Viktor son of viburnum how tall was. Singer Viktor Kalina: “I had no chance to save my wife from prison

The Republic of Belarus . He studied at 4 schools, but graduated from secondary school 2 with a musical bias. For five years he studied at a music school in the Bayan class. He plays the guitar, writes poetry and music from the age of seven (self-taught).

From the age of 10 to 16 he was engaged in cycling. Achievements: Candidate Master of Sports, medalist of the USSR, champion of the BSSR in youth. After the army he was engaged in cycling: four-time champion of the BSSR, bronze medalist of the USSR, but it was a hobby. From 16 to 24 years old he was engaged in karate-do "Kyokusenkai" but achieved results in hand-to-hand combat. Fights without rules on the tote. The title of Master of Sports, medalist of the USSR in hand-to-hand combat.



From March 2008 IK-10 211440 Vitebsk region Novopolotsk st. Tekhnicheskaya d.8 Detachment No. 16


  • Life goes on ()
  • Prison Romance ()
  • Forgotten edge ()
  • North wind ()
  • Court generals ()
  • Viburnum bitter (()
  • trouble woman ()
  • Naughty reveler ()
  • naughty girl ()
  • old friends ()
  • Golden arrows ()
  • Naughty Reveler Reissue ()
  • Volodarka, reissue ()
  • On the love front, everything is unchanged ()


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See what "Victor Kalina" is in other dictionaries:

    This term has other meanings, see Kalina (meanings). Wikipedia has articles about other people with this surname, see Milko. Viktor Kalina Birth name Milko Viktor Vladimirovich Date of birth February 3, 1968 ... Wikipedia

    - (Belarusian Viktar Kalina; born February 3, 1968, Borisov, Minsk region, BSSR) Belarusian musician, chanson singer, composer and poet. Contents 1 Biography 2 Creativity ... Wikipedia

    Viktor Vladimirovich Kalina (Belarusian Viktar Kalina; born February 3, 1968, Borisov, Minsk region, BSSR) is a Belarusian musician, chanson singer, composer and poet. Contents 1 Biography 2 Creativity ... Wikipedia

    Viktor Vladimirovich Kalina (Belarusian Viktar Kalina; born February 3, 1968, Borisov, Minsk region, BSSR) is a Belarusian musician, chanson singer, composer and poet. Contents 1 Biography 2 Creativity ... Wikipedia

    Viktor Vladimirovich Kalina (Belarusian Viktar Kalina; born February 3, 1968, Borisov, Minsk region, BSSR) is a Belarusian musician, chanson singer, composer and poet. Contents 1 Biography 2 Creativity ... Wikipedia

    - "KALINA RED", USSR, MOSFILM, 1973, color, 108 min. Tragic melodrama. This painting by Vasily Shukshin is an extremely rare genre exception in Soviet art, where all tragedies were bound to be “optimistic”. This is a story about... ... Cinema Encyclopedia

    Viburnum: Wiktionary has an entry for "Viburnum" Viburnum (lat. Viburnum) is a genus of shrubs in the Honeysuckle family. Kalina is a Russian and Ukrainian surname (women in Russian can have 2 different surnames: Kalina does not have ... Wikipedia

Issue: February 03, 1968. Born in Kazakhstan. At the age of 4, the family moved to Belarus. Until 1995 he lived in Borisov (Republic of Belarus), after that in Minsk and Moscow.
He took part in the fighting in the North Caucasus. Master of sports in hand-to-hand combat.
Viktor Kalina has written over 400 songs, 200 poems, and three books. The first "Generals of Yards" was published by the publishing house "Zebra-E" together with the company "AST" in September 2006, which can be found in the "literature" section. Viktor Kalina recorded 13 solo albums, several DVDs, MP-3 were released, 20 clips were shot.
On January 3, 2007, Viktor and his wife Svetlana were arrested. On June 12, 2007, after the indictment and completion of the investigation, Viktor was convicted and sentenced to five years and six months in prison with confiscation of property and serving the sentence in a high-security colony, Svetlana to four and a half years. Viktor Kalina and Svetlana Kalina pleaded not guilty, claiming that a banal set-up was planned against them by "friends", which was used by demons in uniform out of personal hostility on domestic grounds and by order of high authorities. They say that Victor was tried for a "broom" (statements in the direction of individual demons from law enforcement agencies, and his own independent view of ...). Svetlana was convicted for the company - refusal to testify against her husband. And she chose to share her fate and indefinite time with him. One of the high officials in the power structures admitted: "He bullied, they put him in his place!"
After spending almost two and a half years in places of deprivation, Viktor and Svetlana were granted an amnesty, and in May 2009 they were released.

