"black chicken or underground dwellers". Antony Pogorelsky fairy tale "black hen, or underground inhabitants" The main idea of ​​the black hen

Pogorelsky Anthony, fairy tale "The Black Hen or Underground inhabitants"

The main characters of the fairy tale "Black Hen" and their characteristics

  1. Alyosha, a 10-year-old boy, is a kind and compassionate, cheerful comrade. but having received a magic seed, he becomes proud, arrogant. mischievous. Alyosha betrays the trust of the underground inhabitants and is tormented by shame. He's on the mend again.
  2. Chernushka, at the same time a chicken and a minister. Kind, gentle, fair, grateful. At the same time, he is a wise and attentive politician. Punished for Alyosha's misdeed.
  3. The teacher believed that Alyosha was deceiving him and flogged the boy with rods. However, it was the norm back then.
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "The Black Hen"
  1. Old boarding house in St. Petersburg
  2. Boy Alyosha and his Chernushka
  3. Saving Chernushka, golden imperial
  4. Director is not a knight
  5. Chernushka's first visit
  6. Alyosha's carelessness and the black knights
  7. Chernushka's second visit
  8. Underworld
  9. King
  10. hemp seed
  11. Garden and menagerie
  12. Rat hunting
  13. Alyosha's character is changing
  14. seed loss
  15. The return of the seed and the censure of Chernushka
  16. Betrayal and spanking
  17. Farewell to Chernushka
  18. Illness and recovery.
The shortest content of the fairy tale "Black Hen" for the reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. Alyosha saves the chicken Chernushka from the cook, and the cook calls him in gratitude
  2. The first time the knights do not let them pass, but on the second night Alyosha finds himself in the underworld
  3. The king thanks Alyosha for saving the minister and gives a hemp seed
  4. Alyosha sees the wonders of the underworld and takes part in the rat hunt
  5. Alyosha becomes disobedient, proud, and his comrades stop loving him, and the teacher threatens to flog him.
  6. Alyosha tells about the underground inhabitants and they are forced to go to distant lands, Alyosha gets sick, recovers and corrects himself.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "Black Hen"
Only what is obtained by one's own labor is of value, and what is obtained for nothing only corrupts a person.

What does the fairy tale "Black Hen" teach
There are many lessons hidden in this tale. First of all, about the fact that you need to be honest, kind, diligent, so that your comrades love you. You must be able to keep your word and not let down those who trusted you. You have to be able to endure pain, but do not become a traitor. You can't be angry, proud, arrogant, you can't boast of your superiority.

Review of the fairy tale "Black Hen"
It is very beautiful and instructive story about the boy Alyosha, who was kind and sweet, but became angry and proud, having received a magical opportunity not to learn lessons. The boy made a wrong wish, and his fulfillment harmed both Alyosha himself and the underground inhabitants. But nevertheless, I sympathized with Alyosha and sincerely rejoiced when he corrected himself. Of course, it is a pity that Chernushka and his comrades left Petersburg, but I believe that they found no less a good place in another city.

Proverbs to the fairy tale "Black Hen"
Having given the word, hold on, and not having given it, be strong.
From the word salvation, from the word and death.
Debt good turn deserves another.

