Martingale formula for binary options. The Martingale method: a dangerous but effective money management method

Here are the top 15 CrossFit exercises that only require your body weight. In addition, they can be performed at home.

Dear friends, today we will talk about crossfit. Let's try to be as short as possible, but at the same time to give you a complete understanding of this type. CrossFit appeared in Russia relatively recently. This sport is new for us, coming from America. CrossFit was invented by gymnast Greg Glasman. In the 80s he defined general position this methodology.

CrossFit became widespread in 2001. CrossFit can be called a system of general physical training, consisting of functional, constantly varied movements performed at high intensity. CrossFit creates the most versatile athletes, that is, they must be both strong and hardy, fast, explosive, coordinated, in general, ready for any physical activity. The athlete receives a uniform and complete physical development. We just ask you not to confuse CrossFit with regular circuit training, as many people mistakenly think. You are told this by those people who have not delved into the essence of CrossFit and thereby draw hasty conclusions. Of course, circuit training in crossfit is frequent occurrence, but this is far from basic.

CrossFit can be conditionally divided into fitness for health and sports. Such training has the main goal of improving health and creating a good physical shape. CrossFit as a sport pursues the main goal of winning various competitions.

The squat is a fundamental movement that works the entire lower body, focusing on the glutes, hamstrings, calves, quads. Place your feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider so that you are comfortable, turn your socks slightly outward. We perform air squats, stand confidently on the entire foot, do not switch to socks, keep our back straight and even bent. In the lower position, your hip joints should go below the knees, raise your hands in front of you. In the upper position, the knee and hip joints are fully extended. The air squat is one of the most popular and widely used exercises in CrossFit.

2 Squats and jumps

Similar to air squats: head up, back straight, feet shoulder-width apart, while inhaling, do a squat, raise your hands in front of you. Push off the toes of the feet from the floor, as you exhale, jump up. Jump as high as you can, keeping your arms behind your body. Remember as you jump, your knees should be slightly bent to protect your joints and prepare yourself for the next rep. In jumping up, the main part of the load is received by: the buttocks, the front of the thigh, calves, and part of the load goes to the abdominal muscles, since it is inextricably linked with the legs and is involved in the extension of the body.

We do a 7 minute workout.

3 Pistol and squats

It is not by chance that the pistol squat got its name. A person, having descended to the final lower point, resembles from the side the outline of this firearms. The pistol exercise requires strength and athleticism from the athlete. First of all, you must be confident in your abilities and must know for sure that you can perform the exercise. A stooped back and squats are incompatible concepts. Breathing and rhythm also have great value. Starting position - legs shoulder-width apart, one supporting (for example, left), the other under bent at the knee and slightly brought forward. As you inhale, begin to lower yourself down, bending your left leg at the knee joint, and bringing your right leg forward extended. Keep your body straight, look forward. Squat down as deep as you can without losing your balance, while exhaling, with the combined effort of all the muscles of your left leg, move up and return to the starting position. To maintain balance when lowering down, bring both hands forward. To lift the weight of your own body with one leg, a huge number of muscles are included in the work: quadriceps, gluteus maximus, muscles of the back of the thigh, calf, spinal erectors, oblique / rectus abdominis, lumbar muscle.

Do 5 sets of 5 reps

4 Front bar

The advantage of this exercise is obvious. The body gets stronger and you work on the muscles that keep your spine straight. By training them, you will get rid of blocks in the back and shoulders, and such blocks often lead to pain in these parts of the body. With this exercise, you develop the muscles in the shoulders, strengthen them, open the chest. This exercise will help not only the upper body, but also the legs. You can really feel how the upper and lower parts of the body are connected and don’t even dare to say that you don’t have time for this exercise. Making it is very simple. But you need to focus on the process. Lie face down on the floor. Bend your elbows to 90 degrees and go to support while lying on your elbows. Your body should form a straight line from the top of your head to the heels of your feet. Rely only on the tips of your toes. The elbows are directly under the shoulders. Now hold this position for 30 seconds to one minute.

