Offsite show programs for children. Children's show programs

Children's show programs in Moscow are very popular today. Every parent wants to give their child a fairy tale and a full-fledged unforgettable childhood. It is difficult to organize a bright and memorable holiday for children, because they develop much faster than previous generations, they get to know the world faster and learn about all the new products, they want more and more. Therefore, ordering a children's show in a specialized company "Party Pups" will be the best solution. Our team employs only highly qualified specialists - artistic and charismatic animators who will do everything to ensure that the event takes place at the highest level. In addition, we provide a wide range of various services: exciting and enchanting show programs, guest artists, DJ, photo and video shooting, making a themed cake, candy bar, etc.

There are enough reasons to organize such a children's show for the event. It could be:

  • New Year's party;
  • birthday;
  • holiday;
  • summer party;
  • graduation at kindergarten etc.

And is there a need for a reason to organize a real show for children in Moscow? After all, there is nothing more valuable than the joyful sonorous laughter of children.

Show program for a child's birthday

Preparing and conducting any children's event requires special care, talent and experience of the organizer. He must keep up with the times, be aware of what may be of interest to one or another age category of children. When organizing a show for a children's birthday, we find out what the child likes, what cartoons he watches, and what superheroes he tries to imitate. Perhaps he has already managed to attend such events, then what impressed him more, and what heroes were invited? The collected information helps to create a truly exclusive script for the children's birthday show program and determine the image of the animator who will hold the event.

Further, we help parents choose a venue, provide a choice of possible design options for the hall and decide on the final version of the script. In our company you can order the so-called "Standard" package of services, which includes an interactive competition program, solemn congratulations to the birthday man and a photo with the animator as a keepsake.

In addition, you can diversify the celebration by ordering one of the additional show programs:

  • show soap bubbles;
  • chemical or smoke show;
  • selection of numbers with trained animals;
  • magicians;
  • fire show;
  • transformer show;
  • master classes;
  • tesla show etc.

Separately, I would like to say that our animators can hold and English program for those children who are fond of learning foreign languages. This format of the event will be not only original, but also useful. A show for a child's birthday in Moscow from Purty Pups is a great opportunity to give your child a lot of bright, magical impressions.

Outdoor children's shows from Pati Boops

Among other things, we will undertake to organize and road show for kids. The venue of the celebration plays an important role. Whether it is a kindergarten, a school, a house, a restaurant or a picturesque place in nature, it is important to think over the festive themed design of the territory in advance, determine the best place for the competition program, organize an area for a photo shoot, etc. The format of the holiday will directly depend on the chosen place. For example, outdoor children's shows in nature are appropriate to organize in the form of an entertaining quest, or you can plan a pony ride.

Book a show on children's holiday in the company "Party Pups" is easy, fast and inexpensive. Just contact our experts, we will take care of the rest.

A child's birthday will be fun, unforgettable and interesting if you diversify it with an unusual entertainment program, replacing bored clowns and traditional game competitions with an unusual science show. Its professional preparation and holding in Moscow is offered by the holiday agency "Children of Einstein". Our animators will demonstrate vivid chemical experiments and original physical experiments to children. Sciencemania, as the show of scientific experiments is called, is a completely safe event. Conducted a science show for children can be at home, in nature, in a cafe, in entertainment center as well as at school and kindergarten.

Science show for children from our agency

It is wrong to assume that science entertainment show will be of interest only to teenagers who are already familiar with the basics of the exact sciences. We dare to assure you that this is far from the case. Unexpected chemical experiments and funny experiments conducted by an eccentric professor will be interesting even for four-year-olds. They can even take part themselves. They will remember for a long time the experiments with the use of liquid nitrogen and carbon dioxide, a real hydrogen bomb, spectacular explosions and the natural fog that enveloped them. This will not only entertain and amuse the kids, but also allow them to further explore the world around them.

A science show for children prepared and conducted by our team will be appropriate:

  • For children New Year's party, in the format of which it will be held as a bright and dynamic quest;
  • At graduation in kindergarten or in primary school- at this holiday science addiction will show that physics and chemistry are not such boring sciences as it is commonly believed;
  • On the children's day births, where, with the help of chemical experiments, children can be involved in making ice cream on their own;
  • On the day of knowledge, it will awaken children's interest in the study of these complex, but incredibly interesting sciences.

