The optimal water temperature for bathing a newborn baby

If it is at room temperature, then part of the energy that the body spends is spent on heating it. This means that additional calories are burned, which is very important for weight loss. With the help of cool water, you can get rid of alcohol and other intoxication, fatigue, nausea and vomiting, dizziness, fever, and the effects of heat stroke. Cool water is useful in diseases of the liver and blood. Drinking in small sips, it improves the separation of gastric juice and stimulates intestinal motility. L here drinking plenty cold water in one dose will greatly cool the stomach and lead to problems with digestive system. You can not drink such water in one gulp and in large quantities in case of diseases of the nervous system, rheumatism, gout, paralysis, tumors of internal organs.

It must be remembered: the water used should not be too cold, otherwise it can cause spasm of the vocal cords and hoarseness, lead to inflammatory diseases. Very cold water constricts blood vessels, slows down blood circulation; ice, as scientists have found, helps to slow down metabolic processes, which can lead to obesity.

Cool water is suitable for healthy people. For those who have any health problems, it is better to drink warm and hot.

People suffering from gastritis, flatulence and other diseases of the digestive tract, it is useful to drink hot water. In the morning, it saturates and warms the body, drives away sleep and prepares for a busy day of work, stimulating the work of all organs and systems. In the evening, she calms, helps to restore strength.

If you drink a glass hot water in the morning on an empty stomach (30 minutes before breakfast), you can reset excess weight, get rid of constipation, gently remove sand and stones from the kidneys, liver and gallbladder, improve skin condition. The water must be boiled. It should be drunk slowly, in small sips, every morning for 6 months. Such a course of treatment will allow you to get rid of fat in problem areas and pain in the spine and joints.

Hot water is useful for chronic cough, rhinitis, shortness of breath, joint pain, flatulence. It cleanses the bladder and blood vessels. A glass of hot water regularly drunk before breakfast is a good prevention of atherosclerosis. With its help, you can remove the mucus that forms in the body with colds, bronchitis. However, the water should not be very hot, otherwise its healing effect will be reduced. Too hot water destroys tooth enamel, burns the mucous membrane of the pharynx, esophagus, stomach and increases its sensitivity. You can not drink such water when coughing, hoarseness.

To restore the functions of the respiratory system, you must definitely drink hot water at night. A glass of this water, drunk before bedtime, will help to relax nervous system after a hard day.

Warm water (30 ° C) is useful for patients with epilepsy. Drinking in small sips, it flushes the stomach and slightly weakens, which is very important for people suffering from constipation.

To improve bowel function, normalize blood pressure, removing toxins from the body, it is recommended to drink warm water for 1-2 sips during the day with an interval of 15-20 minutes.

In summer, you want cool water to refresh yourself from the hot weather and the scorching sun, so that after you feel how the coolness spreads through the body with every sip. In winter, you want to drink scalding hot tea or coffee, which you have to blow on before taking a sip, so that its steam warms the face and hands holding the cup. But really optimum temperature water lies in the golden mean and even not so much the influence of ambient temperature.

The best water to drink is water that is close to body temperature or slightly warmer. Warm water has many useful properties and extremely useful for the body, here are some interesting facts:

  • Warm water is quickly absorbed by the body and causes a feeling of thirst quenching.
  • Drinking water that is similar in temperature to body temperature has a better effect on digestion and improves blood circulation in the organs involved in digestion, helps the body to better absorb fatty and high-calorie foods.
  • Also, warm water reduces the feeling of hunger, which is difficult to overestimate for those who are trying to lose weight and get rid of extra pounds.
  • Studies have shown that slightly heated water reduces muscle spasms and pain which will certainly come in handy for athletes and people leading an active lifestyle.
  • A glass of warm water in the morning before meals helps to speed up the process of awakening the body from sleep and replenish nightly fluid losses.

The easiest way to drink warm water is to use the cooler, which is easy to find in our catalog, and we will deliver it, along with water, to your home or office for free.

