Weight of newborns by months. What should be done if the child is slowly gaining weight? If the newborn is not gaining weight well

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Every mother is concerned about the weight gain of her baby. From the first words of the midwife in the maternity hospital about the weight of the child at the time of birth, continuous monitoring, monthly weighing and excitement begin. Weighing is necessary in order to take timely action if the baby is gaining weight poorly.

How much does a newborn weigh?

Babies born at term have a weight of 2500 - 4500 grams. But most babies after a few days at discharge from the hospital have the same weight or even less.

Causes of deviations from the norm

They are not able to play sports, they feel frustrated and difficult and do not feel much discomfort in themselves. Image and feeling dignity suffer and have poor emotional development. Certainly, we are talking not about the good part, about progress in the development of society, about situations where these things become a burden, they mentally stress us. In this context, it is very important to understand and look at the overall picture of the development and growth of the child. Jay Gordon mentions them very well in his article "Look at the Child, Not the Scale".

Indeed, after birth, milk does not arrive immediately, in most cases, only on the third day. All this time, the baby eats colostrum, which does not contribute to weight gain. But there is no need to be afraid and panic, the “weight loss” of a newborn in the first days is normal, as nature intended.

During the period of forced starvation, the body little man cleared of toxins and possible exposure to amniotic fluid. After lactation is established, in infants, weight gain will go uphill.

Does the child have signs of feeding? Is the urine color clear or very light yellow? Are her eyes bright and lively? Does the skin have a healthy color and texture? Does he vigorously move his arms and legs? Does it develop with age? Is he generally funny and playful? Yes, she sleeps a lot, but when she wakes up, does she have periods when she is very active?

For proper methods of determining if a baby is feeding enough, find details in the article on what it is and why it is not recommended. Then, when we talk about baby weight, it should be known that there are different schedules for exclusive breastfeeding and graphic infants for those on powdered milk.

What monthly increase is normal?

The norms of weight gain in infants hang in the office of each pediatrician, but even different doctors can see different tables of infant weight gain. This is due to various factors that the doctor relies on when calculating the ideal weight by month. Thus, doctors have only average data, and it will be up to the individual to decide what weight will be normal for a particular child, even at the age of 8 months. The weight of the baby at discharge, and the method of feeding (breastfeeding or formula), height, as well as heredity will be taken into account.

How they differ from "traditional", more extensive explanations in this article in Romanian. How such a schedule works and how to get each child's own growth curve, according to the Australian Breastfeeding Association. The following example will help you understand how to interpret a percentile chart.

If the child's weight or height does not match the chart, there is a strong possibility that something is wrong and a visit to the doctor is required. But in most cases, the child is perfectly healthy. Three out of 100 normal children weigh less than the 3rd percentile, most often because both parents are short and weak.

On average, and the first month of his life, while the feeding schedule and lactation are being established, the baby adds from 400 grams to a kilogram, no more. Then, up to 6 months, the child must gain at least 600 grams per month. After six months, the little one begins to actively move: sit and crawl, and weight gain may be less: 300-400 grams every month. In a year, the weight becomes 3 times more than at discharge.

Does it matter if my child doesn't "follow" the percentile line? Usually not. Given that the charts are based on weights, average heights, etc. Not all children will follow "as in the book." Sometimes they grow faster, sometimes slower. One study concluded that only 12% of children follow the percentage line in which they were born. In infants, percentiles change as much as they increase, both in weight and height. After birth, in most cases, adult children tend to grow more slowly, while young people grow faster.

But for particularly anxious mothers who cannot wait to visit the pediatrician and want to know the approximate norms, we will compile a table of the weight of the baby by months.

