Oleg Yesenin in KVN circus team. Oleg Yesenin: “If I set my priorities right, I would be in the Comedy Club

In 2011 a regular guy from Uralsk just "blew up" youtube. Then everyone was talking about a talented parodist who announced himself in the Comedy Battle project on TNT.

4 years have passed, but fame and success somehow bypassed him. Only once in one of the issues comedy club he performed with other eminent residents. Now Oleg is involved in other well-known projects and is engaged in voice acting for films.

Why Oleg Yesenin never became a resident of the popular humorous program, what projects he is working on now and why he actually chose such a pseudonym for himself - he told the site about this and not only.

Enjoy watching!

Raksana Babaeva

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Oleg Yesenin is a Russian parodist-improviser, a participant in the Comedy Club, Big Difference projects, a KVN player. Oleg's real surname is Lutov.

Oleg Yesenin was born in the Kazakh town of Uralsk, where he spent his childhood and youth. He parodied another person for the first time at the age of 11, and it must be said that, according to his acquaintances, he did it quite well. After 2 years, Oleg gets on the local radio, where he tries himself as an advertiser and presenter at the Soyuz, Talap and Aksai stations.

After graduating from high school, Lutov worked for some time as a dancer and DJ in nightclubs, and then returned to the chair of a radio host and collaborated with the First FM station. This work brought him his first fame throughout the city.

But to develop within the framework of a small town is not the easiest task, so Oleg in 2010 decides to move to Samara. According to rumors, at the same time, the future resident of the Comedy Club had only 30 thousand tenge (about 5 thousand rubles) in his pocket.

The young man failed to immediately conquer the city on the Volga. Initially, he had to work as a waiter, then as a musician in a restaurant, and only then did the comedian get the opportunity to go on the air of the Love Radio radio station. Here began the biography of Oleg Yesenin as a parodist.

It was in the program of this station that Oleg Lutov, under the pseudonym Oleg Yesenin, first presented his own parodies of famous people to the judgment of the listeners. The effect exceeded all expectations: Yesenin became the favorite of the Samara residents and soon attracted the attention of the organizers of the Samara club "Comedy".

In parallel, Oleg Yesenin began to play in KVN. In the "Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful", the humorist joined the team of the UGGU "Swing" from Yekaterinburg. But Oleg Yesenin played in KVN for only three months - from March 5, 2011 to July 10 of the same year.

Humor and creativity

Thanks to his performances in the projects of the Samara branch of the Comedy Club, Oleg Yesenin became a member of the KVN team of the Ural state university"Swing" from Yekaterinburg, for which he played for about 5 months. And his next step on career ladder was the casting for the Comedy Battle show. The comedian went through this stage successfully, so he went to Moscow to participate in the main tours.

In Moscow, the comedian became a participant in the second season of this show, which was called “Comedy Battle. Casting.

In "Comedy Battle" Oleg presented to the audience and the jury a parody number, in which he demonstrated the voices and characteristic gestures of several domestic stars, which conquered the hall. A good level of jokes and, most importantly, an instant reaction and, as a result, high-quality improvisation, helped Yesenin win this show.

The parodist even received praise from the usually very strict , which in itself is worth a lot for any humorist who aspires to reach a high level. Oleg Yesenin made it to the final, but could not break into the prizes.

The artist remained in the show in the third season - “Comedy Battle. New season". This season has changed. The winner of the Comedy Battle received the right to become a permanent resident of the Comedy Club, for the second place a trip to the Comedy Club festival in Jurmala was given, with the opportunity to become a resident in the future. But this time, Oleg Yesenin reached the final, but did not get into the prize-winners.

The artist did not receive a guaranteed place in the Comedy Club, which did not prevent the comedian from becoming a resident anyway. Oleg Yesenin sought to develop as a comedian. He improved his abilities and expanded his collection of voices to 70. The objects of Oleg Yesenin's parodies are any celebrities who are heard today - singers, actors, showmen. The comedian has already made parody numbers for, and does not stop there, constantly expanding his set of voices and images.

The humorist and Western stars did not bypass, there are others in the collection of voices of Oleg Yesenin, and others.

In 2012, Oleg Yesenin took part in another humorous competition. At the Big Difference festival in Odessa, Oleg Yesenin won again and, thanks to a parody of Bezrukov, won the Grand Prix.

Success in Comedy Battle and other projects allowed the showman to rise above and become a member of the main Comedy Club project. In the Comedy Club, Oleg Yesenin continued to show parodies. Humor over comedians became a separate group. Oleg Yesenin came up with a number of performances with parodies of colleagues - on, and others. In such numbers, the artist parodies both the manner of speech and the manner of jokes of colleagues and creates full-fledged humorous performances on behalf of another person.

