Doctor Jansen. Statements

Class hour on the topic "Sympathy, cruelty, indifference."

Objectives: To instill in children feelings of compassion, love for one's neighbor, the ability to resist cruelty, correction of character flaws (cruelty, anger, indifference); development of skills of analysis and introspection; education of elements of moral consciousness



Class hour on the topic "Sympathy, cruelty, indifference."

Objectives: To instill in children feelings of compassion, love for one's neighbor, the ability to resist cruelty, correction of character flaws (cruelty, anger, indifference); development of skills of analysis and introspection; education of elements of moral consciousness.

Org. moment. Introduction to the topic.

In the last lesson, we talked about what qualities? (tolerance, tact, kindness, politeness)

Today's Classroom hour I would like to start by looking at some photos.

Think about what will be discussed today? (Slide 2)

Right about cruelty. (the word VIOLENCE appears on the screen). Give examples from your life where a person would show cruelty

I will ask you to choose a word opposite to this (SEMAND) (slide 3).

And if you do not show any of these qualities, how to call the human condition? (INDIFFERENCE) Have you experienced indifference in your life? Give examples. (slide 4).

Goal setting. The theme of our lesson is "Cruelty, sympathy, indifference." Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with the definitions of qualities: cruelty, indifference, sympathy, we will determine the difference between them, We will develop the skills to analyze and analyze situational tasks ourselves,on the examples of the heroes of parables, we will learn sympathy and opposition to cruelty, we will work individually, in groups, practically. Assessment of knowledge.

Motivation. - Guys, what do you think, we need to talk about these qualities: cruelty, sympathy, indifference? Why?

Because there are many cruel and indifferent people in the country. Every day we hear about military actions, for example, in the Middle East. Wars in which, because of someone's excessive desire for money and power, people die in poverty, children starve, old people make ends meet.

Also, why should this topic be studied? (to teach people humanity, mercy and compassion, so that there are more kind people who sympathize with people, do not pass by someone else's misfortune, help others, so that there are no indifferent and cruel people.)

Do you think the knowledge gained in the classroom will be useful to you in life? (Yes)

Evaluation criteria

How do you need to work in class to learn knowledge and earn more points?

Answer correctly with full answers

Complete all tasks without errors

Be active throughout the lesson

I remind you that you yourself will evaluate yourself in class using a list of achievements. At the end of the lesson, we will calculate the points and find out who worked best in the lesson.

Slide. Achievement list.

5 points - excellent, everything worked out for me 4 points - good, but not always correct (1.2 errors) 3 points - tried, but not everything worked out

Guys, let's discuss three qualities cruelty indifference sympathy, let's complete the task. It is necessary to determine what quality these actions belong to, and place them in the right column. (Actions on cards are distributed to children. Masha Safonenko, Slava Polanto will individually determine the quality using the picture.)




feed the homeless

Hurt animals

Walk past the fallen man

Share someone's trouble

hit the weak

Don't stand up for the weak

visit the patient

tease someone

Help in trouble

Rejoice in someone else's grief

Well done guys, you did the right thing!

Now try to define these qualities in your own words: sympathy, cruelty, indifference.

Information block.Some children had the task to find definitions for these qualities in the dictionary. Let's listen to them.

Sympathy - the desire to show compassion for someone, to help, to empathize.

Cruelty - a manifestation of violent rude actions towards someone. Indifference - a manifestation of indifference to the environment.

Guys, what's the difference between them? (When we sympathize, we do good, kind deeds. Cruelty and indifference are bad deeds).


Guys, you were homework find stories in the library that spoke of cruelty, sympathy, indifference. Tell us briefly what stories did you find and what are they about?

Parable "About the dog"

Now listen carefully to the parable in musical performance famous actress and performer of songs from Irkutsk Svetlana Kopylova. Parable "About the dog" what is it about?

She barely moved

And how else was the soul kept in the body?

The owner, to free from torment,

I decided to drown my dog.

With great difficulty, the old woman got into the boat

And faithfully looked into his eyes.

A cobblestone in a net hung overboard,

And he put a noose around her neck.