5 Side plank

6 Lunges

One of the most effective exercises for legs. The movement technique is as follows. Put your feet together, step one foot forward (far forward). Transfer the center of gravity to the forward leg and sit down on it. Make sure that the front knee does not extend beyond the foot, this is very important for the safety of the knees. The knee of the back leg "hangs" a few centimeters above the floor (but does not touch it). The back is straight and vertical. Hold your breath and, leaning on the forward foot, rise from the squat and step back with your front foot to the starting position. The next repetition is performed with the other leg. An alternative exercise is.

7 Jumping lunges

Jump lunges are a great CrossFit exercise for working out the muscles of the legs and buttocks, as well as for developing endurance. Jump lunges are considered a difficult exercise due to the need to constantly maintain balance. Starting position: stand with one leg in front, the other behind, hands on hips, body straightened, knees bent at a right angle. Push your chest forward and lower your back knee to the floor into a lunge position, with your front shin as vertical as possible. Push hard off the floor, jumping up and switching legs mid-air, and land in a lunge position with the other foot in front. Repeat, changing legs while jumping.

Perform 10 lunges on each leg.

8 Skater

An intense exercise that perfectly trains the buttocks and develops coordination. Repeat the movements that the skater makes, but try to crouch as low as possible. This exercise requires good hip stability, muscle strength and balance. Starting position: lean forward, bending your legs slightly, as before jumping. At the same time, press your hands to your chest. Take a wide step to the right with your right foot. Bend your right leg at the knee so that you cross over with your left leg. The emphasis of the body should fall on the heel of the right foot. Lean forward slightly, waving your left hand in front of your right thigh, and right hand- behind you. This movement will help you balance your body weight. From the previous position, take an extra step to the left, mirroring all movements.

We perform 20 times.

9 Burpees

is an excellent crossfit exercise for burning fat, as well as increasing endurance and explosive strength of the whole body. This exercise will be equally useful for both men and women. Do burpees regularly and your body will become strong, lean and resilient.

The exercise, or rather the complex, consists of three parts:

  • Squat at close range while sitting from a standing position;
  • and return to point-blank sitting;
  • Jump up with a clap above the head and return to a standing position.

Every joint, every muscle will get its share of burpees, but the following muscle groups will make themselves felt first:

  • Upper shoulder girdle (deltas, triceps, trapezium),
  • Abdominal Press,
  • thigh muscles,
  • gluteal muscles,
  • The middle part of the pectoral muscle,
  • Calf muscles.

We perform 15 times.

10 Sprint

Sprint is a type of running performed at a very fast pace and only for short distances. Sprint is the most powerful strength exercise, which is in no way inferior to the same squats with a barbell or deadlift in terms of the strength of the impact on the body. The body should be strongly forward even at the start, so that it literally flies forward, and the legs simply act as a support that prevents a fall. Strive to make each step as wide as possible. Actively work with your hands. Almost half of the speed during the race depends on their well-coordinated work. Breathe in sharp short powerful exhalations, coinciding with the work of the hands. Breaths as short and powerful as possible

We run from 20 to 400 meters.

11 Pushups

For his correct execution you take emphasis lying down. The body should be straight. The hands are located shoulder-width apart. When only the arms are bent, the body remains elongated. The mistake of many is to raise and lower the pelvis and at the same time not do the work with their hands. At the bottom point, you can touch the floor with your chest, or go down to the distance of your fist to the floor. In many sports, an exercise is considered completed if the angle at the elbow is at least 90 degrees.

They train mainly the upper body - the body and arms, namely:

  • biceps;
  • triceps;
  • chest muscle;
  • serratus anterior muscles;
  • deltoid muscle;
  • back muscles.

We perform 20 repetitions.

Come to the wall, put your hands on the floor at a distance of 15-25 cm from the wall. Hands at shoulder width. Push off with your feet and throw them against the wall, so you should be in a head-down position. So, you are in a classic handstand against the wall - the arms are straightened, the muscles of the torso are tense, the natural curves are preserved in the body. Begin to slowly bend your elbows, lowering your body down, and stop when the top of your head is about 15 cm from the floor - half the distance at which the head is in the starting position. Pause for a second, then push up to the starting position. Basically, the anterior and middle bundles of the deltoid muscles are involved in the work. Delta transfers the load to the main muscles of the torso, and already in the course of power movements, it is redistributed to the arms. Everyone knows that if there is no strength in the shoulders, then the rest of the muscles of the upper body will be weak.