Summary, brief retelling fairy tales "Black Hen"
There was an old boarding school in St. Petersburg in which 30-40 boys studied, including ten-year-old Alyosha. Alyosha was brought to the boarding school by his parents from afar and paid for several years in advance.
Alyosha was loved in the boarding school, he was a sweet and obedient boy. Only on Saturdays did he really miss when his comrades were taken apart by their parents.
Alyosha loved to stand by the fence and look through the holes into the street, waiting for the sorceress. The boy also loved to feed the chickens, and especially among them he loved Chernushka.
Once upon a New Year holidays Alyosha saw how the cook caught Chernushka, and in tears he rushed to her, begging her to leave Chernushka. Nigella escaped from the hands of the cook and Alyosha gave her the imperial so that she would not tell the teacher anything.
At this time, the director arrives and Alyosha thinks to see the knight, but he sees a bald old man.
All day Alyosha plays with Chernushka, and then goes to bed. Suddenly the boy heard someone call his name, and Nigella came out from under the sheet.
Chernushka turned to Alyosha in a human voice and called the boy to follow her. Chernushka told Alyosha not to touch anything, but he wanted to take the cat by the paw. She meowed, woke up the parrot, the parrot screamed loudly. Blackie said that it must have woken up the knights.
They went down to the great hall and two knights attacked Chernushka. Alyosha was frightened and came to his senses in his bed.
The next evening, Chernushka again came to Alyosha. Alyosha did not touch anything along the way, and Chernushka led him into a low hall. Little men came out of the side door, followed by the knights, and finally the king.
The king thanked Alyosha for saving the minister, and the boy was surprised to recognize Chernushka in the minister.
The king asks Alyosha to make a wish and the boy wishes him to know all the lessons that have been given.
The king gave Alyosha a hemp seed, but warned him to keep quiet about everything he saw.
After the king left, the minister began to show Alyosha the underworld. There were gems everywhere. They toured a garden of moss trees and a menagerie of rats and moles.
Then they went hunting. Alyosha sat on a stick with a horse's head and everyone galloped along the passages. The hunters rounded up a few rats.
After the hunt, the boy asked about who the underground inhabitants were. Chernushka said that they used to go upstairs, but have been hiding from people for a long time. And if people find out about them, they will have to go to distant lands.
Alyosha woke up in his bed.
After that, he began to easily answer all the lessons, using the help of hemp seeds. Alyosha gradually began to get used to praise, became proud and disobedient. Alyosha began to play pranks a lot. Once the teacher asked him to learn 20 pages, Alyosha opened his mouth, but did not say a word. Alyosha lost the seed and for a long time desperately searched for it, calling for Chernushka's help.
Alyosha was left on bread and water, because he could not learn the text. At night, Chernushka came to him, gave him a seed and said that she did not recognize the boy.
Alyosha boldly went to the lesson and answered all 20 pages. The teacher was surprised and demanded to tell how Alyosha managed to learn everything. One of the students said that Alyosha did not pick up a book. The teacher decided that Alyosha was deceiving him and punished him. They brought rods and Alyosha, beside himself with fear, began to talk about the underground inhabitants. The teacher decided that the boy was cheating and became furious. Alyosha was flogged.
Alyosha no longer had a seed. In the evening Chernushka came, reproached the boy, forgave him and said that he must go with the people to distant lands. Blackie's hands were chained.
In the morning Alyosha was found in a high fever. When the boy recovered, he again became quiet and kind, obedient and diligent. His friends loved him again.

Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "The Black Hen"

Please help me what is the main idea of ​​the story? black hen or Underground inhabitants)? and got the best answer

Answer from Elena Gilbert[newbie]
The main idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fairy tale "The Black Hen" is that we are all initially pure and kind, but we begin to "spoil", getting everything for nothing. As the boy Alyosha in this tale was smart and diligent, so having received a magic seed, he began to play pranks. After all, in order to be praised or encouraged, it was not necessary to work, everything began to turn out easily, without effort, by itself. He did not appreciate the gratitude of Chernushka, who thanked him so generously. This suggests that we ourselves must cultivate goodness, honesty, responsibility and, of course, be grateful)
The author wanted to show us that if we do not appreciate what we have, then we lose it. And think about how our actions can affect others.

Answer from Valera Vadyzhev[newbie]
The main idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fairy tale "The Black Hen" is that we are all initially pure and kind, but we begin to "spoil", getting everything for nothing. As the boy Alyosha in this tale was smart and diligent, so having received a magic seed, he began to play pranks. After all, in order to be praised or encouraged, it was not necessary to work, everything began to turn out easily, without effort, by itself. He did not appreciate the gratitude of Chernushka, who thanked him so generously. This suggests that we ourselves must cultivate goodness, honesty, responsibility and, of course, be grateful) The author wanted to show us that if we do not appreciate what we have, then we lose it. And think about how our actions can affect others.

