Contraindications and indications for visiting the salt room. The whole truth about salt caves. The action of the treatment room.

Nature is an inventive and original substance. At the same time, pathogenic microorganisms are created that cause various diseases in humans and means of prevention.

Every year, scientists detect new strains of viruses that cause respiratory diseases. To combat them, new vaccines and drugs are being created. Nature has created a cure for the cave.

Treatment of saline doses in the hall for breathing baths. “What do you say to the doctors who really caused concern?” Miller asked Patrick. "Physicians who are concerned should look at research," Patrick replied. Numerous studies abroad have examined the benefits of halotherapy, including one from Israel earlier this month that found salt rooms "may have some beneficial effects in children with mild asthma."

Also in ancient greece and Rome, it was noticed that being in a salt mine improves the health of patients with various pulmonary diseases. And they widely used the properties of rock salt in medicine.

Rock salt: the principle of halotherapy

Rock salt is not chemically pure sodium chloride. This natural product is saturated with various chemical compounds. Salt cocktail has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, expectorant and tonic effect on the human body. In medicine, this technique is called halotherapy or speleotherapy.

The American Lung Association reports that there are "no evidence-based results to guide recommendations" for saline therapy. But some with asthma, like Antonio Staropoli, who did it for about six months, say it helped them.

It helped in terms of physical activity. These rooms are meant to mimic those caves. It's not alternative medicine, Patrick said. This is complementary medicine. This should be used in conjunction with your doctor's care and any medications you are currently using.

Salt is able to form an aerosol of crystals that fall into a person with every breath. Breathing during the session should be in the usual rhythm, without slowing down or speeding up breathing. Children and adults are recommended to undergo 2-3 halotherapy courses per year. In the periods between courses it is recommended to visit the salt room once a week.

Some salt rooms also offer therapy for children and yoga classes. Salt therapy, also called halotherapy, is a holistic method that recreates the microclimate of a salt cave. Dry salt spray is dispersed into a room where the walls and floor are covered with layers of salt. A negative ionic and antibacterial environment is created by layering salt on the walls and floor. Dry salt spray is key to symptom relief for many health problems, including respiratory and skin conditions.

The procedures are carried out during the recovery period, after a full course of antibacterial treatment or complete remission of the underlying disease.

Salt cave indications:

  • bronchitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • allergy to plant pollen, smoke, house dust;
  • sinusitis, catarrhal and purulent sinusitis, frontal sinusitis;
  • various forms of chronic rhinitis.

In addition, the benefits of a salt cave have been proven for:

Salt room contraindications

A machine called a halogen generator grinds the salt to a size of 1-5 microns to produce an aerosol of dry salt. The generator is placed on the outer wall salt room. Sitting in a room for 45 minutes, a fine spray of saline is able to travel to the deepest part of the lungs in addition to other parts of the airways. As salt enters the lungs and airways, it dissolves bacteria and pollutants and works to expel mucus and open constricted airways.

  • recovery of the body;
  • rehabilitation measures after injuries and serious illnesses;
  • cleaning and treatment of the respiratory, circulatory and lymphatic systems;
  • improving metabolism;
  • treatment of dermatological diseases;
  • rejuvenation;
  • treatment depressive states, relaxation;
  • allergy prevention.

The duration of therapy is from 10 to 24 procedures. One session for a child lasts 30-50 minutes, for adult patients - 40-60 minutes. But almost immediately, patients feel an improvement in their general condition, a decrease in swelling in the nose, an improvement in the discharge of sputum from the bronchi, lungs and maxillary sinuses. Allergy sufferers experience long-term remission.

What are the conditions and diseases that can be treated with salt therapy?

Is salt therapy safe for children?

It's definitely safe for kids. There are no potential harmful effects. The treatment is completely natural and in fact children often respond faster to treatment than adults. Children can play with books, puzzles and toys while enjoying the benefits of salt therapy. Some conditions and milder symptoms will improve or dissipate in just a couple of sessions.

Those with chronic conditions are likely to be admitted twice a week for the first 6 to 8 weeks. Basically, you want to be comfortable. Loose clothes that you can relax in are best. If you have a skin condition, you may want to wear something that gives off more skin. Salt in the air will not harm or show up on your clothes. Socks must be worn in the room at all times. You can take them with you or buy them at the reception. For children, we ask that they come in clean clothes and socks, and long hair were drawn to the tail.

Speleotherapy is considered a type of physiotherapy. And it has both indications for the appointment and contraindications for some categories of patients. Therefore, halotherapy should not be considered a panacea for all ailments.