We perform 15 repetitions.

13 Climber

Less common, but recognized in professional circles, the climber exercise effectively trains the abdominal muscles, just as well as. And by the way, not only the press.

The exercise also involves the muscles of the legs and shoulder girdle, and this, in turn, provides additional burning of calories. Take position for . The abdominal muscles should be compressed, the back slightly rounded. The body is straight from the toes to the shoulders. Rely on straight arms. Pull one knee to your chest (all the way) and return to the starting position. Repeat this with the other knee. The body should remain straight and the abdominal muscles contracted. On the exhale we pull, on the inhale we return the leg to its original position.

We perform 20 repetitions.

14 Double jump rope

Start with single jumps, jump on the balls of your feet. Keep your legs together, chin neutral, abs and buttocks tense, arms close to your body. Remember that the rope is twisted by the wrists, not the hands. Do the exercise in front of the mirror, watch the correct position of the body. Experiment, practice makes perfect.

We perform 10 repetitions

15 Handstand Walks

Try to get into a handstand. For self-insurance, lay a mat or go into a somersault or “bridge” when you fall. After learning to stand for 10 seconds, master walking. Well, then, as they say, it's a matter of technology. And here, as with cycling - no one will teach you to keep your balance, only yourself. The main thing is to try not to bend your elbows, and tilt your legs slightly forward, bending at the knees - it will be easier to maintain balance.

To sum up, crossfit brings a huge variety of training process that does not bother you for years, each training session is different from the previous one. If your goal is health, excellent physical shape, endurance for all occasions, crossfit is for you.

Be sure to read about it

In this material, we have collected well-known WOD (workout of the day) complexes and indicated the time for which they need to be completed in order to proudly say: “I have good preparation.” There are complexes that can only be performed in the gym, and workouts that do not require any special equipment, except for a horizontal bar and a jump rope. There are options for speed and AMRAP complexes (As more reps, as possible), in which you need to do maximum amount repetitions for a certain time.

Choose a complex to your liking and give it your best - this is the only way you will understand whether it suits you, and you can objectively evaluate your preparation.

Complexes without equipment

For these complexes, you do not need a barbell, dumbbells, ropes and other sports equipment. A horizontal bar and a timer are all you need to test your strength in these WODs.


Complete as many circuits as you can in 20 minutes. One circle consists of:

  • 5 pull-ups;
  • 10 pushups;
  • 15 squats.

If you can complete 15-20 rounds, you are in good physical condition. Advanced athletes can complete up to 30 rounds, while elite CrossFitters can complete more than 35.


This is an advanced version of "Cindy", which increases the complexity of the movements. If the last complex seemed too easy for you, try this one.

AMRAP in 20 minutes:

  • 5 handstand push-ups;
  • 10 "pistols";
  • 15 pull ups.

Beginners with good training will be able to complete 5-9 rounds, advanced athletes - 9-12, elite crossfitters - 12-15 or more.

Tabata (Tabata Something Else)

In this complex, you do each exercise for 20 seconds, and then rest for 10 seconds. In 20 seconds, you need to complete as many repetitions as you can. In total, there are four simple exercises in the complex:

  • push-up;
  • pull-up;
  • body lifting;
  • squat.

You need to do eight circles of each exercise, that is, 32 intervals of 20 seconds. Count how many reps you can do. If the score went over 300 - you have excellent preparation, closer to 500 - it's time for you to compete.


This complex must be completed on time. Alternate double jumps on the rope and body lifts in such a quantity: 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 repetitions.

If you completed the complex in 8–10 minutes, you have a good preparation. If in 5-8 minutes - you have something to be proud of. Elite athletes complete the complex in 4.5 minutes.


This complex must be completed as soon as possible:

  • 100 pull-ups;
  • 100 pushups;
  • 100 body lifts;
  • 100 squats.

If you can do all this in 30 minutes, great, you have really good preparation. If you managed to finish in 15 minutes or less, you are just a machine, it's time to compete.

Complexes without complex exercises

These complexes need to be done in the gym, they need a barbell, a rowing machine, kettlebells and other equipment. However, they do not have complex gymnastic and weightlifting movements: going out on the rings or horizontal bar, jerking or pushing the barbell.


