How to draw Hitler with a pencil. Artist Adolf Hitler: unrecognized genius or mediocrity? Who buys paintings

Recently, I came across several paintings and drawings by Hitler. I have heard many times that the Fuhrer was a very mediocre artist. However, I have never met any articulate and intelligible explanation of what exactly is the mediocrity of his work. And this is understandable, because. many art connoisseurs, at the mention of the name of the author artwork- Adolf Hitler, they immediately forgot about everything, generally ceasing to see the works themselves; - the imagination painted completely different pictures ...

Of course, I do not pretend to be the herald of truth, but I will try to assess the artistic abilities of Adolf Hitler.

In general, it is quite difficult to judge any creativity, because. there can be no rules and norms here - after all, this is not a science, but an art. But at the same time, the presence or absence of talent must somehow manifest itself, catch the eye, be clearly and clearly visible. Idea, thought, feeling are always present in any work of art; separately, or at the same time. And it is more intuitive perception that works here.

Adolf Hitler had artistic ability, but did not have a sufficient level of skill. He felt the color, and had a good command of the line, the stroke. The laws of composition were not alien to him either. At the same time, he would never have reached the level adored by him, Rubens or Rembrandt. In addition, the Fuhrer did not accept all directions in art, he was close to academicism, romanticism, realism, "old" masters; other currents, he denied. In Hitler's own work, romantic moods can be traced; the composition is verified, but sometimes banal; the colors are not well chosen. His painting is mostly quite graphic in nature. Adolf was great at architectural landscapes, in general, in architecture, Hitler was undoubtedly talented. His projects are interesting, and often, even magnificent.

Perhaps be born Adolf Hitler in early XIX centuries, we would have had a good academic artist, but in the age of the birth, development and flourishing of avant-garde trends in all types of art, Adolf's romantic undertakings were doomed.

Interestingly, there are practically no gloomy motifs in Hitler's work, the color of his work is predominantly saturated with light and bright colors.

Conventionally, all the work of Adolf Hitler can be divided into four periods: Vienna period (1907-1912)
Munich p-d (1913-1914)
P-d of the 1st World War (1914-1918)
P-d to II World. wars (1924-1939)

In 1907-1918, artistic ability helped the future leader to make ends meet and somehow feed himself. At this time, it was often necessary to fulfill small orders, for example, to draw postcards. The flowers were especially good. Such work did not require great skill, but contributed to some improvement in technology.

Already as Reich Chancellor, Hitler could afford to paint "for the soul", form collections (albeit based only on his own preferences) and simply enjoy the fine arts, of which he was a great connoisseur.

In 1934, the Fuhrer acted as a designer, scribbling a sketch of the future on a napkin appearance car "VW Kafer", later the famous "Beetle".

The future founder of the totalitarian dictatorship of the Third Reich studied very poorly at school. Almost the only subject with which young Adolf coped with excellence was art. He dreamed of becoming an artist, while his father, Alois Hitler, wanted his son to go to public service. On this basis, violent quarrels often arose between them. Foaming at the mouth, Adolf argued that he was only interested in art.

In 1907, when Hitler Sr. had already died, Adolf tried to enter the Vienna Academy of Arts. He had a very high opinion of his talent and did not consider it necessary to prepare for the entrance exams. As a result, it failed miserably. However, not wanting to upset his terminally ill mother, the young man told her that his work had captivated the selection committee. For days on end, the false student roamed the streets of Vienna, examining the city's architecture and making sketches.

"Color House"

"City square, entrance to the store."

"Musician from Old Town Vell".

A year later, Adolf again decided to try his luck and this time had already done some work in preparation for the exams. But the result was the same. Members of the commission barely looked at the work of a novice artist. Hitler began to sink rapidly to the bottom, more and more often he appeared in bunkhouses and taverns in the company of dirty tramps. The money from the sale of paintings was barely enough to live on.


It is not known how Hitler's life would have turned out if he had not met a certain Reinhold Ganish, with whom they organized a joint business. Ganish was quite successful in selling postcards with landscapes and views of Vienna, drawn by a self-taught artist, to tourists. They dispersed at 20 crowns so well that the court recognized Hitler as a wealthy person, and the survivor's pension passed to his younger sister Paula.


"Vienna state opera».


In 1913, Hitler moved to Munich, where he completely turned into a successful master. His work has become more varied. The Germans willingly bought not only landscapes, but also soft, soothing still lifes.

