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Tinkoff credit cards are currently one of the most popular banking products in Russia. And this is no accident - the minimum requirements for the borrower, the speed of application, reasonable rates and convenient additional services simply cannot be ignored by potential customers. But let's not rush and consider all the points that you need to know about, in order.

Conditions for obtaining a Tinkoff credit card

Regardless of which of the TKS Bank loan products you choose (Tinkoff Platinum, All Airlines and others), the conditions for obtaining them will be approximately the same:

  • The age of the client from eighteen to seventy years is one of the widest ranges among all Russian banks, most of which have a maximum borrower age of 65 years, and loans are willingly issued only from 21-23 years old.
  • No need to verify income level – no need to provide any certificates from the place of work and any alternative evidence of your well-being (I will add from myself: if you have these certificates, they can help increase your credit limit, so do not ignore them).
  • Client must be a citizen Russian Federation, but the region in which he applied for a credit card does not have to match his place of residence. That is, if you live in St. Petersburg, then you can easily contact the Moscow branch of Tinkoff Bank and get a loan product there.
  • The only document that will need to be presented is a general passport. No copies of your driver's license, tax identification number or other papers will be required from you.

How to get a Tinkoff bank credit card?

I must say right away that when applying for a credit card using this link, you will have additional benefits.

To apply for a Tinkoff credit card, just go to the official website of Tinkoff Credit Systems and fill out a special form. After entering the information in the mandatory fields, the application will be queued for processing. As a rule, they are considered on the same day, so clients will be able to find out as soon as possible whether their candidacy as a borrower is approved or not. It is also very simple to ask about the status of the application: the site has a special section where, by entering the number mobile phone you can find out at what stage of consideration in this moment your request is located.

In rare cases, customers may be denied a credit card. This is mainly due to incomplete or inaccurate data indicated in the questionnaire. But on the other hand, Tinkoff Bank sometimes reviews previously unselected applications and makes a positive decision on issuing a card, about which customers will be immediately informed.

After making a credit card and assigning a credit limit to it, it is sent to the client by Russian Post or through authorized regional representatives. When the card falls directly into the hands of the borrower, he must activate it. Activation occurs by calling the phone number listed on the site. The application will be processed by one of the operators, after which the client will be connected to a special automated system that will dictate an access code (PIN code) to him. And only after that, the newly-made cardholder will be able to use borrowed funds, make purchases and make payments.

Tinkoff credit card interest

Of course, before entering into a loan agreement, each potential borrower would not be out of place to familiarize himself with the tariffs of the selected loan product ( interest rate, commissions, fines, etc.):

  • real interest. Regardless of which tariff you have chosen, the rate for non-cash transactions will be 24.9%, and for the use of cash - 32.9%. If you pay extra on time, the daily payment amount is 0.12% (43.8% per annum).
  • Cash withdrawal. For cashing funds from a credit card, the bank charges 290-390 rubles, depending on which tariff was chosen. Also, in any case, you will need to pay 2.9% of the amount.
  • Penalties. For delaying the minimum payment, a fine of 0.2% daily + a fine of 590 rubles is charged. If in the future cases of non-payment will be repeated, the rates will increase to 1% of the amount owed + 590 rubles.
  • Use of ATMs. Please note that in all ATMs referred to in the agreement as “third-party credit systems”, you will have to pay an additional commission according to their price list.
  • Card service. For using a credit card, 590 rubles will be charged annually. Please note that if you fully repay the debt, they will still withdraw money for the service and interest will also be charged.

Tinkoff credit card limits

The credit limit initially allocated by the bank depends on the information you provide about your solvency (although, as I said, the minimum amounts can be obtained without any information) and most often does not exceed the level of your wages. However, subsequently any client can apply for an increase in the credit limit, which will also be considered. big argument for a bank that will positively influence the decision to increase the credit limit, it is timely, and even premature, repayment of debts.

The maximum limit that customers can count on in the future is very high for Tincoff Credit Systems. For credit products Tinkoff Platinum, Tinkoff Odnoklassniki and World of Books, it is 300 thousand rubles, and for an All Airlines credit card designed specifically for actively traveling people, 700 thousand rubles.

