-1970. studied at the Institute of Oriental Languages ​​at Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov.
  • In 1969, he had a one-year practice in the city of Iskenderun, Turkey.
  • In 1965-1967. studied at the Faculty of International Relations of the University of Marxism-Leninism.
  • In 1970-1972 served in the political department of the headquarters of the Transcaucasian military district in Tbilisi.
  • In 1972-1977. studied at the evening department of the law faculty of Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov. Graduated with honors.
  • In 1973-1975. worked in the Soviet Peace Committee in the Department of Problems Western Europe.
  • From January to May 1975 - an employee in the dean's office high school trade union movement, now the Academy of Labor and Social Relations.
  • In 1975-1983 worked in Inyurkollegiya.
  • In 1983-1990, he was the head of the legal department at the Mir publishing house.
  • Since 1990 - at party work in the Liberal Democratic Party.
  • On June 12, 1991, he ran for the post of President of Russia.
  • On August 19, 1991, he supported the State Emergency Committee.
  • In 1993-1995 - Deputy of the 1st State Duma of the Russian Federation, head of the LDPR faction.
  • In December 1995, he was elected to the 2nd State Duma of the Russian Federation.
  • In January 1996, he was nominated as a candidate for the President of the Russian Federation from the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia. Gained 5.78% of the vote.
  • In January 2000, he was elected to the post of Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the third convocation, in connection with which he resigned from the leadership of the LDPR parliamentary faction. His son, Igor Lebedev, was elected head of the faction.
  • In the presidential elections on March 26, 2000, more than 2 million voters voted for Zhirinovsky.
  • In the 2004 presidential election, Zhirinovsky did not run, instead the party nominated his former bodyguard Oleg Malyshkin, who took the penultimate place.
  • In July 2004, he celebrated the fortieth anniversary of his arrival in Moscow from Alma-Ata.
  • In 2008, he ran for the post of President of the Russian Federation.

Participation in presidential elections

Participated in four presidential elections (record holder) (1996, 2000, 2008).


Vladimir Volfovich has repeatedly spoken out about the need to introduce unusual laws or fundamental change existing, often using populist techniques, for example:

  • Complete cessation of financing of foreign states (including South Ossetia), and the released funds should be used to boost the Russian economy
  • A significant increase in child support and alimony, while the payment of alimony in full must be assumed by the state. This fact, according to Zhirinovsky, will significantly increase the birth rate - women will not be “afraid” to give birth to low-income men, and in the event of a divorce, alimony in full under any circumstances will be paid by the state.
  • Lifting the current moratorium on the death penalty. In response to the main argument of the opponents of the death penalty, that an innocent person can be executed as a result of a mistake or collusion, Zhirinovsky suggests that a judge who has pronounced an erroneous, executed death sentence should automatically sentence him to death himself. This measure, according to Zhirinovsky, will completely eliminate erroneous death sentences.
  • Criminal prosecution of politicians who failed to fulfill their election promises.
  • The unification of regions through the creation of 7-12 provinces, the rejection of the division of the state on a national basis, the policy of assimilation of small peoples. Subsequently, this was partially embodied in the form of federal districts.


Zhirinovsky was repeatedly accused of anti-Semitism (in turn, he noted that Jews themselves are often to blame for anti-Semitism). He blamed the Jews for the collapse of Russia, sending Russian women to foreign countries to work as prostitutes, selling children and their organs to the West, and provoking the Holocaust. Befriended Edwin Neuwirth, an Austrian industrialist and "proud" former Waffen-SS official who denied that the Nazis used gas chambers to kill Jews during World War II, leading some German media to call him the "Russian Hitler". In an interview with Vladimir Pozner in September 2010, Zhirinovsky retracted his earlier anti-Semitic remarks, stating that in all cases he was either misunderstood, misinterpreted, or his speech was the subject of editing.

He expressed his hatred for foreigners - Turks and Transcaucasians, as well as for Russian residents - almost all natives of the North Caucasus.

Zhirinovsky also called for the expulsion of all Chinese from the Russian Far East.

general characteristics

V. V. Zhirinovsky is the leader of one of the first parties that arose back in the USSR after the abolition of the CPSU monopoly, and, starting from the first Russian presidential elections 1991, is invariably present in politics in more or less prominent roles. His party - (LDPSS, then LDPR, - was called the Zhirinovsky Bloc in the 1999 elections) - "the party of one leader", the personnel of his associates changed greatly over time.

In 1991, being the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDPSS at that time), V.V. Zhirinovsky publicly supported the State Emergency Committee and called their opponents “the dregs of society”, but was not held accountable, since at the time of the events he did not hold any public office.

