How to make a decoupage canvas. Master class "Decoupage on canvas"

Tilda is not a doll's name, as some might think, it's a brand created by a pretty young girl from Norway, Toni Finanger. Tilda dolls can be young ladies, any animals, birds, hearts, eggs and even flowers. Toni created a huge Magic world where all kinds of tildes live. She has written and published more than ten books in which she shares her secrets, tilde with her own hands. But this was not enough for the craftswoman. Now the Tilda brand has spread to patchwork and scrapbooking. If she can create tildes, then each of us can. You just need to really want and try hard.

Tools for the job

To make any craft, you need materials, and for most gizmos, you also need tools. To sew a tilde with your own hands, you will definitely need:

1. Scissors.

2. Needles and pins.

3. Pencil, crayon or soap.

4. Thin long stick. It is useful to turn the product on the front side and stuff it with filler.

6. Sewing machine (if any).


The type of material depends on what kind of tilde doll you are going to make with your own hands. If this is a small animal, you will need fabrics that are suitable for her little body. Not bad animals come out of terry velor. But simple cotton and linen also look good. To create girls and ladies, you need cotton, linen or chintz fabric, which is close in color to flesh. You can take white and color it in tea. So, the materials to create a girl need the following:

1. Fabric. The dimensions are the size of the doll you need. Do not forget that the fabric will need to be folded in half.

2. Threads for sewing. Ideally, if they are matched to the tone of the fabric.

3. Threads for your lady's hairstyle. It can be wool for knitting, boucle (the girl will turn out with curls), synthetic thick threads, if you want to make a lady extravagant.

4. Filler. More often they use a synthetic winterizer or holofiber. If there is neither one nor the other, you can cut old tights into small pieces. It is better not to take cotton wool, because it is difficult to fill the body of the doll evenly with it.

5. Paper.

6. Fabrics for doll clothes.

7. All kinds of accessories. What it will be: ribbons, beads, lace, beads or something else - your imagination will tell.

Preparation for work

They say that the result of any business will be good if you prepare for it correctly. Before proceeding directly to the creation of the tilde, you need to iron the fabric for her future body, carefully fold it in half with the front side inward and chop it with pins so that it does not fidget. The next step is to imagine what it will be, your tilde doll. Doing patterns with your own hands, if there are no ready-made ones, this is a separate creative process. You need to take a sheet of paper, you can cardboard, or you can use ordinary tracing paper. On it, draw a life-size outline of the body of the doll with a head, two arms and two legs. You can draw one arm and one leg, and then transfer them to the fabric twice. Distinctive feature The tilde design is a seam down the middle of the face or muzzle. Therefore, the contours of the body are drawn from the side. A nose appears on the head. Some sew dolls with flat faces and sew details on the sides, but the classic tilde still has a front seam.

Arms, legs, cucumber

Preparation is over. We begin to create a tilde doll with our own hands. The master class offered in this article tells how to make a tilde girl:

1. Carefully cut out the contours of her future body from paper.

2. Put them on the fabric.

3. Outline. Don't rush to cut.

4. Sew or sew by hand along the drawn lines. Be sure to leave unsewn the bottom of the torso, arms and legs at the points of attachment to the body. You also need to take into account that there will be a seam on the face and stitch this place with special care.

5. We iron it all with an iron.

6. Now cut out, be sure to step back from the edge. In places where the lines are rounded, it is preferable to make small incisions.

7. Turn right side out. If the arms and legs of the tilde are too thin, it is convenient to twist them with a sushi stick. You can also attach a long dense thread to the “fingers” from the inside. In order to unscrew the handle or leg, you just need to pull this thread.

Giving volume

As a result of the work done, you should get a torso with a head, two legs and two handles. Let's start filling them out. This matter is not as simple as it might seem. If you shove the filler inaccurately, the girl's body will turn out to be bumpy. If it is not enough to put it, over time it will go astray. If you overdo it, the doll will not be able to sit, it will only lie or stand, leaning against a support. Therefore, in order for do-it-yourself tilde toys to be created correctly, you need to take just enough filler to make the body stable and at the same time soft enough.

Filling the arms and legs, we start with the fingers. For this, it is convenient to use a thin stick. We sew the places of the knees, leaving them without filler. Then at the tilde it will be possible to put the legs in any position. To make the doll sit comfortably, you can insert a little less at the place where the legs are attached to the body of the filler. Inserted? Now we assemble the whole body from parts. Some craftswomen do not sew hands to the body, but make them with buttons.


