What is supposed to be a child from food in the clinic. Who is entitled to dairy cuisine and how to get preferential meals


Find out if you are in the privileged category of citizens who can receive free child care. food. Such food provided:
- all children from birth to two years;
- children under three years old, if the child is from a large family;
- children under 15 years of age, if they suffer from any chronic disease;
- children under 18 if the child has a disability. Free in many regions food children under two years old are issued only to low-income families, so you need to have a certificate of family income.

Get a recipe for children's dairy cuisine. To do this, you need to visit a local pediatrician in the district children's clinic. He must issue a certificate allowing him to receive free child care. food in the dairy kitchen. This prescription note will list the amount allowed. free meals: the name of the product and its quantity, which will be handed out on each visit.

The prescription is usually issued on certain period(depending on the category of benefits and on the age of the child). Therefore, when the end of the validity period of the certificate approaches, it will need to be obtained again. To issue a prescription for all privileged categories of children (except for the age of up to two years), it is necessary to submit documents confirming the benefits: a certificate of disability or confirmation that the child is from a large family. Such documents are issued by the bodies of social protection of the population.

A certificate for a dairy kitchen must have the signature of the district pediatrician who issued it, the signature of the head of the children's clinic and the seal of the clinic. You can get the signature of the head yourself or leave a certificate for the nurse to give for signature. Then, in the registry of the children's clinic, the prescription is stamped.

Find out the location of the milk distribution point. Each address is assigned to a specific department of the children's dairy kitchen, you can check its location and opening hours at the reception of the children's clinic. Usually, the working hours of an institution issuing free children's food, is set from 6.30 to 10.00 local time.

The prescription received from the district pediatrician should be taken to the milk distribution point, where it will be registered, assigned a number and informed on what days it will be issued food. You will need to come on the appointed days, sign and receive products for the child.

Tip 2: What documents do you need to get baby food

Families who have low level income, are entitled to free meals for a baby up to 2 years of age. To do this, you must provide a number of social services required documents.

You will need

  • income certificates, a prescription from the district pediatrician on the appointment of food, other documents


To receive free dairy products for your baby, collect a package of necessary documents. Prepare in advance the passports of all family members, birth certificates of children and documents confirming your marital status. If you are married, please bring your marriage certificate with you. If you are divorced at the time you apply for free meals, provide social services with a divorce document.

Contact the accounting department at the place of work to obtain a certificate of income for the 3 months that precede the month of application. The same certificate must be provided by the spouse. If you have a divorce certificate, you must provide documents confirming the amount of maintenance payments.

If the head of the family does not work, he must join the labor exchange or provide documents confirming his disability. Make sure to be able to justify the temporary absence of work. Otherwise, representatives of the social service will refuse to issue a certificate that makes it possible to receive free meals.

Find out where you can get help with free meals. Most often, such documents are issued by the Committee for the Protection of Motherhood and Childhood. In some regions, they are issued through the One Stop Shop.

Dairy cuisine is free food for children, which is quite relevant in the current difficult economic situation. Who is entitled to a dairy kitchen, how to apply for such social assistance? These and other questions are of interest to many mothers, so it is worthwhile to deal with them in more detail.

Discounted meals: categories of the population

Free baby food is not available to everyone. The volumes of distribution of dairy products are fixed by local governments, which also indicate how to get special food and what documents are needed for this. This authority selects the distribution point where the dairy food will be dispensed.

For different regions of the country, the list of categories of the population that can receive free meals can vary significantly. Regardless of the territory of residence, the following have the right to free children's products:

  • newborns (up to 1 year old), consisting of artificial or mixed feeding;
  • babies from 1 year to 3 years;
  • disabled children under the age of 15;
  • children from large families until they reach the age of 7;
  • children under 15 suffering from chronic diseases, according to the established list;
  • lactating mothers with babies up to 6 months who are breastfeeding.

Babies from birth to a year should receive mixtures, and from eight months, babies should be given fermented milk products - yogurt and curds.

It is important to note that not only children, but also expectant mothers can receive free high-quality food even before childbirth.