Zhirinovsky is the only one who participated in four presidential elections in Russia (1991, 1996, 2000, 2008). After a sensational result in the Duma elections in 1993, he received the right to form a faction in all subsequent Dumas.

Zhirinovsky's political activity is characterized by extremely bright and often controversial populist statements. A number of public scandals and brawls (especially in 1994-1995) were associated with the name of Zhirinovsky, which added to his popularity among voters. Analysts often regard the vote for Zhirinovsky as a manifestation of the so-called protest electorate.

On November 24, 2011, live on the Rossiya TV channel during an election debate with the participation of State Duma deputy Alexander Khinshtein, Zhirinovsky spoke of United Russia as follows:

We will not do anything together! It's disgusting for us to shit on the same field! Do you understand? And you say that we have to do something with you. I have never seen more vile people ... This CPSU was shit, and this is shit three times.

  • In 1994, the Chernogolovsky distillery began producing Zhirinovsky vodka, which Vladimir Volfovich himself called party vodka. For 7 years, 30 million bottles were produced and sold.
  • In 2006, in honor of the sixtieth anniversary of Vladimir Volfovich, Altervest produced ice cream under the brand name Zhirik.
  • In 1997 Valery Komissarov filmed Feature Film"Ship of twins" with Vladimir Volfovich in the title role.
  • He worked with rapper Seryoga in the show "Two Stars", and also recorded songs with him.
  • Sued Yana Dubeykovskaya

Places of work, position

  • Chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia.
  • Member of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.
  • Head of the LDPR faction in the State Duma of the Russian Federation (until 2000)
  • Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation (from 2000 to the present).


  • 2003 - Vladimir Zhirinovsky sings
  • 2011 - For those who are in traffic jams

Songs of Zhirinovsky and about him

  • congratulatory- performed by Andrey Makarevich.
  • Eh, Vladimir Volfovich- performed by the Parrot group, recorded in 1991
  • "ex-Gas sector" - "Hymn to Zhirinovsky"
  • Alexander Harchikov - "Zhirik"
  • Mr. Daduda- “A woman with a cart is easier for a mare”
  • "Idol", 1993
  • Paddy Goes To Holyhead Shirinovski - sharp criticism, accusations of Nazism and anti-Semitism, betrayal of his own father
  • The same KOLYA - Vladimir Volfovich- a track from 2011, similarly to the previous one, accusing Zhirinovsky of lies, anti-Semitism, and so on.
  • Viktor Geviksman - Glory to the Liberal Democratic Party, Glory to the VVZh!- track of 2011, calling to vote for the Liberal Democratic Party in the elections

On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Liberal Democratic Party, a CD was released with songs performed by Zhirinovsky and about him. Vladimir Volfovich performed both famous hits and author's songs.

Zhirinovsky's address to the 43rd US President George W. Bush from Iraq in 2002 (according to Zhirinovsky himself) has also become the subject of musical parodies. They took the most significant statements from the appeal and substituted music. It turned out that Zhirinovsky himself performed the song.

Publications and author's works

  1. 1993 - "The last throw to the South"
  2. 1995 - Spit on the West
  3. 1995 - "The last wagon to the North"
  4. 1995 - "What should the Russian state be like"
  5. 1995 - "With tanks and guns or without tanks and guns"
  6. 1995 - "The ideological foundations of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia"
  7. 1995 - "LDPR and the military policy of Russia"
  8. 1995 - "We need provinces of one Russian state"
  9. 1995 - "LDPR and the national economy of Russia"
  10. 1995 - "The political landscape of Russia"
  11. 1995 - "Our goal is a single Russian state" (co-authored with V. G. Vishnyakov)
  12. 1995 - "The last blow to Russia"
  13. 1996 - "We will avenge Russia"
  14. 1997 - "Pseudo-Christian religious organizations in Russia"
  15. 1997 - "The Fiery God of the Hare Krishnas", M .: Edition of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia
  16. 1998 - Zhirinovsky VV Past, present and future of the Russian nation. Abstract of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. M.,
  17. 2001 - "Ivan, smell the soul!"
  18. 2009 - "LDPR: 20 years of struggle"
  19. 2010 - "Thoughts and aphorisms!"
  20. 2010 - "The main enemy of Russia is an official"
  21. 2010 - Freaks
  22. 2011 - "Russia - and for Russians too"

Awards and titles

Russian awards:

  • Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree (May 8, 2011) - for merits in legislative activity and the development of Russian parliamentarism
  • Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" IV degree (April 20, 2006) - for active participation in legislative activities and many years of fruitful work
  • Order of Honor (May 21, 2008) - for merits in legislative activity, strengthening and development Russian statehood
  • Zhukov medal
  • Medal "In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow"
  • Medal "In memory of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg"
  • Medal "For Merit in Conducting the All-Russian Population Census"