You can make a tilde in a hat or cap, like the gnomes. But, according to generally accepted opinion, hair is an adornment of any woman. The tilda doll, created with your own hands, is no exception. Therefore, we will make a wig for her. The length, color and texture of the hair depend only on your imagination. The threads chosen for the hair should be carefully laid out in one layer and fastened in the center with a strip of adhesive tape. Further, already in the center of the adhesive tape, the “hair” is carefully stitched twice. Remove the adhesive tape, and attach the resulting thread lining to the doll's head and carefully sew. AT this case the parting will turn out in the middle. You can do it on the right or on the left. Hair can be left straight, or you can braid it or tie ponytails. There are also craftswomen who sew their hair to the head with their tildes, stitch by stitch - each thread separately.


Your doll is almost ready. It remains to make her face. How you position your eyes, how you draw or embroider your mouth, how you blush your cheeks, its character will depend. Yes, these dolls are exactly like that. Your tilde, created with your own hands, can turn out to be a naive simpleton, a kind angel, a cute coquette or a grouchy evil one. Therefore, create her face with special diligence and inspiration. The eyes of the tildes are embroidered. As a rule, neither beads, nor buttons, nor beads are attached in their place. It is very rare to make a tilde with eyelashes, but this is rather an exception. Eye color can be, as in humans, any. But more often they make them dark. The mouth is drawn with a pencil or embroidered with thread. Kind tildes are always smiling. It is convenient to brown cheeks with ordinary ladies' blush. That, perhaps, is all. The naked tilde lies before you in all its glory.

The main thing is that the suit sits

There is a saying: "Meet by clothes." So your tilde, in order to please the eye, must be decently dressed. The style of her outfit is your own business. You can make a yoke out of a doll by dressing it in a short skirt and a T-shirt, and put on the legs in pumps. You can create a simple girl out of her by sewing her a dress with a small pattern, a fluffy skirt and puffed sleeves, tie it with an apron, put socks on her feet. Lots of options. Some craftswomen, when they create tilde dolls with their own hands, sew clothes on their bodies. Probably, it is convenient from some positions. But you can not sew on clothes, but put them on a tilde, like on any other doll. In addition to dresses and skirts, shoes are created for them, and sometimes hats. Shoes are often made into slippers. To do this, cut out the sole of the slipper from any dense material, measuring it with the size of the doll's foot. From any soft material cut out two thin strips and attach them to the soles. Here are your slippers. If desired, you can ennoble them with beads. In addition, tilde can be used to sew lace knickers and fishnet stockings.

In the last book of Tilda, you can meet such a cute character as a hanging monkey. In such a monkey, the arms, legs and tail are sewn in the form of curls, that is, it can be hung by such a curl in the children's room and it will look very nice. And perhaps…

This cute little bunny is great for beginners! The pattern consists of only two parts - the body and the ear, and in our master class (taken from the official tildasworld tilda blog) everything is shown in so much detail that the sewing process will be easy and enjoyable. …

For a very long time I wanted to sew exactly this Santa from the 2010 book Tilda Christmas Ideas. He is so festive, beautiful, not ordinary, a little elongated. There are also Pixies (Elves) and Christmas Angels in this book. The author's old books are much closer to me than the latest ones ....

Girls, when I saw this cute lamb on the Internet, I just could not pass by! Sewing it is not difficult, but the level of cuteness, well, just rolls over. I highly recommend that beginner needlewomen try to sew such a toy. Very soon New Year, and we have it in ...

Last year, we somehow did not have time to prepare a normal master class on this snowman, so now we are starting to tune in to the New Year and Christmas theme very early (and time flies so fast)! Let's try to sew a cute snowman based on Tilda's snowmen. Him…

In Tone Finnanger's original book "Sew Sunny Homestyle" we meet many wonderful characters, one of them is Tilda in a dress inspired by Jane Austen. In our country, this girl is better known as the lavender angel, perhaps because there is a lot of everything in the book on ...

Somehow we wanted to sew an interesting tilde image, something slightly unusual, but also uncomplicated at the same time. I decided to try to make a bird girl, in Tone Finnanger's book she is called a good witch and is an essential Easter character in Scandinavia. Yes, yes, just for Easter, such ...