As Victor wrote in his poems about what he had gone through and experienced: "... I don't feel sorry for anything, I'm not ashamed of anyone ...".

"No one can take and forbid
I have to live in my own delusions,
Make mistakes, suffer, love
And to God to repent, asking for forgiveness ... "

For more than two years in prison, Victor wrote more than 80 songs, 150 poems, the book "The Prisoner's Diary". In 2009 and 2010, his new albums "The Snow Queen", " ice Age”, all the songs of which were written in places of detention. Filmed a new clip-series " The Snow Queen"and a video for the song" HEAVENLY ICON ", which are dedicated to Svetlana Kalina. The publication of his new book is scheduled for autumn 2011. Work on a new album with the working title "Poems in the Snow" is being completed, several songs from which can be downloaded for personal acquaintance with personal site (section Mp-3).Now Viktor Vladimirovich Kalina lives in Russia, preferring Minsk and Moscow a farm in the Smolensk region, which he and Svetlana called "Kalinova Valley". all over the world, writes poetry, songs, a book .... Lives active life for the soul and loved ones.

Victor Kalina was born on 02/03/1968. Nationality - Belarusian. Born in the Kustanai region. Republic of Kazakhstan. From the age of six he lived with his parents in the city of Borisov, Republic of Belarus. He studied at 4 schools, but graduated from secondary school 2 with a musical bias. For five years he studied at a music school in the Bayan class. He plays the guitar, writes poetry and music from the age of seven (self-taught). From the age of 10 to 16 he was engaged in cycling. Achievements: Candidate Master of Sports, medalist of the USSR, champion of the BSSR in youth. After the army he was engaged in cycling: four-time champion of the BSSR, bronze medalist of the USSR, but it was a hobby. From 16 to 24 years old he was engaged in karate-do "Kyokusenkai" but achieved results in hand-to-hand combat. Fights without rules on the tote. The title of Master of Sports, medalist of the USSR in 1991 in hand-to-hand combat.

Army: Army Special Forces. During the performance of military duty, during the suppression of riots, he received a severe head injury ( rn action the Baltics). Commissioned. Then he continued to engage in hand-to-hand combat, working as a trainer and instructor of hand-to-hand combat in various schools and military unit 63760. Periodically visited the zones of local conflicts in the Caucasus under a contract (fellow soldiers and sidekicks from special forces were invited). During these years, he actively became interested in extreme yoga, where he repeated several records included in the Guinness book. He studied the possibilities of a person (walking on coals, piercing the body with knitting needles, swords, etc.) also during these years he became interested in bard author's song. He writes a lot of songs and participates with them in author's song festivals, where he repeatedly became a laureate and prize-winner.

From 1989 to the present, he has been fond of Eastern philosophy, Theosophy, parapsychology. During these years, he organizes concerts for himself and actively tours around Belarus, Ukraine, and Russia. In 1996 his first album "Life goes on" was released.

From 1992 to 2007 head of a number of enterprises and companies. In 1999 it comes out new album"Wanderer" in style " New Age"(Gala, Bitripe, etc.). At the invitation of the brilliant producer and owner of the company" Master Sound Rekords - Russian chanson "Yuri Nikolaevich Sevastyanov, in 2000 he switched to the musical direction" Russian chanson "and with his family moved to a permanent place of residence in Moscow, March 2001, the company "Russian chanson" releases his first album in chanson "Forgotten Land".

In the fall of 2001, another album "Prison Romance" was released. By a tragic coincidence and cunningly woven intrigues, Victor terminates the contract with the Russian Chanson company and goes to "free bread" as a performer and producer. As V. Kalina himself once admits: "It was fatal mistake made by me. Yuri Sevastyanov told me that he needed two years to make me a star no less bright M. Krug. Producers like Y. Sevastyanov are not just thrown around. He great person, creator of the direction in art and the brand "Russian chanson"

For Victor, very difficult times have come for "free swimming" along the muddy rivers of show business. From 2002 to 2004 Victor Kalina writes and releases 4 albums: "Northern wind" - APTYP-MUSIK, "Kalina bitter", "Generals of the yards", "Woman trouble" - CLASSIC KOMPANI. Produced by his wife Svetlana's band "New Murki" and recorded two albums for them.