You need to complete the following exercises as soon as possible:

  • 1,000 meters on a rowing machine;
  • 50 rod emissions with a weight of 20/15 kilograms (hereinafter, the first value is for men, the second is for women);
  • 30 pull ups.

It’s good if you manage to keep within 11–15 minutes, and it’s just great if you manage to keep within 8–11 minutes. Advanced and elite athletes complete this complex in 6.5-8 minutes.


This is probably the most popular complex in CrossFit. To be completed in the shortest possible time:

  • 21 rod ejections weighing 42.5 / 30 kilograms;
  • 21 pull-ups;
  • 15 rod ejections;
  • 15 pull-ups;
  • 9 rod ejections;
  • 9 pull ups.

Competing athletes complete the complex in less than two minutes.

For beginners, simply completing this complex to the end is already a success. If you can do it in 5 minutes, you can consider that you have excellent preparation.

Helen (Helen)

Complete three rounds for time:

  • 400 meters run;
  • 21 max kettlebell weighing 32/16 kilograms;
  • 12 pull ups.

If you manage to complete three laps in 12-15 minutes - you are well prepared, if it takes less than 8 minutes - it's time to prepare for the competition.


The complex must be completed in the minimum time:

  • 21 deadlifts with a weight of 100/70 kilograms;
  • 21 handstand push-ups;
  • 15 deadlifts;
  • 15 handstand push-ups;
  • 9 deadlifts;
  • 9 handstand pushups.

If you completed the complex in 7-10 minutes, you have excellent preparation. Advanced athletes perform it in 4–7 minutes, elite athletes in 2.5 minutes.


You need to complete five circles of the following exercises as quickly as possible:

  • 20 pull-ups;
  • 30 pushups;
  • 40 body lifts;
  • 50 squats.

Between circles you rest for 3 minutes.

If you manage to finish in 25-26 minutes, you have an impressive preparation, 23-25 ​​minutes - you can compete in competitions, less than 23 minutes - you must have been doing crossfit for a long time or serving in special forces.

Complexes with complex exercises

If you are familiar with gymnastic and weightlifting exercises, test your abilities by completing the following complexes.


This complex is also known as the "three bars of death" and includes three exercises:

  • deadlift with a weight one and a half times your body weight (1.5 × your weight);
  • bench press with your body weight;
  • taking on the chest of the bar with 0.75 of its weight.

These exercises are performed one after another, the number of repetitions is: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. That is, first you do everything 10 times, then all 9 and so on up to one.

If you did it in 15-17 minutes, you can congratulate yourself - you have excellent preparation. Advanced athletes can complete the complex in 12–15 minutes, elite athletes in less than 12 minutes.

Grace (Grace)

There is no particular variety of movements in this complex, but this does not make it easier. You need to perform 30 barbell pushes for a while. Men do an exercise with a barbell weighing 60 kilograms, women - 42.5 kilograms.

If you can finish in 5.5-8 minutes, your preparation is impressive. Advanced athletes complete the complex in 2.5-5.5 minutes, elite CrossFitters can finish before 2 minutes.

Elizabeth (Elizabeth)

In this complex, you need to do three circles (21, 15 and 9 repetitions) of the following exercises:

  • taking a barbell with a weight of 60/42.5 kilograms on the chest;
  • push-ups on the rings.

Good result - 7-10 minutes, excellent - 3-7 minutes, sky-high - less than 3 minutes.


As quickly as possible, you need to complete three circles (9, 7 and 5 repetitions) of the following exercises:

  • strict exits on the rings (if you don’t get strict exits, you can use kipping);
  • snatch of a barbell weighing 60/42.5 kilograms.

It's good if you finish in 5.5-10 minutes. The average result for advanced athletes is 3.5–5.5 minutes, and the toughest CrossFitters finish Amanda in less than 3 minutes.

King Kong

You need to do three rounds of the following exercises:

  • 1 deadlift with a weight of 205/145 kilograms;
  • 2 outlets by force on the rings;
  • 3 chest cleans in a squat with a barbell of 112.5 / 77.5 kilograms;
  • 4 handstand pushups.

Lest you say it's impossible, here's a video of this routine being performed by Rich Froning, one of the hottest CrossFitters in the world.