We already have a master class on sewing a little princess on a pea with pillows on our website. This princess is completely different. This is a classic image of a tilde girl from the book “Heroes fairy tales Tilda". She is - main character many tales, as Tony writes, “some…

Everything ingenious is simple. A striking example of this law was the cute, good-natured doll Tilda - these are the novelties of 2018. Rag interior doll won big love fans around the world. The reason for this is its uniqueness. She has many faces, not like her "sisters", and, in addition, can be not only a little man, but also a kitten, a hare or, for example, a elk. Button eyes, thin long legs and arms make these dolls a little awkward, funny and very kind. And the main charm of Tilda is that with simple improvised means and with little effort, it is easy to do it yourself. And the cost of such a doll will be ridiculously small.

The rag interior doll has won great love from fans around the world.

This cute doll, with all the variety of its options, has the main similarity: each has a typical ruddy complexion, manner of execution and a slight cunning. The doll is sewn entirely from fabric, with a simple cut.. It is made of fabric, but not white. If only white fabric is available, it can be dyed to be used to make the Tilda. So, to make a doll with your own hands, it takes time, desire and willingness to start the process. Little girls love such embroidered dolls.

How did she become Tilda

Everything is quite simple. Matilda owes her birth and wild popularity to the Norwegian designer Tonna Finanger. Making dolls was her childhood dream.

When Tonne made her first doll in 1999, she named her Tilda without hesitation. Then she registered the Tilda brand.

Today, Tonne lives and works on one of the Norwegian fjords with his companions - a boyfriend and a dog.

Gallery: Tilda doll (25 photos)

Do-it-yourself Tilda doll (video)

Necessary tools: everything should be at hand

Before starting work, in order to be completely ready for sewing, make sure you have the following tools:

  • linen or cotton beige colour(material for the body);
  • patterned colored chintz (on the dress);
  • trouser fabric;
  • filler;
  • yarn (hair);
  • felt (wings, if you make Tilda - an angel);
  • the best lace, braid, beads (decoration);
  • patterns, diagrams, drawings, pictures with sizes.

Before starting work, in order to be completely ready for sewing, make sure you have the following tools

Textile doll Tilda for beginners: a master class step by step

If, nevertheless, a decision is made to repaint the white fabric, then this is done quite simply with a dye prepared by oneself:

  1. You need to take 30 grams of salt, 50 grams of the most inexpensive instant coffee (it will give a lasting color). Dilute all components in a liter of water.
  2. Dip the prepared fabric in the resulting dye for 20 minutes, periodically turning it in the liquid so that the fabric is dyed evenly.
  3. After a while, it is necessary to rinse the fabric in lukewarm water. Squeeze and dry. This will give you the desired color.
  4. For the manufacture of Tilda, it is best to take natural fabrics (linen, cotton, calico). Tilda - animals are more interesting obtained from fleece or flannel.
  5. Like any other doll, Tilda must have clothes. It is better to sew it from materials of the same tone, such as jeans, knitted fabrics, coarse calico, tulle, chintz.
  6. Next, you need to decide on the stuffing. The main materials for stuffing are holofiber and synthetic winterizer. If the house has old pillows that will no longer be used, then you can get the filler from there - it will also work. It is quite practical to stuff small parts of dolls with the remnants of fabric that will appear in the process of work.
  7. One of the main details of any Tilda is hair. They are made from any kind of yarn. Mouline threads are also used. In some dolls you can make hair out of faux fur
  8. We sew the eyes of the doll with floss. They are drawn with acrylic paint or made from beads.

For the manufacture of Tilda, it is best to take natural fabrics.

A unique "Tilda" blush is performed using simple loose blush. You can also make it acrylic paints or shade the crushed pencil lead.

Angel dolls: pattern and step by step instructions for beginners

This mk is dedicated to Tilda angels. For beginners, step-by-step instructions for making dolls are included. It is also recommended to print the pattern below. To sew the body and arms, you will need two different kind fabrics. The pattern shows the stitching points of the material with a dotted line.

  1. The fabric must be folded into two flaps inside out. The pattern should be copied onto the prepared fabric.
  2. Stitch the outline with a sewing machine or by hand. Cut out, turn right out. Also sew and turn each leg.
  3. Next comes the stuffing with synthetic winterizer.

After the stuffing is finished, you should sew the arms and legs to the body with a blind seam, not forgetting to insert the legs into the trousers.