Credit card features - Tinkoff Platinum

In addition to the features already announced for all Tinkoff credit cards (cashless payments - 55 days without interest, a credit limit of 300 thousand rubles, etc.), the Tinkoff Platinum credit card also has its own unique advantages:

  • Debt repayment without commissions at any of the partner points, the list of which can be found on the official website of TCS. Tinkov's most famous partners are the Qiwi electronic payment system and the Russian Post.
  • The value of the minimum payment on the Platinum card is 6%, but not less than 600 rubles. It cannot be said that this indicator is low (there are banking organizations in Russia that offer even less - 5.5 or even 5%), but it cannot be called high either.
  • Lending according to individual tariff plans is one of the “chips” of the Tinkoff Credit Systems bank. Conditions are determined for each client individually and are specified in the loan agreement.
  • A number of additional connected services: SMS-informing (39 rubles per month) and insurance of the client against job loss (0.89% of the amount for which the limit is opened, monthly). The functions are convenient and can help you out a lot at some point, but to save money it is better to turn them off.
  • The Bravo bonus program, thanks to which you can get back 1% of the funds spent using Tinkov's credit card, and if you made purchases in partner companies, up to 20%.
  • Free internet banking and mobile banking. Now you can safely make purchases and make recurring payments using your computer or mobile phone, manage services, accounts and much more.

How to close a Tinkov credit card

If you suddenly decide to interrupt cooperation with the TKS bank (it doesn’t matter what caused this), then please note that this procedure will take a month and a half. Although the contract contains lines stating that the bank has the right to block the card if no transactions have been made on it for 6 months and there is no debt, you should not hope for this. It is better to state your desire to terminate the agreement in person or through one of three communication channels:

  • Call the contact center 8 800 555-77-78.
  • Through the Internet banking service.
  • Through the mobile banking service.

At the same time, the card must be returned to its owners - the bank, only after that the application will be considered, the credit card will be blocked and a final report will be generated, which will contain information on accrued and paid interest, commissions, fines and confirmation of your absence of debt.

If the client did not have to use borrowed funds, the bank can do without generating a report, but will immediately notify him of closing the card in writing, by phone or in other ways.

Here, in fact, is all the information regarding Tinkoff credit cards. I suggest that forum participants (especially clients and former clients TKS Bank) to participate in the discussion of all of the above and share your opinions about this loan product. Write reviews!


These cards are very popular now, I constantly see them among the people. People choose a credit card from Tinkoff Bank, there good conditions compared to others. I also decided to issue until everyone is happy.

Qwer, because they are issued to almost everyone (no official employment, certificates, guarantors), they take everything there after they are denied in other banks. Any person who urgently needs money will agree even to such a profitable offer. In addition, a huge plus is that the decision on lending is made very quickly and you can start managing borrowed funds on the same day. I completed in just 5 minutes.

Hmm, I already read the conditions, as it is all confusing. It's scary that they give it to everyone. I don’t want to describe my credit card, but everything is much simpler there. And here - by bank transfer - one rate, in cash - another, "If you pay extra in a timely manner, the daily amount of payment is 0.12% (43.8% per annum)" - I don’t understand this option at all. With Tinkoff ATMs, too, as I understand it, not a lot, so here they also shave the client additionally. Close for a month and a half. In general, to be honest, I can’t understand what is the phenomenality and popularity of this credit card?

This is a good credit card, but with a fair grace period, you have 25 days after the date of issue to pay the outstanding balance at the time of issue (i.e. 25 to 55 days from the date of purchase).

Excellent online banking, excellent support service. But if you delay, woe to you. If you pay only the minimum payments, the debt will decrease slowly. And if you withdraw cash, then even more so.

Yes, from purchases you will have cashback in the form of "bravo" points, the so-called. "Braviks", which can be spent on cafes / restaurants or railway. tickets. 1% - sparsely, but something. It is quite possible to beat off the annual card maintenance (590r / year) and even SMS (usually 59r / month, and not 39 as indicated in the first post, 39 is for debit cards).

I chose it because it was issued by the exchange where I work. Whoever gets the card gets 500 rubles. I received both the card and the money, the card was lying around at home and lying around until I decided to activate it ... And it started! I owe for the card itself, I owe for the service. The fact that I did not use it is not important, for the very presence of it I must. The last time they called with their demands - I just laughed and said that they would not receive anything. Not a penny. And have stayed behind.

