Trends in the development of modern culture briefly. Abstract: The main trends in the development of modern world and domestic culture

On the morning of Sunday, December 25, a Tu-154 aircraft of the Ministry of Defense crashed over the Black Sea. There were 92 people on board, including Academic Ensemble songs and dances to them. Alexandrova. The artists of the famous team were accompanied by the director of the Department of Culture under the Ministry of Defense Anton Gubankov, a well-known St. Petersburg journalist who devoted last years his army life.

"He loved his job, loved people, wanted to do good"

Gubankov went with the ensemble to Syria, Russian base Khmeimim in Latakia, as an "ideological inspirer" - this is how his mother Marianna Proshkina defined the role of the Petersburger. Marianna Viktorovna told Life that she did not approve of her son's dangerous travels, because he himself, in fact, had never been a military man. However, out of love for his work and people, Anton Nikolaevich, according to his mother, was ready to give himself to the profession completely. “He loved his job, loved people, the country, St. Petersburg, he wanted to do good things,” Marianna Proshkina said about her dead son.

Anton Gubankov was born in St. Petersburg on Vasilyevsky Island 51 years ago. The son of artists, after school he entered the Leningrad University at the French Department of the Faculty of Philology. Already at the age of 20, Gubankov became a correspondent for the Leningrad University newspaper, and at 26, for the Nevskoe Vremya newspaper.

In 1993, Gubankov headed the information service of the radio "GTRK Channel 5". He was well known from the programs "Inform-TV", "City Affairs", "The New Fifth Wheel", "For and Against". Six years later, in 1999, Anton Gubankov became the head of the Vesti-Petersburg program. As the journalist himself admitted, despite the fact that he had left the frame at that time, he did not want to create third-party projects - after all, this could harm the main cause, and he could never afford this.

For three years, from 2008 to 2011, Gubankov headed the Committee on Culture of St. Petersburg, and another one and a half - the Ministry of Culture of the Moscow Region. He has always been a very creative journalist - this is exactly what the chairman of the Union of Journalists, Lyudmila Fomicheva, said about him. But the Petersburger was able to fully develop in "cultural work" after receiving the post of head of the Department of Culture of the Ministry of Defense in 2013 Russian Federation.

Creative boss - modern army

Anton Gubankov was very clearly aware of his mission as head of the Department of Culture of the Ministry of Defense. In his own words, the agency created in 2013 was supposed to "build a bridge" between the closed and torn off " civil peace"the army and the rest of the country's population. Gubankov wanted to make the armed forces open and modern and approached his task, like everything in life, creatively.

Anton Nikolaevich did not stop emphasizing that the army is not a ossified organization consisting only of soldiers and officers, but a "whole world" in which one can find people of the most different professions, from doctors to journalists. To rally this huge mass, "strengthen the corporate spirit," Gubankov organized festivals, creative meetings and holidays.

The festival "Army of Russia" Gubankov called the army "Oscar" - after all, at this holiday every year they awarded the most worthy of the ranks of the military, heroes armed forces. Gubankov tried to promote such events with all his might. He was sure that culture should be the basis of service in the army, its foundation, and not a formal application to weapons and combat strength.

Trying to make the army open and modern, Gubankov also organized unusual actions. So, in September 2016, the campaign train "Army of Victory" left the Belorussky railway station in Moscow, on which artists and artists went on tour to 29 settlements of Russia - through Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk and Chita to Vladivostok itself, and with them - the mobile Museum armed forces and a mobile recruitment center for contracted military personnel.

Press" to popularize the military theme in the information space.

However, meetings with famous artists and cultural figures - from Yevgeny Yevtushenko and Mikhail Zhvanetsky to Sergei Bezrukov and Nikita Mikhalkov - the contribution of the Petersburger to the development of the foundation of army culture was not limited. Anton Gubankov, despite his age, perfectly understood the youth and saw all the "fashion trends" with which you can captivate them. In 2014, "catching by the tail" a popular meme at that time " Polite people", the journalist wrote the song of the same name. The anthem "Polite people", performed by the soloists of the Alexandrov Song and Dance Ensemble, scored 100 thousand views on YouTube in a day and in the most short time became popular throughout the Runet.

