Manor Tolstoy Yasnaya Polyana presentation. Presentation on the topic of Yasnaya Polyana in the life of L n Tolstoy



Habitual Tolstoy appearance

manor, largely preserved

up to the present day, formed

at the beginning of the 19th century. under the writer's grandfather

N. S. Volkonsky.


At first sight

the most common, however,

very large estate.

Four hours drive from Moscow

south on the road leading to Ukraine

and the Caucasus.

With a little mansion, all the time

overgrown with outbuildings, where with difficulty

housed a large family of Tolstoy.

By the time of birth

Tolstoy in 1828

Yasnaya Polyana already

More than half a century

stayed in one

family: parents



third generation


from Volkonsky-

(great-grandfather, grandfather, mother,

writer's father).


In Yasnaya Polyana

Tolstoy was born

and spent a lot

part of your life.


Yasnaya Polyana



who knew her




Yasnaya Polyana

estate life

and nature gave

the richest material

for creative thought

writer and received


reflection in his




Yasnaya Polyana

life made him

change your mind a lot

and re-feel

local images and

landscapes reflected

in his works.


This is the oldest

stone building

in Yasnaya Polyana;

under L.N. Tolstoy

it had




Tolstoy lived

over 50 years

and wrote




Associated with Yasnaya Polyana

earliest memories

Lev Tolstoy. Here he is

playing with brothers

in a green stick:

who will find this green

wand, maybe right away

do anyone

happy man,


Yasnaya Polyana -

this place

where he was born,

lived around

sixty years old

wrote more

Two hundred works

including novels

"War and Peace",

"Anna Karenina"


finally this place

his burial.

The events of Yasnaya Polyana

life made him

change your mind a lot

and re-feel

local images and

landscapes reflected

in his works.


After returning

in 1856

from Petersburg

to Yasnaya Polyana

L. N. Tolstoy

settled in

one of two



Great Desk


As in the first

as well as with multiple

visiting Yasnaya Polyana

Tolstoy's house from all over


produces deep

impressions of

simplicity and importance


One more necessary

working condition -

active use



among which one can

name and



and archival


Everything that arose

in Yasnaya Polyana and


creative vision


carefully preserved




and journalistic


Tolstoy gave


paintings of Russian

Impressions of Yasnaya Polyana

manor life and nature

provided a wealth of material for


the thoughts of the writer and received

multiple reflections in his works.




estates (gardens,

ponds planted

thick forests),

like the buildings

late 18th -

early XIX centuries,

supported in

its unchanged

historical form.


The writer spent

long hours

in lonely


across the fields


Yasnaya Polyana.


Greatness and beauty

nature, friend,

won't leave and

Will not betray",

surrounded Tolstoy


Impressions of Yasnaya Polyana

manor life and

gave the richest

material for


writer's thoughts

and got


reflection in his




with joy

to the graph

Yasnaya Polyana




with local and



was for Tolstoy



folk life.



This house has been

at different times

I.S. Turgenev,

A.A. Fet, A.P. Chekhov

M. Gorky,

N.S. Leskov;


I.N. Kramskoy,

I.E. Repin, N.N. Ge,


deepest, most

tragic, most

philosophical writer

in history,

stern and harsh

looking at us

from portraits,

was convinced that

man comes

into this world for happiness.



Lev Nikolaevich

Tolstoy marries

at eighteen

summer daughter

Moscow doctor

Sofia Andreevna

Bers. After the wedding

Fat people settle in

Yasnaya Polyana.


L.N. Tolstoy. 1876

Moscow. Photo

G.I. Diagovchenko

L.N. Tolstoy Lieutenant.


S.L. Levitsky.

L.N. Tolstoy. 1849 Petersburg. Degerrotype V. Schoenfeldt


L.N. Tolstoy next to his sculptural

portrait by I.E. Repin.

1891 Yasnaya Polyana.

Photo by E.S. Tomashevich.

Leo Tolstoy 1885

Moscow, photography

firm "Scherer"


L.N. Tolstoy sits on a horse.

1897 Yasnaya Polyana.

Photo by N.A. Kasatkin.

L.N. Tolstoy on horseback near Yasnaya Polyana. 1908 Photograph by K.K. Bulls.


Yasnaya Polyana.

Photo by S.A. Tolstoy.

The last picture of L.N. Tolstoy.

S.A. Thick. 1901 Yasnaya Polyana


L.N. Tolstoy at work in his office

Yasnaya Polyana house in 1909

Photo by S.A. Tolstoy

L.N. Tolstoy.