Munich Theatre.

"White Orchids".

The Munich period ended when a young man at the age of 25 was called to the front of the First World War. He took paints with him and free time was painting. The drawings painted in the trenches stand in stark contrast to the much more sensual early work. The watercolors are dominated by bombed-out buildings and military equipment.

Returning from the war, Hitler came to grips with politics and wrote only occasionally. Sometimes he amused himself by portraying naked women.

AT early years creativity, the future dictator painted several self-portraits. Perhaps the most interesting of them dates back to 1910. Hitler depicted himself without eyes, nose and ears, but the characteristic combed hair and initials above the figure in a brown suit allowed art historians to attribute the picture.

In total, Adolf Hitler painted more than three thousand paintings and sketches, most of which were painted at the front. The most expensive work was sold at auction for ten and a half thousand pounds. It was acquired by an unknown Russian. Four canvases of the Fuhrer belong to the US Army and rest in a secret underground vault in the Center military history. Access to these paintings is open only to a few experts, and, according to the Americans, the canvases will never be shown to the public.

According to many critics, Hitler's painting talent was modest. This explains the small number of portraits. However, when a contemporary art critic was asked to look at some of the paintings, without saying whose work they were, he rated them as "pretty good."

Churches, majestic cathedrals, tranquil countryside and gentle coastlines are all done in soft, soothing watercolors. Looking at these works, one can come to the conclusion that they were written by a very intelligent young artist, but, alas, the person who owns the authorship chose a different path in life.

Oedensplatz (1914).

Hitler's obsession with art began as a child, which served to increase tension between him and his father, who wanted his son to build a career in customs. A few years after the sudden death of his father, Adolf Hitler moved to Vienna to start his new life poor artist.

Vienna period (1907-1912).

"Color House"

The Academy of Arts in Vienna refused Hitler admission for non-education 2 times: in 1907 and 1908. Both times his work was considered not good enough. Vienna played a big role in shaping Hitler's personality and his artistic side. Many historians also believe that it was in Vienna that Hitler's core dark beliefs were formed.

"Musician from Old Town Vell" (c. 1910-1912).


Although the buyers early work Hitler were mostly Jews, who also numbered quite a few among his friends; conscious anti-Semitic attitude grew every day.

"Large colored Pansies".

"City Square, Shop Entrance".

"Castle of the Battlements" (1910).

"Vienna State Opera" (1911).

"Perchtoldsdorf" (c. 1910-1912).

"Munich Theater" (1914).

"White Orchids" (1913).

"Munich Gate of Victory" (1913).

It is known that Hitler was fascinated by photographs, but he was even more interested in painting. His vocation was the fine arts. Adolf was madly in love with drawing. The paintings of Adolf Hitler are mostly landscape. Nature was captured on them with indescribable love and a subtle sense of shadow and light. Paintings by Adolf Hitler are painted in watercolor. They lay for 70 years in one of the attics, and subsequently many of them were sold at auction.

Hitler is an artist whose paintings are so sensual and beautiful that one might even think that they were painted by a person completely far from conquests. It's amazing how so many contradictory traits can be combined in one person.

Adolf Hitler and his paintings

Such a picture as "Night Sea" was painted by Adolf about a century ago. According to ITAR-TASS, it was sold at an auction in Slovakia for 32,000 euros. Yaroslav Krainak - representative of the famous auction house Darte - said that she was put up for auction by a Slovak family who inherited her from

In 2009, at an auction held in Shropshire (English county), 13 paintings were sold, which were written by the Nazi dictator in a relatively early period. The total cost is 95 thousand pounds sterling.

Jefferys State Auction

Most of the paintings were discovered in the attic of a house in the 80s in a town called Wuyi. According to family tradition, these paintings, sealed in a box, were left by two French refugees who were returning home at the end of the war.

The Belgian pensioner thought that a few thousand pounds would not be superfluous, and therefore contacted the auction house. She asked to exhibit paintings (20 canvases) signed “A. Hitler, for sale.

The authorship of Adolf Hitler has not been definitely established to this day, since the Belgian experts who could confirm their authenticity in the 80s have long since died. What is clear is that the age of the paper supports the hypothesis of Hitler's authorship. Historians also confirm the fact that the Fuhrer at that time was close to the landscapes depicted in his paintings.