Despite the high position, Anton Gubankov was not at all opposed to personally participating in the creation of viral videos and a funny video. A year before the appearance of the Polite People meme and the creation of a patriotic anthem based on it, a Petersburger composed the lyrics of the song in the rap style and read it in front of the camera. In the video, the director of the Department of Culture of the Ministry of Defense spoke about what kind of soldier is needed Russian army: "Batman inside and Rambo outside." The official and journalist assured listeners that a hundred years ago, the entire color of Russian culture - from writers to scientists - wore "officer uniforms", and it would be quite nice to revive this tradition.

Aura of antiquity, aura of goodness

Gubankov admitted that for the sake of the profession he had to largely sacrifice his own personal life and freedom of choice in order to be able to devote himself entirely to journalism. The Petersburger even found a soul mate, one might say, without leaving his post. He met his wife in 1994 on television - Marina was the editor of Inform-TV.

Nevertheless, Gubankov had hobbies that had nothing to do with his work - neither with journalism, nor with the army. For a long time, Anton Nikolaevich loved to wander around flea markets and look for old household items. In his almost museum collection there were old coffee grinders, teapots, bells and other things that once, a hundred or more years ago, were used by other people. The journalist was sure that such things keep the spirit of St. Petersburg and preserve its special aura. And so that life in old bells and coffee grinders does not fade away, they must at least sometimes be removed from the shelf and used for their intended purpose, Gubankov believed.

Gubankov's love for "things with their own aura" is apparently reflected in his concern for museums. Thus, the Petersburger oversaw the creation of a new exposition of the cruiser "Aurora" and was a member of the museum's board of trustees. In the spring of 2016, at the initiative of Gubankov, preparations began for the reconstruction of the St. Petersburg Museum of Artillery, and a year before that, Anton Nikolaevich proposed creating a Museum of Fortifications in Crimea. And even in Syria, on the very base of Khmeimim, a cultural and leisure center was created through his efforts.

plane of joy," along with one of the country's most creative officials, was not destined to land on Syrian soil.

On the military TU-154, which crashed on Sunday morning near Sochi, was the head of the Department of Culture of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Anton Gubankov. He was born in 1965 in Leningrad. Graduated from the French department of the philological faculty of St. Petersburg State University. Then he worked as a journalist for several years. He collaborated both with city publications - Nevskoe Vremya, and with federal ones - Izvestia and Soviet Russia. It is noteworthy that for two years, from 1988 to 1990, Gubankov worked in Syria as a military translator.

- Anton Gubankov is a man whom everyone knows in St. Petersburg, - said State Duma deputy Sergei Boyarsky about him. - In the summer of 2016, we filmed the program "Characters" - about him, as about acting person in the life of our city. This was the last time we saw him and talked. He did a lot for St. Petersburg and recently said that he misses his native city very much.

In the early 90s, Anton Nikolaevich came to television. He headed the information service of the Channel 5 television company, worked as a news presenter, and produced author's programs. Press Secretary of the Governor of St. Petersburg Georgy Poltavchenko Andrey Kibitov called him "his teacher."

“It was he who took me to work in the editorial office information program Vesti-Petersburg. He was an excellent journalist, the most intelligent Petersburger. He was my friend. He left three children. He did a lot for Russian culture and Russian journalism. He brought up many correspondents whom we all know and see on the air of our TV channels,” Kibitov wrote on his Instagram.

In 2008, Gubankov was called to Smolny. He came to the Committee on Culture, where he worked for three years. Most colleagues spoke positively about his undertakings. For example, under Gubankov, the program "Culture is nearby" was launched in the city. Soloists of the leading St. Petersburg theaters performed in open areas in the residential areas of the city. The program was very popular - hundreds of citizens gathered for such concerts.