1907 Yasnaya Polyana.

Photo by V.G. Chertkov


L.N. Tolstoy with granddaughter

Tanya Sukhotina. 1908 Yasnaya Polyana. Photo by V.G. Chertkov.

L.N. Tolstoy with A.L. Tolstoy. 1908 Yasnaya Polyana. Photo by V.G. Chertkov.



L.N. Tolstoy.

L.N. Tolstoy is coming along

plowed field near the village. 1908 Yasnaya Polyana.

Photo by V.G. Chertkov.

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“Every citizen is obliged to take care of the preservation of historical and cultural heritage, to protect historical and cultural monuments.”
Constitution Russian Federation, article 44.3

Class objectives:

  • Take a virtual tour of the Yasnaya Polyana Estate Museum.
  • To acquaint students with the Yasnaya Polyana estate museum, created by Anna Lvovna Tolstaya in memory of the great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy.
  • To introduce students to the history of the creation of the estate, its role in the education of the younger generation.

Equipment: multimedia presentation (using personal photographs of the teacher Rogaleva N.G., Internet resources)

Introductory speech of the teacher:

“Streets, squares, canals, individual houses, parks remind us of the past.

... Unobtrusively and unpersistently, the impressions of the past enter the spiritual world of a person, and a person with an open soul enters the past. He learns respect for his ancestors and remembers what his descendants will need in turn.

He begins to learn responsibility - moral responsibility to the people of the past and at the same time to the people of the future.

D.S. Likhachev.

Russia is rich in monuments that reflect the milestones of its centuries-old history. Our cultural and historical heritage is a spiritual, economic and social capital of irreplaceable value, which, along with natural resources, is the main basis for national self-respect and recognition of Russia by world communities. The heritage largely forms the mentality, affirms the continuity of humanitarian values ​​and preserves traditions. The preservation of cultural heritage is the basis for the further development of society, it is the constitutional duty of every citizen of the country.

Today we will go on an excursion in the estate - museum "Yasnaya Polyana". Yasnaya Polyana is located 14 km from the city of Tula, in the Shchelkinsky district. The great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy lived and created his works here. The situation in the museum-estate remained exactly the same as the writer himself left it when he left Yasnaya Polyana in 1910. Yasnaya Polyana is the center of world tourism.

The museum was created by the decision of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee on June 10, 1921, largely thanks to the efforts of Anna Lvovna Tolstaya, the daughter of Leo Nikolayevich.

The exposition of the museum includes the original furnishings of the estate, personal belongings of L.N. Tolstoy, his library (22,000 books).

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In 1627 For faithful service to the tsar, the boyar Grigory Kartsev and his son Stepan were granted land in the Solovskiy (later Krapivenskiy) district. The Kartsevs guarded this section of the notch forests. Due attention was paid to Yasnaya Polyana, because through it went the way to Tula and Moscow.

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In 1763, Tolstoy's great-grandfather, Prince S.F., bought Yasnaya Polyana in the name of his wife. Volkonsky.

The land in Yasnaya Polyana was owned by five landowners, their parts were bought out later. After the death of S.F. Volkonsky's estate passed to his son N.S. Volkonsky, this happened in 1784.

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Having retired, in the autumn of 1799, N.S. Volkonsky arrived at the estate, soon after that significant landscape work began that changed the original appearance of the estate: parks were laid out, in addition to the existing two ponds, Bolshoy and Sredny, two new ones were dug.

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Two white-stone turrets at the very entrance to the estate were erected by the grandfather of Lev Nikolayevich, Prince N.S. Volkonsky. White classically laconic, and therefore truly beautiful turrets have become the emblem of Yasnaya Polyana.

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"Preshpekt" - a birch alley, which appeared in Yasnaya Polyana around 1800, starts from the entrance towers and goes to the writer's house. "Preshpekt" was repeatedly mentioned in the works of Lev Nikolaevich.

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The lower part of the “preshpekt” runs along the dam of the Big Pond. This pond at that time was called Peasant. In the summer, peasant children and the writer's children swam there, and in winter they usually arranged skating rinks, where Tolstoy's family, the children of the peasants of Yasnaya Polyana, skated.

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On the other side of the “Preshpekt” there is the “English” park, it is called so because it was created in the time of the writer's grandfather on the model of English parks. There are no symmetrically located alleys here, everything here is like in an ordinary forest, as close as possible to nature. A park with a semi-overgrown pond, with bridges thrown over, randomly running paths.

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At the end of the 18th century, construction was underway in Yasnaya Polyana. N.S. Volkonsky erects a stone house on the highest place, from where a wonderful view of the fields and the village opens.

Today it is a long one-story white stone building with a mezzanine. The Volkonsky House is rightfully considered a monument of Russian manor architecture of the classicism era.