Dress and wings

  1. Now the tailoring of the dress begins. A rectangle 35 by 25 cm is cut out. The edges are processed and sewn along the side seam. The skirt needs to be sewn just below the top line of the topic.
  2. Finishing the dress, you should adjust the skirt to the dimensions of the doll.
  3. The decoration will serve as lace trimmed on the neckline. The upper part is decorated with buttons or beads. On the feet you need to make shoes from any fabric.
  4. Wings are more interesting to do in full height dolls: fold the fabric in half, sew without preliminary patterns. It is necessary to make a slot for the wings in the middle.
  5. After the firmware, you need to cut out the blanks. It is more convenient to make them with serrated scissors.
  6. Unscrew the blanks and iron them with an iron. Reinforce them with thin felt (you can use fleece). This is done so that the wings hold their shape. You can also stuff a little padding polyester inside the wings.
  7. Sew up the cut. Run vertical lines from the bottom of the wings. This will be an imitation of feathers.

Attach the wings to the back of the angel.

Face and hairstyle

How to make these doll elements is well shown in the figure below:

This is how Tilda's hairstyle is done

  1. A cute addition can be a hat that can be easily crocheted.
  2. The final touch is the eyes (draw or make from beads) and Tilda's rosy cheeks.

Angels can be anything: garden, moon, sea. Worth a try, and who knows what the brand new one will be called, unique angel out from under your hands.

Best ideas for Tilda

In order not to ignore the tilde animals, below is a master class on making a tilde whale. He is a rare exception among tildes, because the figure on the fabric will be intact (just like a pattern). The only thing that will have to be sewn on later is the fins. They are needed so that the Kit turns out to be stable and does not fall on its side at the first breath of wind.

When are you planning to visit celebratory event and originally congratulate the hero of the occasion. Many needlewomen can make to order very beautiful and unique for happiness and for the preservation of the hearth, amazing, unusual, flowers or foamiran dolls.

But it is not at all necessary to order hand-made products. Many options for beautiful gifts you can use step by step wizard photo classes. There is a very popular decorative item that can be easily sewn from textile fabric, and then stuffed with holofiber. Tilda doll is a wonderful gift that will fit perfectly into the style of any interior design. In the previous article, we talked about this unusual toy and posted life-size patterns of tilde dolls, which can be downloaded for making Tilda.

In order for your Tilda doll to acquire the features characteristic of this style in the process of work, we have placed master classes for beginners that will help you make this original soft toy with your own hands.


Be sure to use natural fabrics for sewing doll parts - cotton, linen, felt, flannel. For sewing clothes with tilde toys, you can use almost any fabric, including chintz or denim (denim). It is desirable that the pattern on the fabric for clothing be in rustic style(ornament with flowers, checkered or striped);

The best material for stuffing Tilda is holofiber. Some craftswomen add calcined buckwheat to the filler to make the doll heavier. But you can also use synthetic winterizer or synthetic winterizer (which can be found in some pillows) as a filler. The video master classes clearly demonstrate the technique of stuffing a tilde soft toy with a filler;

There is Plush yarn, which is ideal for making Tilda doll's slightly tousled hairstyle;

The density of the formation of seams on the product depends on the fabric. Some craftswomen sew parts for the doll by hand, but you can also sew on a sewing machine. If you use knitted fabric for work, then form a seam with non-woven fabric so that the seam remains neat after stuffing;

If you want Tilda's shell to be flesh-colored with an "even tan", then you can boil the cuts according to the patterns along with a natural dye mixed in water (brewing coffee or tea);

A characteristic feature of tilde dolls is rosy cheeks. You can make blush with your own hands - grind the lead of a colored pencil with a sharpener or blade, and then gently shade the doll on the cheeks with a cotton swab;

If your Tilda is made to decorate interior objects, then you can add soft toy additional beneficial features. For example, you can add some cinnamon or a few vanilla beans to the filler. Then the soft doll will act as a sachet, spreading a pleasant aroma in the room.


Almost everyone and everyone is familiar with the Tilda doll ... But not all of them know how to sew a Tilda doll with their own hands according to patterns and step by step instructions.

The Tilda doll is most often used to decorate the interior. With their help, it is very easy to create the desired coziness and warmth in the room.

Dolls can look like an ordinary girl (we will analyze just such a pattern in this article), and look like other characters - bunnies, angels, hearts and others.