That's all. Show off your results in the comments to the article.

crossfit- this is the method of training, thanks to which you can develop almost all muscle groups. With the help of these exercises, you can form a beautiful body, and significantly increase endurance and strength even at home. The principle of training is to alternate exercises performed one after another with high intensity. CrossFit workouts are called "of the Day" (workout of the day, or WOD for short).

  • CrossFit is designed to increase your stamina, so try to keep your breaks between each set as short as possible. Of course, at first it can be incredibly difficult, but the results will appear faster.
  • Try to reach a state of severe fatigue, do exercises through "I can't."
  • Distribute the exercises over the days so that each workout is varied and interesting.
  • Training should work out all muscle groups, but at the same time it is necessary to evenly alternate exercises for different muscles.
  • Try to drink water only after your workout, not during.

CrossFit proponents will say that doing CrossFit will improve your abilities, improve your health, and improve your stamina, as long as you stay alive, of course!

What exercises can you do at home

We present to your attention a training program developed by a famous athlete and crossfit trainer Lauren Plumey especially for home practice. All you need: small dumbbells weighing from 2 to 5 kilograms, a bench or a box. And this is quite enough to start doing CrossFit! "These workouts can be quite short, but you will definitely feel a burning sensation in your shoulders, legs and buttocks."

Mode and training program

Do 16 repetitions of each exercise twice a week. Try to make the movements as fast as possible. Time your workout and try to beat yours the best time every week.

1 - Mahi with one hand

Involved: legs, buttocks, back, shoulders and arms.

Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders. Place a dumbbell on the ground between your legs. Slowly squat down and grab a dumbbell with your right hand, palm facing your body. With a quick movement, straighten your legs and stand on your tiptoes, trying to lift the dumbbell with a movement of your whole body. At the same time, bend the elbow of the working arm and move it to the side [A]. Bend your knees and extend your arm directly over your head [B]. After straightening, return to the starting position [C]. Change working arm midway through the set (after 8 reps).

2 - Bear walk

Involved: the whole body.

Start in a position on all fours, face down. Wrists, elbows, shoulders, hips and knees should be in a straight line. Straighten your knees. Shoulders and arms should remain in one line. This is the starting position. Start moving forward, simultaneously rearranging opposite limbs. For example, left arm and right leg. You can do the bear walk in different ways. Take dumbbells in each hand if you want to make the exercise more difficult. Move to the side or back. Do 30 bear steps after each exercise.

3 - Mahi with two hands

Involved: legs, buttocks, arms, abs and back.

Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders and turn your foot slightly. Squat down holding a dumbbell or kettlebell with both hands between your thighs [A]. Quickly straighten up and raise your arms above your head [B]. Return to starting position.

4 - Lunges with a dumbbell

Involved: legs, buttocks, abs and arms.

Take a dumbbell in your working hand and raise it above your head, palm facing your body. Lunge forward, knees bent 90 degrees. Keeping your arm above your head, return to the starting position. Lunge with the other leg. Continue alternating legs. Change your working hand in the middle of a set.

5 - Sumo Dumbbell Row

Involved: legs, buttocks, back, shoulders and biceps.

Take a dumbbell in each hand. Stand with your legs wide apart and your feet apart. Hold the dumbbells between your thighs with your palms facing you. Squat down a bit and lean forward keeping your back straight [A]. Stand up and pull the dumbbells up to shoulder height [B]. Return to starting position.

6 - Jumping over the box

Involved: legs and buttocks.

Stand facing a box or bench (choose the height that suits you). Crouch and then quickly jump over the obstacle. Turn around and repeat the movement in the opposite direction.

7 - L-pose and push-ups on hands

Involved: arms, chest, buttocks and back.

Sit on your knees with your back to the wall at a distance of about 60-90 cm. Place your hands on the floor a little wider than your shoulders. Straighten your body, resting your feet on the wall, so that your body takes shape English letter"L" Hold for 15 seconds. To make this exercise more challenging, do push-ups in this position.

Other useful and effective exercises:

Burpee- This is one of the main exercises in CrossFit. You need to sit down with your palms on the floor so that your knees touch your chest. Then, throwing your legs back, abruptly go to point-blank range, then return to the starting position and make a jump. Do 10 to 100 repetitions, depending on your fitness level. You can complicate this already difficult exercise by adding full-fledged push-ups in the second phase or by picking up small dumbbells.