Foreign awards:

  • Order "For Personal Courage" (PMR, April 18, 2006) - for personal contribution to the development and strengthening of friendship and cooperation between the Russian Federation and the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, vigorous activity in the field of protecting the rights and interests of compatriots and in connection with the 60th anniversary
  • Order "Honor and Glory" II degree (Abkhazia, September 29, 2005) - for strengthening friendship between the peoples of Abkhazia and Russia

Departmental awards:

  • Medal of Anatoly Koni (Ministry of Justice of Russia)
  • Badge "Honorary Railwayman"
  • Honorary weapon - personalized dagger from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
  • doctor of philosophical science
  • Honorary title "Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation" (December 29, 2000) - for merits in strengthening the Russian statehood and active legislative activity
  • By order of the Minister of Defense No. 107 of March 27, 1995, “in accordance with part 3 of article of the Law of the Russian Federation “On military duty and military service“and Article 85 of the Regulations on the passage of military service by the officers of the Armed Forces, the reserve officer” Vladimir Zhirinovsky was awarded the military rank of lieutenant colonel. Prior to that, Zhirinovsky had the rank of captain. Currently, he is a retired Colonel.

see also

  • One on One (TV show)



  • Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky. Biography. - RIA News
  • Speech at the Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR on May 17, 1991, address in Turkic

be-x-old:Uladzimer Zhyrynovskiy

Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky (until June 10, 1964 - Eidelstein); (born April 25, 1946, Alma-Ata, Kazakh SSR, USSR) - Russian politician, deputy chairman of the State Duma (from 2000 to 2011), founder and chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR), member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. 5 times participated in the elections of the President of Russia (1991, 1996, 2000, 2008, 2012).

Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky

was born on April 25, 1946 in Alma-Ata. He was the sixth child in the family. That same year, his father died in a car accident. After graduating from school, he left to enter Moscow at the Institute of Oriental Languages ​​at Moscow State University, later renamed the Institute of Asian and African Countries.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky: biography, personal life

VV Zhirinovsky is a well-known Russian politician. His career is full of bright and controversial events. He always knew how to draw attention to himself with spectacular gestures or paradoxical statements. Biography of this interesting person will be presented in the article.

Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky, whose biography interests many, was born in 1946, on April 25, in the city of Alma-Ata.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky biography, photos - find out everything!

Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky is a prominent and bright figure in the political "firmament" of the country. He is the founder and chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR). During his political career, he participated in the presidential elections in Russia 5 times (1991, 1996, 2000, 2008, 2012), although so far unsuccessfully.

Grandfather of Vladimir Volfovich Isaac Eidelstein was a famous person in the Polish city of Kostopol (now it is Ukraine).

Vladimir Zhirinovsky: biography

Zhirinovsky's grandfather - Isaac Aizik Eidelstein - was a well-known industrialist and respected person in the Kostopol district (then Poland, now the Rivne region of Ukraine). He had his own woodworking factory, where 200 people worked. A railway operated on its territory, along which finished products were sent to Europe. In 1939, after the annexation of Western Ukraine to the Ukrainian SSR, the factory was nationalized.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky

Mother - Alexandra Pavlovna Zhirinovskaya (nee Makarova). Russian, originally from the Mordovian village of Laushki, Krasnoslobodsky district. . She moved to Kazakhstan with her husband. The first husband is Colonel of the NKVD Andrei Vasilievich Zhirinovsky, who was dismissed from the security agencies in 1940. Later, the head of the forestry department of the Turkestan-Siberian railway. He died of tuberculosis in 1944.

All Biography

Graduated with honors from the Institute of Oriental Languages ​​(later the Institute of Asian and African Countries) at Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov with a degree in Turkey and the Turkish language in 1970, the evening department of the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University with a degree in Lawyer in 1977.

In 1972-1975 he worked in the Western Europe sector of the international department of the Soviet Committee for the Defense of Peace, in 1975-1977 - in the dean's office for work with foreign students of the Higher School of the Trade Union Movement.

Zhirinovsky Vladimir - biography, facts from life, photos, background information

Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky (April 25, 1946, Alma-Ata) is a Russian politician, deputy chairman of the State Duma (since 2000), founder and chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR), member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

Zhirinovsky is the leader of one of the first parties that emerged in the USSR after the abolition of the CPSU monopoly, and since the first Russian presidential elections in 1991, he has been invariably present in politics in more or less prominent roles.