In the fall of 2004, due to the illness of his son Khristian, Viktor and his family had to return to Minsk. As one of the masters of the Belarusian stage I. Luchenok admitted: "Never before in the history of the Belarusian stage has there been such a phenomenon that from complete obscurity an artist has become the most popular performer in a year."

Victor writes and publishes three new albums in two years: "Naughty Reveler" - 2005, "Old Friends" - 2005, "Golden Arrows" - 2006. In Russia, these albums and MP-3 (a collection of albums) are released "Union". Ten clips are released. For the first time in the history of the stage, a video is being shot - the series "Old Friends" and "Generals of the Yards", consisting of 8 clips shot in the "mini-movie" version. These clips occupy the very top lines in torrents - parades and orders on all world satellite Russian-language musical interactive channels (MUSIC - BOKS, First Baltic, First Belorussky, etc.) his songs and videos have pressed not only everything related to chanson, but also pop music . For two years, Viktor Kalina gave more than a hundred box-office solo concerts in Belarus alone with a full house. On October 29, 2006, with a full house (3000 seats), a concert in memory of M. Krug "In the circle of friends" took place at the Palace of the Republic, in which the group "Companion", E. Amiramov, Katya Ogonyok, V. Chernyakov, Gennady Zharov took part , Oleg Pakhomov, New Murki group.

In May 2007, a concert version of this chanson holiday was released on DVD. Dozens of bests with songs by V. Kalina came out massively. hundreds of collections with his songs, DVDs with his videos and karaoke of his songs. The company "Russian chanson" acquired the rights to publish DVD versions of his clips and the latest concert program"Golden Arrows" -2007.

On September 20, 2006, with the personal participation of the master of literature Viktor Dotsenko, the presentation of the first art book V. Kalina "Generals of the Yards". A sequel to this book, "On the Edge", has been written and should see the light of day soon.

His action was published by the company "Zebra-E" and AST Moscow without literary processing, which is rare in itself.

Victor Kalina wrote more than 350 songs, 200 poems, two books. He recorded 11 solo albums, DVD, MP-3, filmed 10 clips.

On December 27, 2006, his wife Svetlana was arrested, and on January 4, 2007, Viktor was arrested. After the indictment and completion of the investigation on June 12, 2007, on charges of attempting to commit fraud on an especially large scale, Viktor and Svetlana Kalina were convicted and sentenced: Viktor to five years and six months in a penal colony, Svetlana to four years and six months imprisonment with serving a sentence in a penal colony.

Victor has three children at large, whom he considers the greatest achievement in his life: son - Kalina Khristian, born in 1997 (currently raised by her grandmother in Smolensk), daughter - Kalina Alina, born in 1989, son - Kalina Viktor, born in 1988 .

After spending almost two and a half years in places of deprivation, Viktor was granted an amnesty and was released on May 29, 2009. As Victor wrote in his poems about what he had gone through and experienced: "... I don't feel sorry for anything, I'm not ashamed of anyone ...". And also:
"No one can take and forbid
I have to live in my own delusions,
Make mistakes, suffer, love
And to God to repent, asking for forgiveness ... "
For more than two years in prison, Victor has written more than 80 songs, 150 poems, the book "The Prisoner's Diary" and the book "Letters of the Prisoner" is being prepared. Filming of his new video series "The Snow Queen" has begun...

The biography was compiled by friends of Viktor Kalin and his fans.

Victor Kalina is a famous Belarusian chanson performer. He was born on February 3 (Aquarius according to the horoscope) 1968 in the city of Arkalyk (Kazakhstan, USSR). Real name - Milko Viktor Vladimirovich.

Victor was born and raised in a very ordinary middle-class family. When Viktor was six years old, his parents decided to move to the city of Borisov, which was located in Belarus. Over the entire academic time, Victor changed about four schools, but the final choice in the end was secondary educational institution with a musical bias, which he completed with particular pleasure. At that time, Victor also studied at a music school, where he mastered playing the button accordion for five years.

In addition, at the age of seven, Viktor Kalina was able to independently learn all the subtleties of playing the guitar. But apart from musical achievements Victor also excelled in sports, and more specifically in cycling. In this form, he was able to achieve many successes, including becoming the winner of many competitions, as well as receiving the title of candidate master of sports. True, all this did not particularly cling to the guy, and in the end he decides to taste real adrenaline and begins to practice karate, but then turns into hand-to-hand combat. For a while, he even engaged in illegal fights without rules.

creative way

After serving in the army, Victor begins to actively engage in musical activity. During that period, he often writes songs, participates in music festivals and repeatedly became the winner of various competitions. In 1999, his album called "The Wanderer" was released, which was written in a not quite familiar style. After a while, he switches to Russian chanson and in the same year decides to change his last name to Kalina. Then he decides to move to Moscow.