Salt cave contraindications:

  1. hemoptysis in tuberculosis;
  2. pulmonary tuberculosis at various stages, including history;
  3. viral diseases, influenza in the acute period;
  4. hypertension;
  5. acute and chronic diseases of the urinary system;
  6. neoplasms of various etiologies without prior consultation with an oncologist.

Separately, psychological contraindications should be noted. Speleotherapy sessions are held in mines at great depths. These are closed spaces. Therefore, if the patient suffers from claustrophobia or similar obsessive states, then this is also a contraindication for the salt cave.

When should Salt Therapy be avoided?

Halotherapy is not recommended for people with the following conditions.

How about worrying that salt is bad for you

Eating too much salt has been linked to high blood pressure. With salt therapy, you inhale a dry salt spray that only enters your respiratory system, not your digestive tract. Salt particles are so wonderful that even if you were to eat this amount, it would not pose a risk to your health.

Few people have experienced a small throat that can be treated with a gargle in hot water. In cases with a very sensitive person, they may experience mild skin irritation or red spots; However, they go away after a few sessions. If you are experiencing increased cough because of the mucosa, this means that the salt therapy treatment is working. This is the body's way of draining mucous.

Salt cave contraindications for children are only kidney diseases and fear of closed spaces. According to medical statistics, 95% of young visitors to the salt mine have a decrease in the number of colds and an increase in the overall resistance of the body.

Salt mine: Potential harm

But what about salt - an attentive patient will ask. It tends to accumulate in the joints, in the kidneys. And pregnant women are generally shown a low-salt diet. How about inhaling? A whole 30 minutes for children and 1 hour for adults! The concern is understandable!

Do you need to stop taking your medication while taking salt?

It is great to continue taking your medications as needed and as directed by your doctor. Since salt therapy is natural, it does not have any interactive effects with medications. Often, people who undergo salt therapy find that they are less dependent on certain medications and that their symptoms are less frequent and less severe.

How barren is the salt room - can anyone pick up the germs?

Salt naturally absorbs bacteria. In addition, our ventilation system works throughout the session to circulate indoor air by using up used air and clean fresh air. There is no air recirculation in the salt rooms.

During 1 session, only 150 mg of saline aerosol will enter the respiratory system, and then into the blood. This is not enough to harm the kidneys and other systems. And the salt cave during pregnancy will not harm either the woman or the future little one, since the load on the body is minimal.

But it is forbidden to prescribe this type of treatment on your own! Only a doctor can evaluate the benefits and harms of a salt mine for all categories of patients.

What will be my experience in the salt rooms?

Chairs, tables, toys, books and magazines are often wiped down. You will enter a room where the walls and floor are covered with layers of salt. In the adult room you will have comfortable chairs to relax. The light will be dim and you can listen to relaxing music, read a book or magazine, meditate or just relax. The temperature and humidity in the rooms are controlled to ensure optimum quality. You will find pure relaxation and serenity from your everyday stress, leaving you rejuvenated and fully energized.

Salt cave alternative

Natural salt mines are located only in areas where rock salt is mined. What should be done for those patients who, for various reasons, cannot undergo treatment in natural conditions?

There is an exit. In sanatoriums, clinics and hospitals, there are analogues of mines. These are salt rooms. In the past, halorooms used generators that sprayed a salt mixture. Currently, this technology is not used due to the risk of salt burns.

Can electronics be brought into salt rooms?

The children's suite is designed to be fun and enjoy toys, books and puzzles while they receive the salt therapy treatment. All sessions will be 45 minutes. After the session, you will notice a faint trace of salt on the lips. Salt rooms will have Internet access. We recommend that you place it in your pocket or under your clothing as we are not responsible for any damaged items.

Is there research to support Salt Therapy?

Salt therapy has been researched and studied both in Russia and Eastern Europe. Take a look at our page to view the clinical trials and studies done to support salt therapy.

Do you get the same effect from a trip to the beach

When you go to the beach and breathe in the salty ocean, it's great for the body, the salt therapy takes this feeling to perfection. new level. The effect of breathing in dry salt aerosol in our salt rooms is much greater than breathing moist air from the ocean.

The therapeutic effect is achieved with the help of large volumes of a useful mineral - up to 8 tons per 12 square meters. The walls of the premises are finished with pressed sheets of sea or rock salt, and the ventilation system ensures the correct microclimate in the room. So you can take a course of speleotherapy without leaving the village.

Dry salt is able to move through the upper and lower respiratory tract, where wet salt can only reach the upper respiratory tract. Dry salt is negatively charged, therefore, it is able to revive the cilia and speed up its movement. The lines of cilia line the airways and are covered with a layer of mucous. When foreign particles, such as dust, are inhaled, the work of the cilia must beat, causing the mucous to move towards your mouth so that it can be coughed up. Salt therapy speeds up this process, and in some cases where this process does not exist, it works to get started.