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On August 28, 1828, in Yasnaya Polyana, Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy was born. He spent most of his life here. Family estate with its landscapes, best traditions estate life with family legends - served Tolstoy as an inexhaustible source of creative strength and inspiration and was invariably present in his works. Tolstoy gives a description of his native places in the works: “The Novel of the Russian Landowner”, “War and Peace”, “Anna Karenina”.

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In 1847, Yasnaya Polyana became the property of L.N. Tolstoy. In the second half of the 19th century, individual parts of the estate were slowly changed. Orchards planted by Tolstoy appeared, certain corners of the park changed, new paths were clogged or new paths appeared. A greenhouse appeared on the site of the burned-out greenhouse, built back in the time of Volkonsky, and the architectural environment of the estate changed.

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When you go up the "prospect" to the estate, then with right side apple orchards stretch, they were started by the writer's grandfather. The most spectacular impression is the gardens at the time of flowering.

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In the last years of his life, Tolstoy repeatedly requested that he be buried in the forest of Stary Zakaz. Tolstoy heard the legend of the “green stick” in childhood from his beloved brother Nikolai. When Nicholas was 12 years old, he announced a great secret. It is worth opening it, and no one else will die, there will be no wars and diseases, and people will be “ant brothers”. It remains only to find this “green stick”, buried on the edge of the ravine.

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Tolstoy recalls the story of the green stick in the first version of his will: “So that no rituals are performed when burying my body; a wooden coffin, and whoever wants to, will take or take down the Old Order in the forest opposite the ravine, in place of the “green stick”.

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The house where L.N. Tolstoy, not preserved. In 1854, Lev Nikolaevich, while in the Caucasus at that time, asked his distant relative V.P. Tolstoy to sell a large Yasnaya Polyana house. In February 1854, an announcement was printed three times in the Tula Gubernskiye Vedomosti: “The house is being sold for delivery wooden, on a stone foundation, covered with iron, in the Tula province of the Krapivensky district in the village of Yasnaya Polyana. Find out about the price in the patrimonial office”

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The house was purchased for 5,000 rubles in banknotes by the neighboring landowner P. M. Gorokhov. The irreparable has happened: the house in which the author of "War and Peace", "Anna Karenina" and "Resurrection", the greatest Russian writer Leo Tolstoy, was born, is dismantled piece by piece, transported disassembled to the village of Dolgoye and assembled there again.

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The ponds of the park are connected by cascades and dams, on the Middle Pond there is a swimming pool, arranged by Lev Nikolaevich in 1890. Over the years, it was knocked together, sometimes from boards, sometimes woven from brushwood.

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“Rejoice! Rejoice! The business of life, its purpose is joy Rejoice in the sky, in the sun, in the stars, in the grass, in the trees, in animals, in people. And so that this joy is not disturbed by anything. This joy is broken to mean, you made a mistake, look for this mistake and correct it, ”the owner of Yasnaya Polyana whispered these words to himself like a prayer. 23 slide

The writer loved and felt the beauty of forests, fields, meadows, and the sky. He said: “How much good God has! Nature is infinitely varied; every day is different from the previous one, every year there is unexpected weather.”

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The sale of the house entailed a change in the north-eastern wing, which became the new “main house” of the estate. Over time, several additions were made to this house.

The Tolstoy believed that Yasnaya Polyana got its name from the wide sunny valley that opens up when you turn to the estate, and possibly along the Yasenka River, which flows nearby.

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On October 29, 1941, the Nazis entered the Yasnaya Polyana land. The occupation of Yasnaya Polyana continued for 45 days. The house of the great writer was turned into a barracks, and next to his grave, the Nazis buried 70 of their soldiers. Huge damage was done to the garden and park. On the last day of their stay in Yasnaya Polyana, the Nazis kindled fires in the writer's house, and the fire was extinguished only by the selfless actions of the museum staff.

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Yasnaya Polyana was liberated on December 15, 1941. After the liberation, restoration work immediately began, which was completed at the end of May 1942. On May 24, the museum again opened its doors to visitors, and in May 1945, when the evacuated museum valuables returned from Tomsk, the museum's exposition was also restored.

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In 1986, the Yasnaya Polyana Museum received the status of the State Memorial and Natural Reserve, and in 1993 - the status of a cultural object. In 1994, a descendant of L.N. Tolstoy - Vladimir Ilyich Tolstoy.

Conversation following the presentation:

  • What role do you think the estate museum plays in the upbringing of a person?
  • Why is Yasnaya Polyana a world-class museum?
  • What impression did you get from this trip? Do you need such trips?
  • Where can you apply the information received?