Zhirinovsky Vladimir Volfovich - a role in the history of Russia

Real Ukraine - several hundred thousand people on the Euromaidan on the night of 12/31/2013 to 01/01/2014; not a single drunk or hooligan; not a single anti-Russian slogan - about 80% of the Russian-speaking population; six police officers in traffic police uniforms (three at the entrance to Khreshchatyk near Bessarabsky Market and three at the exit from Khreshchatyk on European Square). More than 200 thousand people came to sing the national anthem and set a new record that was previously held by India (about 150 thousand people).

Who is Zhirinovsky by nationality in

Vladimir Volfovich (colloquially "Zhirik", who labeled himself as "the son of a Russian and a lawyer") is the country's most elite political prostitute. half-breed Jew, court jester, fascist and idler in a yellow suit. Twin brother of Oleg Lyashko.

Zhirinovsky is an epic troll clown. which could appear only in a country incomprehensible by the mind and exorbitant by a yard.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky talks a lot about sex. I almost said: with pleasure. And this is not true. Not a single rake will talk so conscientiously on this exciting topic.

This is understandable: the career of the chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party grew by leaps and bounds on scandals with clear sexual overtones.

Definitely ringing a bell

Zhirinovsky is photographed in a nightclub with a naked porn star Cicciolina. Unfortunately, the face of the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party is devoid of small facial expressions - an old, tired man who is not in the mood for nonsense is looking at us from the photo.

Zhirinovsky "shines" in the St. Petersburg homosexual get-together.

Promises that his party will provide for every Russian woman personal man.

He proposes to legalize polygamy: “If today a Slavic man has one wife and three mistresses, one of whom is a prostitute and the other is a single mother, this is much worse than when a man honestly supports two, three or four families.”

He tells reporters that he himself had “more than 200 women and with each woman several times. And if you add masturbation, I experienced an orgasm about ten thousand times.

The Canadian journalist Jennifer Gould, who interviewed him, and her translator Masha Pavlenko, Zhirinovsky offered to have group sex with his guards.

One gets the impression that sex for all members of the Liberal Democratic Party is not at all a personal and individual matter, but a deeply collective and party-wide one. Industry. It seems that jokes on a sexual theme are almost obligatory in the Liberal Democratic Party. When Zhirinovsky beat deputy Yevgenia Tishkovskaya, his deputy Alexei Mitrofanov explained the act of the chief of his future wife, Vesti correspondent Marina Lillevyali: “Yes, he just wants her. But you'll cut it out anyway."

It is understood that all around the Puritans.

Stop-stop, don't take it in black and white, don't say yes and no.

It implies quite the opposite: everyone is terribly interested in who, with whom and when. Our electorate - in step with the electorate of the old and new world - has matured to sexual scandals. Stupid Kovalev! Yes, it was possible to do such a promotion on the girls in the bathhouse!

However, details of their quiet party debauchery also emerge. When it was necessary to persuade the Bulgarians to cooperate with him, Vladimir Volfovich, without hesitation, slipped them his secretary.

Drinking of his associates with the so-called photo models is a common thing. At one time they were supplied by one of Zhirinovsky's assistants. Picked them up almost at the Kursk railway station, photographed and dragged pictures to work. When the guards of the Duma discovered this campaigner, drunk in a rag, with an open safe full of naked girls, Zhirinovsky had to fire a "valuable cadre."

In general, a party of sexual aggressors with a sexual monster at the head.

It is loved by old people and children.

“The eagle soars silently,” says folk wisdom. Worldly prompts: obscene talk is especially adored by old people and teenagers.

Vladimir Volfovich's acquaintances in private conversations report: this brawler known throughout Russia is the quietest person in private life. Why not?

Zhirinovsky himself directly tells reporters about this: "I am very reserved, very modest."

Sex is not the main thing for him, Zhirinovsky says in an interview with Itogi. And in general, he is lazy - it is better for him to watch how others do it.

A strange thing happens. Leafing through the pages of Vladimir Volfovich's life, we - with surprise - did not find behind him any ardent passions or vulgar intrigues. We can honestly admit: he is tall, curly, ambitious - women do not like him. The evidence is simple: history is silent about their existence! And our history is a vindictive aunt. The only one a holiday romance Vladimir Volfovich ended in legal marriage.

What kind of sexual aggressor is there ... Rather, a typical representative of the generation of Soviet people who grew up under the slogan: "We don't have sex."

Vladimir Volfovich was disliked already in childhood. He was born on the first postwar year in Alma-Ata. The sixth child in the family at this difficult time was not the most desired. A large family huddled in one room of a communal apartment. As Zoshchenko would write, Vova didn't even have a crib. He fell asleep on a common sofa in bright light to the hum of the voices of his stepbrothers and sisters. For them, both the second husband of the mother and his son were strangers. However, Vova did not know his father: Wolf Isaakovich Edelstein died in a car accident in the year of his birth.