Beautiful Tildu doll

Many believe that the Tilda doll is a primitive creature in which there is nothing interesting. Actually it is not.

Depending on your imagination, it can take on a simple, sophisticated or rustic look. Boho-style Tilda dolls are especially popular.

Adhering to any step-by-step instructions for sewing a Tilda doll with your own hands, you still will not get exactly the same doll as shown in the picture. Even if you used the same patterns to be presented in the description.

Tilda dolls are just interesting precisely because each of them is individual in its own way. It depends only on the creator what appearance Tilda will acquire - whether it will be a dreamy mischievous doll or a restrained lady.

Tilda doll patterns

What is needed from improvised materials to sew Tilda:

  1. Pattern.
    2. Fabric for the body (length 30 cm, width 125 cm).
    3. Nude threads.
    4. Cotton wool.
    5. Foam rubber.
    6. Scissors.
    7. Marker (disappearing).
    8. Needles.
    9. Pins.
    10. Rulers.
    11. Stuffing and turning tools.


Preparation of patterns. First of all, you need to deal with patterns. Download them to your computer, enlarge if needed, and print.

Photo of Tilda doll patterns

(enlarge by click)

Pattern of details. Once you have your paper patterns, you can transfer them to the fabric. Use a disappearing marker to draw patterns on fabric. You should have the following details:

  • torso;
  • arms;
  • legs.

Tilda (dolls)

Remember to leave some room for allowances (2 cm) and cuts (0.5 cm).

Making seams on parts. The next step in the step-by-step instructions for sewing a Tilda doll with your own hands in accordance with our patterns is making seams on the details. Seams are performed on all the above parts.

Do not forget to bartack at the beginning and at the end of the seam. You also need to leave holes. They will be needed for turning. So far, the doll is on the wrong side of you.

They are placed in the following places:

  • on the shoulder;
  • at the top end of the leg;
  • on the thigh.

For now, don't flip anything.

Seam processing. Continuing our step-by-step instructions for making a Tilda doll with your own hands, we begin to work with seams. Cut the allowances with an interval of 1-2 cm. Turn the details on the face. Smooth them out with a ruler.

Cotton padding. For the hand, you will need foam rubber. It is wrapped on a stick and threaded into the detail. A little cotton wool is also put inside. The part must be filled evenly. In this case, the last 2 cm remain hollow. Stuff your legs up to your knees. Otherwise, the doll will not be able to sit. Be sure to fill the torso.

Hand sewing. Tuck in seam allowances where pieces are not stuffed. Do the same with the turning hole. Use pins to secure your hands. Slightly move your hands forward. Attach the arms to the body with small stitches.

Leg sewing. The open sections of the legs are inserted into the torso. Before that, allowances are tucked. Fix the position of the legs with pins. For sewing, the technique of "stitches over the edge" is used.

Work on the face and hair. To create a hairstyle for a Tilda doll with your own hands, threads of any color are suitable. You can also dress her in a handkerchief so as not to waste time on a hair blank. The nose, lips and eyes can be cut out of fabric, or they can be drawn with a marker or made from beads.

Preparing clothes. The last stage of work on the doll is preparing clothes for her.

How to sew clothes for Tilda?

Having figured out how to sew a Tilda doll with your own hands (step-by-step instructions with patterns are presented above), you should also think about what clothes your doll will wear.

Tailoring is not difficult. Especially if you are doing this for the first time. The only thing that is required of you is the accuracy of the work. Imagine that you are making clothes for yourself. Even though it's just a doll, it still has to look pretty.

The first thing you should pay attention to when sewing clothes for a Tilda doll with your own hands is the fabric. As a rule, it can be sewn from almost any material.

Sew a Tilda doll - patterns

Most often, craftswomen use the following types of matter:

  1. Linen.
    2. Coarse calico.
    3. Cotton.

As you can see, in order to make a Tilda doll with your own hands according to the instructions, natural fabrics are a priority. As for the color scheme, it should be pastel colors.

One-piece clothes for the Tilda doll are practically not sewn with their own hands. Most often, an “apron” is sewn to it, which can take the form of a skirt with a blouse, overalls or a dress. Beautiful ribbons are suitable for making cuffs.

By following our step-by-step instructions for sewing a Tilda doll with your own hands (look for the pattern in the article above), you can make up to 10 different dolls, each time inventing new clothes and appearance for them ...