How to breed milk powder for piglets and its proportions. Powdered milk at home

On the shelves of stores, along with the usual milk, you can find dry milk, which differs from the classic powdery consistency. The product is used in various areas of cooking, it is used for the manufacture of whole milk, bread, sausages. In animal husbandry, the powder is used as animal feed.

What is powdered milk

A concentrate from a regular pasteurized drink or milk powder is dried milk. It eliminates many of the disadvantages of the liquid version - it is stored longer, easier to transport. At the same time, it retains an excellent composition and contains all the necessary nutrients and vitamins. The prototype of the modern product was milky lumps, which were made by the inhabitants of Siberia, freezing milk.

For the first time, the Russian doctor Krichevsky received a dry powder, who evaporated the liquid for a long time using a special technology so that everything beneficial features original product have been retained. After several decades, the powder is used in cooking and the food industry, and is included in the diet of an adult and a child.

low fat

A subspecies of the product is skimmed milk powder, which contains 25 times less fat than whole milk. There are just as many other useful substances. Due to the low fat content, the product is stored for a long time, does not require special conditions. When skimmed milk is mixed with whole milk, steamed together and dried, you get an instant product that baristas use to complement their coffee.


Whole milk powder has a high calorie content and a low shelf life. It is a uniformly colored cream-white powder of uniform consistency. Receive a product from whole cow's milk. Ready powder can be dissolved without sediment. It has no inclusions of yellow or Brown color, easily rubbed between the fingers.

What is milk powder made from?

The classic product includes only whole pasteurized cow's milk. The raw material is subjected to a complex five-stage drying and homogenization process, allowing the composition to remain virtually unchanged. The product is rich in protein, fats, milk sugar, lactose, vitamins, useful substances and microelements. No additional components (soy protein, starch, sugar) are added to the composition - this worsens the quality and taste of the diluted drink.

How do they do

In five stages, the production of powdered milk takes place at food factories in Russia. The raw material is fresh cow's milk, which is subjected to following changes:

  1. Normalization - bringing the fat content of the feedstock to normal (reduced increase, increased - reduced). To do this, the product is mixed with less fat or cream. This stage is necessary in order to achieve a certain ratio of fat content in accordance with regulatory documents.
  2. Pasteurization is the heating of a liquid to remove bacteria and viruses from it. Milk needs to be pasteurized for a short time, then cooled.
  3. Thickening or boiling - at this stage, the product is boiled, divided into whole and fat-free subspecies, for which the processes differ in time and parameters. If you add sugar to the product at this step, you get condensed milk.
  4. Homogenization is the obtaining by the manufacturer of the product of a homogeneous consistency.
  5. Drying - the resulting nutrient liquid is dried on a special apparatus until it reaches a certain percentage of moisture.

How to breed dry milk at home

When buying a product and subsequent preparation, it is important to observe the proportions of dilution of milk powder. To restore, you will need three parts of warm water (about 45 degrees) and one part of the powder. Introduce the liquid gradually, stir thoroughly, leave for a few minutes to achieve a homogeneous milky consistency and dissolve the proteins.

Helpful Hints:

  • cold water is undesirable because the particles do not completely dissolve, crystallize and are felt on the teeth;
  • boiling water is also not suitable - it will just curdle the milk;
  • it is imperative to insist on the liquid after dilution, because this will turn out the optimal product, and not watery with unswollen protein;
  • it is harmful to use a mixer for stirring - it gives too much foam;
  • introduce water gradually and carefully so that lumps do not form;
  • brew coffee and season with dry milk - it will turn out delicious.

For pancakes

A popular dish in which the product in question is used is pancakes with powdered milk. To prepare them, you need a liter of whole milk, which is easy to dilute in the following proportion: 100 grams (8 teaspoons) of dry powder in a liter of warm water. Add water to the powder, and not vice versa, stir and wait 15 minutes to make the solution homogeneous.