Oleg also took part in the programs "Make the Comedian Laugh", "Point Yu", "Parodays" and "Cartoon Personality". IN latest project he had to voice Ivan Urgant.

Personal life

Oleg Yesenin had a serious relationship back in Uralsk, where the comedian lived in a civil marriage with the mother of his children - son Artemy and daughter Amelia. Together with his family, the comedian moved to Samara, but then their paths diverged.

Today Oleg Yesenin is not alone. The comedian has a girlfriend, about whom the artist writes in in social networks, uploads a photo of her beloved with touching captions, but does not give a working link to the girl's page and does not name her full name. Instead of the name of the chosen one, Oleg Yesenin writes a broken hashtag. However, in July 2017, the hashtag changed. Therefore, fans remain in the dark: did the humorist break up with the girl and met a new one, or did the status of the relationship change for the lovers.

However, the humorist often shares pictures of his own romantic deeds for the sake of this girl. For example, how he made a starry sky from light bulbs in an apartment or went on a joint trip.

In the life of a comedian, there is another beloved woman - the spotted cat Phoebe, or Phi. Oleg does not hide photos of the spotted beauty and generously shares these shots with subscribers. Phoebe also accompanies the owner on tour and travels with Yesenin from Moscow to St. Petersburg and back.

Oleg is a big fan of the poet, because of which he took such a pseudonym for himself. The humorist himself also composes poetry and even created the Creative Pen literary club, where he accepts young poets with a philosophical outlook on life and bright creative potential.

The comedian loves to take selfies and post them on various social networks.

Oleg Yesenin now

Today, the humorist returned to playing in KVN again, as part of the Great Moscow Circus Team, he performed at a festival in Sochi. February 20, 2016 Yesenin's team managed to win in 1/8 major league KVN. By the way, in addition to the famous comedian, another participant well-known to viewers, the finalist of the Voice project, also performs in the team.

On April 1, 2017, the comedian appeared on Channel One, in the humorous TV show Around Laughter. Oleg Yesenin showed a parody number "We are starting KVN!". In this issue, the comedian showed a number of KVN stars, starting with himself and ending with the famous KVN players, easily switching between voices and acting out dialogues and performances. As in other shows, Oleg not only faked the voices, but also recreated the manner of joking each character.

Oleg Yesenin's performance in a humorous program on Channel One did not become a one-time action. On April 15 of the same year, Oleg Yesenin again appeared in "Around Laughter" and showed a parody sketch "Film Actors", in which he portrayed Sergei Bezrukov, Ivan Urgant and Alexander Revva.

In the following numbers in "Around Laughter" Oleg Yesenin did not appear solo. On April 22, the artist performed together with Sergei Voitkevich and Mikhail Boyarov in a parody sketch on the images of Mikhail Galustyan. The sketch was called “Parodist”.

In August 2017, the comedian took part in a series of performances by the Behind the Scenes art club at the Boyarsky and KinoPlov restaurants. On the creative evenings Admission was free, but table reservations were offered.


  • 2011 - KVN (UGGU "Swing")
  • 2011 - Comedy Battle. Casting»
  • 2012 - Comedy Battle. New season"
  • 2012 - "Point Yu"
  • 2012 - "Cartoon personality"
  • 2012 - "Big Difference"
  • 2013 - "Comedy Club"
  • 2013 - "Make the Comedian Laugh"
  • 2013 - "Parodays"
  • 2016 - "KVN" (team "Team of the Great Moscow Circus")
  • 2017 - "Around the Laughter"

Parodist Yesenin Oleg became famous throughout the country thanks to his participation in the program "Comedy Battle" (TNT). Would you like to read the biography of this handsome and resourceful young man? We are happy to provide you with this opportunity.

Biography: childhood and youth

Parodist Yesenin was born on November 7, 1982 in the city of Uralsk, located on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. He comes from an ordinary family with an average income. Oleg Lutov is the real name of our hero. The young man's favorite poet is Sergei Yesenin. The parodist took his surname for his pseudonym.

He grew up as an active and inquisitive boy. He liked to arrange home concerts for his parents and neighbors. At school, Olezhka studied for fours and fives. Teachers praised him not only for good academic performance, but also for exemplary behavior. At the age of 11, Oleg Lutov parodied another person for the first time. He did it great. The boy began to work on improving his abilities. He watched concerts, news and entertainment programs, trying to parody pop stars, TV presenters and politicians.

