Prom. Day of Russia in kindergarten

Graduation ball 2015

How hard it is to part with you

And let you out from under the wing into the light!

You became relatives, you became friends,

And better than you, it seems, can not be found.

Today, guys, we congratulate you!

You go to school to learn, to make friends.

Good luck and good health to all of you

And never forget your kindergarten!

May 29 in our kindergarten the first graduation ball for children of the group preparatory to school was held. The day that was so awaited and at the same time, the onset of which I wanted to postpone. An exciting day for both children and parents and caregivers. Emotions were replaced by joy and sadness. Children read poems, sang songs, danced, said words of thanks to their teachers. Hand-made postcards were given to employees. And of course, a fairy tale “came” to the ball, there were some good fairytale heroes- The Tsar, three maidens, Ivan Tsarevich and the prankster Baba Yaga, who stole the diplomas of graduates. Ivan Tsarevich helped the children - he saved important documents that the children needed so much to enter school. Each child received gifts and a kindergarten diploma. The most touching moment at the ball was the farewell waltz. Thirteen children whirled in a waltz whirlwind. They left the room to loud applause. At the end, everyone was invited to a celebratory tea party.

Graduation in kindergarten is a children's holiday that comes completely unexpectedly. It would seem that only yesterday we brought the crying babies to a new place with strange aunts and strangers with whom we need to make friends.
And today it's time to say goodbye to this cozy place, which has become a real second home for the kids.
On May 31, a holiday took place in our kindergarten - we saw off our children to school. A brightly decorated hall, a lot of balloons, bright wall newspapers of our children, many guests, the excitement of educators, dads and moms. But now the music sounds and the heroes of the occasion - graduates - enter the hall together with their teacher Koneva Irina Gennadievna. The boys are real gentlemen, the girls are princesses - they are all so beautiful, everyone is already so big.

The guys began to remember what they had learned in kindergarten, recited poems, but then the robbers (Khozyainova Tatyana and Nakova Natalya) came running and began to interfere with them. The robbers sang songs, laughed at the handsome graduates. So that the robbers would not interfere with the holiday, I had to play contests with them. The first competition was called "Let's Dance". The robbers danced a dance, but so boring,monotonous, that few people liked it.

But our children danced the dance of little ducklings - provocatively, cheerfully. Next came the riddle contest. The robbers made riddles, and the graduates had to guess them. And this competition turned out to be within the power of our graduates. Our children coped with the competition "Who will quickly collect a school bag" with a bang, although the robbers interfered with them. The robbers understood that they could not cope with our graduates. Therefore, they apologized and asked the guys to go to first grade. Of course, the guys forgave them and invited them along.

But here came the guys who will go to school only in a year. They read a wish to the graduates - parting words, so that they study well at school, take care of textbooks and notebooks, but most importantly, that they do not forget their kindergarten and come to visit.

The fun evening is coming to an end, the graduates said thank you to their educators, nannies, cooks and everyone who has been with them all these years. And at parting they sang the song "Goodbye, kindergarten."

The head of the kindergarten Urvantseva Nadezhda Anatolyevna, together with the teachers, congratulated the graduates, presented them with gifts and graduate medals. And most importantly, they read out and handed a diploma of a kindergarten graduate. After that, our future first teacher Praskovya Iosifovna Nigmatulina appeared on the stage. She wished the children to have a good rest in the summer, not to get sick, to gain strength for school.

This is the most exciting moment for parents. Congratulations and parting words to your children. We presented the children with their first photo album “Goodbye, Kindergarten!” and a set of first-graders, which, of course, will come in handy very soon.

The response word of the parents was addressed to each employee of the kindergarten. Everyone received gifts and flowers. Our teachers were awarded personalized medals, because they are the best with us: Rodyamova Valentina Semyonovna, Koneva Irina Gennadievna, Pokhlebaeva Vilena Valerievna, Seraskhova Elvira Prokopyevna!

At the end of the graduation party, graduates danced a waltz with their parents - girls with dads, boys with moms.

This is our last holiday in kindergarten. So solemn and important, but at the same time sad.

The graduation will fly by, disappearing behind the bouquets,

It will scatter from groups of children to their homes.

To all educators, we will bow in the belt,

And nurses, and nannies and cooks!

Do not be sad, relatives, and wipe your tears,

After all, not only the kindergarten is proud of you!

Please accept our huge thanks

Because you loved our guys!

You lit the hearts of children with love,

On the eve of the Day of Russia in our kindergarten there was a holiday dedicated to this event. The children read poetry, sang songs, danced, played mobile and music games, competed, winning for the glory of Russia. And in groups of older children preschool age watched the presentation "My Russia".

On this day, the flag, coat of arms and anthem of Russia were the symbols of all events held in the kindergarten. In solemn silence, the little citizens of Russia stood when the country's anthem sounded, with dignity they carried the flags and balloons of their native Russian tricolor.

The words of poems about the greatness of Russia were solemnly sounded at the holiday:

Holidays are given to us for joy,
We know a lot of them, very different,
But the day of Russia, the day of the native country,
For us, of course, the most important holiday!
We are proud of our great country,
She has become a great home for us.
And on this holiday we wish her
To develop, grow stronger, flourish
We wish her success from the bottom of our hearts,
So that every Russian would live in abundance,
And with this bright holiday
We congratulate all Russian citizens!