For porridge

A pleasant breakfast will be porridge on milk powder, which will be made in proportion to a glass of water 25 grams of powder. This amount will make a glass of reconstituted milk with a fat content of 2.5%, which is enough for one serving. For four people, you will have to dilute already 900 ml of water and 120 grams of powder. The dilution liquid should be warm, stirring continuously until the product is completely dissolved.


Classic powdered milk without additives contains on average 496 calories per 100 grams, which is almost 10 times higher than the usual drink. This is due to the concentration of the product. Whole milk powder contains 549 kcal, and skim milk - 373. The product is rich in fats (saturated, fatty acids), sodium, potassium and dietary fiber. It is rich in sugars, proteins and vitamins.

Benefit and harm

The composition of the powder is not inferior to natural pasteurized milk. It contains calcium to strengthen bones, potassium to improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, vitamin A to improve vision and skin health. In addition, milk is useful for rickets, because. Here are some more useful properties of the product:

  • useful for anemia;
  • choline normalizes blood cholesterol levels;
  • chlorine relieves swelling, cleanses the body;
  • magnesium and phosphorus provide comprehensive health support;
  • useful in diabetes, gastroenterological diseases;
  • rich in vitamin B12 and protein, according to reviews it is important for vegetarians or people who do not eat meat;
  • easily digestible, does not weigh down the digestive tract;
  • does not contain bacteria, does not need to be boiled;
  • the benefits of vitamins, BJU complex for the health of the body as a whole.

The harm of powdered milk is not so obvious, rather, it can be called a disadvantage. Do not use the powder for allergy sufferers, people with lactose intolerance or reacting rashes to the components. Do not get carried away with the product with a tendency to set excess weight- high energy value affects the rapid set of muscle mass, which is then difficult to return to normal - it is not suitable for weight loss. This factor of harm is converted into a benefit for athletes involved in bodybuilding.

Powdered milk dishes

Dishes from powdered milk at home have become widespread. The powder can be bought on the shelf of any store. It is used in cooking, confectionery and dessert business. When added to baking, milk makes the consistency of the finished product more dense, and when cooking creams and pastes, it prolongs their shelf life. It is convenient to use milk powder in order to restore the drink, and then use the liquid in different ways - mix with flour for pancakes or pancakes, add to cereals, sweets, cakes.

Dry powder can caramelize during the drying process, so it smells like candy. For this flavor, milk is loved by confectioners who make condensed milk, fillings for layering cakes and pastries, and Korovka sweets. Dried milk can be used to make baby formula, chocolate, ganaches to cover biscuits and muffins. Adding powder to yoghurts makes the consistency homogeneous and extends the shelf life.

When used at home, dry milk powder is used as a replacement for whole milk in cereals, pastries, rolls, sweets. Milk is added to mastic for wrapping holiday cakes, to ice cream, condensed milk, bread, cottage cheese, for a layer of muffins. To replace some components, the powder is used in the manufacture of cutlets, ham, meatballs. For sweet dishes, the product is used to prepare kissels, buns, pies, cupcakes, croissants.

Milk is the first product that a person tries when he is born. There are many useful substances in cow's milk, but only it quickly turns sour. They have been trying to solve this problem for decades. Oh eureka! Manufacturers came up with powdered milk. How to dilute dry milk? Proportions, some tricks and tips will be discussed today.

Milk in abundance - and we are in perfect order

Many people think that milk powder is a complete chemistry. In terms of taste and composition, this powdered product has nothing to do with fragrant and snow-white, slightly sweet fresh milk. Let me disagree. To dispel this myth, you need to know the production technology of the product. And then you will be interested in what proportions to dilute milk powder.

For the first time, the decision to make powdered milk arose in the distant 13th century. Milk gave strength to warriors. Let's jump into history. Imagine: a field, exhausting sun, no refrigerators. How long will fresh milk retain its original taste? A maximum of a few hours, and that's all - it's already curdled milk. Then the Mongol-Tatars learned how to dry the milk mixture. But that progenitor of powdered milk was still far from a modern product.