This is how Tinkoff Bank works for this. So that people take had some kind of financial basis. Always just in case, a credit card. The conditions are that you really need to give a lot. And besides, they will find conditions for the person to agree and activate. My friend somehow closed it, I don’t remember which credit card. But I didn’t understand the conditions, activated it, bought it, and then paid so much. Conclusion - do not start if it is not necessary.

Credit cards are nonsense for shopaholics with an unstable psyche, who need to endure the entire store, and then let the husband pay at a frantic percentage. You need to take a loan - go and take a normal one, and use a debit card!

My husband uses the Tinkoff card, it's a great card. We issued a debit ruble and dollar. Abroad, the most best card, you can withdraw money from ATMs, pay in stores, if there have been changes in the data, you can change them by calling the hotline. In general, some pluses.

Tinkov has a very convenient credit card, if used correctly. For example, few people know about a very useful feature of this card as a balance transfer. Once a year, you can use this service to repay loans in other banks. The bank will transfer money to your account or card in another bank absolutely free of charge. There are some restrictions on amounts: transfer to a card no more than 70,000 rubles, to an account no more than 120,000. Moreover, a 90-day interest-free period applies to these amounts, provided that you make the minimum monthly payment on time.


Skylark, and how often do you transfer the balance like this? I think that not very "average" TCS user either.

Why not have multiple credit cards? You can also repay the debt of one card with credit funds from another card - very convenient. I chose two cards for myself: Tinkoff and Renaissance credit.

Despite their differences, all credit cards from Tinkoff have similar conditions for registration and use. In this bank it is equally easy to get any kind of credit card. Such cards are distinguished from the offers of other banks by the possibility of remote registration and a simplified procedure for obtaining them.

What opportunities do TCS Bank credit cards have?

In the line of card products of TCS Bank there are four types of cards with a credit limit:

Tinkoff Platinum with a limit of up to 300 thousand rubles, a rate of 24.9-32.9% per annum, a maintenance fee of 590 per year and bonus program by accumulating Bravo points, which can be spent on discounts of 1-20% on purchases.

Tinkoff All Airlines allows you to use a limit of up to 700 thousand rubles at 23.9-29.9% per annum and an annual fee of 1890 rubles, the award miles accumulation program allows you to use these bonuses to pay for the services of any airline.

Tinkoff Odnoklassniki and Tinkoff World of Books give a chance to approve a limit of 300 thousand rubles, the rates for these cards are determined individually, and the service fee reaches 890 rubles a year, the difference is only in bonus programs that correspond to discounts in the social network and trading company of the same name .

Whatever the Tinkoff credit card is, the conditions for its use are in many ways similar. So, the Tinkoff Platinum card and the Tinkoff All Airlines credit card have similar parameters. The duration of the interest-free period for all cards of this issuer is 55 days. The required mandatory minimum, which must be paid monthly to pay off the existing debt, reaches 6% of the debt amount. An additional plus for Tinkoff credit card holders is the absence of commissions for receiving funds when repaying a debt.

Who can get a loan from TCS Bank?

Regardless of which type of credit card you choose from Tinkoff, the conditions for obtaining it are similar. The main requirements for the owner of a credit card from this issuer contain the following criteria:

The age limit in the range of 18-70 years is one of the widest ranges among domestic banks;

No need to confirm the level of income - unlike some banks, Tinkoff does not require certificates and alternative ways to prove the amount of salary;

The presence of registration in any region of the country, which may not coincide with the region where the card was applied for.

There are minimum requirements, as well as formalities when issuing the necessary card with a credit limit, because the card can be picked up upon presentation of just one document - a general passport.

You can familiarize yourself with the terms of deposits from Tinkoff Bank -.

How to get a credit card from TCS Bank?

The procedure for issuing Tinkoff credit cards and the conditions for their provision also do not depend on the type of card. It includes steps such as:

Submission of an online application via the Internet;

Receiving a response from the bank;

Delivery of a ready-made credit card.

You can fill out an application for a credit card from Tinkoff right now, it will only take a few minutes. You will need to enter a number of personal data, information about the place of work and financial situation, as well as indicate contact information. A representative of the issuing bank will contact you by phone immediately and inform you decision. Then it will be enough for you to discuss the terms of delivery. A credit card is delivered free of charge to your home by courier or by mail. In order to pick it up, you only need a passport.

