A d Zakharov short biography. Russian architect A

There is an ongoing debate about acceptabilityplacing stands on the streets of Moscow about the role of Stalin in the Great Patriotic War. Public Chamber yesterday she called such a decision by the Moscow leadership rash and provoking confrontation. Disputes about Stalinism and anti-Sovietism have recently been associated with the name of Vladimir Dolgikh, former secretary of the CPSU Central Committee and candidate member of the Politburo. The loudest of them flared up after the removal of the sign with barbecue "Anti-Soviet" , and now - after the decision of the Moscow Advertising Committee about "Stalinist" posters.

Vladimir Dolgikh does not give comments and interviews, refuses to participate in television programs. Its audience is narrowed down to two councils: the Council of Moscow Veterans and the Public Council (the latter was created two years ago by order of Mayor Luzhkov for a "constructive dialogue public organizations and bodies state power").

However, the dialogue with Radio Liberty Vladimir DebtsX agreed.

Vladimir Dolgikh belongs to those people who consider Joseph Stalin "a controversial historical figure."

“Stalin must be looked at from the standpoint of historical truth,” says Vladimir Dolgikh. - The question of his role, starting from the XX Party Congress, divided the society into supporters of Stalin and his opponents. The figure of Stalin is controversial. Of course, no one has ever welcomed such things as repression among the people. Trotsky organized the first Gulags or camps in the country, Stalin is the successor. At the same time, it must be borne in mind that the country was always in a state of class struggle. There were crimes and shortcomings, including during the war. At the same time, it is impossible not to see what actually happened. Take the pre-war period. The country in nine years has carried out such an industrialization that allowed the creation of a defense industry, and was prepared for war. During the war, more than a hundred thousand tanks and aircraft were produced. Brilliant work was done to relocate the entire defense industry from the western occupied territories. It's not easy to organize it all as soon as possible in war time. Finally, look at the results of the war: all military leaders who are marshals of Victory, such as Marshal Zhukov, recognized Stalin's role as a worthy supreme commander.

We know about the assessment of Stalin by his sworn enemy Churchill: Stalin took the country with a plow, and left it with a full gold reserve and atomic weapons. Ultimately, Stalin was the greatest theoretician. All this should not be discarded and ignored in any case.

Video: Vladimir Dolgikh about Stalin

Veterans believe that it is impossible to show footage from the Yalta, Tehran or Potsdam conferences and cut out Stalin or Molotov: this is a historical lie, they were the main conductors of the interests of the Soviet Union at these conferences. It is also a historical untruth that portraits of the marshals of Victory are hung in the city and portraits of Stalin are excluded. All this does not mean that we should ignore mistakes and crimes. The Chinese also faced this phenomenon when there was a cultural revolution led by Mao Zedong. Not died there less people. Nevertheless, in China they behaved with dignity: they did not curse their country, they did not lower the level of patriotism,” Vladimir Dolgikh said.

According to the Memorial Society , only in 1937-1938 more than 1 million 700 thousand people were arrested for political reasons. More than 725 thousand of them were shot.

The repressed were also in the family of Vladimir Dolgikh.

“My sister's husband, Ivan Romanovich Maslov, was repressed,” says Vladimir Dolgikh. – I had to work in Norilsk with a huge number of people who were repressed. There was no malice on their part after Stalin's death, during the period of excitement with Stalin's personality cult after Khrushchev's speech. These people behaved better than many members of the party.

Vladimir Dolgikh does not like it when Stalin is called an "effective manager", but not because he considers him ineffective.

- Stalin is a historical figure of a much larger scale to be called an effective manager. This person, if not higher, then at least not lower than people like Roosevelt and Churchill, explains Vladimir Dolgikh.

How was Dolgikh's opinion about Stalin and historical truth formed? To answer this question, it is worth looking into his past.

