Stool consistency in breastfed newborns. Providing effective help to a newborn with constipation

Delayed stool in infants causes a lot of panic in parents. Any manifestation of a problem with bowel movements suggests the presence of constipation in the baby. However, constipation does not always accurately characterize a problem with bowel movements, so it is urgent to find out the reasons for this phenomenon.

Signs and causes: how to recognize them?

It is important for parents to pay attention to the general condition of the baby and the consistency of feces. If the delay is due to constipation, then the child will be moody and whiny. The kid can often push, but this does not lead to the desired result. During an attempt to go to the toilet, the baby is worried, his condition becomes nervous. During constipation, feces in infants have a hard consistency. It looks like peas or has a cork, after which there is a mass of feces.

If there is a delay in bowel movements, but the child is calm, does not refuse feeding, and the act of defecation does not cause discomfort, then we are talking clearly not about constipation. A newborn may often have such a problem: too good quality digestion of formula or mother's milk. In this case, the baby simply has nothing to go to the toilet. In the presence of the following manifestations, you need to find out the reasons. It is necessary to show the baby to the doctor.

Another problem is related to lactose deficiency. It occurs due to a small amount of the enzyme or its complete absence. This enzyme is necessary for the breakdown of milk sugar - lactose. Such a violation manifests itself easily, since the absence of stool can be replaced by diarrhea.

To eliminate the delay, you need to get rid of those reasons that can cause such a phenomenon. For this purpose, the mother's diet is necessarily adjusted and the baby's drinking regimen is observed. In some cases, it is necessary to additionally humidify the air in the room. You should consult your doctor if you need to change the mixture used or adjust the nature of complementary foods.

If there is no result during the implementation of these changes, a diagnosis of the baby's condition should be carried out. This will rule out diseases or detect them. Do not rush to use enemas and various laxatives.

As for the permitted means, it is forbidden to use any laxatives other than Lactulose for a newborn. reduce the baby's reflex, which is associated with the emptying process. The degree of assimilation of useful vitamins and substances decreases, the tone of the intestinal muscles decreases, which only worsens the situation. Therefore, it is required to help the child with harmless means before moving on to more serious medications.

In this case, you need to spread the baby more often on the stomach. It is useful to massage the tummy, followed by the previously named coup. It is necessary to do clockwise movements, and press the legs to the stomach. They can simulate cycling.

Warmth has a relaxing effect on the baby, so you should put a warm diaper on the baby's stomach. You can place the baby on the mother's stomach. Heat not only soothes the baby, but also stimulates peristalsis.


Earlier it was indicated that it is necessary to try to eliminate the problem without the involvement of drugs. However, drugs can become indispensable helpers if other methods have not helped. It is important to consult a specialist before using a drug treatment method and follow the indicated dosage. Independent choice of funds and dosage selection is prohibited.

Safe for a small child are candles with glycerin. However, most experts do not recommend using them in the treatment of infants. The use of such drugs is justified only in emergency situations, when other means do not give a positive result. This is due to the possibility of an allergic reaction, itching and other irritations. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor. An example of glycerin suppositories is Glycelax.

It is necessary to consult before using enemas and microclysters. Such methods are not natural bowel stimulants, so it is recommended to avoid this method. Like medicines, enemas are used in extreme cases. In this situation, you will need to take 30-120 ml of water at room temperature. The tip of the pear should be greased with petroleum jelly.

A popular prebiotic is the previously mentioned remedy Lactulose, which can be prescribed if stool retention was caused by dysbacteriosis. It is also used as a means of preventing constipation. The tool has a mild effect, so it is safe for the smallest patients. It does not lead to addiction, and with prolonged use it restores the microflora that was previously disturbed.

Problems with stool in infants require careful action on the part of parents. It is imperative to consult a specialist and avoid drugs, which are recommended in extreme cases.