Today, milk powder is made exclusively by processing whole cow's milk. The process is long - the result is amazing. Scientists have repeatedly conducted research and found that all vitamins, micro- and macroelements are preserved in powdered milk. But its calorie content is slightly reduced. What can not but please people who keep their weight under control.

Oh-ho-ho, it’s not easy for us without milk ...

Have you decided to suddenly cook pastries, or maybe you needed to cook porridge for breakfast? And suddenly found that there is not a drop of milk in the refrigerator? Well, it's time to dilute the white powder and swish magic wand turn it into a miracle drink.

How to dilute dry milk? Proportions are usually indicated on the packaging, but this does not mean at all that you should measure everything down to milligrams and milliliters. The first "pancakes" can turn out to be lumpy, and then you will dilute the milk by eye.

Before moving from theory to practice, let's study the following important points:

  • Powdered milk you need to breed only boiled, but not cold and not hot water. Find the golden mean.
  • Do not pour in the entire portion of water at once, add a little at first, stir, and only then pour out the remaining liquid. If this rule is not observed, then lumps are formed in the milk that will not melt.
  • After dilution, the milk should be infused. All proteins will not swell quickly. These invisible crystals will be felt on the teeth.
  • In no case do we use a mixer and other gadgets when breeding milk. Excess foam - that's all that the kitchen appliance will give us.

Powdered milk in numbers

Yes, we are talking about proportions. It happens that you read the instructions and seem to have done everything according to the rules, but the result leaves much to be desired. It is customary to use 5 teaspoons of powdered milk for 200 ml of liquid. But if you dilute milk for making porridge, then the amount of dry ingredient can be slightly increased. Rare milk is suitable for baking, for example, pancakes. In this case, the housewives take 100 g of powdered milk per 1 part of the liquid.

The process of turning milk powder into an exquisite natural drink takes place in several steps:

  1. First, bring water to a boil and cool it to a temperature mark of 50-55 °.
  2. Now pour the dry ingredient into a bowl convenient for kneading.
  3. Add literally 50 ml of water.
  4. Stir this gruel until there is no trace of lumps left.
  5. The kneading process can take a couple of minutes or a little longer.
  6. As soon as we make sure that the consistency of the mass has become ideal, you can add the remaining water.
  7. Once again, mix everything thoroughly and leave the milk to infuse for 30-40 minutes.

Such milk can be consumed in its pure form, used to prepare various dishes, sauces and cocktails.

Remember that powdered milk is afraid of high temperatures. If you pour boiling water, you will see how the powder turned into flakes. This means that the protein has coagulated, and you have transferred the product.

Let's help our little brothers

Powdered milk is used not only in industry and food purposes. It is actively used by breeders for feeding piglets, lambs, kids, calves. How to breed milk powder for piglets? The proportions are clearly indicated on the packaging. As practice shows, the proportion of dry matter is 15-20% per 1 liter of liquid.

The rules for dilution of these mixtures are the same as for food purposes. But many farmers say that using pure milk powder for feeding piglets is not economically viable. It is better to purchase special mixtures, as well as add vitamins. Approximately 1 liter of this mixture will replace the piglet with 0.5 liters of sow's milk.

Milk is the first thing a baby eats as soon as it is born. If mother nature ordered that it be the first food of a newborn, then this is the most valuable and safest food on Earth.

It has a white color, and whoever drinks does not get sick

It is flawless in everything. It is beautiful - snow-white and smooth, it is tasty - slightly sweet, it is nutritious and healthy. But he still has one significant drawback. Milk has a very short shelf life, in other words, it quickly sours.

The Tatar-Mongols, who in their campaigns in the 13th century tried to dry milk under the sun to obtain a pasty product, thought about this problem. Then they took it with them on military campaigns, because it did not deteriorate and gave heroic strength to the one who used it.