The owner remembered how she used to

Joyfully dived into the water for a stick,

And now, as if playing with her,

He threw the stick, giving the command to her.

For a moment she forgot about old age,

And threw herself overboard with all her strength,

But the boat unexpectedly at that moment

She rolled over with a heart-rending scream.

The owner began to drown in the spring sludge,

Although there was a weak current,

But the body convulsed everything,

And then there's a funnel, as luck would have it.

The dog whose loop is in one minute

Somehow slipped off the neck by a miracle,

With a brave yelp, she rushed to dive

And save your master.

On the shore they lay together

And shivering in the wind from the cold,

And after, catching his breath somehow,

He carried his dog in his arms.

With the proverb "Do not dig another hole ..."

He took care of her until her death.

And once I found her in the bushes

With deep gratitude in your eyes...

Did you like the song? What is it about?

Yes, this parable is about cruelty, betrayal of a man and devotion of a dog. Indeed, there are good people and there are bad people. In the parable, the owner was lucky, he could die from his terrible thoughts and cruel actions, but he remained alive and for the rest of his life tried to beg forgiveness from the dog. What does this parable teach us? (you don’t need to do bad things to others, otherwise you yourself will feel bad “Don’t dig a hole for another, you yourself will fall into it” you can’t be cruel, treat people, animals badly.)Cruelty towards those who are weaker is especially unacceptable. Offending the defenseless and weak is not only bad, but also vile.

The poem "Don't touch the baby, but suddenly it's contagious!"listen carefully, what is it about?

Don't touch baby, it's contagious!

Don't iron! You get your hands dirty.

For what? Go the other path.

And the baby grows up knowing:

So it's easier to live without noticing.

Why carry someone else's burden?

Share trouble. Thought it too.

Understand yourself! It doesn't hurt me.

Enough of my problems.

What is this verse about? (about indifference, there are indifferent people who do not want to notice someone else's misfortune). Do you think this is correct?

"INDIFFERENCE" (PARABLE FROM GALINA SHIRYAEVA)Listen carefully and say what it is about, what does it teach us?

In ONE beautiful city, people stopped respecting each other. They threw garbage everywhere, cut down trees, offended each other, fought and cursed. At the same time, those townspeople whom this did not directly concern preferred not to interfere in anything and pretended not to notice anything.

If, for example, there was a lonely old woman in the crowd who forgot her way home, then they laughed at her or did not pay attention and went about their business, and only one person out of a thousand approached her with a desire to help. If a person was lying on the street, then everyone turned their eyes away in disgust and reassured themselves that it was a drunkard, although they are also people. And there were few who wanted to even call an ambulance. The spirit of money-grubbing and indifference hung over the city. One day, when people go to the cemetery and commemorate their deceased relatives, one elderly man went with his little grandson to commemorate his relatives. A crowd of youths gathered in the cemetery, who had fun by rocking someone's grave. Having had enough fun, they left, while the people, bashfully hiding their eyes, hurriedly passed by. The elderly man took a shovel and began to straighten the grave together with his grandson. A crowd gathered around them and people began to talk, interrupting each other:

Why are you doing this, is this the grave of your relative?

Why are you doing this, do you really think that one can change something in this world.

Nobody needs all this, now people are indifferent, and all young people are ill-mannered. How are you going to change this world?

And I'll start with him, said the elderly man, pointing to his grandson.

The people in the crowd immediately fell silent and quickly dispersed. But someone took a shovel and began to help the elderly man.

What does this parable teach us? - What would you do in the place of these people? - Why, said the elderly man, pointing to his grandson, "And I'll start with him." Can one person change the world? (Maybe. Do good deeds. The old man set an example……)

Give examples of good deeds. (Guided a lost child home, someone fed a stray dog, someone helped the elderly cross the road or carry their bags from the store to the house.)

Conclusion: Many good deeds do not require much effort. But each such act makes the world a better place.

Do not be indifferent, do not pass by someone else's misfortune. If you see that a person on the street has become ill, call an ambulance. Let me remind you that on mobile phone To do this, dial the numbers 112.


Role play at the pet store. Look carefully and think about what it is.

