How to properly wash a newborn video. How to bathe a newborn baby for the first time at home. What are the contraindications for bathing a newborn

Newborn's first bath for young inexperienced parents is associated with certain fears. Many questions immediately arise:

  • When to bathe a newborn.
  • Is it possible to bathe a newborn if the umbilical wound has not yet healed.
  • How to hold a newborn while bathing.
  • How to bathe a newborn or newborn.
  • In what water to bathe a newborn.
  • What should be the temperature of water and air when bathing a newborn.
  • How to properly wash a newborn.
  • What products for newborns can be used when bathing.
  • Do you need chamomile or string for bathing a newborn.
  • How much to bathe a newborn.
  • Whether to swaddle a newborn after bathing.

This is an incomplete, but basic list of questions that a mother who has given birth for the first time asks.

If there is a bath for a child, it is enough clean water. Dermatologists noted that the new baby's skin is prone to irritation and infection. When products are used, they must be soft and free from fragrances or colorings. Such products should not be used frequently and should be completely rinsed off.

The child should be completely submerged in water, except for the head and neck, as this will help keep them warm. Always make sure the child is properly supported and make sure the water is not too hot. Dermatologists also recommend changing a newborn's diaper every two to four hours, or after they become soiled. The best way to clean a baby is tap water and a soft cloth. If you use baby wipes, choose hypoallergenic ones that do not contain alcohol or lanolin.

In fact, bathing a newborn is not difficult, you just need a little skill. Then, when the first fears pass, with the accumulation of a certain experience, bathing a newborn will bring joy to both the baby and parents.

Bathing a newborn: basic principles

It is necessary to bathe a child of the first month of life daily, preferably in the evening before going to bed. Bathing a newborn takes no more than 5 - 10 minutes, for a baby this is a must. hygiene procedure very important. Bathing a newborn will help prevent sweating and diaper rash on the skin. You can bathe the next day, as a newborn was brought home from the hospital. And be sure to bathe the newborn in a calm, good-natured mood, the fears and nervousness of the mother can be transmitted to the newborn, and he can become restless from negative emotions and stress hormones received from breast milk. Bathing a newborn should bring joy to both him and his parents: if the mother is calm, then the baby is happy.

If this does not clear up the rash, the child should be seen by a doctor. Dermatologists have offered their advice to the International Journal of Dermatology. It can be stressful for new parents to bathe their newborn, they tend to cry, of course. If you are using bottle soap to wash your baby, put it in warm water first to warm up the lotion and make the whole experience more enjoyable for the newborn. The hair of newborn babies should also be washed, helps prevent capping.

Babies shouldn't get rashes! Especially these days with modern disposable diapers that have to keep moisture away from the skin. Babies live in warm liquid for up to 9 months, so warm water shouldn't be a shock or an unfortunate experience for them. It has always been found that a child who has had a good warm bath calms down much faster. This good night kiss should please everyone without the smell of sour milk. Think of these kids in third world situations who don't have bathing water or proper sanitation - doctors advocating they don't really need to bathe babies in Africa and India behind you?

It's okay that the umbilical wound in the newborn has not yet healed. In order to prevent omphalitis (inflammation of the navel), it is advisable to bathe the newborn in boiled water with the addition of a small amount of manganese solution. How to properly breed potassium permanganate, you can read . Water for bathing a newborn should be slightly pink in color. After complete epithelialization of the skin of the newborn, you can bathe with the addition of a decoction of string or chamomile until you get a slightly yellow shade at the bathing water (but provided that the newborn does not for these herbs).

Every 3 or 4 days and no need for baby products for bathing, only water and cotton is all the baby needs. be much better for babies than old terry cloth diapers. No one in their right mind would bathe a child in adult soap or wash their clothes in standard detergents. Decree danger of bathing your baby every 3-4 days - how long have you been doing this?

My grandchildren were born and raised in Ireland and my daughter followed a daily bath routine from birth and all three of my grandchildren had beautiful skins, no cradle and no skin rash and they always smelled fresh and clean. However, if you want to bathe your baby every day, it's totally fine as long as he sets up a routine and you like it and the baby likes it. Therefore, in order to prepare for your baby's bath, you need to fill the tub first. cold water and then add hot water.

The bath for a newborn before bathing should be treated with cleaning products that are safe for small children. You can use laundry soap or soda, with the obligatory subsequent thorough rinsing of the bath.

The water temperature for bathing a newborn should be 37 - 38 degrees. In the room where the newborn is bathed: 26-28 degrees. In the children's room, where the newborn will sleep after bathing - at least 22 degrees. In young children, thermoregulation is imperfect, especially for premature newborns, and sudden changes in temperature are contraindicated for them.