Answer from Nikita Terekhov[newbie]
The main idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fairy tale "The Black Hen" is that we are all initially pure and kind, but we begin to "spoil", getting everything for nothing. As the boy Alyosha in this tale was smart and diligent, so having received a magic seed, he began to play pranks. After all, in order to be praised or encouraged, it was not necessary to work, everything began to turn out easily, without effort, by itself. He did not appreciate the gratitude of Chernushka, who thanked him so generously. This suggests that we ourselves must cultivate goodness, honesty, responsibility and, of course, be grateful) The author wanted to show us that if we do not appreciate what we have, then we lose it. And think about how our actions can affect others.0/0 1

Title of the work: "The Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants".

Number of pages: 45.

Genre of the work: fairy tale.

Main characters: the boy Alyosha, the hen Chernushka, the Underground King, the Teacher.

Characteristics of the main characters:

Alyosha- a dreamy, lonely and windy boy.

He made friends with Chernushka and began to know the lessons well, but then everything changed.

Nigella- a chicken that could speak and was a minister.

Kind and sympathetic, but strict.

King- kind, wise and grateful.

He endowed Alyosha with a special gift.

Summary of the tale "The Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants" for the reader's diary

Alyosha's parents lived far from Petersburg.

It was here that they brought the boy and left him for several years in a men's boarding house.

Alyosha liked to study among other boys, but he did not like weekends.

Indeed, on such days he felt lonely: his comrades went home, and he remained alone.

So he made friends with the chickens that were found in the household yard. He was especially fond of chicken Chernushka.

Once a holiday was planned in the boarding house and the cook wanted to slaughter Chernushka, but the boy saved her by giving the woman a gold coin.

At night, this same hen appeared to the boy and ordered Alyosha to follow her.

They walked through huge and dark chambers and chambers, but Alyosha was not allowed to touch anything.

In one of the wards, he took the cat by the paw and immediately a noise arose.

The chicken disappeared and Alyosha followed her.

When they came to the high doors, two knights jumped down from them and began to fight with the bird.

From such a picture, the boy lost consciousness.

The next night Alyosha quietly followed Chernushka.

The hen led him into a spacious hall, where small people began to appear.

The boy was thanked by the Underking himself for saving his minister from death.

He gave Alyosha a hemp seed and asked him not to tell anyone anything.

For some time Alyosha did not see the hen.

He began to know all the lessons that the teacher asked them, but his behavior became terrible.

When the teacher asked the guy to learn twenty pages of the textbook, Lesha lost his grain and could not say anything.

The hen returned the grain to him and asked him to correct himself.

The teacher decides to flog the boy because he cannot say how he learned the lesson and Alyosha tells him about the chicken and the King.

That night Chernushka comes to the boy and says goodbye to him.

After a long illness, Alyosha begins to study well and even sets an example for others.

The plan for retelling the work "Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants" by A. Pogorelsky

1. Parents bring Alyosha to the men's boarding school.

2. Weekends alone.

3. Favorite chicken Nigella.

4. Alyosha saves a chicken from the cook.

5. Chernushka leads Alyosha through the chambers.

6. The knights from the door fight the chicken.

7. Alyosha faints.

8. At night the boy follows the bird again.

9. A lesson learned and a hemp seed from the king.

10. Alyosha is a spoiler.

11. The teacher sets a lesson and Alyosha can't cope.

12. Lost grain and the appearance of Nigella.

13. Alyosha betrays the secret of the King, but the teacher does not believe him.

14. The hen comes to say goodbye to the boy.

15. Alyosha is sick.

16. The boy corrects himself and becomes a diligent student.

The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "The Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants"

The main idea of ​​the tale is that a person begins to behave badly when he receives everything for nothing.

The main character was an obedient boy, but as soon as he received a magic seed, he stopped trying and being an exemplary student.

One more main idea fairy tales is that you need to be able to keep your word and be responsible for your actions.

After all, one wrong step can ruin everything.

What does the work "The Black Hen, or the Underground Dwellers" teach?

A. Pogorelsky's tale teaches several things:

1. Appreciate what you already have.

2. Learn to keep your word and promise, be responsible for your actions.

3. Do not be arrogant and not proud, be modest and honest.

4. Be obedient, kind and smart.

5. Understand what is good and what is bad in relation to others.

A brief review of the fairy tale "The Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants" for the reader's diary

The fairy tale "The Black Hen, or the Underground People" is an instructive and magical story about the boy Alyosha, who saved the chicken Chernushka.