The basis for visiting the children's kitchen is the conclusion of the local pediatrician working in the clinic.

Many parents think that dairy kitchen services are a must-have addition to their state program receiving medical care. But it's not. Moreover, the financial situation of family members does not matter. Formulas, curds, and other baby foods are only available by prescription for children with medical conditions, such as anemia, rickets, malnutrition, and other health problems.

How to get, what documents are needed and how to apply for special meals in your area, the legislative framework related to this issue will tell you.
Ideally, one or more branches are attached to each clinic, where dairy cuisine is distributed. Baby food is given out as it is funded from the regional budget.

Issuance rates

Local governments determine not only preferential categories for free baby food, but also the norms for dairy cuisine. In each region, the rules and frequency of issuance, the monthly volume and assortment may differ.

Since 01.01.2015, changes have been made to the norms for issuing reduced-price meals. So, the assortment has expanded significantly, but the volume of mixtures for babies, unfortunately, has decreased by 2.5 times.

For children, the norms depend on age, and for mothers, she wears a baby or breastfeeds.

  • The menu for babies up to a year includes liquid and powder milk formulas, purees and juices from vegetables and fruits, and various cereals.
  • For babies under 3 years old, dairy cuisine recommends kefir, whole milk, pureed fruits and cottage cheese.
  • Special nutrition for children under 7 and 15 years old, children with disabilities involves only milk in the indicated volumes.
  • Nursing mothers and pregnant women receive juices and milk enriched with vitamins.

Permit for dairy kitchen

How do I get permission for special meals? It all depends on who the products are intended for.

  • How to apply for permission to visit the dairy kitchen for pregnant women? To do this, you need to get a referral to the antenatal clinic from a gynecologist who observes the future mother.
  • Nursing mothers take permission from the doctor who is leading the baby.
  • For all children of all groups, admission to the dairy kitchen is approved by the pediatrician.

Required Documentation

In order to have a permit for reduced-price meals, you must provide the relevant documents. First you need to write a personal statement. How to arrange it correctly? The application is made by a nursing mother, a pregnant woman or a child's legal representative in the name of the head doctor of a clinic or hospital. In addition, the following documents must be submitted:

  • baby's birth certificate;
  • compulsory health insurance (policy for a child);
  • a copy of the passport of the mother or the one who legally represents the interests of the child;
  • certificate of registration of the newborn at the place of residence;
  • other documentation justifying the right to social assistance (certificate of disability, the presence of chronic diseases or confirmation of a large family).

How to draw up all the documents correctly, the doctor or nurse at your site will tell you.

Before you get self-nourishment in the dairy kitchen, you need to take a recipe. The pediatrician prescribes it, provided that you came to the appointment with the child, otherwise the doctor does not have the right to issue permission.

The attending physicians monthly update the lists of beneficiaries for free baby food.

If you are faced with falling into preferential category for a dairy kitchen service, but the doctor refuses due to lack of vaccinations or according to other arguments, you should immediately go to the head of the medical institution or call the hotline.

Grocery list

We have already found out how to apply and how to obtain permission to visit the dairy kitchen. Another important question of interest to parents is what products can be obtained?

Previously, baby food was made directly at the distribution points themselves, which were equipped with necessary equipment, had their own laboratories, where special staff and dieticians worked. Every week all dairy products were checked by SES.

On the this moment Concessionary food kitchens only know how to accept and receive products, while formula formulas have long been forgotten. The norms of baby food are also changing, because now whole milk is not recommended for babies under one year old, sour-milk sweet mixtures have been replaced with milk ones.

Many companies are fighting for the right to supply their products to dairy kitchens. As a rule, economy class lines have an advantage, for example, "Theme", "Kids", "Agusha", "FrutoNyanya", "Lovishka" and others. Before obtaining the right to supply baby food to a particular region, tenders are held in accordance with the law.

In recent years, although the norms for issuing baby food have decreased, the range has expanded significantly. So, pediatricians can write out a prescription not only for mixtures, milk and kefir, but also for juices, fruit, vegetable and meat purees, as well as instant cereals.