The main advantage of the scientific show for children held by our agency will be that we will explain the most complex laws of physics and chemistry in an accessible way, without violating the general surroundings of the children's holiday, and will not let either the culprit or the invited guests get bored.

Our children's science show program

The children's science show prepared by our agency is guaranteed to cause a storm of delight among the children and will be remembered by them for a long time. Our animator, acting as a cheerful professor, will conduct a series of interesting experiments:

  • Show the process of making ice cream and offer the children to taste it immediately;
  • Demonstrate several ways to make carbonated drinks;
  • Together with the children he will prepare cotton candy;
  • Perform some tricks with liquid nitrogen;
  • Right before the eyes of astonished spectators, he will make funny polymer worms;
  • He will make slimes, explaining in detail how it is done and much more.

It will not be superfluous to note once again that the children's science show is a completely safe event. We guarantee its well-thought-out, interesting and dynamic program. The children's science festival will be a great success. If its preparation and implementation will be undertaken by our team. We offer an extensive program and affordable prices. Holiday Agency "Children of Einstein" from Moscow works for you.

Benefits of Children's Science Show

To date, many Moscow companies offer a show of scientific experiments at a children's holiday. But we recommend ordering it from our agency "Children of Einstein". We guarantee:

  • Complete safety of holding a scientific show for children, which is ensured by the availability of special equipment and high-quality reagents. The process of conducting experiments is well debugged, checked and worked out by qualified specialists.
  • Fascination - the children's science holiday organized by our team will be interesting for children of all ages, everyone present at the holiday, including the hero of the occasion, will be involved in cognitive scientific experiments and fun experiments.
  • Universality - the program of our show is such that during its conduction not only children, but also adults will learn what they did not yet know about chemistry and physics, as about interesting sciences.

You can hold a show of scientific experiments anywhere. The program specially developed by us contains a huge number of magic tricks that cause genuine interest in children. You can order a scientific show directly on our website or by calling us. We will make your child's holiday fun and unforgettable.

Show program and congratulations on the child's birthday - 9 options:

There are a lot of holidays in a year, each of them is dear and remarkable in some way, but for children, perhaps the most important and desired of them is a birthday.

It is on this day that the child is waiting for a miracle and magic, gifts and pleasant surprises.

And parents strive to meet the expectations of their beloved child and make his holiday the most beautiful and unforgettable, so that the child's eyes burn and glow with happiness.

However, many parents do not know what exactly can surprise the child and what surprises to present to the birthday boy on this day. Here are some great ideas for a fun pastime.

Idea 1: Soap show

The most interesting and truly fabulous performance is the soap show. As a rule, the program is calculated for a certain time - it can be 25 or 40 minutes.

A costumed character can act as an organizer, be it a wizard, a fairy, a pirate. During the performance, bubbles are inflated to children in huge numbers, from the smallest to the largest.

Delightful tricks with soap bubbles, which many have seen on TV, will be dismantled for children - this is a big bubble caterpillar, a soap carousel, an aquarium, a huge chic cake.

In addition, other tricks can be included in the program:

  • Bubble juggling.
  • Each child will be under a huge soap hood.
  • Children and adults themselves will be able to become masters of soap bubbles and, with the help of an artist, make soapy rain or clouds that dance bubbles.

All these amazing tricks are done with color music, which makes soap bubbles glow in different colors.

The bubble show is in great demand, it is ordered not only for children's parties and birthdays, but also for corporate events and other holidays. The cost of the performance varies within 4,000 rubles.

Idea 2: Chemical show

The chemical show gives every child the opportunity to plunge into the unknown and mysterious world scientific experiments.

A smart professor will lead an unforgettable tour of the paths of science, show the most amazing tricks, give children the opportunity to take part in them themselves, but under the strict supervision of a professional instructor.

Who knows, maybe this holiday will inspire the child to further study this or another science. After all, each experiment is a small bright and unforgettable show.

Experiments that are popular

The chemical show is amazing experiments:

  • With dry ice.
  • liquid nitrogen.
  • magnetic crystals.
  • polymer worms.
  • Luminous particles, etc.

A smart professor will interest each child with his experiments, fascinating and spectacular tricks will appeal to even the biggest skeptics.

The cost of the performance depends entirely on the time of its holding, as a rule, we are talking about 4,000 rubles for 30-40 minutes of performance.

Idea 3: Sand show

The sand show impresses with its beauty and magic. Professionals draw with sand in a short time amazing pictures, unforgettable stories that are filled with kindness and tenderness.