At first, my mother fed the children with scraps from the dining room, where she worked as a dishwasher. But soon a stepfather appeared in the house - a half-educated student fifteen years younger than his mother, who also drank the last money. Filthy canteen cutlets went to him.

The most surprising thing is that Vladimir Volfovich reports all these shameful details about his own mother in a book dedicated to her. So the character, as we see, really turned out to be Zoshchenko's.

Like any innocent and indecisive teenager, Vova dreamed of frenzied debauchery. It's okay, many great and just normal people have gone through this.

16-year-old Volodya Zhirinovsky dreamed of raping his first love, a tall and thin classmate Allochka, in the back of a truck - so that she had nowhere to run away. Nevertheless, a year later, in a sanatorium near Sochi, where Vova came to rest with the class, he was ashamed to have an affair with Allochka.

The second "first love" was called Sveta. They met and walked. They even kissed. But also not for long: Vova changed his surname and left for the capital to enter the Institute of Oriental Languages ​​at Moscow State University.

In Moscow, Vova pored over textbooks - there was neither time nor money for girls. Then, in order to rehabilitate himself before his party comrades, Zhirinovsky said that at the age of twenty, on a student trip to Budapest, he seduced a young Hungarian named Aniko. It seems to be done.

At a youth camp in Pitsunda, Zhirinovsky met his future wife, Galina Lebedeva, then a student at the Faculty of Biology at Moscow State University. The sea, the sun, tanned bodies… Galya was a pretty, slender girl with long hair and naive eyes. Her parents lived in a beautiful apartment near the Nikitsky Gate. Volodya promised her that he would become a minister. But at first it was not love, but friendship. At first they met three of them: he, she and her friend.

Then the third one fell off. Volodya took Galya to big theater when he got there with a group, moonlighting as a translator. There were savings on tickets.

This went on for three years!

They got married in 1970. Galina Alexandrovna recalls how he carried her after the wedding to the fifth floor of the old house in his arms. She then weighed forty-something kilograms. He laid her on the sofa, removed the veil...

Three years later, their son Igor was born.

Victory was waiting, nature was waiting

Minister Vladimir Volfovich failed to become. But the energy seething in it gave strange emissions.

As a 4th year student, he sent a letter to the Central Committee addressed to Brezhnev, in which he outlined his plan for reforming Soviet education, agriculture and urban life.

In 1969, in practice in Turkey, Vladimir Volfovich was arrested for communist propaganda: he gave Turkish friends badges with a portrait of V.I. Lenin.

And in 1977 he was going to join an illegal political party. It just seems that this story is akin to that one - about the seduction of a Hungarian woman with the strange name Aniko.

And later, in the era of perestroika political renaissance, Vladimir Volfovich, figuratively speaking, poked into all holes before finding himself as chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party. From the Society of Jewish Culture and the Democratic Union to "Memory".

Eyewitnesses say: when he went into politics, at home he had a home-made wall newspaper hanging on the wall. There were photos of Vovochka different ages and the title: “Forty years without accomplishments and victories. What's next?".

No presence of a woman - a wife, or at least a housekeeper - was felt in that apartment. And no wonder: he divorced Galina Lebedeva back in 1977. But, like the Ulyanov sisters, Vladimir Volfovich's cousins ​​sat with their backs stretched out. Grey, identical. However, about them later.

Student Vladimir shared all the vicissitudes of divorce with his new classmate Larisa Kuprikova (he had just entered the Faculty of Law). He was unusually eloquent, arguing that when dividing property he was not obliged to make any concessions: everything should be “according to the law.” If the law says that spouses have equal rights, then so be it!

The property was divided in court. The details of the divorce were disgusting even to a battered lawyer. It is easy to imagine how Vladimir Volfovich behaved in court. Especially since then he was quite a beggar Soviet man. Add to this the temperament and the communal past.

"Share everything!"

Galina, an iron woman, managed to defend an apartment in Teply Stan, where she stayed with her son, who had forgotten about his father for a long time. She quietly worked at the Institute of Virology of the Academy of Medical Sciences. And son Igor grew up and took his mother's surname along with his passport.

As they wrote earlier, "the revolution changed everything." Perestroika opened the career of a charismatic leader to Zhirinovsky.

Faithful husband

The first steps towards the political Olympus were taken by the chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party in the company of a certain Lyudmila Nikolaevna, also a lawyer, whom at first he even presented to journalists as his “half”. But soon the fighting girlfriend was dismissed.

In fact, Zhirinovsky is, to put it mildly, an irrational person. His party ally Alexei Mitrofanov, chairman of the Duma committee on geopolitics, says Zhirinovsky has "30% algebra and 70% esotericism."