Nowadays, in order to give heroic strength, and even with a long shelf life (with the current rhythm of life!) It has become more than in demand, and therefore at the beginning of the twentieth century, scientists patented a product whose popularity only grows over time, and the production technology with improved over the years - powdered milk.

Powdered milk production technology

Currently, this product is produced by spraying and drying whole and skimmed milk, cream and whey. To remove 50% of solids from pasteurized milk, it is concentrated in a special evaporator, and then the remaining mixture is sent to a heated chamber for instant water evaporation.

The result is a powdery mixture. This method of production guarantees the safety of nutrients, vitamins and trace elements.

The presented table shows that although whole milk is ahead of powdered milk in most indicators, this difference is nevertheless insignificant.

Milk reconstituted from powdered milk

2.5% fat

Whole milk, pasteurized,

2.5% fat

nutritional value
calories 48.2 kcal 54 kcal
Squirrels 2.42 g 2.9 g
Fats 2.5 g 2.5 g
Carbohydrates 3.93 g 4.8 g
Vitamin content
Vitamin A 0.012 mg 0.02 mg
Vitamin B1 0.02 mg 0.04 mg
Vitamin C 0.44 mg 1.4 mg
Vitamin B2 0.02mg 0.15 mg
Content of microelements
Choline 23.6 mg 23.6 mg
Calcium 120 mg 100 mg
Magnesium 12 mg 14 mg

How to dilute dry milk?

In the home kitchen, this product is just a godsend for the hostess who, for example, made a spontaneous decision to cook milk porridge, fry pancakes or even bake bread, but there was no whole milk in the house. Sometimes powdered milk is purposefully put into confectionery products, because it makes them more “fluffy”.

Recipe for diluting milk powder for pancakes

Almost all recipes for making pancakes with milk at home include 1 liter of whole milk as one of the main ingredients. But what if there is only powdered milk in the house, and pancakes are just really necessary to cook?

To obtain 1 liter of milk for pancakes, you need 100 grams - 8 teaspoons of powdered milk and 1 liter of water. Water should be warm, but not boiling water, at a temperature of about 60 ° C.

Important: warm water must be added to the mixture, and not vice versa, stirring slowly, this will prevent the formation of lumps. You need to stir the milk until the powder is completely dissolved, then it needs to be given time to swell in the liquid - 10-15 minutes.

See how to properly dilute milk powder

Recipe for diluting milk powder for porridge

To obtain full-fledged reconstituted milk, with a fat content of 2.5%, from which excellent milk porridge (rice, vermicelli, semolina, oatmeal, buckwheat) will turn out, you need to take the following proportions of the components.

One portion:

  • For 200 ml of water 25 grams or 5 teaspoons of powdered milk.

Four servings:

  • For 900 ml of water 120 grams or 6 tablespoons of milk.

Gradually pour the indicated volume of warm water into the standard amount of the mixture, stirring continuously with a spoon, until completely dissolved and a homogeneous product is obtained.

  1. Can not use cold water when diluting the dry mixture. In this case, not all particles dissolve and partially crystallize, this is felt when consumed;
  2. Do not use boiling water to prepare this product - it will curdle;
  3. Do not neglect the recommendation that the product should be infused after dilution. This will help avoid getting a watery product with unswollen protein;
  4. Do not use a mixer to prepare milk, this will lead to the formation of unnecessary foam;
  5. You need to pour the liquid into the milk powder gradually, stirring gently, if you pour all the water at once, then lumps will certainly form.

Benefit and harm

Powdered milk is a product that everyone knows. But if you start asking the average consumer simple questions, many people get lost and start to wonder, are they really familiar with this product?

Will any ordinary consumer, without hesitation, be able to answer such seemingly simple questions about milk powder?

  • Which milk has more cholesterol- dry or whole?

If milk powder is diluted to the appropriate fat content, then it has a cholesterol level comparable to that of whole milk;

  • Is it good for anemia(anemia)?

It is useful because there are forms of anemia, such as anemia as a result of a deficiency of vitamin B12 contained in powdered milk, with this form of anemia and for its prevention it is recommended for use;

  • Does it need to be boiled after recovery? How will this affect its beneficial properties?