“The boy went to the pet store to buy himself a puppy. There he saw four puppies sitting next to each other, each of them cost $ 50. And one puppy was sitting alone in the corner.

Boy. Please tell me if this puppy is from the same litter, he is for sale, why he sits separately.

Shop owner. Yes, he is from the same litter, but he is mutilated and not for sale.

Boy. What an injury this puppy has.

Shop owner. The puppy was born without an acetabulum and is missing one leg.

Boy. What are you going to do with it?

Shop owner. The puppy will be euthanized.

Boy. Can I play with this puppy.

Shop owner. Certainly.

Boy. (the boy took the puppy in his arms and began to play with him, and he licked her in the ear.) Sell me this puppy.

Shop owner. But it's not for sale!

Boy. Sell ​​please. (The boy took $2 out of his pocket and ran home to get another $48 from his mother.)

Shop owner. (As he walked out the door, the owner of the store called after him) "But I don't understand why you should pay full price for this puppy, when you can buy yourself a good one for the same money."

Boy. He held out his hand with money.

Shop owner. "I understand you. Come in and get him." That's what empathy is."

What is this scene about? What does she teach us? (About the need to be merciful, sensitive, humane to animals, to people, to sympathize with the sick.)

Practical task "Express sympathy with words."

Imagine that one of our boys, got into difficult situation slipped and fell into a puddle.

Express sympathy with the words: do not lose heart, do not lose heart, we are with you.

Analysis of situational tasks (work in groups).Read carefully Let's consider different situations.

Situation 1. A dog that lives in a boarding school bit one of the pupils. The director ordered the dog to be driven away. Who will you sympathize with?

Situation 2. Seryozha took away a New Year's gift from Vova. Then he went up to Sasha, who was offended by the older guys, and gave the gift to him. Serezha showed sympathy or cruelty?

Situation 3 A man was hit by a car on the street. The doctor who was nearby began to set the injured shoulder to the victim. The man screamed in pain. Is the doctor cruel?

Independent work with questionnaires. "What will you do in this situation?"

Task: mark (+) the answer option that is most appropriate for you in a given situation.


Answer options

1. One of the friends of my company was offended. The guys decided to beat the offender. I…

I will refuse.

Let them figure it out without me. Nobody offended me

Together with my friends I will participate in the fight. Gotta avenge my friend

I'll try to convince my friends that this is not the way to do it. Let the two deal with each other

I asked my friend to add money for me to buy a tape recorder. He did not give it to me, saying that he was collecting money for a receiver. The next day my friend lost all his money. I…

I'll be glad. Shouldn't have been greedy when I approached him

I'll give him all my money. I'm sorry friend

After he refused to help me, I'm not interested in his problems.

Let's check, what would you do in the first situation? And in the second? I read the situations, raise the number of the answer you have chosen.

Well done boys! It turns out that in our group all students know how to sympathize, empathize. And where mercy, love and compassion reign, there is no place for cruelty and violence.

7. Summing up (reflection). - Guys, what is the topic of our lesson? - What did we learn in class? What qualities did we talk about? - What qualities should a person have in order not to be cruel and indifferent? How would you rate the work in class? Self-analysis (several people). Let's count the points and find out who did the best in the class.

In conclusion, I want to wish you to be respectful to each other, sympathize in trouble and never commit cruel acts. I really hope that in the future you will become kind, merciful, good people.

Direction " Indifference and responsiveness"is included in the list of topics for the final essay for the 2017/18 academic year.

Below are examples and Additional materials to develop the theme of indifference and responsiveness in the final essay.

FIPI commentary on the essay in the direction of "Indifference and responsiveness"

Subject directions "Indifference and responsiveness" orients schoolchildren to awareness of the diversity of forms of a person's relationship to the people around him and to the world as a whole.

These relationships can be expressed in the form of indifference to others, unwillingness to pay attention and sympathy to a stranger, or vice versa - in the form of frank empathy for someone, the ability to sincerely rejoice at someone's successes and achievements.

Both hypostases are presented in the literature. human relations. On the one hand, we meet selfless heroes, ready to respond to other people's hardships and joys, and on the other - selfish, proud and indifferent characters, concerned only with their own fate.