Baby bath tub

We recommend about 8-10 centimeters and then to check if the temperature is correct you use your elbow, dip your elbow into the bath water and it should just feel the same as your body temperature. So in order to reach your baby's tail, before we put your baby in the bath, we need to undress the baby with a diaper and then we wrap the baby in a towel.

Using the water you have already run for the bath, we will clean your child's face with cotton, use a fresh piece of cotton for each eye to avoid infection, and the same goes for your child's ears. Make sure you brush under your baby's chin and then we'll move to the bottom.

What are the contraindications for bathing a newborn:

  1. The general serious condition of the child.
  2. Increased body temperature.

At first, it is advisable to bathe the baby in a special bath for newborns, it will be more convenient. This is later, when the newborn grows up,it can be released into the "big swim" in a deep bath, using a circle for bathing newborns.

We will use clean cotton, dip it in the water, wipe your baby's bottom, wipe off the excess, make sure you clean between the folds and that your baby's bottom is nice and dry before you put your baby in the tub. We need to make sure your child is safe, so you place one hand under your child's shoulders and neck, while using your other hand to support your child's bottom. Once your baby is safe, you can put your baby in the bath water while talking to your baby all the time.

Therefore, once the bath time is over, take your child out of the water, be careful because children can be very slippery when they leave the bath. Make sure you put the baby right on the towel and then it's very important that you dry the baby properly, all the nooks and crannies, clean diaper, clean clothes and lots of cuddles.

It is necessary to immerse the baby in water starting from the legs and to the middle of the chest. Bathing a newborn is not only a hygienic procedure, but also a kind of underwater massage. With gentle movements of the brush, iron, wash all the folds on the child's body from top to bottom. The butt of a newborn requires special attention: lying in a diaper around the clock and frequent stools can adversely affect the condition of the skin around the anus. Girls are washed from front to back, in boys the foreskin is slightly kneaded, without trying to tear and open anything there. So you can prevent the formation of dense synechia - adhesions between foreskin and head of the penis. Diaper rash in the genital area is the main cause, when he writes. Only in 4% of newborns, the head of the penis opens completely; until the age of seven, phimosis is considered a physiological condition.

When you feel more confident about bathing with an infant, then you can put your baby in the main tub, but never leave your baby alone in the water. I bet you are excited to start collecting items so you can take care of your newborn.

Here you can find out what you may need for a newborn in the first month or so. For the first few weeks of life, all a baby will do is eat, sleep, and feed. There's not as much as a baby does until about 3-5 months old!

Most of the things that parents rush to buy or add to their registries when they find out they're pregnant for them aren't necessarily for the baby. If you want to save money and practice what you need for the first few weeks of life, you need to focus on a few categories: feeding, clothing, travel, and bathing. But first, let's look at baby's first day and what you should bring in the hospital bag.

Detergents for bathing newborns ( baby soap, Bubchen, Mustela or Johnsons Baby cosmetics) are used only once a week so as not to disturb the pH and microflora of the newborn's skin. Before using cosmetics for newborns, it is imperative to test for sensitivity to it by making a skin test: apply a drop of diluted gel or shampoo for newborns to the inside of the child's elbow. If after a while no redness or irritation appears, then everything is fine, this remedy can be used to bathe a newborn.

What temperature conditions to observe when swimming?

Most of what you pack in your hospital bag will be for you. If you are giving birth in a hospital or birthing center, you will be provided with most of what your baby needs in the first few days. This is what you can bring for a child.

Hats and swaddling blankets are also provided by the hospital, but if you prefer gender specific feel free to bring some. Many hospitals will ask you to see your child car seat before they release your child. It's illegal and not safe to drive without it; God forbid, you should get into an accident, and the child is injured or worse! Baby car seat. . Diapers and wipes are almost always provided by the hospital, so you don't need to bring them with you. Monkeys are also usually provided, although they are not needed.

How to bathe a newborn is shown in the video:

It's okay if the newborn cries while bathing, for the sake of formality a little bit is possible. After bathing, rinse the baby with water from a jug from top to bottom (an assistant is required), the temperature of which should be one degree lower than the bathing water. Do not be afraid that water will get into the ears and there will be inflammation. Just after bathing, blot them with a cotton turunda, after drying the newborn's skin with a warm diaper. It is impossible to rub the baby's skin, as it has some . All movements should be soft and wet.