Cardio workout.

If you can run outside, use it. Interval running with acceleration every 200 meters is an excellent endurance training.

Build explosive muscle strength and endurance with these exercises:

  • high jumps so that the knees are pressed to the chest;
  • jump from a low squat with hands on the back of the head;
  • quick push-ups with cotton;
  • quick pull-ups on the horizontal bar;
  • push-ups with alternate hand clap on the chest;
  • simultaneous lifting of the torso and legs, lying on the back;
  • walking on hands;
  • squats on one leg.

You can combine these exercises to create your own workout routine. Perform the exercises clearly, but at the same time try to achieve top speed and intensity. Do not consider each approach separately, your task is to master the entire workout and give it your best.

There are two ways to practice:

  • You limit your workout time in advance. In the allotted time, you perform all the exercises in a circle until the time runs out.
  • You make a lesson plan based on the number of exercises and note the time in which you completed the workout. This option is preferable, because by recording the training time you are trying to improve your own result every time.

One of the downsides workouts at home conditions is that No one will force you to perform approaches, there will be no one to equal. Find the right motivation for yourself, write down the results, set new goals, beat your records. Be sure to pay attention to all muscle groups, do not try to hack, and then your endurance and strength will increase noticeably!

crossfit workout

According to the CrossFit system, they are gaining more and more popularity all over the world.

CrossFit is a system of circular training, according to the methodology of which the world and European championships have been repeatedly held. In this article we will talk about the main of this technique, the benefits and harms of classes.


This training method has a closed cycle. When training in this mode, a person constantly performs a certain. Moreover, this complex must be completed in the minimum time. In this case, the exercises after the completion of the cycle are constantly repeated.

Did you know? CrossFit was invented by American high school student Gres Glassman. He opened the first CrossFit gym in 1995.

As a rule, they are used in the complex, which contribute to the development of agility, endurance and. The training regime is divided into three components: cardio, and weightlifting. All exercises are maximally functional, and the degree of their severity depends on the individual characteristics of the person.

When doing crossfit, the trainer can prescribe the following types of exercises:

  • jerks, presses;
  • exercises with dumbbells, kettlebells,;
  • classes on,;
  • jump rope, .
Gyms for regular training are a little different from the halls for CrossFit. Often it depends on the size of the gym and the equipment that is present in it.

The training program for each individual person is selected individually, depending on the degree of physical fitness of the athlete and the equipment of the hall. The coach must build a program that is aimed at working out various physical qualities on different days.

So, if today there is training in agility and endurance, then tomorrow - endurance and strength, and the day after tomorrow - dexterity and strength. CrossFit is famous for the fact that by doing it, you can develop physically unlimitedly, pumping almost all groups. That is why in the USA this technique is used for the comprehensive training of firefighters.

Basic exercises

The closed loop training methodology has a large set of exercises that are divided into metabolic, gymnastic and strength.


Metabolic exercises are high-intensity interval circuit training aimed at quickly getting rid of excess weight.

The main metabolic exercises in CrossFit are:

  • Rowing on a simulator (in the process of training on a rowing machine, almost all the muscles of your body are involved; rowing helps to cope with excess weight as efficiently as possible).
  • Jumping over the bar (Contribute to the development of the gluteal, calf and femoral muscles).
  • Double and triple jumps on a rope (classes begin with single jumps; then gradually there is a transition to more difficult jumps through training in low and high jumps).
  • Running (classic endurance training and systems, also contributing to the removal of excess weight during intense exercise).
Metabolic training helps to improve metabolism, which is why a person begins to lose weight. Maximum efficiency will be only when the entire complex is performed at a certain frequency.