The main idea of ​​the poem. The originality of the ideological-figurative system. Pushkin traditions in the works of Rasul Gamzatov. Comparative analysis poems. All-responsiveness. Significant value. Controversy. Mentor and teacher. Poetic size. Main thought. Pushkin traditions. Family origins of love.

"The years of the life of Saltykov-Shchedrin" - The writer's parents. The story "Contradictions" was called by Belinsky "idiotic stupidity." April 28, 1889 - the death of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. The word "softness" was coined by Saltykov-Shchedrin. Evgraf Vasilievich Saltykov Father of the writer. Achievements of Saltykov-Shchedrin. In the village of Spas-Ugol, Tver province, in a wealthy landowner's family. N. G. Chernyshevsky Shchedrin has a magnificent, purely folk, well-aimed style ... L. N. Tolstoy.

"Literary quiz on Pushkin" - The life and work of A.S. Pushkin. When and with whom did the route from Yekaterinoslav to Chisinau. Ode "Liberty". Where are the lines from. The first work of the fourteen-year-old A. S. Pushkin. The first poem by A. S. Pushkin. Why did you hug. House on Nemetskaya Street, where Pushkin was born. In the Poem "To the Sea" Pushkin calls them "the rulers of our thoughts." Southern link. It's about Alexander I. The epigraph was given to the collection "Poems of Alexander Pushkin."

"The cycle of Gogol's St. Petersburg Tales" - The continuer of traditions. Arap of Peter the Great. Queen of Spades. Formation of competence. Diagnostic results. Storyline and composition. results research work students. Finished novels. The story "Portrait". Appearance of Christ to the people. The last day of Pompeii. Composition. Discussion of the work plan. Painting and iconography in the story. methodological goals. Petersburg stories. Stages and timing of the project.

"The book" Poor Liza "" - The story of N.M. Karamzin " Poor Lisa". Love. Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin. Sentimentalism. History of Russian Goverment. Introduction. From the life of N.M. Karamzin. Vocabulary work. The story of "Poor Lisa". Let's go back to the epigraph of the lesson. Questions and assignments to the text.

"Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow" - Requirements of the genre canon. general ledger the writer created in the genre of literary travel. "I looked around me - my soul is wounded by the sufferings of mankind ...". Analysis of "Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow" by A.N. Radishchev. “Here is the dispersion of the French infection ...” Catherine II. A.N. Radishchev. Analysis. Traditional motives and techniques. The purpose of the lesson. literary journey. The key to the entire Radishchev work.

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Purpose: To introduce biographical information writer associated with the life of Leo Tolstoy in Yasnaya Polyana. Objectives: To increase, using information technology, interest in the work of the writer Leo Tolstoy. Develop Creative skills students, the ability to see the beauty around them. To cultivate a sense of beauty, love for nature and the work of the artist B.V. Shcherbakova

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Equipment: Computer, multimedia screen, projector. Explanatory note: Lesson on the topic “L.N. Tolstoy. Yasnaya Polyana in the Life of a Writer” is studied in the 8th grade. Students continue to study the biography and work of Leo Tolstoy - one of the brightest pages in the history of Russian literature. Students have computer skills and demonstrate big interest to lessons using ICT. Methods: Verbal, visual Lesson type: Learning new material Lesson form: Presentation lesson (Fragment of the lesson)

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L. N. TOLSTOY IN Yasnaya Polyana

“The purest joy, the joy of nature ... ... Without my Yasnaya Polyana, I can hardly imagine Russia and my attitude towards it. Without Yasnaya Polyana, I may perhaps more clearly see the general laws necessary for my fatherland, but I will not love her to the point of passion ”L.N. Tolstoy

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Description of Yasnaya Polyana.

Yasnaya Polyana is a picturesque corner in the Tula region, associated with the name of the great Russian writer L.N. Tolstoy. Yasnaya Polyana is Tolstoy's childhood and his first impressions of the world around him. Today Yasnaya Polyana is one of the largest memorial museums in the country. Yasnaya Polyana during the life of L.N. Tolstoy was one of the significant cultural centers Russia.

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On an area of ​​about four hundred hectares are preserved in a historically inviolable form: L.N. Tolstoy with authentic furnishings, an outbuilding, outbuildings, a park, a forest, an orchard.

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L. N. TOLSTOY IN Yasnaya Polyana

In 1960, an exhibition of works by Soviet artists dedicated to L.N. Tolstoy and Yasnaya Polyana. It is located in one of the memorial buildings - in Volkonsky's house - and aroused great interest among museum visitors.