Fatal mistakes in drinking cold drinks

The worst example of drinking cool water and other drinks is drinking with meals, especially if it is a fatty, high-calorie or carbohydrate-rich food, especially if the water is very cold, and worst of all, if there is still ice floating in it. From such a neighborhood in your meal there is one harm, not even one, but a whole list:

  • Cold water prevents the body from experiencing a feeling of fullness, which is why the feeling of satisfaction of hunger comes with a strong delay, that is, it inevitably leads to overeating.
  • Cold water impairs digestive processes, because they are very dependent on temperature, or rather on its lower bar, which means that food will not be digested properly.
  • fatty food with cold water in general, it is a time bomb for the human body, because fat hardens and becomes unsuitable for absorption by the body, in this form it is several tens of times more dangerous for the body.
  • It is believed that cold water quenches thirst better, but this is not at all the case. In many tests, people who were given warm water drank far less than people who were given cold water.
  • It is also believed that cold water cools the body, but this is only partly true, because when cold water enters, the body urgently tries to warm up and instead of just cooling down, it starts to produce additional heat, which is superfluous during the heat. This behavior of the body leads to increased water consumption, and if you drink cold water every time, then thirst will practically not leave a person, when the body is oversaturated with water, increased sweating will appear.

Therefore, we advise you to always drink water at room temperature, slightly chilled or warmed up depending on the time of year. If you really want to drink cold water or drinks with ice, then try to do this half an hour before a meal or half an hour after, so as not to interfere with the digestive processes. In order to always have warm or chilled water at hand, in our catalog you can choose the desktop or floor water cooler that suits you with the functions of heating and cooling water. With our express free delivery, the wait is minimal and the water is guaranteed to be clean and good for your health.

New parents very often have a number of questions related to bathing their baby. Namely: what should be the temperature of the water for bathing a newborn and how long should water procedures? The appearance of these questions is very conditioned, because the skin of the child is tender, not yet adapted to environment, vulnerable and susceptible to any mechanical stress. Therefore, the process of bathing should soothe the baby, and not irritate. And in order for a new family member to like water procedures, you should know a little more about them.

It is necessary to carefully consider the temperature of the water for bathing the child (it is better to use a water thermometer), since his skin is still very sensitive to high and low temperatures.

In newborn babies, the body is imperfect. Their thermoregulation is not yet formed, which is main reason that they are easily exposed to cooling and overheating. That is why it is very important to monitor the temperature of the water while swimming. It shouldn't be hot or cold. The water temperature should be slightly above room temperature. For an adult, such water may even seem cool, and this is understandable. After all, we are all used to taking long, relaxing hot baths.

However, such procedures can harm the baby. After all, even an adult can feel bad after being in hot water for a long time, but what about the baby? Firstly, hot water will bring him discomfort, and secondly, the child can simply become ill, which, unfortunately, he will not be able to tell you about.

Newborn babies are more sensitive to temperature changes than adults. Therefore, the use of cold water can also lead to some unpleasant moments during bathing - firstly, the baby will be cold and he will start to cry a lot, notifying parents of discomfort, and secondly, swimming in cold water is fraught with stiffening of the urinary system, which can lead to pain in the baby during urination.

While bathing, the child should not experience discomfort, so the water temperature should be no higher than 38 degrees

A newborn baby spends almost its entire life in the womb. He was calm and comfortable there. What do you think the temperature of the amniotic fluid was? That's right, not higher than 38 ° C. Therefore, during bathing, it is necessary to provide the baby with a familiar environment for him, and therefore, the water temperature during the time should not be higher than 38 ° C. Doctors recommend heating the water to 36.6 C° - 37 C°.

You should not be afraid that during bathing the water will cool down and the baby will catch a cold, since in the first months of the baby’s life, water procedures should be carried out every day, and in time they should not exceed 7-10 minutes. During this time, the water will cool down by a maximum of 2 ° C, which is not critical in this situation.

Warm water helps:

  • creating a favorable environment for the healing of the umbilical wound;
  • establishing the protection of the baby's skin from the penetration of various infections.

While bathing in hot water, the skin is steamed, the pores open, and all the “doors” open for infection. But if an adult has developed immunity to various infections, then the body of a newborn child has not yet had time to establish a barrier to protect against them.

The old tried and true way to check the temperature of the water in a baby bath is to dip your elbow into it.

To understand that the temperature of the water for bathing a newborn has reached the desired level, you must:

  • pre-heat water (preferably boil and then cool), you can in a kettle or in a large saucepan;
  • pour cooled boiled water into the bath;
  • place a water thermometer in the bath;
  • slowly start pouring in hot water, while constantly stirring the water in the bath;
  • as soon as the thermometer shows 37C ° - 38C °, then the water temperature has become optimal for bathing the baby.

Many experienced mothers use a different method of determining the temperature of the water - instead of a water thermometer, she uses her elbow. Yes, yes, it is in this way that one can understand whether given water comfortable for the baby. The skin on the elbows is more susceptible to temperature changes. Therefore, if the water seems normal, then you can safely start bathing the baby.

