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Dark Vassals of Glenke Tawala .
- You know, Sir Nightmare, I've calculated that you already owe me a huge amount. - Melifaro said dreamily. - I feed your many wives every day in the most expensive Echo taverns, sometimes even twice a day - and mind you: all three! Although one would be enough for me, at least for a start. But she stubbornly clings to the shackles of her sisters, because it seems to these young ladies that there is nothing worse than being alone with me, even in a well-lit crowded room - they have good ideas about my upbringing, I can imagine ... In a word, shell out!

And the shit on the shovel?! - I responded dumbfounded.
Until now, it seemed to me that I was already used to all the antics of my “bright half”. But I did not expect such phantasmagoric insolence even from him!
- Fu, how ugly! Shame on you to offer me kaku on a scoop, your majesty! - Melifaro groaned in the tone of a young schoolgirl.
- No, you'll survive! - I snorted. - No, just think, not only are you trying to cuckold me - and mind you, completely to no avail! - you still demand that I finance this dubious event myself ... Say thank you that I did not die on the spot at all after your senseless statement!

Thank you. Melifaro chuckled. “Honestly, your corpse in my office is not exactly what I need right now. Too troublesome, and I'm going on a date.
- With whom? I asked sternly. - Just do not try to cheat on my wives. It's a question of our honor royal family!
- "With whom, with whom" ... - Melifaro grumbled. - Guess three times!
- By the way, I still don’t know: which of them are you actually looking after? - I asked with curiosity.
- What's the difference to you? You still can't tell them apart!
- Imagine, I can already distinguish... Wait, I'll try to guess. Lady Haylach has the same disgusting taste as you. A few days ago I saw her in such a bright crimson loohi, you would burst with envy! But otherwise, she is a serious young lady. So I don't think... Right?

So far right. But in general, a person who prefers clothes of the color of all shades of fresh cat shit should quietly stand in the corner and be silent in a rag, and not criticize other people's tastes ... Wait, wait, where did you see her? - This miracle of nature still had the impudence to portray on his beautiful face an expression of Moorish jealousy!
- How is this "where"?! Houses. In addition to beautiful queens, by the way, my beloved dog also lives there.
- Ah, well then, okay. Melifaro nodded generously.
- And why are you, in fact, alarmed if you are still trying to seduce another? - I was surprised.
“Because they go everywhere together. he sighed. - I told you... Besides, I haven't had time to get used to the idea that you can tell them apart.

Well, yes... Okay, don't interfere with my thought processes. As for Lady Kenlech, she strikes me as a rather mysterious creature. Such a quiet girl, but her eyes are heavy, like those of our boss ... No, I think this is not exactly what could suit you! It remains Helvi. The young lady loves to giggle, and in general it seems to me that it was at her that you periodically looked askance, languishing with passion. Correctly?
- You'll get around! - Melifaro made such a face that any first grade bully could die of envy. - Clairvoyant of you did not work!
- Truth? - I got upset.

True true. Although, you weren't so mistaken about Lady Kenlech's heavy gaze... - Melifaro resolutely jumped down from the table, on which he had been solemnly sitting all this time, dangling his legs. - In general, like this: I'm tired of you to death, and therefore I'm still leaving. I'll go and try again to seduce one of your wives: what if it works out? ... You know, I gradually begin to suspect that you have bewitched them vilely, in the most treacherous way. Normal girls should love me: this is the basic law of nature!
- You do not take into account that in the Hollow Lands there are completely different ideas about male beauty. - I smiled. - Where are we with you: these girls are drying from unhappy love for General Bubuta, all three of them!
- You're laughing... - Melifaro grumbled, meticulously straightening the folds of his brand new loohi in front of the mirror, piercing light green, like a garden bed in early spring. However, he was also funny, and how!
In the end, this hero-lover still left his own office. I followed like a bullet: a completely delightful idea suddenly formed in my head. For its implementation, I desperately needed Sir Kofa Yoh - urgently!