Baby troubles: hard stools in babies

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Tummy problems - frequent occurrence early in a child's life. One of these problems is constipation in the newborn, which can appear immediately after birth. Constipation in newborns cannot be treated with drugs that are commonly used for adults. Also, caution should be taken when treating constipation in newborns with drugs. traditional medicine. After all, medicinal plants may include substances that have an adverse effect on a small organism.

To help the child, it is necessary to determine the cause. And remember that all drugs for constipation for newborns are prescribed only by a specialist. Moreover, in most cases, if you correctly adjust the mother’s diet and the amount of fluid consumed by the child, this problem can be eliminated.

Signs of constipation in a baby

You need to know that up to 3 months the intestines of the newborn are emptied after feeding. Therefore, a chair up to 8 times a day for a baby is considered the norm. In children on artificial feeding bowel movements should be at least 2 times a day. If the child is worried about the tummy, he tries to declare it. Constipation in newborns has the following symptoms:

  • the child's tummy becomes hard, and he often arches his back;

  • the baby is pushing all the time, tucking his legs to his tummy;

  • the newborn shows anxiety, constantly cries, is naughty and does not want to eat;

  • no stool for more than a day;

  • stools unusual for a newborn - hard, smelling of rot.

Causes of delayed stool in a baby

About once a week, a newborn may experience stool retention due to weak bowel function. Since there is a period of adaptation to unusual food for him. And often by 2 - 3 months the problem disappears. But if the difficult stool is repeated very often, you should find out the causes and begin to eliminate them. Because constipation in a newborn can become chronic. Especially with constipation in newborns, excruciating pains appear. There are several causes of constipation in newborns:

  1. improper diet of a nursing mother;

  2. insufficient feeding;

  3. switching from breastfeeding to formula;

  4. lack of fluid;

  5. violation of the intestinal microflora;

  6. inflammatory process or congenital pathology of the intestine;

  7. dysbacteriosis;

  8. neurological diseases;

  9. infectious diseases;

  10. genetic predisposition.

To determine the cause, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician. He will conduct an examination, prescribe medicine for newborns and advise on how to treat the child.

First aid for a newborn

Constipation in a newborn what to do? If the first signs of constipation in a newborn are found, then in order to help the child, it is necessary to increase his mobility. Also, with constipation in newborns, it is necessary to review the daily diet of a nursing mother. But this is not enough, then it is necessary to do certain procedures and treat constipation in a newborn.


From constipation for newborns, it is necessary to massage the tummy. It is better to carry out the procedure in warm water, as it relaxes the muscles. To do this, put your hand on the baby's tummy and carry out circular movements. You need to massage gently, with light pressure. Then you need to do the exercise: flexion-extension of the legs, pulling them to the tummy. Massage for newborns with constipation helps to strengthen the oblique muscles of the abdomen, due to which the stool normalizes. After six months, the child can be put on a potty. The seat of the potty applies appropriate pressure, and it will be easier for the baby to defecate.

mechanical stimulation

The next method to help with constipation in newborns is mechanical stimulation. Soap for constipation for newborns is not allowed to be used, because it irritates the mucous membrane and can provoke the appearance of microcracks in the anus. For constipation in newborns, a gas tube or pipette tip is used to stimulate. The tube must be treated with baby oil, inserted into the anus by 5-7 mm, then gently twist until the baby starts to push. After this procedure, the child should empty.

However, this remedy for constipation in newborns should be used occasionally. Because regular stimulation can lead to the fact that the baby will get used to it and will not feel the urge to defecate.


In order to eliminate constipation in newborns, candles are also used. You can buy these drugs for constipation for newborns in all pharmacies without a prescription. Candles have two varieties - glycerin and gas-forming. Glycerin suppositories contain glycerin, it softens the feces, facilitating the process of defecation. Gas-forming suppositories activate the urge to defecate through the carbon dioxide produced when they are dissolved. Most comfortable position for the introduction of a candle when the newborn lies on its side with bent legs. Candles for constipation for newborns should be used after consulting a pediatrician.


