Which white is whiter than zinc or titanium. What is the difference between zinc white and titanium white? Advantages of zinc oxide

Daphne is Bloom's older sister and the eldest daughter of King Oritel and Queen Marion. She often came to Bloom in her dreams. She originally appeared as a mysterious voice, but her identity was revealed in stages as Bloom's story took the entire first season. Once, sacrificing her life, she saved Bloom from the Three Ancient Witches and sent her to Earth. Daphne helped her believe in herself when the Trix took her powers and wanted to destroy Magix. She is also one of the nine nymphs of Lake Racaluche, which she is able to leave only for a short time. Daphne makes a few brief appearances in Winx: The Secret of the Lost Kingdom and helps Bloom during the final battle with the spirits of the Three Ancient Witches. He first appears in the sixth episode of the first season, "Mission to Cloud Tower".
How old was Daphne when she saved Bloom? Let's try to answer this question. In the first season, Bloom puts on the crown in the ruined castle of Domino and sees his last minutes on this planet. Here, Daphne is already quite an adult girl, and does not look any younger than Bloom in the series.

In the photo from the book in the film "The Secret of the Lost Kingdom", Daphne looks already younger: about 12 years old.

And in the second season, Bloom has a dream where her parents and sister come up to her, and Daphne there is a very little girl of 7-8 years old.

When Bloom came to Earth, she was not yet a year old, which means that Daphne from the moment of her birth and before the attack of the witches could not grow by 10 years. The writers obviously didn't think about it.

White paints are predominant in the choice of materials for painting, decorating, and carrying out certain types of construction work. Sometimes we do not even think about the fact that we use such an object in Everyday life. The main sphere of use of zinc and titanium white is artistic activity. Thanks to them, the master can create a paint layer on canvas or decorative coating.

Interestingly, in construction, zinc white is used as a pigmenting paint for some water-soluble emulsions.

Excursion into history

A few decades earlier, when people did not yet know what zinc powder white was, lead paints were used instead, which were known during the reign of the Roman Empire, and were also in demand among the Greeks. Such whitewash was used everywhere until the beginning of the 19th century. Lead paints were toxic, which moved humanity to action: the search for an alternative. This is how zinc white appeared.

At the beginning of 1780, when paints appeared, they were not widely used because of their high cost, relatively cheap zinc-based white was obtained only half a century later. IN early XIX century, new, more modern titanium paints appeared on the market. They were first heard about in Norway. Now people chose titanium and zinc white. What is the difference between these colors and lead? Titanium paints differ from other bleaching paints in their properties: they are non-toxic and fit well on the canvas.

The main characteristic of bleaching paints

Ready-made white or thickly ground colors are available for sale. The latter are intended for use after dilution with a special oil varnish, which acts as an artistic solvent.

Other than oil varnish, no other solvents are suitable. The use of undeclared materials may lead to an undesirable yellowish tint that the paint will receive during the dyeing process.

In its purest form, whitewash has a snow-white color, sometimes with a bluish tint. Moreover, the tone and quality of the source material depends on the raw materials used to produce the pigment. Store paints in a closed tube or other container, as they absorb moisture from environment. Zinc white has distinctive features: they do not ignite and do not deteriorate under the influence of microorganisms.

Advantages of zinc oxide

Such a coloring material as zinc white has a number of advantages:

  • resistance to direct sunlight;
  • high compatibility with most of the colors from the palette;
  • application in all directions of painting and arts and crafts;
  • non-toxicity.

Zinc white also has some negative qualities:

  • dry for a long time;
  • the paint layer applied through the use of white is prone to cracking;
  • low hiding power;
  • high consumption of oily solvents.

What are the differences between lead and zinc white?

IN last years craftsmen actively use titanium and zinc white. What is the difference between these modernized pigments and white lead? Previously used lead paints had a clean texture without inclusions and a snow-white color that did not lose brightness under the influence of the sun.

Despite the toxicity, lead paints had a number of advantages:

  • plasticity, allowing the color scheme to maintain strength and not crumble;
  • moisture resistance;
  • fast drying property.

