Basque official. Nikolai Baskov: biography, personal life, family, parents

Oksana Ustinova is a singer who started her career back in 2002 and 12 years later triumphantly returned to the music show business with solo project. Also known as the wife of a musician made popular by the band. The spouses are engaged in promoting Oksana's creativity together and often work in collaboration.

Childhood and youth

Oksana Evgenievna Ustinova was born on April 15, 1984 in the city of Aprelevka. Soon after the birth of the girl, her parents moved to North Ossetia, and Oksana spent her childhood in Vladikavkaz. The childhood dream of the future celebrity was the profession of a stewardess, but over time this desire faded into the background - Oksana showed an ability to music. At the age of 6, parents gave their daughter to music school.

In 2001, after graduating general education school, the girl went to Moscow to get a higher education. According to the results of the entrance exams, Oksana managed to enter the RSSU at the Faculty of Economics and Statistics, but she soon had to leave this university. The student managed to pass the casting and become a member of the popular group in the late 1990s.

Music and TV

Although Oksana understood that the popularity of the group had already flourished, she did not refuse the chance to get into the music show business. The girl worked at Strelka until 2006. After that, for some time creative biography the singer was calm - having decided to receive a specialized education, Oksana entered the Institute contemporary art and began to study pop-jazz vocals.

A year later, a new specialty appeared in the girl’s career - she was invited to work as a presenter on the popular Muz-TV channel. Until 2012, Oksana could be seen there in the programs “Sofa Bed”, “Dream Come True”, “Music Chart” and other projects. Repeatedly, the girl acted as a host at the Muz-TV awards ceremony. Radio became another work: at Megapolis FM, the singer hosted the programs “Offset” and “Wild Evening”.

This time she did not quit her studies and, in parallel with the institute and work, she tried not to forget about her own musical career. In 2011, Oksana founded the Einstein Girls group, but this project as a whole turned out to be unsuccessful and did not gain popularity.

Oksana Ustinova and Burito perform the song "Make Fire"

The return to full-fledged solo work in the musical show business took place in 2014. Then Oksana, at the insistence of her husband Igor Burnyshev, took up the Ustinova project and even recorded a cover version of the song “Make Fire” with her husband. After 3 years, however, I had to take time out due to pregnancy and the birth of a child.

In 2018, Oksana, already being not only a wife, but also a mother, decided on an adventure - she was cast to participate in the musical show "SONGS". According to the singer, it was not easy, having already become an adult, independent and accomplished person, to return to the category of “a girl who is being evaluated” again.

It was not possible to hold out for a long time in the competition on TNT - Oksana dropped out of the competition at the stage of the 2nd selection. The singer's work was not impressed either. She herself explains the failure by the fact that “intelligent music” (this is how Oksana characterizes her genre) does not fit the format of the show and the expectations of the jury members.

Apparently, the singer herself did not really like the show either. At least in the account "Instagram" Ustinova wrote that she was frankly glad of this turn of events, because the wife and mother should not waste time on a reality show.

Oksana Ustinova's song "Dream"

Solo career However, motherhood did not interfere: in the spring of 2018, Oksana released the track "Dream" - a lyric song written 15 years ago by her husband. A touching video was filmed for the composition, which tells about hope and the revelation of deep feelings, the focus of which is Oksana herself.

Personal life

The singer is a deep personality, looking for non-standard ways for self-development. Oksana's hobby is ashtanga vinyasa yoga. This is a teaching and dynamic practice within the framework of classical hatha yoga. Like many yoga practitioners, the girl adheres to a vegetarian diet and is a staunch pacifist. Judging by the photo of the singer on Instagram, Oksana regularly travels to India and is interested in the culture of the country - even the signature of her photo network account is made in Hindi.

With her future husband, the soloist of the Band'Eros group Igor Burnyshev, the girl met under New Year, during a trip to a charity concert in the Tula orphanage. Young people quickly found a common language and a month later they began to live together, although this was not an easy decision. Both of them at that time were in a relationship, Oksana had to part with the guy, and Igor - to leave, with whom he had lived for 4 years.

The couple signed only 3 years after they met, when the feelings stood the test of time. They didn’t play a magnificent wedding, neither Oksana nor Igor wanted this - for them, marriage became a serious, but personal step.