You can even conduct a small experiment, pour water of the temperature in which you are used to swimming into any container, and it seems optimal for you. Dip your hand in it, the water will seem only slightly hot to you, and then dip your elbow into it - it will seem to you that the water is very hot. That's about the same thing your baby will feel when bathing in what you think is normal water.

If you decide to harden the baby, start gradually so that the baby does not experience discomfort.

Most parents are confident that hardening is the key to health, and the sooner you start hardening, the better. Perhaps this is so, but still you should not start tempering a newborn baby from the first days of his life.

But if you are a supporter of hardening and consider it necessary to start carrying out procedures from birth, then this should be done gradually. That is, initially bathe the baby in water, the temperature of which is 38 ° C, then gradually lower the water temperature by 1 ° C every week, otherwise you will simply discourage the child from bathing.

The temperature in the room after bathing should not be lower than 27 ° C, otherwise the child may freeze!

We wish you good luck in bathing your crumbs!

Hot water in an apartment or house is no longer a luxury in our time, but a familiar necessity. In our new apartment building, hot water is sometimes not hot at all, but warm, which causes fair indignation of the residents and complaints to the Management Company. Hot water is more expensive, so it is more profitable for us to dilute it with cheaper cold water to get the same final temperature. But is it worth fighting for economic gain alone? Let's see what the norms of water temperature in the tap are based on.

The laws of many countries, including ours, establish safety standards for various services, including hot tap water.

The two main factors influencing the choice of water temperature are bacterial growth and possible burns. These two factors operate in opposite directions. On the one hand, the temperature of the water must be such that harmful bacteria are killed, on the other hand, the temperature of hot water must not lead to burns (especially in children's institutions and hospitals).

Legionella is one of the most dangerous bacteria. Legionella (legionella bacteria) It is a gram-negative rod up to 3 microns in size. The natural habitat of bacteria is fresh warm water.

Very often, these bacteria are bred in air conditioning, heating, air humidification systems. Legionellosis is a disease of large cities in industrialized countries. The disease is very serious, leading to complications. An outbreak of legionella pneumonia was recorded in the Middle Urals in July 2007 in Verkhnyaya Pyshma. The infection entered apartments through the hot water supply system due to violation of the requirements for flushing pipes and draining water. More than 160 citizens ended up in hospitals, 5 people died. Also, an outbreak of legionella pneumonia was recorded between November 22, 2011 and May 22, 2012 among tourists vacationing at the Calp Hotel in Spain, 23 cases of legionellosis were recorded, 4 of which were fatal.

Effect of Temperature on Legionella Bacteria

70°C - 80°C Disinfection area

66°C Legionella dies in 2 minutes

60°C Legionella dies in 32 minutes

55°C Legionella dies in 5-6 hours

20°C - 45°C Legionella is growing rapidly

20°C and below Legionella does not multiply

Based on the above data, to neutralize water, it should be heated to a high temperature. However, the temperature of the water in the faucet exceeds 50 ° can be obtained skin surface burns. At temperatures above 70 ° C, a deep burn occurs.

The effect of water temperature on the skin

65°C partial skin burn in 2 seconds

60°C partial burn of the skin in 5 seconds.

55°C partial burn of the skin in 15 seconds.

50°C partial burn of the skin in 90 seconds.

Thus, in tanks for heating and storing hot water, the temperature must be high in order to render the water harmless. At the same time, water should not be supplied to the consumer very hot in order to prevent skin burns in case of accidental shutdown of cold water. The standards that are set for places of mass water consumption (hotels, schools, hospitals, etc.) are approximately the following: shower 41°C, washbasin 41°C, bath 44°C. To ensure this, special thermostatic mixers are used. However, it should be noted that most cases of legionellosis infection were observed in people who stayed in hotels.

Another option is not to use faucets, but to mix the water flowing from two taps (cold and hot) in the sink or bath. AT this case you can supply very hot water to the faucet. Such systems can often be seen in English houses.

As a rule, in Russia, very high temperature water is supplied to residential buildings with centralized water supply. But it is not uncommon, especially in new homes, that the water pressure and its temperature decrease, which, of course, can lead to the development of harmful bacteria in the pipes. Therefore, the problem with the temperature of hot water in our (and in other) houses is a serious problem, which is associated not only with overpayments for housing and communal services, but also with the health of the residents of the house.

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