Some of the disadvantages of lead white:

  • toxic properties;
  • not suitable for mixing with all types of paints;
  • over time, the bright layer lost its attractiveness.

After weighing all the pros and cons, mankind came to the conclusion that the use of lead white in industry is extremely harmful to health and life, so they were replaced by a more modern and less harmful option - zinc, and eventually titanium white.

Unique properties of titanium pigments

The benefits of using titanium white are:

  • creating a matte and durable surface after application;
  • ability to withstand sudden changes in humidity in the room;
  • neutral reaction to direct sunlight;
  • creating a bright texture layer.

Titanium white has only one drawback - the paint structure becomes brittle after drying, so such a canvas or pattern cannot be folded, and during transportation be extremely careful not to damage the object.

How and where white is used

Due to the high toxicity of a material such as lead, lead-based paints have fallen out of use.

Whitewash is actively used in construction. So, zinc white is used to cover surfaces, the technical characteristics of which contribute to the insulation of walls and ceilings from the negative effects of moisture. Alkyd and titanium compounds are also suitable for these purposes.

Scope of thickly ground zinc white: coating of wooden, metal, plastered surfaces of the room. Such water-soluble paints are suitable for finishing plastered surfaces (walls and ceilings). Today, walls are rarely just painted white, except with a sort of design idea. White color preferred for ceiling decoration. It is here that snow-white zinc-based white can be used.

Rules for working with zinc white

Painting works - the main scope of paints. The procedure is carried out in several stages:

  1. When starting painting work, do not forget to arm yourself with personal protective equipment: gloves, goggles, mask, cap. This will help protect your face, eyes, and hair from paint dripping from the ceiling.
  2. Ensure free air flow into the room. After painting, ventilate the room well.
  3. Clean the ceiling from the old layer of plaster, paint, dust and mud deposits, streaks.
  4. Apply a new layer of plaster, level the ceiling (if necessary).

Carry out painting only on condition that the surface of the ceiling is perfectly flat.

5. Sand the puttied surface with sandpaper. Continue sanding until the surface has the desired smoothness.

The surface with increased absorption characteristics is covered with several layers of drying oil before applying the paint.

  1. Apply thick zinc whitewash in even layers, allowing them to dry.
  2. Paints must be applied to a pre-primed surface.
  3. There is a need to stir zinc white before use. The paint is diluted with natural drying oil or oil when thickened. For oil paints, white spirit thinner, turpentine or a special thinner for oil paints are suitable. Everything you need today is easy to purchase in specialized stores that sell goods for artists.
  4. High-quality coloring is provided by applying several layers of paint to the surface.
  5. A new layer of white must be applied only after the previous one has completely dried, otherwise the film layer will be injured and the surface will no longer be so strong.
  6. Using in artistic activity lead white, take precautions and ventilate the room.

The use of white paints in everyday life is a frequently observed phenomenon. This is due to the fact that they are taken as a base, mixed with other colors to obtain the desired color scheme. When working with such a material, it is important to remember that ready-to-use zinc white is combined only with single-base materials.

Masters note that zinc and titanium white are very popular due to their specifications and cost of paints. Such material is inexpensive, and using it you can create a real artistic masterpiece, because the art of painting is the main area where bleaching paints are used.

Quite often, gouache is used for creativity. This is the most suitable type of paint for a novice artist. To obtain new colors and shades, one cannot do without white gouache, artists call it - whitewash. As a rule, this paint is used the most, it has to be constantly bought in addition.

There are several types of white gouache. There are zinc and titanium. Both types are good, but you need to determine what kind of work it will be used for? Which zinc or titanium white to choose?

The admixture of white gives gouache a matte velvety, but when it dries, the colors bleach out, this property must be taken into account. This type of white is chosen by experienced artists. Zinc white is used only in combination with other paints, since in comparison with titanium they are more transparent, which makes it possible to create amazing shades. These whites have an average degree of preservation of color intensity. In combination with other paints, they practically do not change their color. A plus will be a clean and transparent shade and the absence of a “chalky coating”. The difference between zinc white and titanium white is also that they give a colder tone. They are artistic or poster. Artistic use for font and fine works. Posters are intended for the design of exhibitions, stands, etc. Zinc white has excellent hiding power and color saturation.