Our Master Listener was just slowly leaving Juffin's office - just in time!
Who are you confusing me with, boy? He inquired condescendingly. - You look at me like the girl of your dreams. I never thought that the girl of your dreams could have my figure!
I grunted softly in surprise; the sound was supposed to correspond to laughter.
- No, as for the girl - thank you! And as for the dream - here you hit the mark ... Kofa, I desperately need your Ucumbian cloak. Just for a couple of hours...

Yes please! Sir Kofa shrugged. - I didn’t think that you were going to beat off my bread, instead of peacefully nodding in the office! As far as I know, even Juffin doesn't have any other plans for your workday yet. How did you get to this life? You absolutely do not value your reputation as the most desperate lazy person of the Secret Investigation!
- So the “most desperate” ... But I don’t need your bread for nothing. To be honest, I'm going to have some fun. Perhaps like never before!
- Come on, come on! Then tell me. It's his own fault: there was nothing to intrigue me like that!

Yes well, what there intrigues! - I smiled. - Just Melifaro once again went on a date with my inseparable trinity. Listen, I just have to admire this spectacle! But if they know about my presence, I will get about a thousand times less pleasure. And in this cloak no one will notice me - long live the sinister magic of the islands of the Ucumbian Sea!
- Yes, I think it would be even fair. Sir Kofa nodded in understanding. - You puffed so loudly when you and I were chasing his kidnappers ... I have nothing against it: violating office instructions for personal purposes is the basics of our work!
- Thanks! - I blurted out delightedly, carefully picking up a shabby piece of gray fabric, which was supposed to immediately turn me into the most inconspicuous creature of our beautiful world.
- Not at all. Sir Kofa chuckled. - This is not my personal toy, but the state property of the Office of Complete Order ... If it is very funny, tell me!

I think it will. - I said confidently. And just in case, he looked into Dzhuffin's office: suddenly it turns out that my boss cannot live on without admiring my physiognomy, and I'm wandering around God knows where!
- I can. - Said Sir Juffin Halley, not looking up from the stack of self-writing tablets that cluttered our work table with him.
- What can you do? - I was in a hurry.
- I can do anything. Including to live on without admiring your physiognomy!
- A hole above you in the sky! I sighed. - Not only are you aware of all the blatant disgrace that is going on in my head, you also keep track of the wording. I’m terribly embarrassed: I must be thinking with grammatical errors?!

Not always, so don't worry. - My incredible boss yawned. - It's just that according to my calculations, today is just the time for you to be properly surprised, at least something. As far as I know you didn't do it. useful exercise for a couple of dozen days now - look, you will completely relax and imagine yourself as a normal person with a successful personal life ... You can go to have fun with a calm heart, Sir Max. Holy work! Anyway, I can’t get home before midnight: the year has just begun, and there’s nowhere to throw someone else’s writings!

Something interesting? - I asked with curiosity.
- If only... Reports of the gentlemen of the Most Honorable Chiefs of the Secret Investigation of our blessed provinces. Well, what could be interesting there, tell me for mercy! ... And do not trample on the threshold, save your own skin, while I am kind. And now I'll change my mind and put this trouble on your fragile shoulders.

Someone manages to live a quiet, calm life, while others do not even know what it is. Every now and then there are some cases, problems, adventures. But if you are Sir Max - the hero of Max Fry's books, then this is not surprising and may even seem funny. Book " Dark side"plunges readers into the attractive and beloved world of Echo with its special atmosphere. With enthusiasm, you watch unexpected and curious events, the adventures of heroes, you worry about them, although you know that everything will be fine as a result.

Everything has a dark side, but this case it's not a metaphor. This is a very definite place, the other side of reality, the path to which is not open to everyone. The one who finds himself there has the opportunity to learn the inside of things. And what happens here affects what happens in reality.

Sir Max's life does not stand still, he literally has no time for rest, constant fuss and adventure. Friends and colleagues are always around, and one of them is in danger and, for unknown reasons, tries to kill Max. Juffin Halley will help to understand this situation and conduct an investigation, you will need to go to another world. However, you have to take a break: Max is waiting for the coronation. Now he has become the king of the nomads and received a very stunning gift. But he, without wasting time, will return to his business, realizing that every minute is precious. And although something is constantly happening in his life, he will always find the opportunity to help others and take a moment to friends.

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