No, it doesn `t need. The product has already been heat treated;

  • Can powdered milk contain harmful substances?

Unfortunately, maybe. Their presence / absence is due to the quality of the feedstock, that is, in what conditions they lived, what the cows ate, from which the future milk powder was obtained. If they ate food containing toxic substances, or grew up in an area where the maximum allowable concentration of harmful substances in the atmosphere goes off scale, then all these harmful substances will get into not only ordinary milk, but also into the dry product.

Application of powdered milk

With the advent modern technologies production of powdered milk, the scope of its application today covers the following sectors of the economy and the national economy.

First of all, it is, of course, the food industry. Confectionery and pasta, children food, ice cream, bread, whole milk products with a long shelf life - all these products are made on the basis of powdered milk.

This nutritional mixture has long become a constant companion of tourists and travelers, because when going on a long trip, along with a can of stew, you can take a small bag with you, which then becomes a source of protein and vitamins, so necessary to overcome long distances and conquer mountain peaks.

Airlines and railway carriers have included powdered milk in the passenger menu so that they can add a spoonful of milk to coffee, overcoming a long distance.

Breeders of cattle and other livestock industries with a large number of livestock on their farms, having come to the conclusion that it is becoming unprofitable to feed calves and piglets with whole milk, are massively switching to a powder analogue, because with the current method of obtaining its properties are in no way inferior to natural pasteurized.

As you know, milk powder is a source of protein and therefore is considered the most classic type. sports nutrition to build their body and build muscle mass, bodybuilders successfully use it.

Powdered milk is a good substitute for fresh milk, because these two products practically do not differ in their taste. But not all housewives know how to dilute milk powder. The powder is very convenient to take with you on trips and outdoors, because it does not turn sour as quickly as fresh.

It is produced by thickening or drying natural milk in special machines, so it must be diluted gradually by adding cold or warm water. The purpose of drying is to reduce the amount of product and increase its shelf life.

How to breed without lumps

In fact, diluting milk powder without lumps is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. Despite even following the instructions on the packaging, many housewives fail to cook it correctly so that it is homogeneous and without lumps.

  • The water must be warm. Do not use boiling water or ice water. Approximate proportions are 1: 8, but this does not mean that you have to stand in the kitchen and accurately calculate grams of powder;
  • Approximately 6-7 teaspoons of powder should be taken for one plastic disposable cup and mixed with water in the amount of one glass;
  • It is important to know that you need to add water gradually, and not pour it out in one motion. If you do not follow this rule, you will not be able to prepare a drink without the formation of lumps.

The proportions of how to dilute milk powder may vary slightly, depending on the purpose of its use. If you want to get more product, take several times more of all the components.

Often, powdered milk is used in cooking when kneading dough for baking bread or buns, if there is no fresh product at hand. You can also dilute this powder for making soups, cereals or other dishes. You can also make fermented milk products from it at home.

Boiling water should not be used to prepare the product, otherwise the powder will immediately clump into lumps, which will no longer be possible to get rid of. After preparing the drink, it is recommended to let it brew a little: the proteins will swell, and this will eliminate the taste of wateriness.

Powdered soy milk

His appearance, consistency and nutritional value it is practically no different from ordinary cow's milk. Its addition to food even has its merits: this product does not contain lactose, cholesterol and milk protein, to which many people are often allergic.

This natural cow's milk substitute is recommended by nutritionists for people with lactose intolerance, allergies to milk proteins, overweight, atherosclerosis.

It is also recommended for people prone to developing kidney diseases and iron deficiency. It is obtained by evaporation from liquid soy milk. The product is in the form of a creamy powder with a slight nutty flavor.

If you decide to introduce this product into your diet, you should know how to dilute soy milk powder with water. The powder obtained from soybeans can be diluted with water or dissolved in a cup of tea or coffee. For a glass of water, you need 5 teaspoons of dry bean powder.