Thus, he signs a contract with the Russian Chanson company and already in 2001 he released two whole albums called "Clogged Land" and "Prison Romance". True, after a while he decides to terminate the contract with the company, which he subsequently regrets very much. For a period, his career began to slowly but surely decline, until eventually Victor pulls himself together and begins to release his work. So, he is rehabilitated and after a while becomes a very significant figure in the world of chanson.


Viktor Kalina is married to Svetlana Kalina. In this marriage, three children were born: son Victor, daughter Alina and the most younger son Christian.

In 2006, he goes to prison with his wife Svetlana on charges of fraud. Three years later, Victor falls under an amnesty and is released from prison.


The future king of chanson Viktor Kalina was born an ordinary boy Vitya Melko. The family lived in Borisov, and it seemed that the very place where they were given living space programmed the future singer and the theme of his work.

Viktor Kalina:
We settled in the most criminal and vile swamp at that time.

At the age of 7, Vitya Melko picked up a guitar, at the same time he began to write the first quatrains, dedicating them to the fair sex. Victor graduated from specialized music school, practiced yoga and received the title of candidate master of sports in cycling, master of sports in hand-to-hand combat. But from professional sports at one point he decided to leave.

Viktor Kalina:
There were fights without rules, and at the last competition I got several knockdowns, another concussion, bruises, fractures. I moved away from this for a very long time and realized: either they will beat off my head and I will become like all boxers, or I need to take on my head.

Twice Victor received higher education. He took up alternative medicine, parapsychology, extreme yoga.

Viktor Kalina:
I am a professional acupuncturist. I had offices, a good medical firm, all I needed was a medical education. I was offered to finish medical school. I graduated from it, I have the first education - a paramedic-obstetrician.
I got married early enough, it so happened that I met a girl, she became pregnant. Mom said: "It's ugly and unmanly if you leave her." So without love, two children were born very quickly, when I realized that I should not hold on to something that does not exist, I filed for divorce and we broke up.
I also work with astrological charts, I know hand patterns very well, I am very good at palmistry, of course, there is an inner and very deep intuition.

Soon Victor got tired of this occupation, and the idea came to try himself on the professional stage. In 1994, Viktor Melko divorced his first wife, two weeks later he went on tour to Smolensk, where a fateful meeting took place at one of the concerts.

Svetlana Kalina, Victor's wife:
Victor came to the city with a concert and my mother and I went, it was September 28, 94, I was 17 years old, October 28 I turned 18. When I saw him on stage, heard his poems, songs, I realized that I need.

Viktor Kalina:
She grew up among the gypsies in a gypsy village, she was told that her husband would be from foreign lands, that his name would be Victor, that she would live in the same marriage with me all her life. She snuggled up to me and said: "I grew up for you." The age difference was 9 years. At that moment, I immediately felt in love, and then love..

Iresisted for a very long time. I asked you to wait a year, and get married. She said: “No, we won’t get married in a year, I feel it. Either now or never." And I was only 2 weeks divorced at that time. I dreamed that I would be out of marriage for at least 10 years, it is not very convenient for an artist to be married at a certain stage. She quietly became everything in my life for me: wife, mistress, mistress, housewife, mother, then became my director. She quietly began to sing, she seemed to succeed, some projects were made for her.

The career of chanson performer Viktor Kalina gradually went uphill. They are interested in Russian companies. All this time, Viktor and Svetlana were together 24 hours a day, until the prison separated them for more than 2 years. A criminal case was opened against Viktor Kalina and his wife, relatives persuaded Svetlana not to come to the verdict. She was a Russian citizen and could have escaped imprisonment.

Svetlana Kalina:
I had a choice, but I just couldn’t step over myself, so I didn’t run away, I didn’t run away, I came.

Viktor Kalina:
When she came to the verdict, I almost fainted. She came deliberately to sit in a cage, then the two of us were taken in a paddy wagon, the two of us went to the pre-trial detention center, then we were separated by locks, guards, colonies. It was two and a half years of inner hell.

The feeling of guilt before her beloved was all-consuming, so as not to go crazy, Kalina wrote poems, letters, wrote the book "The Prisoner's Diary". Victor and Svetlana passed this test together. The prison, of course, changed them: made them tougher, stronger.

Viktor Kalina:
We have been together for 16 years, and once again I find myself thinking that I am not tired.