But here algebra clearly won.

A political leader must be morally stable, hence married. This rule applies regardless of time and social order. But if earlier the spouse, at least, did not have to be presented to the electorate, then starting from 1985, the party wife gradually, but steadily became a public person. Yes, Vladimir Volfovich began in the role of a hooligan, sex terrorist and champion of "free love". But the further, the more patriarchal values ​​came into fashion and a strong family. Roughly speaking, it was necessary to show someone.

For some reason, it turned out to be easier for Vladimir Volfovich to return his old wife than to find a new one. In a sense, Vladimir Volfovich turned out to be a very faithful husband.

Today Galina Alexandrovna Lebedeva heads the Association for the Promotion of Deputy Activities, which includes LDPR women and wives of party members. Her wedding with the chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party in February 1996 was also a completely party event. However, Vladimir Volfovich himself, almost the next day, in the press called this wedding pure propaganda, an occasion that it would be a sin not to use to show oneself as a supporter of a strong Orthodox family.

Son, Igor, Vladimir Volfovich also returned to the bosom of the family and attached to the party struggle. Appointed as his assistant, donated a jeep, provides money. Now Igor is ready for his father through fire and water.

Fucked up with a sad noise

If Galina Alexandrovna had to choose a motto for herself, it could consist of one word: "Loyalty." The point is not only that she was able to forget the shameful divorce and accept the role of the faithful wife of the man with whom she once was engaged in the division of dishes in the sideboard. Galina Alexandrovna retained other passions of her younger years. Today, she, quite a respectable lady, like twenty-five years ago, prefers white clothes (a short skirt that opens round knees). Her hairstyle is “hello from the 60s”. Galina Alexandrovna has a weakness for gold - chains, bracelets, a gold-colored handbag and gold evening shoes.

Twenty-five years later, Vladimir Volfovich found in his newly found wife what he had always subconsciously dreamed of - a real party comrade. Without any female stuff there. Galina Alexandrovna - without exaggeration - became for Vladimir Volfovich what Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya was for Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov. This is indeed an ideal union, a pure spring, not clouded by a sexual jet.

Galina Alexandrovna takes her new role extremely responsibly. Answering journalists' questions, he is very worried, sits in terrible tension. Tells how her husband loves chicken cutlets. If she is told that her husband is a brawler and a bully, she immediately retorts: “Maybe it will seem implausible, but I don’t remember the case when Volodya offended me, not to mention raising his hand. He will never forget courting me in a restaurant.

For so many years I have not heard a single insult, even the word "fool" addressed to me. Volodya at home is a completely different person - very soft, calm. He will never raise his voice, will not slam the door, will not switch the TV without consulting.

No wonder, because most of their lives they lived apart!

And now the solemnly reunited spouses live separately. He is at the state dacha in Petrovo-Dalny (he spends his rare free moments in the company of horses). She is in their old apartment in Teply Stan. This state of affairs clearly suits both spouses: the correctness of the marriage contract is dearer to them than dubious family happiness.

One can only guess why Galina Alexandrovna accepted this. A malicious consciousness slips a ready answer: lack of money in his native research institute, and all that. Is it good to grow viruses in flasks - that's your whole woman's life?

The only thing that Galina Alexandrovna speaks with reluctance is about her husband's numerous relatives. Maybe jealous of their party career? After all, she only has a state-owned Volga with a driver (by the way, Vladimir Volfovich himself drives a Mercedes-500), while Zhirinovsky's relatives are widely represented in the party nomenclature. The brother of Vladimir Volfovich, Alexander, holds the post of manager of the Liberal Democratic Party. Sister Lyuba is the head of the economic department and the chief accountant. Another sister, Lyudmila, is an assistant to a deputy. Nephew is a driver.

But, on the other hand, who else can be entrusted with the party fund, if not a sister, who, moreover, is completely dependent on him? By the way, Lyubov Andreevna perfectly copes with her role. She is a smart and calculating person. “You can’t interrogate snow in winter,” her comrades-in-arms say about her. But it has nothing to do with it - Zhirinovsky is also stingy. Takes on one bet several people. His subordinates work for pennies in the hope of snatching something in the future. Many do not wait and leave. However, there is a hole in the old woman. One young "falcon" picked up the keys and robbed the party cash desk - hundreds of thousands of dollars.

They say that on that day, having come to the service, Vladimir Volfovich, in anger, broke more plates than usual. (It is the responsibility of the secretary to monitor their presence in the office. After all, if the plates run out at the wrong time, then expensive faxes and telephones fly into the wall.)

triumph of virtue

But in fact, why does Zhirinovsky fight and quarrel so often? You can make a list "Zhirinovsky fought with them." The women he dragged by the hair should be singled out in a separate line. Why, for example, did Deputy Evgenia Tishkovskaya displease Vladimir Volfovich so much?