Gymnastic exercises

Basic gymnastic exercises:

  • Exit on the horizontal bar.
  • Burpee (performing various movements from different positions in one cycle; burpee helps to tone a large number of muscles in a short period of time).
  • Hyperextension (contributes to the development of the muscles of the gluteal region, back of the thigh and lower back).
  • Jumping on a box.
  • Sit-ups on the hyperextension simulator (bending the body on a bench with a high amplitude in order to pump the thigh muscles).
  • Pull-ups with the chest to the crossbar.
  • Walking on the hands and push-ups in the handstand.
  • L-pull-up (pull-ups on the bar with legs fixed at an angle of 90 ° in order to load the press).
  • Raising to the elbows on the crossbar.
  • Different variations of push-ups and pull-ups.
  • Squats on one.
  • Push-ups and exit on the rings.
  • Fold (reaching fingers of toes while lying on a bench; the exercise is aimed at working out the rectus muscle).
  • Rope climbs.
  • Sock trays to the crossbar.

Important! Distribute the training schedule correctly! Lack of rest and high-intensity training can lead to a condition called rhabdomyolysis.

Gymnastic exercises contribute not only to the development of endurance and flexibility, but also to the development of certain technical skills. In addition, gymnastic crossfit contributes to the relief pumping of the muscles of the whole body.


The basic strength exercises of CrossFit include:

  • Bench press and taking it on.
  • Throwing the ball on the floor.
  • Squats with a barbell on the shoulders.
  • Deadlift bar.
  • Cluster (multi-joint exercise using a barbell).
  • Mahi weights.
  • Farmer's walk (walking with dumbbells or kettlebells in both hands).
  • Push and push push.
  • Overturning a large wheel tire.
  • Walking lunges and barbell lunges.
  • Shoulder bag lift.
  • Throwing a kicking ball at a target.
Strength training contributes to the development of endurance and. In addition, such training helps strengthen joints, tendons and.

Did you know?Since 2007, the CrossFit World Championships have been held annually.

What are the benefits?

The best way to develop willpower is to train using the CrossFit method. Each time you do a certain type of exercise, your heart will work faster, your strength will go away, but you will try to reach a new record for yourself.
And when you reach it, the strength will come again, the motivation will increase, and with it the willpower that will lead you to new achievements.

Crossfit training takes place at a high intensity, which allows you to get rid of extra pounds as efficiently and quickly as possible. And if you add the right one to all this, then the result will not be long in coming. Subcutaneous fat will go away in an instant, and the muscle relief will show itself in all its glory. In addition, everyone involved in CrossFit has very strong muscles, bones and joints.

And the most important advantage is that you can practice CrossFit at home, and you don’t need to buy expensive memberships to stuffy gyms. There is no age limit for this course. CrossFit is able to lower blood pressure, which many people who have crossed the fifty-year threshold suffer from.

Therefore, training after 50 years will only benefit your body.

Harm and contraindications

There are many opponents of this training theory. And as they say, the main disadvantage of CrossFit is the high intensity of loads for beginners in the early stages of training. Sometimes this intensity can lead to other unfortunate consequences.

With intensive crossfit exercises, the risk of developing rhabdomyolysis always increases. This disease occurs when muscle cells are destroyed. As a result, the destroyed cells enter, and then into the kidneys.

Further, acute renal failure occurs, which in many cases can lead to death. Rhabdomyolysis is so common and dangerous disease among crossfitters that even the official crossfit website has a warning.
Many experienced athletes claim that this training technique can destroy very quickly. The thing is that CrossFit athletes are constantly engaged in a high degree of intensity and with little to no rest.

At the same time, their pulse during training for a long time keeps in the region of two hundred beats per minute. In this mode, the myocardium lacks blood supply. As a result, coronary heart disease and myocardial hypertrophy can develop.

Important!Before starting training, you need to undergo a complete examination by experienced doctors, especially a cardiologist. After all, when doing crossfit on heart goes huge pressure.

In addition, training according to the CrossFit method has a number of contraindications:
  • Increased intracranial or intrauterine pressure.
  • Prostatitis.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Scoliosis, varicose veins.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system.

From all of the above, the question arises: is it worth risking your own and doing CrossFit? Everyone must find the answer to this question on their own. And it is best to consult with experienced and athletes before classes.

Is it possible to practice at home?

CrossFit training should be done only according to pre-compiled programs that are created for both girls and girls. They should be compiled by experienced trainers who take your individual physical data as a basis. After compiling the program, training can be done at home.