As a result, the auction house accepted all the paintings for sale. According to their calculations, the proceeds should have been 70 thousand pounds. But the auction brought in more than 2 times the amount predicted - 176 thousand pounds. The most expensive watercolor was sold for 10.5 thousand pounds, and the cheapest - for 3 thousand pounds.

Who buys paintings by A. Hitler?

It became known that the most money buyer is an anonymous Russian businessman. He purchased the painting for £10,500, which is 20,000 in dollars. Its name is "Church of Prez-au-Bois". Also, our businessman bought 4 more landscapes of the same series. All paintings are signed "A. Hitler".

Painting by A. Hitler

In 1900, 11-year-old Adolf shocked his father by declaring that he wanted to become an artist. Alois (Hitler's father) dreamed that his son would become a major successful official, but young Adolf did not study well, he constantly received comments on discipline and behavior. Only drawing was given to him with ease.

After the death of his father, his mother Clara was left with 5 children, and later she also found out that she was terminally ill. She allowed Adolf to enter the Academy of Arts in Vienna. He neglected the preparation for the entrance exams, which is why in 1907 he failed all the tasks. In order not to upset his dying mother, he lied about enrolling in the Academy of Arts.

After the death of his mother, Adolf moved to live with a friend. He was ashamed of his failure, so every day he walked the streets, admiring the urban architecture of Vienna.

In 1908, Hitler made his second attempt to enter the Academy of Arts. But selection committee I didn't even look at his work. After that, Adolf fell into depression and found himself with the vagabonds.

In 1910, Hitler accidentally met R. Ganish and told him that he was good at drawing. Reingold misunderstood him, mistaking Adolf for a simple house painter. Subsequently, when he saw the paintings of Adolf Hitler (photos of which are presented below), he offered to start a joint business. After that, he began to paint city buildings, landscapes on canvases, the size of which was no larger than postcards. And Reingold successfully sold them for 20 crowns in hotels and taverns. Later, when Adolf moved to Munich, his paintings began to sell more, bringing him an income already above average.

The second stage of Hitler's work

It came when Adolf was at the front. Hitler painted buildings that had been destroyed by bombing. It is noteworthy that in his work, images of people during this period of time are almost completely absent.

In total, 3400 canvases came out from under his brush, which were written mostly on the front. However, for a number of moral reasons, most expert artists express doubts about the authenticity of the paintings. Professional critics are unanimous in their opinion regarding the absence of any artistic value of these canvases. However, many, in spite of everything, recognize the correct observance of their basic principles. artistic principles, tricks.

Only Doug Harvey got access to all 4 classified canvases painted by Adolf Hitler. The paintings were studied by him in great detail, after which he published several articles on his work. There, the position of professional art historians and critics regarding the work of the Fuhrer is clearly indicated. In an interview with The New York Times, Harvey said that when talking about Hitler's paintings, the priests are filled with contempt, as if recognition of the Nazi dictator's virtuoso abilities could justify the Holocaust.

Adolf Hitler: paintings today

AT this moment anyone can enjoy his paintings. This became possible due to the fact that most of them are presented in Internet galleries. Visitors to such sites leave very conflicting reviews, but still many say that Adolf Hitler, whose paintings delight, surprise, excite the mind, could become a good artist. Some put forward bold assumptions that if Adolf had been admitted to the Academy of Arts, then, for sure, this would have changed the course of history, there might not have been a war.

In 2006, the Jefferys auction was held in the UK, where a number of works by emerging artists were exhibited, among which was Adolf Hitler (his paintings are presented below).

Most of the paintings, watercolors of Adolf are now located in the classified safes of the US Army Military History Center. They got there after the end of the war from the collection of the German photographer G. Hoffmann, where they have been since the beginning of the 20s. Only a few art experts have access to them. It was customary never to publish them, as they are extremely dangerous.

How many works of Hitler?

A large number of paintings are now, as a rule, in private collections, which is why the exact number of paintings by Hitler is still unknown. According to art historians, their approximate number is 3400.

In the USA in 2002 a major exhibition of works by Adolf Hitler and other German artists of that time was organized.

Names of Hitler's paintings

He devoted 20 paintings to the theme of nature, namely:

  • "In the mountains".
  • "Peasant house near the bridge".
  • "Village Road"
  • "House in the mountains".
  • "Country road to Linz", etc.