At the age of 13, Oleg got on the local radio. The young guy was able to try himself as an advertiser and presenter. He collaborated with such stations as Aksai, Talap and Soyuz. After graduating from the gymnasium, Lutov could enter the university. But the guy decided to postpone it. For some time, Oleg worked as a dancer and DJ in nightclubs in Uralsk. He became a famous person throughout the city. However, Oleg wanted personal and career growth.

Comedian career

In 2010, our hero, along with his girlfriend, moved to Samara. He did not immediately manage to conquer the city on the Volga. At first, the guy worked as a waiter in one of the local restaurants. Then he managed to get on the radio station Love Radio. It was then that he began performing under the pseudonym Oleg Yesenin. Parodies of famous people in his performance captivated the people of Samara. People were looking forward to the next release of the program.

Thanks to Love Radio, many have learned that there is a bright and talented parodist Yesenin. "Comedy Club" (Samara branch) - a project that served as a springboard for further development our hero's career. Then Oleg was invited to the team of the Ural State University "Swing". Lutov collaborated with the guys from Yekaterinburg for 5 months.

All-Russian fame came to Oleg in 2011. A self-confident young man appeared on film set 2nd season of the show "Comedy Battle". He pleased the jury and the audience with voice parodies of Russian stars(Sergey Bezrukov, Pavel Volya and so on). Oleg reached the final, but the guy did not take the prize. Lutov decided to try his luck in the third season of the show "Comedy Battle". He reached the final again. However, he failed to win a cash prize (500 thousand rubles). Oleg Yesenin could also be seen in other television projects ("Cartoon Personality", "Parodays", "Make the Comedian Laugh"). This once again indicates the versatility of his talent.

Personal life

Behind Oleg civil marriage, in which two children were born - son Artemy and daughter Amelia. The parodist Yesenin met his beloved girl back in Kazakhstan. Together they moved to Samara, where they began new life, got kids. However, family happiness did not last long. Oleg moved things to another apartment. The young man promised to help his son and daughter. And he keeps his word. For today the heart famous humorist free. This means that his fans have a chance to become the second half of Oleg.


Now you know where he was born, studied and how the parodist Yesenin got on stage. Let's wish him family happiness and further career advancement!

Oleg Yesenin, real name whom Lutov was born in Kazakhstan, in the small town of Uralsk, in 1982. It was here that he spent his childhood and youth.

Already at the age of eleven, he made his first parody of another person. And his viewers, although not numerous at that time, noted that Oleg did it very well.


Oleg Lutov's career began on the radio. He has acted as a presenter on several radio stations. On a citywide scale, he became famous thanks to First FM, after which he went to conquer Samara. At the same time, he had only five thousand rubles in his pocket.


Glory to the young man in Samara did not come immediately. An army of thousands of fans did not rush to invite Oleg Yesenin to events, and he had to work as a waiter and musician.

Having once appeared on Love Radio, Oleg had a whole army of fans. He became the favorite of the Samara residents. Many wanted to invite Oleg Yesenin to events, as his own parodies were to their liking.

Oleg was invited to Comedy, he began to play in the KNV, and soon got into the Swing team.


Comedy Battle is a new step for Oleg Yesenin. He easily captivated the audience and became a finalist. His talent was even praised by Pavel Volya, who is usually stingy with "compliments" to the participants. Soon Oleg was invited to the Comedy Club and he became its resident.


Today, Oleg Yesenin does not stand still and constantly improves his skills. He develops not only as a parodist, but also as a comedian.

Today you can order Oleg Yesenin and hear his collection of voices, which has already exceeded seventy. Its objects are the most famous stars, not only of Russian, but also of world level. The audience is very fond of his numbers with parodies of Dmitry Dibrov, Leonid Yagutin, Nikolai Rastorguev, Dmitry Dyuzhev and Vladimir Pozner. But the list doesn't end there. Oleg is constantly expanding the list of images and voices.

Success at the Comedy Club allowed Oleg to become widely known. And he even made a number of parodies of residents - colleagues in the shop. As a result, we got full-fledged performances, which are always perceived with a bang.


Invite Sergei Yesenin, a comedian from the Comedy Club, to your celebration and he will set a cheerful mood for your guests. Wedding, anniversary, birthday - no matter what the reason for the celebration, order a comedian performance, and everything will be at the highest level. We will make every effort to ensure that you are satisfied, because we work with the official representative of the artist, so we have his contacts. On the official page order, you can submit a request for a fee, as well as for fast clearance speeches.

We will be happy to organize the most spectacular and beautiful event for you!