If you plan to create an impressive supply of borrowed funds, which will always be at hand, and get a convenient cashless payment tool, then issue

Hi all! Sometimes it seems that banks in the "battle" for customers distribute credit cards to everyone. However, those who at least once urgently needed money know that in practice it is not so easy to get a plastic card.

Before opening a credit limit, a financial institution carefully considers a potential borrower for compliance with its requirements. The Tinkoff credit card is no exception.

Therefore, today I propose to consider the terms of issuance, and how to issue this popular banking product.

Tariff conditions for the Tinkoff Platinum card

It doesn’t matter if you are going to actively use a credit card or just want to have it “for a rainy day”, you need to clearly understand the conditions under which it is offered.

The basic Tinkoff card tariff is called Platinum. This is a classic personalized plastic with a grace period and a bonus program with the following conditions:

  • limit up to 300,000 rubles;
  • loan rate from 19.9 to 49.9% per annum, depending on the nature of the transaction (cash or non-cash);
  • interest-free period - up to 55 days;
  • annual maintenance fee - 590 rubles;
  • commission for cash withdrawal - 2.9% of the transaction amount plus 290 rubles;
  • the minimum monthly payment is up to 8% of the debt, but not less than 600 rubles;
  • there are fines, penalties and forfeits for delay, unlimited debt.

The Bravo loyalty program works on the card: points are accumulated for purchases, with which you can then pay for railway tickets and bills at any catering establishment.

It should be understood that such parameters as the limit, the annual rate and the amount of the minimum payment are set individually for each client. You will see specific figures only when you pick up the contract.

Conditions for obtaining a credit card at Tinkoff Bank

So you've decided the card is right for you. Tinkoff Platinum. Now it remains to find out if you fit this card. The first "sieve" through which the bank will sift you is the formal requirements for the borrower. It:

  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • the minimum age is 18 years, the maximum is 70;
  • the presence of registration in the territory of Russia, permanent or temporary;
  • having a regular income;
  • work experience of 6 months.

The main advantage of Tinkoff Bank - when considering applications it takes into account not only your "white" salary, but also any other earnings.

Even if you work unofficially, are on maternity leave, receive a pension, at the initial stage, from the point of view of this financial institution, you are considered a solvent person.

How solvent and trustworthy a client you can become, the underwriters decide at the next stage. You are “punched” through various bases, the main of which is the credit bureau:

  • do you have existing loans, how much and where;
  • whether there is a current delay;
  • whether there were previously missed payments and unpaid debts;
  • if there were, then how many times and how many days there were delays.

Thus, the bank evaluates your debt load and payment discipline. These factors play a decisive role in making a decision. However, even a perfect credit history does not guarantee approval.

If you are over-indebted and the bank believes that a new loan will make your burden unbearable, it may refuse or set a minimum limit.

There are other factors that come into play here:

  • where and by whom you work;
  • how much do you earn;
  • Do you have additional income?
  • What property do you own?
  • with whom you live, etc.

Having recognized you as a reliable and solvent borrower, the bank finally determines what limit it is ready to provide you with and at what interest rate.

How to apply for a Tinkoff credit card

Now let's go directly to the process: how to get a Tinkoff credit card? To apply, you will need a passport and 5 minutes of free time. You can submit a request in two ways:

  1. By phone. Call the contact center of Tinkoff Bank and inform the operator that you would like to receive a credit card. The employee will fill out the questionnaire with your words.
  2. On the site Tinkoff.ru. Here you enter the necessary data yourself and send the application for consideration.

What information is required:

  1. Full name (as in the passport).
  2. Mobile phone number (required).
  3. Email address (optional).
  4. Desired card limit.
  5. Passport data.
  6. Address of permanent or temporary registration, starting with the postcode and region.
  7. Address of residence, if different from registration. Otherwise, check the corresponding box.
  8. The second phone number (the number of a relative, friend, acquaintance or your home).
  9. The name of the organization where you work.
  • Work phone.
  • Position and experience (select from the drop-down list).
  • Work address.
  • Personal income.
  • Rental expenses, if any.
  • Availability of loans, how much % of income are all monthly installments.
  • Evaluation of payment discipline (select from the list).
  • Education and marital status.
  • SNILS (optional).
  • Is there a valid international passport(check the box).
  • Does the property own a car, imported or domestic (check the box and select the answer option).
  • Code word (come up with, remember and enter in the field).