Such a show will appeal not only to children, but also to adults. Throughout the performance, music is played that best suits the chosen plot.

All necessary equipment is brought in advance, only a free place is required from the hosts of the holiday, where it can be installed.

As a rule, companies providing such a service have pre-prepared stories, but the script is developed individually based on the wishes of the organizers of the holiday.

Of course, such shows will be more interesting for girls, as they are tender and filled with love. It is worth noting that the invited children will not only be able to observe, but also take a direct part:

  • Draw unforgettable pictures with the artists.
  • Guess landscapes.
  • Get master classes.

The cost of such a performance varies within 6,000 rubles.

Idea 4: Laser show as a gift

In fact laser show- this is the decoration of any holiday, especially children's. An unforgettable atmosphere, the magic of transformations, wonderful musical accompaniment will make the evening unforgettable for both children and their parents.

A modern volumetric laser show is a breathtaking sight.

In just a few seconds, a small laser beam, in the hands of the director, turns into a fabulous tool that creates a real animated film from volumetric lighting effects.

All images created by the beam are incredibly beautiful, exciting and expressive. They will leave only a lot of positive emotions in the memory of all those present.

Each child will be able to participate in the program, for this, as a rule, directors allocate separate time.

Mostly such shows last no more than 30-45 minutes, but if desired, the time can be changed.

The cost of a laser performance for a children's birthday depends entirely on its volume and the additional props used. The average cost for a half-hour performance is 7,000 rubles.

Idea 5: Performing with fire

Perhaps the most mesmerizing sight is the fire show. The magical performance of artists with fire and pyrotechnics will take everyone present to an incredibly beautiful and bewitching world of illusions.

Not only children, but also adults will freeze from what they see, as the show with fire exceeds all expectations.

At this incredible fire festival, children will be able to see many tricks performed by professional artists.

As a rule, the program includes the most spectacular and unforgettable numbers, but the beauty of this performance is that the performances can be chosen by the organizers of the holiday:

  • Solo performance, which includes a performance with pyrotechnics.
  • An extensive program in which the viewer is shown several spectacular numbers.
  • A program in which the climax will be the removal of a congratulatory cake with candles.

The performance can take place both indoors and outdoors. A fire show is enchanting, fabulous and safe, so you can give a child such a holiday at any age.

The only downside to this view is the price. If we are talking about a short program in which one professional performs, then its cost can reach 7,000 rubles.

But if you order a festive fire show with several artists and numbers, lasting about 30-45 minutes, then the cost can exceed 50,000 rubles.

Idea 6: Science program and experiments

If a child has a birthday and is over 3 years old, then a science show developed by real professionals is what you need. The event can be held in absolutely any room: house, apartment, street, cafe.

Experiences for children of all ages

A feature of such a show is the fact that each performance is developed individually, depending on the age of the children present.

For example, if the children are small, they can be shown tricks with dry ice when it turns into multi-colored smoke and spreads across the floor.

If we are already talking about older children (7-13 years old), then professional artists will show truly "hooligan" experiences that will be no less fun and joyful.

Science entertainment shows have been very popular lately.

In addition to the fact that they are entertaining, funny, bright experiments conducted by professionals, they teach children to love physics and chemistry. Everyone present will understand that science is not boring, but on the contrary, a fun and exciting activity.

As a rule, the cost of such events is not high - a 30-minute program, which includes many different vivid experiences, costs around 4,000 rubles.

Idea 7: Tricks and tricks

Every adult wants the birthday of his beloved child to be a truly magical day, and who better than a magician can do it!

You can invite an illusionist anywhere - a cafe, in the courtyard, where all the kids will gather, at home, etc. The advantage of this event is that every child present at the celebration will be able to participate in the program.

As a rule, experienced magicians work together with children to make the holiday even brighter and more unforgettable.

  • Glass with vanishing liquid.
  • Magic bag.
  • Guessing inscriptions.
  • Tricks with fire, coins, cards, ropes.
  • Punching the ball and many others.

It should be noted that the program is selected individually depending on the age of the children. The performance may include many tricks that require direct participation from the audience.

In addition, each of the illusionists can use not only props, but also a stage costume, for example, fairies, wizards, gnomes, etc.

The cost of such performances depends entirely on the qualifications of the magician. On average, for one hour of work, illusionists can request about 10,000-15,000 rubles.