An example of a final essay on the topic Indifference and responsiveness

You can live your life differently. Pass with a zealous step over the heads of enemies, friends, strangers and loved ones. Or do what you can to help relatives, pay attention to the lonely, take care of the house, the street, the city ... and, of course, for your country.

Be an egoist, only care about yourself - or feel, support, empathize? Despite the obviousness of the answer, everything is somewhat more complicated than it seems.

Science has proven that only a psychopath - a person with an obvious psychiatric disorder - can be absolutely indifferent and not feel sorry for others. These people basically do not understand feelings. Gradually, they master the language of spiritual sensations, moods and emotions. But for them, this language is "non-native", it is needed only to manipulate other people. Even their own children and parents have no spiritual value for individuals suffering from psychopathy. And this is perhaps the most exhaustive and absolute manifestation of indifference.

IN real life indifferent people, of course, do not have such radical character traits. Ordinary indifference is selfishness, indifference, indifference of a person. This is a focus solely on one's own interests, one's own benefit, one's opinion. Such people do not want to help, sympathize, support or approve.

In my opinion, the main problem of the correlation between the categories of indifference and responsiveness is that these character traits have a deep subconscious context. An indifferent person can be explained that to sympathize, support and help other people is good, positive, creation and love. All this is quite understandable for an indifferent person, but she is controlled by completely different thoughts and motives - achieving her own goals, ensuring personal comfort, obtaining her own benefit. An indifferent person accepts all the previously listed synonyms for responsiveness only if it turns out to be beneficial for him. It is this attitude towards others, this way of thinking that forms the basis of a selfish personality. It is almost impossible to change such a person.

The opposite of indifference is responsiveness. This is a character trait that manifests itself in compassion, sympathy, sympathy, good nature and attentive attitude to the lives of others. A sympathetic person will not be able to pass by someone in need of help. His soul is open, he sincerely empathizes and rejoices for friends, relatives and loved ones. And this brings him true satisfaction and fills him with spiritual strength.

Responsiveness is a positive and creative property of a person. It is an integral component of social interaction and the progressive development of society. This is one of the most important features due to which human civilization progresses.

Returning to the previously voiced thesis about the low probability of eradicating indifference, it is worth recognizing that responsiveness is a much less stable and indestructible trait of a person. Under the yoke of life's hardships and disappointments, anger and aggression of others - the sensitivity of the soul becomes stale, sincerity and frankness are replaced by distrust, and sympathy - by hypocrisy. That is why it is so important to form and constantly improve responsiveness in our heart, to practice goodness in deeds, and in thoughts - openness, sensitivity and empathy.

Theses and arguments for an essay on the topic Indifference and responsiveness

1. Indifference and responsiveness to people (outsiders or relatives; friends or opponents; just to those who need help or support). It would be appropriate to consider an indifferent attitude to other people's troubles and indifference to success. It will be interesting to compare and contrast the heroes literary works- philanthropists and misanthropes, egoists and good-natured sensitive characters).

The theme of indifference in love deserves special attention. Indifference and unrequited feelings are a favorite subject of popular fiction.

2. Indifference and responsiveness to the surrounding world, animate and inanimate nature.

3. Indifference and "responsiveness of the soul" to aesthetic values, art and beauty.

4. Indifference and responsiveness as two extremes of human nature. Here you can analyze the forms of extreme manifestation of these properties: indifference - in fatal egoism and indifference, and responsiveness - in fanaticism. A person inclined to help in a row, forgetting about himself, often literally "puts on his neck" the object of his care. IN fiction As in life, there are plenty of such examples. (For example, A.P. Chekhov’s “Scum” or even A.S. Pushkin’s Tale of a Fish and a Fish).

Themes of the final essay in the direction "Indifference and responsiveness"

An approximate list of essay topics in this direction.

What does it mean to be "responsive"?

What does it mean to be "indifferent"?

What is the danger of indifference?

How do you understand the words of A.V. Suvorova: “How painful is indifference to oneself!”?

Do no good - you will not get evil. Can responsiveness lead to disappointment?

Is it necessary to learn responsiveness and empathy?