Every mom needs to think about how to get quality products. It is imperative to check the expiration dates of the food. As a rule, all products are stored for one to two days. This is due to the fact that there are no preservatives in such mixtures, juices and purees, which is especially important for newborns.

At distribution points, food is distributed in different ways. So, kefir, curd mass, whole milk, children receive once every two days in the amount necessary for this period. Milk is distributed once every five days in the volume required for this time. Dairy kitchens must be open on Sundays and public holidays. They open early in the morning.

When and how do I get a prescription for free products? After a complete examination and the conclusion of a doctor, the child or pregnant woman receives individual code entered in the medical record. This allows you to receive a prescription once a month, mostly after the 20th.

The question of the availability of dairy cuisine services in Russia has always been, is and will always be relevant. Especially in this time of economic crisis. Children are the future of every country, so from infancy it is worth taking care of their health and proper nutrition. This is all the more important for low-income segments of the population who cannot afford to purchase high-quality dairy products.

Unfortunately, dairy kitchens do not operate in all regions of the country, but there are few deprived areas.

Every parent should know how to qualify for free meals. Therefore study legislative framework, ask your doctor or pediatrician which category of the population falls under the dairy kitchen service, what documents need to be submitted and executed in order to provide the baby, pregnant or lactating woman with the necessary nutrition.

During pregnancy and after childbirth, doctors talk in detail about the rules for feeding and caring for the baby, but rarely mention the possibility of getting products for the baby for free. Therefore, for most of us, such a concept as unknown or left in the forgotten past. Baby food distribution points still work today, but not everyone is entitled to it. For its registration, parents should collect a number of papers confirming the need for this social measure. help. In 2016, such an opportunity is also available, while the issuance rate directly depends on the category of the recipient.

Who is supposed to

Since dairy cuisine today is not a ubiquitous phenomenon, but a measure of social. support, it is logical to assume that only those who really need it can get free products. The basis for issuing this measure is the conclusion of the doctor who is observing your baby.

Referrals can be made to:

  • infants under one year of age;
  • children from 1 to 3 years old;
  • a child from a large family up to the age of seven;
  • until adulthood.

Attention! Pregnant women, as well as lactating women before the newborn reaches six months of age, can also receive a referral to food in the dairy kitchen.

Issuance rates

The norms for issuing products in dairy kitchens are established by local governments for each age category. The set of products for expectant mothers and women whose children are breastfed is also different.

The standard set of free products includes various liquid and dry mixes, dairy products, juices, baby puree and porridge. Based on which group the beneficiaries belong to, they are given:

  • mixtures - for newborns up to a year;
  • dairy products and baby purees - for babies from 1 to 3 years old;
  • milk - for a child from seven to 15 years;
  • milk and fortified juices - for expectant mothers and women who are breastfeeding.

Arrangement of free meals

The procedure for issuing papers directly depends on the category to which the recipient belongs. However, they have in common - the presence of medical indications and a corresponding certificate from a doctor. Often, children from large families are given directions to the dairy kitchen. At the same time, they must submit a certificate of family composition or income.

Attention! If the basis for receiving food is a serious chronic illness of the child, confirmation should be obtained in the form of an extract from the medical history.

An application for free meals must be addressed to the head physician of that honey. institution in which the recipient of this social measure is observed. help. In this case, a prescription for products is issued for a period of:

  • 1 month - for newborns up to a year and nursing mothers;
  • 3 months - if the age of the child is from one to three;
  • 6 months - for other groups.

After the referral expires, it must be renewed. To do this, you will need to re-apply and submit documents.

The schedule for the distribution of food in dairy kitchens is established by local governments. In a number of regions, some groups of recipients have the opportunity to write an application and receive an annual volume of shelf-stable food.

Despite the fact that not everyone is given referrals to the dairy kitchen, it is worth asking your doctor about the possibility of obtaining one. Even if you do not need it now, it may come in handy in the future.

Free baby food: video