Anton Nikolaevich is a true Petersburger, whom the whole city knew. The person about whom it is impossible to say "was". By his presence, he brought up in those around him a sense of style and respect for the St. Petersburg identity. During his work in the Committee for Culture, significant and interesting urban projects were implemented. The day before, the city administration opened the House of Journalists on Nevsky Prospekt. Portrait of Anton Nikolaevich - bright and handsome man, a true professional in television - on the wall among the winners of the Golden Pen award, - said Kirill Smirnov, deputy chairman of the St. Petersburg Press Committee.

In 2012, after Georgy Poltavchenko came to the post of governor, Gubankov left his post in the Committee and moved to the Government of the Moscow Region. Until January 2013, he headed the department responsible for cultural policy. After the governor of the region, Sergei Shoigu, went to work in the Ministry of Defense, Anton Gubankov followed the chief - in the ministry he headed the Department of Culture.

In his new post, Gubankov was remembered for his creativity. For example, once I read a rap about serving in the army. In 2014, he became the author of the lyrics of a song dedicated to Polite People.

Anton Gubankov raps. An official of the Ministry of Defense sang a rap in support of the army. Head of the Department of Culture of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Anton Gubankov sang a rap about serving in the army.

In addition, Gubankov was one of those people in the Ministry of Defense who oversaw the repair of the Aurora cruiser and its return to its place of eternal parking. According to colleagues, he was remembered for his professionalism and careful attitude to one of the main shrines of the city.

I knew him back in those days when he worked as a correspondent, - says the captain of the first rank, adviser to the governor of St. Petersburg Igor Kurdin. - But we began to communicate a lot just when the repair of the Aurora began. Sometimes it was difficult to work with him. But I always liked him, that he was not one of those officials who do not want to listen to anyone. On the contrary, it was possible to talk to him, to convince him of something. Three days ago we discussed the opening of a new exhibition on the cruiser. Who could have known that this would happen. Anton was his. He was a real Petersburger.

On Sunday, museum staff installed a photograph of Gubankov in one of the halls of the Aurora. Flowers are brought there.

Condolences were also expressed by the city Union of Journalists.

“We bow our heads before the memory of everyone who was on that plane, and endlessly mourn for Anton, a man who has done so much for St. Petersburg journalism and culture, a man full of strength and creative ideas, true friend many of us. In our Union of Journalists, he was a generator interesting ideas and undertakings, his opinions and assessments have always been accurate and fair, ”the organization’s website says.

Intelligent, polite, extremely friendly and, despite his colossal employment, open to communication - this is how the well-known television journalist, head of the information service of Vesti SPb Anton Gubankov appeared before me.

- Anton Nikolaevich, there are rumors that you are a major collector.

Collector is a big word. Indeed, I have a hobby - I collect old things, or rather, household items. My collection includes antique teapots, coffee grinders, pots, bottles, bells and even an inhaler from the 19th century. It seems to me that these things create a certain Petersburg aura. It is very important that our children know about their purpose and see them not only in museums.

- How do they get to you?

Buy something, give something. If I go abroad, I definitely go to flea markets and antique shops, and I bring something. I recently brought a huge coffee grinder from Finland - I like it very much. I think that things should live, they should be used at least sometimes for their intended purpose.

- Not so long ago you were seen in the walls of the St. Petersburg cigar club. Do you often go to parties?

Good friends invited me to the cigar club, I don't smoke, I just decided to try it. You see, any club is, first of all, an opportunity to communicate with people. By the nature of my service, I am forced to visit various places, but I cannot say that I am a fan of the so-called parties.

- And how is your family life?

Son Nikita is growing up - in September he will go to school. My wife Marina and I met on television in 1994, she was the editor of Inform-TV.

So it was an office romance?

Yes, probably. There are many such couples in journalism who are engaged in the same business. The work schedule is such that it is almost impossible to get acquainted somewhere outside of work.