Can an indifferent person be called selfish?

What is the relationship between kindness and kindness?

Do you agree with the statement that “healthy selfishness” is good for you?

What life lessons help develop responsiveness?

Is it always necessary to be responsive?

What leads to indifference to nature?

Do you agree that indifference "corrodes the soul" of a person?

Should we fight injustice?

What is stronger - indifference or responsiveness?

Responsiveness to oneself implies indifference to others?

False responsiveness and sincere indifference.

Self-forgetful responsiveness and dependency.

Approval, admiration, support or hypocrisy?

Is it possible to make a sympathetic person out of an indifferent person, and an indifferent person out of a sympathetic one?

Is indifference just selfishness and indifference, or is it also heartlessness, malice and malevolence?

Is indifference already misanthropy or just opportunism?

Quotes for the final essay in the direction "Indifference and responsiveness"

They say that philosophers and true sages are indifferent. It is not true, indifference is paralysis of the soul, premature death. | Quote author: A.P. Chekhov |;

Don't feel sorry for yourself. Only primitive people sympathize with themselves. | Quote by: H. Murakami |;

Do not be afraid of enemies - in the worst case, they can kill you.

Do not be afraid of friends - in the worst case, they can betray you.

Fear the indifferent - they do not kill and do not betray, but only with their tacit consent does betrayal and murder exist on earth. | Quote author: B. Yasenskiy |;

The worst sin in relation to one's neighbor is not hatred, but indifference; this is truly the pinnacle of inhumanity. | Quote by: Bernard Shaw |;

Sympathy is indifference in a superlative degree. | Quote from Don Aminado |;

Indifference to painting is a universal and enduring phenomenon. | Quote from Van Gogh |;

How painful is indifference to oneself! | Quote author: A.V. Suvorov |;

I always believe and will continue to believe so in the future that indifference to injustice is betrayal and meanness. | Quote author: O. Mirabeau |;

Do not be indifferent, for indifference is deadly to the human soul. | Quote author: Maxim Gorky |;

Coldness is a consequence not only of a sober conviction that one is right, but also of an unprincipled indifference to the truth. | Quote by: Ch. Lam |;

When a person is so wounded that he is unable to show generosity, at these moments he especially needs sympathy and support.

You love everyone, and to love everyone is to love no one. You are all equally indifferent. | Quote author: O. Wilde |;

Where moderation is a mistake, there indifference is a crime. | Quote author: G. Lichtenberg |;

There is nothing more dangerous than a person who is alien to the human, who is indifferent to the fate of his native country, to the fate of his neighbor. | Quote author: M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin |;

An ungrateful son is worse than someone else's: he is a criminal, since the son has no right to be indifferent to his mother. | Quote by Guy de Maupassant |;

One very talented writer, in response to my complaint that I did not find sympathy with criticism, wisely answered me: “You have an essential flaw that will close all doors to you: you cannot talk to a fool for two minutes him to understand that he is a fool. | Quote author: E. Zola |;

Indifference is a serious disease of the soul. | Quote author: A. de Tocqueville |;

The eagle gaze of passions penetrates into the misty abyss of the future, but indifference is blind and stupid from birth. | Quote author: K. A. Helvetius |;

It is easy to hide hatred, it is difficult to hide love, and most difficult is indifference. | Quote author: K.L. Burne |;

The most unforgivable sin in relation to one's neighbor is not hatred, but indifference. Indifference is the essence of inhumanity. | Quote by J. Shaw |;

Egoism is the root cause of cancer of the soul. | Quote author: V. A. Sukhomlinsky |;

Family selfishness is crueler than personal selfishness. A person who is ashamed to sacrifice the blessings of another for himself alone considers it his duty to use misfortune, the need of people for the good of the family. | Quote author: L.N. Tolstoy |;

Indifference is the highest cruelty. | Quote author: M. Wilson |;

Calmness is stronger than emotions.

Silence is louder than screaming.

indifference worse than war. | Quote author: M. Luther |;

On the way you need a companion, in life - sympathy. | Quote author: proverb |;

Pledge family happiness in kindness, frankness, responsiveness... | Quote author: E. Zola |;