Vladimir Ivanovich Dolgikh was born in 1924 in the city of Ilansky, Krasnoyarsk Territory. There are two opposite legends about his family: according to the first, popular one, Vladimir Dolgikh's father was a high-ranking security officer who headed the Gulag in the 1950s. According to the second, Vladimir Dolgikh was born into a family of hereditary railway workers, and his father was repressed in 1937. The first legend is incorrect: the GULAG was headed by the namesake Dolgikh. The second is partially true: Vladimir Dolgikh's father was indeed a railroad worker. As a child, Vladimir Dolgikh led a pioneer and Komsomol organization, read Maupassant, dreamed of becoming a railway depot worker with his brothers and sisters.

– First of all, we were brought up by the school, because then our parents did not have a higher education, – says Vladimir Dolgikh. - The fact that my brother was in charge of the railway library helped me. I became addicted to reading: I read a lot, though without an appropriate selection. As a schoolboy, I re-read the entire Maupassant, although, probably, judging by school curriculum, this could have been avoided. We had a railway family - older brothers, sisters and I knew well what it means to be a dispatcher, conductor, machinist, head of the road department. They are what we aspired to be. Fate decreed otherwise.

When Vladimir Dolgikh turned 17 on December 5, 1941, he went to the front, adding a year to himself.

- There were hundreds of thousands of people like me then: having learned about the beginning of the war, they went to the military registration and enlistment offices with a request to join the Red Army and defend the country. Most of my classmates were a year older than me - born in 1923. And I, the leader of the Komsomol organization, considered it below my dignity not to support my comrades in joining the army. Moreover, we were invited to the regional committee of the Komsomol and asked the question: guys, are you afraid to join the army? Naturally, everyone said that they did not even think to be afraid. A sense of camaraderie and, to a certain extent, leadership prompted me to go to the front,” said Vladimir Dolgikh.

The TASS statement on the groundlessness of rumors about an imminent war with Germany dated June 14, 1941 was included in the history books. Vladimir Dolgikh, however, argues that the news of the outbreak of war for none of ordinary people in his native village of Ilansky did not come as a surprise:

- We had little idea how the war could affect every family, what kind of war it would be - everyone groaned and gasped. But society was prepared for the very news of the beginning of the war: in 1941, even in such a village as the city of Ilansky, lecturers appeared who talked about international position. We clearly knew, for example, about the German occupation of Norway and France ...

17-year-old Vladimir Dolgikh and his peers were prepared for the war in Krasnoyarsk for about a month, then sent to Moscow as part of a marching company of the 6th Guards Rifle Division. Vladimir Dolgikh became the political instructor of the company. He believes that this partly saved him: in February 1943, in the town of the Orel region, he was wounded during a mortar shelling, and they were looking for him as a political instructorwith special care.

- I must say frankly: this is not such a modern weapon - the ability to throw bottles with a combustible mixture. For several weeks in Krasnoyarsk, we learned exactly this, although throwing grenades too ... It is wrong to assume that everyone who fought was not afraid of anything and everything was okay. War is the hardest thing. I was wounded on February 9 after the capture of the city of Livny, Oryol region - our company was subjected to mortar fire. I did not feel fear, because I woke up already wrapped in an envelope from a blanket on the stove in a small broken house without windows and doors. I was a political officer of the company, obviously, the comrades informed the medical battalion that I was wounded. They might not have found me: the time was counted by the clock, but it was February.

As you know, Stalin stated that 7 million people died in the Great Patriotic War. Khrushchev - 20 million. Gorbachev - 27 million people. Of the 27 million, more than 15 were civilians. The debate about these numbers continues to this day.

“After being wounded, I ended up in Irkutsk with my older brother,” continues Vladimir Dolgikh. - I had to think about education, I had to go to preparatory courses, and such were at the Mining and Metallurgical Institute. I graduated from the institute with a red diploma in fine metallurgical technology - refining of platinum metals. There were practically no such specialists, but there was a need for them: in 1935, the Norilsk Mining and Metallurgical Combine appeared, where ores that contained platinum metals were processed ...