Idea 8: Trained animals

Rooms with trained animals at a children's party will definitely bring a lot of fun to everyone present. Obedient dogs, monkeys, cats.

Performing complex tricks will immediately cause a feeling of love and admiration in young viewers. Four-legged artists can show their skills not only indoors, but also on the street, which will cause incredible delight in all children.

What is usually included in the program:

  • Trained dogs that are happy to jump through a hoop, sing and walk on their hind legs.
  • Trained cats. Of course, almost every family has a four-legged friend in the house, but everyone will be delighted with the talent of trained cats. Just imagine that the animal does incredible things: climbs stairs, ropes, skillfully overcomes difficult obstacles, counts, brings objects.
  • Funny monkeys who will take off their hats, steal hairpins and elastic bands from children. These animals will delight the entire audience.
  • Cute and prickly hedgehogs will overcome obstacles. Most often, special hedgehogs are chosen for such performances, they can be albinos, have large ears.

The culmination of such an evening can be a joint photo with animals, which for a long time will remind the child of the most wonderful birthday.

The cost of the holiday depends entirely on the program and the included animals. On average, an hour-long performance with several animals will cost 10,000 rubles.

Idea 9: Road show

Probably, there are no such children who would be indifferent to the revival of the most beloved characters. Puppet theater is the most amazing performance for children 4-7 years old.

On the scene, professional animators will make Cinderella, the turtle, fairy horses and even the fox speak.

Literally a few minutes after the start of the performance, all the kids present forget that professionals are standing behind the screen and directing the toys.

Any fairy tale turns into reality and all this happens at the birthday party of your beloved baby.

The most famous performances

In order for the theater to come home, you need to prepare some free space, and the professional team brings all the details with them. Among the favorite performances for children it is necessary to highlight:

  • Girl and bear.
  • Hare, rooster and fox.
  • Good night, little ones, etc.

As a rule, the performance lasts no more than 45 minutes. The cost can reach 5,000-6,000 rubles.

In the following video, an enchanting show of soap bubbles is offered to your attention:

More information

All our show programs for children are created with special attention and a serious approach, taking into account the age of the child, his interests, needs, safety and the creation of vivid positive memories. We, "Merry Country", offer a number of interesting activities for both kids and teenagers, working in the following areas:

  • Children's birthday show
  • Theme parties;
  • Graduation and holidays;
  • New Year's mornings;
  • Significant dates and events, or just a desire to give a holiday.

Considering different age, the number of participants in the event, the purpose of organizing the event, you can choose a wide variety of show programs for your children's party, including:

  • Paper show for a children's party;
  • Soap bubble show for a child's birthday;
  • Science show for children;
  • Chemical show for children;
  • Cooking show for children;
  • Laser show for children and many others.

In all holiday scenarios, little participants do not remain just spectators, their energy is directed in the right direction, with competitions, complete immersion in history, a sense of importance and distraction from everyday activities.

We work with a visit to Moscow and the region, for you the most pleasant prices, promotions and discounts, experienced, talented animators, 100% positive and guaranteed satisfied children.

Fun and educational

Show the younger generation how interesting and surprising knowledge can be and how fun they can apply it. New and useful for a children's holiday arouses interest in science, captivates and allows children to conduct chemical experiments here and now. We will show what is not taught in school, accompanying experiments for children with jokes and high-class performances of professional actors. The scenario of each of our scientific show programs is absolutely safe, and precautions are strictly observed in each of the experiments. When ordering a chemical show for a child on his birthday, the program will include:

  • A number of experiments with liquid nitrogen;
  • Amazing experiments with dry ice;
  • Experiments with fire, Newtonian fluid, pharaoh's snake, hydrogen explosions and more;
  • Musical accompaniment.

Another exciting direction is a culinary holiday, where each participant can quickly and easily prepare delicious, unusual, beautiful treats for every taste. Similar shows for children in Moscow are new, we offer non-standard bright event with the development of the creative potential of the younger generation. Complete freedom in decorating cupcakes, arctic popcorn, natural ice cream, nitrogen shakes and much, much more for free flight of fantasy, like in a TV show. Every child loves to brag about their achievements to their parents and friends, and in our program everyone will have this opportunity.

Impressive and beautiful

For those who love to contemplate more and have a penchant for art, we present a sand show for children that will impress even adults. Entire stories will be told by the artist when creating the finest picture. Together with children, you can tell your story under the strict guidance of an experienced specialist. At your discretion, the sand show for children becomes an event according to our scenario, in the form interactive game or masterclass.