What you need to feed your baby depends on how you intend to feed your baby. If you decide exclusively breast-feeding, you will need much less than if you choose bottled food. If you're going to breastfeed, you'll need some nursing bras, bra pads to catch leaks, a milk pump, and supplies if you need to drape, tissue burps, and bibs. It would be a pain to have a few bottles as well if you need someone else to feed the baby.

If you choose bottled food, you'll need a formula of at least 4-10 bottles, low-flow nipples for newborns, a bottle brush, burp cloth and bibs, and a dishwasher basket for washing supplies. Either way, there's no need for fancy burp fabrics, a fancy bottle warmer, or a bottle drying rack.

After bathing, it is not necessary to treat the folds of the skin of the newborn with any oil and powder, if everything is fine with them, let the baby's clean skin breathe. The only thing is that after bathing the newborn, it is necessary to treat the umbilical wound, if it has not yet healed.

Do I need to swaddle a newborn after bathing?

Here everyone decides for himself. A swaddled newborn sleeps more soundly, does not wake up, touching himself with his hands. In diapers, the newborn retains heat better. The main thing, in order to prevent the development of hip dysplasia, is to use wide swaddling.

Babies spit on burps; plain white cloth diapers will work great for this purpose and will be much larger than small decorated burp cloths. To warm the bottle, you can place the bottle in a measuring cup or bowl and then add hot water around it. You can also just hold the bottle under hot running water. there is also no need to take up space. If you already have a drying rack for your meals, you can just use that or use a clean, dry towel on the countertop.

  • They are also cheaper!
  • Bottle warmers are unnecessary and take up space.
It fits right around your midsection and makes it easier to position your baby and breastfeeding and relieve your body discomfort, especially after.

On the head of a newborn after bathing, it is necessary to put on a cap or hat. If the newborn is nevertheless decided to be dressed in overalls or undershirts, his hands must be in mittens, since there is a large loss of heat from the hands, and so that the newborn does not get scratched in a dream.

The appearance of a newborn child in the house is associated with a lot of trouble for young parents. They will have to do a lot for the first time, for example, bathe the baby after the hospital. In this, at first glance simple matter there are many nuances that need to be taken into account.

Come in a variety of patterns and can be used even after you make it to feed your baby! There are two diaper options: cloth or disposable. Both have their pros and cons, but for each, you need a lot on hand when you have a newborn. If you are using disposable diapers you will most likely need a large box to get you through the week.

For newborns, it's nice to have a cord cutout, but it's not required. The front of the diaper can be folded down slightly until the cord comes off. As for sizes: don't stock up on newborns or size 1 diapers. Once you know what size works, buy them as needed. Babies don't stay in smaller sizes for too long.

It is important to know in advance how to properly conduct the first bathing of the crumbs: what is needed for it, how to properly position the baby during the procedure, what should be the actions after it is over. Taking into account all the points, you can avoid possible problems and from birth to instill in the child a love for cleansing moisture.

How to bathe a baby for the first time?

There are different opinions about when you can bathe a newborn baby for the first time.

To get rid of disposable items, you can buy a diaper bin or use a trash can with a flip-top lid. In my experience, diapers are a pain to use, have costly refills, and smell like heaven. To a much lesser extent, you can use a flip-top trash can, trash bag, and grocery bags for really stinky bags. No need to buy refills or fight for a diaper in a bucket.

Some other items to include when changing a baby's diaper are wipes, diaper creams, and a changeable mat. The two things you should add are diapers and wipes. When you check in for diapers, choose sizes 2 and 3 as your baby will be the longest in these sizes and will be fine on the way to have extra items. When checking in for wipes, choose a dye-free, fragrance-free, hypoallergenic look for your baby's delicate skin.

Some believe that bathing should be avoided during the first 10-14 days after birth. At this time, they suggest limiting themselves to treatment after urination and defecation, as well as rubbing skin folds with baby wipes or cotton pads moistened with boiled water.
Others recommend bathing the baby for the first time immediately after arriving from the hospital.

In any case, bathing procedures cannot be avoided, so it is important to try to make sure that the first acquaintance with water is remembered by the baby on the positive side.

The first bath requires care and caution.

What do you need for the first bath at home?