If candles are not available, and the child suffers, then an enema is done. For her take water at room temperature. An enema for a newborn up to 3 months should be 30 ml, for a baby older than 3 months - 90 ml. Preliminarily, the tip of the enema must be treated with petroleum jelly. The enema is placed when the baby lies on his back with his legs raised. It must be remembered that the enema is done in a relaxed state, so it is imperative to reassure the child.

However, suppositories and enemas are not recommended for frequent use. The intestines can get used to these remedies for constipation in newborns, and in the future will cease to perform their functions in the right amount. In addition, the enema flushes out beneficial bacteria from the intestines.


How to help a newborn with constipation if the above methods did not work? You can give laxatives. But only after their appointment by a pediatrician. Most often, doctors recommend treating intestinal motility disorders with a remedy for constipation for newborns based on lactulose, for example, Dufalac, Lizalak, Normaze, Normalakt. They are not harmful to the newborn and are not addictive.

Together with these laxatives, the use of Espumizan is sometimes advised, because lactulose can provoke an increase in gas formation. However, it must be remembered that taking Espumizan can also provoke stool retention, so it is better not to use it for constipation for newborns.

The use of Plantex

To get rid of gases, it is better to use the drug Plantex. it special remedy to eliminate gastrointestinal problems. Plantex consists of natural ingredients. It contains fennel, lactose and dextrose. Plantex has an antispasmodic and carminative effect. It improves digestion, has a beneficial effect on the secretion of gastric juice. Plantex promotes rapid and effective absorption breast milk or mixtures. The active ingredients of the drug prevent the formation of gases in the intestines. In addition, Plantex improves intestinal motility and facilitates the process of defecation.
Newborns can brew Plantex 1 sachet per day. You need to take the drug after feeding. To avoid constipation in newborns, it is advisable to give Plantex at the introduction of complementary foods or during the transition from breastfeeding to formula.

Normalization of the intestines of newborns

In order to normalize the activity of the digestive tract of the child, as well as for the purpose of prevention, such conditions must be observed.

Mom's nutrition

To normalize the work of the intestines of the baby, it is necessary to follow proper nutrition mothers. It is necessary to limit the consumption of flour products, rice, milk, raw vegetables and fruits. Mom needs to add foods that have a laxative effect to the diet. These are beets, dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes), vegetable oils. It would also be advisable to drink plenty of fluids.

Child nutrition

If the baby is bottle-fed, it is important to choose the right mixture. There is also a special mixture recommended for a newborn from constipation. This mixture is fully adapted for babies, it can be used directly on the first day of stool retention, as a remedy for constipation in newborns. Or completely replace it with food. It includes lactulose, which activates the development of bifidobacteria and helps to thin the stool. The mixture prescribed for constipation to a newborn stimulates the intestinal tract, improves metabolism, and strengthens the immune system.
During the feeding period, you can do oatmeal with plum. In addition, raisins and prunes weaken well, but care must be taken with these products.

Fluid intake

This is especially true for children who are fed formula. You need to give the child boiled water to drink, you can also give him dill water, Plantex tea for constipation for newborns. A little later, you can cook a light compote of dried fruits, make berry fruit drinks with a laxative effect. If the baby often has stool retention, it must also be supplemented with liquid.

Massage, gymnastics, laying out on the tummy

For a newborn, physical contact with the mother is very important. Laying on the mother's stomach helps to relax the baby. Also, for relaxation, it is recommended to make a warm bath for the child. A massage of the tummy in combination with gymnastic exercises helps to strengthen muscles and correct work digestive organs.

Highly important point in newborn care and baby regarding the observation of his stool. This is very important indicator baby health. It is very important for parents to understand what secrets and information can carry the contents of your child's diaper, starting from birth.