The main character of the work is the boy Alyosha, whom his parents sent to study at a boarding school.

One day he saves a chicken from death and the animal leads him to the Underking.

The boy is given a magic seed with which he will know all the lessons.

I think that having got the seed, Alyosha just relaxed and stopped trying.

And why, because you already know all the lessons.

But this carefree period did not last long for him and the secret comes out.

For me, the main meaning of the fairy tale is that you need to achieve everything yourself and not wait for a wonderful pill or seed.

Such gifts only harm a person and spoil him: he begins to behave ugly, because he will be sure that nothing will be done to him for this.

However, from the fairy tale, I also understood that you can’t think only about yourself and give out other people’s secrets.

What proverbs are suitable for the fairy tale "Black Hen, or Underground Dwellers"

"A bad deed will not lead to a good one."

"One bad deed gives birth to another.

"Where there are many words, there are few deeds."

"Give the word, keep the word."

"One has sinned, and all are responsible."

The passage that struck me the most:

Lord King! I can't take personally what I've never done.

On the third day, I had the good fortune to save from death not your minister, but our black hen, which the cook did not like because she did not lay a single egg ...

What are you saying? interrupted the king in anger.

My minister is not a chicken, but an honored official!

Here the Minister came closer, and Alyosha saw that it was indeed his dear Chernushka.

He was very happy and asked the king for an apology, although he could not understand what it meant.

Unknown words and their meaning:

Pension - educational institution with hostel.

Arshin is a measure of length.

Rods - a bunch of willow or birch branches.

More readers' diaries based on the works of Anthony Pogorelsky:

"Magic's Visitor"


The work "Black Hen or Underground Inhabitants" was written by Pogorelsky in 1829. There are facts that confirm that the tale was written for the nephew of the writer Tolstoy, the future virtuoso of Russian literature. The story of the fairy tale began with the fact that little Tolstoy told his uncle that he once played in the yard with a chicken. These words became the founders of the fairy tale, which is still relevant today.

The author assigned the subtitle " Magic story for kids". But, if we turn to literary criticism, then the story is a work of medium volume, in which there are several plot lines. But, in fact, this is not a story, since story line one and the volume of the work is closer to the story. This work can be attributed to the genre of a fairy tale, because in addition to real events, there are fantastic ones in it.

The author constructed the plot in such a way that it is quite easy to discern the dual world, it is always characteristic of romanticism. The reader reads about events in the real world, this is a boarding house, and also in a fictional one, in the work this is the underworld. Pogorelsky is inclined towards romanticism, perhaps this is due to the fact that he served with Hoffmann. The main theme of the tale is the adventure of Alyosha, who is looking for adventure either in the underworld or in a boarding house. The author in the work is trying to say that it is very important to keep your word, and it is also better to do something yourself. In addition, in the work you can see the idea that you can not put yourself above the rest.

From the very beginning of the work, the reader is immersed in it, because almost from the first lines the author takes the reader to the city of St. Petersburg. In almost two paragraphs, the author describes the city and the boarding house in which the events take place directly. The central character is Alyosha, as well as Chernushka, a chicken. The heroes of the second plan are the teacher, the cook and the grandmothers of Holland. In addition to these characters, there are also teams, such as the students of the boarding house and the inhabitants of the dungeon.

All events occur in a chain, everything is logical. Alyosha meets people in a boarding house, then with a chicken, and soon saves Chernushka. Then the boy gets into the dungeon with the minister and studies with a hemp seed. Then he loses this grain, but in the end Alyosha fixed everything, and everything that was now looked like a vague dream.

Thanks to the "two worlds", the author was able to show with the help of the work many problems that are eternal, and therefore relevant today. This tale is an example of how to present eternal problems to the reader. This work is very useful to read to children, but it is equally important to read the work to adults.

Detailed Analysis

The tale of Anton Pogorelsky is not accidentally studied in school curriculum. It's wonderful literary work. Recognizable, original, Russian.

It seems to be a fairy tale, but it does not resemble any of the known to us. This story contains more real events than fiction.