After filling in all the points of the questionnaire, a four-digit code will be sent to your mobile phone. Enter it in the window that appears or confirm the application through accounts in social networks. After that, the questionnaire goes into processing.

The more information you provide about yourself, the more chances for a quick positive decision. If you've received "pre-approval" it doesn't mean anything.

Within 1 - 2 days you will receive a call from the bank and possibly more than once. To begin with, the operator will clarify incomplete or missing data.

For example, if you are an entrepreneur, he will ask what type of business you are in, etc.

You may then receive a call from an underwriting officer, the person who will make the decision. However, this is just an approximate scheme of the bank's work: the number of calls, as well as the list of questions, may differ.

The term declared by the bank for consideration of an application for a credit card is 1-2 days, but do not be surprised if it lasts longer: sometimes the bank needs more time for processing. All this time, you can track the status of the application on the site or calmly wait for the cherished SMS with a response.

Has it been approved? Congratulations!

It remains only to meet with the courier and pick up your card along with the contract.

I remind you, do not forget to carefully read all the papers, because with your signature you confirm that you have read everything and agree to the terms of the loan.

P.S. For refinancing loans other banks, pay attention to the offer Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development (UBRD) for the amount up to 1,000,000 rubles. at 13% per annum.

The bank also provides the possibility of issuing online applications for consumer credit with a rate of 11% for amounts up to 200,000 rubles. only by passport (with a certificate of income up to 1,500,000 rubles).

Tinkoff Bank offers a wide range of credit cards, you can order and receive almost any of them without leaving your home. In order to carry out cherished dream many credit card holders and use the funds of a credit institution for free, we will tell you how to use a Tinkoff credit card correctly so as not to get into debt, not spoil your credit history and not ruin your relationship with the Bank.

How to get a credit card

How to order a Tinkoff credit card
  • Information about yourself;
  • residential address;
  • Information about income;
  • Information about the place of work.

The borrower is required to:

  • He must be over 18 years of age;
  • Have a permanent job for 4 months at the time of application;
  • Have legal income, which could be confirmed, if necessary, with a certificate in the form 2-NDFL;
  • Live in the region of the Bank's representative office.

At a convenient time for the owner of the plastic, a bank representative will visit the borrower at the specified address and provide a card and a complete set of documents under the contract for review and signing. Plastic is delivered non-activated, in order to avoid a certain number of problems, and this can be done directly with a representative of a credit institution, while immediately gaining access to your personal account. The employee will answer all questions related to how to use the Tinkoff credit card, and the password will later be communicated to the owner by phone. By the way, the employee does not need to report access codes to the mobile bank.

Before meeting with an employee, do not forget to prepare a passport or any other documents that the call center specialist will ask for when calling. This is a standard procedure, the borrower is photographed for the database, and there is nothing reprehensible in it.

How plastic is activated

A plastic product that is issued for a period of 5 years can be activated on the site, for this you need to enter its 16-digit number and have a mobile phone at hand, which will subsequently be used to complete all transactions.

AT personal account you can also link the so-called "donor plastic", from which money will be transferred to replenish the debt. On the part of Tinkoff Bank, this procedure is free and does not lead to commission charges.

In your personal account, you can later change the password to a more convenient one, view statements, activate increased cashbacks, increase, or rather, make a request to increase the loan limit.

Usually, the bank gives the loan amount based on the average income for the last three months, but with the proper performance of its obligations, it can be increased by debtors unilaterally.

How to use the grace period correctly

How the credit account is replenished

In order to properly use the Tinkoff service, you should know that you can replenish your account by any means, the most convenient of which is a transfer from any other card, for example, a salary card, through your personal account. There are several equally popular ways to "revitalize" your credit card.

  • Depositing through an ATM with a pin code;
  • Through instant payment terminals;
  • Cellular stores;
  • Interbank transfer;
  • By mail transfer by filling out a receipt (this is the longest transfer available where there are no other means of communication, but you should remember the grace period and calculate the payment time in advance);
  • Through bank transfers;
  • Electronic wallets, Webmoney system.