Video: Vladimir Dolgikh about modernization

From the post of director of the Norilsk plant, I was elected to the post of first secretary of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Committee of the CPSU. For three years of party work, it was possible to create and implement a program for the integrated development of the productive forces of the Krasnoyarsk Territory: metal, wood or coal is mined, then processed for different purposes at different plants - as a result, all enterprises are involved. This was the first experience in a country where there were large raw materials and energy resources, but unorganized, chaotic use of enterprises was outlined.

This comprehensive system was supported by the Central Committee of the Party. When I was elected secretary of the Central Committee, I continued to engage in industrial production: I was in charge of geology, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, the oil and gas industry, Rostekhnadzor, construction, all energy and transport. There was a lot of work, but I believe that during that period from the early 1970s to 1985 we managed to create a fuel and energy complex that still provides Russia.

Video: Vladimir Dolgikh about perestroika

Vladimir Ivanovich Dolgikh is a well-known domestic state and industrialist. His brilliant career was mainly Soviet period. Twice from the leadership he was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor. Such important awards were presented to him in 1965 and 1984. In the 1960s he headed the Norilsk Iron and Steel Works. He was engaged in politics, was a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, was a candidate member of the Politburo.

Biography of a politician

Vladimir Ivanovich Dolgikh was born in 1924. He was born in a small village called Ilanskoye in the Yenisei province. Now it is the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

The childhood years of the hero of our article passed in his native village. His father was a railroad mechanic, his mother was a housewife. Vladimir Ivanovich Dolgikh was brought up in a large family - he had three more brothers and two sisters.

Vladimir graduated from high school in the small town of Ilansky. In the senior class he was elected leader of the pioneer squad, soon after that he became the secretary of the Komsomol organization.

The Great Patriotic War

When the Germans attacked the Soviet Union, Vladimir Ivanovich Dolgikh was 17 years old. He volunteered for the army immediately after graduation. high school. He was not hindered even by the fact that one year was not enough to the military age.

Already in October 1941, he began to study combat and political training at the fighter school, which was based in the city of Krasnoyarsk.

At the very end of 1941, he was sent to Moscow, which at that time the Germans were trying to besiege. He took part in the counteroffensives of the Soviet troops, heroically proved himself in the battles for the city of Efremov in the Tula region.

In the army he was appointed political instructor of an entire company - the position of secretary of the Komsomol organization in peacetime helped. In the rank of foreman, he fought valiantly on the Bryansk Front.

In 1943 he was seriously wounded. It happened in the Oryol region during a terrible mortar attack. He spent almost half a year in hospitals, after graduation he was demobilized from the army. During the war, he joined the Communist Party and was a member of it until its liquidation in 1991.

In a peaceful life

After the road to the front was closed for him, the future party and public figure entered the Mining and Metallurgical Institute in Irkutsk. Graduated with honors from the faculty of non-ferrous metals. In parallel with his main studies, he received an education at the evening University of Marxism-Leninism, as he planned to continue his social and party career in the future.

Dolgikh's work biography begins with work at a refinery in Krasnoyarsk, which just specialized in the production of non-ferrous metals. For 9 years he has gone from shift supervisor to chief engineer.

In the same period, he became interested in scientific experiments. He published in specialized domestic and foreign journals, was interested in improving the technologies for the extraction and processing of non-ferrous metals.

At the head of the Norilsk plant

Dolgikh came to the Norilsk Combine in 1958. At first he worked as a chief engineer, and in 1962 he was appointed director of the plant.

The name of the hero of our article is literally associated with the second birth of the city of Norilsk. It was he who decided, without waiting for the reaction of officials, to start developing new mineral deposits.

Dolgikh achieved the development of the plant: the active development of the Talnakh copper-nickel ore deposit began.

On his initiative, a modern industrial complex appeared at the plant.

At the head of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

In 1969, he stopped working at the Norilsk plant to head the Krasnoyarsk Territory. In fact, he was the first secretary of the district committee of the CPSU.

It was Dolgikh who discovered and developed the powerful economic, scientific, and cultural potential of the region. The main thing is that they began to develop the economy comprehensively.