Cooking coconut milk at home

If it is not possible to buy fresh coconut and get milk from it, you can use a dry product. It is often used by confectioners in the process of making sweets. Powdered coconut milk is sold in many stores and is much cheaper than fresh coconuts.

You can find several recipes for how to dilute coconut milk powder with water. The following proportions are known: to prepare a liter of coconut milk, you need 10 tablespoons of the powder. Use water at a temperature of 35-40 degrees.

Add water to the powder in small portions and stir everything until a homogeneous mass is obtained. When the dry mixture is diluted to a homogeneous consistency, add water to the desired volume.

Nutritionists recommend using such a product for intolerance to a product of animal origin, as well as for people with digestive problems. Coconut is rich in coarse fibers, which improve the functioning of organs digestive system. Coconut milk, diluted with water at home, will be a good addition to coffee or tea.

Powdered milk is obtained by drying pasteurized cow's milk. Powdered milk is diluted in warm water and consumed as a drink, as well as various dishes and baby food are made from it, while powdered milk does not lose its beneficial properties. For, cow's milk is normalized. Pasteurization and thickening. Then it is homogenized and dried on roller or spray dryers. In spray dryers, milk is dried at a temperature of 150-180 °C.

At the end of the drying process, the milk is screened and cooled.

This is a rather complicated process. Powdered milk at home It's not easy to cook, and here's why.

Suppose you decide to get salt from salt water. You can boil water until all of it has evaporated and there is no salt left at the bottom.

Now suppose that you wanted to get sugar from sweet water in the same way. You can boil the water and thus bring it to the consistency of syrup. But to turn the syrup into sugar, you have to be more careful - if the temperature is a little too high, the sugar will caramelize or burn.

Milk is even more complex product. To turn milk into powder, you cannot exceed a certain temperature - otherwise the milk will lose its taste. Under factory conditions, half of the water would first be evaporated from milk in a vacuum evaporator. This process is similar to the idea used in freeze drying. Milk must be heated to a certain temperature and not damaged or burned.

In ancient times, nomads dried milk in the following way: cow's milk was poured into a cauldron and boiled on fire for a very long time to a thick consistency in several stages. Pre-processed mutton abomasum sank to the bottom, on which milk settled and absorbed during the drying process. Then it was dried in strips. These strips could then be dipped in boiled water to obtain milk.

The main advantage of powdered milk and the reason why it is made is that it is more long term storage of this product compared to fresh milk. And so that milk could be stored for a long time, people invented many different ways in the south, milk was fermented and drowned; in Siberia, milk was frozen in circles in bowls and basins. Now, of course, no one at home will resort to such tricks, and the conditions will not allow it. Therefore, most effective way receiving powdered milk at home is the manufacture of a simple device for drying this product with your own hands.

A milk dryer is easy to make with your own hands, it works with little energy and does not need special supervision.

The dryer consists of a milk bath (up to 20 liters) and a stainless steel drum with a diameter of 20-50 cm. The diameter of the drum depends on your needs and possibilities. An element is installed inside the drum to heat the drum up to 90-100 °C. A knife is installed close to the surface of the drum. The drum, gathering and hopper for powdered milk are best made of aluminum, duralumin or steel intended for food products (grade Х19Н9Т). Heater - a heating element of any design (up to 200 W) or a spiral heater with a conical porcelain holder, it is easy to find in specialty stores.

You will also need a motor with a power of approximately 50 W, used to rotate Christmas trees. The main advantage of such an engine is the built-in gearbox, which provides a speed of 1 rpm.

Cotton filters deliver milk to the surface of the drum in an even layer. If the milk is very fatty, the fat settles in the bath and can be used to make butter and sour cream. The drum rotates and dries the milk trail, and a thin crust of milk powder is scraped off with a knife from the surface, after which the milk powder is poured into the hopper at once.

After all, the dryer must be thoroughly rinsed and scalded with boiling water. Powdered milk must be stored in a cool place.