How can I withdraw cash

most convenient and safe way cash withdrawal - through an ATM. It is necessary to insert plastic and enter a four-digit number, choosing the amount you need to withdraw.

In fact, withdrawing cash is not the most profitable way to use a credit card, because for each such operation there is about 3% of the withdrawal amount plus a minimum of 290 rubles. However, there is such a way.

What can be paid by credit card

This service was not invented for cashing out money, but all other operations on it are available, and here are some of them:

  • Buying goods in stores;
  • Payment for things on the Internet;
  • Transfers to other accounts;
  • Repayment of loans from other banks;
  • Transfer funds to virtual accounts, for example, bookmakers or casinos;
  • Payment of utility bills, housing and communal services, mobile communications;
  • Purchase of theater, cinema and airplane tickets.

Under the contracts, there are quite harsh conditions in case of delay, so you should carefully read the extracts. SMS services also receive a notification about last day proper loan repayment. The interest for late repaid payments is 25% per annum, and if you do not meet the grace period, there is a delay of up to 1% for each day of payment. It should be remembered that the minimum payment should be at least 6% of the debt amount, and since there is a differential loan repayment system, it makes sense to pay off as much as possible. In this case, less interest will be charged on the balance of the debt.

Additional features from Tinkoff

For plastics, the cashback function is intended, which means that a certain amount of money is returned to the client's account after the billing period after making purchases in certain stores. Businesses with increased cashback usually include purchases in cafes, restaurants, payments online and at gas stations.

All information about the movements on the card is available using an SMS service, it is automatically connected when visiting the Internet cabinet and such a service costs 59 rubles. This is very convenient, because as soon as you see that a transaction has passed on a credit card that you did not make, it is enough to call from an already linked phone to the hotline number and.

Plastic is equipped with a microchip for greater convenience of its owner, a contactless payment system is also implemented.

Some account transactions may be delayed. This is due to the fact that some payment terminals do not send an authorization message to the processing center in real time via the Internet, but postpone it. This is how cheaper terminals are equipped and operate according to these principles. Therefore, you should not be surprised when one day the amount of the operation that you did not carry out on that day is debited from the card. Such a delay usually does not exceed 1-2 business days of the bank.

Each of the plastics of the line offers its own advantages, for example, there are cards with increased cashback for selected categories, and somewhere you can pay for air tickets, accumulate miles and take a free flight.

Tinkoff Bank Joint Stock Company is a financial company that specializes in remote services. The first and only banking institution that operates without its own bank terminals and offices. Key directions of the organization when working with individuals- Tinkoff Platinum debit and credit cards.

Tinkoff Platinum credit card

Tinkoff Platinum is a classic financial product with a grace period. It is convenient to use every day.

Credit card "Tinkoff Platinum" - conditions:

  • Interest-free period - 55 days.
  • The maximum limit in rubles is 300 thousand.
  • Monthly payment - 8% of the amount spent, but not less than 600 rubles.
  • Annual maintenance of the main / additional credit card - 590 rubles each.
  • Participation in the insurance program - 0.89% of the amount owed.
  • SMS notification - 59 rubles every month.

Step-by-step instructions for obtaining a credit card

Don't know how to apply for Tinkoff Platinum? To get it, you need to follow a few simple steps:

  • On the official portal of the bank, fill out and send an application (passport information will be required).
  • Wait for a decision, which is made in a few minutes. The applicant can be called from the bank if there are additional questions.
  • With a positive decision, the card will be delivered by a bank employee at a convenient place and time. Delivery is within one week.

The credit card is transferred to the client in an inactive state, that is, it is impossible to pay for goods and services, as well as withdraw cash from it. In order to activate an account, you need:

  • Call the hotline number or do it on the website.
  • After activation, you need to save the PIN code.
  • Put a signature on the "plastic".

Now the card is ready to go.

Bonus program "Tinkoff Platinum"

All credit card holders participate in a special program and receive bonuses for purchases. The higher the amount of the check, the more points are returned to the account. With the accumulated points, you can compensate for purchases from categories: cafes / restaurants and tickets for railway transport.

Bravo Bonuses:

  • With each payment with a Tinkoff Platinum card, the percentage is returned to the account.
  • From 3-30% for special offers that can be configured in your personal Internet banking account.