The purpose of all the events that took place in the kindergarten was to form children's ideas about Russia as a state, about their native country; cultivating a sense of love for native land, Motherland.

The guys learned that the Day of Russia is a holiday of freedom, civil peace and the good consent of all people on the basis of law and justice. This holiday is a symbol of national unity and common responsibility for the present and future of our Motherland. This is the personal contribution of every Russian to the prosperity and greatness of his native Russia. Therefore, children's voices sounded confidently, pronouncing proverbs and sayings about the Motherland. It was a childish truth that was planted in the minds of children for life:

Beloved motherland is like a dear mother.
If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong.
To live - to serve the Motherland.
For your Motherland, do not spare either strength or life.
Motherland, know how to stand up for her.
A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song.

On behalf of all children, parents, employees, I want to say that we love this holiday, which unites everyone who sincerely wants a happy fate for their beloved Motherland.

We are proud of our great past, we strive to make life better in our native Belgorod region, in all corners of Russia.

/ Educator A.P. Polygina/

International Children's Day is one of the oldest international holidays. The decision to hold it was taken in 1925 at the World Conference, dedicated to well-being of children, in Geneva.

According to one version, in 1925, the Consul General of China in San Francisco gathered a group of Chinese orphans and arranged for them to celebrate the Duan Wu Ze (Dragon Boat Festival). The date just fell on June 1st.

Luckily, the day coincided with the time of the “children's” conference in Geneva.

After the Second World War, when the problems of maintaining the health and well-being of children were more relevant than ever, in 1949 a congress of women was held in Paris.

It took an oath about the tireless struggle to ensure a lasting peace, as the only guarantee for the happiness of children. And in the same year, at the Moscow session of the Council of the International Democratic Women's Federation, in accordance with the decisions of its 2nd Congress, today's holiday was established.

And a year later, in 1950, on June 1, the first International Children's Day was held. Now this holiday is held annually.

On June 1, a quest - entertainment "In search of lost treasures" was held in our kindergarten. The kids had to travel. During the adventure, various obstacles awaited them. Completing the tasks of the heroes, the children received a piece of the map, by collecting which it was possible to find the place where the evil pirate hid the treasure. Teams of young Black Sea pirates competed in strength, dexterity, dexterity, and carried out various assignments. Everyone did an excellent job! Treasure found! All received prizes - pirate "piasters" and a treasure.

I love you my Russia
Behind clear light your eyes
For the mind, for the deeds of the saints,
For the voice is sonorous, like a stream.

I love, I deeply understand
Steppe pensive sadness
I love everything that I call
In one broad word - Russia!

Today, the Day of Russia is acquiring more and more patriotic features and is becoming a symbol of national unity and common responsibility for the present and future of our Motherland.

The patriotic upbringing of a child is the basis for the formation of a future citizen. Patriotic feeling does not arise by itself. This is the result of a long purposeful educational impact on a person, starting from an early age.

Patriotism is devotion and love for the Motherland, for its nature, culture, and people.

Kindergarten is a place where a child gains experience of wide emotional and practical interaction with adults and peers in the most significant areas of life for his development.

The teaching staff of the kindergarten forms in pupils such important features for the Russian person as love for the native land, the Motherland, Russian Army, history, respect for people of other nationalities. They introduce children to the symbols of the state, historical figures, develop interest in Russian traditions and crafts.

But love for the motherland begins with an attitude towards the closest people - father, mother, grandmother, grandfather, with love for one's home, the street on which the child lives, kindergarten, school, city. All this we must teach the child from the very beginning. younger age.

Traditionally, events are held in our kindergarten on the eve of the Independence Day of Russia. Yes, atOn the morning of June 11, the pupils met with morning gymnastics to the music and words of V. Ososhnik "We are your children, Russia!", did finger gymnastics "We are residents of Russia."

The teachers, together with the children, decorated the group room, organized exhibitions of folk arts and crafts, watched presentations, designed, played various games, guessed riddles about the nature of our region.

For young children, teachers showed puppet show"Masha and the Bear". Masha invited the kids to play with her.

For pupils of middle, senior and preparatory groups in music hall a viewing of the cartoon "History of Russia for Children" (author M. Knyazeva) was organized. After watching, the guys took part in the quiz "Heraldry. Symbols of Russia" with pleasure.

On this day, already familiar guests arrived to congratulate the children on the holiday - police officers, with whom the kindergarten has been cooperating for more than a year. Inspector for PDN Khairullina O.E. reminded the children about how to behave with a stranger on the street and the rules of behavior on the water in the summer.

Traffic inspector Tyamanova N.V. reminded about the rules of safe behavior on the road and held fun competitions for children to know the rules traffic.

At the end of the event, happy and a bit tired children were given stickers "I always follow the rules of the road!", coloring pages "Road and children" and reflective stickers "Russian flag".

At the end of the day, teachers with children organized exhibitions creative works"Russia is my motherland!"

Today's children are the future of the country.

Happy children are the happy future of our country!