And you can do it at home without any worries. In addition, training at home has its positive aspects:

  • You don't have to adjust to the gym's schedule.
  • No need to waste precious time on a trip to the gym, especially if it is far from your home.
  • No need to spend large amounts of money on gym memberships and a new sports uniform.
  • Lack of embarrassment when surrounded by a large number of people.
  • No one will look at you condescendingly.

Many athletes started their first workouts at home. Therefore, buy the equipment you need for classes, draw up an individual program, and forward to new achievements.

Where to start for a newbie?

As we have already said, to start crossfit training, you need to draw up an individual training program for beginners, and do not forget to tell the trainer who will draw up the program that you will be doing at home.

In this case, he will give you some more recommendations for training at home. Then study the program in detail, buy the missing equipment and start classes.

Popular exercises

Some of the most popular CrossFit exercises are regular squats, jump squats, and single leg squats.

Such exercises tone the front of the thigh, calves, quadriceps, muscles of the back of the thigh, rectus and oblique muscles of the abdomen, muscles, etc. Perform all three types of squats in turn, spending 7 minutes on one type of exercise.

When moving on to another type of exercise, you should try to take as little break as possible.

Did you know?There are over 5,000 gyms in the world that are certified to conduct CrossFit workouts.

Front and side plank exercises work the muscles that keep your spine straight.
To perform the front bar, you need to take an emphasis lying on your elbows and try to keep your body in a straight position for one minute. When performing a side plank, the emphasis is on one arm, while the body is kept in a straight position with a side profile.

Sprint is another CrossFit exercise that should be included in the program of every athlete exercising at home. Sprint is very popular among CrossFit athletes, so almost any coach includes it in the athletes' programs.

Sprinting involves doing fast, high-intensity runs over short distances. Typically, the length of the race is from 20 to 400 meters.
Simple push-ups and push-ups in a handstand are performed by every athlete who practices crossfit. Such exercises allow you to develop the muscles of the hands, and.

Double and triple jumps are also on the list of the most popular CrossFit exercises. They are able to tone the muscles of the legs and get rid of excess weight.

Well, the last exercise, which is included in the list of the most popular, is burpee. Burpee is a great endurance exercise at home. You don't need any equipment to do it. In addition, by doing burpees regularly, you can give your body explosive strength and lose weight.

Burpees in progress in the following way: first you need to sit down, then jump out with your feet back and do push-ups, then return to the squat positions and jump out sharply as high as possible.

Program example

All training programs for beginners include a certain list of rules that must be followed in order to maximize the effectiveness of the work done. The main rule is to carry out before training, which allows you to avoid many injuries.

In addition, each of the exercises should be performed at maximum intensity, and the breaks between exercises should be minimized in order to keep the heart rate at a constant level. Also, do not use 20 minutes before the start of training and for half an hour after their completion. When executing the program that we will provide below, you must follow all of the above rules.
  1. First workout. The first exercise to be performed for 10-15 repetitions in one circle will be burpee. The second exercise is pull-ups on the bar. You need to perform pull-ups with maximum impact, the number of repetitions in one circle will depend on the beginner’s fitness level. The third exercise will be lifting the legs on the bar. You need to do 10 to 15 lifts in one circle. And the fourth exercise will be explosive. You need to do push-ups with sharp jerks up 20-25 times in one circle. Perform the exercises sequentially from the first to the fourth, and then start the circle again. The training process should last 15-20 minutes.
  2. Second workout. The first exercise is a burpee with a backpack on the shoulders, in which a weighting agent (5-7 kg) is placed. Repeat 10-15 times. The next exercise will be explosive squats, which you need to repeat from 10 to 15 times. The remaining two exercises are the same as in the first workout (these are sharp push-ups and leg raises hanging on the horizontal bar, the number of repetitions is 8-16 times).
  3. Third workout. For the third workout, there is burpee, push-ups and lifting (when hanging on the horizontal bar). The number of repetitions is the same as before. The fourth exercise will be the shuttle run. You need to perform 10 runs in both directions (the distance in one direction should be 10 m) with maximum intensity.

This program is universal, and is designed to tone all muscle groups. On the first day, there is a load on all muscle groups, on the second day - on strength exercises, and on the third - on endurance and cardio loads. Such a crossfit program will allow beginners to develop endurance, quickly gain muscle mass and learn how to control willpower.