He was engaged in the introduction of full cycles of processing local raw materials. Initiated the creation of a comprehensive long-term development of a full cycle of local processing.

Member of the Central Committee

He joined the Central Committee of the CPSU in 1971 and remained a member until 1988.

As secretary, he headed the department of energy and heavy industry, delved into other sectors of the national economy.

At the same time, Dolgikh made a significant contribution to the development of the fuel and energy complex. In the 1970s and 1980s he created a fuel and energy structure, which is still functioning.

In modern Russia

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, he was involved in economic reforms aimed at ensuring that the reforms went in the right direction. Developing a modernization project, he sought to save the domestic economy.

In 2000, he was elected to the Board of Directors of Norilsk Nickel. He entered the council based on the results of a vote of shareholders, without having a share in the enterprise.

Since then active social activities engaged in Dolgikh Vladimir Ivanovich. He has headed the Moscow Veterans since 2002. In 2008, he was elected chairman of the Moscow Public Chamber.

From 2011 to 2013 he had the status of a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly Russian Federation. Promoted from the party" United Russia." He opened the first meeting as the oldest parliamentarian. In 2013, he refused the deputy mandate for health reasons. He handed over his chair to the politician and teacher Irina Belykh.

Then, in 2013, Dolgikh Vladimir Ivanovich received a new appointment. The Federation Council officially accepted him as member of the Federation Council from the executive branch city ​​of Moscow. In the Federation Council, Dolgikh dealt exclusively with a block of economic issues.

In 2014, he focused on work in the regions, especially in his native Krasnoyarsk Territory. In December of the same year, he received the position of non-staff adviser to the head of the region, when he was governor

Now the hero of our article is 92 years old. At the same time, he does not sit at home, he constantly wants to be useful to the surrounding society. For his dedicated work he was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor, Received two orders Patriotic War first degree, six orders of Lenin.

Andrey Dmitrievich Zakharov left a noticeable mark in the history of world architecture. His period of creativity coincided with the heyday of Russian architecture. Date of birth Zakharov A.D. - August 8, 1761. A naturally gifted child was born in St. Petersburg. His father was in the service of the Admiralty Board. At the age of six, he becomes a student of an art school, which was attached to the Academy of Arts. Having finished it, Andreyan Dmitrievich moves to the architectural department and here he shows his abilities.

None of his work has gone unnoticed. He is awarded silver medals for projects of a country house and the house of princes. Zakharov brilliantly graduated from the Academy of Arts, taking with him gold medal. He was awarded with it for the diploma project "Relaxation House". Having distinguished himself in the final exams, he is among the other students who go to France. There, the young architect gathers new knowledge by learning from Belicar, Shalgrain. But his dream was a trip to Italy, where he could personally meet the famous architectural monuments. No funds were allocated for a trip abroad, and the young man did not have any personal ones.

Zakharov returns to St. Petersburg and begins to engage in architectural activities and at the same time manages to teach young talents. In 1800, having received the post of architect of Gatchina, he began designing a number of new buildings. This is how the "Farm", "Poultry House", Lion's Bridge, the monastery of St. Harlampy appeared.

After the death of Emperor Paul, work in Gatchina receded into the background. Zakharov, in the position of chief architect of the Admiralty, began to develop a project for a new house. By that time, the old building of the Admiralty did not meet the requirements. It looked dilapidated against the backdrop of beautiful masterfully created structures. Therefore, Andrey Dmitrievich was faced with the task of building a beautiful building - a symbol of the city. He brilliantly coped with it, and this is how he immortalized his memory.

The new building of the Admiralty has a main facade with a length of 407 meters. The previous building plan was taken as a basis. In the center, they managed to save the tower with the spire, created by Korobov. I just had to beautify it. The beautiful building, made in the Empire style, included decorative reliefs and stucco, bas-reliefs, numerous sculptures, and architectural bulges.

It is a pity that the author himself did not manage to see the fruit of his labor in all its glory. All work on the Admiralty was completed after his death. Andreyan Dmitrievich fell seriously ill. Never having recovered from his illness, Zakharov dies on September 8, 1811 at the age of fifty.