Age of the newborn Boy's weight (g) Girl's weight (g)
Immediately after birth 3200 3000
1 month 3750 3500
2 month 4500 4200
3 month 5250 4800
4 month 6000 5500
5 month 6600 6200
6 month 7300 6800
7 month 7900 7400
8 month 8500 7900
9 month 8860 8300
10 month 9200 8600
11 month 9500 8900
12 month 9700 9200


If the scales showed an insufficient increase or the baby does not gain weight at all, this indicates malnutrition. Perhaps the mother does not have enough milk and you need to supplement the baby with a mixture or introduce complementary foods, if age already allows.

This can be explained by the fact that fertility values ​​depend more on nutritional conditions in the womb than on genetics. After giving birth, babies slowly move towards genetically programmed sizes. Some may need 6 months and others 2 years. After two years, children tend to stay in the same line with some minor variations.

Our pediatricians often refer to old charts referring to formula feeding with milk powder, so when they say "your baby didn't weigh on the chart" it most likely refers to them. In addition, information about the composition of breast milk is essential to understanding how it helps the baby grow and develop. Make sure you get the correct information about it.

But first you need to make sure that the lack of weight is due precisely to the lack of nutrition. If a child moves a lot, rolls over, crawls - naturally, he will not be a kind of "puffy", physical activity burns extra calories. If in general he is cheerful and cheerful, often wets diapers and has regular stools, there is no need to get hung up on the numbers of the scales. Each child is individual.

Further weight gain

There are periods of stagnation in the weight of the child, there are periods of jumping, this is not a linear increase. Concern arises in the following cases presented by the Australian Breastfeeding Association, and then the cause needs to be investigated. When should we take care if the child has lost some weight? Every child is unique, and weight is just one factor that adds up to a complete picture of their health and development. A thorough assessment of the child's health status is recommended in the following cases.

If the baby continues to lose weight after the first 10 days of life and does not reach birth weight until 3 weeks of age. If the child puts less than 100 grams per week in the first three months. If the child's weight is below the third percentile. If the child's weight falls by two percentile lines in 56 days.

Too much weight gain: why?

Typically, children are artificial feeding gain more weight than their peers who feed breast milk. If the weight gain in breastfed babies is too large, the mother needs to reconsider her diet. Perhaps her milk is too fatty due to some foods taken in food.

If your child's weight falls by two percentile lines at 3 months. Examine your child when he is naked, there are tips that can help you. Has beautiful skin color and good muscle tone? Does he seem to be at the right weight for his age? Does the skin look good? Skin with many wrinkles that seems to hang with a little fat underneath is a sign that the baby is not getting enough weight or is even falling. Warning signs of weight loss first appear on the lower abdominal, seated, and upper thighs, so it's important to completely undress your baby when you're examining him, even the diaper.

In rare cases, excessive weight gain may be a symptom of some disease, and the doctor will refer the baby for tests.

Don't get hung up on tables and numbers. All children are different and grow according to their own, established by nature, schedule. In addition, babies can develop spasmodically: a large weight gain in the first months, and then a “calm” for some time. In any case, if something bothers him, he will let you know by crying. Out of courtesy, he will not be silent.

Ask your doctor to evaluate your baby's health to see if there are signs that the baby is getting enough breast milk and is also developing at a normal pace. However, there are situations in which weight gain may depend on various factors. All these factors negatively affect lactation. Keep an eye on whether improvements improve once you have determined possible cause. Listings from useful information about it can be found here.

Jack Newman, founder of the first breastfeeding clinic with extensive experience in the field, discusses this issue further in the articles below. At birth normal weight the child ranges from 2.5 kg to 4.5 kg, with an average in Romania of 3.2 kg. At birth, whether the baby is weak or fat, it all depends on the health of the mother during pregnancy and her nutrition for 9 months!

Useful video about baby weight gain

The first thing that happy parents tell relatives and friends about a newborn is the sex of the child, as well as its height and weight. Why are these numbers so important? Yes, because these are one of the first vital signs that can tell about the development and health of the crumbs.

What does the normal weight of a child mean?

On the other hand, birth weight is only important if it is at the extreme. In normal cases, a consistent, normal weight gain after birth is more important. In the first 10 days after birth, the baby will lose 10% of its weight, but will quickly regain it!