Urban landscapes are captured in the following paintings:

  • "Church of Charles".
  • "Bridge".
  • "New Market Square in Vienna", etc.

Despite the fact that Adolf did not like to draw people, the following portraits came out from under his brush:

  • "Mother and child".
  • Eva Brown.
  • Charlotte Lobjoie (his mistress, who bore him a son), etc.

Still lifes were also on the list of paintings that Hitler painted. The paintings mostly depicted flowers standing in a vase.

There were many of those dedicated to the interior:

  • "Kitchen".
  • "Living room".
  • "Dining room", etc.

From animals, he preferred to draw dogs.

The paintings written by him during the First World War are highly valued, namely:

  • "Ruin".
  • "Dugout at Fourne".
  • "German infantrymen playing checkers in the trenches", etc.

Among his works you can see monumental buildings, such as:

  • "Church".
  • "Eisenstadt".
  • "Vienna Opera".
  • "Urban Landscape".
  • "Castle".
  • "Corner of Munich".
  • Lemberg Castle.
  • "Rotterdam Cathedral".
  • Werder Gate, etc.

Palace of German Art

it showroom, which appeared in Munich. It regularly showed new paintings. The glass palace was built shortly after the end of the First World War. Even then, Hitler planned to build Art Museum which was supposed to be more beautiful, more grandiose than before. In 1933, the builders laid the foundation stone for the exhibition gallery, which was called the Palace of German Art.

Adolf Hitler, together with the largest architect Ludwig Troost, developed a plan for the construction of the palace. Already in 1937, an exhibition gallery was opened. The very first exhibition was opened by Adolf Hitler. The paintings that the German artists sent did not all get there, but only those that the Fuhrer liked. Many German painters painted in the unacceptable Jewish manner that developed in the post-war period.

To highlight the obvious difference, Adolf organized another exhibition nearby called Degenerate Art. And so the paintings written in the Jewish manner found their place. Visitors and artists had the opportunity to evaluate and compare the works of the 1st and 2nd exhibitions, and then form their own opinion about what they saw. To be sure, most agreed that Hitler was right not to purchase these paintings.


The article talked about the work of the Fuhrer, as well as Hitler's paintings (with titles). Little described creative way, which was overcome by Adolf Hitler. Paintings ("Night Sea" and 13 more canvases) were sold for a decent amount. Under Hitler, the Palace of German Art was erected.

Hitler is an artist
Adolf Hitler often said that he had always dreamed of being an artist, and that art was second only to his main interests throughout his life. In the first place was, of course, Germany. At the age of 18, Hitler moved to Vienna to enter the Academy of Arts there, because he loved to paint in watercolor. Already being the Fuhrer of the Germans, he even sold several thousand reproductions of his paintings, which he painted in his youth, during his stay in Vienna (1908-13). Such excitement is explained not by the greatness of Hitler as an artist, but by the fact that he led the Third Reich and the Germans idolized their Fuhrer. Even today, there are many collectors who collect drawings of Hitler.

The best work that studies the work of Hitler is the book Hitler and the Power of Aesthetics , its author Frederic Spotts seriously studied the artistic side of the cruel dictator. Spots comments: “Yes, he most likely had some talent, at least it follows from the fact that he drew most of his sketches as an autodidact, without any additional education. Like most amateurs, he started by drawing simple landscapes, buildings and urban sketches, because such paintings were popular at that time, so they could easily be sold to earn some money.

In his autobiography Mein Kampf Adolf Hitler told how in his youth he wanted to become professional artist, but his aspirations were shattered because he failed the entrance exams to the Academy fine arts in Vienna. Hitler failed these exams twice, once in 1907 and again in 1908. The examiners noted that he had more talent in architecture than in painting.

How many pictures did Hitler draw

During his life, the leader of the Nazi Party of Germany painted hundreds of paintings. Scientists claim that we are talking about 300 pictures. Although Hitler said that in Vienna he painted 2-3 paintings every day, that is, during his stay there, he could paint about 600 paintings. Most of his paintings known to us are in private collections, some were destroyed or damaged. A number of Hitler's paintings were restored after World War II and sold at auctions for tens of thousands of dollars. For example, on November 18, 2014, a watercolor of Hitler depicting an old registry office was sold at an auction in Nuremberg for €130,000! Some of the paintings were seized by the US Army and are still owned by the US government.