Andreyan Zakharov was born into the family of a minor official of the Admiralty Board, studied at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts (1767-1782), a student of A.F. Kokorinova, I.E. Starova, Yu.M. Felten, graduated from the academy with a gold medal, which gave the right to travel abroad, continued his education (1782-1886) in Paris with the classic architect J. Chalgrin, who had a great influence on him. From 1787, Zakharov taught at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, from 1794 he was a member, and five years later he became a professor. Among his students was the architect A. I. Melnikov. From the beginning of the 19th century, Zakharov was the architect of Gatchina, where he built the Lion's Bridge, the Farm, and the Poultry House. At the same time, he developed a project for the development of Vasilyevsky Island in St. Petersburg with the restructuring of the building of the Academy of Sciences (1803-1804), which formed the basis of the existing layout. The unity of the ensemble was achieved due to the general rhythm of the arrangement of buildings and the same architectural details, which is typical of the French urban planning school.
In 1805 A.D. Zakharov was appointed chief architect of the Admiralty in St. Petersburg. The Admiralty shipyard, founded in 1704 according to the drawing of Peter I, was rebuilt in stone in 1727-1738 by the architect I.K. Korobov. Zakharov in his project retained the general U-shaped composition of the building with the central tower, which plays the most important city-forming role for the center of St. Petersburg.
Zakharov's Admiralty and its central tower are a unique example of high classicism. The 72 m high tower is crowned with a gilded spire with a silhouette image sailing ship and decorated with symbolic figures of work famous sculptors(V. I. Demut-Malinovsky, F. F. Shchedrin, S. S. Pimenov and others). Above the entrance there is a grandiose bas-relief (22x2, 4 m) on the theme of "The establishment of the Russian fleet by Peter I" (sculptor I. I. Terebenev). The composition of the two wings of the facade, symmetrically located on the sides of the tower, is built on a complex rhythmic alternation of simple and clear volumes - smooth walls, strongly protruding porticos, deep loggias. The harsh severity of the interiors is softened by an abundance of light and elegant decoration (the vestibule with front staircase, meeting room, library). The long main façade (407 m) is dissected by symmetrically arranged Doric porticos. The grandiose scale of the building secured its leading role not only in the architecture of St. Petersburg, but also in the history of all Russian architecture.
HELL. Zakharov also created construction projects for the Naval Barracks and the Naval Hospital (1790s), the Proviantsky Island near the mouth of the Moika River (1806-1808), the Galley Port (1806-1809), a number of projects for Kronstadt, including the project of St. Andrew's Cathedral (1807 -1817, not preserved). In 1804-1806, for the Petrozavodsk merchant Mizhuev, he built a four-story apartment building (26 Fontanka River Embankment). In the processing of the main facade, along with the traditional six-column portico bearing a triangular pediment, motifs of symmetrical three-part windows in the upper floors and rounding of the corner were used. For the provincial and district cities of Russia, the architect designed emphatically monumental government buildings and churches. HELL. Zakharov was buried at the Smolensk cemetery, later the ashes were transferred to the Alexander Nevsky Lavra in the necropolis of the 18th century.

Date of Birth Date of death

August 27 (September 8) ( 1811-09-08 ) (50 years)

Place of death Works and achievements Worked in cities Architectural style Important buildings Urban planning projects

Vasilievsky island development project

Andreyan Dmitrievich Zakharov at Wikimedia Commons

Andreyan (Adrian) Dmitrievich Zakharov(August 8 (August) - August 27 (September 8), St. Petersburg) - Russian architect, representative of the Empire style. Creator of the complex of buildings of the Admiralty in St. Petersburg.