It is better to find everything you need in advance and bring it to the room where the procedure will take place. This way you can avoid unnecessary distractions and panic. Prepare everything in order:

  1. bathing room. It must be chosen taking into account factors such as air temperature (at least 22 ° C), the risk of drafts, lighting, ease of movement. It can be a bathroom or another room that has a table in order to place a baby bath on it.
  2. bathing container. If it is an ordinary adult bath, it will have to be washed thoroughly with baking soda.
    The best option there will still be a purchase of a special baby bath, which can be put on an adult using a wooden grate, or on a sturdy table in any room.
  3. boiled water. Until about a month old, it is better to avoid contact of the baby with unboiled water, because it carries the risk of infection. Not all experts share this opinion - some believe that boiling water with a healed umbilical wound is not necessary.
  4. Terry soft towel and flannelette diaper for drying the newborn after the procedure.
  5. Changing diaper or clothes in which the baby will be dressed after it dries.
  6. Assistant. Probably, you won’t have to look for it for a long time, since the baby’s relatives will gladly help their parents in this interesting and responsible business.

In order for bathing at home to be truly enjoyable for all participants in the process, you need to pay attention to some more important nuances.

What should be the comfortable water temperature?

Preparing water for a baby is a very delicate and important matter. If the water is colder than necessary, the baby may become cold, and hot water, on the contrary, it will burn delicate skin, which is why in the future bathing will cause fear. The water temperature for the first bath should be close to body temperature and be 36.6-38°C.

It is necessary to check the temperature indicator with a special thermometer for the bathroom, and not with an elbow, since each person's sensations are subjective.

Is it permissible to use potassium permanganate?

In the first weeks of a newborn's life, people from ancient times added potassium permanganate powder to the bathing water. This is a well-known remedy that helps to make water almost sterile.

Potassium permanganate dries the skin, so its use is not suitable for all children. The amount is calculated so that the water turns out to be slightly colored pink. For umbilical wound potassium permanganate is safe and even useful, as it contributes to its speedy healing.

Is it possible to use decoctions of herbs when bathing?

Herbs such as chamomile, burdock, and sage are effective remedies for skin irritations:

  • prickly heat,
  • diaper rash
  • diathesis,
  • eczema
  • and other dermatitis.

Therefore, if necessary, as well as for prevention, they can and should be used. Decoctions are prepared in accordance with the description on the package. The saturation should be such that the water becomes the color of freshly brewed green tea.

Potassium permanganate dries the skin and is not suitable for all children.

Bathing technique for a newborn

The baby after birth remains helpless for a long time. For the first month, he cannot even hold his head, so he needs the right support for the first bath.

How to hold a child correctly?

Having prepared everything you need for bathing, take the baby in your arms and begin to slowly immerse it in a container of water: first the legs and slowly the whole body to chest level. Then position your hands so that the left grabs the child’s shoulder opposite from you from the back. Thus, the baby's head will be on your forearm, and you can control that it is always above the water. Right hand gently wash individual parts of the body of the crumbs, starting with the head. Make sure that the water does not flow on the face - the baby will be unpleasant.

To help the parents of a newborn, manufacturers of baby products have released a number of devices that facilitate the process of bathing. This, for example, is a slide, thanks to which the position of the crumbs becomes more fixed. A special mesh hammock for a baby bath was also invented. These accessories will help make swimming even more enjoyable.

At the end of the bath, remove the baby by taking him by the armpits, and then carefully turn him over with his stomach on your hand. Ask someone to cover the child with a towel, wrap it up and take it to the room where he will sleep.

The whole process of the first bath does not tolerate haste, so try to be more collected and enjoy every movement.

bathing mistakes for newborns

Even in such a relatively simple matter as bathing a baby, there is a risk of making a number of mistakes. Moreover, the mother of the first-born allows some of them because she listens to the senseless advice of grandmothers and other well-wishers, without even delving into the essence of the action being taken. What are these possible errors?

The first bath can be a real test of attentiveness and caution. But over time, everything will happen faster and more confidently.

After swimming

A clean, bathed and relaxed baby in the water is set to sleep. But before that, it must be thoroughly dried, in no case using rubbing movements. It would be more correct to lightly blot the body with a diaper, not forgetting about the folds.

After the baby has dried, you need to process the navel, if this is still necessary, and dress in clean clothes or swaddle - as you prefer.

The baby is now ready to feed. If he is an artificial from birth, then after feeding it will be necessary to hold him in a column so that excess air comes out. With breastfeeding, such a need, as a rule, does not arise - the baby simply falls asleep at the mother's breast. It must be delicately transferred to the crib, keeping sleep. necessary and useful information read about in a special section.

To be less nervous during the procedure, watch this video with the baby's first bath:

That's it, the first swim is over. With the application of the tips from the article, everyone who participated in the bath will have only pleasant memories. No need to be so afraid necessary procedure, but it is important to approach it with responsibility and then everything will work out.