Everything happens for the first time ... (about the first stool of a newborn):

The very first stool of a newborn baby is called meconium. It is a sticky (hard to wash), dark mass (almost black). Meconium is amniotic fluid and intestinal wall epithelial cells that entered the baby's body in the womb. As a rule, meconium comes out of the baby after birth during the first two days. Get out as soon as possible meconium contributes to the frequent attachment of the baby to the breast. The first milk - colostrum - has an excellent laxative effect.

The color of meconium is from black to green-black, saturated.

The consistency of meconium is very dense, slightly viscous.

Smell - odorless.

What's wrong with meconium?:

AT this case violation of the process of meconium exit can go in two directions:

◊ early exit. Meconium may pass before delivery. In this case, the amniotic fluid turns greenish. Such an early release of meconium indicates fetal hypoxia and protracted labor. Such a phenomenon requires the help and supervision of specialists;

◊ Meconium exit delay. A long delay in the release of meconium (more than two days) may indicate the presence of congenital diseases (for example, Hirschsprung's disease associated with a congenital lack of innervation of the intestines). In addition, the delay in the release of meconium, its difficult discharge indicate that the child is malnourished.

This may be due to such reasons:

◊ insufficient amount of colostrum in the mother;

irregular shape nipples (small or sunken), as a result of which the baby cannot take the breast fully;

◊ the baby, due to physiological characteristics, cannot take the breast (this happens quite often when the lower lip of a newborn strongly sinks under the upper one). As a result, the child cannot take the breast correctly.

Thus, if you are the cause of the late meconium and associated with malnutrition, then use special breast pads. They will help the baby to breastfeed more correctly and fully eat hind milk, which is very high-calorie and healthy!

Thus, it is necessary to monitor the emptying of the baby's intestines and the nature of this content from the very birth of your crumbs.

What's next?:

transition chair. The baby will have this chair until the end of the first week of life. Its composition is the remains of meconium and digested colostrum.

The color of the transitional feces is from greenish or greenish-yellow to white. Such a varied coloring suggests that the baby's stool has not yet been formed and his digestive system is just beginning to develop and adapt to new food and lifestyle. In addition, the intestinal microflora is just beginning to be populated by various microorganisms.

The consistency of the transitional feces is quite liquid, when it hits the tissue surface, a rather large watery spot is noticeable around the contents. In addition, such feces are quite heterogeneous, it can contain areas of different density, consistency and color.

The smell of transitional feces is sour, rather sharp.

In addition, mucus and undigested lumps of food may be present in the impurities of the transitional feces.

All these indicators are within the normal range and should not cause parents to worry too much. The appearance of transitional feces indicates the normalization of the lactation process in the mother and the formation and development digestive system at the baby.

Transitional feces: what will make you worry ...:

Constipation. Stool retention in the first week after the birth of the baby suggests that the mother has little colostrum and first milk. The kid is simply malnourished. In addition, stool retention can also be due to the fact that colostrum is completely absorbed by the baby's body. And the process of defecation in newborns occurs only when the intestines are sufficiently filled with contents. But since this transitional period from meconium to feces of infants and from colostrum to milk in mothers is quite short, then Special attention it is necessary to give already to the feces that the baby will have 6-8 days after birth.

Protracted period of transitional stool (more than one week). Such a long process of transition from meconium to normal stool the baby speaks of violations in the process of formation of the microflora of the baby. What are the reasons for this delay?

◊ supplementary feeding of a newborn in the maternity hospital with artificial mixtures;

◊ weaning from the mother in the maternity hospital;

◊ forced intake of antibiotics (then the feces acquire a greenish color with a rather pungent odor);

◊ long breaks in feeding;

◊ violations in the process of lactation in the mother (milk does not come for a long time).

What is important to consider: if a child feels good against the background of such deviations in the formation of a stool, gains weight within the normal range, has a good appetite, then such changes in the stool do not need to be corrected. If, on the contrary, the child is lethargic, eats poorly and gains weight, this is a cause for concern and seeking medical help.

Chair of the baby: how is it normal?:

After a week after birth, the contents of the baby's diaper will change. These changes will happen gradually, so you need to be patient and not jump to conclusions.