How to weigh a baby at home?

However, there is nothing to nail! Don't panic if your baby doesn't weigh as much as weekly! Babies can develop in different ways: they have periods when they grow faster, but also when growth slows down! Find out what you count among the millions of mothers concerned about the weight of their chicks! One of the most common questions your mothers ask you is if your baby is developing normally. Well, the pediatrician and elderly family members will help you get rid of these fears!

What weight is taken as a basis

At birth, each baby is weighed and measured for height. After three or four days, on the day of discharge, he is again put on the scales. What for? The fact is that it is the weight at discharge that is taken as the basis, and the weight gain is counted from it.

Factors affecting birth weight:

  1. General condition and health of the child.
  2. Heredity. Tall and large parents often give birth to strong men. Conversely, if the parents are short, thin, the children may appear "miniature."
  3. Floor. It has been observed that boys are heavier than girls at birth.
  4. Nutrition during pregnancy. If it was high-calorie, the fetus is also gaining weight.
  5. Physical and mental health mother. This includes possible stresses experienced by a woman during pregnancy.
  6. Bad habits. If a mother smokes, abuses alcohol, or takes drugs, the baby is more likely to be born with a low birth weight.

Girls are usually not born as big as boys.

Reasons for underweight

At each visit, the pediatrician writes down on a chart the child how much he wears and what his waist is. This will tell you if your child falls within the normal developmental values ​​of a child of his age. As long as the child grows proportionally in weight and height, everything is fine. Instead, if the weight is steadily advancing from a height, you need to take action. Again the pediatrician helps you. However, the main solution is to change your diet.

When a baby is crying or agitated, you are often tempted to comfort him by giving him your breast or bottle. If the baby is sloppy, it's okay not to deny you, although a good solution would be to pick him up, talk to him, tie him up or change clothes. You will create a habit that is not pleasant at all by offering food every time you cry!

At birth, a weight in the range of 2800 to 3700 g is considered normal, although these figures are conditional and depend on many circumstances. Approximately on the third day, almost all children lose from 5 to 8% of their initial body weight. This is the so-called physiological weight loss. Her reasons are as follows:

  • comes out meconium (original feces);
  • there is a loss of moisture reserves, so necessary to safely pass through the birth canal;
  • the diet is being adjusted: the first days colostrum is the main food of babies. It is produced in small quantities, although in terms of energy indicators it covers the required standards.

Weight gain rates: what to focus on?

Many parents ask the question: what is the rate of weight gain in newborns? The concept of "norm" in this matter is relative enough, but still it cannot be ignored. First of all, it is worth deciding whether the child is breastfed or month old baby they are already supplementing with mixtures, or maybe he is completely on artificial nutrition.

Mothers with weak babies are more worried than babies with dolphins because they are guided old idea that the fatter child - healthy child! Many weak children are active and perfectly healthy, and many sculpting babies are at risk of becoming obese or diabetic.

Many times the child is weaker because he is energetic and consumes a lot of calories because he inherits his parents. Instead, if you notice that the baby's weight has not increased within 2-3 months, you may think there is a problem and you should consult your pediatrician.

This is important, because artificial babies receive a stable composition and volume in the bottle every time they are fed. Many increase tables were calculated with this in mind, since the past generations, unfortunately, for the most part, grew up on infant formula.

The World Health Organization (WHO) conducted large-scale studies, on the basis of which special tables were compiled on weight gain in children by months of breastfeeding. Below is a table showing the indicators for weight gain in children under two years of age.

weight gain chart

The first 4 months - the most active weight gain

Healthy month old baby gains the most weight. Every week he gains from 90 to 150 grams or more. Therefore, by the end of the first month, babies weigh 400-1200 grams more than at discharge.

A newborn breastfed baby can have a large increase - 1500-1700 g. This is not always bad: infant fat, which makes the baby chubby, is an energy depot, which will be quickly used up in due time. While it is necessary for proper development nervous system, as it participates in the myelination of nerve endings.