Do not prescribe halotherapy sessions on your own on the advice of a friend, neighbor, or an article on the Internet. Only a doctor can correctly assess the benefits and harms of a salt cave for a particular patient, taking into account the history and current diagnosis.

Visit our salt caves in St. Petersburg at the addresses indicated on the Salt Cave service page.

If you have any questions that you didn't answer above, please visit our "Contact Us" page for numbers on all of our properties and we'll be happy to answer them. Petersburg, Russia, to learn more about Halotherapy in their city of origin.

Alina Chervinskaya, was that salt rooms in North America have some outdated information about salt therapy. This is not entirely true, because the result was the overly cautious approach that physicians routinely use with new treatments to protect both patients and themselves.

The healing microclimate of the salt cave has predetermined humidity, temperature, pressure, ionic composition of the air (characteristically high content of negatively charged particles), the complete absence of allergens and bacterial flora.

The main component of the halochamber, which has a unique therapeutic effect, is a salt aerosol - microscopic salt particles sprayed in the air. The composition of the aerosol depends on what rocks were used in the construction of the salt cave (potassium chloride, sodium salts, etc. can be used).

Thus, after more than 20 years of experience, it became fairly clear that Salt Therapy was completely safe, even for patients who had other high-risk conditions. Therefore, we have stopped listing any warnings or contraindications as they are simply not warranted.

From time to time we get one of these people who put off Salt Therapy for a year or two as their condition got worse and worse. Against the advice of a physician, they experienced that they could breathe in microscopic salt particles for their condition and were amazed at the results. Should You Tell Your Doctor You Are Doing Salt Room Therapy? Petersburg, but also with her global work in education and awareness for this therapy, so having a couple of hours of my time for networking and questions was amazing to me, to say the least.

Aerosol particles penetrate the respiratory tract due to their small size (from 1 to 5 microns), reducing the activity of infectious and inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract. At the same time, there is an active stimulation of general and local immunity. It is due to these properties of the haloaerosol that possible creation in a halochamber in an almost sterile atmosphere.

Salt cave. Indications and contraindications

It is difficult to know the exact number, as many salt rooms exist in small private practices that are not advertised. Although our salt room has benefited many people in St. Petersburg. We have also started using new salt particle production equipment that uses the most advanced technology in the industry to create the best possible microclimate for therapeutic salts.

Salt therapy is the safest method to loosen mucus in the lungs so that it can be expelled. Pharmaceutical expectorants are ineffective and, at best, can only help eliminate mucus in the large bronchi.

In the course of treatment, the patient's body adapts to the characteristics of the healing microclimate, all systems and organs restructure their activities. According to some reports, one session of halotherapy is equivalent to four days at sea.

The speleochamber has been recognized by doctors and patients as a very effective non-drug method of treatment as part of the complex therapy of various diseases of the immune, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems. However, the widespread use of speleotherapy is hindered by the presence of strict contraindications to it.

A. Coughing up mucus can reduce the spread of infection by preventing diseased material from stagnation, and can also help prevent blockage of small airways. So what does modern commercial medicine do about mucus? Usually the symptoms are just masked and nothing really sustainable is even offered!

Centrifugation uses various specific gravity inherent in various blood products such as red blood cells, leukocytes, platelets and plasma. Membrane plasma separation uses differences in particle size to filter plasma from the cellular components of the blood. Traditionally, in the United States, most plasmapheresis is performed using automated centrifuge-based technology. In some cases, in particular in patients who are already undergoing hemodialysis, plasmapheresis can be performed using semi-permeable membranes to filter the plasma.

Salt cave: contraindications

Contraindications to visiting the salt room are acute diseases and chronic processes in the acute stage, infections (brucellosis, tuberculosis, etc.), severe stages and forms of diseases (for example, the last stage of heart failure), intolerance to haloaerosol. The same list includes:

  • mental illness;
  • oncopathology (especially malignant);
  • metabolic disorders;
  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • malnutrition, anorexia, cachexia;
  • the presence of abscesses (phlegmon, abscesses), bleeding ulcers or wounds;
  • any form of severe addiction (drug addiction, alcoholism);
  • sexually transmitted diseases.

With special care - pregnancy and lactation. In this situation, it is mandatory to consult the attending physician for indications and contraindications.

Salt cave indications

The possibility of using different doses of haloearosol, controllability of the microclimate made it possible to apply the technique in the treatment of almost all types of bronchial and pulmonary pathologies, as well as allergic and skin diseases.