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Two years of hard work. In Yasnaya Polyana, in 1961, an exhibition of works by B.V. Shcherbakov was opened in Volkonsky's house: “The Four Seasons in Yasnaya Polyana”. More than fifty paintings were exhibited.

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The artist devoted several works to the Yasnaya Polyana summer: “Entrance to Yasnaya Polyana”, “Lilacs in Bloom”, “Voronka River”, “Zasechnye Forests” and other landscapes.

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The artist leads us through memorable places Yasnaya Polyana. We pass by the entrance stone turrets, climb the famous "preshpekt" and head to Tolstoy's house, remembering either scenes from the novel "War and Peace" or chapters from "Anna Karenina".

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Entrance to the estate

The road leading to the estate was called Ambassadorial in the old days, as ambassadors traveled along it from Moscow to the Crimea, the Caucasus, Persia and back. Round brick towers at the entrance to the estate were built by Tolstoy's grandfather on his mother's side. From the entrance to Tolstoy's house there is a wide entrance alley with the old name "Preshpekt". The stone gate at the entrance and "Preshpekt" are mentioned more than once in the novel "War and Peace" when describing the Bolkonsky estate "Bald Mountains", the prototype of which was Yasnaya Polyana.

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middle pond

In the middle of the park is the "Middle Pond". Once upon a time, a ravine ran through the entire park. Under N.S. Volkonsky it was dammed in several places and filled with water, as a result three ponds were formed: "Upper", "Middle" and "Lower". In the 1890s, a bathhouse was set up on the "Middle Pond", where members of the Tolstoy family and guests bathed.

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tree of the poor

In front of the house grows an old spreading elm. Every morning, petitioners waited under the elm tree for Tolstoy: beggars, passers-by, peasants. Hence the name of the elm "The Tree of the Poor".

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Bridge over the River Voronka

The bridge across the Voronka River in this place was built in the early 1860s, when L.N. Tolstoy set up an apiary on the opposite bank of the river and planted forests.

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In a green grove

In 1873-1881, on the left side of the road leading to the Voronka River, Tolstoy planted birch grove, which has preserved to this day the name "Abramovskaya", named after the gardener Abramych, who took part in this planting.

Yasnaya Polyana dates back to the end of the 17th century, from the moment its first owners, the Kartsevs, appeared here. The estate went through several stages before it fundamentally changed its appearance in the course of a radical reconstruction undertaken by Leo Tolstoy's grandfather, Prince Nikolai Sergeevich Volkonsky.

Yasnaya Polyana is a unique memorial and nature reserve. Old buildings are preserved here, surrounded by picturesque parks, gardens, forests. The traditions of the Tolstoy family still live here. A walk along Yasnaya Polyana will take you into the world of Russians noble estates 19th century

Ponds On the left side of the "Preshpekt" there is a large pond. On the other side of the "Preshpekt", in a ravine, an English park was laid out with a cascade of three small ponds: Upper, Middle and Lower. In the 1990s, a bathhouse was built on the Middle Pond.

Lower (English) Park In the old days it was called the "English Garden". Everything in this picturesque corner of Yasnaya Polyana reminded Tolstoy of his mother, Maria Nikolaevna. Maria Nikolaevna loved to walk along the paths of the Lower Park, planting rose bushes, euonymus, hazel, silvery poplars here.

Orchards Orchards are the decoration of the Yasnaya Polyana estate. Its garden and park ensemble has been created for more than 150 years. The estate had two regular gardens - each of eight wedges, where apple trees, currants, gooseberries, raspberries and strawberries grew. Apple trees in the garden are listed 849 pieces of 25 different varieties.

Kuzminsky Wing In 1859, Tolstoy opened a school for peasant children in the wing, which lasted until 1862. Later guests stayed here. More often than others, the writer's sister-in-law, the younger sister of his wife, Tatyana Andreevna Kuzminskaya, lived here with her family. It was after her name that the wing was called the wing of the Kuzminskys.

Leo Tolstoy's house Tolstoy settled in this house in Tolstoy lived in this house for more than 50 years. All things, books, paintings here are genuine: they belonged to Tolstoy, his family, and even the writer's ancestors. In the house still the atmosphere of 1910 is preserved, last year Tolstoy's life.

Chepyzh This name refers to the oak forest. Chepyzh is part of the historical Tula Zasek. Age of trees. Tolstoy liked to choose these places for his daily walks.

Fir-trees under Grumant

L. N. Tolstoy's favorite bench At the request of L. N. Tolstoy, a wooden bench was built in Yolochki. This place is known as his favorite place of reflection in the peace and quiet of a young spruce forest, a place of rest after long walks around the estate and its surroundings.