However, too rapid weight gain can signal cardiovascular, endocrinological or renal diseases. Therefore, in such a situation, it is important not to lose vigilance and, if necessary, consult a doctor.

Be that as it may, by two weeks of life, the baby should restore the original weight recorded at birth. If weight loss of 5-8% is not recovered, action must be taken.

A breastfed baby is not adding well. What to do?

If in the first month the baby gained about 500 g, this is acceptable, but it is still worth contacting a consultant for breastfeeding. It is necessary to analyze the reason why the baby adds little.

Perhaps the problem is in the wrong attachment to the breast. In this case infant not getting enough milk. Therefore, make sure that the baby captures not only the nipple, but also the halo around it.

Experiment with the position, you may need to place a support under the arm so that it is comfortable to hold the child. Feeding should not be painful. Cracked nipples will also tell you that the process is not going quite right.

It is important for nursing mothers to learn how to properly attach the baby to the breast.

If the weight gain is less than 500 g, supplementary feeding is indispensable. Usually such children are lethargic, sleep too much due to lack of strength, often spit up. The pediatrician will tell you how best to supplement and how much.

And when the increase was less than 200 g, the baby is hospitalized. You need to react quickly, because in the absence of normal weight gain, the development of all organs and systems suffers.

How to understand without scales whether the baby is full of breast milk? Spend "wet diaper test". If you changed 10-12 diapers per day, everything is in order. If between 6 and 8, consult a breastfeeding specialist. When there are less than 6 wet diapers per day, the baby is definitely malnourished and it is required to introduce complementary foods.

As we get older, we become more active...

From 4 to 6 months, children explore the world with even greater interest, which is expressed in their motor activity. Some of them try to sit on their own and even crawl! Such energy costs are displayed on the scales. How much do children add at this time? Normally - approximately from 400 to 600 g per month.

Over time, weight is not gained as rapidly as in the first months of life.

From 6 to 9 months, it is normal if the baby recovers by 300-500 g. And how much are subsequent increases up to a year? About 100-300 g. Needless to say, now is the time to spend the accumulated energy, because the body has completely new tasks: the baby is learning to stand and walk.

Causes of deviations from the norm

If the baby is not gaining weight, this is a serious cause for concern. The following reasons may occur:

  1. Unbalanced diet. Sometimes this is due to hypogalactia (reduced milk production). In such cases, lactation is stimulated. If it is not possible to achieve a positive result, go to. It also influences the process of nutrition proper attachment to the breast and the child receiving full-fledged milk: both the anterior (thirst-quenching) and the posterior (more fatty and nutritious).
  2. Poor digestibility of food in the gastrointestinal tract. Lactase deficiency, dysbacteriosis, a disease such as celiac disease, lead to poor weight gain. In such cases, there are often problems with the stool (it is frothy, liquid, poorly digested). Treatment is prescribed by a specialist in this field.
  3. Metabolic disease. Hypothyroidism, lack of vitamin D, some amino acids (for example, L-carnitine) lead to poor appetite and, as a result, to weight loss. The change in body weight is here as a symptom. It is necessary to treat the disease itself, for the diagnosis of which they turn to the doctor.
  4. Diseases. Reduced immunity during the period of illness leads to poor appetite, because all the forces the body spends on fighting the infection. Such weight loss is temporary, and after illness, weight gain will continue as before. But if there are endocrine disorders or heart disease, the treatment will be more serious and lengthy.

Watching the numbers on the scales, do not forget that any tables and norms are relative. They cannot reflect the individual development of each baby. Therefore, parents need balance in this matter. If the child is cheerful, active, and the deviations are insignificant, perhaps this is “your norm”.

On the other hand, you should not disregard the warning signs, because you have seen that a decrease in body weight or a small set of it may indicate malfunctions in the child's body and require the intervention of doctors.