Speleotherapy is also indicated for patients with diseases of the ENT organs, the cardiovascular system, with endocrine pathology, patients of different age categories (children, the elderly). In addition, being in a speleological chamber has a positive effect on the vegetative department. nervous system, contributes to the stabilization of physiological processes, has a good effect on the psychological state.

Halotherapy is effective during the rehabilitation of patients who have had acute, severe diseases of the respiratory tract.

The benefit of the procedure is obvious for patients with sluggish processes prone to chronicity, with bronchiectasis, after surgery, with recurrent bronchitis.

Staying in a salt room has a healing cosmetic effect on the skin, especially when it is prone to inflammation.

Salt cave for children: indications

With regards to pediatric practice: this procedure is most often used as part of the complex therapy of children with bronchial asthma, other obstructions, frequent bronchitis (especially with a protracted form of the course). The impact of the salt room can reduce the frequency of antibiotic use in a frequently ill child and thereby prevent the development of dysbacteriosis and allergies.

The immunomodulatory, anti-edema and bacteriostatic effect of salt spray is especially useful for adenoids, rhinosinusopathy, frequent sinusitis and frontal sinusitis, vasomotor and allergic rhinitis, chronic pharyngitis and other ENT diseases. More than 90% of children suffering from frequent sinusitis achieve almost complete sanitation of the paranasal sinuses.

Neurocirculatory, or vegetovascular dystonia, is one of the most common diagnoses that doctors make to a child in adolescence. The imbalance of the nervous system is also subject to treatment in a salt cave. The unique relaxing effect reduces the external manifestations of the disease, helps to reduce the frequency of exacerbations (attacks).

Speleotherapy is recommended for the rehabilitation of young patients with skin diseases: allergic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, some forms of ichthyosis, eczema. Pediatricians note the excellent tolerability of the method, the rarity side effects, a wide range of uses, as well as the pleasure that children get from speleotherapy.

Salt cave: benefits and harms

The benefits of halotherapy are undeniable. The aerosol not only stimulates the local immunity of the respiratory tract, but also has anti-inflammatory, mucolytic, and drainage effects. Its effects such as bacteriostatic action, improvement of the local flora of mucous membranes and increase of its resistance to external pathogenic influences have been proven.

In addition, when you are in a salt cave, contact with many allergens and toxic substances in the city air is interrupted. This helps to accelerate the recovery of the immunobiological qualities of the respiratory system. Negative ions in the room air not only activate metabolic processes in tissues, but also have an adaptogenic effect on stress-limiting systems.

Can the salt cave harm the patient in any way?

Cough after salt cave

There is such a thing as "halo-exacerbation", which implies an exacerbation of symptoms or the appearance of one after two or three sessions of speleotherapy. So, an increase in cough is often noted - this is quite a normal phenomenon, since saline aerosol has a mucolytic, thinning effect on sputum that has stagnated in the respiratory tract, and contributes to its outflow.

Usually, an increase in cough after a salt cave occurs on the second or third session, but there are also cases when an exacerbation begins after the first visit. Children are more often affected by this phenomenon, due to the peculiarities of the structure of the respiratory tract and high susceptibility to climate change.

The same applies to babies suffering from frequent bronchitis or bronchial asthma - exacerbation can be very strong, the number of attacks increases, wheezing in the lungs increases. By the middle of treatment, the intensity of the symptoms subsides, then there is a sharp relief in the general condition and improvement in relation to the underlying disease.

If the symptoms do not go away, but increase, you should consult your doctor. Do not forget that there is an individual intolerance to the components of the air of salt caves. Remember also that you can not start treatment in the acute phase, especially an infectious disease (including SARS).

Snot after salt cave

All of the above also applies to a runny nose, which appears after visiting the speleochamber even more often than a cough. Haloaerosol effectively liquefies and removes mucus (phlegm) accumulated in the paranasal sinuses. The phenomena of rhinitis sometimes begin right during the first procedure. For this reason, employees advise taking handkerchiefs into the haloroom. The nose should be cleared after leaving the speleochamber. In children, rhinitis is especially pronounced due to the narrowness of the nasal passages.

Temperature after the salt cave

The rise in temperature after visiting the halochamber is also due to the effect of the healing microclimate. Immunomodulating and immunostimulating properties of saline aerosol help fight latent infection, chronic, chronic foci of infection, the presence of which the patient himself does not always know. Usually deviations from the norm are small - up to 37.5 degrees.

Try to monitor your well-being and regularly measure the temperature after the procedure. Any changes should be reported to the attending physician.