In February 2017, a replenishment happened in the personal life of the family - the couple had a son, Luka. Oksana takes a responsible and philosophical approach to the issue of motherhood. She believes that the child is not the property of the parents, but a separate person, for which the mother, although responsible, does not have the right to indicate how to live.

Oksana Ustinova now

Now Oksana's main occupations are running her own Ustinova project and her family. It is important for the singer to give as much time as possible to little Luka.

At the end of 2018, the performer presented the fans with a new video for the song "Don't Cry". The song was written in the creative tandem of Igor and Oksana, and the main actor the video again became the singer herself.

Oksana Ustinova's song "You don't have to cry"

Judging by the intensity with which Ustinova and her husband are working on Oksana's career, 2019 promises to be fruitful for the singer. Fans can rest assured that new songs and videos are waiting for them, as well as, possibly, recording joint compositions of the creative couple.


  • 2013 - "Melancholia"
  • 2015 - "Mystic" (feat. Zvonkiy)
  • 2016 - "Stay with me"
  • 2017 - "Light the Fire" (feat. Burito)
  • 2018 - "Dream"
  • 2018 - "No need to cry"

Igor Burnyshev's wife Oksana Ustinova is well acquainted with the world of show business, therefore, like her husband, she tries not to advertise her personal life so as not to cause unnecessary rumors and conversations. Even the wedding they played in secret, without arranging a luxurious ceremony and without solemn attire. Since they are both artists and the wedding is not a holiday for them, as for everyone, but an ordinary job, they wanted everything to go quietly and calmly, and after the wedding they immediately flew off on tour to Sochi.

Biography of Igor Burnyshev

Igor's stage career began a long time ago, more than eleven years ago, and his debut took place as part of musical group"Band'Eros", where he performed under the pseudonym Garik. The biography of Igor Burnyshev usually began, like most young people. He was born in Izhevsk on June 4, 1977 in a simple family of factory workers - his parents worked at a radio factory - his mother was an installer, and his father was a milling machine. Igor early felt a creative streak in himself and therefore after school he became a student of the directing department of the Udmurt School of Culture, but two years later he decided that it was time to get out of the province and went to Moscow to enter the State University of Culture and Art to become the director of theatrical performances and show programs .

During his studies, Igor began to work as a DJ and perform in clubs under the pseudonym DMSB, began to collaborate with dance group Urbans as a production director. The first attempt to organize the Burito group took place in 1999, and the name chosen by Igor and his partners Sergey Zakharov, Igor Bledny and Andrey Shcheglov was not accidental and was an abbreviation of hieroglyphs denoting the words: warrior, justice, truth, sword. However, despite the debut track, which sounded on the radio, the group did not achieve much popularity.

In 2002, Igor Burnyshev, together with Alexander Mastryukov and the Urbans group, released a disc with music in the breakdance style. Burnyshev joined the Band'Eros group in 2005, first as a choreographer, and then he became a full-fledged member of the group, performing on stage with it and acting in videos.

Working in this team, Igor decided to resume the activities of his group Burito, and, having released the song “You Know” together with the popular performer Yolka, the group began to cooperate with the production center Velvet Music.

Oksana Ustinova and Igor Burnyshev

Happy changes in Igor Burnyshev's personal life took place on the eve of the new year 2011, when he met the TV presenter of the Muz-TV channel Oksana Ustinova. It happened in orphanage near Tula, where Oksana, along with other presenters, came to congratulate the kids on the holiday. Luckily, Igor was there for the same purpose. They had seen each other before at various concerts, where Igor performed, and Oksana was the host, but they were not closely acquainted with each other. They immediately liked each other, but before starting to live together, they had to end the relationship in which both were in that period - before Oksana, Igor lived in a civil marriage for several years with former member group "Factory" Irina Toneva, Ustinova was also not free.

In the photo - Igor Burnyshev and Irina Toneva

Ustinova and Burnyshev made the decision to live together a month after they met, and did not regret it. After three years civil marriage Igor and Oksana decided to legitimize their relationship, and in February of this year their first-born son Luka was born.

In the photo - Igor Burnyshev and Oksana Ustinova

Ustinova, like Burnyshev, is a singer, ex-soloist of the Strelka and Einstein Girls groups, and her husband not only convinced her that she needed to perform solo, but also helped make it a reality, and they record songs in Igor's studio.