What is your wife doing now?

Family. But, I think, if she really wants to return to the profession, she will get a job without any problems. In my opinion, taking care of the house, the child is no easier than doing any other work.

In one interview, you said that in order to achieve anything in journalism, you need to sacrifice a lot. What sacrifices did you have to make?

I had to sacrifice my personal affairs, plans, time. For example, I didn’t have a vacation for five years in a row. In information, you do not belong to yourself. The profession of an information journalist is difficult because you need to be always ready for any turn of events. For a true informant, there is neither day nor night. This is a certain psychophysical state, constant readiness for stress, for action, constant mobilization. If someone wants to work for us, I usually start drawing a picture of what will happen to a person in six months - quarrels with loved ones, giving up personal life, a person will become more rude and cynical.

Rarely does anyone become better by coming into information. In order to become an information journalist, you need to have certain character traits. Without rigidity in our profession is impossible. An intelligent, gentle person will simply be elbowed in.

- How do you feel about the yellow press? Have you ever written scandalous articles?

About 20 years ago I worked for the Leningrad University newspaper. Then there was no yellow press as such, but there were enough topics for publications - they were dictated by life itself, which then, as you know, changed a lot - something happened every day. As for the modern, so-called yellow press, I believe that it is impossible not to read it. It focuses on normal human instincts. Another thing is that I do not see anything useful in it.

- What is the career of a journalist based on?

On interest in life, in people, on curiosity, on efficiency. You need to be true to yourself and understand what you can and what you are interested in. It's important to make yourself known. Good way do it - investigative journalism. It's great when the result of your work becomes the subject of public discussion and the authorities pay attention to the problem. After all, journalists often made history.

- This year "Vesti SPb" is celebrating its fifth anniversary. Is it possible to sum up?

We will celebrate this holiday on July 17 in the circle of everyone who has and had once been directly related to us. We have achieved a lot in five years, but it's not even about the awards. It is very important that we are watched, we are trusted. After all, a journalist is brought up by success when he sees that his article is being discussed, and the plot is being watched - he begins to feel like a co-author of the story. Every day we have 14 issues, every day we come to people's houses. This is worth working for and worth living for.

- Will the audience see new programs in the near future?

We started a project called "Petersburg Parallel" together with Rosbalt. We travel through cities and villages that are on the same parallel with St. Petersburg. We want to find out what the people of Russia think about, how they live, what they aspire to, how they see their country in the 21st century.

- Now you can not be seen in the frame.

It is much more interesting for me to make television than to participate in it myself. If, say, I take up some project of my own now, this will affect the work of Vesti.

"It's great when the result of your work becomes the subject of public discussion and the authorities pay attention to the problem. A journalist brings up success when he sees that his article is being discussed, and the plot is watched, he begins to feel like a co-author of the story."

Our reference

Anton Nikolaevich Gubankov

Born on January 29, 1965 in Leningrad in a family of artists, on Vasilevsky Island. In 1987 he graduated from the French Department of the Faculty of Philology of the Leningrad state university. In 1990 he entered the graduate school of the faculty.

From 1985 he was a correspondent for the Leningrad University newspaper, from 1988 to 1990 he worked in the Syrian Arab Republic. Since 1991, he has been a correspondent for the Nevskoe Vremya newspaper, and since 1992, he has been a commentator and host of Radio Russia programs. In 1993, he headed the information service of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company "Channel 5". Since 1997, he has been the head of the Information and Journalism Service of the St. Petersburg Directorate of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, the RTR office in St. Petersburg. Since 1999, he has been the head of the Vesti-Petersburg program.

Worked in the USA and France. Author of scripts for a number of programs and films, publications on the history and culture of Russia. The film "House on the Island" in collaboration with director A. Krivonos in 1995 was recognized as the best documentary on the TV channel "Russia - St. Petersburg". Winner of a number of public awards.

Julia Solovieva