(Galina Lebedeva immediately came to her husband's defense: "Tishkovskaya was the first to deliver a very painful kick. He pushed her away, but she kicked again. I'm on his side.") MTK correspondent Yulia Olshanskaya, while laying wreaths at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier, dared to ask Zhirinovsky a question. For which the chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party hit her and pushed her into his car.

He does not like women. But why?

This question was answered by a psychologist, to whom the author cited the following statements of Zhirinovsky, without naming the hero by name:

- Women are the cause of all wars on the planet;

- They often deceive, so they must also be deceived and humiliated. Better in public;

It's good when women cry.

This type of consciousness, the scientist explained, is usually inherent in a person who was deprived of maternal love. This does not mean that he will necessarily turn into a maniac. But a mentally disabled person, deprived of the ability to experience love for a woman, alas, will certainly succeed. A wife for such a man is like a suitcase without a handle. It is hard to carry, uncomfortable, but necessary.

In general, such people often become psychopaths and love only themselves. What is a psychopath? It "starts" on its own. And the highest pleasure is experienced only from self-expression. Goebbels was a psychopath - he experienced the highest delight during speeches.

And you said: a sexy monster, a homosexual, a sex brawler, an orgasm record holder. The most virtuous citizen who is unable to live under the same roof with his wife, not to mention other nonsense.

I won’t be surprised if it turns out that he is treating the prostate gland with party money.

Your own party. The wife is a friend and comrade. What else does a liberal democrat need to stay in politics? Is that a couple of public tantrums.

Career, July 98

Asya Klyachina

Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky is a political figure of the Russian Federation, and in the past - the Soviet state. Today, Vladimir Zhirinovsky leads an active state life.

The leadership of one of the leading factions of the country, namely the Liberal Democratic Party (LDPR), is entrusted to his shoulders. Also, the state activist has been a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation for more than twenty years.

Facts from the biography

Zhirinovsky V.V. was born under a completely different surname - Eidelstein. It can be concluded that the politician is of non-Russian origin. This is true: after all, his grandfather, Isaac Eidelstein, was a Jew. He was engaged in industrial activities aimed at wood processing, and in the district of Kostopol (formerly Poland, now a region of Ukraine) he enjoyed the respect of others.

With the onset of the Second World War, Isaac Eidelstein practically lost his family, and his only surviving sons were forcibly deported to Kazakhstan. One of the sons, Wolf, became the father of V. V. Zhirinovsky, who was born on April 25, 1946.

As Vladimir Volfovich himself mentions, he remembers his father very poorly and heard about him only from the stories of his mother. This is because the mother statesman remarried, and V. A. Zhirinovsky became her chosen one. It was from his stepfather that Vladimir ("Vladimir" is too familiar. It is better to replace it with "Vladimir Volfovich", "politician") new surname, which is now at the hearing of every Russian.

After graduating from school, Zhirinovsky began to acquire two higher educations in parallel, and after graduating from these universities, he began to receive a third. The knowledge and skills acquired by the future politician during the period of study gave him the opportunity to lead the Liberal Democratic Party by 1995.

Personality Zhirinovsky

Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky allows himself loud and scandalous public statements, which makes him a rather bright and memorable personality among other politicians.

Zhirinovsky's defiant behavior often entangles him in scandals, but it is his openness that inspires respect and trust in politics from the population of the Russian Federation.

In 2017, Vladimir Zhirinovsky turned 71 and, despite his advanced age, he continues to fight for the rights of Russians and regularly promote his unusual views on rational government.

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On the this moment time among Russian politicians there is no more striking and infamous figure than Vladimir Zhirinovsky. His name is known to both children and adults in many countries of the world. Already long years he is the permanent leader of the LDPR party.

In this article we present the main points from Zhirinovsky.

Childhood and education

Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky was born on April 25, 1946 in Alma-Ata. His own father's name was Wolf Isaakovich Eidelstein, who worked as a lawyer and agrarian. Mother, Alexandra Petrovna Makarova, took place in the institute's dining room.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky grew up in a large family: his mother in her second marriage gave birth to five more children - two boys and three girls. Until the age of 18, Zhirinovsky bore the surname Eidelstein.

After finishing high school, the young man goes to and enters the Institute of Oriental Languages, which played important role in his biography. In 1988, he successfully defended his doctoral dissertation, and by that time he already knew English, French, German and Turkish.