The action takes place not in the third or ninth kingdom, but in St. Petersburg, on Vasilyevsky Island. Parents give the boy Alyosha to a boarding house, having paid for education several years in advance. For some worldly reasons, they completely forget about their son.

Alyosha yearns and misses his home, his parents. He feels his loneliness and abandonment especially sharply on holidays and weekends, when all his comrades go home. The teacher allows him to use his library. Alyosha reads a lot, especially novels about noble knights.

When the weather is fine and he gets tired of reading, Alyosha goes out into the yard. The space of the courtyard is limited by a fence made of baroque boards, beyond which he cannot go. He likes to observe the life of the alley through the holes made of wooden nails, which, as if specially for him, were drilled into the baroque boards by a kind sorceress.

Alyosha also made friends with chickens, especially with Chernushka. He treated her to crumbs from the dinner table and talked to her for a long time. It seemed to him that she understood him and responded with sincere affection.

Wonderful style and language of the story: detailed, figurative. What is worth, for example, the observation that people grow old over the years, while cities, on the contrary, get younger and prettier.

The characters in the tale are depicted with a few precise strokes. But they appear before the reader's imagination voluminously, realistically, vividly. These are not stereotyped heroes, these are living people, characters, birds, animals, animals.

The action in the story develops logically, sequentially. All the inhabitants of the estate, in which the boarding house is located, are waiting for the arrival of the director of schools on one of the weekends. Especially waiting for his family of teachers. They started cleaning the boarding house in the morning. Preparations are underway in the kitchen.

Alyosha is not happy with these events. He noticed that usually on such days the number of hens with whom he was accustomed to communicate decreases. Not without reason, he assumes that the cook is involved in this. So this time, she went out into the yard with the intention of catching another chicken in order to cook a meat dish from it for the festive table.

The "fighting little chick" filled the boy with horror. She chased the chickens and caught his beloved Nigella. It seemed to Alyosha that the hen was calling him for help. Without hesitation, he rushed to the rescue. The cook, in surprise, let go of the chicken from her hands, and it flew up to the roof of the shed. The angry Chukhonka shouted: “Why bother? He doesn’t make an egg, he doesn’t sit a syplatka!”

To calm the cook, Alyosha gives her a golden imperial, which was very dear to him, because his grandmother gave him a coin as a keepsake.

Then the guests arrived. Alyosha represented the director of schools as a knight in armor with a “feathered helmet” on his head. It turned out that this was a small, puny man with a bald head instead of a helmet, in a tailcoat instead of armor. He arrived in a cab, not on horseback. It was completely incomprehensible why everyone treated him with such respect.

Alyosha was dressed up and forced to portray a capable student in front of the guests. Tired of the events of the day, he finally goes to bed.

This is where the fabulous events begin. The reader can guess whether they happen in reality or in Alyosha's dream.

Nigella appears from under the sheet on the next bed. She speaks with a human voice. In gratitude for the salvation, he wants to show Alyosha a wonderful country with underground inhabitants. He warns you that you will have to go through the rooms of hundred-year-old old Dutch women who lived here, in a boarding house, and about whom Alyosha had heard a lot. When passing through their rooms, nothing can be touched and nothing can be done.

Twice the hen led the boy to the underworld, and both times he disobeyed her. The first time he said hello to the scientific cat for the paw, the second time he nodded to the doll. Therefore, the knights descended from the walls and blocked the path to the underworld, Chernushka had to fight with the knights in order to get to the king.

In gratitude for saving his beloved minister (who turned out to be Chernushka), the king of the underworld gives Alyosha a wonderful hemp seed that can fulfill any desire.

Alyosha wished to know everything from his studies, without preparing for the lessons. At first, he surprised both teachers and his comrades with his abilities, but then he had to admit that he received a wonderful gift from the king of the underworld.

Alyosha loses the grain, and with it his abilities. Nigella and the underground inhabitants do not take offense at him, although they had to leave their favorite places. Alyosha is given a chance to improve.

The tale teaches that the respect of others must be tried to earn. Undeserved success makes a person proud, swaggering, arrogant. One lie leads to another. It is not easy to get rid of vices. But there is always a chance to start a new good life.