Interest free period

Grace / interest-free period is the period during which it is required to pay the amount of the debt in order not to overpay interest for the use of borrowed funds. For a Tinkoff Platinum credit card, this period is 55 days.

The interest-free period begins not from the day the funds are spent from the card account, but from the moment the next monthly statement is received. For example, if the client received it on May 11, then the grace period will be valid until July 4 (55 days). Monthly term from May 11 to June 11 is provided for spending funds from a credit account, from June 11 to July 3 - for repaying debts.

Credit card with a limit of 120 days "Tinkoff Platinum": conditions

This is the same bank card with a credit limit, but with an extended interest-free period. Only a beginner can issue it, that is, the client who does not yet have a credit card at Tinkoff Bank. You can get a card in a similar way:

  • For the Tinkoff Platinum card, an online application is registered on the official website.
  • After approval, the bank employee brings the card to the applicant.
  • To activate your account, you need to call the hotline.
  • If you need to transfer funds to a card of another bank, then inform the operator about the desire to activate the service - balance transfer.
  • Dictate to the manager the card number to which funds should be transferred.

After the transaction is completed, Tinkoff Platinum cardholders have 120 days to deposit funds to pay off the debt, when no interest is charged.

Free Tinkoff Platinum services

Free services provided by the bank:

  • Depositing money to the card through bank partners (to close debts).
  • Internet banking.
  • Mobile banking.
  • Information about the performed operations.
  • SMS notification of account replenishment, a reminder of the next payment, and more.
  • Monthly account statement (by e-mail or letter).

Penalties and commissions

For the Tinkoff Platinum card, the terms of use are as follows:

1. Penalty for non-payment of the minimum payment in rubles:

  • First month - 590.
  • For the second month in a row - 590+1% of the amount owed.
  • Further - 590 + 2% of the amount of debt.

2. Penalty for late payment of the minimum payment - 19% per annum.

3. Cash withdrawal fee - 290+2.9%.

4. Payment for spending funds above the established credit limit - 390.


The interest rate on a Tinkoff Platinum credit card varies and depends on the operation performed using a credit card:

1. Payment for purchases:

  • 0% during the grace period;
  • From 19.9 to 29.9% per annum after the grace period, subject to the timely payment of the minimum payment.
  • From 32.9-49.9 per annum after the interest-free period and non-payment of the minimum payment.

2. With the Tinkoff Platinum card, cash withdrawal - 32.9-49.9% per annum.

3. Commissions for other actions - 32.9-49.9% per annum.

How to deposit funds to the card

The direction of Tinkoff Bank is remote work with clients. In addition to the fact that the organization does not have its own offices, they also do not have ATMs. But this is not a problem for closing credit card debt, since the organization has a whole network of partners, including 350,000 payment points with the possibility of depositing money.

The easiest option for replenishing a Tinkoff Platinum card (according to reviews) is a debit card of this or any other bank. In addition, it is possible to replenish the account by bank transfer or by depositing cash through payment terminals. All these methods do not involve paying a bank commission, but in some cases you will need to pay a partner, therefore, in order to save money, you should study the conditions before the operation.

In addition, do not forget about the timing of crediting money. Transferring from one card to another or depositing funds through the terminal is usually completed in a few minutes, but a bank transfer can take several days. This circumstance should be taken into account in order to avoid late payment.

Financial transactions on the card

The procedure for transferring funds to a bank card with a Tinkoff Platinum credit limit can be performed in different ways:

  • Bank transaction. Before sending money in this way, you need to make sure that the selected financial institution does not charge commission for the operation and is indeed a partner of Tinkoff Bank. There are companies that charge fees, but they do it purely symbolically. For example, Avangard Bank charges 10 rubles for a bank transfer, regardless of the amount.
  • Transfer from a card of another bank. Tinkoff Bank itself does not charge a commission for such a procedure, but the second party may charge a fee for the service. This point should be clarified before sending money. When sending funds from a Tinkoff debit card to a credit transaction, it is performed instantly and without any fees. Internet banking has a separate module for making transfers.
  • Transfer through partner banks. A complete list of partners is published on the official website of the organization, in the Internet bank, as well as in mobile application. Transfer fees are most often not charged, but there are exceptions. For the operation, you must provide the number of the loan agreement, sometimes a passport is required.