Born on August 8, 1761 in the family of a minor employee of the Admiralty College. AT early age(he was not yet six years old) was given by his father in art school at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, where he studied until 1782. His teachers were A.F. Kokorinov, I.E. Starov and Yu.M. Felten. In 1778, Andreyan Zakharov received a silver medal for the design of a country house, in 1780 - a large silver medal for " architectural composition representing the house of princes". . At the end of the school he received a large gold medal and the right to a pensioner's trip abroad to continue his education. He continued to study in Paris from 1782 to 1786 with J. F. Chalgrin.

In 1786 he returned to St. Petersburg and began working as a teacher at the Academy of Arts, at the same time starting to design. After some time, Zakharov was appointed architect of all the unfinished buildings of the Academy of Arts.

1803-1804. Architectural plan of the Nizhny Novgorod fair

Zakharov prepared a draft architectural plan for the Nizhny Novgorod fair, according to which the architect A. A. Betancourt built it a few years later.

Alexander Garden and Admiralty

1805-1823 Work on the Admiralty building

The initial construction of the Admiralty was carried out by the architect I.K. Korobov in 1738. This building is the greatest monument of Russian architecture of the Empire style. At the same time, it is a city-forming building and the architectural center of St. Petersburg.

Zakharov performed work in 1806-1811. Creating a new, grandiose building with a length of the main facade of 407 m, he retained the configuration of the plan that already existed. Giving the Admiralty a majestic architectural appearance, he managed to emphasize its central position in the city (the main highways converge to it with three beams). The center of the building is a monumental tower with a spire, on which there is a boat, which has become a symbol of the city. This ship carries the old spire of the Admiralty, created by the architect I.K. Korobov. In the two wings of the facade, symmetrically located on the sides of the tower, simple and clear volumes alternate with a complex rhythmic pattern, such as smooth walls, strongly protruding porticos, and deep loggias.

Sculpture is the strength of the design. The decorative reliefs of the building complement the large architectural volumes;

Inside the building, such interiors of the Admiralty as a vestibule with a main staircase, an assembly hall, and a library have been preserved. The abundance of light and the exceptional elegance of decoration are set off by the clear severity of monumental architectural forms.

Other works in St. Petersburg and suburbs

While working on the Admiralty, Zakharov also worked on other tasks:

Main article: Provision Island

In particular, Zakharov developed around 1805 a project for the Cathedral of St. Catherine the Great Martyr in Yekaterinoslav (now Dnepropetrovsk). The cathedral was built after the death of the architect, in 1830-1835. under the name of Preobrazhensky and has survived to this day.


  • Grimm G. G. Architect Andrey Zakharov. Life and work / G. G. Grimm. - M.: State. Archite. Publishing house Acad. Archite. USSR, 1940. - 68 p. + 106 ill. - (Masters of architecture of Russian classicism).
  • Arkin D. Zakharov and Voronikhin. - M.: State publishing house for construction and architecture, 1953. - 78 p., ill. (A cycle of lectures "Masters of Russian Architecture").
  • Pilyavsky V. I. Architect Zakharov / V. I. Pilyavsky, N. Ya. Leiboshits. - L .: Knowledge, 1963. - 60 p., ill.
  • Shuisky V. K. Andreyan Zakharov / V. K. Shuisky. - St. Petersburg: Stroyizdat, 1995. - 220 p.
  • Mikhalova M. B. Unknown autograph A. D. Zakharova// Architectural heritage. - No. 49 / Ed. URSS, 2008. - ISBN 978-5-484-01055-4 - p.219-222.
  • Rodionova T. F. Gatchina: Pages of history. - 2nd ed., corrected. and additional - Gatchina: Ed. STsDB, 2006. - 240 p. - 3000 copies. - ISBN 5-943-31111-4



  • Personalities in alphabetical order
  • August 19
  • Born in 1761
  • Born in St. Petersburg
  • Deceased September 8
  • Deceased in 1811
  • The dead in St. Petersburg
  • Architects alphabetically
  • Architects of St. Petersburg
  • Architects of Gatchina
  • Architects of the Russian Empire
  • Buried at the Lazarevsky cemetery of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra
  • Pensioners of the Imperial Academy of Arts
  • Architects of Nizhny Novgorod

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