Neon shows for children and laser programs from the agency "Merry Country" are professional dancers, exclusive costumes, scenarios that impress even the most fastidious viewer. Excellent played on birthdays, school graduations and any significant holidays. We will show you an unforgettable performance with laser beams, neon hoops, LED fans and other magical tools. Each room is breathtaking, the darkness, lit only by neon, completely immerses you in a fabulous atmosphere. We will help you make the right choice for any children's show program.

Unrestrained and funny - even for the little ones

Our scenarios for children are always interesting for both toddlers and older children who can take a direct part, blow giant balls and even climb inside the soapy tunnel. The soap show gives bubble salutes, foam tricks and tricks, every detail is negotiated with you. Preparation for the event takes no more than half an hour. You can have fun both indoors and outdoors during the day in calm weather. You do not need to worry about inventory and other trifles - we will take care of everything ourselves.

A paper show for children also gives a lot of fun: material consumption from 20 to 50 kg, multi-colored confetti cannons, incendiary music, light and smoke effects. An ideal holiday for energetic guys, with us you can wallow in snow-white snowdrifts, throw paper snowballs even in summer and not be afraid to catch a cold. Only professionals work for us, you can choose from 400 desired characters, order a videographer and photography.

The foam show for children is a boundless, colorful and completely safe pleasure even with the most active children. Foam pits, the realization of creative fantasies, build and destroy anything, fight with animators, jump, play around and get joyful experiences. We organize an event both outdoors and at school, and anywhere, taking into account the number of participants and the program you have chosen.

Among other attractions, there is an equally interesting tape show for children. Kilometers of colored ribbons, contests, vivid photos, colorful emotions - a complete immersion in the endless fairy world. The color range was selected by us, taking into account the recommendations of experienced psychologists, so we give not only a rich holiday, but also a positive effect on the energy balance of the child's body.

You can learn more about us and our programs in the sections of the main menu.

Order a show program for children for a holiday in Moscow and the region

Each child with bated breath is waiting for a holiday on his birthday or New Year. And children's show programs in honor of graduation leave a lot of unforgettable impressions for both primary school students and those who leave the schoolyard forever. Professional show programs for a children's party, prepared by experienced artists, will make any event bright and unique, like childhood itself!

The show of trained animals causes a storm of emotions in both the child and the adult. The festive performance is interactive, so children also participate in the show program. And after the performance, you can stroke, feed and take pictures with all the animals you like.

Children's show programs from the agency "Character"

The organization of the show program requires considerable time and effort, especially when it comes to a group of children with different interests. Each child needs not only to captivate and interest, but also to be able to maintain his attention throughout the event. This is a very difficult task! In addition, you will need special props and costumes of your favorite fairy tale characters.

If you need to hold children's show programs in Moscow or a thematic scientific show for children, contact the professionals in their field at the Character agency. Our animators have extensive experience in organizing children's show programs for every taste:

  • Your child loves pirates and dreams sea ​​adventures? He will certainly like the plot "In Search of a Pirate Treasure" or "The Secret of the Black Pearl";
  • Maybe your kid is looking forward to the animated series "Luntik"? Then he will definitely be delighted with the appearance of this fairy-tale character;
  • "Masha and the Bear" or puppies from the series "Barboskiny" can easily captivate both boys and girls, because there is not a single child indifferent to these charming characters.

If the participants of the holiday are fond of any particular theme, then our animators will change into forest wizards, vampires or superheroes. In the arsenal of our company there is a huge amount of special props for any show program for a children's holiday. Depending on the scenario you choose, we will arm ourselves with Native American bows and arrows, magic webs or laser swords!

Why book a children's party with us?

For many years we have been holding various events and colorful children's show programs in Moscow. Our animators are active and cheerful young men and women who understand and love children very well.

  • We easily enter into friendly relations with guests and heroes of the occasion,
  • grab their attention
  • arouse interest and immerse in the atmosphere of the holiday.

You are guaranteed a successful show, in which everything is provided and worked out to the smallest detail, where there is no place for mistakes, inconsistencies and technical pauses. Our show programs have been very popular for a long time. You can choose for yourself a standard scenario from a large number of proposed options, or you can order an individual author's development of the event. We always listen to your suggestions and wishes and bring them to life, which we easily turn into a holiday!