In addition, with bank card with a Tinkoff Platinum credit limit, you can transfer funds to any other, but you will need to pay a commission, the amount of which is 2.9% of the transfer amount plus 290 rubles for the transaction. Since the interest-free period applies only to payment for purchases, interest will be accrued for spending credit funds.

How to find out the balance

You can get information about the balance of credit funds in your account in different ways:

  • Through the fastest and easiest way. The data is updated in real time, so any errors are excluded.
  • By customer support number 880055510101. This method is convenient to use when there is no Internet at hand. The operator will ask a few questions for identification, after which he will tell you in detail about the state of your account.
  • By sending an SMS message to number 2273 (MTS, Megafon and Beeline). After sending a message with the text "Balance" and the last four digits of the bank card number, information on the account will be received.
  • Through the mobile phone application. Just as fast and convenient as Internet banking, you must have an Internet connection.

Credit card reissue

A month before the end, the bank automatically issues a new one. It is also brought to the client by a bank employee by prior arrangement. Reissue is not performed in two cases:

  • When a client has an overdue debt on a credit account.
  • If the owner has not used the card for a long time and has not performed any actions on it.

If it was lost or stolen, then you can reopen the Tinkoff Platinum card ahead of schedule. To do this, you need to call the toll-free number 88005551010 and report the reason for which a reissue is required. After receiving the application, the client within the most short time will get a new one.

How to close the card

To close a Tinkoff Platinum credit card, you need to perform several steps:

  • Pay off the debt to the bank and pay all commissions. You need to call the customer support service of the bank. After passing the identification, the dispatcher will tell you the exact amount due for the current month. Be sure to ask a bank employee to turn off the SMS banking service, since a monthly fee is charged for it every month. Check with the operator whether this amount is full for the calculation, and whether interest will be charged on it next month. After closing all debts, for reliability, the credit card should be blocked if you do not intend to use it in the future. In case of overpayment to the bank, this amount can be claimed back to the specified details. In addition, you can find out the amount of debt in the Internet bank.
  • In thirty days, send an application to the bank with a request to close the card account. If necessary, you can withdraw the application within the same period.
  • The agreement states that the card is the property of the bank and must be returned to the owner. In practice, it is extremely rare to return a card, because after closing it turns into an ordinary piece of plastic, but just in case, you can keep it for several months in case of a return request.
  • After 30 days, you need to call Tinkoff customer support to make sure the account is closed and ask for a certificate, which must be blue stamped. A banking institution cannot refuse you, they are obliged to send it by mail to your home address.

How to find out and increase your credit limit

The card's credit limit is the maximum amount a customer can spend. It is installed individually and can reach 300 thousand rubles. You can find out the amount that is available to you, as well as other conditions of Tinkoff Platinum and tariffs in Internet banking or in a letter attached to a credit card.

The credit limit of these cards is renewable. With timely payments, you can always pay it in stores.

Many credit card holders have a question: how to increase the limit on the Tinkoff Platinum card? It is impossible to do this at the request of the owner, only the bank makes such a decision. To contribute to the increase in the amount, it is required to use the card as often as possible and make payments set by the bank on time, Tinkoff encourages and trusts respectable borrowers.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Tinkoff Platinum card

A bank card with a credit limit from Tinkoff Bank has a number of positive aspects:

  • Ease of design.
  • Free shipping.
  • You do not need to provide proof of income.
  • A long interest-free period for paying off debt on a Tinkoff Platinum card up to 120 days.

But in addition to the advantages, this banking product has its drawbacks:

  • For new customers, the percentage for content is quite high.
  • The initial credit limit of the card is low, and many who issue it hope to receive the promised 300 thousand rubles.
  • It is unprofitable to withdraw cash because the commission is very high.

Is it worth it to open a Tinkoff bank credit card

It is beneficial to issue a Tinkoff Platinum credit card based on customer reviews in several cases:

  • You can easily go without cash.
  • It is more convenient for you to pay for purchases with a card, rather than cash.
  • Your income is stable enough to make payments on time and not pay interest.

The answer to the question of whether it is worth issuing a credit card is impossible to unequivocally. Everyone must decide for himself.