The color of the baby's feces - after the transition period, the baby's feces acquire a yellow color.

Important! When taking iron supplements, the feces may turn black.

Consistency - mushy, can vary from denser to thicker. The consistency of the feces of the baby is influenced by factors such as:

◊ Mom's nutrition during breastfeeding. Some foods that a nursing mother eats can loosen or fix a baby's stool.

◊ fat content of milk. If the baby does not suck well at the breast, then he feeds more on the front milk, which is less dense and fatty. The chair at such children, as a rule, is more liquid.

◊ type of infant feeding: breastfeeding or bottle feeding. In formula-fed babies, the stool is more dense due to poor digestion and absorption of the mixture. In such babies, the problem of constipation is more acute. For babies who are on breastfeeding, the stool is more liquid and constipation is less common, since mother's milk is absorbed by the child's body faster and easier.

Smell - can be varied, depending on the nutrition of the nursing mother. In children on artificial nutrition the smell is usually sour milk.

It should be borne in mind the fact that the main and only nutrition of the baby is milk. This is a natural product that can change the characteristics of the baby's stool in different sides. You should not strive to ensure that the baby's chair is strictly the same. It is almost impossible to achieve this, and it is not necessary.

Number of bowel movements. After two weeks, this is already an important indicator of the health and nutrition of the baby. This point is important here: the minimum number of bowel movements should be 2-3 per day. Often in children at this age and more often. too rare bowel movements indicate that your baby is not getting enough food (he does not have enough milk).

What can be violations?:

In fact, there are many such violations of the stool of the baby. It should be understood that the following signs in a baby are a cause for concern:

◊ weakness;

◊ low activity;

◊ poor appetite;

◊ poor weight gain;

◊ constipation.

These indicators are an important signal for contacting a gastroenterologist to determine the cause and correct such deviations.

In addition, parents should be alert the following signs stool changes:

◊ Constipation. A prolonged absence of bowel movements suggests that the baby is malnourished. In addition, with a lack of an enzyme that breaks down milk sugar, the stool thickens and also leads to delayed stools and painful bowel movements. In addition, such bowel movements can damage the rectum and cause cracks, which are very painful for the baby.
In formula-fed babies, stools are more dense and bowel movements occur less frequently. This is normal. You just need to choose the right mixture.

◊ A large amount of mucus in the stool. Such a chair indicates that the baby has recently had such an infection. In addition, such a chair is often observed in children during teething.

What to do? If the mucus in the stool persists for a long time, then this is the reason for contacting a gastroenterologist to correct this condition after the examination (as a rule, they take an analysis called a coprogram).

◊ Stools are frothy, slightly greenish, with a very pungent odor. In addition, there is irritation of the skin around the anus. Such a chair most often speaks of overeating and excess milk from the mother.

What to do? Change breasts less often so that the baby eats mostly hind milk. It contains enzymes for the breakdown of milk sugar.

◊ The stool is frothy, green, its appearance is accompanied by a characteristic "cotton", which indicates increased gas formation. This nature of the stool indicates lactase deficiency (lack of an enzyme that breaks down milk sugar). To correct this condition, you need to consult a doctor. And the mother must ensure that the baby receives more hind milk, which is very rich in these enzymes.

◊ Very common yellow or green chair with a very bad smell. This nature of the stool indicates the presence of an infection and requires immediate medical attention.

◊ Blood impurities in the stool. This is a dangerous symptom that speaks of various pathologies, including: bleeding, allergies to milk protein, hemorrhoids, congenital intestinal diseases, bacterial infection.

All of these features should serve as a reason for contacting a doctor. After all, the nature of the baby's bowel movements is a "litmus test" of all processes occurring in the baby's body. And analysis of the contents of the diaper can sometimes help to recognize in time dangerous diseases or deviations. In order to do this correctly, it is imperative to have information about the norms in the children's chair, which are described above.

Breastfeed your babies! This will avoid many health problems for your baby.