On this resource - Ru.all.biz, you can find information about zinc white on www.ru.all.biz. In my opinion, this is one of the best sites on this subject!

Titanium white is produced from finely ground pigments and binders with the addition of gum arabic. The absence of harmful substances allows them to be used even in the food industry. Safety is a big plus for most young artists. Titanium white, unlike zinc, has a warm tint, it is convenient to prescribe whiter places with them. They are stable in combination with other paints, react less to light and are more durable. And they are cheaper, which is also an advantage. These paints are ideal for graphics, painting and decorative works. The paint is applied perfectly on almost all materials, but it is best on canvas, cardboard and paper. Titanium white dries longer than zinc (in some works this is even an advantage), after drying it is easily washed out with water, and does not turn yellow upon contact with sulfur vapor. Over time, they acquire a bluish tint.

You can argue about which white is better for a long time. Experienced Artists urge to use both types. Titanium - opaque, whiter, but in mixtures they can give an unpleasant shade, but they perfectly paint over dark places. Zinc - it is better to use for initial registration and for more corpus strokes. Even a mixture of white is used, in combination they dry faster. When buying whitewash, you need to pay attention to the packaging, some are designed for large jobs and require unfolding into separate jars. For one child, it is better to choose a small container with an airtight lid, so the paint will not dry out.

White zinc

Whitewash is prepared from zinc obtained by electrolytic method. According to its composition, white is zinc oxide ZnO. The white binder is a mixture of walnut and linseed oils. White zinc has a creamy tint. The whiteness of zinc white is colder in tone than the whiteness of lead white.
Characteristic features of zinc white are that:
a) they dry relatively slowly,
b) have an average covering power,
c) improve the strength of paint mixtures.
Under the action of light, zinc white does not lose its whiteness; turn yellow in the dark, but the color is gradually restored under the action of light. Under the influence of hydrogen sulfide and sulfurous gases do not lose their whiteness. The industrial production of zinc white dates back to 1849, when they were used in painting.

White lead

White lead is prepared on the basis of lead carbonate. The binder for white lead is a mixture of walnut and linseed oils. Lead white has a lower whiteness than zinc white, which makes it possible to obtain warmer whites.
The characteristic features of lead white are that:
a) they are a more viscous paste than zinc white;
b) dry much faster than zinc white (having desiccant properties), in mixtures they accelerate the drying of other paints;
c) have high hiding power and good adhesion;
d) are toxic paints.
Lead white is lightfast. Lead white darkens under the influence of hydrogen sulfide and sulfurous gases.
Lead white has been used since early medieval. Note. Leningrad plant artistic paints produces the following white paints: zinc white, lead-zinc, lead, titanium, where specially treated oils or pentaerythritol esters of fatty acids of sunflower or linseed oils are film-forming.

Titanium White.

Unfortunately, they (i.e. titanium white) behave unsatisfactorily in mixtures with some other oil paints and act on the oil film, accelerating its destruction.
The disadvantages of titanium white include: the ability to turn yellow with oil, weaken the strength of the oil layer and give unstable mixtures with a number of paints, which include ultramarine, cobalt, cadmium paints, kraplak.
Titanium white mixed with other paints adversely affect the light fastness of the latter ... Yellowing of titanium white with oil is a fairly common phenomenon and is explained by the action of butyric acids on the pigment.
pluses - excellent hiding power (one tube of TB will more than replace two tubes of zinc white) and non-toxicity.

Undesirable mixtures of white paints in the basis of white lead

1. Mixtures of lead white with ultramarine, caput-mortuum (light and dark), cobalt blue and violet, red and golden yellow "LC" are not allowed. Mixing white lead with the listed paints causes their darkening or browning of the tone.
2. Lead white in mixtures with purple speck, Van Dyck (Porkhov), as well as with black paints (especially with burnt bone), if mixed in low concentrations, less than 1:10, causes a sharp brightening of the colors.
3. White lead should not be mixed with paints prepared with organic pigments.
4. In mixtures of lead white with dark cobalt violet, dark ocher, natural umber, mars brown dark transparent and mars brown light, the color tone is lightened.