According to Zhirinovsky himself, his political career was a foregone conclusion at an early age. Having received a legal position at the Mir publishing house, he often has to make speeches to the public.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky

Feeling great inner strength in himself, in 1990 Vladimir Zhirinovsky created the Liberal Democratic Party (LDPR), which is still inseparable from his personal biography.

A year later, the politician is running for President, taking 3rd place on the list. Since that time, he has become the sole leader in his party, and in 2000 he decides to again participate in the electoral race. Zhirinovsky successfully wins the sympathy of his voters and to win the 2000 elections, he lacks only 2 million votes.

Vladimir Volfovich also takes part in the elections of 2007 and 2011, but so far he has not succeeded in taking the post of head of state.

For his unusual political biography, Zhirinovsky became famous as one of the most scandalous and eccentric characters not only in Russian politics, but throughout the continent.

An interesting feature of Zhirinovsky's biography is the fact that many of his political predictions (regarding the problems of the Middle East, relations with the West, etc.) come true with amazing accuracy.


The very first scandal involving Zhirinovsky was an incident that occurred in 1995. On live television, Zhirinovsky poured juice over his counterpart Boris Nemtsov. In the same year, he had a brawl with the deputy Yevgenia Tishkovka.

After some time, fights involving Vladimir Volfovich become his hallmark. They are shown on television and written about in newspapers.

The next "victims" of the odious politician were Boris Nadezhdin and then US President George W. Bush, whom he showered with swear words.

The odious politician entered into sharp verbal skirmishes with singer Alla Pugacheva and journalist Stella Dubovitskaya.

Zhirinovsky is often sued. This is mainly due to his emotional behavior.

At the same time, for his excellent oratory skills, broad outlook, cool character and extraordinary charisma with which Zhirinovsky speaks, he is constantly invited to a variety of television programs.

Scandalous statements

In his opinion, by 2019 Ukraine will be divided into several regions, which will later become parts of neighboring states.

The military conflict in the Donbass, Zhirinovsky considers the genocide of the Russian people. He lays all the blame for the shedding of the blood of civilians on Petro Poroshenko and his entourage.

In the same 2014, the LDPR leader proposes to deprive some Asian states of their independence. In his opinion, it is most reasonable to create a Central Asian federal district, which will include certain countries.

Another scandal in political biography Zhirinovsky flared up because Vladimir Volfovich spoke insultingly about the cities of Kazakhstan. According to him, they were built by Russian colonists. The reaction of Kazakhstan was instantaneous. The country's Foreign Ministry made the politician persona non grata by banning entry into its territory.

On one of the political talk shows, Vladimir Zhirinovsky said that the North Caucasus should be surrounded by barbed wire, and all residents should be expelled from the state.

As a result, a flurry of criticism fell upon him, including from Ramzan Kadyrov, who demanded his resignation.

Awarding the Order of Alexander Nevsky. May 21, 2015

In 2012, in his interview, the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party called the inhabitants of the Urals "stupid". Because of his words, he lost a significant part of the electorate in this region.

Personal life

In 1971, Zhirinovsky married Galina Lebedeva, whom he had known since childhood. Later, the couple decides to divorce, but then they again converge and live together. In 1972, their son Igor was born.

Vladimir Volfovich also has two illegitimate children: Oleg Gazdarov and daughter Anastasia Petrova.

Has two twin grandchildren.

Zhirinovsky today

In 2017, Vladimir Zhirinovsky proposed changing the anthem. According to him, it should be short and give "inspiration" to the citizens of the state.

Politics is also concerned about health issues. He himself says that he switched to a vegetarian diet a long time ago, since meat is harmful to human health.

His party colleagues also plan to stop eating meat products in the future.

2018 presidential candidate

It's no secret that Vladimir Volfovich is a participant in the 2018 presidential race. Zhirinovsky's biography is hard to imagine without a constant striving for main goal his life as president of Russia.

At this stage, Zhirinovsky's main opposition rival is Pavel Grudinin, who, according to preliminary opinion polls, is insignificant, but still ahead of the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party.

At the pre-election debate between Zhirinovsky and Ksenia Sobchak, who is also a presidential candidate, there was a sharp verbal squabble, as a result of which Sobchak poured water from her glass on Vladimir Volfovich.

Despite the foul language, we must pay tribute to the fact that Zhirinovsky did not allow himself to dissolve his hands in relation to a woman.

In 2016, a monument was erected to Vladimir Zhirinovsky in Moscow. The sculpture was made by Zurab Tsereteli. The monument is a figure more than three meters high. It is installed in the courtyard of the Institute of World Civilizations, founded by Zhirinovsky.

An interesting fact is that at the opening of the monument, those present sang the anthem "God Save the Tsar!". Relevant videos can be easily found on the Internet.

Moreover, he released several albums with songs performed by him.

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